Yugoslavians Fearf ul Registration Hungary Revolt May jDrive Falls Slow De-Stalinization Fraction Short S TAR GAZEBl' $ Editor' NMr: Thi dispatch It by an Avwiiitwl Prrst wm prndrnt rrgilirly statu)' Is Vclavla but mw trmperary duty la Vimna. By BORIS B0SK0V1C VIKNNA. Austria, Oct. 25 The outtpnkrn anti-Onmmumst na ture of thf Hungarian revolt is ex pected to cause fear among Yugo slav Communists that "de-Stalin-ization" trends in Hungary and elsewhere in the satellites will be slowed down. i This fear apparently will over ride their pleasure at the appoint-1 ment of Janos Kadar, a known ' "Titoist. to the position of party I chief in Hungary. Kadar. as well as new Premier ; Imre Nagy, is well liked by Yugo- i slav President Tito and the Yugo- slav Communists, but the fact! that the new Hungarian chiefs' came to power at a moment when i Hungarian blood was being shed by Soviet troops will temper Yugo slav feelings. Tito, who advocates the neces sisv f continued de-Stalimzation of the East European countries, must be worried hv the latest de velopment in Hungary. Mlirral I'ollry It is known that he supported a liberalization policy in all coun tries behind the Iron Curtain with Solon Urges U.S. to Oust Russ Envoy WASHINGTON'. Oct. -23 i.H-Son K.aslland 'D-Missi told the Slate Department todav the actions of Soviet diplomat Konsiantin P. Kk imov in the Tanya Chwastov rasp "strongly reinforce" a de mand for Fksmov's expulsion from the t'nited States Eastland heads the St riate In , the argument that "forces of so ternal Security subcommittee ; cialism" are strong enough there which oled unanimously last May to "preserve socialism" and to ge to demand that Kkimov, first sec- ihcir own roads toward comniu- WAUSAU, Wis., Oct. M I Wausau's drive to get out the vote t for the November election by reg- i istering all of the city ls.W eligible voters' was 99.1 per rent successful. Final figure were announced today. At i p.m. yesterday, regis-1 tration deadline, 111,759 persons had signed up. i Of the 187 city residents not i signed up, about 80 were mem- bers of a religious group who de- j clined on theological grounds to ; take part. 1 Biggest late surge in registra- j tion came during the last two ' days, when the Wausau Record- ( Herald offered to donate $5 to a j voter's favorite charity if he made the rolls in time. j The newspaper said today it was paying out aboui $2,500 on behaif of the 500 latecomers. - GQ. "T 13 7 17 1 23 W-7J-77 CANCf MJNC 25 HAY YlJ- 43 83 87 uo ,0 juLy4 a , A'J6. 23 i42 58 81 64 viteo y AOS. 2 -ByCXATH POLLAN- T ActwMf tm Ift bun. ' To devtlop mcssog for Fndoy, read won corresponding to numbers of your Zodioc btriri sign. 4 Ron 41 S 32 Ooy 2 t.ly 33 Wotcfc 3 Today 34 Oma 4 h 35 Nopl ' 45 Imtowd 3 6 Today 37 Hw ' Vour 31 lndcaid l Di.btm 39 tour " Honwo 40 Mk 70 May 41 EtxnMt 71 y 42 Th. 77 Ml 43 Try 73 ctn4 44 Monry 74 An 45 AuumM 75 Enioy 46 Your - 7 And 47 Unusual 77 foUr 4S Post 71 Km 40 Vom 7 You'H 50 tttortt 0 Poy 51 rrnbln St And 52 Will 82 Pro 53 ittm SI To 54 fowl S4 Thnlh 55 Mooch S5 And 5o Km 86 Attitudt 57 Fok S7 Rlo 58 -OKKmrn 8S Act er b S. S lJ.15A.-i 1 CM 2 Too 3 PionKt 4 Somt i 04 Today 7 Bom 8 tWt l 10 B 11 Depandi 1? Puunta 15 Othtn 14 And 15 Lnd I Pimm 17 Your 18 Of 19 Entirety 70 On 21 A 2? Sporty ? 1ft 74 In 75 Sor.ol 2ft I ft ?7 Klotun) ?8 Monfy 79 RfvmfCfl 30 And fc KOVIp 'OCT-1 t-4i lrtS15JS4r. PI 77 73 VV 59 Important 89 fVMtiWt 60 Chnnlj 90 Ott 10f26 NOV l.ia71-3isf b2 78 84 89 CArWCOM mr 11 S 1AK. 20 CiV I 4-11 tn P 5 85 861 tauumt 44 45-47 .59 I fc3-o4 68 1 riKti P4 779 87 v Statesman. Salem. Ore.', FrL, Oct 6, 08 (Sec la Senator Says Wheat Storage in Tents Proving Costly. WASHINGTON, N.C.. Oct. 15 (II ' government may have to pay l' through the hole that would -,But it seems that after tht tent ainariiy or iisra tor lor urn puws. wrr iiut-v. wincowij laiin tm Am the wheat filled the tent it; stop up the pole boles and thf am jivxti t..rt hr to.! Pretty price to bail out the banks 4ay 'the jovernment may nave questionable to pay a pretty price ta bail out ifA - the banks" involved in a plan two; 'tt,m are many millions of years ago under which wheat was! dollars involved." said Scott ia a stored in tents. He said the wheat Pco first Congressional i ro(fpj i District Democratic rally. Scott, a member of the Sedate! Scott said that the Burrus Mills Agriculture Committee, said he ,(". of Tenas "concocted a very had been informed the U.S. De- novel scheme for storing wheat" partment of Agriculture decided,"" tpnt nd M" the Depart- in July to enter into contracts ; 8i.uuuie ure iur. with a milling company and Hi He said that under the plan as banks" covering the plan. 1 phalt floors were laid for the tents In other words," he said, "the ' which were filled with wheat would rise an4 stand erect." There's no telling how many tents were filled up -ith wheat in such a fashion," Scott added. wheat rotted." Scott said ht ondersteod (her were about SS million bushels f wheat involved. No national borders separate Sweden and Finland. ' People of Imth countries are free to come and go as they please. ATOMS TO BREAK ICE MOSCOW, Oct. 25 --The So viet news agency Tass has an nounced the world's firs atom- powered icebreaker is being built in Leningrad. The agency said the ship would be able te cruise for a year without refueling. ' , If Fish Is Your Wish . . . C W Have Your Dish! Halibut Steak... 85c (with all the trimmings) THE SAN SHOP Portland Road at North City Limits for Orders te Ce - Phono 2-678 The Oregon Home of Sloppy Joe A Great Sandwich Our Treat for You! Mon., Oct. 29, All Day... Th Great AUxandtr Magic Show! Fret Pony Rides Coloring Contest Balloons t Prizes Capitol Shopping Center retary of the Soviet V.N. delega tion, be kicked out "along with Ar- kadv Sobolev, chief Soviet CHtc to the I'nited Nations. dele- ni"in. The ewnts in Hungary are be lieved to be putting the brake on liberali7ation policies in the sat- The Slate Department reected ellites riespile the promises oMhe new Hungarian leaders that "de mocratization" will continue. the recommendation .June 19 but said i!s decision was subject to review if subsequent developments warrnntd it K a s t I a n d sent Secretary nf S'.ite Dulles a transcript of testi- What happened in Hungary and also in Poland the two countries following closest the independent line ot Yugoslav Communists mony taken by his subcommittee probably will give plenty of argu ments into the hands of the "old guard Communists'' and Tito foes in the Kremlin. They can contend there is danger for Soviet secun- tliat Alexei (hwastov, a Itussian relugee, had the aid of Kkimov and other Kussian dignitaries in smuggling Chwaslov's Amencan- born daughter, Tanya, out of the ; ty in the satellites If they get out country aboard the liner Queen 1 0f Soviet control. Mary on Oct. 5. Eastland wrote that while he was making "special reference"! to Kkimov the testimony also j showed that two other Soviet V.N. j representatives and Fedor Solo- j matin, second secretary of the Soviet Krnbassy in Washington, ' were involved. Eastland did not1 name the other two but the names j of Vassily K Grubyakov, coun selor to the V.N. delegation, and Col. Alexander P. Koryakovsky, j Sov iet army delegate to the V.N. i were mentioned in testimony be fore the subcommittee. Tanya, 2-t year-old Philadelphia born daughter of Chwastov, was taken by her father to Ixindon over the protest by th. V. S. gov ernment that he had no American 'Strengthen Soviet passport for the child. Tanya now i lfj The demand to get the Russian troops out of Hungary, and Po land's announced desire for the same thing, may be expected to strengthen the hands in Russia of those who advocate a strong policy. The Yugoslav press has had only cautious commenis on Polish de- elopements, and no comments yet on the Hungarian revolt. The recent Tito-Khrushchev meetings, where each side stood fast by its aosition, are believed to. have reaimcd at least a work ing agreement that one side will not attack the tyher. The Russians reportedly have promised that nothing like the famous, anti-Tito circular to the satellites will be 1j a ward of the British courts pending trial of a custody suit filed by her mother, Mrs. George Diaeiok of Detroit. Suit ('onsidcred Over Error in Timber Cutting ROSKBVRCi. Oct 25 . - A 1 Dillsrd lumber company may be sued by the government for cut ting federal timber in Douglas County. The lumber firm said the timber was cut by mistake by independent logging contractors hired to reins a section of land bordering the federal timber. I.ane Morthland of Portland, reni"ral solicitor lor the Intrnor Department, said he had recom mended that the Justice Depart ment file suit against the Paul B. Unit Lumber Co. of Dillard to recover triple damages. The gov ernment estimates the value of the timber at $35,683 i-onard NeUorg, attorney for the lumber company, said in Portland that the independent contractor inadvertently cut tim ber on the federal land lat winter, removing 8 000 board feet of logs. The logging stopped, NeUorg said, when the error was discovered. Comments from Yugoslavia on events in the satellite countries should be considered s fulfillment of the Yugoslav part of this work ing agreement. Kven if not pub licly proclaimed, the Yugoslav Communists, although approving the anti-Stalin character of events in Hungary and Poland, must i frown on the anti-Communist side of them. Pound's Buying Power Declines invnnN Oct ss ( Chan cellor of the Kxrhequer Harold MacMillan says that the pur chasing power of the pound in side Britain has declined to 1ft shillings five pence '2.30 dollars! compared with 20 shillings '2.80 dollars) five years ago. His figures were contained in a written reply to a parliamentary question. COAL DISCOVERY CLAIMED TOKYO, Oct 25 Lfi-Red North Korea claims discovery of depos its of more than a billion tons of high quality coal. Af.mtlc VfNJiD GAS HEATERS AT Cherry City Electric & Gas 1040 N. Citl M.. 71 illl h LMV, MONDAY - OCTOBER 29 "A Night Out at Meier & Frank's - Salem"-Spe- racial menu and dinner music, modeling, free fav- lors for the children. OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 5:00 1:00 f. M. V f OPEN FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. 340 Court Street personal portable built to travel... EVEN A CHILD CAN CARRY THIS TV . . . here's a real portable! A portable so easy to carry anywhere ... it weighs less than 13 pounds. Streamlined modern design with advanced engi neering gives you tops in performance . . . trim, compact TV. It's a wonderful second TV for the party room, kitchen, or an exciting gift for the children. Don't wait to enjoy good TV reception with a famous GE portable at this little price. In peacock blue and ivory 9" PORTABLE WITH BIG-SIZE FEATURES . . MODEL 9T002 TOP TUNING AND CHROME CARRYING HANDLE MODERN MANNER STREAM LINED STYLING DARK SAFETY WINDOW FOR SHARP PICTURES EXCLUSIVE DYNAP0WER SPEAKER BLACK DAYLIGHT PICTURE TUBE FOR EXTRA BRIGHTNESS ----TWiWS--;- 4J 1 109.95 VHF $20 extra all channel kJ rAAM D VkiCkIT 0" Our Approved Credit nv Lv YT im I men i Up te 24 Months te Pay TV DEPARTMENT, DOWNSTAIRS 1 . . f i y i ,.-..jr Full Factory Guarantee Rated Most Popular Buy For 1956 A h ' 5 .'t WE GIVE AND REDEEMl'GREEW'STArvlR'S