Valjey News Statesman News Servict Friendship. Nigji Set ; In Spring Valjey Area Lincoln, Zena Residents Also Invited SUteimaa Ntws Srrvlrt 1 ' SPRING VALLEY. Nov. 29 Preparations are well underway for Friendship Night, to be given by the Community Center Association of Lincoln, Zena and Spring Valley districts Saturday night at their Community Center Building, the former Spring valley School. The reception committee, in an endeavor to reach all families resid ing in the three districts whether newcomers or old residents has sent Out 17 invitations. Any families fail ing to receive one are urged to come anyway. . Reception committee has many get-acquainted devices prepared in cluding a large hostess committee. A no-host supper from to I o'clock will open the evening. Everyone is requested te bring Iheir own table service, The program is planned for I o clock. Children of Lincoln and Zena schools will give the first part, after which they will play table games downstairs while adults and high school students bear an address by Judge Joseph Felton of Salem. ' Charles Ireland, valley editor of The Oregon Statesman and a good friend -of the Community . Center Association since it was organized, ' also will be a guest and will speak. The coming holiday season will keynote the decorations and pro gram music . ' , . Lawmakers, Press Invited TojCampus SUUubiI . News rrif :; ', M0NMOLTHNv;.29-State leg islators and editors from Marion, Polk, Yamhill and Tillamook coun ties will be the guests of Oregon College of Education on Thursday, Dec. t. . x- IaviUUoi were Issued Jointly by Dr. Roy E.-Lieuallen. OCE presi dent, and State Senator Walter Leth of Monmouth. . Tna purpose of the program will be to give visiting legislators and editors an opportunity to familiar ize themselves with the State Sys tem of Higher Education's biennial operational and building budget, both for OCE and the state system in general. On hand from 'the office of the State Board of Higher Education will be Chancellor John Richards and Dick Collins, budget officer, who will discuss the proposed bud get. The day's "program will include campus tour, a dinner in Manske Hall, .and the business meetings .. Always Room For 7 More StatMin.a N.wt'f.rvlr. MT. ANGEL, Nov. Ja-George Schmidt, beard chairman ef St. Mary's Public School here, prov ed siala Wednesday that he 'Is his ewa best easterner when It comes te students. Schmidt's wife presented him with aa elght-PMBd girl 12th child bora te the couple. The lit tle acweemer restored the bay girl ratio at sl each in the Schmidt household. 2 The family Is represented la al most every grade la school here. Dr. Earl Ben bow Named Moderator SUteuaa Ntws Sfrrvlcr ' DALLAS, Nov. 29-Dr. Earl Ben- bow, Aurora Presbyterian minis ter, has been elected moderator bf the Willamette Presbytery, it was learned here .today. v Dr.. Benbow, who is well known Rejects Low As Lin field Gives 765 Pints Blood' Staltroua New. Strvlc. MtMlNNVILLE, Nov. 29 - One hundred sixty-five pints of blood were donated by Linfield College students-when the Yamhill-County Bloodmobile unit visited the cam pus for four hours Monday. Eight students were rejected for medical reasons. ' S. .James Osborne of the Yamhill County Red Cross office says that the rejections,1 were the smallest percentage of rejections recorded in local records. Last February Linfield students gave.' 77 pints of bloody to the Red Cross jbank. - Brooks. Benefit Will Feature 'Hubbard Ham' Ulnm Nw( Servirt BROOKS, Nov. 2-A "Hubbard ham", dinner and bazaar are be ing planned by the Brooks Parent- Teacher Association as a money- making project scheduled for Dec. Serving will be horn 5:30 p.m. through t p.m.. in the Brooks School gymnasium. Salmon loaf will also be served. Bazaar articles will be sold during the serving hours. Mrs. . Howard M. Carter,', chairman of the ways and means committee, heads all the arrange ments. - " ; . 7 Brooks School, has been borrow ing a public address system for years and the PTA hopes to raise sufficient funds to purchase a sys tem for the school. . . The December 'meeting of the PTA has been cancelled, PTA pres ident -Mrs.- Charles Cottew report ed today. . Catholic Jr. Girls Plan . New, Number For Reporting Jeffersorr Fires in the Willamette area, was pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Dallas for nine years .before moving to Aurora. As moderator, he wilt be located in Corvallis. . His term is for. one year starting January . r ror no aav sut... . s.rvi dcrr tttsuN, inov.zs jpe cuy StMrsm.a Krwt Svlre nas . insiaiiea ' new system oi MT. ANGEL. Nov. 2S -i Mt, Ad--urnin1' iB re ?ra for Jefferson gel. Junior Catholic Daughters will nd ,h tw" ,tu district. hniH hir nmiat fihriKtmn. nahv The new telephone number for in coniunction with their court reporting fires is Fairfax 7-2279, It ,1 meeting in St. Mary's School Thurs- will ring simultaneous at the Ma day, Dec. 6, following 7:30 p.m. son store and Ed Ricks or Gilbert holy hour at the church. Hoevet homes. A button at Jhe There will be a 50-cent gift ex- Mason' store will automatically change and refreshments w.ll be!so"nd the . served. A xommiltee f Tonl Wil-' Two maU fires were reported Hams Mai-V Ahn Kloft. Shirlev i ,hls week. One at the home of Schlecht. - Patty Gaffke, Dorothy j Mrs- J Ld1B SwarU started in Rpver and Vinrinia Maupr is in woodshed and was ?soon put out. charge; . All members of the five troops participated , in the annual skating party at Salem Wednesday night, making the trip by bus. , Separate , troop meetings . were held -at the homes of members dur ing the past; week under the super vision of their counselors, each 1 juri ...... . wp minting uiiicirni piujcii. ried out were the making of Christ mas wreaths and other decorations,' making fruit cake, favors and read ing religious books. . Several of the groups donated their articles to the Benedictine Nursing Home. Boys' School Work Starts ', ,-. . : - " ' v ' . Stateamaa Newt S.rvlr. ' " WOODBI RN. Not. tl Work ea the aejr $44t,00O dormitory at the MacLarea -School for Boys got Under way "this Week. ' The dormitory will hart a ra pacity el approximately 1M beds. Jakr aid Seas, Portland, are the contractors. . - , . MacLarea School officials said eempleiloa of this building would go far toward relieving the car ,reat Cvagestlsn at -the institution. The population at the school has reached a sew high... Mrs. Irene Pippin Dies in Forida ' SlaUamaa Nowi S.rvlr. RICKREALL, Fov. 29 . Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Irene' Pippin, Bethel Heights resident from 1940 to 1947. Mrs. Pippin, who died Wednesday of a heart ailment in "Millonv-FJa., will be buried at Milton at ? p.m. Sat urday. ' , .v . She was born June 21, 1895, at Milton. She leaves her -husband. .' Robert Pippin, - Milton,' Fla.; son, I Jimmy Brown, in the Air Force I, fat Valdosta, Ga'.r aunt, Mrs. Vesta1 IGdodfellow ltewls Rickreall; and- 'two grandchildren.. . . 38-(Sec. Ill) Statesman. Salem, Qre .,' Frl., Nov. 30, 56 Dona Id Farm Property Sold Staidtniaa Xwi Jirylrt .DONALD. Nov; 29 Mr. and Mrs. Luke Bushman, whyre now liv ing, at The Dalles, have sold their Donald property to Mr. and 'Mrs. Evert Fredericks ot- Tillamook; ' The larm house was built In 1920 wth logs sawed ' on three sides, which w.ere cut from the nearby Fred Schneider farm. The farm was originally owned by Jim Tay lor. , :.. , . . ' f AThe Fredericks came to White Salmon, Wa'sh., from their home in Itplland in 1949. They, were per mitted to' bring their . furniture, dishes, silver Snd personal things, but no money. A treasure they brought with them was a silver topped eggnog pitcher which they had buried during the war to save it from the raiding hands. They stayed In White Salmon a year be fore moving to a dairy In Tillamook. Goldfish apparently want to grow muscles. . They like spinach. the rural fire-truck answered s Ai(J Given RefllQCeS home on Greens Bridge Road. Ferguson 'was wsrming up his tractor when it caught -on 'fire, but he had it about out when; the truck arrived. .- - SAIGON, Nov. 29 liD-The people of .South Viet Nam , -have - con tributed 2.400,000 piastres-r-about $70,000 in a fund raising campaign to Hungarian relief agencies. - , , Resident of Albany Dies Statesman Nfwi Scrvir ALBANY, Nov. i-Last ;ites for Mrs. Mary Josephine Richardson, 81, Linn County resident for 76 years, will be held at 2 p.m. Satur day at Fisher Chapel here. Born in Kansa. Mrs. Richardson rnoVed to the Providence district ncqr Scio when five' years old and was'' married to Wilson -'Richards -at Albany in 1099. She had lived here for 29 years. . , ' Survivors include a daughter. Mable Riehanlson, Albany. ..Burial will be . in Willamette, Memorial . Park here. WROUGHT IRON 'name PLATES SWH. ALL TYPES SI&NS HANGING . . . WAIL . RURAL MAIL BOX A TEtik3fron Works Kurt Proof Black Wrought Iron Finish. Many Ornaments te . -''Choose from - 1225 South 20th Salem 4-8441 lliichen Queen i ' ' i r irii tuiiMira i IWM io-ib. V-T. J M I Bag r-J J I v z ZITZl.Z'. MnMMMWnMMnMMB Bible Banquet Scheduled for- Luther Leagues SUtoaroan Ntwi ScttIcs 6ILVERTON, Nov. 29 Trinity Lutheran League will be host Wednesday night at the annual Pocket Testament Banquet at 6:30. Calvary and Immanuel Luther leagues .will attend. Guest speaker will be the Rev. T. Holland of Lebanon, the district Luther League president. Both Im manuel and Trinity churches will - furnish special music. Thomas Reed, Trinity League president, will giv the welcome, and Pat Patton, Immanuel League president, will give the response. Mrs. Don Burch will have charge of the singspiration and De Ann Sundet will give the devotions. Carole Bybcrg, secretary from Immanuel's group, will give the history of the Pocket Testament Movement, and Mary Llbner, Trin ity, will have charge of the candle lighting service. Young Democrats Organize in Linn ... a Statesman Nwa Stivteo LEBANON, Nov. 2t - Leo McCiurg of Albany was selected as chairman of the newly-organized Linn County Young Demo crats Club. Lee Utley of Lebanon is membership chairman here. Speaking at a meeting here Mon day evening were Mrs. Kelyn Har ris of Lebanon and Norman Cahill, Albany, who told of activities the organization might participate in between election yean. . George Roe, also of Lebtaon, reviewed a meeting of the recent Linn County Democratic Central Committee. Postponement of a big Democratic reception, slated to be held here Sunday, was announced A Sav-More Shoe Store 339 Court St. SAV-MORE'S FABULOUS $20,000 OVERSTOCK SALE . NOW IN PROGRESS SHOE PRICES (RASH! We Need the Cosh! We Mutt Liquidate! , Veislields Rej. 2.S 7 5"D of spun aluminum NO MONEY DOWN F. W WOOLWORTH.C0. Liberty and State St. Ladies Inlay Embossed Print & Nylon Dusters Manderin. oVPeler Pan Collars - Sizes Small-Medium-Lorge-X-Large Colors White, Pink, Blue Aqua 7'' Anita kon ... Corner State I Liberty Sis. " Party Bound . . . Holiday Fashioned FORMAL! In Slim Sophisticated Laces or Glowinj Taffetas. Beautiful Pastel Colors it l0 r. t 1 ' j ! Yeater TV & Appliance Co. "Just Across from LlpmanV 375 Chemeketa St. Ph. 4-6835 NEW 1957 MODELS JQfoWO for Only the Famous WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT TWINS Automatic Washer . . . $219.95 Automatic Dryer . . . . . $169.95 BIG, BIG TRADE-INS! We Give and Redeem Trading Stamps liberty MONTGOMERY WARD 3-3191 YARDAGE FOR GIFT SEWING Values to 59c yd. Saw now for gift giving. Percales, broadcloth, pongee, dimity, ' dot ted Swiss and others. MMMMHMUWMUUUaUMj Fabulous Voluel Leather Soled SALEM, OREGON MINNEHAHA MOCCASINS Comfy felt lined . . , elegant fur collar ajrf wWwt . . . Size, 4 to 9. " It DOWNSTAIRS STORE ' U WIDE SELECTION AsT Pi'lliAii i m vr f AjniUnADLs LADIES GIFT COMPACTS Elgin, American, Zell and Others. Gift Boied Manufacturers Ticketed Price $3.50 to $5.00 Many la.wtifal D.ilnt n4 t. ChMH fr.m. Mrs. Jones New Club President Statesman Ntws Sfvlc JEFFERSON. Nov. Mrs. Stel la Jones was "elected president at the Christmas meeting of mem bers of the Three Links Club. Oth er officers elected included: Vice president, Mrs. Dan Bctker; secre tary .Claudia Strode, and treasur er, Mrs. Lee Wells. Hostesses were Mrs. Joe McKee, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Lee Wells, Mrs. Harold Johnson and Mrs. Frank Jones. . fkfn aaet. stea Reg. 2.98 1m 4.96 Women's Hats 00 SI Felts, Velvets and Novelties Millinery, 2nd floor, "J 7Jht(hxyS Liberty 60 Only Monufocturers Samples New Fall LADIES' DRESSES 97 Brsnd .new shipment ef short sleeve, 'i length sleeve, fanhioa 4 smsrt dresses, washable , fabrics, . slses S-24H. Rrg. 5.90 values. Yeater TV Cr Appliance Co. "Just Across from Llpman'i" 375 Chemeketa St. Ph. 4-6835 CARLOAD FACTORY SPECIAL . ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS 10-Year Warranty Save More Than 50 42-Gal. Twin Element -Keg. S129.95 . 58.88 52-Gal. Twin Element Keg. $149.95 .168.88 Now JU.OU Now..... With Your Old Water Tank, or Any Other Major Appliance . THE PIKE lea Cream and Sherbet 138 S. Liberty At tha Bus Stop Ph. 3-6828 "Tu-Fer" Ice Cream Sale " Featuring SPUMONI ICE CREAM One Round Half Gallon 0 Km Zf 95c in Reusabl Carton Jm for I JQrW W GREEN STAMPS Open Daily and Sunday 'til 11 fM. Valley Births SljlMman Nrl Servk. i ?TAYT( N' To Mr. and Mrs. ! ' Sherman T. Burlt. Stavton. a ; d.uishlcr. .Nov. 2R at Sanliam Memorial Kospilat.--- To Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. AHcr. M.ll City, a d,iuchter. Nov. 23, at Santiam MrmoiMl Hospital. I IIARTMAII DR0S. JEWELERS Corner Stale and Liberty Sts. S!m, Oregon . Man'g. m- "17 Jwels" Watches Regular 139.95 value save tlS.00. 'Waterproof shock-proof sweep-second hand non magnetic nite dial. :. (hrls!.T.2$ JQW Sp:cl:l u 'When eprnrd and cloesd by competent watchmakers , COAST TO COAST STORES 233 N. Commercial . rhone 37957 Open Mon. 4 Fri. Till 9 p.m. MARY LU WALKING DOLL SHE WALKS DYNEL HAIR (Wash 1 Comb) EYES OPEN & CLOSE TURNS HER HEAD 18 INCHES TALL HAIR CURLS Unbreakable plastic body and limbs. Beau- Reg. 6.93 tiiuuy aressea even 10 snoes ana stocxings. &Q9 Everv sirl will love her. everv parent can ' K , afford her. . . PHILLIPS APPLIANCE CO. APPLIANCES - 355 Center St. TELEVISION HOTPOINT AUTOMATIC DRYER 111 $199.95 Abielulsh; lit PiYmnt Until Jifflitr, 15. NOW mm Shop Now for Christmas AT YOUR DoivniowTi Stores