, .. ii ..Mini- ii j?''''i'll';'fp7"7 . ( r r - ' ff.i'l;,f.,'"j?f.t ... . V,'. , I i (ice. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Mon., Dec. 3, '56 i o - Soviet Army Gags i Syria's Press, Radio Bet. 'Agriculture Minister , Rashad Jabri, will hold their posU much longer. . , , "if Qanbar Is forced out, the im portant Interior Ministry ii ex pected to go to the Socialists, who also covet the post of Mohammed el Alsh, minister without portfolio for labor and social attain. . ! El Aish is , a member of the Constitutional btoc.'.a loosely al lied group of deputies whose po litlcpl .-aims often are.ih conflict While the government it driving toward clcser tiei with the Soviet Union, it also if (hewing aigni f seeking U, S. friendship. Diplo mats in Damascus doubt the sin cerity' of the overturee to the United States. They consider it maneuver to get V. S. assistance against Israel, France and Brit-tt.r- .A-ii-W " Terminal to Restaurant. ' NIAGARA' FALLS. Ont.. Dec.J UN The Queen Victoria Park J railway , station, , once the busiest terminal in wunn, tow a ,ouvenir store and restaurant next year. Oscar McLeod, a con iractor. has ourcbaied the . build- party of Interior Minister Ahmed Un from, the Ne York Central -Both the Nationalists and the - . r- ; - Socialists are' pro-Soviet; - 1 - Qanhar's ; anti-Communist Popu listi have the largest fiumbef of deputies in Syria's Parliament and, with three ' ministers, the. largest Cabinet representation. Cut the Populists are split. . ,, Deputies Shift , -."1 , ,' One of their Cahinet memberf , Fducatina Minister Abdel Wahhab Hawmai, and a number of -the rrspulist deputies have, gone ever; to the pfo-Soviet taction. ; ',. f . Most . ohservcrs in ; Damascus' rkitibt Qanbar and the o'her.'finti fommunist Popul'st in the Cabl- :: Dea't N$!tct Slipping IFALOE TEETH x hdM frih Imp. slip or wohbit ,hn you ti. tml, tours nf liwwt I 1 w,n bt ' i tnrt f't'iwrt fcf mih hiniima fAKI tf.IH.. B , itiiin ltii-i!nll pnwu.r In iram- , - nn ?mir p:tM kir. fats ttb tn-r finviiv .i ivi rnnMmt I r ftt( Lintv and rirtd Cflmfof. iognimy nt. He fl- i i -I l .. j ... i iwui at .of - fci. us euuiHf. F.EIRUT, Lebanon. Dec. 2 I Fyria's larcrly pro-Soviet army has press and radio- under tight control and bars nearly all infor mation from the West, reliable in formants said today. v . - . "They gave this picture of the situation in Syria: - - It wm the Syrian government's declaration of martial law early In November that allowed the army to move in on newspapers and radio stations and to take eommand of most of Syria' po lice force. - - ' " Most Syrian military officers now, are pro-Soviet because of their enmity for the British and French and because Russia is providing Syria wits cheap arma ments. Fewer Slrusule . t -t Their leader in the swing , to urd Moscow is Col. Aboul Hamid Sarraj, chief of army intellisence and an admirer of Egypt's Presi dent Nasser.- .,.,'.. '.A struggle for powtr is being ra,5ed within the 10-man Cabinet of Premier Sabri Assail, Assail s Nationalist party and the Socialist Resurrection party jf Foreign Miniver Salah Bitar are arrayed against the Populist k uinife . U- mnsTR sss IT INI , T01LET.TANX CALL if Wow Mmtw u4 - , rtM n mm - 7 St AT MtOWl tTOIIS J ct OVL-LOW ;:ices! ft, f '., ...i . .. . - -- i a- k ' an 5 tu:e ng...j C.o.--.n(Mikin!i ivory white radio with i " ; in aeiirfl iii CtprUfluiil -C ,, 95 rSmk w;tke up to nuiMC. news, . f .-n rfr''ti- Save $2.00 now Xi'- : ' lt owi 5 TUDE V.-.::!2 RADIO Stuart, new . GE radios In colors: p. iik, white, mahg:inr. Built-in an- , ltvi!i,i, civn:ipi)wer speaker, printed n i t cv,T-- s, fine ti'iie. Save $2 tH) n.nv st OU ,. . "IT . Ke9. 21.9S Li d : ' 4 tu:: Reg. 16.$$ I t ,.:nr it hud. I v.i e M i ,v. c-'-ii"irt ni.-i hf-z- c r x c tin i 'i in ant'" i, i e over 5 . v. J . . : j L4 . fcJ 1 ATC.71 V ) v ar wr " . I i i OWL PRICES aw LOW PRICES kilVCD -". 71 . .'. IJ Wita jnicer ana unnaer juicing, grinding tasks 1 PnmnlplB with bowls and;': all attachmenU aa Ulut-fc , trated. Reg. 33.50 1(1 AT OWL L i . OORMEYe.c Suint Stol COFFEE MAKER Handsome Danisk Desiga 4 i lt . op capacity Full Automatic Re9. 29.95 New ot Owl I 1 I . VJtt GIFT PERFUME - Maaw-' m l w m m m m- i i, . w e a t.'iViM-'.t ar1 r mw.-w w .il in :"T- ' fa. a kie w - sc -.-, v bf tik a r-TVV..r.,,'fti"lX?4,yl,ift-J m-i -.,. .17 . . 1 ' . r r . rr r., M mMim; iJ r.OVlMG ondSTOHA :YV .'r",-i- if 23" DORMEYER . ELECTRIC llf i. r a a ik. ni-iiwir HAM MtN L DCv VAIH AINU I KAIL-Civ FRICTION CAR AND TRAILER VANS ARE OVER 25" IONO . rt.l... ranlir. n( familiar Rl(in' trucks. Full color litho- 5 . . i ..... . ..:.L. 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Psrfy-wlie to the liesw And e fin flft to Hit ! 1198 r D0PJ.1EYER FRY PAH RES. 19.95 - SAVE AT OWL ELECTRIC SKILLET- 14.95 . . . fi 15 Pop-up Electric TOASTER Campacf mw efesloi tylei ip lets ipact of fabltl P.pt ! s drift VHI I.S VtlMl WITH l!D CDTO-EJOIL FRYER-COCKER 7 t Chrome tr Copper Fire King Glass Lid Hignal Light -. . . e Peep Fries. Slews, Slews, RautU, Peps .. Cora ' i Mad! to M tot ; . r I rL-"A 88 r- vV -?! jit- What a far U M-e (5)88 Compute With Batteries Plays Anywhere! , 'Take It to Football and - -Basketball Games , No Tubes to Replace ' Low Cost Battery Lasts Longer Compact Case Fits Pocket or Purse A Pnlnra- PA Tvnl-V KhoBT t.l ... II T.-raTr. s't. AettwtHt '!""' trt y. ttltet H f.H t-?w l . .. . S lose Greet M .-" ELECTRIC BLANKETS trttttWI UL app'dl $22.95 Volaef . - - - - - J DECORATOR CANDLES t leoeffftil eoor effeefi ; coRdlet Bjflrfe "mf for . Wtt't wilt tf ftJt. lika wts eiidUi. M.ny typts. 39: OF ; 98 i XKY i 4 ' ' " : Vt OFF! Charles Antell I VI1ITIW a- a -we : 1 ' lA.frt hair rrnanier for the holidays. A little mmumJ Inl .the train does It! ; REG. 1.79 KOW AT OWL far sini GIANT 20 PANDA DEAR Soft, ctddfy red wkift silky plM Jypoy tytt Jambe pet for toft f H toes? Hi. H lerbore '' Assorted Chocolates m tvryayi '.". stv.tt, ck.wi, ulm..t .... XS d.licltvily ek.e.l.t tttttd. : . Ctyly bx.d , CJSr to .ift.t j6 , ; round lox 7i t M I ; 1 ..d C.lr.1 llmWVL. Si. ' J'J' . " Y i, -a ai at bt a i r r J a 1 X ROGER'S; Select Chocolates Wclf Eros. Rum Seeded! HAVANA SMOKERS fjV Mr Havana ttg.n with CUrt if X L I ' 41 Uaxaaiai alt ft Are visei . . ...... taMM A aLBIA aift imkal CKrlitm.. ad-30! .... v, .... Choice sift quality. Attractive onc- ?fli5M "nougats, caramels Light and dark m - , Jl TnlAH DIDRC I M r JlT c1 5? coated. , if; om thi CillAR rlrCJ is M' 'Al i L. pound ur hwm 70 vi ,.i.b.. i ojn A $Mt POU U y. , WheaVo-Buy . Ug Ajjr- 1. V ICRrjOKS MAJJm eMut1 4-- mm. . Mi AT OWL OREGON ,f f-. ettte a fitm 8 CHRISTMAS g CARDS . I 5 Beautiful full color photq fc; vk of Oreffon'i beiutiful cr t t t . I . 1. i... AS 11 1. i-h.l.t,n. dtnlrla mmA ataue aai wai I a in fin- aw ' aula hi siu iBLiiiaia iviuu . jiHon.1 iquir r lU ilfm vj? envelopes to match nn9K far nil milyl Volaef Family lei - GREETING CARDS tail mm v envelopes to ma ten, end 12 1 1.50 W K 15c IACH - v: Vry. U LI1 FACIAL TISSUES 29c DOXES OF 400 4 lor