The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 27, 1956, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tomorrow's Sunday :
News of Special Church Activities in Salem and the Valley
Lutheran Churches to Hold
Reformation Rally Sunday
All Lutheran churches of Salem
Vill observt Reformation week
starting Sunday.
I A Reformation rally to it art off
3 he week will be held Sunday at
fp.m. at St. Mark Lutheran
'hurch, with all Lutheran pastors
tif the city participating.
The ipeaker will be The Rev.
Rev. Hartwisf
I o
Fills Lutheran
Uiurch f ulpit
The Rev. H. Hartwig, retired
utheran pastor known to many
falrmites for his peony gardens
pn Sunnyview Avenue, has been
serving as vacancy speaker at St.
John's Lutheran Church since the
retirement of the Rev. H. W.
fiross. He will continue to fill the
(ulpit until the installation of the
iev. Walter G. Boss on Nov. 25.
A native of Wisconsin, the Rev.
lartwig served as an active minis
'r for 34 years, during which time
lie was the pastor for four conte
ntions, all in Wisconsin. Follow
if vacation trip to the Wert in
MS, Pastor Hartwig retired in
47, settling in Salem because he
ad been impressed by the city
iid its atmosphere during his pre
ious visit.
In order to continue with his
ibby of raising flowers, the Rev.
tiartwig purchased a 10-acre tract
liiortly after his arrival in Salem.
Mis interest in flowers, particular-
peonies, dates from 1924, and
present he has approximately
I varieties of peonies in his gar-
!' Hi
'It- i
-W7 A
Rev. J. Edward Oslund, Port
land, who will speak at Re
formation rally In Salem.
1st Christian
Church Names
New Officers
rirst Christian Church held Its
annual Salmon Dinner Wednesday
evening, ai benefit for the Yaki
ma Indian Christian Mission at
White Swan, Wash., missionary
institution supported by the church.
The main dish for the dinner was
salmon loaf mad of fish taken by
the Indiana at Celilo Falls.
. Edward Oslund of St. James floode1 by Th D,Uei Dam, it was
Lutheran church Portland, who fMred tnJ, th, nnuil Mlmofl dln.
organized the Lutheran church at ner, mi ht diKontiDued ,fter
Reno, Nev., and was director for w. ...J. k. i..u.
tht ministry to military personnel !th.y'miy ,vt ,nother source of
"""" "u"u, salmon, and will be able to con-
tinue supplying it to churches for
at San
War II,
Special music will be by an all
male choir comprised of members
of all the Lutheran churches.
On Wednesday Dr. Edward Rech
lin, pipe organist, will give a Bach
concert. It will be at St. Johns
Lutheran church, Court street and
14th, starting at I p.m.
During the week the film, "Mar
such occasions. With a brief devo
tional on the Indian theme and re
port of latest developments at the
mission, presented by Don Ross,
associate minister, an offering was
received as a benefit to the mission
The salmon dinner was also the
occasion of the annual business
tin Luther will be shown each mMting of the congregation, pre
evening at 7:30 at the various llded over by Pau HoUoway,
Lutheran churches as follows: chairman of the church board.
Monday St Johns; Tuesday. steve lrvin)! HaroId Jone Tom
Grace: Wednesday, arist; Thurs-LaDuke and William Tanner were
day, Good Shepherd; Friday, St. tlecttd ,0 Mrve eWwi of y,,
Mark; Saturday, Faith; and Sun.conMII,ion ,or th. Mxt
day, Central,
Other services announced for
Lutheran Churches in Salem in
clude: St. Mark's
The 439th anniversary of the Re
formation will be observed at the
years. Elected as deacons for the
same period were Floyd Allen,
Carol Capps, Braden Daggett, Cecil
Frame, Chick Gillming, AI Head,
Howard Hill, Richard Hill, Leston
Howell, Lester Marke, Paul Specht,
Ervin Sunderlin, Glenn Utterback,
Board Hears
Report From
City Mission
Riles to Observe
Reformation Day
added that 550 items of clothes
were also distributed.
Bread during this period was
contributed free by Master Bread
Co , meat from Salem Meat Co.,
mrA a Urns m tt i nt nl I'annliiklni
"Affirmative Protestantism" will (rom A, P(d rrujt d roduce
s subject of the Reformation Sun- - . .
lav sermon by the Rev. Louis K. ,,i,. ur . ...
Z.r.. . .. ., ,. . . n simonka, in charge of the m s-
Ihite at Knight Memorial Con-, . , . .. . , .
, Vu u c . ii 1 s10" a' 245 N. Commercial St.. also
gregattonal Church Sunday at 11; . . . , . .
I : t : I ...
Over 21.500 meals and 10.500 j ,ne '""v"' rae'
beds were furnished during the Reception of members will be
last 18 months to needy individuals ' held at the latter service which will
by the Union Gospel Mission in he followed by a coffee hour spon
Salem, Supt. George Simonka aaid ird by the Women of the Church,
at a recent group meeting. He
1 a m service Sunday at St. David Wai ,nd Roy yung. To
Mark s Lutheran Church. The Rev.Mrve oul unexpired terms as dea
John L.taubie will deliver the ser-!C0 were elected Art Henderson,
mon. and present some highlights j John HuU, Robert Martin ,nd ay.
of the recent United Lutheran m,n person. Gilbert Stein was
Church Convention held in Harris- j eIected to , three year term as
!? - ' . L . ... i trustee. Deaconesses were elected
The Sunday schoo wiU convene ;to thrM yr (ol)owg. Mri
at (:30 am. with classes and in-j Philip Bates, Mrs. Ray Conder.
tmrtion tor .11 age fT.,P. Mri wiiam crKgaott, Mrs. AI
Christ Lathers lHead Mr, Leston HoweU. Mrs.
Reformation Festival Services at Lyle Re,f aBd Mrl. Paul Specht
Christ Lutheran church will be ob-1 Mri. David WaU was elected to
served Sunday morning with HolyjMrve out aB unexpired term as
Communion at S:30 and 11 a.m. I ,i..rnn.,,
wtin y astor i . m. lieonara deliver
I Boys and girls of the Sunday
School will participate In "Trick or
Treat for UNICEF" on Hallow
een, followed by a Halloween par
ti at the church.
presented a budget of $5,S80 for
the coming year which was ap
proved by the board of trustees.
Trustees who were appointed at
the meeting to a three year term
are Henry Turner, Maynard Hav
erland, Henry Horqe, Charles Hil-
Baptist Units
Plan Parties
For Halloween
Senior High and Junior High
youth groups of First Baptist
Church will gather for Halloween
festivities tonight. Miss Zola Peter
son of the Senior High organisa
tion has announced that the col
ored movie. 'Terror Ship", will
be shown in the basement of the
liker Lauren KiMtUr mri church at 7:30. Games, group
Fff l r-rlv m. .nnnint' singing and free refreshments will
to a two-year term.
Dr. Norman Huffman, professor
f religion at Willamete I'niver-
& . ,. . ,
sity, wui give a six weess course; PROFESSOR TO SPEAK
n "Why and How to ise me; tk. ace 0 the int,,t ,
lible" at the West Salem Metho- iiBi0n will b diiruuMl s.mH.v .t
ist Church beginning Nov. 4. at the 10:30 a m. Unitarian service
45 a.m.. to the Adult Bible at the Ywta Fthr n.viH r.
lass. Men and women in the selman, professor of aocioloev at lrders are invited.
ommunity are cordially invited to : Portland University, will deliver Sundays services of the church
ittend this class. 'the talk. wl" marl lne cm8e m ' one-wees
Bible Conference taught by Dr.
Vernon Grounds of Denver, Color
ado. Dr. Grounds will speak at the
11:00 a.m. service and also at 7:30
o'clock in the evening.
round out the events of the eve
Junior Hi'ers will feature a Hal
loween Hayride and Masquerade
at an unknown destination. The
church bus will leave the church
at I p m. and 7th, Ith and fth
Nrtti 3 I Otlmt
Rav. I. K. Ia(cklr,
Fri. I Sat. 7:00 p.m.
Children's Meetings
Rally Day 9 45 a.m.
In Sunday School
Clrl JliW
litMnf tti
Special Sorvico for j
Now Church Comments-
ment ' j
Rev. I. W. Richards, j
11:00 A.M.
Sod-Turning Ceremony
Will Follow Sorvico
Movie on Hindtiim
Scheduled Sunday
A colored film on Hinduism, the
religion of 312 million people in
India, Pakistan, Ceylon and Bur
ma. will be shown Sunday evening
ai me &ngiewooa Evangelical Unil
ed Brethren Church.
Following the picture the Rev.
Lloyd Uecker will draw compari
sons between Christianity and Hin
duism, especially in their roncep-
uons o( uod and death.
i Man i
( fTOtflpaiB. J
1 tmomiif
Lmit dfRofktmtml
frtHtwt IfMrM Pximrt CmmW
The Mognificont Motion Pkturo For Our Timo
...To Bt Soon Aga'm and Again I
Tk 4VmIm Mcrjr ( Mania Laihcr iht RtforiMliM...
jt Tail Ovrtita.l FHm WW la IKawn
C TA Every Nitt 7:30 P.M.
Timf f I A. . i . 7 n. I.ll t.L..O.
ft. Ma'l lvtlMrM Ckwtk 14th I Cnci it.
Oraca lajthafM CWth 3)00 Iwwayvlaw A.
Chrlat IvttMTM Chunk Stat at HA It. - .
Om1 totphmi latWaa CWtk S710 I. CawwartiaJ tt.
St. kUrd'i UtUa Clnmh-34 N. CWch tt.
Fait UtlwM Chrtk-4MS K. lirar Uti
t.tmm u w ii i an in ii ai an
To Bo Hold at
St. Mark's
Luth. Church
343 N. Church St.
Guest Speaker
Rov. Jamos Oslund
of Portland
Professor to
Give Concert
' Prof. Earl Anderson of Cascade
College in Portland will give a
concert during the Sunday eve
ning service of South Salem Church
of the Naiarene, according to Pas
tor James E. Kratz.
The concert will be preceded by
a Hymnspiration beginning at 7:30
p.m. and directed by Paul Harris,
Minister of Music in the local
Anderson was formerly profes
sor of music at Pasadena College
and is noted as a recording artist
of sacred music. Mrs. Anderson
will accompany her husband at the
"In Step With God" will be the
subject of the Worship Hour mes
sage at 10: SO a.m. Organist Eloise
Bingenheimer will present a pre
lude of Musical Meditations on
the Hammond Organ.
A Santiam Zone Halloween party
will be held this evening at 7:30
p.m. at the church. Young Peo
ple's Societies will participate
from Naiarene Churches in Al
bany, Alsea, Corvallis, Dallas,
Grand Ronde, Keizer, Lebanon,
Philomath, Sweet Home, and Sa
lem. Featured in the evening's activi
ties will be a skit period with
various church groups participat
ing. Pastor Archie Jessee of the
Lebanon Church of the Nazarene
will conduct the game period.
Churches in Silver ton
To Hold Special Rites
SUUaaua Mtwi service
SILVERTON-Reformatloa Sun
day will bo observed In a number
of the Protestant churches in Sil-
verton Sunday. At the First Chris
tian Church special recognition
will bo given by the pastor, the
Rev. I. M. Nelson who will speak
at It o'clock services on VTbe
Protestant Reformation." ,
Monday at 1:30 a.m. the All
Boys Choir and the Junioraand
Junior High Girls Choir will go
to West Lynn to make a tour of the
Crown Zellerbach Paper Mills.
The Rev. E. E. Ramsey, of the
Lutheran Welfare Association,
Portland, will be In charge of the
Sunday services at Immanuel Lu
theran Church. Sunday School
teachers will be Installed with
Dean Callahan to Speak on 'Tem
ple Talk."
Calvary Luther League will
sponsor a program Sunday night
at 7:30 at Calvary Lutheran
Church, i
Church School Teacher Recogni
tion Day will be observed Sunday
at the 11 o'clock services at Sil
verton Methodist Church. For the
occasion the choir will sing "Tem
ple of the Living God," by Wilson.
Trinity Lutheran League meets
Sunday night at 7:30 with Jeanne
Thompson In charge of the pro
gram which includes Bible Study
by the Rev. A. L Selid.
Elder Kenneth McVay will con
duct the morning worship Saturday
at 11 o'clock at the Seventh-day
Adventist. Church. The morning
offering will be set aside for tem
perance work. i
Homo coming will be observed
Sunday at the Assembly of God
Church. The Rev. Wilson Col
baugh," former pastor of the Med
ford Assembly of God and now
editor of the Missionary Challenge,
official Missionary publication of
the Assemblies of God, will be the
speaker at both the 11 o'clock
morning services and at the 7:45
evening devotion. There will be a
homecoming fellowship dinner im
mediately after the morning serv
ices in the MWA haU.
World Community Day
Observance Set Here
World Community Day, observed
annually by 10 million Protestant
church women in America on, the
first Friday of November, has
been arranged for Nov, 2 at First
Presbyterian Church by the local
committee of the Salem United
Church Women. Mrs. C. M. Col
lins and Mrs. Laurence Walworth
are co-chairmen.
Sponsored nationally by the Gen
eral Department of United Church
Women of the National Council of
Churches since 1M3, this day has
been devoted to discovering ave
nues for strengthening the cause
of world peace and the world-wide
human relief measures that make
for peace.
Church women win be bringing
warm clothing, especially for men
and boys and blankets, both full
and crib size, to the meeting. A
forrmittee will pack and send
these at once to Church World
Service, Protestant relief agency
which administers the program
The World Community Day serv
ice will open at 10: IS a.m. in the
Condit Room of the Church with
Dr. Paul Poling, host pastor,
bringing the morning worship, and
Of Formosa
To Talk Here
The Rev. Paul Shen, regional
director of the Evangelize China
Fellowship, in Formosa, will bo
the guest speaker, Sunday at the
First Evangelical United Brethren
Church. He has been described as
Betty Starr Anderson as soloist,
Mrs. Ralph Dobbs accompanying.
The guest speaker will be Mrs.
Paul B. Means of Eugene, re
cently returned, with ber husband,
professor of religion at the U. of
Oregon, from two years In India
working with the Lsubach Literacy
Youth Council
Plans Meeting
The first meeting of the Salem
Youth Council is being called for
Saturday, Nov. 3, at 10:30 a.m.
at the First Methodist Church. The
Salem Youth Council as an official
department of the Salem Council
of Churches was approved at the
Council of Church meeting in Sep
tember. A preliminary meeting of youth
group otfiui and counselors was
i j held on September IS when the
youth council project was consid
ered. At the November 3rd meet
ing, officers will be elected and
a proposed program for the com
ing year considered. The council
is composed of two delegates from
local youth groups of the cooperat
ing churches in the Council of
C antral WttwrM Oiarck H. Caaital M Aabwt tt.
OCT. 31-8 P.M.
To Bo Hold at
14th 1 Court
TheWorld-Roflownod if
Lutheran Organist
At the ripe Organ
Harvegt Festival
Planned Sunday
Kingwood Bible Church will con
duct its annual Harvest Festival
on Sunday. Services will consist
of a Missionary Service at 10:43,
a fellowship lunch at noon, and
a Thanksgiving Service at 2:30
Dr. Willard Aldrich, president of
Multnomah School of the Bible,
will be the guest speaker at the
morning and afternoon services.
At 7:30 p.m. "Angel in Ebony,"
a 4S-minute color motion picture
giving the true life story of Sammy
Morris, an African prince.'
New Officers
Of Methodist
Unit Named
SUtaunia Nawi Sarvlc.
SILVERTON - The Rev. Paul
Henry has announced new officers
of the newly organized Junior Me
thodist Youth Fellowship to in
clude: President, Nicole Kephart;
secretary, Kay Lalicker, and trea
surer, Robert Rggoa. The junior
fellowship consists of all 7th and
ith grade persons, and the group
will meet Sunday evenings from S
to o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
Otjen are the directors.
James Phillips, Trinity Church
congregation president, has an
nounced that the first training ses
sion of Advance Pledge Visitors
will meet Sunday afternoon at 1:30
in Trinity church to discuss plans
for the visitation which is being
arranged under the Every Member
Visit program of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church. He also reports
that the Trinity congregational
dinner for all confirmed members
of Trinity, will be held Thursday
night at 7 p.m. at Immanuel Luth-
rta fhatiii mm la th Immaaniiatl
. , . . . ... El 01 M VIIUI WIUI OilV AMU I lentil
the Chmese counterpart of By CMltioB' th. dinB
1 In turn, the Ladies Guild of Trinity
Church Planning
11-Day Scries of
Revival Services
An 11-day evangelistic campaign
will begin Thursday, Nov. 1, at
Central Church of Christ, Chemek-
eta and Cottage streets. Jesse
Stephens will bo the speaker.
Services win be held at 7:30
p.m. and will Include congrega
tional ainglng under direction of
the church's regular song leader,
Ralph Rawlins.
Stephens la currently the evan
gelist in Eugene where he has
been located for the Last three
years. He is a graduate of Hardin
College and began preaching 24
years ago in Texas.
The fourth In series of six
Family Nights at First Methodist
Church will be held in the church
dining room starting at (:1S p.m.
with no-host dinner on Tuesday.
Class sessions are held from 7:15
1:05 p m. and 1:10-1:00 pjn. each
In addition to classes for chil
dren of all agea there will be the
craft class for all junior high and
up directed by Don Walton: and
the "Beliefs of a Methodist Chris
tian" by the minister, Dr. Brooks
H. Moore. The Marriage Clinic
will consider the "Spiritual Foun
dations by Dr. Paul Trueblood;
Social Contemporary Concerns will
consider "Political Issues We
Face" with Dr. W. G. Cornelius
as guest speaker.
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., Oct. 27, '53 (Sec I)-7
Church Yoiith Activities Set
A varied weekend schedule Is
slated for the three youth groups
of the First Methodist church in
the areas of program and social
activities. 4
The Wesley Fellowship, of Wil
lamette University students, is
presenting a panel to consider the
ethics involved in the subject of
"Man's Control of Man". Appear
ing on the panel are Prof. Clif
ford Hansen, Prof. W. G. Corne
lius aad . Judge Joseph Felton.
Dean Robert Gregg will moderate
the discussion of this timely politi
cal topic. Claralne Ackerman is
arranging the worship program
for the evwing.
On Friday evening the Wesley
group held an old fashioned hay
ride and a Halloween barn party
with Jim Davis, recreation chair
man In charge. Folk dances and
a box social were planned by Dave
McCready, Gene Groves and Caro
line Milner. -
The high school M.Y.F. group in
observance of United Nations
week it sponsoring a "party with
a purpose" planned along the In
ternational theme. ,
The group will ge to the home
of Paty Gray lor a aupper el
foreign dishes, followed by games
and songs of other countries.
On Sunday afternoon the mem
bers of the M.Y.F. will atend th
sub-district rally at the Lyons
Methodist church.
Foursquare (hurch
49t North lth St J
MS a.m.-$unday School
.l:Mo.m.-'life'aMost '
Profound Question"
7:4S p.m.-NGodV
Rev. Roy E. Worthington '
Ytt IflWft YOU ft . . . .' , ""
9:45 A.M) Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship . , 1
Message" What Protestants Believe
7:30 P.M. "Hinduism, the teligio of 312 Million"
la beautiful folor see the privileged monkey,
the sacred cow, the Ganges burial
Evsngellcal United Brethren
North 17th and Nebraska Streets
. Lloyd Uecker, pastor .
"Tht RtformtrV.
By Dr. Poling
Two Services: 1:45 and 11 a.m.
KOCO 10:00 a.m.
S. Liberty A High at Myers
7:30 Holy Communion
9:30 Family Sorvico and
11.00 Morninj Prayer :
Mission, V.F.W. Hall,
9:30 a.m. .
Bev. George H. Swift, Bettor
Marlon and Cottage Streets
. Wayne Greene Dow. Iota - .
Two Morning Hours of Worship ant) Communion
1:30 and 1(h4S
YOUTH Fellowship, Snack, Study. 5:C0 to 7:39
..! 1.1- '!!. .
uunnt n mimsiry in rormosa wiI erve the immanuei congrega
he took a tiny church of some a0;tiona, dinner on Saturday night,
members and within two years v...
nao a memnersnip 01 ouv, in aaai
tion to building a splendid new
brick church to accommodate
Calvary Naomi Society will be
entertained at Calvary Lutheran
a-l l I ti rrM..J l
them. Under his ministry he also 1 i;""r" m Amu,u"v
established the Taichung Bible In-Tuesday at.7-30 pm;
stitute, and started an orphanage Immanuel Luther League mem
The Rev. Shen then returned tobe" nve Panned a Halloween
the United States, where he has :Par,y 'or Sunday night at 7 o'clock
completed his education at the ! at "mt crol Byber- n
Western Evangelical Seminary. In1 Immanuel genera 1 committee of
a few weeks he will return to For-i"16 Every Member Visit program
mna and th. nrk ha .(.rtiWill meet Tuesday night in the
. ' at
tWet(4 oMMI UfcosTFjf
Dr. Vtrnon Grounds
of Denvar Will Spook
11:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m.
Irfcil Y.w SW. for Ckar
Two Great Services Sunday
The Chinese Counterpart of Billy Graham returning soon
to Formosa, will be the guest ipeaker.
10-50 AJ. end 7:30 P.M.
Corner Marlon and Summer
L Goal thil Sunday 400
Enter the contest, yew might win "Hot led" am Electric
Train or a big Walking Doll. , v
Choir Sponsors
Organ Concert
Wednesday evenina at I o'clock.
St. John's Lutheran Church wiU
conduct an unusual hour of wor
ship. The language will be that
of music. Dr. Edward Rechlin,
noted organist, will play.
Dr. Rechlin of New York has
spent the last 35 vears in rm.
sade to present this body of mu
sic to the peoples of America and
There will be no admission
charge at this publie service, but
a free-will offering will be re
ceived. This concert is under the
sponsorship of St. John's Lutheran
Choir, Mrs. William Fischer, director.
114t COURT
V. nL a 1 a.l
vajrii efssBsei y ef"jape
Mr DmwalM CImm.
Maahrial library
PhwM 1-aaiO
Pastors Attend
Arizona Meeting
The Rev. Ben Owen and The
Rev. Elmer Hiebert will attend
w.urn Regional Conservative
Baptist association meetings in
Phoenix, Aril. The meetings will
be conducted at the Bible Baptist
Church In Phoenix, from Tuesday
through Thursday, Oct. SO to Nov.
The Rev. Owen is the assistant
minister of First Baptist Church,
and The Rev. Hiebert is the min
ister of the Salem Heights Baptist
Sunday School . . 9.45 a. m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
vonlng Service . . 7:45 p.m.
Your Downtown Church
1425 N. Cottage
Fred Versolenko Pastor
Phone 4-32M
Inward Strength
Te meet the problems of life
Is gained threegh consistent
prayer aad worship la church
and home. Wo Invite yen to
worship with as tomorrow. '
Sued Spsaksr IsniMtk Iks
(hrbiiaa Service Tratnlnf Director
Iimm CHy, Me.
4:30 p.. Youth Servici
7 JO i n. "The Nscinlrf f Chris
tita Csatplslsaeu"
Daan I. Math, Paator
WaaUy Bf art,
MialtfOT f Mnaia
of the
at ISth
Through lh Gain of Timi . . .
fnfo halmoflttrnol light
To worthily mark the passing of a
i beloved spirit, a funeral should ax
I press, as eloquently as possible, the
heartening promise of the life eternal.
. . j , , , . .
Ofcttryonf tf fyiry Ythh,
Httihl of aWy Htti
ir W V a
" .... . 'V. .- ." . '
the Tall White Spire
Dawn Town ,
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Rtformation Sunday
"A World-Shaking Test"
SoloAlice Rose Jones
Broadcast K8LM ll:3e-12:0O
Brooks H. Monro
Welcome Te
(Assembly ef God)
Market and Park
Sunday School for sil the
family ... 1:45 a.m.
Inspiring Worship Servteo
11:N a.m,
ftlrrrlng Evangelistic Rally
saesMge for these crisis dsys.
L A. Larson, Pester
Cecil B. DeMille's
Greatest Picture
Acclaimed by Millions
Sunday, Oct. 28 at 8 P.M.
All Seats FREE
113 N. Hifh, Salem .
. . . -I
20$ S. Church at Ferry
34-Hr. Phono. S41St
Hoar A. O. Saeja
Prominent Bibte lecture
Croattst Pictura
Acclaimed by Millions
$ It at 7 p. m.
Also . .
Ivanf ollst Safe's Sermon
Sunday, Oct, 28 at t P, M. v -y:
Program for the Week
Wad., Oct. 31, "Tht Four Horsaman
ef th Apocalypst." .
Frl., Nov. 2 - "Tht Sool of Cod"
Sot., Nov. 3 - "Tht Temp!, of tht Sun'1
All SIATS Pill r
At the Grand Theatre, 19TN. High, 5alem