Around Town . . . By JEiraZ ENGLISH ANNUAL SILVER TEA ... fi n each fall by the taiem General Hospital Auxiliary hat beea set tor Thursday. Nor. 15, at the Caa dalaria Heights borne otMr. and Mrs. Bradley W. Burkland m Al varada Terrace . . . Ma Robert Cannoa and Mrs. Joseph Devers will serve as co-chairmea of the flair, which promises to be one f the social highlights of the sea son . . . Preliminary plans for the tea' were announced at the first fall meeting ef the auxiliary Tues day morning . . . Mrs. William R. Shinn. vice-president, presided In the absence of the president, Mrs. James H. Nicholson Jr. . . . The annual membership drive Is one! Kortemeyer, for visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman D. Kortemeyer . . ". The air force officer is presently stationed at Hamilton Field, Calif, and this is the first visit borne for the couple In over 11 yean . . . The hostess has invited a few of Mrs. Kortemeyer'i longtime school friends to the luncheon . . . The Kortemeyert will return to Califor nia the end of the week . . . tbey have also beea visiting friends in Portland a few days ... Visitors ... la the capital a few days are Dr. and Mrs. Loaia Fasea of Raciae. Wis., who are arriving today to he gaesto of their loaf- Ccotiotfes Plan Halloween Party Carry-On Cootietta Club met for their regular meeting at the Veter ans of Foreign Wars hatt. Plans were discussed for the annual Hal loween party. Mrs. Mel Clemens will be in charge of entertainment Three cakes were served to thir ty patients at the State Tubercu losis Hospital. Those serving the cake were Mrs. Roy Carter, Mrs. Robert Holweger and Mrs. John Schmidt rOOt CORNERS Mrs. C R. Osbora was luncheon hostess with covers placed for Mrs. Simon May berry, Mrs William Fiester. Mrs. W. A. Slater. Mrs. Nile Hilborn. Mrs. I. H. White. Mrs. J. H. Igle heart. The women served for the Square Dance Gasi A new beginner square dance course has beea organized and will be beld oa Thursday, Oct 4. at I p.m. at the Knights of Columbus HaU. This course is sponsored by the Telephone Employees Activi ties Association but is not limited to telephone employees. Instructor win be Clyde Charters. Anyone in terested in learning to square dance is welcome to attend. Clas ses will begia each Thursday at I p.m. Delegates Speakers j Girls State and Girls Nation were featured en the program of the joint meeting of Capital Unit t, American Legion Auxiliary and Capita) Post I, American Legion Monday night at the Legion Club. Speaking ea Girls State were the Misses Sally Joseph, Marcia Hum phrey, Patti Oaggett Susan Todd. Marilyn Zeller. Marly De Groote and Carol St oik. Sally Joseph told of her experience at Girls Nation in Washington. D. C Visitors Entertained ! Visitors at the home of Mr. and Vrt Orris Lunda ea Ben Lomond Drive Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Orrie Anderses of McAilen, Texas and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simon of Bremerton, Wash. Additional guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norley and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nofby of Newberg and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Butler of Salem. Mr. Simon is an uncle of Mrs. Land and Mrs. Andersen is a niece of I Mrs. Butler and Mr. Lunda. Alumnae Fele Xctlre ' Chi Omega alumnae and active members and pledges of the Wil lamette University chapter of Chi Omega will be entertained at a dessert supper tonight at the new chapter house oa North 14th St Mrs. Irving Brown, Mr. George L im and Mrs. Lee Beal will be the hostesses. Mrs. Donald Dill fashion coordinator at Meier and Frank's, will be the speaker. All Chi Omegas in Salem area are In vited to attend. Statesman, Sa!cri. Ore., 7t 1, Od. f, . j Loucks Honor Guests rOLTt CORNEKS The Rev. and Mrs. Victor L. Loucks were honor guests Friday evening, when mem bers and friends of the Baptist Church gave them a farewell din ner in the church annex. Covers were placed for seventy-five. The choir dedicated a special number to the Loucks, Miltoa Dierki gave the devotional, and a gift wu pre- ser.tedtotc r.'T . Loucks gm t3 f e - j t to the church ea 1-z.L . . 1 - ber SO, concUi-'l gevca Jti:s ti pastor. Frieadshla Sarin, Wliltc Shrine of Jerusalem wCl bold Friend.1 p night and a ceremonial Saturday night at the Scottish Rite TcmrSe at I p.m. Seven candidates ill be initiated. DINGY YELLOWED LINGERIE? .1 u A- I- X Um IIamm now underway with Mrs. Joseph McT.m art Dr. mmi Mrs. Johal"5 Tnn,tv r,lr , Solomon serving as general chair- Km . . . tae Faseas are leavtag man . . . A. C. Branson, hospital Friday to fly to Saa Fraaclsc to administrator, spoke to the group aUeB B IRna.i mrrtinf of the ana reporiea on im progress ol Amerif Cellege ef Sargroni. . . . ' the remodeling of the kitchen, the Tke McGeet and Dr. and Mrs. ! auxiliary project ... the kitchen 1 RM wH, t g mU tor the Is nearly completed and new equip- meeMi ,,iBg Salarday ' ment is now being installed . . . jo,,,,, SMitm mrii. ..d their Incoming (fleers ... of the Sa- wires plaining to altead are Dr. lera Women's Army-Navy League 1 ald Mrs. James Seaeat, Dr. aad ill -be honored ,t . eoftee on M f , , Dr. Mn. Tuesday. Ortobee. 11 at the Fair- ' , . . . mount Hill home of Mr. and Mrs. I c"'"- wlU James L. Payae . . . the eutgoing by trail on Satarday, Dr. aad (fleers, headed by Mrs. Rey G. ; Mrs. Hagh Dewd. Dr. aad Mn. Green, will be for tals!Hw,M poIe Dr. Ma4 Mrf, A i annnal a(falr with calling hour. , a ,. . from 11 to I . clock . . . Several 1 Terreace Klag ... the Kings arej league members were la Portland flylag soath Satarday aad will alt Monday to attend the annual fall attend the opera while la the bay ' tea given by the Portland Army Nary League at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Owen R. Khoad. In Port land Heights . . . Mm. Wallace S. Wharton, newly elected president of the Salem League, was among thooe pouring . . . ethers attending from here were Mrs. Willis E. Vin cent, Mrs. Bruce VanWyngardea, Mr.. Chester Frits, Mrs. Ernest L. Freeman aad Mrs. Carl Cover . . . To fete a visitor . . , Mrs. Doug las Chambers will preside at an Informal luncheon today at her Court Street home for the pleasure of Mrs. Henry Kortemeyer (Mary Anne Owen', who has come north ttilh her husband. Lieutenant Col dly. Isn't It disheartening to see your silk and synthetic whites turn yellow after just a few washings ? But there's a slmplo solution -White King Soap. No other type of washday product keepa these whites so store white aa White King Soap. So don't take coatly chances with an ordinary wraahday product Wash all your silk and synthetic things, from the time you buy them, only in White King Soap. iOVUTIKMINT F ni" "F MEATINS IS INADEQUATE, CALL US AT OWC- DOlT HESITATE. QT" X IE cs 'f'C1' ' 'V y 11 1 13 & WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 3 i World Series shown S on color television AUDITORIUM, SECOND FIOOR-10:00 A. M, V FREE STORE-SIDE V PARKING FOR f OVER 1,000 CARS OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5 30 P. M. ,!Ayi tV s- Soi- - 4.. .c, a. " '.14 .: ... i to bl the dee V 1 V ith countless, hairdos -set 6rice-boivV Wide, deep-set dimensions to flatter your face, dramatize your eyes-such is the nW excitement in hats . . . especially our many versions of the "Rice Bowl" silhouette. It's a shape that blends with countless hairdos, including today's bouffant styles, and completes your costumes with striking finesse. MILLINERY STREET FLOOR warm quilted cotton . easy to wash . . . needs no roning Cozy lounger 31098 Snug comfort for your leisure hours in this print duster with contrasting braid trim. Belted back with deep pleat. A .smart round-the-house fashion youU welcome night and morning in chilly weather. Red and Blue. 10-18. Robes, 2nd floor ' 7 softest combed cotton In six candy flavored colors LoUypop briefs blue maize pink mint rati white Finest fit in softest cotton , . comfort plus brief in your favorite color, YouU want a wardrobe of these bright ' Lollypop briefs. Elastic waist Snug cuffs. Sizes 4-8. v Lingerie, 2nd floor make tipman's your headquarters for official Girl Scout uniforms SQ.50 &6 .50 Intermediate Girl Scout Uniform Smartly styled dress with action pleats below back yoke and button down collar. 6-gored skirt with side pockets. Green cotton covert. Sizes 8-20, 6.50 Official tie, (0tf Official belt, Bcrct 1.50 Official Brownie Scout Uniform . Charming dress of brown chambray with crisp white stitching. Brownie emblem embroidered on pocket Sizes ,6-lA, 6K-123L 3.50 Brownie Cap, 75 Brownie anklets, 50 Girl Scout Headquarters, 2nd floor 1