r '. 14-(Sec. II) Statesman,.Salem, Ore., Sun., Sept. 2, 195 430 Merchandise 455 House Cood for Sal GUARANTEED Reconditioned autotnstle wiV ert, dryers, ranges A latriga. I H II UB. YEATER APPLIANCE 'CO 275 Chemeketa St 'ANTIQUE Bedroom Bet. Mks it oiler. Solid oak Ik hand carved. Used Md t. Mart. 17a . Liberty. Ph. 4-4371 Open fn. nights tU . Me down oayment to.a.e.l i"W Desks. !2V Used Muse. At art. 170 f . Liberty. Open )n. nights til a. No dowa payment (s a c l Ph. 4371 SEWING BASKET and lata model Sinter dealt w log machine. Both lor only 88 so. Liberal traoe in ana easy terma. Ph. 4-7101. Dir. CTvllMSHtD luraltur. M. 1. High Stiff furniture. 171 N VINYL floor tile. 10c each. R ' L' EI''rom Co. teg S. Liberty iTsF.D washers (II A op Mod , ern Applisnce Center, 114 So Com L Ph. 4-1353. , INLAID linoleum. 11.71 per to. yd. R. U LUilram C, 20 S. Liberty. QUAKER oil circulator, 140. Ph. 4-5U.4. PICTURE, mirror, coffee table, fir. lamp, bkcase, davenport. ) a Riiu nm uiniw ruga, stvuy vond bed. box aorina A mat tress, tent 1 eleepinf bags. ' Clean, food cood. Ph. S-51J0 iter a p.m. HAVE purchased home equipped witar-evervthing. wul sell, Mobil Made dish waaher. 7 mo. old. B b a 1 x economic washer, IS at 14 wool hooked rue 4i pad. Baby furniture. Will n.e food deal. Ph. ' 4-IU'il. w BiLTwELL daveno, rnaroon, good cond. 145. S fir. lampe. o.iiae saoia at misc. . iviw ith. HORSE elec. portable sewing machine. Never oeen jsed Late model. 1-4431 after T -p m DDL. bed complete $35. "onUnir chair. Like new. 2-0052. REPOSSESSED Tweed davenport at chair with loam rubber cushions. Pay only balance due. . .. 1129.61 . '. ... TERMS 12 WEEK JtecondiUimed used. 1 complete rooms of furniture living ' room, bedroom, .dinette. . $149 TRANSPORTATION DAMAGE. , Daveno, aofa by dasv bed by lute. Pay only $5 per mo. Closing Out For $59 . S complete rooma all new fur . niture, I: vl n f room, bedroom, dinette. Start living lor only: $299 . Slightly Boiled bos springs A mattress, Reg. lilt Buy Set For $3 STOHE HOURS VON THHU FBI I TIL t ft AT I TIL I SUM 13 TO. I KENWOOD t Fartorv Outlet FURNITURE 1S Tdgewater St.. Wert Salem VAfWM CLFANKRS El-vtmlux IS M, Hoover ,I.S. Kirby lit HI. Lcwyt 134.10. .Iinv oihcra, all maltea. Cimipact Vacuum Cleaners ; xtl N. CapltoL Ph. J-J1M.7. aTSS-A Appliances 1 COLDSPOT freerer ft 1 Hot- point range. 4494. HuiLDEllS, Contractors, Phil lips Appliance has one of the : mod complete selection of built-in anmiancee In the val lev. Special prices to builders and contractors, rnuilps 4 pliance. 3.-4 Center. XJKE new Deluxe Craaley ranfe, fiis. rn. e-iwa. APT. ranee l".V. Frimdaire re frlgeraior ta. Thar rraiier, 111). Good cmd. PM Belmont. WILlTTradeiy',ol' refrlg. lor automatic drver or what have ' you. Ph. 4-41 61. ' ISLD Refrig. 2i A up. Modern Appliance Center, 1141 South Com'l 4-I.1M. KEW dnhwaaher ule. Up to Sor. 1 discount. Phillips Appliance Co. 344 Center. fSAVING TOWN will aell T.J Norge refrig, elec. atove A , auto, washer. Ph. 4-9:159. ISl CU. FT. IH. refrliierator. enod cond., IAS. ph. Monmouth IK 7-1214 after I and Sat. Mrs. J. Smiley, 15I E- CUy St. tSED Wringer washer, I vrs. old, good cond. Pa. 3M13. SfAYTAG wrlnrer wshei7E'. cellent condition. 13(1. 17pd donhle laundry trays III. Ph. 4-4si.il eve. COLDSPOT refrigerator. Excel lent condition. Call Mrs. Janke 2-07l. GIBSON refrlg. good cond. reaa. 2. Ph. 4-o.i5. I $24 ABC washer, wringer type, good eond. Ceia clothes clean. Sea at 14M D SL Ph. 4-MKI. 456 Wonted House Goods CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY FURN. CO Ph -74;J lio.nuo cash To spend for High grade Used Furniture A Appliances Ph 3-11 II Paying Top Prices to Better Grade Glen Woodry, 1401 N. Summer MISC. furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph 1-40BI. TOP CASH PRICE - FUR NI TURE. APPLIANCES. ETC. CSF.D MERCHANDISE MART TO S. LIBERTY PH 4-4371 457 Radio and TV VSED TV sets for ss'4, lo. 14. 11, II, 14. 30 Inch seta to chone from, terma of course. Phillips Appliance Ca. 363 Center. "Radio & TV Service - "Quality Work-Fair Prices" CALL BURT 4-517 - 453 Buildino. Marertoli WHAT PLATFORM!! wf-vf. rot rrttt anythin3 EVERYTHING to build With. JiiM arrived CABI1AD RE JECT DOORS-Mahog, Blrrh , A Fir 3 ID to I ua. AU, I12ES StE THEM I TAvrt IJC!piRrtf MAHOO. . pi - i., Si fi't F. I fDAR. AL- r red woo a chip- I'.jAPO and several others. I a i.ur rT .TLirTION IN I.e. VAIf.EY NAII.S 175 ),,,. rI - I OS While ISO i.i. b;...,. A SHAKFS-all I :,ils 'o ii vour home and f i v.mr pmketbook. LOW AS i,j :.o M. n vu oon You name It v- got 1" FTR-BIRrH-" . . pi 'tv,. ,o . hr ) : .r p'-s fir or we 11 cl , .p 1 l i HON. PT T- " i ''If ' ' I- ' ' Free -r ol - ! ' r V.i.,1 i J h. 4-41 .1 V .VMtTLWV Y . Save time -Save money " For the Best Professional Services Make Life APDiNg MAfiwss ' floor covraincs painting Buy aa you rent All makea NORRIS WALKER Palal Co Bruah or apray Extertr-r or In- Roen-Ty pearl lera, 4S4 Court I loor-ceve ri ng Division Wuai- tertor. Pre estimates. t. Ph. 34771 Ity Inatallatlona Linoleum, A- . ;rfl l.NU. phalt Rubber Tile. Wall Ule AW" CRAVSI. Free titlmatea 4-IJ7 WALLING SAND AND CRAVIl Worf ruVn" uV. C " OSADINO PoiUNO Jm McCUchriat 474 So Cou'1 Ph 4-M11 DOZING k LEVELING LAll ISnT'f oTroadJ iniliimtt Ph i-OMI D PANTX'VICH ways and parking lota. CAPITOL Veddlnf alattreaa re- BULLDOZING, eleartnl readl. cJAi,lL-l1X5P1 'Sf'TL novator. N. miVoe. M04, fi MrryTv S!!lt BSICK BLOCSMAIOW RntoUMhr7amim ALE 8A,ND GRAVEL CO BRICK and block Work fuar. digfer. M hr. Pb 4-Mlt. Beady mix concrete, cruihed anteed Ph 4-4431. and round era vel, land and toi an eea rn e-eaje. HEATING aoll. 1401 S Pront St. -J4f CARPENTER CONTRACTOR a Moore He, for VALLEv'SAND aV GRAVEL CO NEW buildinf, roofing or paint- ELECTRO-RAY ' Cruahed A round grevai SaM . ing. re mod- eat free. 4-4344. . Electric He at a (W Ml 1-4001 CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Ko abllgation for Free Eatlmatea SEPTIC IERVICS Framing, remodeling. ' founda- e."17ddini!tr,.,l?n- HOWARD S Roto-RooUr, aewen " " W- '-2''0- Sj8 J.ff S Uld8D,PcXrJ CABINETS .Ij U'L? Snitt CAH a.n. Phona t44 CABINETS made to order. Turn. National advertised name. We Hamel'i aepue tank cleaned, repaired. Frea eat Ph, 1-0443. Inatall. Let ua bid your inb. Una aarvice Guaranteed work. -TTT-. a' Farmers Union Co-op. Ph. Phone 1-7404 or 1-0774. CHARIS C0RSETTIERE 4-3764. Mil Sllvartoa Bd. ,.7. ' ! X SUO Lansing . Ph. S-Hil Salem. 4 TELSTI1ION PAINTING Hanaon T.V. 1143 S. 12th, Open CRAMS WOII r-AiivTiivu . (ves. gervic tnm t to IM. 14-ton Lorain mote crane Be- PAINTLNG PRICES REAS. Ph. 4-9444. lem Sand A Gravtl Ca 1-1441 t y.t la Salem. Ph. S-;m WINDOW SCREENS "' ' IXCAVATMO 't'JIiI0 atIBuf SALECO all aluminum screen! i i i l tnMS, rree estimates, pa- made la order We measure it VLNCENT C. NEAL : ; per hanging. Ph. 4-0094, 4-24. Slf,,. FiTastlmtes Excavating cs. To place classified adl SALEM ALUMINUM beavaling - Oradlng , .n ITm!, WINDOW CO. Ph. MWI Call 4811. - 13P4 S. nth Ph. 4-1971 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise 458 Building MeteriaU 460 Mmlcol Initrumerits 470 For Solo, Misc. roll SALE: Superior Aluminum Aium-a-weid atorm winoowa Welded, no-part mat frame corners. Also doors. JT. H. FoweM. Ph. 4-04ttv - - Overused steal fareee doe re nth hardware. 138.44 u atallee) 444 M I ft. sliding PaUe doors wgless lioa. ........ EPP1N6 LUMBER CO. PB 4-8123 , 3740 SILVErTUN RD. ftM.OOO FEET New fresh-milled eld A second growth lumber. Xx4 to Xxll In to 24-foot lengths. Delivered prices Salem. 9 JO per thou, minimum. Ted Muller 4-0623. WANTED: logs. pole, palling or umber atumpage. can Wal lace Hoad Lumber Co. 4-1747, LUMBER FOR SALE ... IIS Boards k Shiplap " Rran Poles. Free Wood jCan Alpine a-43Sg Lebanon GOOD useoTBrick-Jc7e Afc, 1&60 Hoffman Rd. . Keith Brown Specials PLYWOOD: A - ' txlxta RG Mshogsny - Psnel !. I H ea. 4xlxi, rc Birch Panel 1.40 ea. 4xx4 Shop Birch.. ll JO ea. 4xlxs Ext. Shop Ply 4.M aa. 4xlx! rgh. Sheathing Ply. J-Ztea. 4xx't rgh. Shsathlng Ply 1 14 aa. 4xa, rgh. Sheathing Ply. .. . INN, HARDBOARDl 4xlxi Hardhoard .r 00 per sheet 4xl)xa Hardboa-d . J IS per sneet xxa Hard board...! JO per sheet LUMBEB: - . - .-4 lxa-RL 4 Com, Shp-XIMM Ix4-R1 4 848 . .. 30.01 M ixl It 1x10 Rl fl com. Alasksn Cedar PaneLSt.MM 1x4 A Ixl J Com A btr. Knotty Cedar Panel M M M CEDAR PANEL: Doors: Reg.' Bala l-4xl-lail4 RC Shlna 1.41 - I Flea. 1-4 A3-4x-4xl'a II Ule French 1434 1 04 ea. j-K-xi4 kxl a - tMiina n tn if es ea. S. door Jamb Znda l.sies . PAINT:. O. S. White I SO gal. Pabre O. S. White 4 gal, for rice of gsL Shake Paint 4 gsL for price of Try o'tl'r eas- BUDGET PLAN Remember, nothing dowa and easy payments! f KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD ?1S North Front Si Ph 1-1111 "We Glva S A H Green Stamps." . . SPECIAL 0. (WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE) M lo 34" wide complete with frame and hardware. - $5 EACH Used Bridge timbers snd planks. AU 1 Btr $4 to 134 M 1x4 shorts Ic tin foot Siding ... 140 la M Many other building Bargains. E.S.RIITER&CO. C740 Portland Rd Ph. 4-1311 4 ml. No. of Salem, 'i ml. No. of Totem Pole on pa E. Open All Day Saturday. .SELL OUT f ALL STOCK GOES Steel septic tank , .. 1.1151. uo New barn sashes SACRIFICE Hdwd. dooie 14.11 UD. Is" Galv. pipe 12o U"le, -2oc. r' 5c Exterior wh to Paint rs) Barb-wire 40 rd. reels 15.50 Bath tubs, com pis a I5I.8I New kitchen sinks ..14 85 un. Hdwd. plywood Cheap 4x1 plaatci bd., 11.40. $1.50, l 15 dk ping pong tops le ss Galv. gutters 13c ft Fiber glaaa banklents ln- sul, CHEAP Drain bd. covering ... 15c,sq. ft. No. 1 cedar shingles 1445 a," plastic pipe 10c ft. Outside noot frames SACRIFICE Sliding barn doora. track A hardware .. . ..t,HEAP ; x 10 cedar siding 1100 Weather strip windows, CHEAP ii- wire 4 ',c loot. C. G. LONG k SONS I'h 4-5051 1 ml. N. Kelter J fvtusical Instruments PY owNtn. Wuriitrer piaia, lt-e new. fall 4-Wllll. 1'IANO uiKtruc(l'n, 0 yrs. lei, l, ing up. Orad. of UO. 1'nlv. in plunn. Slate accredit ed. HI fotirt. Ph. i-31Z. Uuane Hunaakcr. TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-G311 . ' Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! GtrtTAR. Ilka new wiRa pick up A esse. 4A Ph. -37le. MILTON Piano, good cond.' 1:31. Phone 423-1 Independence.- . LESTER Spinet Piano, f400. like new. Call 3-49U. , , . HAMMOND chord organ. wiU trade for car or pickup, 31780. CORNET good cend. Ph. 1-1160 ELECTRIC player , piano, SO : roils included. 33.S, Phllllja appliances, terma. o center MUSIC LESSONS ALL INSTRUMENTS Instru ments rented while you learn. Salem's largest Musts School. W I LI SET-WEATHERS MUSIC la tba Capitol Shopping Can tar Ph. 1-1701 PIANOS reconditioned, 163 and up. terms, image riano Serv ice. Ph. 4-14M. T A New Baldwin Acrasonla . An Slice's Moat Wanted ' Small Piano. ... ONLY $3 PER WK. Plus FREE Lessons " -V ZOBEL'S , ' Ph. 442S1 tl Court St 462 Sports Iqwlwwiont POSITIVE PROOF that WE SELL FOR LESS 2 H.P. "See Bee1' out- bd. .... i $24.50 l.T H P. Neptune, new $49 50 25 H.P. Johnson, sear shirt, remote controls, iocl $273.00 ':' Dot's All 1! We need trade-Ins now- Brinf your old motor In and set Oregons' biggest allow ance. ... -r. ... , .- FALL CLOSE OUT POWER MOWERS These are the finest mowers money can buvl . St" Reel type. rg. U7 S0 IMM zi notary vpe. ref. 117.S0 .- - I91.M IS" RoUry type, reg. $97.90 -. $75.50 . Briggs Stratum power I I . BOATS II' flat bottom skill needs work UWlY $29.50 II Chris Craft bottom and sides glssaed, onlar W.M. Many other good buys In new A used boa la, motors A trailers. ' Salem Boat House 100 Chemeketa Ph. S-1303 BRAND new 130-200 Savage,' box of shells, for sale or trade. 10il Madison. Ph. 4-0704 eve. , BOATS It OUT BO ARDS . ; SHROCK S Corner Hlfhland-Portland Bd SALEM, OREGON ' CASH emd lor used guns, mod era and antique Cascade Mere I7ta Bcwrtwai , DEER rifle, condition like new. . sn-Ot Winchester, model 74, M9. Ph. 1 0472. - New 30-30 Win. rifle, $60 . 4-3193 AFTER 4 P. M. ELGIN boat trailer, with spare tire A tilt rollers, 1100. 410 E. Judton at, - BURCHCRAPT 14' fiber glaased trailer wicn ugnta uyn sig nals. Tts horse EvInruTTe. 1n51 Model complete outfit. 1310. 4500 Swegle Rd. Ph. 4-1005. 464 licyctes BOY'S free sire Mite 111. ph. 1-4154 ar see at 1401 Hickory ri. 1 BOYS' 24" bikes for sale. Ph. 4-1470 after 4 p.m CIRLS 24" bike. Good cond. $20. sues A. nurai alter a. 468 For Rent, Mild. FOR RENT ar lease ige ware house apace cement floor brick bldg.. downtown. In. quire L. Stiff Fur a 4-4 III 470 For Sole, Misc. BABY Buggy. 112 85. Uaed Mdsa. Mart. 270 S. Liberty Ph. 4-4371. Open Frt. nlghU til I. No down payment o a c.l SUN Lamp. $8 85. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S Liberty. Ph. 4-4J7I. Open Fri. nighta 111 . No down payment fo.a.e.) SbxoVlnlraT-!. Uaed Mdse. Mart. 270 S. LilH-rty. Ih. 4-4371. Open Frl. nlghU UI I. no oown payment lo s e l RE6, 21" Deluxe Rotary Mow er. IU8, terma. Phillips Appli ances, j.-3 t..enier. 24" TV table model with table. 1 antenna, 1175. I Hnme-Ltrht chain saw. bar and chain, 11.10. Table model refrigerator, 22 "x24", ess. Gen. Elec auto. v.aher, nearly new, f 171. i'h. 2-2707. ALUMINUM swing A bar gym act, .;2.5. Ph. 2-7454. 15. Ph. 1-7454. USFO Montgomery Ward re ins. I ru. ft. Excellent cond 40.-1 eunnyyiew - SUHGB . milking "machine.' com- Slcte with motor A comprassor i bucket, Ph. 1-31M. USED APPLIANCE. ... AND T. V. CLEARANCK Washers reduced low aa SS.iS 0 Ranges, everything works. Z4. up. Refrigerators, good cond. 137.50 up. FREEZERS chest type, $129 Clothes dryer, Trlgidaire" 21 In. Fhilco Console T.V, New guarantee, I9U.95 17 In. Motorola Console T. V., ' all chsnncL 1114 M No down payment Easy terms III Green Stamps. Master Service Stations. 36$ N. Commercial. RETR EADS-400 470 KM tc up. Lytle'i OK No. Com'l A Pine. USED tires, truck and paaaanger. Buy, sell, trade. Lytle's OK. Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 4-474? GOOD Montag pres.mre 'ype oil burner. A controls complete. Ph. 1-4147.'. ryPEWRITERS addt at. ma chines, rash regular tuolt calors. desks, chairs llles sup plies Keen's. 494 Court 1-4771 TOP SOIL Phono 1-1375, 1-4301 WHOLESALE New Tiree Ny lon 470-1 S. 11.31 plus tax. Lytle's OK. H.jamh A Pine. PIT RUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL ; DEL, $1 JS A YARD PH. 4-2463 BEV'S RUMMAGE sailing aut .tome 'in and save. . 473 No CotUge, Ph. 4-7300. THOR washer, wringer tvpe. good cond., SIS. New hospital wheel chair, metal, with brakes, 195. Solid oak library table, fit, 1MI Lane, Ph. 1-0441. HOSPITAL bed and mattress. IMS E. Nob HiU. Ph. 3-7734. GIRL'S dressing table 111.50. 12 - -1 ,1 .' ,, use si? so. rn. 4-4411. NEW 1 ft. split cedar posts, also rustle split cedar fencing. Ph 4-3041. WALL furnace fan A thermostat 100 gal. oil tank, good cond. 4-4555 after S p.m. ANTIQUE COLLECTOR I LOOK) 1021 Hupmobile. Snd G rubber. Fair condition. 1-7731. LAWN MOWER IS. Trash burn er 120. Washing M. 1 15. ISM Hoffman Rd. NEW Slgal. Hotpoint -Water Heaters. II year warranty, reg. 1124 15, now US 85. Phil lips Appliances. 355 Center. Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loan, list 1-1749 Prompt Delivery -euer Sane A Gravel Ca OIL circulator, psed2-wk. end. 10. 3-4441 or 1855 N. uh. WOOD clre. heater. Comb, radio-phono 4524 Nllei Ave. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, dryers, ranges A refrtgs 131 II A up - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. , 371 ChemckeU St 472 Wbntec. Misc. -11 STOCK rack for is T. Chev. pickup, s-siiia eve. WANTED, huildln to wreck for lumber, pit. 4.4113. WANTED several thousand cores or woeia an sneeies Pb 1-4721 NlghU 4-5431 474 Miscellaneous ADDING mtcMneo. each 1 regts Clar- I ma Fairgrounds s-.r78 DrNTAl PLATE REPAIR 1 HR) SERVIir IN MOST CAtrs OR HARRV trx1.F.R Oenftst A8oi1 nidg. Slste A Com'l SU , SALEM, , PH l-MIl 476 Fuel HIGHWAY FUEL CO SAWDUST A WOOD S-444 WANTED several thousand crirdt wood, all snactec Ph 4-7721 Nigh tl 1-5432 ,-WF.ST SALEM FUEL Dry green - wood ev- . mno or pusnout aawouai 1525 EdgewaUr Ph. 2-4031 500 Bus. & Finance S10 Money te Loon 1-1,004 ta loan on Salem Home. E. A. McGLAUFLIN. RLTR, 335 N. High 1-4411, 3-4412 LOANS $54 04 ta 11500 04 Buy What Vou Need . . Consolidate your mils Slnance tneojgh .AVF7TF CREDIT COMPANY Ht S hurch St ah .sM estate contracts and 2nr mort gages Oh i Ihmsrt A Calaha. R.ailora 477 Court St Phone 2-41 il COLONIAL Investment Co Real Property Loans Contracts Purchased st Cmirt 4-2243 Inter sat. PA 3-4784, 600 Employment 608 -Pickers Wonted BEAN 'PICKERS. WANTED WHXARD BACHELLER 1470 RrVER BEND RD. -OUT WALLACE RD. 1',, ML PH. 2-6384 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan PRIVATE money to sues. $ interest, rn. a-07M. $1500.00 Now you ejn borrow II JC0 from us on lurnitura, autot, trailer M imi and equipment We are happy that after M years we ate able to extend this additional service to you, CORPORATION 1 Phone 3-9161 -'- m So. Com-. - - Salem, Oregon InsUllmenl Loans Contracts Purchased Consolidation Loans CONSUMERS FINANCE JLC0RP0RATI0N !4M B. Com'L Ph. 4-4431 PRIVATE money to loan, cash fur real estate mortgages and contracts. B. M. Mason or W B. Minier, 341 Chemeketa. mm . FOR VACATION MONEY FOR BILLS FOR PURCHASES MONEY? rV v . . -J' :' ' ' . FOR YOU $25.00 to $2,500.00 PACIFIC ' Industrial Loans 11$ S. LIBERTY PH. 4-2203 450 Merchandise 476 Fuel CAPITAL FUEL CO. SUMMER RATES ON BLOWER SLnVICE Ury shavings. Dry Osk A Ash irvooci Choice slab A block wood mixed. PLANER ENDS lliM Broadway. Ph 2-7721 OREGON FUEL CO. SAWDUST DRY OR GREEN WOOD S AH. GREET St AMPS Hi. ,3-5531 1017 Broadway ANDERSON'S slsbwood. 2, unit load $25. Ph. 2-7751. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted WANTED to work In Ss- with wstch or diamond sales experience. Must be ,, well qualified. Permanent position. Write ' to Statesman-Journal. Box 290. TEACHER for Christian grade school. Ph. 2-9584. 3-4434. APPLICATIONS are now Being taken for Statesman bicycle ' routes Severs! routes will be pen Applicants must be ac companied by their parents r have their written permis sion Apply at the Circulation Department of the Statesman Journal CAPITAL tlTLOYMENT AGENCY IM N Wln-er Ph. I-MH Your future la aut Job. . 604 Help Wanted. Men WHOLESALE SALESMAN For eatabliahed meat route, nre- fer young man, -out of town 4 nignta weekly. Apply i. R. Mc Cnwan, O. W. Green Meats. 1325 S. 23th St. MILK morn ava on dairy cloe in, exchanga for hou-e, milk A wages. Ph. eve, 2-4J84. WANT! Expert filling sts'jon kelp. 40 lo 45 yrs. of age, 1125 Portland Rd. WANT several wood cutters. Apply Capital Fuel Ca, 2800 N River Rd T.iPP.K1. P A R M T MfiS ""' ' vwt For Contract ',-' Truckmen Aers Mayflower Transit Com- 6 any Inc, needs drivers 11 to i years, who own 1855 or later model t r a c t o r a, air brakes or amall down pay ment for tractor. ' full time operation, paid training, uni forms, trailer upkeep, commu nication cost paid, 25 ad vance on loads. monthly statements snd pay. Phone or write J. R. Holtr, P.O. Box 107, Indianapolis 4, Ind, Mal tose 1-037L 600 Employment 60S Pickers Wonted 606 Help Wanted, Ledy WANTED Exp. car hop. Nights stesdy work. Uptown Drive-In. WAITRESSES and car bops. II or over. Apply in person, ' North's Restaurant. Capitol Shopping Center. Ma phone calls. ' LADY for general house crk, live In. Call mora. 401 It. Lib erty. IMMEDIATE openings tor be ginning typists and stenog raphers. CaU Miss Kennerly for evening examination. Slate Civil Service Commission. 4-2171. Extension 219. between 4 00 and 5:00. WAITRESS, experienced, De shilt, Sun." oil. Apply J 55 K Commercisl. BEAUTICIAN LOVEALL - MILLER'S WOMAN Interested la home and lair wages to care for invalid and as, companion to another elderly lady. Must be capable, in good health, consrici'lmis and permanent PracUcal nor.iiig exp. nelpful. Ho ob jection to other member of family. If congenial to situa tion. Some relief help to bt furnished. Write Box 221,' Statesman-Journal. EXP. waitress wanted. Top Hat. 1275 State. Apply MIDDLE age lady tor baby sit ting lor few hrs. ea, day. near 22nd A Center. Ph. 1-4053. BABY sitter from 11:13 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. 4 days week. Can live in. Ph. 4-5054. . WAITRESS, exp. Apply Mickey's Drive-In. 405 Waiiacs Rd. GIRL for stenographic work, . shorthand, filing, applications i V I", ,lu!f V T, L- :...." us iiitci v itzwvu s uti, nitri ntxrv till A p.m. Sri 11 Oil Co. IaIhl or woman to untwtr DhoiMa anvntOfMia and Saiur- days. Soma typing 75 cents an Hour, fh. -vow after 1 p.m. MONTGOMERY Ward hai ooen inf tor nvirai part-time cierm in tn loiiowine depart- mentt: shoe, chtirfrent wear fc faahkma. Cxprieia help- lui.-' atpiay in perm. - 608 rickers Wanted BEAN PICKERS WANTED STARTING SEPT. 4th. Very good picking. 1 ml. North Of w. saiem turn on Wallace on River Bend Road, follow signs: Ph. 4.7454.' S. J. Towery No. Sat. picking. BEAN pickers wanted MONDAY sept. jra. s mi. ust oi Lan caster on Sunnvview. Albert Scharer. Ph. 4-4017. WANTED cucumber pickers. Goodi irrigated cucumbers. Ph. 4-4484. BEAN PICKERS WANTED Sunshine farm" (formerly John J. Roberts ranch) 1 ml. west on River Rd. LATE beans, good picking. come out Lard on Rd., follow signs. Alt Bean Yard. Ph. fU verton 1-4751. 610- Solet Help Wanted Salesmen and Saleswomen - UNLIMITED EARNINGS A new product is now being presented on the marxet under a CHAIN REACTION sales f lan. Results from the use of rue product are so amaiing thai It is being sold under an unconditional money back ailarantee Cmt Inln thl, H.,1 al t!-g start and pv-amid your ! earnings, i nis product IS new and different. Competitively it cannot be duplicated or cqua'ct,. ma!l investment In me'chandlw Is required. Write to Box it, Statesman Journal, giving age and par ticulars. MAN 25-35 yrs. for sales work In retsil hsrdwsro store. Some hardware exp. required. Fully state qualification in reply. Salary, comm. ins. I dsy wk. etc. Box 244 Statesman-Journal. . LAWN and Garden equipment salesman to call on retail trade In western Ore. Prefer man in early 30a. Car re quited. Salary, commission A extfAises. Top lines. Estab lished retail accounts. State selling experience in' reply. Box 217 Statesman-Joumsl SEWltfG MACHINE SALESMAN. Exceptional oppor tunity for exp. person. Highest . earnings possible. Only exp. men need apply. Montgomery Ward A Co., Appliance Dept., 155 Liberty. STUDENTS Full A part lime $31 Id IM per . week commission .No exp neeessa-y. Apply , Oregon Bldg.. Room 111. - .- WOMEN Full A part time, no exp. nec essary 140 to 155 per week avrr.ge commission. Apply - uregon oiog., Room lis. r; SALESMEN Large Photo-Murals Lowest cost Murals en the mar ket, yet highest quality vail able. These murals are large site. Il', x 58'," and are lust being sampled tor the first time. Thev sail for , the low L, Pr,c $150 each inserted in lubes to retail outlets who re sell them. Wallpaper buyers anf Qtners give ua astound ing response to tne Dow Mur al Line. These murals ars In full color We pay extremely high rates of commission Or ders secured on, first csll for . substsntlal volume. We also have large Una of sd-vertla-ng material In addition ' to this great and most sale able Mural Line. Write: ' Louis F. Dow Co. . ' 1 PINE STREET, RM, Wl ' SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF, 600 Employment 610 Solei Helpr Wonted COLLECTORS Must have transportation full A part t:me. $75 to 1100 commis sion ner week. Apply Oregon . Bldg., Rm. HI. MAN over SO for Salee and Service position with National Farmera Co-Op . absolutely no canvassing; Sales experience ' secondary to personal quail- ilea lions, excellent Income By commission, and advancement opportunities with permanent future. Opening now available, Tacoma, Washington, Portland, ure., saiem, uregon, s.ugene, Oregon. A Grants Pass, Ore. pn. 4-assa, saiem tor appoint ment 612 Work Wonted, Men lOU'S tree service Spray, top. ping, prune, rsbltng 4-2444. FALL rolo tilling. Richard Rai Ph. 1-4711. HOME Building A Remodeling. CALL JOHNSTON. Ph. 1-1744. LAWN service, hedge Aj shrub trimming. Jackson. Ph. 4-3805. CUSTOM msde cabinets fancy or plain. Free estimates. 44343. CARPENTER WORK PHONE 19359 UFMENT work: guaranteed: prompt service: free estimates, Ernest Drake. Ph. 4-4331. quXTiriED bkpr. Jr. account. am wiui cr. A con. exp. age 34. ref. bondable. Ph. 1-4147. CARPENTER WORK, day or contract. 2-142. LAWNS prepared, seeded, reto- noeing rn. i-ain. R0TO-TILLING Ph. 2-251$ FREE estimates on floor cover ings or dralnboards. R. L. Elf strom Co, 200 S. Liberty. NEED AN ADDITION? Remodellngf Cabinet work. Free est. Expert work, work guar Bel Co anyplace. Chaa. Ex- line. Ph. IfJOII FALLER Bucker wants weakondi work Dallas Ma. l-toW after I p.m. after Sept. 4th. 614 Work Wonted. Lady OFFICE work, steady part t me. a or a oay wk., approx. I, caoabie exdr excellent refer ences. Write Bos 244 SUtes- man-Journal. CHILD Day Care. Capitol Dial. Ph. 2-1723. EXP. butcher for kill floor Sa lem Meat Co. IRONING in my home, 50c hr Ph. 3-1830. BABY sitting (by mother) aves. Ph. 4-1844. EX kindergarten teacher will care for pre-school child, n.y home. South. Ph. 4-8681. EXP. practical nurse will lake relief case Sat. through Lihor Day. hospital A doctors ref. 4-0604. WILL car for elderly parson in my home. Ph. 3-5041. IRONING L MY HOME Phone 3-4404 MIMEOGRAPHING tvoing Mrs Poe. 445 N lth Ph 3-344.1 EXPERIENCED dress maker. Mrs Julius Plncus. Ph. 3-H.H2 i IRONINGS wanted at S. 17th A Waller. Ph. 4-318! CHILD care mv home. $1 day. . 25c hr. 4 Co.neraPh. 2-8572. WOULD like baby sitting In your home eves. Ph. 4-0885. 615 Situation Wonted 4. H. i yd. shovel, crane, boa. drg. line, 2 5-ton mobile cranes. D4, D7 eats, carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract a' unit prices. SALEM SAND t GRAVEL I40t, N Front St Ph 2-2441 RELIABLE man with deUvery wagon desires permanent work around Salem. Ph. 2-7141. LIGHT crawler doicr, leveling grading. 1-7043 u Kunn PAINTING, papering Free esU- mstes. Don Lucero. 3-sozz. WIEMALS dsy nursery. Lie. A state inspected, ajs n. winter. TILLING Howard Rotovator. Ph. 4-2823 or 2-3535. No calls Sat please. EXPERT BRUSH OR SPRAY painting. Interior decorating paper hanging. Free est. Terms, reas. Ph. Nelson. 3-4493. LET me estimate It do nur paint Job Hv nr. or contract. Ph. 4..10M eve. HOUSE Painting In A out. Char lie Greene. 4-7181. cXrTeNTFR work. sr)v kind", reas. 4240 Macleay Rd. Ph. 4-5841. CARPENTER, new, remodeling, also painting Ph. 4-0873. - SMALL carpenter Jobs, good work, ressonable. Ph. 4-1424 DOES your roof leak? Call King's Roofing Co. 375 S. Com'l St Ph. 43722 . dsy of night L. SCHARrF BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks. Drain Fields. Power Ditching. Backfill. Ph 2-5544 or 3-5072. 61 8 Education HAPPY TIME SCHOOL Applications being taken now, for 3 A 4 vt. oids fot fall term. oponaoreo ny me a-a.u.w. Ph. 4-5817 A 2-5050. 620 Doy ond Contract D-l CATS, dnzen. clearing blade, carryalls. Cat motor grader, for rent by hour or will contract your work, streets, roads, clearing, level ing, ditching. Ph. 4-7511. 700 Rental 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board BASEMENT rm with cooking facilities. 531 N. Winter, CHRISTIAN girl, kitchen priv ileges. Use entire house. Mod ern, close in. 443 N. Winter. Ph. 1-4371 or 3-8440. HOT snd cold water In nice sleeping rms. 255 Center. TV. clean, nicely furn. rti-nmt rm.; Men. 15 wk. Ph. 2-7620. ROOM A Board Chalet ls taurant ,340 N. Capitol a-343. BOOM A board or will oia tor elderly people. Ph. -0474. BOY needs 0 S C. roommate, have lovely rm. Ph. 1-8444. COMF." sleeping rms. The Alex andria 1130 Chemeketa. CLEAN, Com! rms. T. V, cloae In 215 S Winter 1-1721- WANTED Man to room and board 244 N. CapltoL . 705 Apartments For Rant LARGE 1 bdrm.' unfurn. rtc.ve 'if.'rJ!' T4 rtTT s-tiia. filCELY turn, apt cloae Buah A Blind sch. 484 S. Summer. MODERN 1 rm. apt. Prlv. lath. Ph 1-7144. LOVELY 1. rm. apt Close In. prlv. ent. Prefer slngls person. Week days Ph. 3-7870. altar 4 p.m. A Sundays 1-1897. FURN. Apt. Ml, util. Ind., amp. person only. Ph. 4-1517. LARGE Ist-flr. furn. spt. auto nil heat, near Capitol and Shopping $85. Ph. I4505.JS272. FUR. A unfurn. Close In, gar age, bus 1-5513 or 1-21.17.' LARGE 4 rm. apt A 1 sin. apt., prlv, entr,, heat.' 1411 Court. CAPITOL PLAZA I bdrm. turn A unfurn. apts I Hit Chewieaeta St Ph !-:. MOD, clean, neatlv fum 4-rm, apt at Turner; Ph. 4-1417. 700. Rentals 705 Apartments For Rent l-BM. FURN. APT. PVT. BATH 110 W, CUM L, PH. 4-3441, AMBASSADOR APTS. Nicely Furn. Apts. ' 854 N. Summer, 1-1201 NEAR Capitol 2 rm. furn. for amp, laqies. a-sauo; mil. MOD. 1 bdrm. court apt, .'urn. west saiem. t'n. 4-W74 tvsa, ATTRAC. 1 rm. apt. A bath, 1 oik, m. ec r, eae t-cnier. 4-RM. flat, unfurn, faring Bush i'arx. inq. Slip a. commercial. 1ST. fir. furn. car port, mil. 1 aauu sj a. sji ao. i-sajs. CUTS Studio Apt- ' pvL bath. pvL ent. Em p. girls, 1-4848, m; n, tottage. ypSTAIRS unfurn. 1 bdrrrCge- raga. Ph. 4-D704. APT. T BR. furnished, Rich mond School, bus. Ph. 2-7571 mum. CHOICE .unfurn. 1-room apt.. stove at refrig. H.w. neat, gar., bus at door. ' 161. 2-1413. 1M turn. apt. 145. 1045 Madi son S-4134. . FURN. Apt. 4 blks. No. of Lip man's. 135. Ph. 4-583, 240 uivision. LOVELY living 1 bdrm. home in court, unfurn. except stove A refrig. 124 B St. Ph. 3 5031. CLOSE in smaU .furn. duplex. awf. foa aaanon. a-s2z.i. FURN. court flO wk. 130 ma. iMa Lee. Ph. 4-SM2. MOD. furn. prlv. upstairs 2-rm Kiicnvneiie, oatn. - eiec neat., 140. Bachelor apt. furn. with garage, alec. beat. prlv. ent. and bath, $31. 17113 1 Winter. FURN. 3 rms., prlv. entr. close ui. inq. li Market, J-7Z2S. I BDRM. apt. tor rent Salva- oor Ape ra. x-jBti, jut a.. Miller. fill State SL 3 rm. furn. titiL PO. 45a. 706 Duplexes 4 RMS , -can partly furn., gar., TV act, couple only. Ph. l-4i3. DUPLEX, , furn. tmpl. couple only. 2585 N. 5th. Ph. 4-1407. 3 RMS. fum. exrl. condTgiT rage, adults. 1455 N. Capitol. 464 FERRY St Unfurn. apt Pb, j-sja or 1-34JT eves. FURN. bachelor aoc. 21.14 Fair- grounds Rd. 141 mo. Ph. 1 8580 after I. 1 BDRM. unfurn. wstove A re- frig . oil heat bsm't. frple, ga rage. So. 50. 1-8044. 707 Houses For Rent I BDRM. house partly turn stove, refrig , chest -O-drawers. Ubie A chairs. 447.50 J. E. LeCLERC. RLTR. 1884 N. Capitol Ph. 2-3255 Furn. 2 BDRM. attach. ' gar washer A dryer. Adults. 1545 Baker. 1 3 BDRM. house 245 So. Ilth. 440 eno. Ph. 4-2374. 2 BDRM hae., 170 mo. Water Inc. or wiU sell. Inq. 1371 Ne braska after in a .n. 1 BDRM. stove refrig. 155. Inq. isu Marxet. 2 BR. House In Brooks, elec. II. W. Z!i mo. Brltt Aspinwall Rt. 1 Box 31, Brooks. Ore. CLEAN 1 bdrm hnu?e near l.us. garage. Call 2-41174. 1 BDRM.. unfurn , newly deco rated, fenced yard, gar. Ph 2-3543. 1 BDRM. house, cloae In. 135 mo. 880 Garnet. Ph. 3-3424 or 3-1194. 170 SMALL 3 bdrm. cottage. Youngstown kit., range, re frig., wall to wall carpet, gar. 434 Catterlln Dr. Ph. 2-J7Q7. - 2 BDRM, home, bsm't Oil fur nace. Ph. 1-7134. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 bdrm., bsm't, corner kit. 2510 Laurel Ave. (near St. Vincent A Highland Schools I. Will rent for school vr. st 175 mo. or sell for 19.000 at $100 monthly. Ph. 2-3719. FOR RENT 1 bdrm. w. garage Middle Grove Dlst. Ph. 2-7244 eves, or wk. ends: CLEAN 2'i bdrm house unfurn elec hest. attached gar, dble lot. 145 mo. Immediate pos session, ref. required. Ph. 2-484S. FOR RENT, or sale. 2 bdrm house, cloae In near schools M5. See st 1040 N. Church. Ph. 4-7201. LARGE 1 bdrm. house attached gar. Call after I p.m. 1785 RFJ4T. sell or trsde 1 bedroom house, low dn. payment Fruit land Dist. Ph. fnd. 2I4M. 3 BEDROOM, clow in 1', I Iks. m A r , auto, neat s mo. 470 Union WILL lease 1 bdrm. h"me. Englewood dist. near sen's., shopping k bus, to reliable family w-ref. Ph. 4-4144. LOVELY bdrm. unfurn. house avail. Sept. list. Ills per mo St. Vincent Put. .Inquire 1090 Donna Ave. ' FOR RENT: Clean, modern country home near .tore A gind schools. 12 ml. north of Salem on Wallac- Rrf Ph. Joe Beaty Dayton Ph. 2X3. Trailer snsce. no pets. 1740 Oxford Ph 2-0044 115-1 bdrm. No. dist. nr. Cath. Jcf"' "w' - CABINS partly furn. 17 A 110 a wk. 3387 Williams Ave . 0RM. Fnelewood dlst . close to sch. A bus. 1010 N. 17th. Ph. 2-5940 owner. 707-a Furnished Houies 3 BDRM. house, ill furnished. Ph. '3-7011 2 RMS, all glee, .15 plus else. 2455 Trade. Ph. 4-7472. FURN. 2 bdrtri Rouse, Keizer Dlst. Fruit trees, flowers, gar den, well. 60. 5051 Joan Dr. Ph. 4-3011. EXCEPTIONALLY nice country home, 4-bdrms. 1 baths, din. A liv. rm family rm. bsm't. 1125. 15 mln. drive from down town. S. L. Knapp, broker, 2-4284. CLEAN 1 bdrm, hse. Water A Iarb. furn. 2511 Maple Ave. -5425, 2' BDRM., home, close In, nil neat, adults preferred. Ph. J-5B82. I3-ROOM cottage newly dec. Util. pd. $45 4-2589 after A 708 Farms For Rent 20 ACRES, 4 room bouse, I ml. South for rent .or sale. Ph. 1-4704. Terms like rant. 710 Wonted to Rent Hies 1 BEDROOM with frig A stove to occupy sept. so. en. 4-W47. BUSINESS executive A family want 3 or 4 bdrms, " Plus play rm., In Candalarta. Ph. 4174. COUPLE with 3 children need 1 bdrm. home. Inside city limits. Ph. eves. 1-1404. . W. U, professor' and family wish to rent 1 or 3 bdrm. home furn., prefer South. Ph. 4 1525. MOD. 1 or $ bdrm. unfurn hae. by reliable party by Sept. 15. College grsds. Ko children. Pref, fenced In bark yard. Ref. Phr Sk. 7 1503 days, Sk. 7 1744 eves. 7T4Buiineu Rentols FTJR RFINT: 1 offlra-rma. Ind floor GrsBjdgPh-1-7123. OFFICE spsro shout lMM"sq'.''ft. of ground floor, Hollywood area, ins is. ara. Ave. Hills born. Ore. DOWNTOWN office space, store m -mi r warvnmjse ,1-4114 BUSINESS office U Klter, fta.vu, s-au -lie. 800 Real Estate 1 806 Houiei For Solo . SPECULATORS INVESTORS Ntarlr 4 acres with 118-ft. rtcntage on North Rivet Bd.. leas thsn 's mile from Salem City limits. To setlis an ealala this must be sold. Asking 14500. Maka an offer. YOU CAN TRADE Just listed i l-bdrm. hornet unfinished upstairs), hdwd. floors firpelace, auto, dishwasher, attached rage and huge car ' port. larg. lot. Northeast. Priced at l50. - What wiU you . trade lor ddwn payment f Balance less than rent, ': ' n ' ' ' ALMOST NEW A l-bdrm beauty with 1 baths, birch kitchen, dlnette.-wall-to-waU carpet on living room, dining room and bdrma, Landacaping ia all compTeted. Let us show you this superior custom buiil ' home today only $1iJO0. . , TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY , " BOB SULLIVAN. REALTOR 4030 N. RIVER BD. - Ph. 4-0044 Anytime CIKENT&CO. LLOYD KEENE, REALTOR A STEAL New l-bdrm, auto, baseboard heat. Attached garage, all plastered. Inslds city. 11750. LET'S TRADE IT acres all equipped. Fair Dtuidings. wiu trade lor noma up ta 11,000. , SUBURBAN SOUTH New 3-bdrm. home with day light bami. View. Birch kit. Elec. dishwasher, t fireplaces. $11,500. SWAP FOR THIS Your 1 ar l-bdrm. for (hit 1- bdrm.. au plastered, outsiae fireplace - I block from State St Price J at only $8500. 1 4tt N. CHURCH (GREYHOUND BLDG.) PHONE 4-2293 Salesmen eve.! CUSHINO 1-5044: LEAVENS 1-4715; SORENSOIf 4-1283; Kl'iOlNS 4-4in; mtrit i-wi. 700 Rental 718 Convalescent Home! LANSING Nursing Home Un der new msr.sgement Doro thy Tupper. R.N, in charge. 2211 Lansing Ave. COM AG K CONVALESCES! HOME 252 N CotUge 2-7024 ELDEREST Nursing Home. Pri vate rms. available. Fireproof. 2434 N. Church, 2-8414. 780 Moving I Storage" LESTER DeLAPP LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Moving & Storage PH. 2-1750 OR 3-496$ Larmer Transfer 4 Storage Complete moving service. Also agents ror bekins nationi Wide Movers Ph 3-3 HI LXJW COST storage H L. Stilt Furniture Co I-ltss MAYFLOWER Moving & Storage FUEL OILS CAPITOL CITY TRANSFER 800 Real Estate 801 lusitioti Opportuw. Valuable Business OPPORTUNITY NEW automatic S-tn-1 Mot Drink Unit handling the world famous nationally advertised Maxwell Hquse coffee. Bakers Chocolate. Tenderleal Tea You must be honest retisblc. have a sincere desire and am bition ta own a permanent highly . profitable business which can be operated from your home In spare or full time. Thorough training. Lo cations obtained and equip ment placed in operation, by our experts Immediate un . believable Income. 10 units doing the national average would give you an income of 11.341 monthly II 1.331 yearly Only 11.280 starts you. Up to 75Ji of the equipment cost can be financed. Tor further Information, write giving Shone and address ta Box IM. talesman-Journal. AVAILARLE lor lease hv major oil company, new 2 bay serv ice station on busy lntei.ee - lion, doing favorable volume of hutmesa. 11500 00 Invest ment will handle for qualified rrsnn. Call 3-4431 between a.m. k b p.m. MEAT Mkt. Opporiunity for re sponsible partv. Verv good , business. Rent free. Ph. 2-8433 frr appointment. FOR SALE, by owner. Jo unit trailer court, one furnished rental and a two bedroom house, on highway close to good town. Room for expan sion. Call Empire 7-2028. CAFE for aale at Dallas. Ph. Mayfair 3-4337 days, 1-3445 eve. FOR SALE: motel, I modern units. Owner. 2-7130. Busineii Property FOR SALE: Blacksmith ft machine shop, going business, good area, no competition, will sell building, equipment A stock together or separately. Terms to good credit. See to appreciate. Willis Channel, Dayton, Ore. I 15 ACRES In Keizer with small home. 3540 Pleasant View Dr. sfterl p.m. INCOME prop, on 80E; stores, omce a Apt. sMu annually, 1.1.000 down or smaller crop. Ph. 4-0450 OWNER moving: Business prop erty s aps. up. live aown, close to all schools on N Capitol. Make offer. Ph. 4-5261. 803 Suburban 1 ACRE or mora 1 bdrm.. $1,500, iw on.. payment, owner, Ph, 4-4212. NEW I bcT . 1 A. dbl. gar. Ph. 4-7577. Ressonable. 806 Housas For 'Sole OWNER trans. 3 bdrms. S baths. corner lot. Hoover sch, 111,500. 1204 N. 25th. 2.7511. ' NEW I bdrm.. home it 474 Ore gon St Ph. 4-2311. FOR SALE: 3 bdrm. modern home. Attached gar. corner lot. rn. 3-buzs. ix Plaza at. KINGWOOD HTS. CrfOICI quiet loe English type iii ounni, pius a en, a fireplaces, 1 baths: lovely full finished bamt, extra well con. atructed. man amul features Sea to innrerikf. Imnwriitp poasculon. ,, 117.5M. 11.500 down. Owner 1-7211. 441 rir Gardeis. H $37400 EQUITY 1st I bdrm. home i " ,irtru, oii$anrt ante on iwssii ' stuff ngWI as air- B..klikaM snail. paved irtrrt." 1 bile, to achool Ph. Owner 4-5331. TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6311' 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Solo ' ONE ACRE 3-bdrm. 1-year-old. located Eaat -on paved road. Nicely arrange, ed for comfortable living. 13 500. BUILDING SITE A good lot intids city with water piped In, sidewalks in, trees, garden, paved street, ' ONLY $1200. ATTENTION . ' H0MESEEKERS We have 5-room modern home with 2 bdrma. Class in School bus at door. Priced to eelL Good terms. Csll G. B. Leav ens. 1800 DN, will sacrifice my equity on 2 bdrm. 4 yr. ok) home, unfurn. or $1,000 da. turn. Ph. 4-4144. 4 BDRM. houae. Kingwood Hta. priced lor quirk sale ky own er. Ill.jlicl 11,004 down. ITS Terrace Drive. ' E 1365 D ST. SUNDAY 1 - I r. M. Brand new. 1 large bedrooms, with extra plumbing, dintnf room, top quality. 114.850, Terms. jtlden Bowes & Co. ; ONLY $8,450 Buys attractive 1 bdrm. home. large uv. rm, aia. rm, Kttcrs en utility room, bath, utility rm attached garage. Nice fenced large back yard Cloae tu So Salem schools. Vscant. Terms. Exceptionally well built I yr. - old 3 bdrm. Rome with Dam and one half. Beamed celling in the charming liv rm. slid ing glass doors to patio, birch kitchen with dishwasher, large util, dbl. plastered garage. Top value lor 114 500. Eve or Sun. call Voorhees 1-4007.' Denton 3-0444. Denton It Denton, Realtors 244 Stats St. Ph, 1-3443 $5O0 DN. 3 bdrm house. I yr. oia, south, can oetween in a m. k 4 p m. wkdays. sll dsy Sun. 2-4375 CLOSE in. 1 bdrm. plastered house, cement found., frpl., garage. 15000. 1540 dn. MO a mo. 3-3288 GenersLRl. Est. - ,L BUILDER Ph. 1-77M We take trades DAYLIGHT BSMT, l-bdrm, I fireplaces, 13x40 ft. playroom, wooded lot $14,200. 2420 Hill side Lane. FAMILY ROOM, dining. $ bdrml', bath, dble. garage, dead-end street, wooded lot, lawn In, eaav to keep. 114,500. 3831 Tulare Ave. FAMILY ROOM, large dining l's baths, dble. garage, 40x151 lot. mountain view. $14,000. 4434 Kurth Ava. f WEST SALEM, 1 large bdrms.. dining room. nook, lawn A shrubs, redecorated. 111. 004, FHA or GI terms. 137 King wood Dr. 3 BDRM house clean, near sch. A bus. M.8.1O. Small oown pay ment. 540 Hansen A.-e. BY BUILDER NEW spacious 1 bdrm Engle wood Dist Top quality 1-7071. $9fFbOWN OWNER 2 hrms , mod board A batten siding. 2 Bins, to school. 383 So. 45tb, Ph. 2-8442. BY OWNER NEW 3 bdrm. Close o Wash. sch. k fulura Jr. High, frpl, furnscs. din. rm, birch built Ins by the score, hdw. firs A 1 rm paneled. 1417 aq. It , dbl gar. Open for inspection. 3441 Keen Ave. Running East from 2880 Lansing or call 1-2554 eve. Price 113.250. 'BY BUILDER NEW S bdrm noma neat B. Salem schools A park 2-7071. NEARLY new 1 bdrm., din. rm.. II re pi, gsrage, inclosed yard, redecorated. Englewood Dlst., $11,400. Ph. 4-7304 FOR HALE by owner, fully car- petea, s .oarm. nome. large liv. rm. ft sepsrate din. rm. basement, oil heat, beautiful yard. Englewood Dist. 1700 N. 19th St. 4 BDRMS. 12.504 dn 114.500. 2075 EnglewoodJ 2-8853: NEW well built $ bdrm. home, birch kitchen, formica cabinet tops, nook, dining rm, tile bath, fireplace, perimeter oil F.A. furnace, attch. plastered garage, quiet street. 3'j blk, I school A bus. 3445 Falton. $11. 500 Terms. 545 W. Ma itrona Ph. 1-4588. $1,500 equity (0x131 lot, south. garage nouaa wnn oatn, irg. closet . elec. wall heat hot water neat. Inq. 141 Gregory, , NEAR So. Salem A McKlnnley Ben a., " new a Boris, din. rm., rslsed frlp l', hatha, birth kit dbl. gar. lg. lot. Ph. 4-7501. , - i BDRM houae hdwd firs, bsm't aao cross, upon Mouse sun. as Monday 1-1 p.m. MODERN small 1 bdrm auuae. win trade or aell lor pan pen t on $1704 trailer house with bath. Ph. C. E. Covllle, futiH-r Practically tew 1 njrm home, fireplace, patio, Cf ep lot. lawn A shrubs, 1 sirs ta ... school, open houae Hat, Hun., til i p.m. won. p7 pcnyara. WILL trade equity in 1 bdrm. home for trailer. house. 1240 Sunnyslde Rd 1-0931 MR OWNERI Glen woudrt will, Key top price for four fura, nnliances "h Mill JOE HUTCHINSON REALTOR Let us solve your Home neeaa Ta Buy. Sell or Rent - Call Ph. 4-574.1 I2U Edge water Ph. 4-7174 U0 Jto Comm'l BY OWNER-BUILDER New 1 bdrm.. frnl.. F.A. oil Iheat. dbl. garage, paved st Beatrlrted sub. 3471 Living, gton. Ph. 1-157 ava., ar 4-3754, - r