The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 07, 1956, Page 23, Image 23

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    Lci$ Thompson,
Dormsr Richtrt
Wed in Dalles
DALLAS-The Grce Mennonite
Church of Dallas was the setting
for the wedding of Miss Lois
Yvonne Thompson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Thompson
of Fir Villa, and Dormer G. Rich
ert. soo of Mr. and Mrs. Toby A.
Richert of Dallas, on Friday, Sep
tember 14. The Iter. H. D, Burk
holder officiated, Mrs. Jack Mc
Elravy was organist and Miss
Eileen Thompson, cousin of the
bridewas soloist.
Candlelighters were Merwyn
Richert, brother of the groom, and
Vernoa Heinrichs, cousin of the
For her wedding the bride se
lected a gown of white Chantilly
lace over satin. The bodice had
a mandarin collar and a net yoke
bordered with sequins and seed
pearls. The floor length skirt had
tiers of lace on each side. Her
fingertip illusion veil was of
French lace with a cap of match
ing lace encrusted with seed
pearls. She carried a bouquet of
white gladioluses centered with a
white orchid.
Miss Pamela Baker was maid of
honor and Mrs. Kenneth Bettcher
was bridesmaid. Both wore aqua
ballerina gowns of taffeta. Sandra
Hrppner, in a yellow frock, was
flower girl.
Donald Richert was his brother's
best man and Marvin Rempel was
After a reception in the church
social rooms the couple left for a
honeymoon to Portland and the
Oregon coast. They will make
their home in Dallas. The groom
is employed at Willamette Valley
Plywood Company and the bride
President to Speak
First meeting of the Salem Dis
trict, Oregon Music Teachers As
sociation will be held Monday
night at the borne of Mrs. Kenneth
Rich. 159 N. Winter SL at a n m
The state president, Prof. Stanley
Butler, will apeak on the "Con
temporary Music Project Jean
Hobson Rich and Irene Byers will
play a rroun of Diana numhert
Hosts for the evening will be
Charles Har grave, Mrs. Walter
Weather and Mrs. John Schmidt
JEFFERSON -Polly Louise J
Sims, infant daughter of the Ron-i
u c; i . . . I
am 0111m. was minor juesi at t
shower Thursday nipht.
were Mrs. Leonard McCaw, Mrs
M. King and Mrs. Gilbert Lnoney
fnr the party held in the Christian
church rooms.
St. Mary's Guild l St. Paul's
Episcopal Church will meet at the
home of Mrs. James L. Payne,
1778 Fir St.. Monday afternoon
1 o'clock. Assisting hostesses
v. ill. be Mrs. S D, Wiles, Mrs
Charles A. Barclay and Mrs. Peter
Ceiser. '
Newlyweds Will
Live in Salem
FAIRVIEW -Miss Barbara
Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Smith of Sheridan a ad
formerly of Dayton, became .the
bride of Wayne Jalmer Ojua. ton
of Mr. and Mrs. Joha Ojua, at
the home of the bride's parents,
in Sheridan Saturday evening,
Sept. 22 at I p.m. The Ret. Ray
Heckendorn of the Davton Chris
tian Church officiated at tat
double ring ceremony.
The bride chose a grey suit with
pink accessories (or her wedding.
Pinned to her shoulder was a pink
carnation corsage. Her sister, Miss
Kate Smith, was the honor attend
ant. She wore a navy blue suit
with pink accessories and a pink
corsage. John Widmer, brother-in-law
of the groom, served as best
Mrs, Smith chose a brown suit
for-her daughter's wedding and
Mrs. Ojua a grey suit with navy
accessories. Both wore white car
nation corsages.
A reception was held immedi
ately following the ceremony. Mrs.
Rogers of Sheridan rut the cake.
Followins ashort weddinc trio.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ojua will
make their home in Salem, where
the bride is cxpJcyrd and Mr.
Ojua will continue his work as
electrician with Toivo Bantsari of
Reports Given at
Unit Meeting
Mrs. Karl Mobley, president of
Kingwood Unit. American Legion
Auxiliary presided over the unit
meeting held Thursday evening at
the. Kingwood Legi m Hall
Donna Hamman gave a report
oa her attendance at Girls State
in June. She was sponsored by
Kingwoo I'nit.
Reports on the state convention
held in Albany were given by Mrs.
Lillian Williams and Mrs. Mobley.
Several projects to be under
taken this winter for the benefit
of the men in the various veterans
hospitals were discussed. Plans
were completed for the plant, bulb
and rummage sale to be held Oct.
over Greenbaum's. :
The afteraaoa circle af the
Woman's Saeiety of Christian
Service of the Morningside Com
munity Methodist Church will
meet at the church at two o'clock
Tuesday afteroon. October I. Mrs.
Gilbert Austin will review a chap
ter from "Paul's Letters to New
Churches". A work period in pre
paration for a rummage sale, and
a social hour will follow.
To Confer Degrees Hair Fashion Set Meet for Dinner
The regular stated meeting of
Cherry Court, Order of the Amar
anth will be held Wednesday eve
ning, October 10 it I p.m. in the
Scottish Rite Temple. The con
ferring of degrees will be the
principal order ot business. Com
mittee in charge of the dining
room will be headed by Mr. and
Mrs. James H. Tumbull. Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Parker, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Loretu and Mrs. Paul
Hills Garden Club met Tuesday
night at ti home of Mrs. John
Darst with Mrs. Harvey Peterson
as co-hostess. Speaker was Nor
man Frees who tpeke on birds.
Modern, contemporary, early
American and Victorian table set
tings were displayed and discussed
at the meeting. Mrs. Peterson,
bird chairman, asked members to
bring a bird feeder to the next
Beta Omlcroa chapter. Beta Sig
ma Phi will meet Tuesday night
at the home of Mrs. Bessie
Loo mis at I o'clock.
The Oregon Beauticians Associa
tions' hair fashion committee will
meet with the Salem Unit of this
association for a banquet at Shat
tuc's Chateau on Monday night,
October I at 7:30 p.m.
Mrs. Peggy Buell, second vice
president of the Portland Unit and
Portland hair stylist, will demon
strate and lecture. Mrs. Buell rep
resented Oregon at the National
Hairdressers and Cosmetologists
Association convention last year at
Louisville, Kentucky.
At this meeting Arthur Watters
of Eugene, assistant state styles
director, president of, the state
board of Cosmetic Therapy, vice
president of National Allied State
Boards, will lecture and demon
strate his version of the new
"Bouffantasie". This hair style
was introduced at Dallas. Texas
by members of the Official Hair
Fashion Committee of America.
R. D. Burks, president of Ore
gon Beauticians Association, will
make his annual visit to the Salem
Unit meeting.
Gold Stagette Slated
Wednesday, October 17 has been
set as the date for the annual
1 stagette of the Salem Women's
Golf Association. The affair will
; be held at Randall's Chuck Wagon.
beginning with a buffet dinner and
I followed the stagette show. Mrs.
Glenn Stevenson is taking reserva
tions for the dinner. Mrs. Val D.
Sloper is heading the committee
for the stagette. The annual bus
iness meeting of the women's golf
association will be held this
Wednesday with election of officers
and presentation of tournament
'Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., Oct. 7, 'oQ tit. IiD-.i
1 desiqn for
OFFICE FURNITURE to fit your needs
From executive's desk to
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To be completely satis
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Today's home makers
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Today's Smart home
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you achieve this In your
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ot our professional r'ero
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Whether your home it
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ways commensurate with
quality. So make us your
ttore, always. ;
Henry Meyer
Furniture & Interiors
KOIR COR.NER.S-Mr. and Mrs.
Hardie Phillips were dinner hosts
honoring her father, P. T Deck
arri. on his birthday. Covers were
placed for the hono-- gupst, Mr.
and Mrs. ,'ihn Dockard. John Jr.,
Linda ind Debbie, Janice Phillips
and the hosts.
i . ..
Modern Etiquette
A. There is nothing at all wrong
with this.
Q. What is the correct way to
eat an orange at the table?
ruin pn
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Two 6"x9" oval bass plus 5
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