The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 19, 1956, Page 5, Image 5

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    Cfitty News QBorSeffs
A VYesl Salem man was fined
S.TO and costs Tuesday in Marion
County District Court on charge
of dumping garbage along Fruit
land Road cast of Salem. Pleading
guilty was Dan Lee Custor. 1032
Kighth St., arrested by Marion meanwhile, is in New York meet
County sheriff's deputies after he 1 ing as a member of the 11-engineer
was traced through mail included j board of National Research Coun
in the estimated 75 pounds of lit-! cil.
ter dumped. I
F MIDGKT market has Fresh Killed
St. Pauls Episcopal, all church : Young pork, roasts at 33c lb. Pork
antique & rummage sale. Sept. i Chops 85c Jb. Yankee RibsJSc lb.
20th, 9 til ; Sept. 21. 9 'til 3. Rare 1 Pork Steak 49c lb. Pick irohfcthese
Chinese (cq service has been don-1 choice cuts and we will wrapFree
ated. , (adv.)! for your locker. We also have a
KNUI.KWOOD K.U.B. Church rum
mage sale. Wed , Sept. 19th over
Creenbaum's Store on Com'l.
Lase ijoes
To Grand Jury
Case of a former Stayton police
officer, charged with the kidnap
ing of a Lyons girl Sept. 8. was
turned over to Marion County
Grand Jury Tuesday by district
court Judge Kdward 0. Stadter
Hollis Wayne Kans, 22, Dallas,
was accused by Verna Seig, 19. of
forcing her Irom her car to his
chicle and taking her for a short
ride before freeing her. The girl
said in court Tuesday that she
was not injured or molested dur
ing the ride.
She said she was driving in
Stayton when a car operated by
Kvans drove up beside hers. She
said there were two other persons
in Evans' car during the ride.
A grand jury may be convened
next week to hear the case along
with several others awaiting in
vestigation. Bail on the kidnaping
charge was reduced from S2.MM
to $2"iO for Kvans who has been
in jail since his arrest last Fn
Mrs. Curry,
59, Succumbs
Mrs. Muriel Curry, 59. of 1120
Dearborn Ave , died Tuesday in a
Portland hospital after a brief ill
ness. Wife of M.irion Curry, Salem in
surance agent, she had been an
Oregon resident since 1923 She
was born in Barton County. Mo.
She had been a member of First
Baptist Church since 1935 and held
various offices in several church
organizations. She also was a mem
ber of Salrm Rebekah Lodge 1.
Besides her widower, she leaves
two sons, William M. Curry, Eu
gene, and Wayne A Curry, Sa
lrm. riauchler. Miss. Jean Curry.
Salem, three sister1:, Mrs l.illie
Elliott. Tillamook; Mrs Nell Hack
ney. McMinnville, and Mrs Carl
Snvrier. Salem, brother. Ered Mun
rav. Buhl, Idaho, and three grand
children. Arrangements are pending at
Howell Edwards Mortuarv.
It (word s
riRf l lT f'fll BT
ii, .hv I r),,rh.-,m vc CalHuell n I
Durham: Complaint for divorce' Jam" Brunelle, 1648 South Liber
charges cruel and inhuman treat-!' a lrl' Tuesday. Sept. 18. Sa
mct Married at Bonnerdale, 1 lt,m General Hospital.
Wash , June 4, 19.".
Linn Plywood Corporation vs.
Painelia Lumber Co.: Complaint,
seeks judgment of $6.2110 14 al-
legedly due for sale of lugs.
Clarence Brown Maxey vs. Slate
Industrial Accident Commission:
Complaint seeks c judgment to re
open claim and compensation for
partial disability equal to Kki per
cent loss of an arm in injury to
hak. and 80 per cent loss of right
Margaret K Armpriest vs La
Von Davis, sometimes known as
Mrs Fred A Davis: Complaint
seeks judgment of $100,000 al
legedly due as damages in aliena
tion of plaintiff's husband's affec
tions. Florence E. Briscoe vs. Charles
S Briscoe: Order dismisses action
without cost to either party.
Vcrn Reimann vs. C. W. Cooper,
General Realty Corp. and others:
Order dismisses suit with prejudice
to plaintiff.
Credit Bureaus Adjustment De-j
partment. Inc. vs. Lelloy Peter-j
son: Complaint seeks judgment for
$800 allegedly due on contract.
Ralph Harold ('rites. Valsetz.
charged with driving while intoxi
cated, pleaded innocent, trial dale
to be set ; charged with being drunk
on a public highway, pleaded inno
cent, trial date to be set.
Dan Lee Custor, 1032 Bin St.,
pleaded guilty to dumping garbage
on a county road, fined $50 and
('ladys Herman Trussell, 548 S.
17th St.. charged with driving while
Intoxicated, pleaded innocent, trial
date to be set.
Dale Lewis Kirsch, 23, Lyons
Route J, Box 263, refrigeration en
gineer, and Mary Faith Robl, 22,
Slayton, X-Ray technician.
John B. Albeke, 34, Albany, stud
ent, and Patricia Ann Smith, 48,
Monmouth, student.
Buddy James Quarry, 2J, 1338
Wallace Rd., laborer, and Jean
nette Frances Morgan, 18, 1175 6th
St., secretary.
LeRoy Engle Williams, 18, Salem
Route 1, Box 419, laborer, .and
Bonnie Marie French, 18, Dayton,
farm laborer.
Kenneth LeRoy Mitchell, E,
Turner Route 1, Box 11, plywood
t worker, and Janice Lorraine
Swsrtwout. 19. 1779 Chemeketa St..
Warren Clark of Clark. Groff &
Cave is in Los Angeles this week
attending a course on construc
tion materials sponsored by Amer
ican Society for Testing Materials.
Lloyd Clark of the same firm
Freezer special 50 lbs., cut and
wrapped for any size family at
$26.95. Midget Market, 351 State
Street, Phone 3-4988. (adv.)
Modernize Your Bath with Dura
tile, Metal Wall Tile. 1249 So. Com
mercial. Ph. 4-5292. (adv.)
Cherry City District's first
roundtable of the season for adult
leaders of Boy. Scout units will be
held at 7:30 tonight in Pringle
Park under direction of George
Dilley, district commissioner in
the Cascade Area Scout Council.
Scouting activity of the year will
be outlined.
"Mr. Bird Robin" says: In flying
around Salem I have noticed a lot
of roofs that need (ixin. We rob-
bins fly South in the Winter.' 'Hope
jyour roof doesn't,)- Call Mathis
i Bros.. 2061 State St. Ph. 4-6831.
rummage sale
P.E.O. will hold a
over Greenbaum's Thursday, Sept
20th, 8 to 4. (adv.)
Funeral services for Clifford H.
Yager, 1065 Barnes Rd., who died
Monday of a heart attack at the
ace of 5fi. will be 10: 30 a.m. Thurs
day in Virgil T Golden chapel,
the Rev Joseph K. Vanderbeck of
St. Joseph's Catholic Church offi
ciating. Burial will be in St. Bar
bara Catholic Cemetery.
Sale carefully
at 260 N. High.
selected rummage
opposite City Hall i
, Kri. and Sat .
Sept. 21 and 22 Znnta
i Adv.)
iMarens Maltby
! 2420 S. Com'l.
M D. now located
Mayor Robert F. White has is
sued a proclamation calling at
tention In the current observance
of Constitution Week, sponsored by
Daughters of the American Rev
olution in connection with 169th an
niversary of the U S. Constitution.
while you
Dental plates repaired
wait at Painless Parker
125 N. Libertv, Salem.
Unsightly facial hair removed
safely, permanently. Price's Beau
ty Salon. Ph. 3 5S.-.9. (adv.)
Portland Firm Winn
I'matilla Span Pact
The Oregon Highway Commis
sion awarded the following con
tract Tuesday to Rogers Construc
tion Co., Portland, for $59,800:
Umatilla County Widen McKay
Creek Bridge and Tut uilla Creek
Bridge on Pendleton-.lohn Day
Highway near Pendleton.
BRl NEl.I.E - To Mr. and Mrs
SOU ll-To Mr. and Mrs. War
ren Schuh. 4tKi5 Thorman Ave., a
boy, Tuesday, Sept. 18, Salem Gen
eral Hospital.
BURNETT - To Mr. anfHlrs.
Kenneth Burnett. 1910 N. 24lh St.,
a boy, Tuesday. Sept. 18, Salem
General Hospital.
MOORMAN To Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Moorman. 3470 Eelton St.,
a girl. Tuesday. Sept. 18, Salem
General Hospital.
OWEN To Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Owen. 210 Kenwood Ave , a hoy.
Tuesday. Sept. 18, Salem General
Mrs. Alton A. Chamberlain, Rt. 3.
Box 569, Salem, a hoy. Tuesday,
Sept. 18. Salem Memorial Hospital.
I desire to express to my kind
neighbors and thoughtful friends,
my heartfelt thanks for their many
expressions of sympathy. The
beautiful floral offerings were es
pecially appreciated.
Mrs. Edger Sovern
i .
1 1 ;
f yy ruK-wc-
a A . .
Military Rounilup
Wins Honor in
Tank Training
Ft. Ord. Calif. Clifford S. Will
marth, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wendell Willmarth, 1495 Saginaw
St., Salem, Ore.. was rated one
of the 10 outstanding men in his
basic training outfit, Co. A of Re
serve Forces Act Rgt., as he com
pleted training here and was
transferred to Ft. Knox, Ky., for
tank schooling.
Willmarth was a member of the
Dallas, Ore., National Guard tank
company when he signed up for
six months' active duty under the
new rfjfcrve training program.
Munich, Germany James O.
Gunderson, on of Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Gunderson, 333 Cleveland
St., Lebanon, Ore... recently was
promoted to specialist third class
while serving with the 11th Air-
borne Division in Germany. He is
a tank mechanic in the division's
76th Tank Battalion.
Fort Buckner, Okinawa A new
member of the Ryukyus Com
mand's Signal Service is Army
PFC George E. Morrill Jr., whose
parents live on Route 3, Canby,
Sendal, Japan The Good Con
duct medal was awarded recently
to Specialist third class Ricbad A.
honor serving with the 5th Cav-
alry Regimental Combat Team.
; Specialist Ebner, the son of Mr.
; and Mrs. Raymond C. Ebner.
Mount Angel, Ore., was graduated
from Mount Angel Preparatory
School in 1950.
Ft. Brnnlnr. Ga. Sgt. Roland
J. Lemay of Salem, Ore., was one
of the non-commissioned officers
of the Infantry School's basic air
borne committee assigned to help
train a visiting group of three
members of the Ecuador Army's
first paratrooper company.
Property of
Chamber to Be
Used bv Plant
The first use of industrial pro
perty owned by Salem Chamber of
Commerce was announced Tues
day at a meeting of the chamber
board of directors.
Oregon Pulp & Paper Co. has
leased about 10 acres of the 96-
acre tract on Turner Road near
Salem Airport. The naner com-
pany is using the land for log
The chamber board voted to en
dorse -an airport improvement tax
that will be submitted on the
Salem city ballot Nov. 6. The city
administration has proposed a
special one year tax to raise 150 -1
000 which woul dbe matched bv
federal funds to make Dossible
taxiway improvement and a tower I
unit addition for the Airnort Ad-!
ministration Bldg.
U.W. Honors
Salem Student
Stanley Samuels, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Abe Samuels. 465 Mission St..
was recently selected to the Uni
versity of Washington's chapter of
i The Order of the Coif, a leeal
! scholastic honorary. j
j Samuels was a 1950 graduate ofj We wish to express our thanks for
Salem High School, received his tne kindness and sympathy of
B.A. degree from the University neighbors and friends in our re
;of Washington in 1954 and his ' cent bereavement, for the calls,
ll.b trom the University of Wash-
ington in 1956.
He is also a member of Phi
Beta Kappa. Phi Alpha Delta,
Sigma Alpha Mu. and a member
of the editorial board of the Uni
versity of Washington Law Re
view. Samuels pa sed Oregon Bar
exams according to announcement
made Monday in Salem.
WMe (h 1
i ma y
Automatic Cas Heating
Why vo thwwh another winter of uncortotntlm, hiah ful cottt, and dl
omlortf lutoll luol-thrifty Mmllor Climotrol tot hootina now and forgot
your hoatint worrioj.
Coit much? You'll bo kajwily turpriwd ot how Inonponilvo oaj hootina
foolly k and In mora wayi than ono.
You owo It to yownoH to tot tho fart! today. Call in and oik for froa
hoatint jvruoy and loo for youriolf,
YojI la jura of cooibUIo tatijfactioa tor rtan ft coma by joloctlna
Muollor Cllmotrol tn hoatint.
AS LOW 'St)25 per
V Call Ui Today for Fret Estfmate
D. E. Cooper & Son
540 Hood St. Phone 3-3603
Hi'Y Leaders Pldn Trainirig Program
Richard Buchanan (center), district HI-Y Council president,
Eugene, district chaplain, and Mike McCracken, Lebanon,
an Oct. 6 officers' training program.
Alienation of
Affections Suit
Asks $100,000
A $100,000 alienation of affections
suit involving two prominent fami
lies was filed Tuesday in Marion
County Circuit Court.
Defendant in the suit is Mrs.
Fred (La Von) Davis who is charg
ed by Margaret K. Armpriest with
wooing away her husband Donald
J. Armpriest. Mrs. Davis is the
widow of a Salem business man
who drowned in a boating mishap
in British Columbia last year.
In the complaint Mrs. Armpriest
said that shortly after their mar
riage on Jan. 25, 1955 "and while
the parties were still living to
gether as man and wife, the de
fendant, with knowledge of such
martial relationship, wrongfully.
wantonly and maliciously started
keeping company and associating
with said Donald J. Armpriest."
As a result she says her husband
failed to perform his duties as a
husband and plaintiff has been de
prived of her right to the conjugal
relationship and fellowship of her
husband, and to his love, company,
cooperation and aid in every con
jugal relation ..."
Mrs. Armpriest. is seeking $35.-
000 general damages and $65,000
punitive damages from Mrs. Da
vis. Sheep Disease
Noted in State
Blue tongue, a contagious
ease of sheep, has made its
first appearance in Oregon near Kla-
math Falls. Dr. K. J. Peterson.
chief veterinarian for the State
Agricultural Department, reported
Dr. Peterson said the infected
flock of sheep is being vaccinated
with an available vaccine. He
added that other sheep in the area
would be closely watched to pre
vent any further spread of the dis
ease. The veterinarian said blue
tongue was first diagnosed in the
United States four years ago in
California. The disease is present
in Utah, Arizona, California, New
Mexico. Colorado, Texas, Missouri
and Oklahoma.
"eautnui tiowers and many com-
forting acts. They are deeply ap
preciated. Mrs. Charles Stephens. Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Stephens and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Stephens and family, Mr. and
Mrs. El w ood Massey and
family and Donald Stephens.
i adv.)
No! I hare Mueller Gimatrol
... ........ ...j- 'I .. a .
Hi-Y Officers in
Salem to Join in
UO Training Meet
Officiers of Salem's six Hi-Y
chapters will join with groups
from 16 other YMCA youth groups
in an officers' .training conference
Saturday, Oct. 6, on the Univer
sity of Oregon campus.
About 100 boys and girls will
take part, representing the YM
district from Salem to Roseburg
and west to the coast.
A Salem youth, Richard Bu
chanan. H1 preside in his role as
district president of the Hi-Y and
Tri-Hi-Y Council.
jockey Dewey Henshaw was still
unconscious late Tuesday at Sa
lem General Hospital. This is the
Mth day he has been so since he
entered the hospital Sept. when
he was spilled by a horse at the
state fair racing meet.
lire mm y
mm p
i That new, miracle fuel Natural Gasis 4
f jtiwJr . mr - os.u in here! Now you can enjoy new heating com- , -r
i x v fort with greater convenience by changing to .
( ' low-cost Natural Gas. It's more comfortable '
i f because Natural Gas is faster, cleaner and she ,
' ' , ' times safer than oil. So, join the two out of
S three American families now muig trus Ijw,
nv.t , miracle fuel. OrderNatural Gas heatingtoday. 7
"i 'According I tttiol T'nt Protection , . ...
flj J Aiioc'utiion rtcordt lor 19J4 ... .!
v-r ' f "'U'."'.- ":.""'' ' '-. ' ' v'; ',; . '
.. - .. ... -.. .., : ... ... ; : : .. - - ' -: ' '
'''' ..T .... , - ' -( -, . . . -
confen with Jay Coster (left),
-at district leaden' session to plan
Truck Tears
Area Road
Salem police were Investigating
a report from the city engineer's
office that a truck driver went to
considerable trouble Tuesday to
damage new blacktop near 13th
and Waller streets.
The driver moved a city car
blocking the way and took down
street department barricades to
gain entrance to the freshly fin
ished surface, police were told. No
charges were filed.
We are sincerely grateful to
friends and neighbors for their
many kind acts of sympathy dur
ing our sad bereavement. Words
cannot 'fully express our sincere
Mrs. Erwin Long and Family
Dr. Ileinis Back
i r
On Agricultural
Staff of Oregon
Dr. Julius Heinls, back In the
United States under a special im
migration quota for scientists, has
rejoined the staff of the State
Agricultural Department, it was
announced here Tuesday.
He held the same position with
the department for a year and a
half before returning to Switzer
land in January of this year. He
wilt work with L. B. Loring. the
department's head plant patholo
gist, in insect and plant disease
surveys and research.
Stolen Check Probe
Moves to Silverton
A social security check appar
ently stolen from a Salem mail
box was cashed recently in a Sil
verton store, police were told
The S30 check made out to his
mother. Mrs. Ella Palos, 710 N.
High St., was cashed in Frank's
Grocery, Silverton, Wilbert Peron,
340 W. Field St., . Silverton. told
McMlNNVILLE, Sept. ls-Orval
D. Yokum, John Day attorney,
will serve as vice chairman of the
Carl Francis for Attorney General
state committee, it was announced
today by Phil Bladine, general
Chairman. Yokum it the immed
iate past president of the Oregon
State Bar.
That Loosen
Need Not Embarrass
Many nutn ot folw tooth hot
oufferod root ombomoamont boiauao
their ploto Broppod. altppeti or wob
bled ot )ujt the wrong lima. Do not
Uva lb fear of thla happen tnita you.
Juat apnnkia lUUa FA8TESTH. the
alkaline loon-oaM) powder, a your
platea. Hold falna teeth more firmly,
as the foal mora comfortable. Dnea
not aour. Cbaeki 'plate odor" i den
ture brretM. Oat FAeTESTH al any
erug counter.
Statesman, Salem,' Ore., Wed., Sept. 19, 56 (SrCr I)-4
WorksliOD Series Launched 1
. i ' V " ',. ' V. :-. i
On ATnntol TTnoltli
Sixty five representatives of
civic, school and church oganiza
tions in Marion County launched
a series of four workshops on
mental health Tuesday at the
The delegates to Ihe workshops
are to take the materials and sug
gestions presented to help' formu
late programs on mental health to
be presented to their own organi
zations. Talks on behalf of the two spon
soring organizations were pre
sented by Mrs. Robert E. Gang
ware, chairman of the Family Life
discussions groups of the Marion
County TB and Health Assn. and
by Mrs. Bemice Yeary, director
of nurses of the Marion County
Health Department.
Chairman of the meeting was
Wes Sullivan, chairman of the
mental heath advisory committee
of the Marion County Child Gui
dance Clinic.
Two new films on family life
were shown, one on rivalries be
tween children in a family and the
other on parent-child relationships.
The next of the four weekly ses
sions will be Tuesday at 9:3a a.m.
in the YWCA. In the following
meetings other new films will be
shown, a model panel discussion
fish You f of Hert Today Sltpt laH Night in
Tillamook Bay -
Opew 7 A.M. f 0 fM. ; i
3715 S. Commercial Closed Mondays
health ' win be pro
short play will be
Salem Man : .
Work Fact
Portland District. Corps of Engi
neers, has awarded two contracts
totaling 118,276.
Louis Neuman. 3460 State St..
Salem, has been awarded a 110,864
contract for e-roofing three hy
draulic laboratory buildings- at
Bonneville Dam. 40 miles east ef
Portland on the Columbia River.
This work must be completed by
Goodat Crane Service. Portland.
was awarded a $5,411 contract for
furnishing a one cubic yard mo
bile crane for approximately 140
hours for revetment construction
on the Molalla. Willamette and
South Santiam riven between
Oregon City and Independence.
Completion date of this contract
is Oct 29.
on mental -sented
given, i.
office clerk. ,