; :. I) r':.;;::r.n, Salem, Ore.. Sunday, Oct. 7, '56 3gon Hospital Association To Open Session Here Monday C.'Mtmphfg and the role of hos pital Auxiliaries will be two of the major topics at the J3rd annual convention of Oregon Asociation ef Hospitals starting today at the Senator Hotel. The first' official session will epen with a talk by a man who was in the center of hospital ac tivitiea ft the time of a major disaster six years ago at South ' Amboy, N.J, David T. RiddeH now assistant to the director of American Hos pital Association, Chicago, was publicity director for Perth Am boy hospital In 1950, when 467 tons of ammunition en barges across the bay exploded, killing 30 and Injuring 330. His subject will be "A Catastrophe Can Happen to You-lt Did to Us . He will be followed by four cpeakeri 'whose talks will be re lated, to the same subject.-Mrs. Fred Vt. Hoefer, state adviser to Washington Hospital Auxiliaries, will .speak on ''The Place of the Hospital Auxiliary in Meeting a Catastrophe," ' Catastrophe Prep-am Df. Edwin G. Robinson, ortho pedic surgeon of Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, and member of American Red Cross and Good Samaritan Hospital disaster com mittees, will talk on 'The Re poiuubility of the Hospital Medi cal Stall, to Organist Catas trophe Program.'1 , "Aid from the Oregon Associa tion, of 'Hospitals in Preparing a Catastrophe Program" will be ex plained by Ross Godard, chairman ef he association's disaster plan BiitS committee and business man-gtr- for Physictanjj 4V Surgeons hospital. Portland. Irwin Wedel, Salem Memorial hospital adminis trator, wiU speak on "Preparing aa Emergency Program." Auxiliaries and finances will be the subjects of the Tuesday morn ing sessions, Mrs, Hoofer leading off with "Value of a hospital auxiliary to the hospital." Speaker pwwwar-twws ....... wwyfrywmwpvmi :- - V f ' -:;. f t ... :, . t f. " ' t ; i 7 Other speakers will be Glenn Howell, Hood River memorial hos pital administrator, "Explaining Hospital Costs to the Public;" Mrs. Clarence W. Michael of Emanuel Hospital auxiliary, Port land ''Ways and Means of Rais ing Money for Hospital Projects!" and Mrs. Harry 0. Smith, Jose phine General hospital trustee, Grants Pass, "Auxiliaries Through the ! Eyes of the Boad." The closing session Tuesday af ternoon will be on Insurance. "A Solution to Professional Liability Problems in Hospitals' will be discussed by Jack J Fulton, Los Angeles, special representative for the California Hospital Association professional liability Insurance program, and William B. jonnson, Portland insurance counselor, The noeninf nrocram Monday morning will be a panel discus sion on "Building Good Commun ity Relations for Hospitals." Find Members Lars Collide, 7oman Hurt Two cars received damage and Twoman was Slightly injured about :30 a. m. Saturday in a collision in the too block of Court trt, according to city police, C.icers said Heneritta Battler, She-mod, passenger in a car dm by Ralph E, DiehL Tigard, auKered a bruised right leg but required no medical attention. O'.h'T driver was listed as Anton M. Vi.-lka, Woodburn. - - Irwin We del (above), adminis trator of Salem Memorial Hospital, if one of many top West coast hospital off iciali slated to speak at the three day Oregon. Association of Hospitals convention open ing In Salem today. : . 6 -Youths to See Juvenile Officer ; Six boys, all aged 11 or 12, ' were given a date with juvenile ' Out otiitrs Friday after investljr tion of vandalism at Baker Street .pta' 'rounds, city police said. C 5i':ii they found the ho- 1 v .a ri" f of a maintenance bli.. g throwing ShifijjiCS about the grounds. Considerable damage repoitedly was done to the roof. Parr ;ts of the boys were told to hare the youngsters before the eitg juv"? rfficer Monday morn . Ing: - j , j ( , , ! fi i TV IS FOR THE BIRDS SAN DIEGO, Calif. lV-The spar row hawk population is thriving in some areas, says K.C. Lint, San Diego , too bird curator, because of television antennas.. They make fine lookout posts, from which the little hawks spot and swoop down on Insects, and mice. " " " 1 - Panel members Will be Alfred E. Maffly, Association of Western Hospitals president, BerVeley, Calif.; James G. Swindells, Ore gon Association of Hospitals attor ney, Portland; Frank F. Dickson, Northwest Hospital Service direc tor, Portland; and Riddell. Paul It. Hiinitnn F.mai. Hon- pital administrator, Portland, will be moderator. , The three-day meeting will open with a roll tournament this after noon at Salem Golf Course. Trus tees will meet tonight. ' The Rev. Josenh E. Vanderbeck of St. Joseph's parish will give invocation ai me opening oi me Monday morning session. The an nual business meeting will follow the program Monday morning. Catholic Hospital assocmuob ei America, Oregon conference, will mot Monday afternoon After the program on catastrophes. The an nual banquet, witn emenainmem but no speeches, will be Monday evening 4n the hotel's Capitol Room. The Rev. Wayne Greene, pastor of Salem's First Christian Church, will give the invocation at the banquet. . , v Pair to Leave For Lutheran Conference Answer $ to Crossword Puzzle nuhDAT NIGHT IS 'AMY NIGHT IN MtAfe r n a t EjJm TemwdT w. Oteipln tAfflOMlfoptP lEi5tl jT?y 0 w "PIT Tt i SiP A" RV1QS PEtPlAinSLR PE ' j TTT TTTi-j " r nfrsj ri TTT Tic 1 1 HrTA M -r e rtVil I f CIOH;eW EN T i IT I PliH;OINnrA,N I CI I j ' ' ' " ' OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:1 S TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. The Rev. John L. Cauble, pas tor, and 0. K. Nielsen, member, both of St. Mark's Lutheran church, will leave tonight for New ' .York City land thence ' to Harrlsburg as delegates to the 20th biennial convention of the United Lutheran church. ' They are official representatives of the Pacific Synod, one of the 33 constituent synods of the United Lutheran church whose 2,270,000 members make It the largest Lutheran body in the United States. v One of the features of the con vention will be a "religious spec tacular," a pageant. "Nets in the Deep," written by Allan E. Stone who did the script for the motion picture "Martin Luther." It will be presented next Sunday after noon at the Hershey arena. Besides the usual routine bus iness, several Important questions will be considered by the conven tion, said Rev. Cauble: "For the first time in 25 years the church will take an official position- on marriage, family life and divorce; decide on new organizational plans for its Board of American Mis sions; make an qfficial statement on church segregation; and pass on a new pension plan." Gov. George M. Leader will speak at the convention and Mrs. Leader will give a tea for the women who attend the convention. Old First Aid Cor Near End Of Line After Long Service By JERRY STONE Staff Writer, The Stalesmai She is getting rickety and mileage-worn so she is being shunted to the sidelines. She simply isn't the gal she used to be, As time comes for the city fire department'! old first aid car to pull out of her downtown station stall for the last time, her speed ometer will show better than 60,000 miles. That's a lot of miles and reflects the countless mis sions of mercy made by the 1947 Cadillac in her almost 10 years of service. The old lady's reflexes may be lagging nd her joints knocking from the grind of hurry-calls, but the men who man her still feel a twinge ot sentiment as she nears her final mile. New 'Wagon' Sure, her replacement, a spank ing new Pontiac station wagon, is fine, but. ... Innumerable are the persons in the area who benefitted personally or have had friends or kin folk that drew help from the old lady in times of distress. She has wheeled out of the sta tion, voice growling, on an aver age ot better than 100 times each month. Aidmen estimate she has averaged above 1.500 calls each year since joining the department in 1947 as a gift from Salem labor unions. Around the Clock Around the clock she's made her runs day and night, rain and snow and shine. She's covered in on what aidmen like to call "those band-aid cases." She has hastened to provide relief for heart attacks and children swallowing aspirin v;,. V' "V , , I I - , MONDAY, OCTOBER 8 &eir.A..frank!i?SaJejri!! J tl OREGON ROOM FAMILY FASHION SHOW ii.p . M ' .w lf i ' . J4- w'MJi ' hi . tutitMwIS) 111 tb.0rc-:n Rsca tzxT.j ct 95c STREET FLOOR Plinned especially for your enjoyment ind showing the latest styles In clothing for women, for children and for men. BRING THE CHILDREN They will enjoy the special "Little Folks Menu" planned especially for them and of course, the free candy favors. ENJOY THE MUSIC Featuring Id Syring at the Hammond or gan . . . playing light dinner music as a melodic background for your dining. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVEROOO CARS Special menu and dinner music, modeling, favors for the children. OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 5:00 . 8:00 P.M. free Jt iUii'ii -- -WJ and the injured of highway acci dents. The old lady has been on stand by duty at fires and air shows, at rodeos and auto races. To sum it up, she's got around plenty in her time. . ' . While she may be retiring from the fire department, the old car is not yet ready for the junk yard. She's to be put on the block for sale, Indicating there's still some mileage to be squeezed out of that service-worn body of hers. Thr new aid car, purchased by public subscriptions, will be put into operation as soon as installa tion of equipment is completed. That will be inside, of two weeks. GET THE 'L' OUT SILVER CITY, N.M. tS Presi dent J. Cloyd Miller of New Mex ico Western College issued a form al statement to the staff recently calling attention to the fact that "college" has two Ls in it. He made the announcement after the college's new station wagon came out with a sign spelling it "CoL-LLege." Adult Class Enrollment Up 16 Per Cent Fall enrollment In Salem's adult education program is now up to 828 itudenU, George D, Porter, program supervisor, said Saturday. He added that this is an Increase of IS per cent over last year's. Navigation for pilots continues to lead in number of enrollments with 52 students. Two secretary classes, medical and legal, are tied for second with S6 atudents. Porter also said preparations are being made for the winter term which begins the firstpweek in January. Ht saiif Tiewould wel come suggestions for new classes. Adults wishing to receive forth coming bulletins annonncing classes should write to the School Administration Building, 1309 Ferry St. Aluminum ingot exports from Taiwan in China to the U.S. in the first six months of 195 were 650 tons. MAft 22 JSAI JO W 2- t-M 3l STAR GAZElC MINUt II I V WAV II 70 76 65 861 a: MAY p iUNf 15-17 S3 ?6 43-9-87 88 tt), CANCH WNtU t2.t3-J4.3CI 6978 8384 uo kS754 62 65 J woo AUG U 21J9-44 Ky47 7273 By CtAY R. POLLAN- M lour Mr AHmiy Conk M According to rat Son. . To develop mttsoge for Sunday, nod wordi corrnponding to numbers of your 2odioc birth sign. .'. I Work'' 2 -p i Think . 4 Slort Avoid i WimI 7 Aft I Btfon 9 l 10 Wit It Minor 12 Somt 13 CnangM , 14 Dttuptiori IS Day- 14 Sheult 17 IS Could I Go 20 Sock 21 Or 22 G.r 33 Cauid 24 AtlKtina 25 fftt 36 Couw 77 atign 31 noy 61 Obligarwit 32 A 62 Cultural 33 Stll .iy 63 ThoutW 34 Commininj 64 Wit 35 You 36 Woll 37 fctacH 3S Coum 39 Atctpt 40 Vtw 41 for 42 Dtloy 43 Lo 44 Cmnt 45 a'M 46 Yourwir 47 InrlKO'od 4S Apptor 49 Ot 50 Unit 51 Givt 52 Tt 53 Survlo, 54 Your 55 Ignorod 56 5om 57 Don't 5S Botkoround 5 Vour J9 Romantc 59 Bteomt 30 Your 60 fcxira Good Advene 65 OutlltiN 66 EmOroiltd 67 Couraat 68 In 49 70 Any 71 Tt 72 73 Vi 74 Mopptnti 75 Sttirt 76 DlSCUUMMH 77 Poreotj 71 Iwtnf 79 tidtn 50 Family 51 To 12 Profit S3 Condition 84 Indmitd (5 Ovtr Sri Religion 87 An SS Opportunity 9 Eorly 90 Tonight ) Neutral KMrto 13339H4 fcl -64-67 i 3- 6- I 34aT 46-75 89 90i AtrrtAiiut 4- MO-SJ1 17-41.74 V? C4MKOIH ok n 0" IAN K V 1.I6-I9-36A - AOUAMUI JAN 31 III It BI 56 6063J pl.77-79 80. mar ii ' ty. 114-IB-38?? 50 55 V-iJ 42 Unlike other mepibers of the deer family, both sexes of reindeer possess antlers. The presidential campaign song in 1900 was "Prosperity, Protec tion and McKinley." OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. Meier & Frank's makes it $20 easier for you to own the amazing waterproof If "v 1 . H Doll Rmiltitt i tnli MtftttK extra features: 17-jewel movement Unbreakable mainspring Incabloc shock resistant Luminous dial; readable by night Sweep second hand Stylist designed case amazing waterproof Unconditionally guar anteed until 1958 . . . forever, if crystal and case remain intact. BENRUS regularly IJ.S0 your old notch ..$20.00 You Pay Only 22.50 plus 10 tax Hurry, search your house . . . any old watch, yes, ny old watch no me'ter how beat up and tired, is worth $20,001 It can get you 17-jewel Benrus Waterproof or a bracelet watch for a lovely lady. r So Down Payment . . . up to 24 rrumthi to pay Women's bracelet watch available in yellow or white rolled-gold plate. FINE JEWELRY-STREET FLOOR tt-rf OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 1115 TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9.30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. (cfl reg. s2.49 roller & tray set FREE with every gallon of rubberized satin, wall paint Muu UoV qt. Miracle Latex wall paint in 15 ready mixed colors end white. One gallon coven walls and ceiling of a 9x12' room. Apply with roller or brush; dries in 20 minutes. Custom colors available at slight additional charge. i a ""'r " -W, now at tvtryday low prici-our profenional painter lint Fairway one coat oil base paint; 8 ready mixed colors and white. $3.99 gal. $1.42 qt. Fairway one coat semi gloss enamel; 8 colors plus white,- match fist wall. $5.34 gal. $1.80 qt. Fairway one coathigh gloss enamel; 8 colors plus white. $5.99 gal. $1.99 qt. Fairway latex paint; easy to use; dries. in 20 minutes; washable. S4.35 gai $1.49 qt. reg. $5.69 5' step ladder; sturdy, all-purpose; made of No. 1 ladder stock shelf $4.49 Mad and phone orders MAGICOLOR PAINT CENTER-SECOND FLOOR f fuj thipping cott to areas outsid$ our regular truck delivery routes.' r?2 Mi M 4 j . 1 ' 1 ,)" . 1 .W'- ll-til