The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 07, 1956, Page 27, Image 27

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    Sentencing Tuesday for Brink's Bandits Purged Bosses
in Hungary
b your Tl I 1
,um to it Kebunal
Wife Collapses Alter Hearing 'Guilty9 Verdict
BOSTON', Oct. (A-Eijht mid-p'Of course, we tU appeal." They. Presiding Judge Felix Forte I satisfactorily in behalf of Suffolk
dlft-aged men, who sat fiisileiK j have three weeks to appeal. ! who was bom and brought up In j County. I'm sure the common- i
uuvugi iwo-rromns inai man The ail-male Jury returned Its the North End flistrct where ineweaim is encouraged d your con-
enaeo in ineir conviction for the i verdict after deliberating three "holdup occurred told the jurors: victioM ... iou ir
i,ii,uuu nnnss. inc. ronoery oiiiwurs ana a minutes.
isoo. waited in Jait today for their
next court
appearance en Tues
Then they will be sentenced
the maximum penalty is life im
prisonmentfor their part ia the
nation'! biggest cash holdup.
While their wives and other rel
atives sobbed openly as the ver
dict was read in a hushed court
room shortly before I a.m., the
stolid prisoners showei' no more
outward concern than when their
onetime friend, Joseph J. (Specs)
O'Keefe. 41, pointed them out as
fellow brl pane's. . .
Already Confessed
It was the story of O'Keefe
who already had confesed to the
crime that forged the prosecu
tion's strongest link of evidence.
Js'ot one of the defendants spoke
out in court to deny it. .
They are: Joseph F. McGinnis,
52; Anthony Pino, 49; .lames I.
Faherty. 43; Thomas F. Richard
son. 49; Adolph Jau Maftle. 45;
Henry Baker, 47; Michael V. Gea
gan. and Vincert Costa. 41
0 Keefe, who will be sentenced
later, placed them all at Brink's
headquarters during the robbery
except McGinnis, He remained at
his Roxbury liquor store as alibi
insurance, O'Keefe testified. But
tlhe jury convicted McGinnis of be
ing an accessory before the fact
a crime equally punishable as the
actual robbery.
Hain't Gives I
'The defense hasn't given up,
however. Chief defense counsel
Taul T. Smith said emphatically
"You have performed your duty your homes."
Rumors Claim
Poles Intend
To Halt Trials
POZNAN, Poland. Oct. 6 -Humors
raced through Poznan to
day that the Polish government
plans to stop the trials resulting
lrom the June 28 "bread and free
dom" riots here. .
These rumors were based on
the belief that the Communist
government has been sorely em
barrassed by the bold and dra
matic testimony given by some
defendants against miserable liv
ing conditions, lack of political
(reednm and extortion of confes
sions by polite brutality.
i .
. W .. t-
J U r, -
Statesman, Sa!cm, Ore., Sun., OA. 7,
Knifc-Wichling Girl Says 7 Must Be Crazy'
BUDAPEST. Hungary, Oct. I W
Approximately 20,000 Hungari
ans marched for more than three
hours today before the black cof
fins of former Toreign Minister
Lasxlo Rajk and three other top-
ranking Comuntsts who were ex
ecuted seven yean w by their
Communist rivals in a Stalin-era
These men, taken from un
marked and dishonored graves,
were given honorable reburial ia a
cemetery which to to become a
national pantheon. They had been
executed for alleged treason, plot
ting with Yugoslavia Marshal
Tito and U. S. Intelligence serv
ices. They have since been de
clared innocent and "rehabilitat
ed," and the man who forced their
trial, old Stalinist Matyaa Rakosi.
hss ben deposed as Hungarian
Comunist party chief.
Meetly SBeataaeeas
Today a parade differed from
similar demonstrations of receat
years in it spontaneity. There
were only a few organized groups.
Most of the people came ind'vidu
ally, many bringing flowers, some
only a single carnation.
ln Vienna, Western diplomats
exprcsed the opinion the march
of the crowd was a silent demon
stration against comumsm.)
The exhumed bodies of Rajk,
Maj. Gen. Georgy Palfy, Dr. Ti
ber Szoeny and Andras Szalai
were placed on biers at the en
trance of the Kosuth Mausoleum
in Budapest's Central Cemetery.
Rajk was a member of the Com
munist party's Politburo, Gen.
Palfy and Dr. Sioeny were mem
bers of the party Central Comit-
. i n-l '- . . r
BOSTON, Oct. 6 Mrs. Joseph McGinnis, wife of one of eight men eonvicted by a 12-tnu Jury!". "na Ma'" Vs 8e 01
- i-i.i-.. . i ii.. i nnn ni ..ll., i , men t. i.i. j v ... n caare anairs in me party.
: MM
rV . t I I I I VI
--" x y
y a
) If! 'ft Fl
OAKLAND, Calif, Oct Patricia Corcoran, who police said admitted taking her aont, Mrt.
Guy Bunce, to death with a hatchet and two knives, stares and fingers her face during- a
hearing in juvenile court here today. She was quoted as saying, "I must be crazy." The
girl is being held by Juvenile authorities. ((AP Wlrephoto)
Bids Advanced
In Far West
WASHINGTON'. Oct 1 1 - The
Reclamation Bureau tody an
nounced aa advance schedule for
calling bids en about 306 millioa
dollars worth of coiutructioa ia
western sUtea.
Many of the contracts to be let
will extend ever a number of
years and be financed by annual
appropriations. However, these
are the backbone of a 174 million
dollar construction program bemg
undertaken during the year endug
next June 30.
The annual advance construe
tion bulletin issued today lists
dates and summary faiformatioa
for expected bid calls for M major
bureau projects through June,
The bureau's major listing of
scheduled bid calls by states and
projects, with months ia pares
theses include:
Oregon Rogue River basin
project. (October) Howard Prairie
dam 17 miles from Ashland and
(April) Green Springs power plant
and Keene Creek dam, near Ash
land. v .- i ,
Idaho Ratndrum prairia proj
ect, (March) Haydea Lake pump
lng plant and distribution system
near Coeur D'Alene.
Wooden ships of the U.S. Navy
have a life expectancy of SO years.
of taking part in the 11,219,000 Brink's robbery on Jan. 17, 1950, Is assisted by two police
officers after she collapsed In court room following conviction of the eight men in the fab
ulous robbery. (AP Wlrephoto)
Investment Brokers Wondering if Great,
Seven-Year Bull Market Coming to End
Mate Wins Divorce '
From Martha Raye
JUAREZ, Mexico, Oct. 8
Entertainer Martha Raye, who
was earlier this year denied a Flo
rida divorce from Fdward T. Beg
ley, today was divorced by him
in this Mexican border city.
Miss Raye. 39. and Bcgley, 32.
April 22. 1954, in
In Icy Wind
, w ves ana emiaren ana omer , weTe married
nists clustered around the coffins ; Arlington Va. Begiey s appl.c
in the icy wind. Julia Rajk, stonv- tlonL for dlvoj:ce len '1 hT Se
ti.- ...iVi.u .a .- as the comediennes fifth husband
year-old son Laszlo, stood a little He charged jncompatibility
distance from the others. Former
NEW YORK, Oct. 6 UrV-Is the
great, seven-year bull market in
I stocks coming to an end?
.Wall Street is split in debate on
that question. Regardless o( the
i position taken, however, there is
Report 5 which started in the J virtually general agreement that
Poznnn District Court said mo5t.p()W is g lmf , wary. , fx
nf the r4 f'nles indicted for not- " , , ,,
i - j i. a amine investments careful v.
mg and looting would never be ;
brought to trial. Only 22 dclend-; From June 194!) to April this
ants have bten brought to court year when the market hit an all
in thee trials so far. j time high, stock prices had a phe
Other rumors said the trials now nomenal rise. But mnst of this
running might even be stopped; according to vari
and their defendants freed. When! .
Western correspondents asked the olls s,nck mrk vfr8. has
president of the court about these ben wiped out.
During the seven-year hull mar-
brisk and efficient this week. No
body was generating any heat.
Nevertheless, the bull vs. bear
long bullish trend has either
stopped already or will stop soon.
Bull of bear, however, there is
i i: n i',
no,g"0, re.a. 'ear """"" T, argument remained
the bone-chillmg variety of feari
that accompanied the catastrophic
market cresh of 1929.
On the floors of the exchanges,
in the brokerage offices and board
rooms where customers w alch
quotations, the atmosphere was
Premier Imre Nagy, expelled
from the party by Hakosi, em
braced Mrs. Rajk and kissed her.
The Hungarian Cabinet, headed
by President Istvan Dobi and
Prime Minister Andras Hegcdus,
attended the ceremony.
Neither Miss Raye or Begley
were present at the hearing ' cfore
Judge Jorge Martinez Aguayo of
the 1st Civil Court of Juarei.
lieved the malicious slandering
that led to their martyrdom. We
have called to account and will call
Speaking for the party and the to account those who were respon-
In sculpffire on the walls of stone government, Deputy Prime Minis-jsible for their fate. Never aialr
caves, prehistoric man recorded ter Antal Apro said, 'There never shall such monstrous things nap
the migration of birds 40 000 years was a more traii duty than oits. pen."
B.C. These sculpture recordings rehabilitating our dead comrades! He assailed the ''personality
wpre marie before the age of writ- whom wo cannot resurrect, j cult. Stalinist hlunders and their
ing. I "We deeply regret that we be-1 imitations in Hungary."
rumors he denied them.
Bimor Persists
But the belief persisted that
some kind of announcement would
be made Monday several hours
before three defendants accused
of murder in the first trial are
scheduled to be sentenced.
For nine days now the unwonted
freedom allowed iefendants to
speak out has broadcast to the
world the complaints of people
who felt themselves oppressed
and obliged to fight for bread and
freedom. The government's em
barrassment was heightened dra
matically today when one trial
bad to be halted temporarily after
two defendants made hysterical
n'ltbursts against alleged police
brutalities. The sister of one de
fendant had a screaming emotion
al breakdown
Excused for Illness
In I lie uproar the courtroom
was cleared of its 200 spectators
and when the trial resumed after
15 minutes one of the 10 defend
ants was excused for illness.
Another defendant repudiated a
pretrial confession. He claimed it
had been extorted by police beat
ings Kven those defendants who
pleaded guilty maintained they
acted under the emotional pres
sures of seeing lellow-citizens shot
and run down by police and sol
diers, or stole food and clothing
because they were too poor to buy
Prison Terms
Radio Warsaw reported tonight
that four Poles were sentenced by
a Poznan district court today to
terms ranging from two yesffs sus
pended to four years in prison for
Bonanza fe&gS.
ma esaa m tasa pa
ket some shares rose close to
3,000 per, cent.
If you had invested only $100 in
Reynolds Metals at its low price
of $3 in 1949 you could have sold it
for around $2,800 this year mul
tiplying your money 28 times.
Giant Inrrrase
If you bought $100 worlh of Roe
inif in 1949. it could have been
sold for nearly $2,000 thus year.
These are not isolated cases.
Numerous stocks rose anywhere
from 400 tn more than I.OOfl per
cent, such stocks as General Mo
tors, Du Pont, Bethlehem Steel.
Gulf Oil. Goodrich, Alcoa and
many others.
The stock market zoomed as
business and industry boomed. All
economic factors rose to new
heights employment, spending.
; home-building, national income.
I consumer credit, industrial pro
duction, population.
Mnst Everything
Prices of almost everything
rose. The dollar in the savings
bank bought less. But the dollar
in a rising stock swelled to match
or exceed the rise in prices for
things the mass of people buy.
The bonanza in stocks was not
,the exclusive property of a few
i Wall Street ' insiders. T. re are
an estimated a.nsu.ow snarenoia
ers now in a national popu'ation
of nearly 170 million. Two-thirds
of the shareholders have incomes
of less than $7,500 a year
But now some financial proph
ets are forecasting an end to the
bull market in slocks fnd a back-
ing-away in business and indus
try. They predict a bear market
a prolonged period oi sinking
stock market prices. Other proph-
looting a store durinq the riots
Western newsmen in Poznan did els say exactly the opposite
not know this trial was going on. In view of the long rise in
At the end of August, four Poles stocks, an old Wall Street maxim
were sentenced to orison terms I anolies:
for looting and the only news of ; ' A bull can make
their trial was announcement of bear can make money
the verdict in provincial Polish
Tonight's broadcast said the
four were eonvicted of looting
goods worth 10,000 zlotys official
ly $2,500-from a Poznan store. It
said Feliks Oyjowski, Bogdan
Krugielko and Kazimiercz Famig
money. A
But a hog
never can.
Long Term Trends
The day-to-day fluctuations of
the market, such as in the past
week, mean little to the expert
technicians. They watch the long
term trends.
Those who predict a bear mar-
and ethtr Racial Dm4i.
No Hotpiiel Opvrationl
Slsa Stomach and Calaa Traubl.
Evenings by Appointrotnl
Salem. Oregon
eor wm tsar vsm m 3
Ior several weeks we've been giving bonanza buys on
gorgeous new '56 Buicks. But at the rate they're going,
it's onlr a matter of days
So why procrastinate when you can own today's years
ahead Buiek at today's low Buick prices?
U'hy wait when today's fast and furious Buick sales
permit us to give you every penny your present car is
worth on today's high used-car market?
To clinch the case, your monry hring you all of Buick' l
1resh-as-lhe-fufure styling, high-compression power, ride,
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This that terrific new Variable Pitch Dyna flow -packed
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I lonor bright, you'll never make a smarter move. Make
it today.
.Veil' Arftvmrerf Variable Pitch Dynafltn it the only Dyniflum Btilrk
buildt today. It it standard on Roadmaxter. Super and Century
optional at modest extra colt on the Special.
mwmm mm
IIU. 1.7
hJ- . ' " Hot. ...
Bonanza W
.. . liar cor. ' . , ar, au'o-
tW i l. at l
what 1
. thrill.
uto-i"- . r. rid
. heshw".
m" . .,4iw of "
billty, i10"
VmB mm m
were sentenced to four years and i ket sav there are siens that the
Miecyslaw Grzieszkiewicz got a ! "
suspended term of two years. i . .i i.i fiC...-.,!:.-.
Annriiii Kiicumdimn
Yital Facts Explained
As a public service to all read
ers of this paper, a new 36-page
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tis and Rheumatism will be mail
who write for it.
This FREE BOOK fully ex
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This book is yours WITHOUT
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