I aw mm m mi 'Tncfl my House Far Sale It In today's Statesman and derided ta day here. Qassified Index Tor tour Convenience" llu 11 114 lit lit sou nz toi 404 407 4og 409 410 412 41 I4 429 450 451 4:2 4M 4 VI 4S8 482 4M 4 4"n 47) 4:4 4T8 4 HO 481 42 4.1 4S4 4 4S8 4 W loo 110 1:2 s no 40 804 808 808 10 1:1 (14 ,s n ( ?0 7"0 712 in.i 7 "5 irw 107 107. 1 10 710 TU 714 71 in 700 no ni 02 ao.i 07 arm ;o 112 i sia 1:5 Metuni Notice Loll ind Found Transportation Personal SUmpi and Colna AGRICULTURE Livestock tor Sal Livestock Wanted Poultry and Rahblta Fur Bearing Animti Peta Sea Food! SmiIi and riant Fruit and Farm Product Fertilizer Farm rqupment Auction Sal at MLRCHAND1SF Household Goodi Appliance s Sewing Machinal TV Radio Musical lnsirun ents Wanted Household Cooda Sports Equipment Ricvriei Rulldlng Materials Plumhinj Heating Floor Covering Do It Yourself For Sal Mlai ellaneous For Rent Miscellaneous Trade Miscellaneous Wanted Miscellaneous M.we'laneoua. Machlnerv A Tools Wanted Machinerv A Tooli Fuel BUSINESS AND FINANCB Monty to Loan Loana Wanted Investmcnta EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Help Wanted. Man Help Wanted Lady Pickers Wanted Salt Help Work Wanted. Man Work Wanted, Lady Situation! Wanted Jot) Information Education Dav or Contract HENTA1.S Sleepina rtnorrs Board Wanted Rooms Board Apartment! for Rent Duplexes Home for Rant A Furnished Farm for Ron Wanted to Rent Wanted to Rent House Wanted to Rant Apt. Business Rentala Resort Rentali Convaleacent Hornet Moving and Storage REAL ESTATE Builneai Opportunltlei Business Fioperl ouiet'farBtlt Apt Court lor fait I ou for Sale Farmi for Salt Exchange Real Etatt Reaort Property Wanted Real Estate Inauranct Advertising Stateimii-Jonraal Nrwipapen W N. Chorek SL PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Ml I hn.s) Weekari mm. per l:na 1 tlma. .35 .21 per una 3 times M M per line timea.-ll 20 II 20 per line 1 mo. 15 00 Unci. Sun. ) Classified arts will be run In both papers to give advertisers the advantage of the tremen combined circulation. "When an ad la ordered three or aix times and Sunday Issue la Included ifor example Friday Saturday Sundayl the lower Sunday rates apply because only The Statesman publishes Sun daya. Classified ada will atart In the morniBg Oregon Statesman, con clude in the evening Capital Journal but ada will b ac cepted for Sunday Satesma'n only. The deadline for classified ad la 100pm the day before pub lication except for Sunday wheal deadline la 5 30 p m. Friday Emergency ada and small line ds received after 1:M pan. weekdays and until 11 nooe Satudray for Sunday may be placed in the 'Too Late to CI a tify" column. Ada for Monday papers mint be in by I p m. Saturday The Statesman-Journal News papers reaerve the right to re ject questionable advertising; It further reserve the right to Clare all advertising under the proper classification. The Statesman-Journal Newa paoers assume no financial re aponaihility for errors which may appear tn advertisements puhlKhed in It columns and In (Jir. wi,It W.'.i paper it at fault will reprint that part of n advertisement In which the typographical mistake occur A "Blind" Ad an ad contain ing Stateiman-Journai N awe paper box number for an ad dree la for the protaeVmn of the d-rtlert and must there fore be answered by latter. The Statesman Journal Newspaper arep.ot at liberty to divulge In formation aa to the Identity of n advertiser using a "Blind' d THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect it readeri agalnat fraud deception, or Injuries Reader arc cautioned to make KO PAYMENTS to get a po aition advertised Is the help wanted column. AM help wanted ada MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK.. Sale help wanted ad must tat If the pay 1 In the form of salary eommtsalon guarantee or Include firm name Bon fid offer of em- 61oyment with pay belong to te "Help Wanted" column. Ada in ether eolumna which re quire Investment la stock, aampiaa equipment or cash bond ehruid he thoroughly In eeettgaed before paying out any money Advertieen re quiring a cash tnYMtmant for a m plea or merchandise, Bales aidav au .. anuat aa scij In their ad Kindly report any snreeptloa te thla rule to the cJaamiiled ad vsartlaing aaanaa. ad, miss! l'rr Juil rrad It i is attractive we've ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED ... Too Late to Classify SLEEPING ROOMS 2419 STATE ST. MOORE PETS Ra'v cages bird boarded aup plies open eve 4005 State. SEWING MACHINE . Another beautiful Neccht Zlg 7t Portable left nn nur hands with a ll 80 hal. Take over ront 11 25 a k Ph 4-7102 for free home trial idlr 1 SEWING MACHINE " Repossessed Singer desk mdl. All late features such as for ward A; reverse atltrh. hinted presser foot, etc. Assume rnn trart for I) 50 full cash price Pm ts if desired. 14 per mo. Ph 4-7102 idlr 1 27 TRAILER house7II metef" modern. 11095 Ph 4-3871 5J CMC J T piikup with rannpy. A-l cond. See at 3815 McCain Ave Ph 2-4788 50 OLDS fullv eoiilp vrv clean Must sell 1595 See 1440 Oremeketa. Ph. 4-0004. 2 BR. and den. firepl , large lot. Nob Hill diit. 3 blks. HI arhl. 18 369 furn 1781 So. Liberty. 1 BDRM house, 'a A.- Fruit! nuts, shade trees 295 N. Lan caster. Ph 4-4277. WILL SELL OUR 3 BDRM HOME. t".R50 NO DOWN PMT. if you ran pay a little extra the first few months In ( and aiana school clist 2 lots on ( nrnt-r Well fenced Gar K hreefua or would exchange for smaller 2 bdrm home, Ph 4-W44 FOR LEASE excellent major ml en. Serv. Station' with good established business A High gasoline volume. Inventory A equipment investment requir ed Ph. 4-4451 days. WILL furnish houae. rent, to qualified Bookkeeper. In ex change for small bookkeeping service. Couple only. Ph. 4-4251 after 7 p.m. HOUSF.735s7capltol It, 145. Ph .1-47 JS afternoons WILL bahyslt. yof faOm. days FRFF. old lumber for kindling. 1410 E. VlaU. Ph. 2-537. WOULD like "to trade M" for a 24" bicycle. Ph. 4-0500 ELEC RANGE, Kenmore auto, washer. Both like new. Ph. 4-2555 USED davenport and chair. 15. 1273 3rd BLACK & tan male dachshund puppy fos- sale Ph. 4-5772 MOLLIS arjileas. hydrangea. 50c up. Red A pink araleaa 3 11. Boxwood, primrose. Merrilt'i Greenhouse Brooks. Evening Phone 2-2151 35 CPM sprav pump. D2 rat A equip 100 HP elec motor. 4000 gsl. gas tank. 100 ton press I 4590 SO PACIFIC HIGHWAY RADIATOR REPAIRS Vied Truck A Trailer Part 300 Personal 310 Mooting Norico BAHA I world faith Information, write Statesman J'rn'l, Bx 116. 312 Loir and Found LOST : Boxer, cut on left leg, in vlcinitv of Willamette U. 2ti7 S. Winter. FOUND Clasa "ring. Identify. Ph. 2-7900 LOST: Male Kerry Blue-terrier In West Salem area. Ph. 3-9133 LOST Dark brown Zipper coin purse, vicinitv Court aV 17th A Center Sat. a m. Ph. 2 1728 Reward. 316 Personal FOR FACTS about the Catholic Church, write P O. Box (343, Indianapolis, Indiana. Informa tion aent under plain cover. No personal follnw.up. F'wiTl-NOT be resnaToler"for debts other than my own. Richard Kiger. 4 CHOICE-Restlawn Cemetery lots, very reas. 3 8413 ALCOHOLICS Anonymou. 9M S. Commercial. 2-2108. 2-2150 ALCOHOLICS Anonrmoua group No 1. 20M N Coml J-4537 MARY Pnlmist tells past, pres ent k futu-e Love, marriage, business. 3745 Portland Rd. 400 Agrifulture 402 Lirtirock for Solo PASTURE Wanted for one yearling ateer. Close in. Ph. 4-M47. GENTLE, sound, smooth mouth, horse. 175. 3371 Sllverton Rd WELCH PONY. PH. 4-7578. GOOD Jersey cow fresh In few days. 3rd caA 5913 McCleay Rd I, ARABIAN Pinto marc, 1 vra. old. 1150, Cash or terms. Ph. 2 4594 BAY gelding part Morgan, part Quarter horse. Ph. 2-2206 after 4pm WF.ANE R Pigs for tale, I wka old. Ph. 2-7371 FOR SALE or trade, gentle Ponies for children, also good saddle horses Boh Franke, 305 N Water St. Sllverton. Ph. 3-1134. SALEM Meat Co, locker beef Custom killing, cutting and wrapping, trailer loaned free 403 Livottock Wonted' CATTLE buyer. A F. tamirir, imp Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-4XM7 TO eawh wrtr1 sjt vtiu f vyiaes, Ray Corel Ph. 4-I1M CoUexM UVESTOCK, buyer C la woe 14- trarda, M. t. Bx MaV 4VUU. 400 Agriculture 42S Auction SUt SCOTTY'S AUCTION HOUSE ' & FURNITURE CO. At 4840 Center St, Salem On Sat, Oct. 6, 10 A.M. & 7 P.M. BIG AUCTION ALL DAY & EVENING THIS IS A COMMUNITY AUCTION. COMI BRING IN SOME THING TO SELL. 8AT. WE OFFER-AT 10 A. M. MISC. FARM ITEMS, TOOLS, GRAIN SACKS, MISC. FURNITURE. PRO DUCE, AT 1 P. M. CHICKENS, RABBITS, TURKEYS, DUCKS, & GEESE. WILL BE SOLD AT 1:50 P. M. LIVESTOCK SELL INCLUDING COWS, BULLS, FEEDERS, VEALS. SEVERAL GOOD WHITE FACE STEERS FOR LOCKER USE, BABY CALVES. WEANER PIGS, BOARS. BOWS. SHEEP. & GOATS. AT 7 P M. EVENING AUCTION. THIS IS OUR REGULAR 1ST Or MO. ANTIQUE A MISC. AUCTION INCLUDING CHICKEBING UPRITE PIANO A- STOOL, CHINA CLOSET At BOOK CASE COMBINATION. ANTIQUE KITCHTN TABLE. CHEST DRAWERS, MAPLE DRESSER, I PC. BIRDS-EYE MAPLE BEDROOM SET, ANTIQUE BED, 1 COMMODES, OAK, LIBRARY TABLE, WRITING DESK. CLOCKS. LAMPS, PIC TUBE FRAMES, DISHES GALORE, T TRUNKS TO BE OP ENED, ALL CHUCKED FULL OF ANTIQUES, DISHES, A- ETC. DONT MISS THIS VERY INTERESTING AUCTION, EVERY BODY INVITED, BOTH YOUNG AND OLD. WE HAVE A GREAT TIME. CONCLUSION OF THE EVE AUCTION WE HAVE A PUBLIC DRAWING FOR FREE COFFEE SUGAR. ALSO A NICE PRIZE REMEMBER OUR RETAIL FURNI TURE STORE HERE. LOWEST PRICES IN STATE. PRICES ON ALL ARE GOING UP Wl ARE MARKING 'EM DOWN, DON'T MISS OIT ON THE BARGAINS, WE HAVE 1 ACRES FREE PARKINS)"- AUCTIONEER m. ERNEST E. scon PH. 4-6433 403 Livestock Wanrad CATTLE buyer 427 State L 1 H. Snethen 1-1545, 1-4380 TRADE model A aport sedan lor row. Ph. Mia. CATTLE norsaa at your farm L C. MeCandlltn. Rt 2, 1-eiW 404 Poultry end Robbiri RED frvera wtspped for locker II .15, 1', to 3 lbs live 11. Fri. eve Sat k Sun. Barnev While. 5055 Harelgreen Rd. 'i ml E Totem Pole Live Frvers 25c. lb. Valley Farm Store. BABY Chirks hatched jrr. round Valley Farm Store. 4-4424. BVBY Chlcka for meat or eggs Send for free folder Wilsons Hatchery. Lyons, Ore. PH. ULrick 1-2533. CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry We bur rebbrta. Wings. 3915 Bute. PH. 4-3111 408 Pets KITTENS to give away. 1 weeks old. Ph. 4 20M. ShELTIE pups (miniature Col lies) reg. 225 S Lancaster. 4-4127. FOR SALE: 2 pure bred Boston Terrier puppies, black with white markings L. W Thack erv. Rt 2 Box 179 Sllverton, 1 ml F Totem Pole I'F.DGEE Collie pups 110 Fe male, 113 MaIc ind house right on SI Lewis R from Catholic Church, Gervais. Rob ert Ramsey FOR SALE: 2 female 10 week old fawn blk. mask Great Dane puppies. AKC Reg. Rea sonahle. Mrs Gathright. 1.150 Lhambera, r.ugene, ure. fn. Diamond 4-3393. FOR SALE or trade A K C. reg Labrador retriever. Ph. 1-11241 PUPPY LAND Pur bred Jr reg. Coach dog. Airdala T'rrierlj Toy Fox. coerer. I4ii wimama at. 41. WEIMARANER pup, t mo. Champion Stock. xcL oe- havlor. PH. 44111. KEITH'S PUPPY FARM 5460 Canter. Ph 1-79M Puppies all kinds. Buy is D. Afternoon It eve. YOUNG paraaeets, cage, feed. Mickey1 Sl S Com. t-2755 PARAKEETS, trop. flab, sup plies. 3180 Livingston. 2-1B42. 410 Seeds ond Plants CHRYSANTHEMUMS Mc. at up. Meiers. 3175 Evergreen Ave TOP quality plants for lets at Middle Grove Nuraery. 4920 Silv. Rd. We Give SAH Green Stamps. DWARF Asters. Delphiniums. Chn'tanthemums, Perennials k Rock Plants of all kinds Burnett Gardens, 'i mi W of Prison Annex on Boone Rd Ph. 4-245! . l klNff AlfredDaffudll bulb. Me. a doz. Also have tulips, hya cinths, crocus. Middlegrove Nuraery, 4920 Sllverton Rd. CHRYSANTHEMUM Show dally until Nov. 10 at Black s. 2270 Chemaw Rd. Ph. 4-722. Flow er Arrangements and 1 acre Display Field, in Bloom now 41 2 fruit, Form Produce TOMATOKS U plck 75o. bu. W pit-k 1.25 bu. Diedrich Farms. 220 W. Chemawa Rd. 1 mi. straight W. of Keizer arh. APPLES, aeveral varieties 11.50- 12. Cecil Boyd '2 ml. East of Clear Lake Schl. Ph. 1-6123 GR APFSfor sale.2610 "Wallace Rd. A. J. Mar.ac. APPLEsTlTpickT" Mr. Cernik, FiuilUnd, Rt. 1 Box 831. UP!CK tomatoes. 11 bu. 4950 Center. Ph. 4-41M. HYBRID tomatoes, picked 11 a bushel, Kclrcr area. Ph. 4-45 10 LBS. No. 1 Gem spuds 35c. Banana 10c. lb 3 lb.. Jon apples. 39c, Bishop' a Fruit Market. 3510 Sllverton nn. RI.P k Golden Delicimi apples 1250 box. Also winter DeAn jou peara. Ph. 2-7209. klNGSrSpltirDeiicioullT2"Dir 5795 Center. 2 7153 CONCORD "grapes 5c UPicY4c Brltt AspinwaJI, Brooks. Rt 1. Ph. 2-20RI. NICF.i canning tomatoes, extra good picking. U-pick II bu Holman 12 mi So of Salem on old Jefferson Hwy. GRAPES GRAPES 11 per lug. Bring containers. Galle Farm. l'i mi. E. of Totem Pole. ml. S on Van Cleave Rd. Ph. 4-15M. GRAPES c picked, Jc U-PIck 2s mi. on Wallace Rd. ml on Fialla River Bend Rd. Ph 4-4319. Tomatoea, U-pick. II 00 bushel, we pick 11.75, bring contain ers. George Asher on Grand Island. Ph. (1x20 Dayton. Ore CUCUMBERS; All kind. Pb 4-1263. 4725 N. Lancaster. PASTEURIZED whole milk. 75c gal. Romogeruted, Tte. ' gal. for 40c Cleary Dairy 1-3031 FOR SALE: winter pears. Bring containers, rn. 2157.1. CUCUMBER c WALNUTS" Ph. 4-4321 TOMATOES U-pick 75o. bu. Whitehead 490 cummlngs Lne 'i ml. W. Berg in Keizer. 413 Fortiliior CHICKEN fertilizer. $16 truck load, delivered. 50c aack. Ph 4-6039 or 4-2089. FERTILIZER AaffMl manur. ftnMt mi. lit j" nlwiyi w del. iny amount BARNYARD retted fertiliser. $1 KVn, minimum 3-ton load, 41JJ Independence. 400 Agriculture 42 J Auction Solas Complete dispersal of Grade A dairy. 5' miles West of Salem on the houtn fiiver Rri., 1'3 miles West of Roberts. Tuesday, Oct. I, 12 noon sharp 10 head matured dairv cows. 27 head Ayrshires mostly regis tered 13 head Jersey and Guernseys. Age range 1 years and up. Some milking up In 54 lbs a dav. Test up to 5 4 A good, rlean herd. All test ed Records will be given on Sale Date Earl R. Hunt, Ownrr Dan B tc Larry Roth of Albany, Auctioneera 413 Fortiliior PEAT Moss from chick trays. 75c sack. Valley Farm Store MILORGANITE fertllixer for your lawn, flowers, shrurm. tree, k garden. Pemberton s Flower shop ak greenhouse. 1980 S. 12th. 414 Form Equipment FOR SALE: V, H P Evlnrude outboard motor, new cond Ph. 140-J Independence. FARMALL super A and equip worth 13.0(10 new. Hasn't reallv been broken in. II loo. Ph 4-284 call after B p.m HOWARD Rotovator 3(1 Dodee pickup, make offer, 1305 S 14th. M'"s.c7CAS'Etracfor. 5S, 3 point roll over plow ; '54 case nevy duty mower, '54 Wade Fertilizer spreader. 3317 Ham mel. Ph. 19510. 450 Merchandise 451 Houtohold Goods S PC chrome dinette 129 50. Washing machines, 115 up: ' eJeak-draVer both aide II 50: stroller 14 Ml; play pen-deluxe 111.50; book eheives maple $7 50; treadle sewing machine 114.30; small fan 12 75, ironing board 13 V); I r crib 112 50, Roto-broller 119.50; Electric hot water heater 137 90: Maple nite stands 9 50; Maple van ity with bench 137 SO: hi-chairs 1 95 and a 1000 other bar gain, during Glen Woodry s close out remodeling sale. Glen Woodrv, 1605 N. Summer OUT THEY GO! I F.lectrolux vacuums w-attach. H5 Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. NEW wood circulator heater, reg. 1109 50 special 169 50 Starker. Furniture 3260 N. Lancaster. SINGER portable, mod. chair, shag rug, luggage, waffle iron. Pictures, set encyclopedias, miac. Ph. 3 3111. DAVENPORT, springs. maf trew AdbLbed, 1202221 Hyde NEW-awing rocker7ll M up. Glen Woodry. 1603 N. Summer. OLD fashioned dresser, radio, floor lamp, Hollywood bed headboards, 1 . bedstead wringer tvpe washer. Bath tub. Ph. 3 6117. LET'S go to Glen Woodrys great remodeling Sale I ! New Solid Maple bunk beds and Trundle beds with mattresaes, 179 50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. NOW I I New Englander Hotel box and matching lnnerspring mattress. Set at the low, low price of 69 .50; New England er mattress set with foam rub ber 79 50 Trades Terms. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer DURI NG GrenW oocfry T" 145 .000 gigantic tale You can buy a new riaveno set for the Low est Price ever, 1119.50 Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. PRICES slaahed-on new Bed room set new iaige Mi. & Mrs. dressers with mirror, bookcase bed with foot and rail 199 50. with 9 drawer Mr. k Mrs. 1119.50. Yeal I Tradea Terms. THEY'RE going fast Carload of chrome and Wrought Iron Dinettes for the lowest price ever 5 no. Wrought Iron Dinettea $49 50. Terms. Trades. Glen Woodry. 160$ N. Summer HERE'S your chance to own a new x 12 Wool Axminster rug $48 86. Rug pads only $9 95 GlenWoodry. 1605 N. Summer KIRBY vacuum" 11"S0 1.121 K. Capi!oLPh.3-iJ067 idlr 1 NEW Large 9 drawer Charcoal Mr Ik Mrs. Bedroom set with double sliding door bookcase bed, foot and rails, now 1119.50 Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer T!! We're remedeling AV expanding our atore, igee ain't growing pains awful? 1 We have enme stuff that supposedly came acroaa on Noah's Ark A It's all got to go. Price la no ob ject. LOOK Each I 500 - 1 00 . 1 00 20 Reefers, aa la Large lot springs . Large lot beds Davenport sets Westlnghouse Hl-Speed Apt. Electric Ranges . Vacuum cleaner from Phono Records 3 Pianos . 10 Maple bunk heda inc. springs 1 000 chairs from . Wood of coal heatere ... SHOP IS NOW!! .. 18 00 I 48 no ! . I no 13 ... 50 00 . 20 no . 1 no ... 15 00 1605 N. Summer St. V 450 MercHancUse 4S1 Household Goods Our Remodeling Sal to con tinue for 21 days. Must mov our . 1 . $45,0(30 STOCK To have room for construction tc remodeling that we find necessary to meet our Increas ing customer demand. - Everything in Stock For Example: Reduced... Biltwell Davenos J pieces in a wide (election of colors & aiyies $99.50 & UP 5 Piece Chrome Sets Modern stvled wrought Iron In a large selection. $49.50 Come in and browse around for the must exciting low prices in aaiem. OPEN TIL 9 Friday Evening Glen Woodry 1605 No. Summer NEW bumper er.,i dvno beds. SPF.CIAL lin-i 95 Used Mdse Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-8371. HOOVERTe7uunril9.Mf32l'li Capitol Ph 3-7067 idlr 1 BE Buy Good Used Furniture $30 rlnwn will buy a rnmplp'f' household of furniture includ ing appliances. Plastic covered daveno $39.93 New swing rockers, choice of colors. Reg $29 95 Now $13 Reconditioned and guaranteed ranges and refrigerators From $39.50 New Maple dresser with mir ror and twin or full size bed $hB76 We Pay Cash for Good I'scd Furniture & Appliances 515 S. COM'L PH. 4-3319 ELECTROLUX Vacuum, 19 50 1321 N, Capitol. Ph. 3-7067 (rilr - NEW Bras Firescreens $44 A Glen Woodry. I05 N. Summer SHUTTLE point rug, not worn With pad. 9x13, cost 1193 new. sell 1100, floor lamp like new Remington quiet writer, like new $75. Ph. 2-9941 eve. DO as the others do Save hundreds of dollars when you buy a complete household of furniture during Glen Woodry s (everything goest remodeling sale Terms Yes!! Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. UN FINISHED rurnTttira! H. L. Stiff Furniture. 175 N. High LEWYT Vacuum, like new, 124 50. 1321 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-7067 (dir. I HAND WOVEN RUGS PH. 4-2531 100 NEW floor lamps all go at Glen Woodry's, 1605 N. Sum irttr, remodeling sale Save as never before 16 M Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 17" MOTOROLA tablemodeiTV it turn top table, also equity in Amana upright freeier. 2213 Hazel Ave. Ph. 2-495.1 NOW hear this! ! New 2 pc Biltwell Sectionals, $129 50 during Glen Woodry'i great remodeling RALE. Terms. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. YES, all closeout prices on Glen Woodrys great remodeling sale. New 3 pc. Foam rubber curved sectional $239 50. Glen Woodry, 1605N. Summer. ANTIQUE 3 pc. walnut bedroom set. Chairs, Mirror, shelves, etc. 116 ft. half inch copper tubing for gas piping. Ph. 4:1592. LEAVING town, sold home, must vacate. Sacrifice all my 5 rms. furniture, dishes, lamps A- appliances. Immediately. 1260 N 2:ird. MOVING Auto, washer: Frlgidalre: elec. atove; bed act; lamps; tables; rugs; draperies: power mow er; hose: teen age books; En cyclopedia. 1795 Market St, MOVING "back "east, sell 'com plete 5 rooms of furniture. 3340 Abrsms Ave SACRIFICE by owner leaving town. Deluxe Hotpolnl push button range, like new Dinette set. Lane cedar chest. Book case. Rugs. Other misc. Items. Ph. 3-8940 LARGE Buiil-in buffet k cup board, leaded glass doors Ph. 3-7481 452 Appliancoi TRADE Good O'Keefe A Mer- "rilt gas range for wringer tvpe v, asher. Ph. 4 2646 1-year-old Phllco refrigerator. $65 PH. 4-8258 EASY Sptndrler, good condition. Priced to sell, $33. See at 4180 Sunnvview' or call 4.1228 after 6 p.m. F3 CUBIC ft. Kelvinator freezer. Price only $160. like,riew. See across from Question Mark Cafe. Mrs. F. Cox Lyons, Ore or Call Ulrich 9 2271 BENDIX aulo. washer. Good condition, priced to sell, $25 Call 4-875B. APT sized appliances. One G E. refrig. 79 88. One Westing house range $59. nB A-l cmtni tion. $5 down. "Your Oown Town" Firestone Store. 395 N Lihertv. Ph. 2 2491 USED washers $15 t up. Mod ern Appliance Center. 1141 So Com'L Ph. 4-1313 USED Refng. 125 at up Modern Appliance Center. 1141 South Com L 4-9.153 COOLERATOR dbl oven elec range 4 yrs old Ph 3-3869 B F. A UT7 FUL-d e hi xt f u II sire Admiral elec. range Like new. works perfectly Bargain 2475 Fisher HO 7F.NITH wringer v. asher Good " v orVr!f 'P'T'ctTrton Fry far? 4 4207 ELECTRIC range, verv good cond. Pa. IXlii. 101 Market. MIS ' 450 MercEtndlse 452 Applloncoo WESTTNGHOUSK alee, roaster, Ward'a delua mangle, port able paint anrayer, all In txcel. cond. Ph. 4H1I, FULL six electric rang with calrod unit $59.30. Clan Woodry 1603 N. Summer GUARANTEED Reconditioned, automatic wasV en, dryers, range is refrigk. $31.30 Is up. YEATER APELIANCE CO. 171 Cherriaketa it REPOSSESSED 10 cu. ft reirlg. Can be purctaased $3.M par mo. Modern Appliance Cen- : ter, 1141 So. ComX Ph. 4-9333. Open eve. FOR SALE; wringer typo waah er $13. Ph. 4-6044 or ee 331 Menlo Dr. USKD Bendlx auto, washer and dryer. Waiher fair cond. dryer J ond cond. $63. each. Both for 12011. 2-9607, FRIG ID AIRE dlfe dbl. oeen range, excel. Cond aell or trade for piano. 2-6091. USED automatic washers. Pen dix. Hotpoint, etc., 175 to $95 Installed guar. 1 mos. terms Judson'a, 279 N. Com' I. 52 gal. auto. elec. water heater. $69 95 Judson'i. 279 N. Com'i EXTRA good used Mavtae Washer. New guarantee. $74 M your umn lown t irestone Store. 395 N. Liberty. Ph. 2 2491. REPOSSESSED upright freezer, Holds R40 lbs. Reliable party may assume Dai. siu oown. New guarantee. "Your Down Town Firestone Store. 3fs5 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-2491. APT. SIZE refrigerator. Like new. $79.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270S.IJberty. Ph, 4-6.T71. RELIABLE party may assume Washer. New guarantee $74.88. Freezer. 3 mos. old. Only $10 down Save $150. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N. Liberty. I'h. 2-2491, 434 Sowing Machine;! SEWING MACHINE REBUILT Sinaer portable 122 50 Machine is thoroughly rebuilt and guaranteed for $ years Terms II 25 per week Liberal trade in allowance. Ph. 4-7102 idlr 1 ROUND BOBBIN CABINET ELECT. REVERSE STITCH FI LL SIZE HEAD SINGER SEWING CENTER 1.10 N. Com'!. Ph. 3-3512 SEWING MACHINE RKPOSSESSF.D Singer desk model. Like new condition Take over contract for 178 60 at l M per week. Ph. 4-7102 (dlr i LOOK! LOOK! SLANT NEEDLE TRADE-INS AI V2 OFF LIST PRICE 4 ONLY YH - SEWING CENTER 1.T0 N. Com'l. CABINET.-forward' good cond. with 150. Ph. 4 6163. Ph. 3-3512 k reverse, buttonholer, 456 T.V. i Radio HOFFMAN 21" Television set. $9995. Used Mdse. Mart, 270 S. Libertv. Ph. 4-6371. USED 21" TV in beautiful ma hogany cabinet, new picture tube Can be purchased as low as $7.23 per mo. Modern Ap pliance Center, U41 S. Com'l. Ph 4-9353 open eves "YOUR Down Town" Firestone Store Is vour Headquartera for Philco TV Sets. Come in today to see our complete stock. 395 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-2491. GOOD used 24" all channel Con sole TV. New Guarantee. Terms. $10 down. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-2491. BEAUTIFUL repossessed 21" Console Blonde TV. Assume balance. 110 down. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 31I5 N. Liberty. Phl-2491. ASSUME ba'ianctTon 21"tsibie model TV. $5 down, "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 JN. Liberty. Ph. 2-2491. LIKE new 21 " Console TV set Mahogany finish, $133 Ph 2-5520 a m. or eves, after 6 458 Musical Instrument PIANO-vlolin lessons. State ac credited teacher. Ph. 2-6013 LARGEST selection of used Spinet planoa In Salem. Fam ous brands, Baldwin. Stein way, Gulbansen, Chickering, Weaver, Lester. $37 and up. Easy terms. ZOBEL'S 519 Court SEF Ffm YOURSELF THE fun and rrraxMnn a new Wur litzer piano will hrlnj to vour home! Should you decide to buy ail money paid for rental mav be applied to the pur chase price. STONE PIANO CO. 1280 State St.. Salem. Ph. 2-5211 A New Baldwin Arrnsnnte An erica s Moat Wanted Small Piano. ONLY $3 PER WK, Plus FREE Lessons ZOBEL'S Th. 4 8Z"2 519 Court St. Ml'SIC LESSONS ALL INSTRUMENTS - Instru ments rented while you learn. Salem's larges Miisie School. WIlTSFY-WF.ATHFRS MUSIC In the Capitol Shopnlng Center Pb. 1-1701 rrnov a. rirl spinet 130 N. I $450. 3 yra old. pia 24th ' ri'ii. .Tie Tunar wta-- wv&Tmir Ph. 28302 GOOD used piano Ph. $-7859 or I IMIL 343 S. Elm a. fT"H 450 SlercfianrUse 45S Musical Inttnimontt USED Wurlltzar accordlan $80. aoo culver Lane. Ph. I-6456. WANT to bur B flat trumpet. Will par $15. Ph. Mehama. Or. tlL 0-3171 afur 4 p.m. 0 BASS GalanU accordion, like new, light weight, Alligator ease. Ph. 4V76941. ACCORDION or piano leaeona. 1 ree ua or an accoraion, ad vanced or beginner welcome A IV type of music taught. Diran Hunsaker, IMI Court St. Ph. 2-3255. PIANOS reconditioned, $6$ and up, term. Donga piano Serv ice. Ph. 41854. TRUMPET and caae. good cond- $30, 763 Marlon. 1-1223. WE pay top cash price for planoa. Used Mdse. Mart tit 8. Liberty. Ph. 4-4371. BEHNING upright piano, excel, cond. tuned yearly. Ph. 1-4117. CASH & carrv piano. $50. Glen woodry, lavs . nummer. 454 bo It Yoursolf CHAVGl! YOUH OWN OIL Buy Bulk oil at wholesale. Eastern 11 He nt. H. D. deter- ffent 18 'ic qt. 2 gall, or more n your container. W have all weights. PRINE OIL COMPANY 120 S. Lancaster Dr. 462 Wonted Hihld Goods 116.000 CASH To spend for High grade Used Furniture At Appliance. rn 3-6110. Paying Top Price for Better Grade. Glen Woodry, 1(03 N. Summer TOP CASH PRICE r- FURNI TURE, APPLIANCES. ETC, USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. LIBERTY PH. 4-4371 WE NEED FURNITURE Vlley Furn. Co.. 1-7472 MISC. furniture wanted. Cour teous aervice. Ph. 3-6091. 464 Sports Equipment GOOD ramp, trailer, attach tent Propane conking. 194 N. 14th. FOR SALE:" oid Copies of STRENGTH and HEALTH. Ph .3-6449. TWO used 26" boys bikes. Your choice only II7B8 "Your Downtown" Tirestone Store. JH5 N. Llberly.Ph2J491. 1 IJVCHMILLER-12Ga loading press complete, call 3-6413. LIKE new 30-30 Winchester mod el 94 It shells. Ph. 4 2442. 6055 Chehaiis Dr. iYH A Amdf!rM 6" g. feather lite pump shotgun. Rem. 12 ga. 3 shot sportsman with cuts (ompensator. Pli 3-4895 aft. 6. 7 M. rubber boat, exc. cond. mo tor mount, etc. Ph. 3 8861. attention1hunters See or call us on prices, or trade deer hides for buckskin gloves Pacific Rendering Co. Ph. 3-5000. CASH paid tor used gun, mod ern and antique. Cascade Mere. 1230 Broadway USED RIFLES k SHOTGUN 698 ILLINOIS, S-8566 466 Bicycle VANTED: Used men English hi- cvcle. Ph. 3-6259. GIRLS "bicycle 261' $1o7TovTb7 cvcle 27" 110. Ph. 3-9534 2 ROYS bikes, one EngllshT ph' 4-9066. 468 For Rtnt, Mlic. roR RENT or tea. Iga. ware, house pc. cement floor brick bldg., downtown. In quire H. I Stiff Furn., t-M. 470 BuiltJing Matarial Keith Brown Specials r4--8--x r RO- Mehor. Panel 114 pe. 14 x 8 x ' Birch Ply wood . 6 40 pc. 4 x 8 x 't Birch Ply wood 11.20 4 x 6 x , Mahog. pe. Plvwood -.1180 pe. 4 x 1 x s Ext. Tir Plvwood 480 pe. 4 x 1 x a Hardboard 2 25 pc. 4 x 1 x "t Hardboard . 4.80 pc. PAINT PAINT: While these item last SHAKE paint 4 gal. for price of 3 gal 05 WHITE 4 gal. for price of 3 gal Utility OS WHITE . 1.50 gal. 1x6 6' (ill No. 116 Siding 60 00 M 1x8 it 1x10 RL No. 3 Com. Knotty Alaskan Cedar Paneling 80 00 M 11" Stained Shake wunder course 9.75 aqq. 1 Lot Open Sash 32 X 14 GM 25 a. NEW SHIPMENT OF DOORS: 2-0 to 3-0 x 6-1 Mahog. 2nds 3 00 it up Zonolite Insulation 1.40 bag Inside Door Jambs, No. 2, 1 95 act Try our easy Budget Plan Re member, Nothing dowa and easy payments I LUMBER YARD ' 23$ North Front St. Phone 3-9111 'We Give S A- H Green Stamps" NEED A ROOF? (It's gonn rain! S!ee! roofing jn 2? a. 0 215-lb. compo. Bargain 0 No 2 cedar shingles U .50 sq Need a Garage Door? (Gets you In nd oull 5-sectlon will-over wood doors, installed $65 and up Call us for FREE Door in spection. Need a House Door? iWe Gottum A II Birch 17.70 A us Beech .. la 70 A no Mahog 11 55 A up l-Panel 15 00 fa. Remember Open All Dav Saturday FREE DELIVERY S Term - Of course! C&KLumberYard Lancaster at Center Ph. 2-1500 FALL Special Combination Aluminum storm A screen doors. $49 50 Installed to Oct. 20. PH. 4-0600 Overhead ateel garage door with hardware, $43 50. In stalled $53 50. 6-tt sliding patio door with glass, $105. Galvan. eaves trough. 13'ie ft. Built-in range At oven, lilt. EPPING LUMBER CO. PH. 4-6123 3740 SILVERTON RD. ELECTRiC wail neelcia. 25 off 12 gal. elec. water heater, $85. 12-2 wire. 4'3c ft. Light fixtures reduced. 3 pc. bath set. 1120. Built-in ranges, 'i off Outlet boxes, 25c. 14-2 wire, 4c ft Apex Electric Plumbing. 1410 Broadway. Ph. 2-1884 Open Frt. eve. We cut wire, pipe A prices. COR RIGA TED PLASTIC. The new structural material for patio roofs, sun porches parti tion, etr 4flc square foot Fred W Smith Lumber Yard, 3843 State Street Phone J-8515 500 000 TEET lfc-cw frssh-millsd old iLJ.&'P,LJL growtn lumper. jx to jxij in to aa-rooi lengina ueuvereo price Salem. $30 per thou, minimum. Ted Muliar 4-0223. I ft Make Life Easier Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ACCOUNTING $F,RTICB Leon A. f lacua Ph, M2&J. 150$ 4tn btreet. ADDINO MACaTINIS uy a you rent All make Roen-Typewrttari, 454 Court Ph. 14771 4PPLIANCI1 WISTINGHOUSI Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So. Corel Ph 4-1111 BIDDIMO CAPITOL Bedding Mattraaa re n orator. New mattreaaea. S-404R BRICK at BLOCK MASON BRICK and block Work guar anteed. Ph. 4-4431. CABINETS CABINETS mad to order. Furn. repaired. Free est. Ph. -0441. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tlons retaining walls, cement or pumice Clock, rree eatl rnate. 36 mos. to pay. 1-62M. CERAMICIILI Valley Art Tile Co, Bathrooms, dralnboards, fireplaces, free est. gladly. Ph. 4-993S. CORRETTIERE CHARIS C0RSETTIERE 1310 Lansing ph. 1-tllf CRANS WORK 15-ton Lorain mote crane Sa lem Sand At Gravaf Co. 1-1461 450 Merchandise 470 Building Mtorii1$ lxJ It 1x4- 145 per M 1x3 clear Oak fir. ...19 per M V used Plywood 6c aq. ft. Used Flrtex 3c sq. ft. Reject Hardboard 3'jC sq. ft. ,4 smoke damaged Chip-Board, smooth 2 sides 15c sq. (t. Used lumber No. 2 ii btr. $45-$33 per M Brldse timber It planks . $4S-$53 per M 2x4 Shorts .ie lineal ft. 1x6 Rustic Siding $60 per M ALSO Window, Doors, Plumbing . S. RIM & CO. 6740 Portland Rd Ph 4-8.111 4 mi North of Salem, 'j ml. North of Totem Pole Open all day Saturday 471 Plumbing I Hoatinrj SPARKS oil heater, aftei S p.m. Ph. 1-6068 HOT Air circulating furnace with duck work. 40,000 BTU. Ph. 4-0004 after 4 p.m. OIL floor furnace, good condi tion.. Phone 2-6625. AUTOMATIC gas turn., 73,000 H T U. Ph. 1-OD14. USED sinks 2. lava 17. $15. Judson s, 171 si. torn i. 474 Floor Covtrinaj ORIENTAL rugs, DUbetle quit ting road. Selling sample at cost, a 9x12 li lk oriental for less than cheap American rug retail. Several pair. 1 Amer ican rug, $30. Minnesota Mo tel, cabin A, no phone call. INLAID linoleum. $1.7$ per sq. yd. R. L, EUitrom Co, 240 S. Liberty. VINYL floor til, 10c each, R. L. Elistrom Co. 260 8. Liberty 480 For Sal Mimllantoul BOVf; Roadster bike. almot new $40. Mens oxfords blk. sire 10, $3. Elec. steel guitar, ample, with 3 plugin, 173. Ig. heavy galvanized tub 33" di. S. 308 River Dr. Dalla Ph. A. 3 3J11 fter 5:30 or Sat. & Sun. FR1G1DAIRE elec. rnge, de luxe model Westlnghouse dry er. H C. little oil ore. heater, poultry cales, egg cles. Call feeder pails. Pressure conker, preserving kettle. Pb. 2-0050. COLEMAN oil circulator, 3 yrs. old, used 1 yr. 135. Ph. 4-284. FOR SALE reasonable new No. a Col. Steel ealv. wire 7 tons. No. 4 Co. Steel galv. wire. 2 tons. wo. 3 Black wire, l ion. Galv. aheettng No. 20 gauge. Call 3-6480 after 4 p.m. LG. selection new desks just ar rived SAVE now on our great remodeling sale. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. NEW-Roliawav Beds lllWi Mattress $12.88. Trades. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. 5 DINNER, 2 bread A butter plalei, Franciscan. aUo Ileiay Crystal. Ph. 3-4410. TOP SOIL Phone 1-1575. 2-4301 USED tires, truck and passenger. Buy, sell, trade. Lytle's OK. DUO-THERM oil heater. $31 4-4201. 3 MENS overcoats tut 40 k 1 ladv'a coat aire 14 . 2-8308. I RUMMAGE 16 Huffy bicycle, noti imggy. ptcntr tame. sat. only rear ent. 1330 Saginaw rPrvFRTTMSra'aTirf m7 chine, cash register, dupli cators, desks, chair, file, sup plies Roen's. 456 Court 3-4773 ROYAL typewriter A-l condi tion. $23 Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-4371. RETREADS 60067F$6 9i iTup Lytle's OK No. Com'l St Pine LEAVING STATE Large Hat of Items. As rubber boat, iig saw. wardrobe trunk, clocks, tools, dishes, clothing, an tiquea. Etc. 62 Mill St. OIL Circulator, good cond. PH. 2-5633 USED Hearing aids, good cond National brands, complete with batteries f 15 and up. Call 2-0702. GOOD automatic oil burner, used 3 yrs., Ph, 1-8728. Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 4 4.77 WHOLESALE New Tires Ny lon 470-15. 14.18 plus tax Lytl.' JL N Com'l tt Pine. COLEMAN blend air furnace ilh fuel pump 50 000 BTU pr hr. ,$ns. Ph. 4-5814. HOBBY- woodworking 7 I have complete set ' of power tools for sale k some mvrtlewond Ph 3 5858. FOR SALE - 25 gal Propane tank, 423: 3 H P MrCulloch chain saw. 18 in Bar 145 S. 24th St . Salem SAWDUST burner, garage door rJ " BUFFET, ruphord. port I washer, port, phono, end I ubl. blk ft misc. Ph. 4 1387. 111 FIR FLOORING Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., Oct 5, S8(Sec. 17)41 Save time -Save money - For tho Best Frofefslona! Bervicet IN EXPERT FLOOR COVERING! NORR1S WALKER Paint Ca. Floor-covering, DITlaioB ()ual lty Installstiona. Linoleum, As phalt as Rubber Tile. Wall ttl Free EsUmatefl 4-127$ GRADING A D02UNO BULLDOZING. $5 50 par nr. Ex cavating, trancnuif, tile lay ing, aeptlcs, etc. Enoch I. Ma en. Ph. 4-3317 after 1 a.m. DOZING ft LEVELING Ph. 1-0951 D PANTOV1CB BULLDOZING, grading 4 land clearing. Elmo W. Locker, owner Is operator. Ph. 1-5741. BULLDOZING, clearing roads, ponda. 0-4, D-4 rarryalL V. Husaey. Ph. 1-1144. LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES RED LAVA ROCK for rockeries, as reumlng wall. 4-4791, ROTO-VATING R0T0-VATING Anywhere. Ph. 3-8309 Roto-Valor work wanted. Vincent Kremer 2-3180 iEPTlC 1FRVIC1 Bamal'a pU tank eleaned, Una terrice. Guaranteed work. Phone 1-7404 or 1-0774. HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, aewan, eptlc tanks cleaned. 1-5327 Frank Harry! Power Ditching installation sewers septic Tanks urain riaio . Tiling PH. 20106, Salem, Ore. 450 Merchandise 480 For Sal Miicallantous GOOSE neck table lamp. 15 95 uaeo aiasa, Man. 170 s. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. UNDERWOOD typewriter; flute- xi rug at pan, luu am. bed; aquarium: Fur coat iz 40. See at 190$ W. Nobhill St. Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Jial $-1741 Prorppt Delivery Uuer Sand aV Gravel C. 482 Trad MiK4tllanctj$ HAVE large Selgler oil heater te trade, will take a email Selg ler. or will aell. Ph. 4-74U, 483 Wintad MiKsillanaoui WANTED MTeral thousand cord of wood. aU speelea. Ph. $-7711. Nighta. 4-5633. 484 Mi$cllanOMS Holes & Scratches Repaired We can repair hole At seratrtiet on your furniture in your home or office. We now handle furniture re- finishing supplies. Good pol ishes, waxes, etc. 4020 Stat St. Ph. t-7001 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t-HA. SERVICE 04 MOST CASES. DR. BARRY SEMLEJL. Dent! it Adois Bldg. state j Com'l Its SALEM PH. toil) 486 Machinary a Tools USED Forney Welder, excellent artape, rn. i-7V4T, USED WELDERS 69S ILLINOIS, J-8564 490 FooT FOR IALE-Old fir wood. CaU arier a. 11771. OREGON FUEL CO. Green and Dry Wood S tt H Green Stamps Ph. 1-5533 30t7 Broadway ANDERSON'S alahwood, 2i-unit ioaa au. pn. 1-7751. HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST ft WOOD. WANTED several thousand cords of wood, all speeie. Ph. $-7711 NlghU 4-$r:i WEST SALEM FUEL - Dry green wood Tube or pushout sawduat 1325 Edgewater Ph. 1-4031 CAPITAL FUEL CO. Dry oak, ash 6c maple wood. Choice slab cV block wood mixed, dry or green. Dry mill wooa. 1420 Broadway Ph. 1-7721 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan PHONE For A Loan $25 to $300 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 114 So. Liberty Ph. 4-2203 PRIVATE money to loan. 1 interest Ph. 2-A7M LOANS $50.00 to $10000 Buy What You Need Consolidate your bill. Flnne throngh WILLAMETTE CREDIT , COMPANY 111 8. Church St Ph. 11457 Now A New Money for all worth-while pur- poaes for Personal Loam Consolidate Bills chases. HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. Home owned, horn operated 1980 Fairgrounds Road. Salem, Ore., ( all 2-70.12. Fre Park- Ing Lot, 600 Employment 610 Solsi Hslp Wantst The TWIT ED FARM AGENCY, the nation's leading advertiser and sales medium of farms ranches and country property, is seeking a licensed real estate broker or salesman to fill he vacancy recently created by the untimely paalng oi Mr C D Smith, newly-appointed representative for Balers and surrounding territory. Much, fine and valuable preliminary work has already been ae complmhed hv Mr Smith . . . the leasing, opening and fur mailing of a fine highwav office, the accumulation ef valuahl listings the setting In motion of profitable association with the nations lead n farm- selling organisation. If you are a lirenaed hrnker or salesman seeking to better your arlf and your financial future, if you ar financially respo aihle and capable of assuming fin lob already well begun then perhaps -TV n mav he an Invitation to a profitable hunnea association Rut it requires action right now I Mr Kenenth F Ch-i4tnpher. nnrinwr.'rrn ,,i,,i iiit Drtnber 4 and 5 for pertonal phnn. number .if Mr mniinnhsr M snl In and ynn .nail hs contacted quickly as noasinie. I Please remember . . . w nave 1 posltloa to off ar. SEPTIC IIRV1C MIKE S Septaa aarevtea, Tank cleaned, D'rootanT clean sewer drama Phone S-0464 AND 4s GRAVEL VALLEY' SAND k GRAVEL CO, Crushed at round gravel aaao at con. mix. 2-4O02. SALEM (AND GRAVEL Co" Beady mix eoncsraai, crushed and round gravel, aand and toa aoU. 140$ NT Front St i-1461. WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1421 McGllchrUt Cruhd quarry rocki an4 gravel. Ail sua lor road, drtvewayi and narking lot. . READY MIXED CONCRETE Ga t d n sand, bull -doting, hovel and dragline work, 1-9249. SHARPENING ai REPAIRING AT your door, aheart, anivea. acissors. aa usage gr. antvea. Ed Peter, shop at Rt, J .Boa 134. Ph. i-mi. TELEVISION . . - Haneon TV. 1843 S. 12th. Opett ves. Service from I to 120. Service caU 4. Ph. 4-1644. VACUUM CLEANER SERVICES All make Is model. Frepica up delivery. Meier ai frank Co, Salem. Ph. 3-2211 ert. t5V TREE IERV1CB Removal, topping, pruning. Frao est. Rea. rate. Ph. 4-7433. TERMITEt Prevention, treatment, repair, free eaUmitea. Ph. i-4280. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Morvty to Loaa $1500.00 Now you can borrow 11100 tram us on furniture, auto, trailer ho.tae and equipment Wa ar happy that aiter H years wa ar able 9 rtn4 thM additional serrice to you. GENERALFINANCE CORPORATION Phone 3-9161 ' 137 tea, Coml talam, Oregow Installment Loam Consolidation Loans Or for any money emblem in ana see mei eowcuv as? Dick Gahlsdort a CONSUMERS FINANCE CORPORATION 1410 . Coml Ph. 4-MM COLONIAL lnyeetmaat Co. Reel Property Loans Contracts urchaaad M7 Cmtrt 4-Uaa. Inter sat. Ph. M7S4. 600 Employment 602 HalpWanfad GLADIOLUS bulk diggers wanted. Ph. 1-015. APPUCAT10NS arc new being saaea lor Btaiaamaa Dieyci route. Several route wtil k open, AppUcaats aauat be ac companied by their parents or have their written aerml- . ton. Apply at th CtreulaUoa) pasartmanl st lbs BUti journal. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY . MM 14. Winter Pa. 1-4S1S Your futura Is aur lob. ARTHUR Murray sow Inter viewing applicants tor teach er $3. par hour, traialng (res if accepted. Agas 11 thru 30. Apply n parann. Mr. Dais. I thru I p.m., 455 Ferry. WANT aeveral wood cutters.,, Apply Capital Fuel Cs. IMS K. River id. 604 HlpWonrsd,Ms BODY - FENDER AND PAINTER Must be expert. Want man In tcrestea in 111,000 yr. net. AO equipment furnished. Ns drinkers need apply. Apple gate Motor Ford, Sheridan. Ore. Ph. Sheridan THornwall 3-2111. .... IBM l Ha cleric! opening for young man 25-50, with general of fice experience. Typing nec essary. Good atartlng aalary and company benefit. Excel lent advancement possibilities. Call Mr. Wilson S-B3S1. Inter , national Business MfrrhlnfS Corp. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE W have as opening In our au tomobile financing division that offer varied, non-routine) work. Involve contract with both dealer and customers . and wa provide you with as automobile, Thta Job Is tep pingston to managerial re sponsibilities, no experience hi necessary arid wa prefer single men between the ages of 21 to 23 who have had at least two years of college. Call Commercial Credit Corpora tion. Phone 3 4188. I EXP car hops A waifresee. Mickey Drtve In. 808 Wallace j ""' CHECK Girl. Aoolv In rjerioii". Prefer experienced Kennedy a Cleaners, 1243 State. 600 Employment tSIO Solas Hslp Wanrsd District Sale Manager for UWTTEB m.w nmi nvwi. Interview. Pie leave same aas . nothing Is talk WS BSVS ft fl LOANS