Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri, Sept. "28, 58 (Sec. I)-9 9 Open Friday Nile Ii 30) Group Seeks To Bridge Gap In Religions Br CARROLL ARIMOND CHICAGO, Sept. 17 -Church-men and scholars are gathering in a quiet Benedictine abbey near Chicago to revive a religioui con grpss blacked out by the Iron Cur tain. U is the Unionistic Congress that from 1907 until World War War II met in Velehrad, Czecho slovakia. Its aim ii to return eventually tome 200 million Cath olics of the Eastern Orthodox churches to the Roman Catholic Church, from which they became separated centuries ago. Velehrad was selected for the original congress because it wa there that" the saint. Cyril and Methodius, apostles of the Slavs, began Christianizing the Slavonic peoples, 1,100 years ago. First ia U.S. St. Procopius Abbey In Lisle, a suburb of Chicago, was chosen for the first such congress in the Vniled States because since 1927 it has held a papal commission to work for reunion of those Ro man Catholics who were lost in the great Eastern schism that ex tended from , 1054 to 1472. Political and doctrinal differ ences between the East, represent ed by Constantinople, and the West, represented by Rome, pro duced the schism. In calling for the congress, the Rt. Rev. Ambrose Ondrak, Abbot of St. Procopius, declared: "It is necessary to create a fra ternal oneness among those who still cling to the ancient and authentic faith of the Holy Apostles, particularly with those who live separated from the Holy See of Rome. DMsIm N.tea "It is necessary to bridge the gulf that has separated these dis sident Eastern brethren for some 9O0 years, tragically dividing the Apostolic Church into two es tranged camps. ' In our present day, in the midst of a titanic struggle be tween the forces of the Christian world against the might of a god less materialism, the desire for this reunion of the. Christian churches is greater than ever." Two cardinals, clergymen and Byzantine scholars from the Unit ed States and abroad will partici pate in the three-day program Sept. J8-S0. On Sunday the sacred liturgy according to the Byzantine rite will be celebrated. In the Western, or Latin, church, this ceremony is called the Mass. A popular misconception among Roman Catholics as well as oth ers, churchmen say. is that the Roman rite is the only one in un ion with the Pope. Actually there are more than tight million non-Latin Roman Catholics, a million of whom are In North America and about 100. ono in South America. Later Rennlted These people are descendants of Eastern Christiana who either did not break from Rome in the schism or later reunited, as the I'nionistic Congress sponsors hope the Orthodox members someday may do. Largest of these Eastern, or Oriental, rites is the Byzantine, with eight sub-rites drawn along lingual or ethnical lines. Subrites include the Greek. Russian. Bul garian. Hungarian and others. Campaign Film Released for Use By Republicans WASHINGTON. Sept. V un-The Republican National Committee Wednesday told of national distri bution of a 30-minute campaign film entitled "Peace. Progress and Prosperity A Report to the Teople." The picture opens with a state ment by Vice President Nixon and ends with remarks by Presi dent Eisenhower. It includes brief statements by each member of the Cabinet and Republican con gressional leaders. The narrator is Howard Pyle, deputy assistant to the president. The film is being sent to all state and county party organiza tions for use at rallies and on local television stations, the GOP committee said. Newsmen had a preview today. Some compared it with the 27 minute documentary film show ing at the Democratic convention. Eisenhower issued a call for all citizens to vote in November, IYMPHONY SLATED BERLIN. Sept. 27 Composer Igor Stravinsky will conduct the Berlin Radio Symphony naxt week In a program of his own works as a feature of West Berlin's an nual cultural festival. SCHAEFER'S Antacid Powder Far the palliative relief of' the discomforts of Hyperacidity (oar stomach), Belch lag, Heartbnra ar Flatulence to ex teat due (e Gastric Acidity. Schaefer'i Antacid Powder if prepared under the Schaefer Standard of Purity of materi als and mfg. skill, as videu eed by mere thaa fifty years of successful service to the public . 60c SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Opea Dally, 7:S A. M. to ,. I P. M. . gundivt, t a. m. to 1 p. m. 138 N. Commercial . . . 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