The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 03, 1956, Page 10, Image 10

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    (f II) f latcsman, Salem, Ore., Mon., Dec. 3,
4 1
.11 1 311
Vcd Daltle
The Assoclatrd Press
Fallon ing in th wake of the
Archie Moore Moyd Patterson
heavyweight title match, the blf
men dominate the week's boxing
program with Eddie Machen, ua
beaten Redding. Calif ., prospect,
making hn first eastern tail
Machen, unbeaten in 18 pro
fVut with 14 knockout, it
matched with Johnny Summerlln
of Detroit In a 10-rounder at the
Syracu-e, N.Y.. War MemTal
Auditorium on the Wedneada tele
vision s-rics. The 14-year-old Call
forniaa has Impressed many fans
the best bet for the future
among the contender.
Ilolma Last Victim !
In his last dart. Oct. 24. Machen
knocked out Johnny Holman, hit
seventh straight In I9T. Among
hit victims this year were Nino
Valdea and JtIlo jybederos, each
twice. Summrrlin, 24, dropped hit
last two to Bob Satterfield and
Harold Carter after beating Carter
la May. ". -
Wayne Bethea, New York
heavyweight who is elbowing into
the top ratings, takes on Z r a
Folley of Phoenix In the Monday
show at St. Nicholas Arena is
New York. Bethea has won his
last seven while Folley upset Val-
dct in his home town, Sept. 23.
Tn AnttKMW of New York and
Cordon Wallace of Toronto are
paired in a 10-round Hrht heavy-
weight match Frklav at Madison
Square Garden. Wallace, is t h
British Empire lisht heavy king
and Anthony is a fast-rising young!
'Siilt'Set .
(Ctailnned from preceding page)
and Lee 94-68.
On1 ' m State won tts second
s!rs:, .1. e ' ::i-g Wyoming 6S-6S,
West Virginia, Southern. Confer-
ence t "e defenders, got away to(tralmng and competition.
a liju ? start over VMI 71 47.1 Geoff Dyson, coach of the Brit
Nursh Carolina warmed up for the .sh track team, today called the
Atlantic Coa.'st Conference chase American ; outfit "the ' mightiest
by downing the semipre McCary term I have ever s?en."
l.a,!rs 64-VU. Amrricnn coach Jim Kelly, su-
i tmrs invohing Big 19 teams
ta by Vandcrbilt '
I'm due eJ-ed EvansviHe i2-
n tnpnra Delaware 78-,
ft, N jr'uiMcte.n routed Western
I .' --n o, and Ohio State
L , i i .'Vr ?'! 2. But darkhorse
t r M.Li.- - n State bowed
to l"va '.. ft-.J and Wisconsin
l t to South Dakota in overtime,
a si.
C..:..:.,'!tia't fooiball magic failed
to extend to the basketball court
and Arkansas whipped the Sooners
3 55. L'CLA registered its second j
victory in as many nights
hchtf "..a, this time by 78-60.
In t
f ir r ;t, trieham Young ;
1 '? TA'ti Washington
Seattle trampled
i and 1 Utio rode
3 i
' ".. t.. Dec. 1 Wf
I .f s r ? 1 h.ill
! ' , t. . t Lio. t t! e Van-
k ts i'. Mil ictory
r : , in the season's op-
r i r t.. n e ' . 's.
? - V-"-' - V ' i rmt rf
i' r s in t. e Trst half to take
s . ) d ov r fie GriJslies.
y : iiiui . -.. smallest Vandal
ta t i r, 5 ' nine field goals
elf r lice t. nns far 3 points.
) i. t E id s' nort from Jim
J 'n a-id I ..I Wilson, who
s 1 a t-f 1 of 22 points.
;n' After 'Em
(Continued freta preceding ptge)
r f t nr rcs'-.arl'y te true on the river but it has worked
t' t sy o.i pond scooting.
One c:her change which teems to be working well
is ti e cut-lnj down on the duck calling. Normally it is
I t to keep calling until the ducks are ready to let down.
::jv,?ver, there teemi to be no set rule on this and of
lite just the opposite teemi to hold. We arc Inclined to
Lwieve that the dead, clear air which li a bit colder than
r. trnl helps to carry an echo oil the water whlcji 1
s'-.-rr-lng to the birds rather than enticing.
On many occasions it is not necessary to call a bird
even once. Witness the many times during a season that;
a land of ! 'tks sneaks in from behind and is ready to
,t down before you can find a spot to set your coffee cup
t! )u n. We doubt, too, If it is necessary to call birds which
l ave set their wings and are coming straight in at you. '
1'try obviously had their minds made up before you
could see them. If they pass over then give a come-back
c 'I 1 f fore they turn and are likely to spot the point of '
: r;.
;7s D'i:ccur22 You
1 I
1 r'
They'll Do It Every Tim; "--t By Jimmy Hajo
mm -. iTi
Glycol Trct'i Team ,;
VSlatos -Bud' Meet
MELBOURNE. Dec. I UB The United States track and Held team,
nerhans the greatest aggregation of runners and jumpers and
throwers of heavy objects ever assembled, makes a final Joint effort
Wednesday in meet against the
at Sydney,
America's mens team, which
won U gold medals the greatest
number ever collected by one team
in the Olympics will return to the
United SUtes after the meet and
disband. ' ,
Against the British Common
wealth team, the Americana will
be facing combined efforts of se
lected athletes from Great Brit
, , . , . - '
dia. South Africa. Pakistan, Jv
maica, Trinidad, Nigeria, Kenya,
and Singapore.
Sightseeing Enjoyed
Most of the American track and
field men fled from the Olympic
village for sightseeing in Mel
bourne after the long grind of
prerrrl" bappv
was reserving his
minerlntives. He just said todnv,
"I'm very happy. I couldn't be
more satisfied." -
Onea to Criticism
Kelly obviously took some per
sonal pride la the accomplish
ments. He ssid, "If they hadn't
done all that they did, I was set
up to be a real patsy." He was re
ferring to criticism made after a
practice meet held in Berkeley,
Calif., just , before the American
aces left for Australia. The Berk
eley performances were far from
( sensational and some held that
th 11 S. i-Wtinn had been mads
Mriv nrf that it would be im-
'..ihU t h.m In hM fnr
gamM u, November.
In Svdnev. the Americans will
mert th British Commonwealth
nations In 7J events. Four of
these will be for women.
Vols, Sooners Among
17 Undefeated Teams
Seventeen teams, Including
Sugar Bowl bound Tennessee and
top-ranked Oklahoma, finished the
Vj.A college fooiiMll eatoa with
unbeaten-untied records.
The Volunteers, who wiU meet
Baylor in New Orleans New Year's
day. whipped Vanderbilt 71-J. Sat
urday for its loin straight wniie
Oklahoma also picked up its 10th
triumph of the year and 40th in
a row, 53-v over Oklahoma A&M
r ' r,.!4 C rr::raj"l when a band
s to r'e Ii tj ca::;n. Even the
i !' "e t .1 s, Mom Co the trick,
e we v '. I rift!,'.: (during closed
t r it :t t J.lng was In sight but
t rvl'Jdj.' s. They will circle and
; rg r t fy t On rare oceas
,i Is; ,.'y te c.,t in front of yon.
i I 'oit j gu are even aware that a
" 1 t I1' it the season for
' r n in Ysr.hill, Tolk,
-. " : U 11 prior to
1 our eves tincrc
-r i f
'53 - , ' v
British Commonwealth of
Giants Rap
Skins 28-14
tCentlHed front receding page)
running of Frank Gilford and the
.cln nl fhiu-lr fnnortv inelled
rf W"hinl0"'' P"!
wuinmg ""
three touchdowns and threw a 29-
yard touchdown pass w a-(
cafaa for New York's first score.
, Bote's pivotal touchdown was
his third of the game and came
shortly after - the Cardinals bad
taken the lead on a (0-yard scor
ing drive. The Cards took a 14-1
halftime lead but Green Bay put
over two touchdowns in the third
period with a big boost from
Rote's aerials.
Lou Grois's 37-yard field goal
llh 19 lecoodi W Iav Clcve-
Innd its triumph over the EaRles,
The rough contest picked up where
a post-game, fight between the
teams left off - two weeks ago.
Philadelphia's quarterback Bobby
Thomason suffered a broken nose
en the last play of the first period
yesterday and the officials had to
break up several player iiurnes.
Billy Wilson capped a 77-yard
touchdown play in the final quar
ter for San Francisco tmra vic
tory in 10 games. Baltimore held
a 17-14 lead when Wilson took a
17-Vard pass from Y. A. Tittle on
the dead run. sprinted to midfieM
f. i. rMed I
into the end zone.
The Steelers trailed the Bams
M after one quarter but shot in
front 104 at the half on Jack
Scarbath's TD pass to Eblie Nickel
and Sid Watson's II yard field
goal. Los An Relet again took a
brief lead in the third period but
Pittsburgh then took over, picking
up a third period score and two
more in the final session.
Yanks Lead
- (Cent, from preceding page)
and Hoyle. Miss Cone and Miss
Murphy qualified for the United
States but Miss Marchino didn't
qualify. The other qualifiers were
Miss Barber of - Canada, Misa
Schmidt of Germany and Miss
Beckett of Australia.
Minor Sports Be (it
Cycling, gymnastics, yachting
and Greco Roman wrestling also
were on the program and the Uni
ted States did surprisingly well in
all of these but gymnastics.
Jack Disney, U.S. national cham
pion from Pasadena, Calif., easily
won his heat In the 1,000 meter
spring cyling race and qualified
for the quarter-finals.
The American I.I meter yacht
Ruth IV, sailed by Ferdinand
Schoetue of Philadelphia, won the
fifth race of the seven in this class
and Eugene W'alet Jr., of New Or
leans sailed Spirit III to third place
in today s dragon class race.
Yank GrtDoler Wins
Flyweight wrestler Johnny Wil
son of Washington,. Fa., won his
first match in Greco Roman wres
tlinga style unfamiliar to most
American grapplers but feather
weight Alan Rice of New York was
beaten. ,:" "V
The U.S. team In the sabre team
fencing competition drew a bye in
the first round and advanced to
. Tide Table ,
(CmplUS Sy V. I. Cmm a Gm.U
Sumy, FortUn. Or..)
DM. Tim Height Tim H.tfht
I 1:41 .m. II 0:2 tJn. SB
IMS p.m. IS T:M.ra,-1.0
' 4 I Jl.m. IS ,7ajn. SO
lJ3p.m. It 1:11pm. -Ot
I J:0OtJn. 1.1 1:S4 a m. S O
NIC Matin. Thulw
It NN I r.M. ,
R.bwt MonifWiwry SrMMff
;S0 10:30 .M.
More Help
To Athletes
(Coat, front preceding page)
all were in the form of recom
mendations to the faculty repre
sentatives who take official action
for the conference. The presidents
ssked a joint special meeting with j
these represents tievs to discuss I
their proposals. I
This meting can be expected I
shout Jan. I to coincide with the
Rose Bowl game. The present con
ference meeting, now in session at
Beverly Hills, is not expected to
tske action on the proposals.
u.n ikuvii ww m Lhned
RecommendaUons of
d CouncU jncjuded;
the Presi-
. . .
-. Easing of the round robin
football Khedule to require each
member institution to play at
least five conference fames each
season instead of the prtseat
seven. This probably could not
take effect until 1969 due to pres
ent commitments.
J. An aid to athletes program
providing assistance on a basis of
nfd. During the season In which
he participat-s, an a'hWe vouM
br required to work a minimum
ol four hours a week.
1. An athlete should have a vir
tual "C" average and not be oa
academic probation. -
4. Conference procedures be
changed so that penalties or sanc
tions for Institutional violations, as
distinct from individual violations.
not become effective until after
reference to and approval .by. the
CouncU of Presidents.
5. Individual institutions keep
financial and academic records on
sthietes and make them available.
conference schools upon requerf
on a confidential oasis, w otner
I. The role of the commissioner
be examined in the light of such
report requirements.
Dr. Sproul said the abolition of
the commissioner's office was not
discussed. He added, however,
that the presidents were request
ing a greater degree of responsi
bility by the individual institu
tions. ..
In Diving
the semifinals without competition.
Russia alto made the semifinals.
In Kymnastics. where the Rus
sians were expected to make some
big gains in the contest with the
United States for medals and points
in the unofficial team scoring, the
Soviet girls stood second in the
team scoring after completion of
two compulsory exercises and the
Americans were eighth.
Hungary led with 92.362 points
while the U.S. had only 17.431.
Hungary's Agnes Keleti was the
Individual leader at this stage.
Philadelphia Warriors sank 21 out
4 of 27 free throws but were outshot
from the field here tonight and
dropped a 106-N National Basket
ball Assn. decision to the Minnea
polis Lakers.
cn All Kirn
F!::r.: -2271
Now Locstfd at
363 North High
Free Parking In the Alley
m txpiai at ns:a icsyki
BovI Tilts All Settled
(CMtiaaed front preceding page)
nation. .'
-.ugh bowl interest should be
generated by Tennessee, bolder of
of the Southeastern Conference title
and boasting its finest team since
after a 46-13 slaughter of Bice's
1931 when the Volt were also on
beaten. ;:
Baylor, earning Its invitation af
ter a 46-1 slaughter of Rice's
Owls, will be making Its debut at
the New Orleans game.
The Rnse Bowl highlights, Iowa,
step behind Tennessee in the
rankings, against Pacific Coast
Conference representative Oregon
State la a novelty match. ; The
Hawkey es defeated the Beavers
14-11 earlier is toe season, but
both wiU be making their first
trio to Pasadena. Iowa has never
before played in a bowl. OSC.
picked in 1942 to meet Duk- in
the classic, had to travel to Dur-
bam, N.C. for the Rose Bowljey Leagues in Cleveland,
$ Moke this a sports Christmas.
II s : r II
piCK OUT girrs ne win enjoy anu
For the biggest variety, the best
Complete Top Quo lit Outfit's Whot You Get:
1. Pflueoer "Pelican"
2. Spin-Zine T Gloss Rod
3. 200 yds. Iinr your choice
Christmas Special
6x30, Coated Lenses,
First Quality.
Keg. SI.M
FREE: Pigskla Carrying
. Case aad Straps.
Insulated Underwear
Decron Quilted Two-Piece
Underwear. Say Goodbye to
Carbtmit SE
ood quality outfit
1. Trim-Spin Reel
2. St. Croix Clots Rod
3. 200 Yards Una
. :
Xmat Snacial
sstnnlMMiN mmmsommm
! K--J v JyJ It ((.IS. . h
. .... t . . . ' I "
which was moved that year be
cause of the war. State won 20-1 6.
' Texas Christian was awarded
the Southwest Conference berth
last week, but Syracuse which lost
to Pittsburgh during the regular
season, had to-await the outcome
of this week's Army-Navy game.
Syracuse ended its season two
weeks ago. Navy was given top
consideration for the visitors slot,
but an invite was turned down
after the Middies bad fought back
to tie Army 7-7.
The Gator Bowl will be a re
play of last year's Sugar game in
which Georgia Tech defeated Pitt's
Panther's, 7-0. It marks the sixth
consecutive bowl for the Yellow-jackets,
Glen Sonmor, formerly of the
'Cleveland Barons la the American
Hockey League, is chief instructor
for the Pee Wee and Junior Hock-
Spin Real
i a a 4
nwawaMWeesaPaawewowwe w . . " ,.' ' atk -an
- ;
Reg. Price 41.95
Complete Sm
tw.v xv yjri. i'jL
yjk " ' wikk wan roc era 1 -y cwar.siM NOW
rl-s L I2.0P I A-M.I4.
ea-S'rl I Ufa Jeckoh 17.15 ) V 2 9S Jr
&;(n I ssotcuskio.tS3.4js V!-. v
V m sBPfA an. an ..asnaaanr 1 m W
'ftr . tr $5.95 ; v.
I UID atnOT? .
( "h0 V8
7' "Sklntsr" Vater Skis
Christmas Special
m Paif i hymr m, i
for anyone in the family. Hen'i
Reg. Price
001: . .
M j m Complete
Bruins Triumph Over
CornhusLers 78 to 60:
The UCLA Bruins hit the Nebras
ka Cornhuskera with an impress
ive 78-60 victory tonight in the
last game of a two-gam Intersec
tional aeries. '.
The Bruins followed up their
69-56 victory of last flight with a
lead they grabbed in the first m'n
utes of plsy and held for' the
route. - i . '' "
Even Con Smidt'i It points in
the final IS minutes Couldn't pull
the visitors out of the hole.
The Syracuse Nationals ptooeQ
as eight-point lead with an 11
point spree In the second period
and raced on to a slump-stoppinf
lio-ion victory over the New vors
Knickerbockers tonight.
A total of 21M57 pheasant tags
were sold in California in 19A
Let Jon and the b,
A ......
buys and super
whot you
.. .
21.40 i
V Suction.
QaJt' ror mm .
uNf : -
a. Hand Wattmera -A JI , '.
fJAf Duck Cells S2.00 J
Z D-T- n.i.-
$n95 if r.invFS 42.95 ..... vTvi $H
antasaaaapgani y irisaelBi sTWsfl W . Jkej-JT" M 1 T
I MS. f k "W-LIT US HELP 4 j!
1 . WHAT HE WANTS! - : - V fvt
I a a
1 i
Full Cage Sked on Tap
(Caul from preeediag sage)
Verboort, Sclo at Brownsville and
Nehalem at Santiam.
Nehalem is at Scla Saturday
night, while St. Helens is st Mo
lalla and Gaston at Colton.
Weekend College Games '
The weekend coUrgiate picture
looks like this: i :''':, ,v
- Texas, Portland U, Oregon and
Oregon State get together at Cor
vallis Friday night and at Eugene
Saturday for doubleheadcrs. Olym
pic is at Linfield Friday night.
Central Washington is at Lewis
Clark. Pacific at College of Puget
Sound, Whitman at Gonsaga, OCE
at Seattle Pacific, Eastern Oregon
at Nevada, Ariiona State at Cali
fornia, Wyoming at Southern Cal,
Montana State at Idaho, Washing
ton at Oklahoma AIM and Moo
Una at Washington State.
On Saturday. Willamette opens i
up wUh Central Washington here.
.ice it's CASCADE MERC.
A" Sups Deluse
the "Man Who Hoi Ivarythina"
This Rosl It Recognised ei the World's
finest. All loll leering Construction.
1. Alcodo Micron Spin Reel 42.30
2. Garcia Custom Spin Rod 34.30
3. 200 Yds. Lint, Your Choice - 2-30
Christmas Special
- Mod. 424,
A top quality hag, 2'j poundi pure virgin Dacran with all the
deluxe featuras luch at full length tipper, 2 hags tip together,
air mattress pockett, etc.
how $12.95
A Real Xmai Special
Also, Lewis a Clark is at Portland
State, Pacific at Pacific Lutheran,
OCE at Seattle Pacilic, Eastern
Oregon at Nevada,' Wyoming at
Southern Cal Montana at Idaho,
Washington at Oklahoma AeM and
Utah State at Washington State.
, The pairings foe. the Corvallls
tjgene doubleheaders find Oregon
facing Portland U at Corvallis,
while OSC tangles with Texas Fri
day night. Then Portland plays
OSC and Texas opposes Oregon
at Eugene Saturday.
Frank Shaughneasy was re
elected president of the Inter,
national League for the next two
years and Jack Kent Cooke, owner
of the Toronto club, was named; -vice
president during the annual
meeting of the Triple A League
MERC help you
Outfit for
Price 79.50
All Sites in Stock.
Christmas Special
J-lumet, Lorfe Site.
R. Prica $23.95
Official North and
South Salem Hifh
Jackets. Famous
Dehen Quality.
Reg. 18.95
1" w".:!irr
re t;rcd of
Deck is
Phone 3 9:01
2149 8. Commercial
e ti- i
The Experts O Eiperltiti
.r -mx m im -w w gnm w rw .