Inside TV . . Guest Comedians Slow. Herb Shriner Br EVE STARR HOLLYWOOD - STARR RE PORT: Herb Shriner used to be, and presumably can be, a very funny man. But be waut particu larly funny last Tuesday night when he opened the season with his new format. If, indeed, this is a format in .the first place. Because net- rworks have a ' habit of "bol fstering" opening 'shows with hiih- powered gueM stars, Shriner worked under the double handicap of having to trade quips with Red Skelton and Jackie G lea son, Skel ton being cut in from Hollywood and looking a little fuzzy on the big monitor screen. Neither Shrin er nor Gleason nor Skelton came off too well. All three seemed ill at ease, with Gleason especially j 1 V,' looking as thoueh he were out ofl"11'' "' waate f time tor aa hi element anrl knpM) it He final. I l vn..i" . I.., t "'i., orcnesrra in a composition ni nisi" t " own. He played it straight, and,bcc8m "tWished la her ehosea so did the musicians. 1 suspect f'sloa. A girl should start they were actually following the ! PBling the patve-mcRtai and knock drummer, not Gleason. '" 'or d ai her expert- ! rare by the time she'a 33. And at It Is Invariably a mlitage ( M she should be ready for al utslted proportion ta ask one moat anything a producer caa give romir ta work with another. Gle. her." son and Shriner are about as torn-1 patlble. professionally speaking, it' 1 "rr suspect he's right. An oil and water.. Each looked as! rrss gets to be an actress only fhoagh he liked the other hut did-1 trough living and working, not I i i i. j a t know what oa earth to do with ! him. The writer, were In the same boat. With his helping hands finally is finally out of the way, Shriner launcheT'ind to realne what the job entails? into tne itrst 01 nis innovations, - -i ..l. i.. w. .1 a iciirs vi r.-j-.i.z :::vi :ie ai- nsra worn ana i per ceni glamour. , Irjedly took himself. They were, ; And 99 per cent of the clamour . ...ji. ... - .... :. m niui.-c, tian sihiu uuin siail : to finish and highly reminiscent i r ik. M c.n.. . a I " c' u 2 ""lieu; nri. -, H , , ,t the ate of 73 years. Survived . enhancing the beauty of the new days. Shriner does the commen-1 lhr, Mw projects going. Hei(by a,ulnter Mrg. Pil1 w stancim, S' V ,h orille tary It wasn't terribly funny Just finished shooiing the pilot f Urn Merced CaUf : son, Luman f. N,y, ly-designed bumper and grille, ' ' ' ifor a new Marie Wilson series Is ' Sunnysvaie. Cain ; si.tsrs. Mrs. iva company officials declare. The day Is lonk since gone, I ; think, when a romedtaa caa Just stand up oa a stage and deliver a monologue. It was great In the old days whea a Will Rogers could drawl his way through aa act at the Palace, and Is stilt great today whea a Danny Thomas eaa stay KVAL TV, VHF 13 Hi.lNE. KVAI.-TV, (hannrl I (Tuedayl: I ii -World Sfnrs Rap hull iame; li : Queen For A Da . 1? 4S Modern Romances; 1 Com- Matinee The.," wlVr T kirby Gran, m ! t all ot the KlondiKe a C anadian Klountie story. J.3- Armchair Aarn turr. I ts Serial Buck Roer; 4: four OClork Date: 4 Bi Round- up: S:4 The News: S:M Sports Headlines I Weather Report. 1:0 - Little Rauali; :JO Robin Hood; I DO Race to Th Rosebowl. Bij Ten: J 30 Race To The Rosebowl. P C C ; S Big Surprise; ID Dr. Hudion a Secret Journal: I : President F.ien hnwer apeaki from Pittsburgh: l;3 Ksiser Aluminum Hour with Nsta'ie Wood and Dennu Hopper in "Carni val; 123 Democratic National Commltte; II M Burns and Allen; II : Tomorrow a Hedllnes; 1 1 :IS Yesterday N'ewsreel; 11 :J-Speclsl Featurette. KOAU 550 k.c. ROAC FOR TL'ESD A Y : 1:M a. m. I The Newi and Weather; l:li Es- pecially for women: io n j,cni or Ilome Economus -Foods and Nutn- t.on. "; 1I:H Oregon School of ihe , Air-Tune-Uo in Health. Safety Sense on Streets- . ll:lS-Th Con-, Weather 12:11 p m Noon rarm Hour. I OS Melody Lane; 1 :IJ Ore- j fnn school M me Air ine ews , & i iar..i st.r- i iMinrtv Lane. 2:0 Especially for Women -T-r World Is Our Affair: "AAUW links In the Mirror "; 2:3 Memory Book of Music: 2:45 Oregon School of the Atr-What I That Word'; 3:e Oregon Reporter; 2:13 Music of the Masters 4: Poetic Patterns: 4:13 Variations nn Theater Theme: 4:1 On the Upbeat: J:(M Children s The ater S lo The Seventh Continent 4:00 -The New and Weather;l:15-; r,. "ZXSLrZL, V.u, Fjr. 2 15 Evenlni Farm Hour; l:M Music of Trechoslnvakia: l:4.v-The i r,rws ana wramer. .v ivrunir jnm Fnd ures; 1:45 Evenlne Medlttlon- -Rev. Harold Marchel. Bethel Baptist. I OS Sin Off. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of All Kinds. Trusses, Abdominal Supports. Elastic Hosiery El pert Fitters Prlv.te. Fitting Rooms "Ask Vour Doctor" Capital Drug Store 405 State Street Corner of Liberty )J' Green SUmps I In- fj "" 101 4fV Mt a stage all aloae for aver aa konr.ia a night club and be Mile abort el seaaattoaaL Sttrtaer himself la a very faaay via la a aight elate. """." But for some peculiar reason, the monologue just doesn't go when it's done on television. For one thing, there is no real rapport be tween the comedian and his audi ence. For another, no comic can dream up a good new monologue week after week. Danny Thomas' wonderful night club routine is basically the same, year after year. But with TV. it has to be brand-new material every week. Shriner was a lot better off with his old "Two For the Money" for-1 ALBERT McCLEERV. the hard working geaiut behind NBC's "Matinee Theater," had a frw ico"r'l,I words le iay ta meiis the other day about college glrla. A college education he said actreaa. By (he time she's out. the first bloom of vnuth la off and .... .k.,: . . w"I i uv siunying nome economics ano i Pms. irouoie is. ran o r of on v t m- 17 rasllv ..... - . ... ,, know her own mind well enouiih to ! 'know she wants to be an actress 1 Acting, (hildren, is 99 per ccnt k. - j - j. . .. is laise. minx 11 over. : THE TIRELF.SS Ceoree Rural getting a script ready, for another series hated oa Lea McCarey't in . n i- i i tif inn uirmi i n b uii ,ui r . uduu i , . Sara." and has a third one, "The Deliahtful Imooster." ready ta to. McCarry himself will serve as pro ducer of the "Good Sam", series and may also direct it. But Greg ory Perk won't be starring in It. You can't have everything. STARRDl'ST: NBC's talks with Nat King Cole may now result in a weekly H-minute show for the great singing star. They want him ' take over the Monday night at . 7: 15 and plan 10 Start mm . .. . . ... ,, ,ov. 4 . . . iou iusi can i leu about TV. Critics who saw the, pilot dim in film in advance lambasted "The Brothers" as a weak sister, praised Jack Webb's new "Noah's Ark" as quality stuff. So when "The Brothers" went on the air last week against "Noah's Ark." is scored an 18 8 Trendex rating to Ark's 10.9. Believe me, there are! no experts and no prophets in this . , , . , j business. And the self-styled ones, including me. can be magnificently ; wrons . . . Beefs about the camera work in the World Series started ... i, ... , , in the first half of the first inning j Of the first game. Mickey Mantle j hit a home run and the camera h ... (.. -j u.ii .... n8sn 1 louna lne Da" J" SHORT SHOTS: Do You Trust Yoor Hife?" has been sold for i telecasting In England That :e;eis first "Playhouse . , a,,. " tnit roroidoen Area, 000 Just to produce. Add around $115,000 for air time and you begin to reallre that TV Is no nickel and dime proposition . . . Add good shots: bleak, wet and utterly de serted Ebhets Field last Thursday morning when the second game of Ihe series was postponed because ' r,,n- " 1Bf m" ,or rain. NBC rut ta the field for a frw minutes Before throwing in a aeries of sports films. iCoovrihl 19.W. General Features Corp 1 U.O. Professor Named Editor of Slate Law Review EUGENE. Oct 8 if Kenneth i MEXICAN REDS PLAN DRIVE J. O'Conncll. professor of law at' MEXIC0 CITY 0tt the University of Oregon, has sue-; yMs Comrnun;sts wil pll, nn ceeaeo Proi. Cn-.riei v. Howard a drjvp npx, mon,h ,0 , ,hc as editor of the Oregon La Re- ( m mpmbers nccdcd to qualify vlt,w' , , j . . , , ! for a place on the 153 presiden- Howard headed the university:, eltion fc Th 1 M publication since 1929 except for , turn veart militarv leave in Wnrld ' J War II Howard joined thr law school faculty in 192(1 Up Salem Obituaries nt U- Charles Victor limt Lit resident of Ashley Courts, la the city of Baldaeta, Gnria, Octo ber tin. Are II yean. Husband of 111! Doris fienner of Baldasta, Geor fi. too -of Bvron Benner, Rosalia, Waehlnfton and Mrs. Helen N. Ini stram, Salem. Brother oi Carl and David Enfstrom, 8alem; Mrs. Sun Jey H. Sherman, Portland and Mary Eniitrom, Salem. Service will be held Thursday. October 11, at 13 p.m. in the ehanel of the W. T. Rig don Co. with interment at Reetlawn Memory Gardens. Dr. Brooks H. Moor will ofliciala. Jha C. Cralt At local hospital October 8. Sur vived by wile. Mrs. Estella D. Craig of Salem. Mother. Mrs. Matilda Crail of Salem. Daughter, Mrs. Phvl lis Firestone ot Portland, Ore. Son, Jack W, Craig ot Salem. Sister, Mrs. Jessie Moorco, Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs. Ethel Jones ot Salem, Mrs. Vio let Harvey of Portland, Mrs. Haiel Payne of Salem. Two grandchildren also survive. Services will he held Wednesday, October 10, at 1:30 p.m. in the Chapel of the Clough-Bamck Funtral Home. Rev. Harold Lyman will officiate. Interment, lOOP Cent- Tr rner, Ore. Gertrude Edwards Late resident ot 161 N front St.. at a local hospital October 7 at the aaa of 70 years. Survived by son, Thomas Edwards. Salem. Shipment being mad to Condon, ore . for rr" interment oy in now Hans Aaaeim remande In this city. Announcement of service will be made later by th w-T. "Igdon to Gal Lewfll ri Lata resident of 1845 Portland at local hospital October Mh. vived oy wife. Mrs. Kat Fox. d Sa-1 lem: son. Lowell Fox, Salem; sitter, Jessie Gray. Portland. Services Virnl T. Golden Chapel. Tuesday October I. at 10:30 am. Internment Restlawn Memorv Gardens. Rev. George H Swift will officiate. Kit- 4. A r. A A.M. Kmlle Graber . , ... i : i .. . . -I . -1 j it . . kel St.. October I al the age of 78 i. years Survived by wile. Mrs Mm- VMr, survivasi by wife. Mrs Mm "J "v ' "Z. Vri: V.' Two sons. Ray "'. "" Two aiters. Mrs Martha Brown of Bend. Ore. Mrs. Jonn eaU of Seattle Wash, j s Urandrhil- also tur- iZZv,cW wfilT ",ri rid in the wards Fu- chspei of the Howii-tdard fu- 'neral Home Wednesday. October 10 " ,,....,,. v., ....... be at Lee Mission cemetery. , . . , V, r. . ij u...i uiit Ml'r N,jr At Merced. Calif . Saturday Oct X R tool oVuTder will officiate Graveside services-will b Belcreat Memorial Park hf Id at . . . a . . luesasy. uexooer l li i p.m. unaer the direction of the Howell-Edwards Chapel. . , Mary Afnrt Pearman Late resident of 1122 3rd St.. Sa lem, at a local horpiUI, October Bin. Announcements of srvire will he made later bt the Viriil T. Golden Jeffrey Alan Ro Ijte resident ot MM ST Dr Port- land !tarvKd hy-'pyent Dr. and Mrs. Wi,,m Ro Portl.nrt An- by nouneemrnt of services later Vlouh - B.rrick Funeral Home. rh r Slmkini , , , . . . , , , . ...,., , , i iaiem. Survived by mother. Mrs. Belie simkins of,mj rtan(j cann series, increased Si em; sisters. Mrs rniin nirnwooo, i Mvrti Creek. Ore ; Mrs. Jennie j Smith, Settl. Wash ' Mrs Beatrice Henry oi Kortiana; mrs. neva uav idson, Salem; Mrs. Pauline Kirk, San Francisco; Mrs. Hatel Ray. Salem. Brolher, F. J. Simkins. Salem. Dr. C. S Simkins. Chicago. Several him-m mnri nnhriA-s Sjervices at gil T Golden Chapel. Tuesday Oc lot" 2 D interment Hope- j Rev. H. J. Wacker-!"""" well v-emeirry. nrr !Darth win officiate Richard v. Tiiiman At residence 42.1 n winter St, tne age oi l yrars ouriivira bv daughter, Mrs J. Robert NeMyre. Seattlr, and son, Wilbur Richard S'llifc "r Le! Wednesday. Oi tntx r 10 at 1 no p m. Rev Llovd Anderson will officiate. Interment. Belt-rest Memorial Park. Truck Throws Man to Death GRANTS PASS, Oct. 8 -A Mcdford man riding the front fend er of a pickup truck, shooting at ; porcupines, was tnrown to ni death yesterday as the truck rounded a curve. ; Coroner F.arl Hill said Frederick j SALINAS. Calif., Oct. 8 tjP S. Anderson, 50. and David j The state rested today in the mur Brown, 15, were riding the fend- j der trial of Army PFC John Kruse ers of the truck on a logging road , Jr., 21 year-old cook charged with near Williams. Mamie Tate j the rape-slaying of Anne Shay of Brnwn. 41, Ashland, said the ve- j Connecticut, hide's brakes failed near the The prosecution had presented curve. Anderson fell beneath the wheels of the truck. ! now. bllt ,ne tnta' 's generally 'estimated at about 20,00(1. While You let time spent in cleaning out pay you well! Use Classified Ads to clean up cash for those things you clean out . . . trunks, luggage, a no longer worn fur coat, a radio, clocks . . . Want Ads find you buyers for everything. If you've saved something, it has value-anything that has value can be sold! So clean out today and clean up on cash! Dial 4-6811 and keep your bankbook hendy-you'll be making a deposit soonl Nexc Lincolns Go on Display OcL 16 DEARBORM, Mich., Oct. 8 The new Lincoln, declared to be the first ear ta feature Quadra Lites, offers a four-door hardtop, the Landau (above), in Its expanded 1957 line of seven models. The Quadra-Lite are four road lights in vertical pairs. Also available are i new concealed-pillar sedan, hardtop coupe and convertible. The new Lincoln is slightly longer and has increased horsepower. It will be shown to the public by Lincoln dealers Tuesday, Oct. 18, including McKlnney Lincoln-Mercury, Inc., in Salem, Ore. . More Power, Length Cited O iln '57 Models DEARBORN, Mich.. Oct. 8-The "distinctly new 1957 Lincoln," first J, America n-produced car with Quad-ira-Lites. will be unveiled in dcali ers snowrooms ucuirx-r in. .,. ,nrl liht in vprtirn i the oHr.-l.ite are housed l " - in oval-shaped. chrome -rimmed f Tu ...;ii ,J I " ' " ",ou ;'"r-. j Dositioned hrlow the headlights, j arc optional equipment and may . . ,:,!, ; . . . , jh th(;Bendix Avu be USCd eitncr alone or Wim U1C , u.,ji: - u.. . . . . . , . ; I Massive narking lifihts and di-. Massive parking lights and irectional signals arc coupled hori' zontally below the Quadra-LiU-s The new car is slightly longer than last year's, "which brought i in,i ttvlists th hichpst award , , j .-in : !,.; Of the Industrial Designers Insti- tute . . :j ' I tie announcemrn. aiso saiu ' dracelul body lines are auainea ) by stylized chrome side mould-1 ,ng, simulated air scoop, and sweeping rear-quarter panels cant- j ed outward toward pyramid tail-; i.i.i. n I hlrtrten nn. "k"" "" rlrr wraparound hnmprrs. large fc h d , Ljncon star m,mrnt f new trunk -emblem complement the rear look. Also in the new Lincoln line are ' new four -door naraiop ana con- eealed-mllar sedan in both the Pre - , , , -: horsepower and added accessories. The lOUT-door hardtop, the "Lan- dau," expands the Lincoln line to seven models, two more than last year Lincoln sedans have slim pillars which are concealed when the win- OP1 rajcnH nresenlihp the "v : appearance oi a iuur-uoui imuinn, The Lincoln owner has a choice of 18 solid body colors and 77 two.tone combinations, and a se lection of 44 interior trim patterns. The Premiere models offer op tions of leather, leather and fabric, and all fabric in three trim pat terns in a wide variety of colors and fabrics. The Capri models . 1 feature two aii-ciotn mm options.,"""'"" : .1 1 . in mice tuiuis. Capri interiors feature harmon izing one-color shades in four fab rics with horizontally pleated scat coverings. State Rests in Coed Murder 19 witnesses, the last of whom was Police Capt. Robert Turner of Monterey. Turner identified gar ments worn by the 20-year-old coed the nicht she was slain in Monterey last July 28. The gir! " nude and besten boriv was found in some hushes at Whaling Station Inn. Frosceution witnesses testiticd that Kruse, from St. Paul, Minn., gave him self up and admitted heating Miss ' sl,av with a shoe and raping her i twice. Clean Out! i .i '- -r IAS f '"' t A V - - New York Closing Stocks Reported by Merrill Lyncu Pierce, Tenner and Bean Fllntknte Ford Motor O Gen Dynamics Gen Elec Gen Foods Gen Motors Gen Tire fttA Pt- Plv Admiral Corp Al Chem A Dy Allied Strs Allis Chsm Alcoa Aluminum Ltd Am Airlines Am Can Am Cyan .. Am Motors . Am Sti Far Am T A T Am Tobacco Am Viscose Anac Copper 1, 49'i 32', 1n', 127, 22, 41', ! Gillette "'a.r.lidden Goodrich Goodesr Grace WR Grt No Rv Crt West Sua Grevhound Gulf Oil H Homestake M TS'i ;', s:i 17', 2S' Arm ",m""' Att heson Top Avco 57', Ino : g 5.T, so 4fi', 4fT. 40', Int Harvest Int Nirkel Int Paper Johns-Man Jnnn A M ' V. Boe,n Air 5".n Alr noroen Borg Warn Bucyrus Burro Adding . C Calif Park Campb Soup .. Can Par Ry Case J I Caterp Trac . Celanese Celotex Certalntecd Ches A O Rv Kaiser Alum Kennecott Kern Land L Libby McN Lug. Myers .... LOF Glam 4.1 .T3, 13s. 7', 15', ,,! ! Lockheed Air , ' , Loew s Inc 1 fi.1 CM M A si P I.on Brll A Lonllard M Mannavox Marsh Field . Merck A Co , Mont Chem Mont Ward Motorola N 1S'4 38', 74 6i'4 ":i', :in', Km 481 . 4 v 40', 45' . S7', 115 .1SJ, M' 38', 25', .15 "7, 701, 199 - jfv B Cn, n ,, Ry Chrysler CitieScrv ciuett Pra Coca Cola C'olaat ( om Credit Comw F.oVnn Cons Kdion Container Natl Biscuit Natl Cash Reg Natl Dairy Natl Distill Natl Gypsum Natl Lead Natl Supply NY Central No Am Avia No Pac Rv NW Airlines O Olln Math Otis Elev P Pabco Pac G EI Pac TAT Pan Am Air .. . Penney J. C. ... Penn Ry Pepsi Cola Cont Can I Cont Oil .Tn curtiss Wr n Deere fc Co .. Dia Match Doug Air Dow Chem De P de N ' I ' East Air Li East Kodak El Paso Gas Emer Radio Ex Cello r Fairrhlld 49',' on.,. sin. I 7'n 2T, IP. Salem Quotations BL'TTFRFAT (Andresensl Premium 13 No. 1 .50 S lOrrfon Ltt Producer) Prices to farmers are 8 to 9 cents under these wholesale prices): , . -.... Larue AA Large A Medium AA Small A JJ 2 w ! POULTRY iNorthweat Poultry) Colored Hens Leehorn Hens Colored Fryers Colored Roasters Old Roosters Investment Trusts Zlt.KA, SMITHFft CO., INC.) Bid Asked Affiliated fund S 9S 7 Canadian Fund 1ft "5 21 37 Century Shares Trust 22 W) 24 6S Chemical Fund 1(152 17.87 Delaware Fund 11.10 12-21 Diver. Invest. Fund 9 411 10 37 Dividend Shares 2 M 2 1 F.aton A H. Bal Fund 21 9(1 23 4 a. Cias. Ind 13 S3 15 22 Group Tobacco 3 PS 4 ,H Incorp. Investors 9 58 10.36 Key Cust. Funds: B-3 ... 17.61 19 22 B-4 1"34 1I.M K-l .... SSI '2 S-2 .... 12 4 13 82 S-4 9 42 10 28 Man. Bond Fund 7 5t 8 29 Mas Invest Trust .... 11.40 12 32 Natl. sec. aeries: Income Series 8 11 8 Stock Series ... 8 9 9 72 Pref. Stock S 8 45 9 23 Nail. Dlv. Series 4.78 5.22 Natl. Growth 6 32 ft 91 Pioneer Fur.d .13 78 14 "8 Tel.-F.lee. Fund 12 00 13 08 Value Line Inc. Fund 5 88 8.43 Welllnton Fund 13 41 14 62 Western Securities (ILKA, 8MITHER it CO., INC ) These hid and ask quotations rep resent prtre at whu-h one or moie dealers, memtirrt of the National Association of Security Dealer's Inr unuld trade vMlh the general puhlic at the lime the quolatums were rathered at 3 D.m. yesterday: Bid Asked Calif -Oregon Tower ... 31. Cascade Plywood 32' , Conaol. FreiKhl IS'a Iron Fireman ... 12'. Jantzrn Inc. Com. 24' Meier A Frank . 14 ' 33' j 34J 165. 1.T-. 2P, 16', 4.11, 25, 3.1', 25'. Mornsnn-Knudsen 40' 4 ! Ore -Port Cement .... "n'j Pac. PAL Com. 27', I Pope A Talhot 22 Hortland uas t Loxe .n Port. Gen. Elc. .... 23'i , Banks Bank of America 37'. Bank of California ... ', Chas. Manhattan . 52, First National 5.7'4 First Nat. City N Y. M't U.S. Nitional 75 li 40', 7.1 ', 54, 57', 701. an SAI.K FUNDS AVAILABLE NEW YORK. Oct. R - The National foundation for Infantile Paralysis says 22 million dollars n federal funds is still available to states and .errilories for buy ing Sa!k vaixine. The foundation said this was enough for a series of three injections for 11.815.000 youngsters and expectant moth- era, and urged that the money be used. Mi', IV, Phelps-Dodgo .... Phllco Corp j ... Phil Morris . Phil Petrol Pillsbury Proe Ar Gam Pug Sd P lc L Pur Oil . Ft Radio Corp Rayonier Inc Repuh Stl Reynolds Met Reynolds Tob Richfield O . Royal Dutch S Safeway Str St Joe Lead St L A SF Ry St Regis Paper . Sc'enley lnd. Scott Psper Sears Roe Shell Oil Sinclair Oil Skelly Oil Socony-Mob ...... Sou Cal Edi Sou Pac Ry Sou Ry Sperry Rand Std Brands . .. Std Oil Cal Std Oil Irid Std Oil NJ Stude-Perk Sunray Oil Sunshine M Swift & Co Sylvania El f Texas Co Texas Gulf Textron Tide-Asso Transam Trans Wo Air Twen Cen Fox . V Union Carb Union Oil Union Pac Ry . Unl Aircraft .. tlni.Air Lines Unl Corp Unj Fruit US Plywood US Rubber , US Steel W Warner Pie Wash Water P .... West Air Br Western Air Western Elee ... Western Union . Woolworth Z Zenith ... .V II 41', SO', 'iy 4M, ... M .. 40', , sr, .. SI'. 8 51', 1(1 ... lM's .. Tii 89", 4 47', 54 29', 47', .. 38', 12'2 74 57', 41', IS1. 14', 120 33, 35',, 103. 116', 45 57 55', HI', 44. 14'. i, T. 49', 19'. 71 !7. 4', 43 .. 17 ... 50 . II', .... 31'. .. 12' I 59-', .. ., 59 52'', 47s. .. 47', . 43 .... 24", 37, ... 47i 57', 55 '. M . I'. 44 491, . I Stl 33 35', 31 3, 38 40', 45', 33', 48' , 38 -211', .. 47', 102 ' 82', - 38l, 41'. 37'. 14', 54'. 43 . 31 , 48', 125', .. n. . M', 23'. in 58 'a 21', .15', .. 39', 1'. . 24', 112', .. M'i .. 3d', . 74, M', ', ... 41', . 38", ... 'i ... 67',, .. ', .. 22', 51 .. II', 44', Ill's Stock Market Trading Slow NEW YORK, Oct. ft - The stock market backed away con- siderahly from an advance today but still remained narrowly on the upside. It was the slowest trading day since the end of August with vol ume at 1.450.000 snares comparea with 1,580,000 on Friday. The Associated "ress average of 00 stocks which had been ahead M cents at noon was only 20 cents to the good at the close when it stood at $177.70. The industrials were up 30 cents, the rails 20 cents and the utilities were unchanged. The day's most active stock was General Motors, off at 47', on 27,100 shares. Second was Ameri can Telephone off 4 at 1664 on 27,000 shares. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by Th Associated Praal BOND AVERAGES 2 1 1 1 Rails Indust I'til Forin Net Change A .2 A .1 A .1 Unc 1 Mondav ! Prev "Day 90 7 93 9 92 4 82 4 90 5 93 4 92 3 82.8 90 4 93 7 92 2 82. 92 8 94 3 92 3 83.3 97 8 97 97 3 8S. 98 3 97.7 980 SSJ 90 4 9.3.4 91 9 82 4 99 6 99 8 100 1 8(1 5 98 8 98 4 98 0 84 0 Week Ann Month Ago Year Ago 1958 High 19S Low . 1955 High 1955 Low STOCK AVERAOKK Indus Rills Dili 81 k A .1 A .2 Unch A .2 Net Chans Mondav Prev. Dav . Week An Month Aro year An 258 2 133 3 257.9 133 1 25(13 126 288 .1 132.0 70.4 177.7 70 4 177 S 8fl ( 172 2 74 4 18.18 78 9 IKI 5 88 8 171 8 75 7 181 8 87 2 148 8 276 .1 1S5 I 244 0 1 28 2 257 8 H2 4 20.11 114 S . lll.-Wl Im 1 1'tM High ! IflSS Low Markets at Glance NEW YORK, Oct. 8 lT Stoeks Hlirher; quiet general rise. Bonds Steady; corpnrates Improve Colton Irregular; liquidation and hedging CHICAGO: Wheat Lower; sold off toward close. Corn Easy; declined In sympathy with wheat. Oats Fractionally hifher on scat tered buying Soybeans Strong; on strength In i soybean oil market. Hogs 15 to 25 cents low er top I8 60 Cattle Steadv tn 50 cents higher top 34 00. Dow Jones Averages NEW YORK. Oct 8 I pow Jones closing stock verages: High Low Cln.e 30 Industrial 488 17 481 M 483 38 20 Rails 150 97 158 02 158 78 15 Utilities S 75 88 34 88 44 65 Stocks 172 25 170 51 171 17 CANCER FIND GRANTS WT. NEW YORK, Oct. 8 W-The AinericHti Cncer Society says it has at least seven million dollars to distribute in 1957 tn individual ; scientists and research organiza- ! tinns fnr rancrr rnntrnl work It j nnw is accepting applications for I grants. .. .. Portland Produce POnTULND Butterfat I Tentative, subject ta Immediate change Premium quality, deliv jered in Portland. M per lb; first quality tl; second quality, 5. ! Butter-Wholesale, f ob. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grada AA, 93 score, sflH: A grade, tj score, S9i: B grade so score it, C grade ,W score, $. I Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles. 41-44 lb; Oregon $-lb loaf. '434-50. i Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 54-57; A large, S1-S4: AA medium, 42-44; A medium, 40-43; I A small. 29. Cartons, no charge to s cents additional. Epgs To wholesalers A large, W-S24; A medium. JM14; A small, 17-174. Eggs To consumers AA large, SJ-68; A large, S944: AA medium. 49-54 r A medium. 44-53, A small M-39. live poultry No. 1 quality, f.o.b. Poriand FrYcrs, m-4 lbs, 1S-19; tight hens, 11 . at farm; heavy hens, 12-13 at farm; old roosters, 9-10. Turkeys To producers L I r c weight fryers, 27-28; young turkey hens, eviscerated, S4-JC; young tonu, 29-:i Rabbits Average to growers- Live white, 3V5 lbs, 20-23; col ored pelts 4 cents lest; old does. 10-12. few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 5-5; cut up, 80-63. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs. 41 0(M4. good. 17.00 41.00; standard, 30.00-38.00; com mercial cows. P ro-28.90; utility, 22.00-27.00; cannert i a d cutters, 18.00-22.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 33.00-57.00;, rounds 4 00-58 00; full loins, trimmed, 75.00 81.00; forequarters, 32.00 35.00: chucks, 35.00-38.00; ribs, 55.00-60 00. Pork cut Tlns. choice, 8-12 lbs, 50.00-5200; shoulders, IB lbs. 33.00-3500; sparerlbs. 4V0O-49 0O; fresh hams. 12-14 lbs. 46.0M9 0O. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 29.00-40.00; ' commer cial. 15.00-34.00. Spring lamb Choice and prime, 45-55 lbs, 41.00-43.00; good, 36.00 41.00. Wool Nominal, clean basis, V, blood, 1.00-05; blood, 1.03-08; H blood. 1.1218; finef, 1.17-23. , Country-dressed Meats, f.s.b. Portland: Beef Young cows, utility, 22-24 lb; canners and cutters, 18-17. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 26-28; rough heavies, 18-25. Hoes-Best light blockers, 24-25; lean light sows 20-22. Lambs Top frsde springers, 35-36. Mutton Lightweight ewes and wethers, 10-12; rough heavies, 5-8. Fresh Produce Onions Idaho Yellori, 50 lb sks, jumbos, 2.00-50; medium 1.75-2.00. Potatoes Ore. Wash. Long Whites, 2.50-75; Russets. 2.75-2.00 No. 2s, 90-1.00; Idaho Russets, 100 lbs. No. 1, 3.75-4.00, Hay New crop, Nol 2 green alfalfa, baled, f.o.b, Portland, 33.00-35.00 ton. Portland Livestock PORTLAND uP (USDA)-Cattle salable 2.630; holdover 200; mar ket slow, most classes 25-50 lower with few early sales steady; many cows and few good steers unsold at noon; load and part bad aver age choice around 950-1,000 lb fed steers 24.00; three head choice prime 25.00; other choice steers 23.00-50; good steers 21.00-22.S0; standard shortfed 19.00 20.50; standard grass steers 16.00-17.00; utility steers 10.00-14.50; few loads good-choice fed heifers 21.00-25; few loads mostly good heifers 20.00; standard shortfeds 1100- 19.00; utility heifers 9.00-12.00; canner and cutter cows (.00-8.00, few to 8.25; utility cows 9.00-11.00; utility-commercial lots 11.50-12.00: utility bulls mostly 14.00-50; light cutter bulls 9.50-11.50. Calves salable 400; vealers fully steady; heavy cowl strong-50 higher; few choice vealers 19.00- 20.00; good vealers 10.00-18 00; good-choice slaughter calves above above 335 lbs 16.00-17.00; standard calves, vealers 12.00-15.00; culls down to (.00. Hogs salable 1,400; market slow, 25-mostly 50 lower; sows iteady weak: mixM U.S. 1-2 butchers 185-235 lbs 17.75-18.00 ; 4 head 197 Fire Losses at t,iw MttllONI ee otuui I,UOO NF.r.A ISDMATt ,800 $400 $200 IM6 1947 1941 The United States in 1955 expe rienced its worst "fire" year in history, reports the National Fire Protection Association. Fire last year cost the country $1,110,768, 000 in direct loss, the international fire safety group estimated. This was nearly $120,000,000 more than the previous record high in 1953. A very large increase-in the number of building Statesman, Salem, Ore, Tuts., Oct. 9, 'C3 (!:c. IP MOMMY I IC'H Mm Vet MwtW THWae k " ly T4a aaM le. . t Nt. Off. "How obout one of my lemon pies for dessert? No cons to open, nothing to defrost, no boxes to throw out . . DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS i. a food ruts 5. ITapa . Antlered animal 10. Adaft ; HUtU , aprltM (Myth.) 11 Bishop's headdress var.) 14. Cventnf (poet) 13. Cod of ' pleasure 1. Sun god IT. Mocks 30. Enclosure 21. Islet 22. Shaded walk 23. Celerity 21 riowar 27.Coil 23. Coin . (Peru) 29. Urge worm Jo. Coloniser . 34.O0Mt . 83. Palate 36.0strichlik bird 87. Entire sum 89. Native of th Near East' , .. 41. Quench, aa thirst 41 Harass 41 PretMcutaa Judicially 44. Coffin and lUnd DOWK l.rtndUi soluUos of ILid 1 Employ ' . 4. roothkf organ S-Domaatl eatea 1 Deer ,f';; (India) r.Moratl , 1 Plants ITok.a of merit fobs.) 1L Poorly llTunlsits" title lirrosted 19. Father 20. Cod of ., flocks Portland Graiit " s PORTLAND OT) - Coarse rail. 15-day shipment, bulk, coast delivery: Oats, No.l 38 lb white :. 33.50-34.00 Barley. N'o.2. 45-lb B-W 48.50-49.00 Cora, No.8. E-Y shipment , (5.00 Wheat (bid) to arrive market. basis No.l bulk, delivered coast: Soft White ... ., ... .-.wi.1l Soft White (excluding Rex) 1.28 White Club . ... ... 128 Hard Red Winten ' V Ordinary . .; ',' 127 10 oer cent ..2.27 11 per cent 8.2T 12 per cent u . 2.29 Monday's car receipts: Wheat 230; barley 18; flour 22; com 8; oats 1; mill feed 20, '4 lbs sorted for weight and grade, mostly No. Is, 18.35; mixed No, 1-3 pades 17.00-50; 240-270 lbs 16.00-50; 300-500 lb lows mixed No. 1-3 grades 12 00-15.50; 23 head No, 1-2 310 Ibi 16.00. Sheen salable 1,500: supply largely slaughter lambs: market active, steady-weak; 750 head Central Washington range Iambi mostly choice 98 lbs 20.00 off truck weights; other good-choice 85-113 lb slaughter lambs 17.00-19.00; utility-low good lambs 13.50-17.00; one deck mostly choice 96 lb No. 1 pelt shorn lambs 19.00; other good choice shorn lambs. No. 1-2 pelts 17.00-18.00; few good-choice 7543 If feeders 15.0O-1S.S0; common- medium lightweights 7 00-44.50; cull-good shorn slaughter ewes 2.00-4.50. Record High 19SS fires plus substantially increased industrial, forest and aircraft fire losses have contributed to the huge overall increase, according to the NFPA. This latest sharp rise in fire losses continues the upward trend of recent years as shown in the graph above. Apparently 1954 was only a temporary deflection of that trend. ( Annual Dtiktr Imms V-m nil rl m m 1 si u i 149 1950 193! mi 19S3 1934 iy t;:s h z::: If . 21 Im- port, ant tn brew. tnf ' -H Exudes) -;- moi. ' v- tura 24. Small 3ra. ' "arma Yte4r' Asmstm 81 Reddish 25. Half - ems ' ' ' 21 Kettle 7--" 21 Stitch ' 30. Bottoms of feet . r;""-' H!if i- ' ' S3. A denaert ' ' . 81 Creek settai ' t 31 Warp-yr;" 81. Rent 31 Burning; coal :::p!i: sr"""" " if--wff-- ir tow icrt sT tT TTno W I VMTa Drop on Board CHICAGO. Oct: lv-Whet and con declined on the Board of Trade today alter a brief flurry of buying sent prices fractionally higher at the start of the -trading session: ""-' " ' Continued dryness tn the South west wheat belt caused some buy ing at ma aiart dui uus uisap reared later u early buyers quit. Wheat closed to tower, corn, unchanged to H tower, eats H to W higher, rye to K higher, soybeans 1V to 1 cents higher and lard unchained to U cents higher. was confined te 1.500,000 bushels . of Pacific Coast wheat to .Paki stan. India it scheduled to pur-' chase 3.730.000 bushels of US. n r -k ,V. ..J 1 ( Ana bushels of U.S. hard wheat Is e pected to go to Greece to the near ; future." - -; : Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, Oet. UH-fUSDAV-Hon 1J.0O0; laM trda butchr 23-SO ; lower: sows stady to U lower: most 1 WMl 1 SOO-asO lb butcher H 75-18 25; mixed trad )nU ISO-IDS lb IS 2S-18O0; 32 head lot Mo. t 111 lb UK; sow CatU 15.000 calve 400; itMrS and fceifera ateady U 50 hifher; cow elond steady to wk: buUa fully stady valrs mostly (toady, a toi te ars and feeders: Mdy to . ak; on load prim steers 33 IS; dozen load 1S.00 14 00 lb Sl oO; bulk prima itetra 30 00-32 50; choic steer S3 4. 19.00; mixd and standard haifer 1S.00; utility and commorclal cow 1 5013 00 cannr and eultor 7 OO-10.I5 a tew liftit eaiHMr dowa to, vttttur sua voiiTrcli cok . 11 75-14.00; good and choic yoaler 18 0013 00; good and choic) I locket nd tMdcr surs 18 Oo-ll.OO Sheep a.aoo; tay w so avwon most food to Brim wotod UmH ll faVlt.OO; eull to low good lamb 10 0017,00: most eholc to prim 19 10S lb shorn earryinc No. t. and I pclti; iwh nMuy j.iv 100. Chicago Grain Opow Ctosa WRKAT December i i sn H 1.14 i 1.31 U H ..S4 'i-H I S3 ' i m H-a5 i nn-i March ... My July Sentembcr CORN Dcmbr March May 1 41 ' l. St M l . 1.44-44 its ... 7 .. Tin i ' July September OATS December 1.4 j - sit TSli I S Ii Ml March . May July : Sptmbr , RYE December March .... -W July SOYBEANS Novtmbor January March May July .1.51 Ik .IS Ail -1 43 tk .317 H-38 1 SS ' , ..3 41-41 Si 14J4i . J. e,-43 1.40 '.')',, -3 47 t,-4T I.4MTH 147 1,', 14S-4T Chicago Putter-Eggs CHICAGO. Oct I AT (TJSDAl Butter fully iteady; whotoul buying prices unrhannd; S3 scot AA It -,; SI A SO ; MB KM0 ii S C 7-5S. (toady; wholnala buying: pric es unchnfed; (S pr .cent or bettor fthit 44-45 W. mediums 3! : UB ' arda S3 1, 34; checks IS i-2T. Chicago Onions OpM Rlfb Kwr (oMY . ,.t..... . turn Ctos .si Nov (nw) ........SS January ,M February . 1 11 March i. ,85 M 1 o m 111 10? 1 1.11 1.0S lie as :