The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 25, 1956, Page 8, Image 8

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    Buell Packs Grange Hall to Greet National Contest Judges
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BUELL, Oct. 24 Memben of Bucll Grange and sl4ents of
nearby cities filled Grange Hall today to tell judges of
national community improvement contest how new park
had benefited the entire area. The park was a project of
Statesman Newt Service
Awards Ready for
Polk 4-H Winners
Banquet Scheduled Friday at Dallas
lUUimta Ntwi Sarvtr
PALLAS, Oct. 24 Twenty
Tolk County 4-H Club members
with outstanding reeordi will re
ceive awards here Friday.
The youngster! and their par
ent! will be guests of the Dallas
Chamber of Commerce at a noon
banquet at the City Hall.
Several of the champions woniGcor2e Ann '"hild of Oakdale
Linn School
Count Grows
563 in Year
llilrimar, Nrwt Sfrvlrf
ALBANY, Oct 24-T n t a 1 I.inn
County school enrollment is 563
ahead of a year ago. County School
Supt. William Dolmyer announced
Dolymer said Linn now ranks
seventh among Oregon counties in
public high school enrollment and
ninth in grade school enrollment. .
Total enrollment, including paro
chial schools, is now 13,592 of
which 471 by parochial schools.
The latter figure represents Incom
plete reports. Dolmyer said.
High schools contributed 395 to
the gain and grade schools, 197.
Albany I'nion High leads the in
crease with 117 more pupils than
last year. Lebanon was next with
101. The new Santiam I'nion High
school reported 119 pupils which is
IS less than the combined enroll
ment at Gates and Mill City High
schools last year, Dolmyer said.
The elementary school break
down showed that Mari-Linn School
at Lyons had gained 12 pupils,
while Mill City Grade School was
down in students and Gates was
down 12, the superintendent said.
Turner Gardeners
Elect President
Rfatrman Nwt Sfrvlr
TURNER. Oct 24Mrs, Walther
Miller was elected president of the
Turner Garden Club at a meeting
at the home of Miss Helen Peetz.
Otner officers are- Helen Peetz.
vice-president, Mrs.' Asa Thomp
son, second vice-president, and
Mrs. Stanley Riches, secretary
treasurer. Plans were made for the annml
dinner and carnival that will be
new ine graae scnooi Miuraay. .
Oct. 27. Dinner will be served from',.
5 to I p. m. The next meeting will
be at the home of Mrs. Asa
TJiompson on Nov. 8 with a no-host
luncheon at noon.
At Valley Hospitals
SILVERTON - To Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Story, Molalla, a daugh
ter, Oct. 22, at the Sllverton Hos
pital. To Mr. and Mrs. William Schae
rher, Mt. Angel, a son, Oct. 23, at
the Silverton Hospital.
STAYTON - To Mr. and Mrs.
Fred J. Bush. Turner route 1, a
son, Oct. 23, at Santiam Memorial
To Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E.
Brooks, Gates, a daughter, Oct.
23, at Santiam Memorial Hospital.
Rip Van Winkle
Couldn't Sleep with
tram uiilii tMkaelM, kw4ck u4 aua
culor a4 aaiM that often mum nit
Im MMa tad BlMiMf tirUt fMllatt.
Win Umm 4iMMiorU MM wHk trtr
mrttaa r rtnM tmt ttnla TM waul
nOaf-VM at faatl AaatW aUaturfcuet
Mr a mti Uadatr IrritaUaai Mlowlaa
aril ti nt arink - aftrm Mttinf ap
a rMtlaaa aaaecafartaala faaliRff.
Par mjMi raiwf ft Doaa't Mia. TVy
wark faat la S aaaajau wart : 1. ajr apaadr
aala-raHariac actio to mm toTjmat of Mf
taf Waaacha. aaadachaa, Biuacalar aebti
Baa palna. 1 a iMr aoothina afftet w.
blaiMar IrritaUea. I. kr tkair mJd dmratir
aettoa amdliit ta iaeraaaa output of Uw H
aiilM of kMiMf tubaa. v
rwi out turn oakklr tkia t-wmy tnadlrlat
twa ta wark. Eaiop a iw4 aiakt'a al"P
mt Ml
aara, Aak fav aaw, laroa ana aao
Cot Daaa'a iUU MOV I
their honors at the Pnlk County
Fair. Others were selected at a
recent meeting of 4-H section
Wins Agent's Trophy
Named to receive the County
Agent's trophy as Polk County's
outstanding 4-H Club member is
Other awards, sponsors and
winners are as follows:
Showmanship Livestock: Lyle
A. Knower Dairy trophy, David
Wells, Independence. John and
Clarence Grund Beef trophy
Margaret Phillips, Smithfield.
Stan Malo Insurance Sheep tro
phy Donel Cates, Pedee. Valley
Tractor Co. Swine trophy Don
lee Schellenberg, I'olk Station.
Wins Scholarship
Dallas Rotary Club trophy for'
highest scoring cooking member)
Frances Lane, Monmouth. Po
mona Grange 4-H summer school
scholarship canning contest win
ner Sharon Boyle, Parker.
Dallas Lions Club trophy for
highest scoring member with a
beef project Marvin Hiebert, In
dependence. Safeway Stores
scholarship for best livestock
breeding project Tommy Han
sen, Polk Station. Dallas Linns
Club trophy for highest scoring
member with a poultry project
Bennie Graham, Suver.
Health Club Winner
J. C. Penney scholarship- for
junior clothing leadership, Carol
Nelson, Bridgeport. Polk Coun
ty T.B. and Health Association
trophy for highest scoring heafth
club winner, Vincent Haworth,
Dr. H. D. Peterson $23 award
for outstanding and deserving!
dairy club member Marcia Nei-.
gcr, Lincoln. !
Guy's Hardware cash award for j
outstanding first year club mem
ber, Ann Watts, Brush College.
Dallas Chamber of Commerce tro
phy for highest scoring sewing
club member, Jocile Grimes,
Dallas. Dallas Chamber of Com
merce trophy for most improve
ment in a dairy project, Carol
Bell, Sheridan. Dallas Chamber
of Commerce trophy for highest
scoring sheep club member, Ktch-,
ard Laudahl, Oakdale.
Blue Lake Packers scholarship
for highest scoring garden club
member, Kim Roberts Jr., Dallas.
i Fritz Klsuss Rabbit award tro-
hje, (or bfst of breed) S(fven
. n.n.. ,k. tit.,
Roderick Watson, Salt Creek.
Of Giveaway and Throwaway
Manlhi af wark lata tarty
aMrnir) ham hai aaaa
atavataa1 ta all tidal af all
kwaaa . . . Taa will anjay
laafaha tha truth.
Paid Political AdvartraamaM, Bantecratcand' Irxraearxlafilt for McKay Ccxiwaatta, Oas. luama, Sac., laaaburf, fa.
Buell Grange, picture ahows portion of those who turned
out to greet judges. Standing and addressing judges is M.
J. Vandehey, Sheridan agriculture teacher. Seated at left of
him is Mrs. Marcel Chlrsman, Sheridan. (Statesman Photo.)
New Park 's Value
Testified by Many
Villry Editor, The Statesman
BUELL. Oct. 24 -The venerable Grange Hall in this north Polk
County district enjoyed its finest' hour today as members of Buell
Grange told a national judging team how they had developed a com-
"tmunity park.
from nearby Willamina, Sheridan and
j city to testify how the new park
had benefited the community.
1,000 In One Day
"I counted more than 1,000 peo
ple at the park on one Sunday last
summer," Mrs. Gertrude Hum
fleet, a Buell Gcange member, told
the five judges.
The judges will inspect the last
of 10 finalists in the Grange-Sears-Rocbuik
foundation .contest Thurs
day and said they would announce
the three top finalists "later this
I week."
Will Announce Winner
Winner of the $10,000 first prize
and other prizes will be announced
Nov. 19 at the National Grange
After hearing statements on be
hajf of Buell Grange projects, the
judges inspected the park, located
adjacent .to the Grange Hall.
The seven-acre park site
given to Polk County in 1934 but,
desmte some WPA work during
the depression, never flourished
until this summer when Bucll
Grange took it over. j
Improved Swimming
The Grange improved a swim
ming hole, built IS picnic tables
and live fireplaces, cleared brush,
planted grass, dug a well, provid
ed restrooms, installed horse shoe
courts and playground equipment
and improved a ball diamond.
Mrs. Kenneth Keyt, Perrydale,
told how she taught swimming les
sons at the park to "12 to 24 young
sters" every day for three weeks
last summer and that "everyone
over six years old
learned to
70 Roys I wd Park
Willamina Cuhmasler Carl Rneh-
Icr told the judges that 70 boys in
his pack had made good use of
the park.
Buell Grangemaster Anthony
Eisele accepted the previously an
nounced $l,poo prize awarded to
Buell Grange. It was presented by
R.- V. Muller, Chicago, executive
secretary of the Sears Roebuck
PTA Committees
Named at Turner
Siituman Ncwi Servlto
TURNER. Oct. 24 - Mrs. Harry
Long, president of the PTA, has ap
pointed the following committees:
Finance. Mrs. John Mickey, Mrs. '
Eugene Pnitras, and Mrs. Loren
Hicks and Mr. Isom Stiftnetl: i
membership Mrs. James Stanford, ,
Grim: hospitality, Mrs. Robert'
Waldorf, Mrs. Eldon Teits, Mrs.
Claude Chase; program, George
Breckenridge, Mri. Melvin Holt,
Mrs. Arnold Phillips and Mrs. Del-
vis Freeman; health, Mrs. Manuel
Kecne and Mrs. Delmer Barber; i
publicity. Mrs. Robert Mitchell and
Mrs.' William Large. i
Democrats and
Doug McKay
KOIN-TV Channel 6
11:10 P.M.
Al Sartna ''smear" . . . Wa want to tha mines
Wa have tha original tartars Ktfawvar wrota.
. - ;V
i -s
Dallas, filled the hall near capa-
Received in
Polk Taxes
Statrtman Nawt Srrvlra
DALLAS. Oct. 24 - Tax collec
tions on the 1956-57 Polk County
tax roll reached $200,000 today, it
was announced by Sheriff Tony
The figure is well ahead of col
lections last year when $56,000
had been paid at the corresponding
time. Neufeldt saM.
Statements were mailed last
week on the current roll which
totals $1.900,(fce. Neufeldt said
that in addition to regular work-
j mg days, the tax office would be
Inpen from :30 a.m. to noon on
the next two Saturdays and
day on Saturday, Nov. 10.
Education Week
Observance Due
Btatrimtn Ktwi Servlra
STAYTONs Oct. 24 "National
Education Week" will be the
theme of the next Stayon Parent
Teachers Club, to be held Nov.
14th at the Stayton High School
The planning committee will
Dt made up of members of the
Knights of Columbus, the Stay
ton Masonic Lodge and the Par-
"t Teachers Club.
phone 3-4163 kmm
4-H Club
PRINGLE. Oct. J4-Pr Ingle
Wranglers livestock 4-H club held
Its first meeting of the year Tues
day night at Pringlc School. Offi
cer elected were David Berglund,
president; Warren Patterson, vice
president; Barry Fuller, secretary;
Rex Smith, news reporter; Judy
Juedcn, song leader; Gordon Pat
terson, sergcant-at-arms; Irvln
Fuller, game manager. The next
meeting will be 7:30 p.m. Nov. 12
at Gregory Juedcn home.
BUTTEVILLE, 'Oct. 24-Success-ful
Buttevllle nimrods included Dan
Clark and son Kenny, and Mr. and
Mrs. Hartwell White., Both parties
hunted recently in the John Day
area and reported plenty of deer.
At Woodry's ...
a new carpet to please the most Discriminating Homerhakcr -
Bigelow's all wool Carpeting that gives you
Casual Textured Luxury ... at a realistic price!
100 ALL WOOL is long wearing ca
100 ALL WOOL irthe practical car
100 ALL WOOL is. a durable carpet!
i : .
You can own "Covthlll"
Wall to Wall in an avtragt
Room of 32 sq. yds.
including heavy rubbtr cushion
and tackltss strip qual. installation
for only . . .
Buy from full Rolls
Whtn you sat the splendor of "CovehiH" in
full rolls you con visualise its dramatic affect
an your rooms . . . Whan you select from full
rolls, not small samples, you alimlnata anxious
waitingpossible disappointments. Plon ta sea
"CovehiH" today . . . You'll Love It!
Stork Invades
lutanaaa Newa Srnrtca
CLEAR LAKE. Oct. 21 - Two
new babies will be close neighbors
here, as the' parents of both livt
on Jay a Drive, a block-long street.
Eileen Gay Barker, weighing sev
en pounds, nine ounces, was born
to Mr .and Mrs. Lynn Barker on
Oct. IS. Also greeting the new
comer are two sisters, Debora and
Kathleen. Her grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Barker and a
Mr. and Mrs. Shelton of Sclo.
Mr. land Mrs. Oscar Phillips be
came the parents of a boy on Oct.
20. He has been named Jcffery
Charles, and his brothers are Ed
ward and Arnold. He weighed nine
pounds, 13 ounces. The grandpar
ents are Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Phil
lips and Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Church, all of Salem.
f I
Carnival Set
SUtaaaua Nawa Sarrka
WOODBURN, Oct 24 The an
nual Lettermen's Carnival will be
staged in the Wood bum High
School gymnasium Wednesday,
Oct. 31, from 7:30 to 11 p.m. In
addition to tha booths which each
club and each class will sponsor
in tha affair, several new conces
sions, art planned, according to
Marshall Barbour and Reuben
Baisch, co-chairmen for tha fun
WILLAMINA, Oct. 34-Richard
Allen and Bruce Larson of Willa
mina, and Lois Gould of Sheridan,
have enrolled at Seattle pacific
College. Merle Bate, son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. Bate, Willamina,
has enrolled as a freshman at St.
Martin's College, Olympia, Wash.
Statesman, Salem. Ore..
Hunters Find
SUUamaa Nat Bcrvica
and Mrs. W. Clark Bachman, Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Copeland, and
Adolph Shutes made up a hunt
ing party that drove to Clares
holm, Alberta, Canada, to bunt
pheasant '
Th scarcity of bird In the
Helps You Overcomt v
Leestntss and Worry
Re to near ba anrmyad or faat Ul-aw
aaaa bacauaa of looaa. arobbli falaa
rath. PASTCrrH, an Improrad alka
Itna laon-aeMl powdar.apflnlilad art
your platea hoi da than nrmar ao Shay
teal mora comfortabla. Avoid am bar
raaamant eauaad bt kwaa alataa, Oat
FASTUTH todf atujdruf aounaar.
In Your Home
Includes: Heavy Weight
Rubber Pad and Installation
Thurs., Oct. 25, '53 (Sec. 1 3
Oregon Best
northern province broaght tha
hunters home by Way of Vale,
Oregon, where they bagged Ilia
limit . ... ' . - . .
WILLAMINA. Oct. 24 - Mri..
Margie Ellis has closed her beauty
shop In Willamina. . - , -
A doctor's formula aoothlng anU-,
teptla temo promptly renavat vm
Itching, burning of Bkln Rashes,
Xaema, PaorUuttS, Bteurworm an4
Athlete's Foot. Zen atopi awatch
tng and so aids hewyPT f!
tat of Irritated iklnXa M
Sq. YtJ.
ston hours:
Daily 9:30 ts 6
Fridays end