JM 2 (Src. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., Oct. 4, '58 Mastery y STANLEY BUTLER,' Att. Fraf. at Matte, WllUawtta C. The pianist Lamar Crowson is a rccitalist of the most trustworthy 150 Expected Here During Hospital Meet - More than ISO hospital tdmln btratori are expected at the 23rd HMtiatl ' fir Art n m '- AeaAMtntiAH nf Ho.nlt.ti eoBventlon . t r 1 1 n f Sunday in Senator Hotel, High point of the three-day program is expected to be the talk Monday afternoon by David T. RiddelL who was publicity di rector for Perth Amboy Hospital N. J., during two mtjor disasters ZSStfjgS! SWli ufkMS-!ittC.taToohe iia " - - i - f Us. Closing the long list of speak 1 en will be a .Tuesday afternoon talk - by Jack J. Fulton, soecinl representative for the California Hospital Association professional liability Insurance program, Los Angles, on "A Solution to Prp- fessionat Liability Problems in Hospitals.' Supreme Court - Hears Argument III Lawyer Case The State Supreme .Court Wed sesda heard arguments , in the appealed case of Spencer Yates, Roseburtf attorney,, who is under 24-hours Jail sentence for contempt of court. ... , v ' Yatea was sentenced by Circuit Judge Carl Wimberry.Boseburtv last March after Yatea allegedly described the judge's tone of voice' as irascible in questioning a wit ness during the trial of a civil suit .In which, Yatea waa one of the attorneys.'-' - At the conclusion of the trial Judge Wimberly requested . that Yates make a public apology which he refused. Yatea spent two hour! in jail be fore bting released on his notice of appeal to the Supreme Court CAR LOOTED ' . Theft of two coats from a car Earked in the 409 block- Ferry treet Wednesday evening Was re ported to police by Joe Holmes, Albany, Oie. He estimated com bined value of the coats at $50, po lice said. , .', i .1 At Woodiy's . .... Imported . ' ' 1 -A 1 4 I Bring Del .'taste. At his Concert last evening in the Willamette University Fine Arts Auditorium Mr. Crowson bropght delight with both his highly intelligent understanding of music and bis secure mastery of -the piano. v t - ,t , , The architecture of the opening Bach-Busoni Organ Prelude and Fugue in D Major was boldly projected With .knowledge of the baroque consistent forte-piano dyn amics and insistent forward drive of the powerful mechanical rhythms. Mr. Crowson gave his all to the crushing demands of Beethoven's Opus 109 Sonata. M(M , Tha romantic Choplni Polonaise- Fantaisit was rightfully now fanci ful and now heroic. The printed program ended with Debussy num - hers. The two Etudes 'why don't we hear them more often?) were bathed in shimmering suggestions of color' upon color. The final L'isle JoyeusetWas ecstatic and beauti refreshing for the end of . ! 0th " he PW maninoif. There were two encorse. . the humorous U't.'e Dance by Iturbi, and the fleet Sparks by Minkowski. ; Mr, Crowson is a most satisfy ing pianist because he eschews vir- tuJ, (or own gake He Bever flvfJ ' to overstatement and tne !islener hal ,atjsfaclion of usi( h)g ow jmagination. m, olivine it without homhaat and this quietly ingratiating attribute erases the too-frequent artificiality of the concert hall Sure Coairel The artist has a sure control o Minnie May Miller, gar his resources The touch is secure. agPi im N. 5th St.. $100. particularly In the soft passages. vrecUnt permit was taken A beautiful blending of sonorities by 0. W. Klang for a house at results- in delightfully clear tex- r45 Portland RJ tures. How true this was of the De-1 I 1 LI.L L i ' 7 . ouasj numnera, wmcn were me high point of the program for me. 1 found other absorbing joys in the reserved yet sobbing slow movement of dementi's Sonata In F sharp minor, and in the com- Hounds Fail in Hunter Search BEND. Oct. 1 m Bloodhounds failed today to pick up the trail of Charles- Pike, 20, Bend, who: A total of 222 suspensions fol has been missing in the Cascade lowed recommendations of judges Range Woods southwest of here since I a.m. Monday. Norman Wilson of Dallas took; the bloodhounds to the scene to aid in the search, but said the trail apparently was toe old. .Pike separated from his brother in-law, G. C. Foster, 12, Bend, on a deer-hunting trip Monday, and Uailed to return to their car. 2. SAVE A size for every need 2!x3V' . . Reg. $ 5.95 2'x4' . 'I. Reg. 7.95 3'x5', . .. 'Reg. 14.95 4'x6' ". . .Reg. iffht to Crowd manding tension of ritards in the Scarlatti C minor Sonata, and in the sense offline m unaccompanied melodies from the Beethovan Sonata. Partlaad Trained The respectably sized Salem au dience no doubt had a kind of proprietary interest in Mr Crow son, for he had his early training with Nellie Tholcn from Portland. Fvcn so, the sincere musician proved himself worthy of being heard In every similar city in the United States. The concert was sponsored by the Willamette University Collese of Music and its women's and men student organizations, with Bar bara Anderson and Darrell Wright ! serving as presidents, 1 City Approves Biiilcjirig Work Six small building permits for reroofing, alterations and repairs and one wrecking permit were is sued Wednesday by Salem City engineer's office. Alteration permits were taken bv A. E. Kelsev for a NiOO house project at 2455 Englewood St.; ! Thomas Adolphson, porch, 529 S. j Commercial St.. $490: and D. A. I Emerson, garage. 2038 Virgina " : D- w- Sleink took I1" for , 500 rePair ,0 PrinJ- hP. 1614 commercial si. nerooiing per mits were issued to Loren Makey for a hone al S4A Nnrwnv &t 735 Drivers Lose License Oregon officials suspended li censes of 735 motor vehicle driv ers in September and tallied 10.787 convictions of drivers for violating the traffic laws, the Traffic Safety Division reported Wednesday. ' after convictions for reckless driv- ihg, basic rule, hit and run. failure to stop and failure to yield right of wsy charges Another 154 suspensions were handed out through discretionary action of (he State Motor Vehicle Department. Approximately 107 of these were based on a driver's too- 'frequent accidents or violations. $ 30 ,S.. rr- r '&W&m . . . . . . . . 19.95 The Weather' V Mas. Mia. Itala Aitorla S3 31 tr Bakrr '.. ,.,.,,..-. 73 20 ,M Mfdlord i ; 11 43 .00 North Bend . S3 41 Portland ,., , ,. IS . 41 .00 Halts 14 D M 1 1 i Chlcaio , ,..- , , , IS H .OS I ! Dnvr ... 77 47 .00 Fort Worth Miami Ntw York 73 1f San Tranclaro , S Sutll.i S3 Sookane . .. SS Waihlnfton, D. C 7S tr .00 tr TodayV (oracait (from U. 8. Weather Bureau. McNary Field. Sa lem): Partly cloudy todav, tonlSt and Friday. Hl(h todaV, 70; low Ib nlah4I. Willamette ftlver -1 tret. , Temp. 1M)I a m. today 4J. ' Salem Precipitation Since atari of weatl-er year Sepl 1 To data Last vear Norml 07 3.41 1.7 Thieves Make $200,000 Haul In Fur Store BALTIMORE, Oct. 3 W -Burglars tunneled through two walls of a fur store, avo'ded a burglar alarm at the vault and made off with mink and other furs esti mated to be worth more than $200,000 early today. Detective Capt. Ccorge H. Min tiens called the rubbery at Jan del s, a North Charles Street fur riers, as "the biggest lur theft case in the city's history." David Silverman, an owner of the store, said "they were profes sional burglars. They knew exact ly how to go about it and they took all the best furs." 12 Given Plea Date in Vice Investigation PORTLAND. Oct. 3 - Circuit Judge Frank J. Lonergan today allowed 12 defendants one week In which to enter pleas to charges stemming from this summer's grand jury Investigation of vice conditions. The 12, including Police Chief James Purccil Jr.. were among those indicted by the grand jury. Purccil was accused of failing to act against known law violators Purcfll's attorney, Karl K. Bernard, said he would file a motion attacking lega'itv of the indictment within a week. The others who appeared for arraignment today included James B. Elkins, PorUandcr named by The Oregonian as the source of tape recordings used by the nr paper in a series of copyrighted articles on gambling and vice. John P. Hannon. attorney rep resenting Elkins, filed a motion against one of the indictments naming his client, which accuses Elkins of conspiring to receive earnings of a prostitute. i Hand-Ho S3 87 .00 7S tr Plus All Reduced! ivoiv $3.un MW 4.88 NOW 7.88 IVOIV 12.88 IVOIV 29.88 Jurors Indict Admiral on Perjury Count NEW YORK. Oct. 3 -Rear Adm. Charles H. Gillilan (Ret) 65, of Long Beach, Calif., as in dicted today by a federal grand jury on two cou..ta of perjury. The .indictment charges that during an Investigation conducted here by the Navy into negotiations for the purchase of flavoring ex tracts and' a beverage base the admiral lied when asked about his relations with the firms selling the products. The investigation, which is still under way, was aimed at deter mining whether there was a con flict of interest violation or a pos sible fraud against the govern ment. Asst. II. S. Atty. Mari? McCann said Navy regulations prevent a retired officer from selling or rep resenting anyone in the sale of anything to tne Nvy through the branch from which he retired. The indictment alleges that Gil lilan lied when he told an investi gations officer that he had not made advances to the Navy on behalf of a commercial concern, and that he did not, in his capa city as vice president of Wilshire Sal", have occasion to negotiate contracts with the government. Gillilan is scheduled to plead to the indictment Oct. 15. If con victed he faces a maxi.num sen tence of five years and a $2,000 fine on each of the two counts. Planning Activity Ruling Released Cities, counties, school districts and park and recreation districts may enter into a contract to create a consolidated agency having the power to conduct studies and sur veys to assist the participating municipalities in their planning activities. Attorney General Rob ert Y. Thornton held here Wed nesday. The opinion was requested by State Rep V. E. Johnson of Lane County County. The request stemmed Irom a recent inquiry concerning the legality of school districts participating in (he cen tral Lane County planning com mission DALLAS MOTOR-VU Gates Open 6:43, Show at 7:00 Charlton Heiton, Julie Adams in "THE PRIVATE Wit Of HAJOI BENSON" Technicolor SECOND FEATURE Lei Barker, Mara Cordav la "MAN FROM UTTER RIME" Technicolor oked Rug Richardson Ncyf Chief of Giemckctans " Gerald A. Richardson, Ml States man St., was elected president of Chemeketana at the oreanizatinn't annual meeting Wednesday night in Chemeketan Club room. He suc ceeds Charles Allen. Other- officers elected and in stalled at the meeting are George Lauorde,.vice president; Mrs. Alta Melchert,, treasurer, Barbara Mail, 'recording secretary! Sallip Hnnnr corresponding 'secretary. Russell Shipmao was named hik ing chairman; Dr. A. Weston Nie mela, conservation chairman; Dr. John DykeNmembership chairman; Leroj McDuffee, historical chair man; Oliver Fursman, annual out ing chairman. ' Alice Nielsen, publications chair man; Mrs. Frances S. McDuffee, Chemeketan chairman; Hayden Smithson, lodge chairman; Wanda Clifford, picture night chairman; Bessie Smith, entertainment chair man. Jacques Cubilie was named San tiam mountain rescue chairman. Eddie Cantor made his first stage appearance in 1910 in a Bowery Theater. Five dollars a week was his salary. OOX OFFICE O TICKETS NOW ON SALE Salem Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Presents "PRIVATE LIVES" With The Pentarle Players Willamette Auditorium Friday, October 12, t P. M. WILLAMETTE CONCERT SERIES . 1956-57 Season PORTLAND SYMPHONY SERIES Willamette Auditorium First Concert October 16 Store Houn 1:30 5:30 Every Day For Reservations Dla' 4 2224 , 3 eAwt,w V.oo&x.W Sale! cm Matching SCATTER RUG FREE! BIG 9'xl2' SIZE and Scatter Rug Both for only No Money Down Choice of Colors: Green, Beige, ir Choice of Oval or Rectangular AIT Guaranteed First Quality Use Woodry's Long, Low, Easy 8th Hunter Dies Of Heart Attack J0H)T DAY, Oct. I m - An elderly man suffered a fatal heart attack today in southern Grant' County, the second deer hunter to 1 die in this Eastern Oregon county in as many days. , Fred Wiedemann. 73, Wilson-; Ville, was found dead by his sons this afternoon when they returned; to a camp about 30 miles west of Seneca. Wiedemann became the eighth person to die of heart t seizures since the deer season' began Saturday. Steam power first became prac tical in sawmill operations in 1830. n Relax With Your Friends while watching the WORLD SERIES on Television Games Starting at 10 A.M. ! V il!:!M!ii!!H:Hfj. .' . ? ', , iiU:ti:itiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiiliiMiHHi!:!::i!i:iti::ihiu ; ,1 , Exclusive Th9 lovt story of a ften-ag boy and an undarttandlng woman M-G-M praaents in Cinemascope and METROCOLOR! mwm From Th F$md $tg Hit! Deborah Kerr John Kerr PLUS WORLD'S FASTEST TRAIN THE VESUVIUS EXPRESS isrt;Vi:-ij Matching Theatre Time Table ELSINOKI THI BURNING HILLS" IdO, 10 Jl. THI WAV OUT'.' I 00. CAPITOL . (Conllnuoua from lpm.) "CRIMI IN THI SJTRBKTS" 1:00, 4:11, Hi, 11:00. "SCREAMING EAGLES'' I S7, '1:18, :M, NORTH SALS! DRIVI-IH (GaUi opn :; Show at 7:00) "STAR IN THI DUST" Joa Afar. "GLORY" Marf artl 6'Bnln,. HOLLYWOOD "TEA'S, SYMPATHY" 7:00. SiiS.'1 "VESUVIUS EXPRESS" S Jl. t'tfl The Stagecoach Lounge 442 N. Church St. 1st Run! 'a. 'ivRil rfinidiaw iRose Designs Terms ! II 13 STORE HOURS: Daily 9:30 to 6:00 Friday and Monday Neon Till 9:00 . Crash Damages . Three Vehicles ' Three cars were extensively damaged In a two car collision shortly before 1:30 p.m.. Wednes-. dav a North Winter and D streets. police Mid. , t; , Drivers were listed as Malcolm Lundy Jones Jr., 1890 Jefferson St., and Roy Leighton Tower. 1050 N. Summer St. Tnlrd car damaged" was parked at the curb, police said. It was registered to Pearl ' M. Benkart, (1$ D St. NOW PLAYINGI rv& ... 1 HI filial mm Al .SO Tom Trvan. J.n Merlla Jarqu.lln. Br.r NOW PLAYINGI LOVE THAT LIVED IAMID THE SHADOWS OF WESTERN GUN-TYRANNY! . Wabjic aCocoa -FnTi(. ro-HiT- Tho WAY OUT Cm NELSON -Mom FREEMAN PLtS- Donild Duck CarioAn fn Cinroistcop Hey Kids! Don't Forgal On This And Every Ssturdsyl Cartoons .Serial And A Special Ffiturt tnM For Yw! Hfy Mom! In At l:0(V-Out At 1:09 NOW PUYINCI RX SATED A TOWN ITtOlf mnuri . I0KN AGU MAMit Vm OOUM ALSO 1 -i- I. J Emm JAMES -JOHN HI-MI Tob r I HUNTER ff Natalia Uil f WOOD W ' ! Wm : t IV . m IT V t fa. 1 Vah. V- aT Margaret O'Brian la -GLORY 6'x9' Reg. 39.95 '