The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 07, 1956, Page 19, Image 19

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    Seen and Heard . . .
aboard, to the Orient and South
America art being planned by
leveral Salem travelers . . . Fly
ing to Copenhagen October IS
will be Miu Dorathea Steusloft,
Dr. Mary B. Purvine and Mr.
Paul Jaquet of Victor Point . . .
they are taking the polar flight
from Lot Angeles to Denmark
... In Copenhagen Mrs. Jaquet
will be met by her aon, Bill Jes
sup, who has been in Europe
since early summer ... the two
will then tour the continent, go
ing as far south as Spain . . .
Mrs. Jacquet flying home from
Lisbon in time for Thanksgiv
ing . . .
On the itinerary . . . for Miss
Steusloff and Dr. Purvine is a
trip through Europe and to Afri
ca, their main destination . . .
after a fortnight in Paris and Vi
enna the travelers will go on to
Cairo and Ethiopia . . . from Ad
dis Ababa they will travel to the
source of the
Nile at Murch
ison Falls . . .
and from
there by car
to the Belgian
Congo and
Victoria Falls
... In SouUi
Africa they
will spend ti
days in Johan
nesburg and
Pretoria, the capital . . . after
a plane trip to Durham on
the Indian Ocean, the two will
take a five-day motor trip to
Capetown via the Garden Route
. . . From Capetown, the travelers
will return to the states by ship,
arriving in New York on Decem
ber 30 . . . after a week in New
York City they will fly home . . .
A South American . . . trip is
on the agenda for Mr. and Mrs.
Duane Gibson, who leave Salem
October 11 . . . they will drive to
San Francisco to spend a few
days and from there will en
train for New Orleans, where
they will board the SS Del Norte
on October 25 for Rio deJaneiro
. . . there they will be "met by
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hansell
Jr., and daughter, Lynn Chris
tine . . . after a fortnight in Rio
they will fly to Buenos Aires and
on to tuntiba to mSke an ex
tended visit with the Hansells . . .
Mr. Hansell is with the U. S. De
partment of Agriculture in Cun
tiba and they have been there
since last winter ... On Febru
ary 1 the Gibsons will fly to Rio
and then on to Lima, Peru, for
the trip home . . , enroute they
will stop in the Canal Zone.
Tanama City, Mexico City and
San Francisco to pick up their
:ar . . . The Gib.sons' Orchard
Heights home will be occupied
by justice and Mrs. William Mc-
Allister of Medford during their
absence . , .
Headed ... for the Far East
re Dr. and Mrs. Edward A I.e
bold, who are leaving here Octo
ber 10 . . . the primary purpose
of their trip is for Dr. Lebold ta
attend surgical clinics of the In
ternational College of Surgeons
in Hawaii, Japan, Formosa, Hong
Kong and the Philippines . . .
following the final clinic in Man
ila the Lebolds will return to
Tokyo to visit their son and
daughter-in-law, Pfc. and Mrs
Robert Lebold . . . Mr Lebold
is stationed with the army medi
cal corps in Tokyo ... the travel
ers arc making the entire trip
by plane and will be away two
months . . . (candids of the above
travelers are pictured on page 1
of today's society section i . . .
marking the beautiful marriage
ceremony of Norma Hamilton
and Dr. Raymond Martin a week
ago . . . St. Joseph's Catholic
Church, the locale for the morn
ing nuptials . . . especially lovely
were the duets sung during the
mass ... the bride and groom so
calm throughout the rites and
kneeling gracefully at the altar
. . . and all smiles as they walked
up the long aisle of the church
during the recessional . . .
Here they come! ... the ushers
so handsome in their morning; turn
Bliue aim 111c niLr-'
their striking chiffon dresses of
aqua and turquoise . . wic ador
able flower girl, Shelia Martin,
Statesman, -Salem, Ore, Svxx, Oct ,
aqua taffeu and later passing
dream cake at the reception . . .
all white flowers at the altar and
the pews marked with clusters of
white chrysanthemums tied with
satin bows ...
Sunny skies . . , greeting the
newlywedi aa they left the
church ... a colorful aight to
see the several hundred guests
as they congregated out in front
following the nuptials . . . Norma
and Pat, as the bridegroom is
known by his many friends, pos
ing tor dozens ot pictures . . .
roe Marten Hotel ... the set
ting for the wedding breakfast
and afternoon reception . . . The
Gold Room a mass of white chry
santhemums, dahlias and asters
. . .. One of the most beautiful
punch tables we have ever seen
. . . A stunning, tiered arrange
ment or iresh, (ro4ed green
grapes interspersed with garnet
roses and pale green Fuju chry
santnemums . , , garnet roses
atop the arrangement and ex
tending out from the centerpiece
to the garnet tapers were grapes
and white butterflies with a few
roses ... a handsome silver
punch bowl at one end of the
table with the ushers taking
turns at serving the guests
The bride's table ... all In
white accented with garnet .
a handsome, tiered, pillared cake
encircled witn smiiax and roses
. . . the white cloth caught at the
corners with white butterflies
and garnet roses . . . even a gar
net tulle cloth on the table for
the dream cakes . . . and the an
niversary candle centering the
guest book table ... the bride's
sister, Sharon. (Mrs. Joseph W'ol-
vpk 1 askinc Ihp vtlpct. in ci.n
(So fcnnb I
Eb famille . . . Clarence Ham
ilton escorting his niece down
the aisle ... his sons. Doug and
David, coming in with their
mother and grandmother, Mrs.
C. S. Hamilton . . . Five of the
bridegroom's brothers and sis
ters on hand for the occasion . . .
his sister, Charlotte, a pretty
redhead, one of the bridesmaids
. . . Frances Wald of. Seattle,
also a bridesmaid, e n g a g e d
to Norma's cousin, D w i g h t
Davis . , .
From out-of-town . . . came
Mrs. Earl Day of Central Point,
a former Salem resident, busy
greeting her many friends . . .
ditto for the Jack Wittliffs of
Astoria, who were accompanied
by her daughters, Beverly Beak
ey and Mrs. Roger Schnell . . .
Mrs. Bruce Spaulding down from
Portland and minus her spouse,
who was hunting . . . their young
est daughter. Jean, just home
from a summer bicycling in Eur
ope and now enrolled for her
junior year at Scripps . . .
Noteworthy ... the very young
children at the wedding, who
were as good as gold during the
hour long ceremony . . . The
Frank Nicholls, the Owen Mil
lers, the Maynard Shifters and
Mrs. Charles Gray accompanied
by their youngsters . . . Mrs.
Gray, whose husband was one of
the ushers, presiding at the
punch bowl and wearing a smart
black dress and .beautiful hat of
white fur with rhinestone
trim . . .
Stand-outs . . . Mrs. Daniel J.
Fry wearing a stunning garnet
wool dress and hat with her mink
stole . . . Mrs. William G. Starey
donning a blue tweed with win
ter white hat and silver blue
mink stole . . . Mrs. Kenneth
I'otts in a good-looking black
dress with floating panel in back
. . . Margaret Stump, who will
become Mrs. Arthur Young in
two weeks, chic in a black velvet
sheath . . . Mrs. Jerald Back
strand donning a fetching pqge
feather hat with her outfit . . .
a becoming sapphire blue satin
pillbox for Mrs Donald A. Young,
who is currently sojourning in
Palm Springs . . . Patricia Deen
ey, home from college for the
wedding, . chic in a tweed suit
wilh ruby red velvet hat . . .
and Mrs. Wolcott E. Buren wear
ing a lovely mink cape stole with
her ensemble . . .
The newlyweds . . . leaving
amidst showers nf rice . . . and
district awaits them on their re-
Monthly meeting c the Salem
Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will
be held Monday morning in the
niece of the bridegroom,
r it i sr b m
pa.j ..... V
OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M.
1 1
The "Bouffant Look
... is the Fashion News
For Fall!
a deluge of styles
cbntentbnal lengths
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many, many colors
exciting handles
fashionable 'slim?
beautiful fabric
reg. S.9&4.9& ,
Smart fashion umbrellas inIO and 16-rib short and long,'
slim styles. Attractive coven in rayon and acetate. Solid $
colors, plaids, borders, all-over patterns In wide sele $
tions. ":' !T
rcg. t5SM7.9S f
Outstanding umbrellas in distinctive styles. 10 and 16-t
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with matching tip and ferAile, ' , k
rcg. o95-I5.G0
domestic fashion coverings '. . . water-repellent ace- "
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Mall and phone orders
They're high, vide and handsome
and so flattering.
Pcrmantjnts g.50 ,!P-
For flfi Appointment call 3-7870
Lovell-Miller Beauty Salon
Second Floor-Miller' Phona 3-7870
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V: if Dress Sheer ...
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t I Toe and Heel Reinforced
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f , - J . Irregs. of $1.50 quality .
f fiemi Toe Dress
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sale! NoMend
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irregulars of 1.50 to 1.95 quality :
This is the great sale that NoMend's ltiyal friends loolc forward to enjoyingl If
you haven't worn them, here's your chance to enjoy NoMend's famous 5 pro
portioned leg types . . . their durability and more beautiful appearance ... at
real savings! And the word "irregular" means the tiniest of flaws, not even
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one of NoMend's famous proportioned five leg types wQl fit you
Type 1, small, sizes 8'j-10; type 2, average, 8Vj-U; type 3, tall, 9'j-11j typ 4,
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fashion-prescribed colors: taupe, rosij beige, natural beige
Mail and phnnr orders'
Please send me the following: NoMend In.
Meier & Frank's-Salem, Salem, Oregon
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our regular truck delivery routes.
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