The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1956, Page 9, Image 9

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    tTJ Statesman's HOME
I anorama
Women . . . Music ... Fashicns . . . Featum
WELCOMED ... at a reception ,
Wednesday afternoon was Theo- j
dore Bloomfield, conductor of the
Portland Symphony Orchestra.
the beautifully arranged affair was
given by the Salem Symphony
Society in the Oregon Room at
Meier and Frank's. ... the occa
sion was a prelude to the first con
cert to be given by the orchestra
in Salem next Tuesday. . . . Over a
hundred music lovers and friends
attended the informal reception to
greet Mr. Bloomfield. . . . Recciv
ing with the conductor was Sidney
Boise, president of the Salem
Symphony Society. ...
a feature ... oi the reception
was the Informal modeling ol eve-
ing gowns by a group of Salem A weekend ... in San Francisco
womei. . . . Short and long gown for Mr. and Mrs. John Kelb. who
for after five o'clock, receptions ' are entraining today for California
aad dinner dancing were show a ..... . Oa Saturday Mr. Kolb will
satia, taffeta, chiffon., lame aad be one of the officials al the Stan
crepe predominating aad all ae- ferd-Saa Jose game . . . While ia
ceated with beautiful mlak aad foijthe bay area the Kalbs will visit
stoles aad capes. . . . Modeling former Salem friends, the Frank
were Mrs. Ronald E. Jones. Mrs. Guerins In Orlnda and the Arthur
James T. Brand. Mrs. Charles ! Gallons ia Berkeley
Helttel. Mrs. Maynard Shiner,'
Mrs. Bruce Williams and Mrs. I. ("HA Clei
Roger M. Schnell. .. . JUniOr LUA fcleCt
Presiding ... at the lea urns
Claude A. Kelts, Miss Maxine
Burea and Mrs. Robert White. ... The sophomore class ol the Jun
The table was centered with a "r Catholic Daushters of St. Vin
handsome silver bowl filled with;' Parish held its first mect
nutama leav.i aad foliage and j i"R Tuesday night at the home of
flanked by while tapers. . . ! Marv Gruchalla. The co-counselors
HEADING ... the Salem Worn-1 re Mrs. George Gruchalla and
en s Goll Association for the en- M" Lenore Coffey,
suing year will be Mrs. Chester Officers for the coming year
Loe. who was elected the new ; were elected and include president,
captain at the group's final busi-'Marie Gripentrog; Vice-president,
ncss meeting of the season on JoAnn Marsh; secretary, M a r y
elected to serve with Mrs. Loe are Gruchalla;, treasurer, Ruth Les-
Mrs. Thomas B. Hill Jr., co-cap-
tain . . . Mrs. Glenn Stevenson
secretary . . . Mrs. Kenneth Voll
mer, treasurer . . . Mrs. Seth P.
Smith, tournament chairman . . .
Mrs. Robert Cannon, handicap
chairman ... and Mrs. Arnold
Krueger, social chairman . . .
Mrs. William Hugh Adams was
elected chairman of the nine-hold
group wun Mrs. Harry vveseiy ner
nn-kniman l. ,.,,
w-iiimiinciii . . . i uiai pion.-. .nc
completed for the stagette to be
given October l at Ilandal! s
Chuck Wagon at 6 p.m. . Those
piannine lo attend arr asked lo call
Mrs. Glenn Stevenson by Fri
day. . .
Honor guests ... at a brunch
given oa Sunday by Mr. aad Mrs.
Arlkur A. Rogers were Mr. and
Mrs. Marshall Case, who recently
Moved here from Portland ...
Mr. Case is the aew superintendent
f basks for the state of Oregon
. . . The affair was held at the!
Rogers' home oa Sealh Church
Street aid eadlag between U:JI
aad 2:31 o'clock were members of
the state banking department ner-!
sonnet, their wives or husbands
. . . Mr. Rogers recently retired
as superintendent of banks .
Pearls ( were Mrs. Case aad Mrs.
Doaatd Peterson . . . Assisting;
were Mrs. Sydney Kromer and
airs. l. m. rieuier ... I
A are-nuptial . . . shower will j
fete Miss Donna Kron, November!
bride-elect of James Fowler. Sun-
day afternoon when Mrs. Albert;!
Bouffleur and Mrs. Glenn Martini
ntrtain at ihm tnrmor'm OrrhnrH'!
Heights Road home . . . Thirty-,
five guests have been bidden to a 1
2 o'clock miscellaneous shower and
tea . . .
Hostesses . . . Wednesday light
were Mrs. Richard Pearsoa aad'
Mlts Jeannie Bowers, who Invited,
guests lo a bridal party la honor j
of Miss Kathy Waldea. who wiU be
married to Ardea Eby oa October
80 ... The affair was held at the
Market Street home of Mrs. Pear
son's parents, the George Corrt
gans . . .
Honoring . . . Miss Walden were I
Mesdames WP. Walden, Clyde!
Eby, Hugh McCain, William Meier,
John La r wood, Pat Toler, Helen
Shane, Daniel Davies, . Addison
Lane, Daniel Ghurch; -Tv -Cady,
J. R. Johnson. E. T. B. Hill,!
Thelma Walter, Ralph Caley.j
Ethel Hartman, Misses Joyce j
Highly, Jo Ann Casey, Eunice'
Pcckenpagh, Paula Bangs, Mary
White. Lorie Elii.. Betty Woodard. !
Carol Stark. Marlene Wright. Jan
1 oder and the hostesses . . .
Club Jottings . . . Mrs. Leon
Perry has Invited members of her
bridge club to luncheon la the Ore
gon Room at Meier and Frank's
today , . . eards will be la play
later at the Perry home . . . Addi
tional guests will be Mrs. Ken
neth Potts and Mrs. William H.
Hammond . .-. Mm. Lewio Clark i
win entertain fier club at a bridge !
luncheon at her home oa Boxwood
Bicycle and
Sport Shop
On Our New
Finance Pisa
(No Carrying Charge)
Town . . .
Lane Friday afternoon . . . Mrs.
Clark's mother, Mrs. George Deaa
of Medlars', was Is visiting here.
will be a guest . . . aew members
being welcomed by the group are
Mrs. Forrest Bodmer and Mrs.
Peter Gelser ...
Entertaiaiitg ... her club at a
bridge luncheon Tuesday after
noon was Mrs. Merle Brown . . .
Mrs. Richard Springer was an ad
ditional guest . . . Mrs. Glenn
Wilbur was hostess to two clubs on
Tuesday . . . inviting one group to
luncheon and bridge in the after
noon and the other to cards and a
late supper in the evening . . . Mrs.
Werner Brown was a
afternoon . . .
guest in the
New Officers
meister; reporter, Marilyn Schroe
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Kathryn Burke on
November 9, with Shirley Weiss
beck serving refreshments.
From Eugeae comes sews of the
hirth of a second son. Grezorv
A)an, m September 18 to Mr. and
Mrs, Loci B. Wright 'Janice Cof-
... .. ., ., r, .'
icij. Mr. wriEni IS wun Uie Uram .
Co jn pUEene but will move to
Portland shortly, where a new
Grant store will soon open.
WvAAlL.- t..' VHk-d . yj y
m 9y w sKgw'A:h.
I mk i iXiiEAYsJ-i ZLtt itw ?tik: : . I . I L
tVs, '" ..otsi- w MW'-'iyy i blouses lil sssm?-. : f
Wmmmb ; mm 4i r knit suits i
Top Soloists Arc Essential Says
Portland Symphony Conductor
The problems of preparing a symphony season were discussed
Wednesday by Portland symphony conductor Theodore Bloomfield at a
luncheon of Salem Rotarians in, the Hotel Marion. ,
Bloomfield, who took over the Portland conducting baton in 1935,
said that the planning of a symphony season usually begins about 12
months before the first concert.
A vital decision must be made
as soon as possible, he said, to
decide upon bow. many concerts
will be played. "Last year,"
Bloomfield said, "the symphony
played 10 concerts. This year they
will perform in 11"
The symphony audience respond
ed favorably to this move and tick
ets have been selling better than
last year even with a price in
crease. The question of soloists must al
so be decided upon as early as
possible because of the enormous
demand for well-known artists. "It
stands to reason," he said, "that
the caliber of soloist to be en
gaged depends on how much mon
ey the symphony has to spend."
Another disadvantage, he said,
is that top soloists are hesitant
about coming to the West Coast
unless additional booking in sur
rounding cities can be made.
Regardless of the difficulties in
volved, Bloomfield said, top solo
ists are essential. "Last year," he
said, "they were more responsible
for a record season than any other
Size of Orchestra Important
Another problem facing season
planners is the size of the sym
phony orchestra. The conductor
stated that for ' many years the
Portland symphony had been com
posed of 68 musicians. "I felt we
needed additional string players
and the request was granted."
When the symphony opens its
Salem season Tuesday evening the
orchestra will have 77 musicians.
"In order to get these music
ians," Bloomfield said. "I attend
ed auditions in New York, Chica
go, Los Angeles, Cleveland and
There will even be several in
stances during the season when
extra musicians will have to' be
hired. For example during a forth
coming performance of "The Pines
of Rome," the orchestra will have
a strength of 80 players.
Programming, too, presents prob
lems , according to Bloomfield.
"Not only does a concert have to
have variety and balance but it
should also be aware of its re
sponsibility to the orchestra, city
and audience."
Contemporary works, he
have a tendency to be resisted by
. : i: ii- --!J ..:.
nmmcan auuirnci-a. nt saiu mis
for is ju tified when the wrong ;
selections are made. "However, if ! a
."leclions are made in propor-
-S,V.v,i.-?''-,?-,'vTf:-w SHOO Jl tV'500-- -LZy
Annual Bird.
Display This
The annual Bird Display, spon
sored by the Sclem All Variety
Bird Club and the Capital Bud
gerigar Breeder's Association, will
be held in the auditorium of Meier
and Frank's, Salem, from 12: IS
to 9 p.m. Friday, October 12 and
from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Satur
day, October 13.
Choice canaries, and
rare parraketts. finches and other
domesticated and foreign birds
will be on display. Many of these
birds are show birds or bred from
show' stock. Canaries include red
factors, red persimmons, apricots,
orange, cinnamon, citron' yellow,
white and Yorkshires and roller
canaries in colors.
There will be a moving picture
entitled "The Prince of Parra
keets" at 7:30 p.m. Friday and
another film "The Border Canary"
shown at I p.m. Saturday.
Admission is free.
The general chairman of the dis
play is Mrs. C. N. QuartieTj with
Mrs. A. F. Beardsley and Dale N.
Bever assistant managers.
Show secretaries are Mrs. K. W.
Harritt, Mrs. A. L. Newton. Mrs.
Gwen Lyons; decorations, Mrs.
V. G. Haslet t; badges, Mrs. W. H.
Hales; prizes, exhibits, Mrs. Mar
gie Hultgren and Mrs. Marie
Schmidt; publicity and catalogue,
Mrs. S. H. Ish- ood and Mrs.
Georgia Ramp; magazines and
books, Mrs. Anna Holmes, Mrs.
E. M. Rulifson. Mrs. I. E. Pierce.
President of the All Variety
Bird Club is Mrs. Georgia Ramp
and of the Capital Buc :erigar
Breeder's Association is Dale N.
The South Salem WCTU will
meet Friday at the home of Mrs.
Lillian Connor, 1645 S. Church St.,
at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Harold Allen
will bring the devotional message
and Mrs. J. Vinton Scott will give
the first lesson from the new study
lboolt' Thl 15 tne first meeting of
lne ear-
" " !
lions to the rest of the season, then
proper balaw has been achiev-
cd which the audience will favor."
It Was Artists' Day in Salem Thursday
; i
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Music took the headlines in Salem Thursday when Theodore Bloomfield, Portland Symphony
conductor, met an old acquaintance, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, German soprano, when she ar
rived for a concert here tonight, Del Milne, center, a member of the Salem Symphony society
board, greeted the two artists on their arrival. Bloomfield spoke Wednesday before .the Ro
tary Club and was honor guest at a reception given by the Salem Symphony Society. Miss
Schwarzkopf and Mr. Bloomfield met in Europe when both were engaged in Concert work
in Italy and Vienna. (Statesman Photo).
Mr. Holloway
Harry Holloway, district com
mercial manager for the Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph Com
pany, spoke to the Soroptimist
Club Wednesday noon about the
transitions in the telephone indus
try. He explained how we will be
able to dial long distance from one
.1. I iulk Imm nil, mini to a.
aim i
'phone, their efforts to improve our
telephone service, and their plans
;for the future.
Club Speaker Wednesday
Guests present were George F.
Todd, Richard Nelson, David R.
Huff, George Paulus, and Mrs. E.
A. Guenthner.
Next week's meeting will be a
social evening at the home of Mrs.
Glenn McCormick on Wednesday,
October 17. Assisting Mrs. Me
A,m. ..,,... lnlI
,. w... uv i.i.o. ......v. u,g,
Mrs. H. G. Maison, Mrs. Nels
Tonnmg. Mrs. fclhel Lau, and Miss
Helen Benson.
Several members of the club are
planning to attend the District J
meeting of the Northwest Region
Eugene. October 13 and It, Those
planning to attend are Mrs; W. W.
Mrs. Marie Ling, Mrs. Abner
Kline and Miss Mary Brady.
Mrs. Elmer O. Berg will enter-
tfaiaa than tHii VJta alumna nt Iism
)Nortn Summer Street home Satur-
Iriatf nllarnAAH ;. - .
Statesman, Salem, Ore.; Thurs., Oct. ll.'ofl (Sec. 11) 0
Soprano to
Bo ; Heard f':
Here Tonight
Community Concert Association
members will hear the first of the
winter series of artists tonight at
North Salem High School Auditor
ium, when the German soprano
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf sings. She
ia on her third American tour, fol
lowing an appearance with the San
Francisco opera this fall.
Miss Schwarzkopf, known in Eu
rope especially for her German
Ueder will sing the following pro
gram. She will be accompanied
by George Reeves. ,
Bl du b.1 mlr', . , Boch
Ilncm dr fliout ..... Cluck
So tu m'imi Peraolert
Cnro wlvo ................., Hnndel
Warnung ... .....,.. Mozart
An die Mualk -v - ,, i , ' .,.
Dcr EinuiM "' 1 '
Rom.nio m-RoMmundH) Schubert
Die Vocfd ) ; -
Afntha'i Aril from
Dor FraiKhuets . ..
bnmer IcImt wlrd SMin)
Schlummer ) . Brahms
Da unten 1m Tilo " I
Auftratt - )
Martenwutrmehoa )..... Schumaoa
Der Nuubium ) ,
Kennnt Du du Lund )
In dom Schittcn mclntr ) Hugo Wolf
O waor dln Haul
Nachtzaubcr .
Now Hair Styles
Capital City Unit of the Orcson
Beauticians Association held an
educational program and dinner
party Monday evening at Shat-
tucs Chateau. This was the first
meeting of the season for tht
grrjp. : .!' - . - -Members
of the Oregon styling
body who demonstrated the new
bouffantasie styles were Art Wat
ten of Eugene, Mrs. Marjorn
Hart of Corvallis, lrs. Arnetta
Moore of Tillamook, Richard
Brooks of Portland and Bob Mr
Rae of Oswego. Each presented
a model with a different version
of the bouffant hair style.
A musical skit was given dur
ing the evening by Dave Louthan.
Over fifty Salem beauticians and
guests attended the dinner .meet
ing. i'v;;': uv'
LINCOLN Mrs, Lloyd Hosle,
president of the Lincoln Goodwill
Club, will entertain the group at
the first fall meeting on Thursday
at her home. A 1:30 dessert lunch
eon will be served with Mrs, K, W,
Ashford the assisting hostess.
Dlo Ziftunerln )
Donor lieta iuH (Mlmi's
Farewell from Bohemo.
Act III) Puccini
Oh mlobablno eara .
. (from Gianni Bchlrrhil Pucclnf
llggost bargain ever.-r,-
1 Unmatchod value. .
Designed espedolly fat, offko, etc ' -
1605 N.
As Low V
Phone 3-3844
237 North High Street