The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 07, 1956, Page 16, Image 16

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f 1
S-lrm will have the opportun
ity to meet Theodore Bloom
f.eld, conductor ol the Portland
Symphony Orchestr, when he is
honored it a public reception
Wednesday, October 10, from 3 to
9 o'clock at Meier and rrank'a.
For the benefit of the men,
Mr. Btoomfield will be speaker
that diy at the noon meeting of
the RoUry Club and will proceed
to the Oregon Room at Meier and
Frank's at i 'clock. Everyone
is invited to drop In and meet
the conductor, have a cup of te
end witch informal modeling of
evening clothe.. ,
Receiving with Mr. Bloomfleld
win be Mr. Robert M. Fischer
Jr., Mrs. Wheeler R. English,
Sidney Boise, president . of the
Salem Symphony Society, and
John Kornf eld, manager of the
Portland Symphony Society.
Pourinx will be Mrs. Robert
While, Mrs. Sidney Boise, Miss
Maxine Buren, and Mrs. C. A.
Kelts. ;
Modeling will be Mrs. Jamea
T. Brand, Mr. Ronald K. Jones,
Mrs. Charles H. Heltiel, Ma
Maynard Shiffer, Mrs. Bruco Wil
liams and Mra. Roger Schnell.
Assisting will be Mrs. Sigfrid B.
Unander, general chairman, and
fr. Svrfnpv Kromer.-
With tha first concert coming
up on October 18, tlckeU will be
available during the reception,
Mrs. George Schwarl and Mrs.
Stuart Lancefield being in charge.
Donna Kron
to Marry ,.
Wedding bells wltt ring to Satur
day, November 10 for Mis Donna
Mari Kron and Jame P Fowler,
whosa engagement was. announced
last summer. The bride-elect la the
daughter of Mr. and Mr. Prank
Kron and Mr. Fowler la the on
of the Harry Fowler.
The ceremony will take plac at
the First Methodist Church at I
o'clock with Dr. Brooks Moore of
ficiating. The reception will be
held In the Carrier Room.,
Sojourners Will
Install Officers
Salem Sojourner win meet on
Thursday, Oct 11 at the Salem
Woman' clubhouse for their first
meeting of the month. Thl will
be a dessert luncheon and card
party, commencing at 1 p.m.
Installation of newly elected
officers for th next six months
will bt held. New officers named
at the last meeting are: Presi
dent; Mrs. A. L. Leonitisf Vice
m-Mider,1 V..s. M. A. Titus; sec
retary, Mrs. William Dobson;
treasurer ' Mrs. Robert Wsllac.
Committee chairman will be
Mrt c. C. Fredrickson, assisted
by Mrs. Kelly Peters, Mr. Rob
ert Benner, wr. w. u. Anue una
Mrs. B. J. Cleary.
Found er'a Day Dinner
Karra Pdta alumnae will com-
menorate the 59th anniversary of
the founding of the national aororlty
at i no-host dinner Tuesday night J
at Chuck'a Steakhouse at I n.tnr
Any new alumnae In the vicinity,
are welcome to attend and may
call Mrs. F. C. Rankin for re-,
Fc:t First
of '
Comer liberty
And Court
iimnit venr woman baa one
or more pair In her wardrobe
but it's no secret high-heel ehoea
should be worn with discretion.
Hiah heel ar anything over two
When you wear shoes with
three-Inch heels, for example,:
you cannot stand naturally. To;
keep from falling forward you;
bend your knees, push your ab-
domen and pelvis forward, force
your shoulder back. This "crook-i
ed" posture become habitual
gradually. - -. ' . 1
Most common ache In the
small ot your back, knee and
thigh can be traced to this im-j
proper posture. It displace ah-;
dominal and pelvic organ from,
their aMitnmd positions, abort
eni calf muscles, forces the:
body's weleht onto the ball of
the feet Some headaches, eye
strain, general body fatigue are
the outcome.
ymir f t themselves take tha ;
nr.t fctinu Th font ll Dot :
permitted to function normally.!
The ball or your leet r uoject
to burning aches, cramp. Every
step is Jarring because your heels
are not allowed to absorb the
shock of walking. ..
.Now don't throw away all
your hJch-heel shoes, don't deny
yourself the pleasure that comes
from wearing beautiful new
styles. There Is sn intelligent
y to enjoy the smartness ot
h :h herl fashion. Wear them
vkhrn they should be worn
when you ea out in tha evrnlnl.
en special ""dress-up" occasions,!
"1 so on. -i
Riit, tinrinf th day at home,!
h ti e fL'.rej when ihopplng or
trin a tot o, Witking and stsnd-
ir f io-hrri iiirs. Tbcfi
k nn' v attractive atyiea that
r e j - r f - t a rhsnre to per-
i r.n r : jrai:y, t!t help main
tain t.'r tt pnsture.
An i t reminden If
y i i! esr!rg only hl?h
l Is' -rs f.r a Ifirg time, switch
- '' r'-J4i'yrive your
r fe to ttretck-to
i r --5,l kr;h.
.1, Salem, Ore., Sun., Oct. 7, T3
Silver Tea at Eycrly Homo Today
Soroptimist Club committer membart wart busy at work the
ment for their silver tea to be held this afternoon at Flying E Ranch, the country home of Mr.
and Mrs. lee U. Eyerly.Ueft to right art Mrs. Paul Heath, Mrs. Nets Tonning, Mrs. Glenn
McCormkk and Mist Lena Blum. Calling hours art from 3 to 6 o'clock and all proceeds will
augment the service women's club't park development program. (Kennell-Ellis Studio).
Patricia Collins is Married to.
Navy Man at Church Nuptials
The newly married Mr. and Mr. Robert E. Bat will be making
their home in Ridgecrest, Calif, while Mr. Bate is stationed there
with the U. 8. Navy. The couple'
afternoon at the First Congregational Church 4t I o'clock with the
Rev. Julian J. Ketser officiating.
, The bride, the former Patricia Sue Collins, is the daughter of Mr.
and MnVem Collin. Mr, Bate
Is the eon of Mr. and Mrs. L. S.
Bat of Boise, Idaho. Verne Eschi
wm the vocalist and Jean Hobsoa
the organist Bouquet of pink
gladioluses and whit dahlia pro
vided the setting for th afternoon
rite and lighting the candles were
Miss Ruth and Misa Carol Stein-i
berg of Beaverton, cousins of the
For her wedding the bride chose
a white tulle and heirloom lace
gown fashioned with waits length
bouffant skirt. The fitted bodice
wa of lace and the tulle skirt was
enhanced with lace Insert. Her
fingertip veil was held to plac by
a Lace crown studded with seed
pearls and sequins. She tarried a
white Bible topped with a white
orchid and stephsnotla and bou
vardia streamers.
Precede the Bride -v-:
Miss Barbara Bramlett ot Port
land was the maid, of honor, and
Miss Dee Parish and Misa Dru
cella Balaschl of Portland were
the bridesmaids. They, wore deep
blue crystalletta gown with bouf
fant skits, three quarter length
sleeve and scoop necklines. They
carried bouquets of white pora
pom chrysanthemum.
Natalie Cooley, daughter of the
Another Star from .
the Designers Room
- . t brilliant Hannah
. Troy . whose '
wonderful, wear-.
able Mgsn are '
, world reltnowned
for their fabuloui
fit Pictured, Just
, one from our Hannah
Troy collection. A
f Troy figure wool ,;
Jersey dresi, softly
pleated. 69.95.
'Custom fit
marriage took place Saturday
Earl Cooleys of Valsetz and cou
sin of the bride, was the flower
flrl . . .
Howard Barton of Boise served
as best man for Mr. Bate and ush
ers were John Frey of Eugene and
Jerry Collins, brother of the bride.
Mrs. Collins chose a portrait
blue sheath dress with matching
hat and navy accessories for her
daughter's wedding. Her flowers
were pink rosebuds. Mrs. Bare
wore a navy blue gown with white
accessories and corsage of white
rosea tor ber son's marriage.
' The wedding reception was held
In the church parlor. Pouring were
Mr. Tom Collins and Mrs. Grady
Morgan ot Portland. Cutting the
cake were Mra. Jack Steinberg of
Beaverton and Mrs. Earl Cooley
of Valsets. Assisting were the Mis
ses Shirley Bate of Boise, Mary
Kay "Miller ofPortlandrMary
Steinberg of Beaverton and Lyn
ette Loring of Salem.
The newlywed win honeymoon
at a mountain resort la Central
Oregon before leaving for Califor
nia. For (raveling the new Mra.
Batt wore a tweed suit with white
Pearl and Rhinestone Ear
ring from our Eugene col
lectionexclusively ours-
10.00. -
, Boutique-Main Floor
v.. ;
past week making final arrange
Fashion Tea to
Honor Wives
of Shriners
Event of Saturday, October 13
will be the fashion tea to be given
by the wives of the Salem Shrine ,
Club in the Oregon Room Su. Meier
and Frank'a at 1:30 o'clock.
The guests of honor will be
Mrs. Manley Treece ot Portland,
wife of the potentate of Al Xjder
Temple, the ladies of Al Kader
Divan from Portland, and the wives
of the Shrine candidate. The women
will be here with their husbands,
who will attend the Central Coast
Willamette 'Shrine ceremonial.
All wives of Shriners, are invited
to attend the affair. The meeting
place for visitors attending the
tea will be the Senator Hotel,
where the committee will accom
pany them to the tea.
Ladies ot the Al Kader divan
who will be honor guests include
Mesdames Manley Treece, Kit Con
yers, Ray Garner. John Goss, J.
O. Fisher. Carl Donaugh, Gilbert
Stearns, Ray Mangels, Willard
Christine, Lieb Riggs. Myron C.
Cole, Lyle Hammack, George Mc
Blurphey, Clay Brown, William
Wallace Youngsen and George E.
Emigh Jr.
Mrs. Al Morris and Mrs. Paul
Allen Hale are heading the direct
v in
r ' "rr ,
; m
im- it
e4 i a
Formal Dancing Season Opens,
Hostesses Arranging Parties
Statesman Solely Editor
Formal dance will highlight the October social calendar with most
of the dancing cluba opening their season. Numerous informal parties,
au revoir luncheons, coffees and club meetings also mark the autumn
aocial whirl.
The Subscription Cub's first formal dinner dance of tha season
win be held Saturday night to the Gold Room of the Marion Hotel.
Harry Wesley and hie orchestra has been engaged to play for dancing.
The club committee la arranging an Informal party to precede the
affair at th hotel. The decorating committee for the dance includes
Mrs. Vernoa Perry, chairman, Mrs. Clayton Foreman, Mr. Kenneth
Wilson, Mrs. Edwin Ketch and Mrs. Ward Davis.
Cama Cla t Open Seas
The Cama Dance Club win open its fall season with a semi-formal
dance on Surday night at the Knights ot Columbus Hall. There will
M a snaca oar ana t rs wouer ana nis orcncsira wuj piay ior aancing
between 10 and 1 o'clock. Dances tor the remainder of the season are
scheduled for November 10, December I, January U, February I,
March I and April IS. -
Officer for the yeir ar Val Johnson, president; Vera Reimann,
vice-president: and Carrol Robinson, secretary. The officers and their
' wives will be hosts for the first
! J .... tl-t . If - ..4 If-
ana iiirg, nuun i naKitniM 'iu mr. miu ihis. uuum inuiMniiiiiii.
Wtetetia Da Friday
Wisteria Club members will hold their first fall dance on Friday
night at the Knights of Columbus Hall between I and 12 o'clock. Stubby
Mills and his orchestra will play for dancing.
The committee for the first dance will be the officers and their
wives. Robert Keudell is president; Edwsrd Klippert. vice-president;
Walter Dickson, secretary-treasurer; Ted Lannigan, F. R. Colgan and
Walter Gaus, directors.
Am Revelr Laaeheea
Social events for the coming week include a luncheon for which
Mrs. W. I. Needham will be hostess on Thursday afternoon at her
Shipping Street home. The affair is a bon voyage party for Mrs. El
mer J. Scellars. who Is leaving with Mr. Scellars on October IS for
Hawaii to attend the Aloha week festivities. Bridie will be in play fol
lowing the luncheon. The hostess has invited a few of Mrs. Scellars'
longtime friends to the party.
To Fete a Bride-elect
Miss Margaret Stump, popular bride-elect of Arthur Young of Mon
mouth, will be the guest of honor at a pre-nuptial party Thursday
evening when Mrs. Wallace Carson, Mrs. John Caughell and Mrs. Ross
Hoeue entertain at the letter's Candataria Heights residence. Miss
Stump, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stump of Monmouth, will
be married on October JO. A group of her mother's friends have been
invited to the dessert supper and miscellaneous shower.
Parties Calendared for Tkirtday
Miss Alice Crary Brown will be hostess for a neighborhood coffee
on Thursday morning at her Candalaria Heights home.
The Thursday Club, one of Salem's oldest social groups, will be
entertained this week by Mrs. Frank H. Spears and Miss Mabel P.
Robertson. Members have been invited to a 1:15 dessert luncheon st
the Spears' home on Chtmeketa Street. This will be the first fall meet
ing of the club.
orate for the tea. Assisting during
the tea hour will be Mesdames
George Thomason, George Alex
ander, Harold Walling. Tillman
Leasure, Earl Bourland, Stanley
Schofied, Hob art Price, Milton
Thomss, William J. Brsun and
Leonard Rowan.
1 .4
340 court street
have a
3 Tnc
.'dCT' ; 'kvki
jVa.1, , - ,3.rx
, .,
dance of the season, assisted by Mr.
VI. t IU. u.,.u.-
Grace Lnthera Church Guild
will meet at the church Tuesday
night at t p. m. in the fireside
room. Mrs. Thelma Gunderson will
give the topic, "The Christian
Hostesses will be Mrs.
Olson and Mrs. Robert
1 Haugen.
$V wT'eV fylA.
k . ,a- a . d, m t -r. t. v ;
7 . . ...
lovely future
ehMMM MM (tuna ni grM f imf
th en wtrA. N mey tw yv
ntmJbim-mt lAmlim. blluid'
wli" MhI ClMk fmtm far ckpaeveM
Prieit Uj m 4mic mt nml , mif
4hm J ie exiiieg i
Ortm et (t MM jam ewriiie badfet
Urmwm BVy er tmMt, 4iU. tp
mi mi neieuat mi iMr Mw mi
efiifew reefly teak
hnMi'eHm. H Jx.M'f a
Uttman Wolfe Ji Compeny .e': ikfl aV
PleiM aend me the followlnf: mmmt t 'w I I
Item 1 Color U color aire Cjuen S I 1
:z A( I Mji J j
I c"' r.n.. aut.l. I A V nClJ I
V.?1 V. I ( )Caeh( ) Chine ( 1 C.O.B. J V. aXVjT M I
S fgi!lk I Pleeeo add pojteie beyond If I f - J 1
NALCAnxiliary Meets-
The National Association ot Let
ter Carriers, Salem Auxiliary will
meet at the home of Mrs. R.
Eugene Morrisoa Monday night at
I p. m. Mrs. Robert Gardner will
serve as co-hostess. Preceding the
business session L. E. Showers will
give a demonstration on the making
of plastic flowtrs.
Club Calendar
Siltm Vnlt, Republican Womtn's
rtdcriUoa at Ortfjon. Senator Hottl,
I pjn.
Balcm Auillliry, National AhocI
tloa ot Ltttir Camera with Mra. It
Eugtnt Morrlnn. tun.
Rtrcnt Gradual of AAUW With
Mra. Dale fitch, use ShortUm Drive,
I .m.
aalam Slitrlrt, Orvfon Muale
Twri A tion. with Mra. Ken
Mth Rich, M N. Winter at, I p m.
. ttothrt S. Job i Daufhtan, King
wood City Hill. I SO p.m.
Capital City Dcnttl AuitUnta, no
hmt dinner, Golden Fheeunt, S JO
Chedwtck Chapter, OES, Maaonlc
Temple, 1:11 deuert,
Court Capital City. CD A, Knlfhta
of Columbus Hill, t p.m.
Cherry Court. Order of Amaranth,
Bcottlah Rita Temple. ( p.m.
Solourneri. Salem Woman'a Club,
deieert luncheon. 1 p.m.
Salem Toaiunlatreea, Golden Phea
sant. p.m.
il ,3r I
rr ll mil I
Mil II i.i I Jr I
s s 1111 i , tnr, ..v ;;. t . ft
Ml 1 1 t J Thrn drnp hy Ca,ipn,r ""' !
v I'm xj ..-." k,a. in mL mm - 2.1 m
I wm m
Meeting on
The SalersTYWCA ha sched
uled it annual meeting tor Tues
day, October 9 at th YW at 6:43
p.m. with Dr. Roy E. Lieuallen,
president of Oregon College of
Education, the ipeaker.
Election ot new board member
and officer are on th agenda
and the presentstion of annual
departmental reports will be di
rected by Mrs. Bruce Pickett.
Mrs. William Crothers, retiring
president, will preside. 1
General chairman for the af
fair is Mrs. Ruskin Blatchford,
assisted by Mrs. Leslie Davis,
Mrs. Donald Rasmussen, Mrs.
Cornelius Bateson, Mrs. Lynn
Hammerstad and Mrs. Gardner
Bennett. Mrs. Glenn Weaver Is
in chsrge of the food service and
decorations will be arranged by
Mrs. Jsmes Armpriest, chairman,
assisted by Mrs. Burdette Owen,
Mrs. Bailey Barrett and Mrs. Wil
lard Thompson.
All members and friends of the
YW are cordially invited to attend
Hie lirci. vMtvWiuO!jiinHHV:v.
Jascn Lca-VSCS
Slates Meeting
The Woman's Society ot Chris
tian Service of Jason Lee Memor,
11 Methodist Church will meet
at thv church Wednesdsy, Oct
10. Special note should bejmsda
bv all members o' the new time
schedule for meetings.
The business meeting will open
at 10 a.m. and the program, being
nreoared bv Mrs. Gordon Black
snd Mr. Elwln Klein, will fol.
low at 11 a.m. Devotion will
be led by Mn Arthur Cum
mins. Mr. Melvin Cleveland.
from the League of Women Vot
ers, will speak on the status ot
women in political affairs and
measures on the November bal
lot will be discussed.
A 12 o'clock luncheon, pro
Dared bv the Anna Lee Circle.
will follow the program.
Mr. Arthur Flak will entertain
the Laurel Guild of the Knight
Memorial Church Wednesday night
at her home, 1435 N. 18th St.. at
I p. m. Co-hostesses will be Mrs.
Richard Smart and Mrs. J. W.
snd reservations are to be mad
at the YW office before noon
Monday,. October 8.
Open up any of the latrst
fashion miiaincs and vnu'll
tee just how popular the
bulky knit sweaters are this
year. See thrni worn to tlir
office?, on dates, at football
games, to class ... in fait
almost everywhere? ynu go'
Then drop by Calirnte and
see this smart little bulks
wool. In snow white
with large pearly buttons and
. l-length sleeves. 36-40.
Caliente Sportswear, lit