I --(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., Oct. 7. '56 iii'lm D r a w s Praise, A b u s e As Means of Curbing Juveniles By RENE CAPPON An outbreak of youth gang triwU in San Francisco .', a wava of teen-age disturbance! In Wakefield. Mass. ; v ,J a near-riot on Halloween in a sedate residen tial section of Boise, Idaho . . . Authorities reacted similarly in each caseTh? y proceeded to clip the wings of adolescent night owls b either tightening enforcement of an existing curfew law or by passing new one. Is this the answer? Many cities a;' yes. But the method is not 'Ur'.versally accepted. It is argued a loudly in some cities as it is trrsed In others. ' ' What haopened in San Francis co. Wakefield and Boise points no the (act shown by a nation wide Arsocla'ed Press survey- that curiev t for juveniles enjoy a considerable vogue today. You'll find them on the books ot com munities, large and small, from Tortland, M Jne, to Portland, Ore. Some were enacted as long as SO years ago. Others cam in re soonse to specific Incidents or the rising pressure of postwar youth problems. . ..; , The theory behind the regula tions is that nocturnal, wanderings by teen-agers invite trouble, that parental discipline alone won't keep them J. ho. c, and that a curfew provides the logical start ing point for an attack on delin quency. : ,'"- . ' . Dlfferearo el Opialea V But some of the nation's big gest cities, like New York, Boston nd Chicago, haven't bought the theory. Even among towns that have curfews, you'll find much difference of official- opinion on their usefulness. The enforcement picture, like wise, is checkered. While some communities rigidly adhere to the rules, others are largely ignoring them. So at Springfield, Mo., which has theoretical t p.m. deadline for youngsters tnder 14, one lad replied with an astonished, "What - curf.wf1 when he was asked about it. In California. George CasperL Juvenile control consultant for the State Youth Authority, reported after a survey of conditions in 20 representative cities and counties that "all law enforcement officers questioned" thought the curfew ordinances "very effective In con trolling delinquency and late-hour activities of youths under II." Special checkups of curfew viola tors, Casperi said, were followed by periods of markedlj fewer cases of violence, vandalism and petty theft. By contrast, the curfew is al most dead la New York state. Among the more populous cities, Buffalo alone retains it. But po lice don't recall any fines Imposed under It Two Carfews ' At Boise, which rules kids un der It off the streets at U p.m. .. and thou between It and; 1( an hour later, . Police Chief Gus Ur restl said: "Believe me, the ordi nance is a godsend to the police force. It has reduced vandalism by as much as M per cent in the nine months that the law has been In force." . 1 ' But at Sioux Falls, S. D., which also has an 11 p.m. deadline. Chief of Detectives Jack Steea said flat ly: "The law ha no effect on curbing delinquency. Youngsters who are prone to get into trouble will Ignore the law, and the others are soint: home anyway." In San Diego, Calif., Lt. Ralph ; Lukehart of the "Juvenile Bureau felt "most parents are very happy to have our curfew and pickups. At Salem, Ore., Juvenile OfQ- their belligerency,'' and actually make them "more liable , to get Into serious trouble." . Pizzuto conceded, however, that curfew may be serviceable as short-term measures. Suburban Wakefield slapped on p.m. cur few for youngsters under 17 after a series ot brawl. No arrests have been reported under the reg ulation, but there were no further disturbances either. Except for details, curfew ordi nances vary little from city to city. Most Impose a 10 or 11 p.m. deadline, though there are earlier ones. Many communities allow lat- Napalm Bomb Destruction Takes 2 Years DENVER (INS) A huge cloud of black smoke will be seen inter mittently during the next two year on the northeast edge of Denver as the Army "demilitar izes" 30,000 deadly napalm fire bombs of World War II vintage. The M-fi9 bombs, which wrought death and scorching havoc in the er hours for older teen-agers and on weekends, holidays and vaca tions. . L'usually parents of offenders are liable to fines ranging from tl at Santa Fe. N.M., (or first of fenders to $500 for repeaters ini St. Louis, Many ordinances also provide prison terms. Waning! Used But enforcement authorities In most curfew cities say warnings usually do the trick, and arrests and fines are relatively rare. In Philadelphia, where a 10:30 limit was imposed In February 1955. 90 parents were fined during the first mooth but fines now average only five a month. In Los Angeles recently, 56 city and county law officers conducted a drive that netted 107 curfew vi olators after the 10 p.m. deadline. The parents were cited to court and fines were levied, though most were suspended. Police in curfew cities gener ally strew a common-sense ap proach to enforcement, and at tribute the teen-agers' acquics cense to this fact. In Columbus, Ohio, Lt. Philip Homburg of the Juvenile Division explained: "We don't make it a practice to haul into court the parents of ever? iuvenile who is on the war against Japan and later in! streets at 11:01 p.m. We realize Korea, are being destroyed at the-that very often it s impossible for Rocky Mountain Arsenal because kid to leave a dance at 10:30. they are obsolete, ' j have a snack, and still get in by Col. William A. Johnson, of the n." Army Chemical Corps, explains that storage costs are prohibitive and there is no further use for the firebombs. - Each bomb weighs S00 pounds and contains 40 "bombette" 10- pound miniature bombs that scat ter over a large area when the SOO-poundcr bursts and spreads flaming death in a wide arc. Napalm bombs were found necessary to burn out solidly en trenched and fortified Japanese soldiers on Pacific islands. Regu lar explosive type bombs often proved ineffective against . their reinforced fortifications. In .a large pit the bombs arc now emptied, a few at time, of their inflammable "jelly." Even a few of them are able to tend the huge cloud of smoke thous ands of feet in the air. The steel casings are salvaged and are be ing sold for scrap. Vacationers Hunt Sharks DECATUR, ffl. on-Vacation for Mf. and Mrs. Hiser, their two daughter Daryce Adair, 11, and Judy Anne, I, win consist of hunt ing for sharks in shallow areas of the Gulf of Mexico. Hiser and a companion, Randolph Young, SO, tow their cruiser ta New Orleans from Decatur. Equipment includes hand harpoons, a harpoon launcher, and a Jo-calibre rifle, plus one Inflated truck inner tuba painted orange. cer Kenneth Seipp holds that the curfew there "definitely reduces delinquency' and that parents welcome it "because they can't keep the kids off the streets them- . aelvea' - .- ..... Prellmliary Charge On the other hand, at Fargo, N. D., with curfew la force Since 191. the ordinance is used chiefly as a preliminary charge to hold suspicious minors, ana Ar- thur Ueb. Cass County Juvenile commissioner, said: "In general, community senti ment today is against a compul sory legal curfew and more in fa vor of allowing parents to control , their children' hours." 3 ' r What da teen-ager themselves think of ni?U lift restrictions? . For the most part, authorities In curfew towns assert that any re sentments have been sporadic and short-lived. i A 14-year-old lad at Boise con ' mented: "The curfew doesn't bother me. What' the difference? My folks wouldn't le mt stay out that late anyway." - Thirteen-year-old Allan" Booth" act Said of San Diego's M p.m. ordi nance: "We have all day to do what we want to do, except on Friday night when we go to the . show or on -Thursday dance jt hizht. It might be okay if we could stay out a little later en those night." vv KM on Vacation r"'f ?'''.'"" ' .! Other San Diego youngster felt the deadline was til right for school nights but should be pushed bick or lifted altogether during vacation month. , .".. In Rochester, N. Y., a survey by the Rochester Times-Union last year showed teen-sgen were op posed to a curfew the city does not hsve one and thought - it would do little to curb Juvenile ' j d'' nquency. " ' - . nun oiuuaia jsi coarwstoa, W. Vs.. Bremerton, Wash., De troit, Albuquerque, ft. M., Omaha, 1 heb.. Salt Lake City, Philadelphia gnj othf cities consider their curfev lctrislatsoo highly effective, a Massachusetts Juvenile authori ty believes such measures may aggravate rather than ease dclin !, quenrv problems. ! At Boston, vhieh doesn't kave a curfew. Carmen B. Pizzuto of the Massachusetts Youth Service Di- v-"i, explained that curfew reg Versatile Dog Battles Fires MILL VALLEY, Calif. INS(- A hunting dog that cooperates In keeping the forests of Northern California s Redwood Empire green is owned by Del Taylor, Mill Valley, an officer at San Quentin Prison. Butch, a six-year-old pointer, goes into Immediate action when he see a cigarette smoldering on the ground. He extinguishes (he fin by stomping the cigarette rapidly with his paw. Then, la the best tradition of forest fire prevention, Butch breaks the cig arette in two with bis teeth. Butch, according to Taylor, is a dog of great hunting versaility who ia equally adept at tracking deer, pointing quail and pheasant or retrieving duck. Horse Uses Horse Sense in Pageant SAN DIEGO, Calif. lift-Animals in theatrical performances must know how to act, says C. Y. Jones, who contracted to provide 30 head of horses and oxygen (or a "CALI FORNIA story" pageant. -Jones, Hollywood animal agent, said that one of bis horses once fell down on the stage in Hollywood bowl during the pageant production.- "He Just laid there," be said, "didn't thrash around and mess things up. That's what I mean. itage animals have to know now to Pastor Recalls How Spy Rumor Brought About His Arrest Boaet Eafercemeat Youth gangs prompted San Francisco police to beef up en forcement of the 11 p.m. curfew that had been largely disregard ed until a few months ago, Youngsters banded together," Deputy Police Chief Thomas Ca hill said, "crashing private par ties, breaking into private homes. beating up . occupants, beating up other kids on the streets until the law, armed with the curfew, cracked down. 'Today," Cahill added, "the point has been reached in our pro gram where the youngsters them selvesthe good kids appreciate it" Capsale Aeeeeat Following in capsule form is a rundown of the curfew situation in some representative cities: Detroit Fairly tight enforce ment. About 1.000 parents brought to court since 19U, when an older curfew law was revised. Police of ficials advocate further stiffening of the ordinance. Sioux City, Iowa Police Chief James O'Keefe says the curfew 11 p.m. for children under 16, midnight for those IS to 18 has "gone far toward keeping Juve niles out of trouble." Omaha Minors under Id must be off the streets by 11. Officials say ordinance has been very effective. Rapid City, S. D. - Violators of II p.m. curfew taken home by police.- County Court notified, con tacts parent for further action. Salt Lake City-Children under 14 10 p.m. curfew, 14-18 until mid night. Asst. Police Chief Golden Haight says curfew enforced vig orously in past few years, young sters "generally cooperative. The resentful one are mostly those who lack any discipline at borne. Atlanta Midnight curfew im posed by police regulation as an "educational program." Officers call it very effective although no penalties are involved. Toe Cambmome Indiana polis police officials consider local ordinance too cum bersome for efficient enforcement, advocate tightening of law. St Louis Curfew since 1954, H p.m. for youngsters under 17, mid night Friday and Saturday. First office brings warning, second may draw fine up to 1300. Total of 1,344 notices sent to parents through August, XI fines. Denver Violators of 10:30 cur few (11:30 weekends) taken to po lice detention home, parents li able to SIM fin on second of fense. Police say law rigidly en forced with good results. About 100 children picked up in first eight months of this year. Seattle Curfew on books though not generally enforced Atlantic City, N. J. Acting Po lice Chief Jerry Sullivan says ju venile delinquency declined since 9:30 curfew for youngsters under It launched in 1944. Wichita, Kan. - Childen 15 and below off streets at 11 p.m. week' days, midnight Friday. Saturday. Arrests follow second violation, fines up to $100. Total of 1SS vio lations so far this year. Sheridan, Wyo. Curfew ordi nance enacted recently after wave of break-ins and petty theft. Law now under court lest. Cleveland has 11 p.m. curfew for youngsters under IS but some officials say not much enforce ment, MEMPHIS ttWWhea the Rev. W. D. Medearia talks about war time hysteria be speaks from ex perience. And his wrurtwstch often reminds him ot H. Back la tW the Church of Chriat preacher was holding ' a revival meeting . in Bristol, Tenn.-Va., when the rumor got around that his watch was personal gift from Adolf Hitler with code Instructions engraved on the back telling bow ta blow up TV A dams. ' Rldicluous? Well, the rumor got the Scv. Mr. lisdearij arresisj. anyhow. He speedily proved his in nocence. The watch was a gradua tion present from bis grandmother. ..$ n.. ta delinquent groups, "increase MODERN STORAGE r KELOWNA, B. C. British Columbia Tree Fruit Ltd., A growers' co-operative, will Invest igate the use of "Controlled atmo sphere" storage for the B.C. In terior's famed apple crop. Now used ia the United States and eastern Canada. The system keeps Runaway Duck Lands in Jail MEDIA. Pa. W - Can you have a duck Jailed for disturbing the peace? It happened to Mandy, the duck from Glen Providence Park, which wandered too far from home and quacked too loud and too long. And at night too. A resident com plained. The prowl car came and Mandy went ta Jail Jamaa Slokea, the park's ears, taker who sprung Mandy from the dink tha next morning, said "We've got pond, good feed and conditions Ideal for duck, can't understand Mardy." y act rgniuT!mjjeppleTirtmeeondm than conventional storage. ANOTHER TEDDY 'PHILADELPHIA uj) - President Roosevelt holds office here. He Theodore Roosevelt, III. grandson of President Theodora . Roosevelt and president of the Americans for the Competitive Enterprise xtUoa. I 1 Jo Classified Index 'Im youj ConvcrtM-nc 4lV tUUnf Notice 111 Loci and found 114 I'renipurtaooa . 115 Pcrtunal IIS SUmw nd Coin li AOHlt'ULI L'Rk. 40? Livestock lot tMix M uvektock Want HM Poullrv tot nDbil W Pur Bearing Anuria tot PU H ft rasas II Seta and itanis (12 Fruit ana Farm Produce til rerUUzai ' lit farm tquipmant I2S Auction Sale AU Mt-rlCUANDISI 491 Household Goods 4.M Appliances 454 Sewing Machines 4. T. V. 1 Radio 43 Musical Instruments m Wanted Household Goods 4K4 Sports Equipment 4M Bicycles 7S Buiidin( Materials 471 PI urn bins Heatinf 474 Floor Covtrina 47 Do It 'Yourself 4M ror Sale Miscellaneous 4S1 Tor Rent Miscellaneous 463 Trade Miscellaneous 4S3 Wanted Miscellaneous S4 Miscellaneous 4S6 Machinery r Tools 4KS Wanted Machinery St Tools t90 Fuel x tfUMNLSS AND rl.NANCI 110 Money to lsn 112 Loans Warned ilS Invmtmem i fcMPLUYMETcT OI Help Winteo 404 Help Wanted Man SO Help Wanted Lady S Pickers Wanted lie Sales Help 41S Work Wanted Man 114 Wotk Wanted Lady tiS Situations Wanted M J oh information S'S Education r.Sfl Dav or Contract lot) RENTALS 70 Sleepina nooma Board m Wanted Rooms Board ns Aoartments for Rent ;n Duplexes 107 House lor Rent . " Furnished 70S FitTT. for Renl 7( Wanted tr Rent ltd Wanted to Rent Houses 712 Wanted to Rent ADta 714 Business Rentals 710 Resort Rentsls 7' Convalescent Homes 70S Moving and Storage KW KfcAL ES I ATr mi Business Opportunities 802 Business Property M3 Suburban SOS Houses for Sale ani Apts Courts for Sale n, Lots for Sale 111 Farms for Sale lit F.xchane Real Etate 1 Resort Property Rll Wsnted Reel Estate '"J Insurance 400 Agriculture 400 Agriculture 1 450 Merchandise 412 Fruit 1 arm Product (12 Fruit 1 farm Product 4S1 Household Goods met -warn BUYING FOR HUDSON HOUSE, COMMERCIAL DRYING, l MI. WEST & NORTH OF KEIZER. Ph.4-5595 P.J.Blake Too Late to Classify CLOSE In I-bdrm , brnit , yard. Adults. Ph 3-4697 or J-IM. APPLES: King Northern Spies. 1 up. rtrmf containers Sundsy only. 1S30 Wallace Rd. TOR SALE: Kraut cabbage. Ph. 2-5772. TOMATOES U pick TSc. bu. We ptrk $1.29 bu. Diedrich Farms. 220 W. Chemawa Rd. I mi. str light W. of Keiier seh. APPLES, several varieties 11.50 12. Cecil Bovd ', mi. Ea?t of Clear Lake Schl. Ph. 2 612). WANTED: Good used floor Jack It paint gun. 240 E. Madrona. 3-BDRM. home, near schl. I -on bus lino. 2410 State. EP. child care (my home). 1331 Sth St.. W. Salem. DEVEREAUX APTS. Nice 2. APPLES, U-pYck' Mrs. Ccraik. bdrm. unfur. 14SS State. 2-2534. , FruitlMd.RL JBoxJM. DELUXE '4 Plym. sdn S.10S j 10 LBS. No, I Gem spuds XV. cash. Good shape. Radio, I bananas 10c. lb. S ibs., Jon. trailer hitch. Ph. 2-3130. I (.poles. .Wc.. Bishop's Fruit .-:,...-...-. Market. 3S1S Silverton Rd. arrtnn uu uivuwh. .... oval oil tank. Ph. I-S272. TRAILER. SSO: ' ml. elee. fence. S!0: MO ft. tic chain. tl. Garden tractor 2'3-4 h.p. 120. Ph. S-.U30. UNTHRN. 2 bdrms. 10.10 Nor way. l Cluett V Kenyon. Rltrs. Ph. 2-3351 or 4-S9SS. HOUSE for renl. M mo. SSI Center Income. Ph. 2-8371 FIT. RFRTS- Start picking Mon day Osk Cre" Farm 2 mi. No. on Wallace Rd Good cop ELECTRICIAN, exp mm lor work on hams and nous's. Please ph 4-?2fiS SIMMONS Hidmwav chair, like new. $.15 1073 Leslie kLP Golden Delicious apples ; V box Also Winter DaAn jou pears. Ph. 1-7108. KINGS. SDiurbelicious 11-13 bu. S793 Center. 2-7133. CONCORD grapes 5c U-Pick 4c. Britt Atplnwill. Brooks, Rt. 1, Ph. I-20B1. NICt canning tomatoes, extra good picking. U-pick II bu. Holmsn. 11' nit. o. USED Deveno & rhalr, (3. HOGG BROS.. 24 SUH at. SEWING MACHINE Another beautiful Necchl Zlg- Zag Portable left on our hands with :1.S0 bal. Take over coat. II 25 a k. Ph. 4-7101 for free homo trial (dir.) i Buy Good Used Furniture $30 down will buy a complot household of furniture Includ ing appliances. Plastic covered daveno $39.95 New swing rockers, choke of . colors. Reg $29.tt . Now $13 Reconditioned and guaranteed ranges and refrigerators. From $39 50 New Maple dres.r with mir ror and twin or full size b$d M7 We Pay Cash for Good Used Furniture t Appliances troonr 515 S, COM'L PH. 4-3319 on old Jefferson Hwy GRAPES Sc nicked. 5c U-Pk-k 2', ml on Wallace Rd ml on Fialla River Bend Rd. Ph 4-4311. of Salem USED Maple dinette tahle chairs I4. HOGG BROS . 24a State St. ELECTROLUX-Vacuum. 1 W 1321 N. Capitol. Ph. 1-7067 (air ) Tomatoes, ('-pick, SI 00 bushel. v.e pick 11.75. bring contain ers. Georse Asher on Grand FAMILY of J adults desire taj Island. Ph. 61x20 Dayton. Ore rent nice 2 or 3-lKjrm. home. CUCUMBERS; AU kinds. Ph ref., take exclcare. Ph. 4-91146 i-tm 1723 N Lancaster. ATTRACTIVE. clean ground FASfFURIZED whole milk. T&c floor pullman apt. 1 blks gal HomogeniTed, 7tc. j gaL MAF Ph. 2-7S30 for Me. Claary Dairy 1-JO.tS. PLEASANT 2nd floor duplex FOR SALE: containers YOUR For Good Buys TURN TO CLASSIFIED 4-6811 ADS IN THIS COLUMN RFCKIVED loo Late to Classify unfurn. 4 rooms, bath New all steel kitchen Stove refrtg if desired Laundry facilities Bus hv door. 4212'a State St Ph l-:9. '5i 4-door Ford Station Wgn , o'drivr Mr Roberr Ssver, Ph 2-SS68. '33 SPORT rne Merc. O'drtve, heater, rsdio. white wall tires. I 408 Psjfi rl-an Will accept trade for 5? Verr hardton I1K5 Ph 4-5174. See at 1ZS0 N. lth. LARGE fryers, II each. Ph 4-307. winter pears. Bring 1373 SKITTLE point rug, not worn, islth pad. Sxll, cost IISS new, sell lion, floor lamp like new Remington ajulet writer, hke new 7i. Ph. 1MI eve 450 Merchandise 450 Merchan dlge 451 Housohold Good 431 Houiohold Coads campus &umuw: 0m (Ut Cf Phnt, ? 0IAA I "SANDRAN" Genuine Vinyl Floor Covering a Never needs scrubhin a Outwears printed linoleum 1 to I times. free estimates gladly. 1(385 a Lies flat without cementing, a Stainless beauty and wear guarantee. formerly $1.69 yd. NOW $1. yd. HOGG BROS. . MO Stale St. 464 Sport Equipment Ph. 1-9141 464 Sport Iqulpwtmt I HUNTING & RAIN CLOTHES SAVE ON Shell vests Rain Gear Hunting coals Sleeping bags Game bass Insulated Clothing Sweatshirts Socks a Several style boot a Tents REAL SAVINGS ON THE ABOVE ITEMS MANY SIZES UNFINISHED furniture. Stiff Furniture. 171 N High Ph. 1 CUCUMBER It WALNUTS Ph. 4 4.321 U pick 75t; bu. 0 Cummines Lane TOMATOES Whitehead 490 'j mi. W. Berg s in Keizer 300 Personal 310 Meetino Notice YEAR full blooded Collie. Ph. 2-273L NICE 2 odrm. cottage water garbage. 165; 545 Madison. In HUire 1115 N. Sth. Ph 1-2555. BDRMwith range, reirig T. V. antenna, else, heat, hot water, garage S53. 175 S. 17th. WANTED to build home by con tract or hour. Tree estimates. Ph. 2-S7M "RM. furn. kitchentte 127. 340 E. Washington. Ph. 4-102(1. 3409 SQ. FT, nothing down with extra collateral, j-ww. STRAYED 3 white feeder pigs. Last seen between Turner Aumsville. Ph. Aumsville23r4. VET. Carpenter new or old resonablePh.4-7704. FOR SALE: Purebred German Shepherd Puppy ma day MA 3-2US2 Eve. NEW 20 cu. ft. upright freezers. Swe 1142 70. Supply limited. S Sc H Green Stamps. Master Service Stations. 165 N. Commercial. USED dryers, good cond. from 137.50 up. used refrigerators, large selection. Priced for quirk sale. S A H Green Stamps. Master Service Sta tions. 383 N. Commercial. BEAUTIFUL 3 bdrm. home on the most beautiful street in Salem. 1000 Greenwood Drive. Owner. Ph. 2-2847. BDRM. apt. Clean, well furn. j Close in. adults. Phi3-S523 1001 Invention plan as fluid pro- pelior perpetual motion putne. 4 props of ft wide, dbl. metal props that forces water toward middle at IS" from outside edge by twining props. 2 inside walls are to fit 2" saw teeth Teeth on Inside paddle are 15 ahead. On reverse 2 outside paddles are 13' slant bark to force water through slot against middle paddle. Water travels from axle to outside edge with outside 2 paddles 4 wails are on oear ! 11 1I1S3 BAHA I world faith, information, write Statesman J'rn'l. Bx IIS I 312 Lost end Found , LOST- Rindstone nin ft earrings ! in vicinitv of Marshall s. Re ward. Ph. 2-1754 orJ-1733 LOST: on Trail- Ave or Mission Bottom Rd metal tool box, full of small misc. tools, Reward, 2-1311. LOsi: Boxer, cut on left lei in vicinitv of Willamette 26 S. Winter FOUND: Claaa" Ph. 1-700 ring. Identify. LOST: Dark brown Zipper coin purse, vicinity Court It 17th fe Center Sat. - a.m. Ph. 2-1728 Reward. 316 Personal PUPS: Welmaraner Labrador. Boxer tall in one) i. Ph. 4-5OS0 , K1TTE NS To f ifvV a' a j . I 'eeks old Ph.4-2WtS. ShELTIE pups t miniature Col lies! rer. 225 S. Lancaster. .-'S7V REG Blue Persian cat v.ith nr without papers. Rras 3-K6' BOSTON hull puppies for sale. Ph 4-4l BOSTON Terrier Stud service Pn. 4-248'i V H SALE 2 pure hred Boston 1erier punpies. blAck with while markings. I. W Thark ery Rt 2 Box 17? Silverton, S mi E. Totem Pole LEWYT Vacuum, like new. 124 5fl. 1311 N. Capitol. Ph. 3 707 (dlr I SEWING MACHINE Repossessed Singer riesk mrll. All tste features such as for ward k reverse stitrh. hlneed preser foot, etr Assume con tract for $t? 50 full rash price. Pym'ls if desired, 14 per mo. Ph 4-7102 i dlr I W WALLACE RD. PH. ?-:47 4SI Musical Imtrwmonfs WANT to bur B flat trumpet. Will pav 135 Ph. Mehama. Ore UL S 2171 after 4 p m. ANTIQUE 3 pc walnut bedroom set. Chairs. Mirror, shelves. etc. 114 ft. half inch copper L lulling tor gas piping 415C2 LEAVING town sold home must vacate. RafTtfire alt mv 5 rms. furniture, dishes, lamps fe appliances. Immediately. 120TI N 23rd. Frlgidilre: eler ei; la-nos. table. Fn- Sl MOORE PETS Rats, rages birds hoarded sup plies, open eve. 4005 State FOR SALE or trade ARC reg. Labrador retriever. Ph. 3-6,241 PUPPY LAND Pure bred k reg Coseh dogs Alrdale Terriers. Toy Fox, Cockers. 141 Williams Ave. Ph. 2-1241. WEIMARANER pups. mo Champion Stock Excel, be havior. Ph. 4 8181. USED davenport ONLY tl 50 HOGG BROS.. 24 State St MOVING Auto washer. sinve, bed m-iT la , rue drpperlps' power n er hose" tern ,,fe hoOKs i i liiiieiita 1 Mrfiket 14 SI7KS unfinished i-hr1s HOGG BROS . 248 Slate St SACRIFICE by owner - leaving town Deluxe Hntpomt push button range, like new Dinette set. Lane cedar chest. Rook rase Rugs. Other misc Items Ph. 3-8H40. USED Hoover Vacuum cleaner 129. HOGG BROS. 248 State St. ACCORDION or piano lessons Free use of sn accordton. ad vsnced or beginners welcome All tvpes of music taught Duane Hunssker, i4S lourt St Phl 3255 PIANOS reconditioned. SSS and up. terms. Donne Piano Serv ice Ptv-l5S WE pay top rash ijrlce lor pianos Used Mdse Marl 270 S Liberty. Ph. 4 6371. upright piano, excel eT yearly. Ph 2-S1I7 BEHNING cond. tunei LARGEST setectto'n of used Spinet pianos In Salem, ram mis brands. Baldwin. Stein way, Gulhanseji. Chlckenng, Weaver. Lester. 1375 and up Easy terms ZOBF.L'S 519 Court CASH eats tor used guns. ed ern and snho.ua CaaraSe Vera 1330 roadwa Csedr7fles it s'hotguT) 69 ILLINOIS, 3-36 rrilACOmdl. 37 IS ga feather- lite pump shotgun Rem 12 ga 3 shot sportinan with ruts .-ompensator Ph 3-44saft t. 32 CAL WincheTler rifle (ired nnre 2 boxes shells, M, Ph. .534 14 FT "nlvwond, trailer, fully equipt. 1155 32ttl Jackson. Cor vallia PLaa 3-S4S7 AT BARGAINRICE ' ! Higgini.. camping trailer A 1 rond. Sleeps 4. Butane etove 2 tanks. 2 air niattresaes Se at, 453 Ijv-ust Si. Ph 3-3571 RIFLES 84 Winc-nester 30-30. 14. Reo.ing'on automatic 30-na i.kt new. deluxe model. 11 13 37. 0 S3; i.ington pump 270 :nliti'"'.. UPi !S Re 2fl Wallace Rd excellent 452 Appliance TOO MANY BIILS? Dont let your bills get you In trouble If you're behind In payments, we can help you. j No security or co-signers j needed one place to pay an bills. Pav only whst you csn afford' (Bonded snd licensed for vour protection!! CREDIT CONSULTANTS Dial Salem 1-SS44 for Informs tion, ' ""WILL NOTbe responsTble for debts other than my own. Richard Kiger. ALCOHOUCS Anonymous. SB S Commercial. 3-2101 2-SSS0 KEITH'S PUPPY FARM M60 Center. Ph 2-7M9 Puppies all kinds Buy at sell Afternoon & eves. VOUNG parakeets Ml'-kev's IS S cages feeds Com I 2155 ALCOHOLICS Anunvmuua group No 1 20SS N Coml 1-4537 MARY Palmist tells past, pn en' fe future Love, marriage. business. 3743 roruano no. Ph. 2-3130. 1173 UNION STREET, in Capitol Shopping Center. uu per month 3 bdrm I bath-rooms. Wood hot sir furnace, wired for elec. ranne. Garage Phone 1-4452 In business hours. 3-S443 at other times 133 OCX) flfl ST. Mortgage on building apraisea ai sou.vw.w payable at S3S0 00 per mo., principal and interest or as desired over 13 to 20 yr. term. NorrH-Welker Paint Mfg Co., 171 No. Front St. Ph. 4-1219. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sal LOCKER BEEF Long yearlings Hereford grain-fed come see them alive Ph. 2 620. O. R Clearwater PASTURE Wsnted for one vesrllng steer. Close in. Ph. 4-8847. GENTLE, sound, smooth mouth. hrse. 173. 337 Silverton Rd. welchTony. PH. 4-7578. PARAKEETS, trop. fish, sup plies. 31M Livingston. 2 1842 A New Baldwin Acroionle An erica s Most Wsnted Smell Piano ONLY PER WK. Plus FREE Lessons 410 Seeds and Plants STEIN ERS Nursery. Sale, plants Sc. up: hardv perennials IV up: bulbs, shrubs, trees. Ph. 2194 3180 Market. MOLLIS ar.sleas. hy dran rs7 30c up. Red ai pink staleas 3 1. Bnxwood, primrose. Merrill's Greenhouse. Brooks. DWARF Asters. Delphiniums. Chrysanthemums. Perennials fe Rock Plants of all kinds. Burnett Gardens, mi. W. of Prison Annex on Boone Rd. Ph. 4-2451 CHRYSANTHEMUM-Show dailv until Nov. 10 at Black's. 227 Chemawa Rd. Ph. 4-722 Flow er Arrangements snd 1 acre Displsy field, In Bloom now. 413 Fertilizer CHICKEN fertiliser, 110 truck load, delivered. SOc ssrk. Ph. 4-403 or 4-2088 ij ARABIAN Pinto mare, 5 yr. old, 115(1, Cash or terms. Ph. 2-45D4 WEANER Pigs (or sale. S was old. Ph. 1-737S. FOR SALE or trade, gentle Ponies for children, also good saddle horses. Bob Frank, 303 N. Water St. Silverton. Ph. 3-S134. SALEM Meat Co, locker keel. Custom killing, cutting snd wrapping, trailer loaned tree 403 Livestock Wanted CATTLE ouvers 42S7 State I fe H Snethen 1-1341. 1-430 CATTLE, norses tt tout farm r. C McCsndltsn. Rt i. I in FERTILIZER Aged manure, finest quality. always wt del any amount anywhere. Ph. 1-0331, BARNYARD rotted fertiliser. 13 Pit ton, minimum 2-ton load h 4I3J Independence TRADE Giod O Keefe fe Mer ritt gss range for wringer type washer. F'h 4 2B-I6 S year-old Philco refrigerator. HiS PH.' 4-8258 USED washers S'3 up Mod ern Apohanre Center 114', So Com! Ph. 4-S3S1. USEtf Refrig :S fe up Modern Appliance Center, 1141 South Com '1 4-9343 COOLERATOR dbl oven elec range 4 yrs. old Ph 3 3889 "guaranteed Reconditioned automatic wash. ers. dryers, ranges fe refrig Ml 50 & up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 171 ChemeketsSt REPOSSESSED10 cu. ft refrig Csn be purchased IS IW per i STORY fe Clark spinet 1430. 3 yrs ora. i.hw rs II SEE FOR YOPRSE1 F THE l.in and reiaxlllnn a new Wur litei piano will brine to vour camp trailer. ail h tent Ph 3-71 home' Should vou decide to huv ail money paid for rental msv be applies to the pur-: chase price. STONE PIANO CO. 12M State t.. Salem Ph. 1-3711 Propane cooking 7 M rubber boat, exc tor mount, etc. Ph l4 N Mth. conei me-S-S88I . ATTENTION HUNTERS See er call us on prices, eg trade deer hides tor buckskin gloves Pscifie Rendering Co Ph J-5006. FOrl SALE 7', "H P. F.vinrurte outboard motor, new cond. Ph 14S-J Independence. 470 Building Material Ph. ZOBEL'S 4-II2S2 51S Court St. MUSIC LESSONS AIL INSTRUMENTS Instru ments rented while you learn Salem's larges' Musi School. WlLTSEY-WEATHERS MUSIC Keith Brown Specials 4 x x ' R G Mahog Panel 3 14 p. 4 x I x ' Such Plv- w ood W p. 4 1 x , Birch Pvt ood 1 1 2d pe. 4 r Mahog Plywood tjft p. 4 x x S Ext Fir PI v wood 4 Hi pe. t x I ' Hardhnard 2 25 pc. x ft x , Hsrrlboard 4 In pe. PAINT -PAINT-While these items last SHAKE paint 4 gal. for price of .1 gal In the Capitol Shopping Center OS WHITE 4 gal. for pries of Ph. 2-1701 mo. Modern Appliance Cen ter. 1141 So. Coml. Ph. 4-S353 piano jllh Open evea PIANO-vlolin lessons, credited teacher Ph 4tate ar- 2-1713 USED Bendix auto, washer and drver. Washer fstr cond dryer food cond. S3 each. Both for 120. Ph. 2-n7 FRIGIDAIRE dlx dbl oven range, excel, cond sell or 4q Wanted Hshld Goodl trade for pleno. I-SO&1. I ITALIAN accordion with esse. 130. 240 Portland Rd lTPRiGHt"piano 130. Ph 3-525 32 gal auto. elec. water heater. S9N Judson's. 271 N. Com l. A B gss range 2 ovens clean good condition 133 See at 851) Market Ph 3 315. PEAT Moss from chick try, 7c ssck. Vslley Farm Store MILORGANITC fertillter for your lawn, flowers, ahrubs. trees, fe garden. Pemberton'a Flower shop Is greenhouse 1BSS S. 12th. 414 Farm Equipment FARMALL super A nd equip, worth 13.000 new. Hasn't really been . broken in, 1100. Ph 4-194 rail after ( pm BEAUTIFUL new 3 bdrm home. Manhtin Gardens SI4.70fi, low down payment, r H A. Ph. 1-370 YOUR OWN TERMS WILL buv this large I Bd Rm. home. Corner lot. Good neigh borhood. Can be added to 209 Hulsev. Corner Ratcllff. E. A. NkGlauflin. Rltr. 33S N. High l-4illjl-ll FOR SALE: Cameras, elec. roaster, radio, fox fur, elec. Irons, lec ror. elee, toast- "J "" er St sandwich toaster. 153 404 foultrf 0d Rabbit '44 SC. CASE tractor. 55. 3 point roll over plow; '54 case heavy duty mower, '54 Wade Fertilizer spreader. 1317 Ham mel. Ph. 1-BS10. NEW admiral rani antes Mart FOR 130. ELEC" RANGE. waimer. Both 4-2555 range. Full guar I1O0. 170 8. Liberty. Ph. 4-8371 Spin drver, SALE Easy Ph. 4-141 Kenmore like new. into. Ph. WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Furn C. 1-7471 110.000 CASH ro spend for Righ grade Used Furniture fe Appliances Ph 3-6110 Paying Top Prices for Better Crad Glen Wocdry. 105 N Summer .1 gal ftiliJv OS WHITE 2 50 gal. Ix-' fe I No 11 Siding nm M lx A: 1x10-RI. No 3 Com Knottv Alaskan Cedar Paneling 10 fin M II" Stained Shases w under- course 4.73 sqq. 1 Lot Open Sash 32 x ' GM :.' ea NEW SHIPMENT Of OOOPS -2-0 to 3-0 i -l Mahog 2nds 3 00 A up Znnolite Insulation I n hsg Inside Door Jambs. No I. 1 IS set Trv our eai, Budget Plan Re member, Nothing dow an easv payments! TOP CASH PRICE - FURNI TURE. APPLIANCES, ETC USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S LIBERTY PH 4-S371 CAITLl ouver I1W Harmony F Sommer, Ph 4-o2 TOP cash prices at your place Ray Cote) Ph. 4-3161 Collect LIVESIOCK buret Claude Ed wards Rt 1. Box SS9t 4-1111 cltimo fe 110. varieties. 3173 fryers wrapped for locker II 33, 2f to 3 lbs. man for work houses. Plesse live II. Frl eve Sat. fe Sun. Barney White. KI5S Haselgreen Rd. ml. E. Totem Pole. "Live Fryera 25c. lb. Valley Farm Store. BABY Chicks hatcnext yr round t Valley Farm Store 4-424 MM CMRYS. SOc New named Evergreen. PLUMBER, expi on barsM and Ph. 4-XHS DUO-THERM oil heater. I. St gal. drums fe fixture 1-1011. FURN. apt.. blk from MAF. 4 N. Cottage. 5i acre 4 room house across from future home of St. Fsrm, Inc. 21SS Claxer Rd. 4-144S eve. IN W. Salem. Ml Cascade Dr. fe Bonny Way, Urge liv. rm., 2- Bdrm. view ot city, i cnna no dogs. ss per mo. s-sis DRY chicken manure, SOc I VM r"' ck or 14 cu. yd. Ph 1-7371. h(mt , fuU HEAVY hens. 11.10 ea. er le lb. kittens. Ph. 4-073. 140 E. Wll- Also fertilizer. Ph. 1-7371. 1 oa BABY Chicks tor meat or eggs Send for (re folder Wilson Hatchery. Lven Or. PH. ULrick S-2533 CUSTOM DRESSING Of 07, poultry W Ir.g'j 3985 Stat huy rabhtta. tat. PS 1-3911 450 Merchandise 4S1 Household Goods DAVENPORT. springs, mat tress tdhl. bed. 120. 2227 Hyde HAND WOVEN RUGS PH. 4-2331 MOVING SELL COMPLETE 5 ROOMS OF FURNITURE 3140 ABRAMS AVE USED dresser, criest fclwd-4 HOGGJBROS., 24S Stste St. FORALE: I piece dining rnv set. davenport fe chair. Ph 4-039 USED davenport and rhsir. 1273 3rd. Ill WtSTlNGHOUSE elec. roaater, Ward's deluxe mangle, port able paint sprayer, all In excel cojid Ph 4-79U. FRIGIDAIRE cu. ft., exc. "cond 150. Ph. 4-554 REFRIGER ATOR. cm. ft auto" like new. Reas Ph. 4-M02 das Mon thru Frl 1 ONLY Buck Hunters' Sjpecial 15' Freezer, wss 4479 03 NOW $359.95 Budget Tr?mi 3-951 3-7455 MISC. furniture wanted Cour tenue service Ph 3 mm E LUMBER YARD 233 North Front St. Phone 3-9111 We Give S fe H Green Stamp" HOME & AUTO 1420 Stale Rt. Ph. 20H3 Fairground! Ph. USED refrigerator. IIS 21 fe up AI Laue, App..2350 State SI, TRADE-IN old fumltur. or what have you on a new auto matic waaher, dryer, range or refrigerator. GOOD HOUSE KEEPING INC. 47 Court St. Your Furniture Cr, Pickup nn 1 Now Trailer Jf"' roo,ln r 0 215. lb. compo riuuic Completely Furnished 21' to 50' WITH ONE TWO OR THREE BEDROOMS TERMS TO 5 YEARS JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2r.tn Portland Rd. Ph. S-IM3 466 fticydos COLUMBIA Hesvy duty bicycle, extra good cond Ph Blue 3!), Mt. Angel. WOULD lik in iratie 2i" fur a 24" bicycle. Ph. 4-0500. 454 Sewing Machines SEWING MACHINE REBUILT Singer portable S22 50 Machine is thoroughly rebuilt . and guaranteed for 3 vears Terms II 25 per week Liberal trade in allowance. Ph. 4-7102 Idlr.) USED rug. 'x2'. good condition HOGG BROS 195. St. 241 State 456 T.V. I Rsdio I ROLLAWA Y Bed Mattress. si a, used ataee.. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4371. 1-BDRM tile fe oak floors. Fire, place fe furnace. Ph. 3-431. 1-BDRM.. flrepl. fe birch kit. Morntngalde Olst. see st 1233 Vit Av Ph. Turner 3S. FOR RENT Near Aurora, It seres. 40 acres In cultivation, good soil, irrigation rirhta, pipe, sheep, equipment. D. Olson, Rt. 1, Aurora. cert I v furnished If desired gauge, 140. S3M N. 4th. PURE bred Collie pups I wks. old. 3441 Silverton. PUPPIES, Fancy wir fnxter. RfeW cockers. Scottles Reg. Reas. prlcea. Douglas Knls. Scotta Mills. Hwy. 113 to Sil verton Continue S ml Knl. Sign. BLACK tan male dachshund puppy for eale. Ph. 4-1772 Hlltllnw.4 F'fsR'SAT.t?' rt,'lre'rr1wfftf f PtliS Reg 737 W. Church, Mon mouth. Skyline 11U7. OLD fashioned dresaer. radio, floor lamp, Hollywood bed headboards 1 s, bedstead wringer tvpe washer. Bath tub. Ph. 1-11T. USED wood bed 1So. HOOC BROS. 241 State St. KlrlBY vacuum l(.0.1.11IiC JCapltol. Ph. 1-707 (dlr1) UNFINISHED "bookcases. S45fe up. HOGG BROS., I4S State St. HOOVER vacuum SIS.5. l3lTS" XpiloL fa J.2067 Idlr ) HOLLYWOOD dhl bed with legs, complete, lil.io. 4-no. G. E. Gonsole Radio-Phonograph. Ml) IS. Uaed Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lihertv. Ph. 4-S371. TABLE Radio. 91. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S, Liberty. Ph. 4-6.ni USED 21" TV In beautiful ma hogany cabinet, new picture tube. Can be purchased as low ss 17.2 per mo. Modern Ap pllsnce Center, 1141 8. Com l. Pii 4-93S3 open eves. UKE new 11" Console TV set. Mahogany finish. 1133 Ph ,25320 a.m. or eves, after I V. ANTED- Used men English bl- cycle. Ph, 3 259. 2 BOYS bikes, one English. Ph. 4-906. NEED A ROOF? (It's gonns rain) ng 111 25 sq. po .. Bargain O No a cedar shingles 6li sq. Need a Garage Door: (Gets you in and outt a l-aectlnn will-over wood doors, installed 13 and u 0 Call us for FREE Door In spection. Need a House Door? 1 We Gottum All' Birch . . 17 7 ft u a Beech : ... S.7fl fe u Mahog 4 S3 fe up a l-Panel 5ftn e. Remember 0 Open All Dav Saturday FREE DELIVERY O Terms - Of course! C & K Lumber Yard Lancaster at Center Ph. 1-150 468 For Rent, Misc. rOR RENl or tease ige ears house spsee cement floor brick oldg.. downtoem In autre R L (tiff Fur l-l M 470 Building Materials FALL Special Combination Aluminum storm- or screen doors, 4 M InsUlled to Oct. 2. PH. 4-0600 451 Musical Instruments VIOLIN, hapd made, good cond. t, imi, ... -t- USED WSrlitrer arcorrjian SSi. 103 Culver Lm. Pa. -Mi Overnead steel garage doors with hardware, S43o. in sailed 153 50. l-ft altdlnf pstle doors laaa 1109 Galvan eaves trough, lp'jf ft Built-in range fe oven, lira EPP1NG LUMBER CO. PH. 44I23 3740 8ILVERT0N RD. FIR FLOORING 1x1 1x4 S43 per M 1x3 clear Oak fir. 19 per M 1," used Plywood Sc sq. ft. Used FiiUx K sq. ft fseiect Hardboard ... a'sc sq. tt. 4 ' smoke damaged Chtp-Botrd, smooth 2 sides 16c sq. ft Used lumber No. 1 fe btr ,.. S4S-S5B per M Bridie limbers fe planks S43-S55 per M with! 1x4 Shorts 1c llnal ft. Ix Bustle Siding M pet M ALSO Windows, Doors, Plumbing CORR1GATFJ " PLASTIC. The new structur! rheterlal for natto roofs, sun P1 P1 Fred'w. Smith Lumber Yrd, 14 lull trt Phon l-Uls. E. S. RIHER & CO. 174 Portlsn Rd. Ph. 4-S31I V TTTiWBriff Bl pajpailM. 'f Ft III North of 7Mtm