DAILYCROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN 1. Quick ft. Worry tin. necessarily 9. Hodge, podg 10. Shakes pearean klnf 11. Inscribe II. Performer 14. S-ihsped moldinf 13 Coin (Swed.) 18. Girl's nick. mme IT. Skin tumor 18. City on Blecx Set (POM.) SO. Metal fas. tener 22. Rational 23. Little child H.Bof 25. Song bird 27. Teased 10. Cattle thief 82. Snoop 33. At homo 34. Grass cured for fodder 35. Not deco rated 3. CiUdel 38. Bark of mulberry used for cloth (pi.) 89. Crou a river by wading 40. Incitt 41. Band acrom an ficutch eon 42. Coin (Turk.) 1. Fall to re- . member . 1 Estrange 3. Location 4. Dlflt 4 J. A bright, v flamlng Jirht 8. Set in 7. Corrode 8. Native of Troy 11. Whinei (Scot) . 13. Flower IS. Poem 18. Ancient 19. Abrading , paper B IT KE r Ti 1: il ii 10 u 27 U 11 1 jv? 11 Iti It WZCZMUZLM Adlai Attacks; Voters to Hear Ike's Record By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS President Eisenhower said Fri day he will see to it that the rec ord of his administration "is nude forcefully clear to the American . people", ,in the 1954 campaign. That record already is under ' strong attack from Adlai Steven son, the Democratic Presidential nominee who Friday numbered Eisenhower among those who, he said, "sneer" at government workers. Stevenson addressed a Chicago convention of the National Feder ation of Post Office Clerks before holding s strategy conference with Democratic leaders from five mid western states. Eisenhower's campaign plans were discussed at the President's news conference his first since he was renominated at San Fran cisco last week. He said he will do no "barn storming" or "whistle-stopping" in the campaign, and neither will he indulge in "petty name-calling." But he said he may well move nut of Washington from time to time" f(ir",T!ignifieant" speeches. Stevenson got , in His campaign crack at Eisenhower when he told the postal clerks: "We Democrats reject the lan guage of those who sneer at civil servants as bureaucrats and talk of our public service ss part of a 'swollen bureaucratic monster government in Washington.' I am quoting President Eisenhower.' ,-iH il i his aim in' Stevenson, said It IS HIS aim to make government service more honorable snd effective than it has ever been in our history." The Democratic candidate's campaign director. James A. Fin nrgan. said he has "never seen such enthusiasm in the Democrat ic narty in the last 20 years." Meanwhile. Vice President Nix on flew to his Whittier. Calif., home after breaking off a New .Irrsry vacation on the news that his 77-year-old father was near death in his fight against an ab dominal hemorrhage. The Vice President's bid for a second term was hit by Ameri cans for Democratic Action as ADA Thursday pledged "enthusi astic support" to Stevenson and. his running mate, Sen. Estes Ke fauver of Tennessee, J Man Writes Poetic Will MONTGOMERY, Aid. - Ro bert S. Stanford, a piano tuner, left a two-stanza poem as a will bequeathing his estate, of undis closed size, to his widow. -, As probated, it read: "These few lines shall be my will, And my request when I am old and still. All my property, both personal snd real. ' V I leave to my wife after the fun eral bill. Even my dog and his covey of fleas. To sell, or trade or do as she, please. I don't wsnt her in an embarras sing fix, So will let her be the adminis tratrix. There shall be no bond tor her to make 1 Or I'll do my best my corpse to wake." ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS On August . 1M. OBED CHARLES FROGLEY and ELIZA BETH LUCRETIA BNELL were duly appointed aa co-executors of the state of MINNIE B. FROGLEY, de ceased, by an order of the Circuit pourt for Marlon County, Oregon. All persona having claims against aid estate are hereby notified to ireient auch claims In due form to 'aid cn-executora at Sll Pioneer Trust Building In Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, to-wtt; September ' L ItM. OBF.B CHARLES FROGLEY ELIZABETH LUCRETIA SNELL As auch Co-Rxecutors JOHN A. HELTZEL Attorney for Executors , Pioneer Trust Building ' - Jaletn. Oreeon Sept 1,1, 11,11 IJ.CaU llkt mam malt 14. Con Iferoui tree 25. An order under teal . 26. A Yaeterdey' Ahw 11. Covert lard . 33. A baby , final race 27. Part of a lock 28. Printing n mistake 29. Colors, M (India) 37. Borrow 38. Spigot cloth In n HikM yCt NTO I l Fish Commission Official Named PORTLAND John Hodges, who has been with- the Oregon Fish Commissione. research de partment nine years, will become assistant director of the commis sion Saturday. He will replace Fred C. Clesver, who resigned in June to Join the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. . Salem Obituaries Bahy Boy Baker Hans Buy Baker, at local hospi tal. August 30th. Infant aon of Mr. and Mn. Jim Biker of Salem. Sur vived hv grandmother, Mr. Ray mond Edmonds of Wood burn. Ore. Announcement! to be made later by the Howell-Edwards runeral Home. Claud The Bin Elllaoa At the residence I.14S North Elfth. August St. Survived by hit wife, Mrs. May Ellison of Salem. Sister, Mr. D. L. Parker of Corvallla. Nephew. Edwin Parker of Boxton, Maa. Services will be held Satur day. September 1 at the Vlrgll T. Golden Chapel at IS a m. Rev. Paul N. Poling will officiate. Interment at the Masonic Cemetery of Albany, Oregon. Betty Baater Lata resident of let Union Street, Salem.. Survived by Brother. Virgil Brooke of Nampa Idaho. irlvate Sraveside services will be held Mon ey. September 1, at the City View Cemetrv under the direction of Howell-F.dwads Funeral Home. Masd Etta Wife Late resident of Jefferson. Ore, August it al the sge of SO years. Sur vived by a aoa, David Wled of Jef ferson. Ore. A twin sister. Mm Vvrtle Myers of Jefferson. Sisters. Mrs. riora Albert of Portland, Mrs. Dora Brown ot Portland and Mrs. Mary Williams of fort Lauderdale, Ela. One brother, Edward O. Myers of Sclo, Ore. Member of Christian Church of Jefferson Member of the Chemeketa Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution. Member of Eucll(1 chapter No i of OES. Mem ber ol Jefferson s Women a Llub. Services will be held In Jefferson Christian church Saturday. Sept. I, at 2 p.m.. Rev. Verne Gomel offic iating Intennent will be franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery. Srlo. Ore- f on Howell-Edwards runeral Home n charge. Classified Index Tor Your Convenience" t Meeting NMIcee . Sll Lost and Found 314 TranapnrtaUoa IIS Personal SIS SUmpe and Colna 400 AGRICULTURE 4rr) Livestock for Sale 403 Livestock Wanted 404 Poultry and Rabhite 4(17 Fur Bearing Animals 405 Pets OS Sea Foods 410 Seeds and Plants 411 Fruit and Farm Produce 4tJ Fertiliser 414 Farm Equipment 429 Auction Sales 4V) MERCHANDISE 451 Machinery and Tools 452 Wanted Machinery, Tools 454 Sewinf Machines 4M House Gooda lor Sale 455 Wanted House Gooda til Radio and Televtaion 4S Building Materials 43S Do It Yourself 4M Musical Inatruments 42 Sporta Equipment 4M Bicycles 4ft Trade Miscellaneous 47 Fuel 4S For Rent, Miscellaneous 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous 474 Miscellaneous SO0 RUSINE.tS AND FINANCE S10 Money to Loan SIS Loans Wanted 1' Investments "00 EMPLOYMENT SOt Help Wanted 604 Help Wanted, Man sos Help Wanted. Lady 605 Pickers Wanted 510 Sales Help SIS Work Wanted, Men 51 4 Work Wanted, Lady 515 Situations Wanted 511 Job Information SIS Education S20 Day or Contract 700 RENTALS " 701 Sleeping Rooms', Board 703 Wanted Rooms, Bour) 70S Apartment for Rent , 70S Duplexes , ' ' 707 Hmae for Beat 707-A Furnished 70S Farms for Rent 70S Wanted to Rent 710 Wanted to Rent Rouses , 711 Wanted to Rent Apia. 714 Business Rentals T1S Resort Rentals 718 Convalescent Home , 780 Moving and Storage ' 00 REAL ESTATE sol Business Opportunities SOS Business Property S03 Suburban SOS House fer Ssle S07 Apts., Courts for last 80S Lots for Sal ' 510 Farms for Sale 511 Fxchanse Real Batata St Resort property . SIB Wanted Real Estate S25 Inaurance 550 AUTOMOTIVE , 551 tlied Cart lor Sale SM Auto Part" and ,"!'' . SM Truekt, Trallae lot Sal SSS Molorcvelet 1 SM Wanted Car. Tnieaa SAO Auto Miscllanou , . mi House Trailers , s4 Hesvy Eoulprnms ssl New Cars . SM Aircraft Classified Advertising , SUUtmaa-JoarMl. Newspapers ' ; ' tSf N. Chart St. : PHONE 4-1811 LOCAL RATES (Mia. t llaes) WeekSavs per line I time 3 II rur una 1 times M M per Una Umea SI SO II M oar una 1 ma a w unci, oun.i lfl--4Ma aHll K PI in 11 Mb mnmrm n eivs arfvarUaera the advantages of the traman- combined circulation When aa ad is ordered three er six times and a Sunday Issue U) Included ifor example Friday Saturday. Sunday) the lower sunoaj raiee aopiy ei"un The Statesman Dublishef Sun day Claaaifted ada will (tart la trie mornlag Oregon Statesman, con dude la the evening Capital ap..mI hi, mrim will ha SC- eepted- for Sunday Sateaman amy. The deadline for elassltled ada llcatlon except for Sunday whea deadline la :M pa Friday. Emergency ada and small Una ada received antr i:w p.ns. fcna tlMfll IS ffMASI Satudray for Sunday nay be piece ia ne aeo Me w wm slfy" column. ads tor Mmsir eapvn " n is s; i sn u . The Staiesman-Journal News paper reserve the right to re- MMPuma lha rlShi SO Place an advertising unucr proper ciarauication. The Sutnman-Joumal Newa. m iMf i aaaiime na financial re tponaibility for errors which may appear in aovsnimmiis published la Its columns and la ini, MM la at fault will reprint that part erf sawrHtniisni wm tvoeeranaJcal attUrtaka eceurl. h m mausmaaUMiniu newa papers boa number for aa aat- drsaa te toe sita preseeAi the advertise ri and must taera- . J TliA lore sre r - Statasman - Journal Newapapera are not at noorcy i al f forma u on aa so in aoemuy so advertiser uetng a "BUnd ad. rHlS HEWSPAPBft STRIVES to protect iia reaaers siaioai fraud deception 01 tniurwt Readers art cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS ID get a po sition advertised la the help wanted columns. All nelp wanted ada MUSI SPECIF Till HAT II BE OF THE WOMB. Sales help wanted ada Mean NIS u tne pay m ia ww form ef salary, commissions, fuaraatee. or Include Brsa earn. Bona fid offers at em ployment with pay belong ta thai Hti W antes)- cohirana. Ids ta ether columns whtebro- . ..I rm lininMl I buwh. asm plea, equipment er easti Do no ancuw ne inpiwjiiir " restigaed before oavinl out ,nv money Advertisen re autnng s cash investment lor ample at merchatdlw sales aida. eie. must ae specify in their ada itinmy report sny enception ' inis ruie 10 uie cwswiw - TtrUslng manager. AM Dt THIS COLUMN RECEIVED ... Too Late to Classify IISF.n VOLKSWAGON JS.000 ml., extras, Sl.SSS. Ph 1 WHEEL trailer food cond. SM rn. a-svui CASH for clean uaed care, all make a mooeis. rn, i-u. NEW J bdrm; liv. St dUi. rma., frpt.. buck kitch. took. 1 batha. haw. firs., paved st. Si curbs. F. A. Heat. Double ar. Reduced lotU.00. Ph. 1718. FURN. Apt- 4" blka. No. of Llp mana. S3. Ph. 4-5P34. 149 Division. LOVELY "living 1 bdrm. home in coifrt. unfurn. except stove k refrig. K95 B St. Ph. J-sail. CHILD' Day Care.' Capitol Dlst. rn. "liver 6ai aM riTri. Dry green wood 1S25 Ed gew ate r Ph 1 CORD of IS" dry oak wood banked out. iz w coru. rn. 4-4IOS. 1 mL N. of Brooks corner. . NEW rural route maps. Now available. Mel Proop Surveyor 323 N. Church St. Ph. 4 S7S8. BOY'S free size bike III. Ph J JIM or see at 14SS Hickory St. USED Wringer washer, 1 yrs. old, good cond. Ph. l-DSM. MAYTAG wringer washer. Ex cellent condition. S.DI Used double laundry trays 111. Ph. 4 1838 eve. REG. yr. old. M. boxer, Good with children. Reaa. 4 Bin. REG. red- blonde cocker pup pies S wks. male. Ph. SK127. CALL 1-3790 for free kittens, all cute longnaireo. LOSf7"Dark rimmed slighUy tinted men' glasses In vie. of Newberry's or Penny's. Ph. 242S Molalla (collect Reward. 300 Personal 310 Maatini Notice BAHA'I world faith Information, writ Statesman J rn'l, Bx. IIS 312 Lost onjFound LOST: Ladles glass downtown Salem. Ph. 1-1SJS. 100 Display Clossifisd PRIVATE )ERGARTEN BY MRS. MAE McCOY AT 698 THOMPSON AVE. s Morning ft Afternoon Clasees: Ag: 4-1 Year-old Children: FOR REGISTRATION Call Residence - For Good Buys TURN TO CLASSIFIED 46811 ; -r I'- ' .': -'-n---'--. 300 IVrsonal 112 Lost and Found LOST)' Tuea. Bite Salem Dallaa hwy., S ma. short halrad tan 1 fox terrier; boys pet. Ph. e-zsua. ' LOST: Black traveling wallet containing lltS. also Ore. Slate health card, lost ta front of Ladd at Built bana- .ra. j-Taes Jay Backslrana. HAS .YOUR NEIGHBOR A NEW Lout, strayed or . . .1 German ahnrt-halred pointer. Dark brown body with ticked chest at less, age IS moa. Answers to name of ryite. newara ' for Information leading to ' whereabouts at this dog. Call C. A. LaMar, Itt. 1, Cervaia. Ph. 4-30M. PARTY known who picked up new m un iw.w Bua. Return to bus driver and no questions asked. 314 Trowiportotiosi WANT rider east to Kansas. Lvg. about Sept. B. Xef. ex changed. Ph. 4-S070. JTTT erional ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. L sess n. tero i -j ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, S. Commarctal. : s-xios, s-i t-isso PSYCHIC Reader advice en all - affairs. 4SM Portland no. at Albany cutoff. Ph. 4-S3SS. SPIRIT Communication Reading li HEALING. By appointment eve. 47SS4. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sale 88 WHITE weaner piga, 17.10 each. V. S. Sawyer. Ph. lur ner 117. Os highway, on mil north of Turner. HOGS FOR SALE PH. 2-731 WEANER pin !. Ph. 2-3083. SALEM Meat Co, locker, keef. custom killing, cuiuds ana wrapping, trailer loaned free. MILK cows, 1 S yr. old just ircan. I s-yr. nisi. S94. Skyline Rd. HEREFORD cow and feeder calves. HL I, Box , saiem. Ph. S-14. LOCKER beef delivered to slaughter nous, 12c. a ise. Ph. eve., 1-sm YR. old Pint pony man, 17l. rn. a-eaiM. FOR BALK er trad, gentle pe. nlea for child ren, aiao goon saddle horses. Bob Franks, SOS N. Water St, SUverton. Ph. I-S134. 403 Livestock Wanted TOP cash prices at your place. Ry Corel rn. 4-Jis t-uiiecv T7s 1 Jl r, ourei Claua ta ward. Rl I. Boa 99a. 4-III3 CAfTLt buyers 4VM Stat E LtS. Snethea. J-1 343. z-vsv. CATlLt norses at your urta. K. c Mccamiiisn. nv a, a-sise CATTLE buyer. A. F.- Snriier, llSS Harxoony Df. Ph. IrSSST. 484 Piltrf ajmi KsbHts LO. dreaaed colereel fryers. Ph. 4-lowo after :J p.m. 4 DOES. 1 with young. 1 buck, IS90 Hoffman Rd. BABY Chicks for meat or egga. Send for tree folder. Wilson's Hatchery, Lyon. Or. PH. ULrick I-SS33. BABY Chicks hatched yr rouaa. Valley Farm Store 4-4421 CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry We buy rabbit. Wing s, sw Biaie rn t-aaia. 40S Pets 24 CLASSY puppies: wire fox terrier, scotues, cocarra, 11 klngeae, reg. pedigieed. Reus, prices. Douglad Kennela fcootla Mills. Take hwy. 113 past Silverton, I ml. turn at sign. CHIHUAHUAS. Puppies. .Nice young aduit females, am.. Reas. Tiny studs at acrv. Iiim Enle. Mill City. I'h. 5I07 eves TINY miniature poodle, male, AKC reg., J'i monuis, neas. Ph. Dallas, MAyfalr 3i8. LOVE ABLE I mo. old airKiale . a, m. 4 a. ... 2 BLACK cocker, pupa, 3 e. 1349 Mission:-'--- PURE bred fox terrier pupa. BIO. Also stus service, von Hood. Gervais. Ph. 1-224. MALE 1 house-broken I kitten free. Ph. 1-1W7, IZ4S Dorval Ave. 4 NICE kittens to give away, 333 li. 24th St. Phone a-snra. SIX kind kittens to give away. Ph. Z-4S07. SIAMESE, terns I. 2 yrs. old. Nice pet 2499 Trade. Ph. 4-74. DOGS boarded. Corkhaven Ken nels. Lurlle Luna, hi. . mi verton, 3-1717. REGISTERED Samoyed pups, S wecK 01a. rn. 1-09.n1. CHI. F. DOG for pet to good homa, 120, 3-7731. ADORABLE Cocker pupplea, Blondes Silver, ready Mpt. 1, S3S. Charley P. Stand ley. Turner, Oregon. Phone 24X1. PARAKEETS ft tropical flak; Bird Paradise, ph. 1-1842. 1 COCKER puppU. blond ft black, male W, lemal S. Ph. 3-40JI. TOY " shepherd Pek. spayed le male. 2S. Ph. 4-S43a. GERMAN shprthaired pointer. Ph. 4-0811. j 1 PEDIGREED German Short haired pointer pup. 4-1041. FREE 1 mouser ft kitten to good home. Ph. 1-3388. PUPPIES, 8'WEEKS OLD. PHONE 3-3904. AKC RF.O, BOXER PUP. EARS CROPPED, ISO 00. PH. 8IL VaJRTON 1.4222, AKC reg. Eng. bulldog puppy. AKC reg., miniature Schnau ser. 1S7S Wlnola. COCKER pups" registered also alredalo terriers. 1-1148. WANTED ' Meg. purebred puppies. Cash . paid. "Puppvland.' Oswego. Oi. Keptun 1-2214. . "KEITH S PUPPY FARM 1480 Center Ph. S-7SS8.. Pupplea all kinds. Buy ft sell. Afternoon ft veav ' YOU NO paraaeeta, cages feed Mickey's, WJt Com. 1 11. 410 Swads and Plants . USED APPLIANCE , , .. AND " : T. V. CLEARANCE Washers reduced low aa W IS Ranges, vrythlng works, S24.M Up. " Refrlgeiatori, goad cond. EI7 80 up. , " - '.- FREEZERSi-cheat type. 1M ciolhas dryer, "Frigidsirt ', tMM . 21 In. Phllr Consols T.V. New guarantee, M.SS 17 In. Motorola Conaola T. V, all channel, I1M.SS No dowa payment ' Easy term 8 ft H Green Stamp. . . f Master Service Stations. MM. Commercial. 400 Agriculture 411 lowrt-Gordaei Iquipt, "SUNBEAM" electric ', mow ers, reg. 177.50, now only ' $59.50. 1 only "floor sam ples". H. L. Stiff Furniture Co., 450 Court, Phone H185. 412 Fruit t Form Preolue SWEET corn ISS W. ChwnaWa Bd. W. M. Murphy. Improved Elbertas And . H Hale peaches. 1239 PorUand RdPh. 4-407S YOU PICK Pear 7Sor bu. Rhubarb le s Siere, crsb s poles 18c bucket. 7731. 1890 Hoffman Rd. SWEET CORN for sal. 19c dot. 1 mi, east of Kelaer, U ml. north. MDO Qulnahy Rd. Leon ard Hay. Ph. 1-238 CRAVKN8TEIN Apples. 11.90 box. Bring box. Ph. 5MT101. U-PICK eudiimbers 1 1 00 bu. Go out Silver ton rtiway, turn len 1 ml. past Pudding River Bridge, first ha, oa right. 4-2UV. CUCUMBERS; All kinds, Ph 4-S2S3. 47 w. uncasier. U-PICK cucumbers II bu. Ph. a. mat. go' out Btrverton ni way past Pudding River Bridge, take first road to light, 'a mi. further turn right on gravel road, Sin house on left. 10 LB. Gem apuda asc. Tomatoes lue, ID.; ousnei . ddi wemi peaches. Bishops fruit mkt.. aoiv wivvnmi no. BARTLETT pear l,bu." Bring coniauivr. new m aouth of Prtr.fl School. Ph. S-M77. SWEET CORN ISo. dox. Leon ard Hays, sow iguuiaoy no. z.z-ieu PEACkES Improved Elhertaa, U-pIck or W PICK, Bring containers ins save. 11 miles out Wallace Rd. n Davton, Salem Hiway. H. L. Sloutenberg Orchard. GRAVENSTEIN "APPLES PH. 1-1289 PEACHES Improved Elbertas for canning now reaay. arena ivron, . Wallace d. , IMPROVED Alberta peache. 1 mue a ox ioiem pwi. m zieiinsia. rn. a-ani. For Sale: Canning corn, cucum- rjers at lomnwi. adt ovum, owner, on Rt. 1, Box S.12B. South River- Rd. MacCarthy Ranch. ' VAKIMA PEACHES Improved Elbertas St J. H. Hale rfr- Tnnla MarkeL S00S Portisna so PASTEURIZED whole milk, 79c . -. . j m. 1 1 i lor 40. Cleary Dairy, 1-J03S. LOCKER beef. 1 to S yr. old. I2c to ISc. cnooa your anunai. Rt I. Bo tl. Ph. S-S22t. ORDER now Or. gUnt bean. Improved aUDerta peacnea. Ph. MISS. GOOD tomatoes. Dledrlch Farm. 220 w. u n e m a w a. .m. etraieht west of Kelzer school. Ph. 1-8204. CUCUMBERS 75c BU. PH. 4-43V GRAVEN STEINS. Phone 1-3847, after I clock. CUCUMBERS, Dill ati. SI. ba. Al Nolan, J7W.,n. mrw n. Ph. 4-134 alter p.m. PEACHES Improved Elbertas. Olson's Or cnanl, v urcnsni aw Drive out Wallace Rd, and up Orchard Hta. V mile. Watch for slrna. GOLDEN Cross Sweat Corn for canning or 1 irmms. new Bonds Rd. Ph. 4-131 GOOD 1st ft ind cutting alfalfa. wnie or coniact - ton. Sisters, Ore. PEACHES Improved Elbe-tas ready. Bring coniainers . '111 mnv ... 1 ir wu, Wallace Road Elmer .Smlth. U-PICK beans. 1c. Frl. thru Moa. only. Exe picking. I mL So. ft I mi. E. of Brooke. J. W, Fitt. Ph. 4-MS3. NICE Bartlett pears, SI.25 and St. OS box 1 mile east Swegl School on 1480 Hampden Lane. Ph. 4-0. U-PICK PEACHES Paul Townsend. 18 miles No. of Salem on Wheatland Rd. In Mission Bottom. Bring con tainers. IMPROVED Elberta U-pick windfalls, II bu.. lready picked peaches 11.50 3M. Schindler Orchard on Grand Island. PhStXJS BARTLETT per U-pick, bring containers. Ph. 1-4918. 1171 Psrk Av. IMPROVED Elbrt Peaches al Waconda. Bntl Aapinwall, HI. 1. Box 31. Brooks, Or. GET your peach now at I Follett Mission Orchard, Im proved Elbertas. lip ft reedy to csn. No. on River Rd. '4 mi. past Keller Sen. turn, left ft fqllnw signs to Mission, Hot torn, look for the sign LaFol lett on big red barn. BARTLETT pears, clos In. Bring own boxes Ph. 3-43M. HOMEgrown tree ripe lm- firoved Elberta peaches Far cy's 45 farm. 1707 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-58S2. BARTLETT pear last picking 81.50 ft 12 SO bu. 3S4S Portland Rd. Bring container. 2-4910 after I a.m. SWEET CORN by th dot. or ack. H. W. Dunlgan, Rt. 1. Box SOI. Ph. 4-241S. J13 'rtitixar POULTRY fertlllier, ack, trail er load or truck. U-baul. Lee's Ha tchery. ph. 4-251J. PETE Mosa front chick traya. 7Sc sack Valley Farm 8tore BARNYARD rotted fertiiir.er, IS per tnn, minimum 3-ton load Ph. 413J Independence. 414 farm Equipment FORD tractor with Davla load er, call 21571 ev or weekend. 425 Auction Soles AUCTION "OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITl 4840 CENTER STREET SALEM 4.50 Merchandise 451 MacMnary 1 Tools TOR SALE IBM Casa SC trac tor 1 point, Cas 7-ft heavy , duty mdwr, Edward l-boi-torn plow, hydraulic roll-over. Oliver farm wagon. lSl GMC 1-ton 15-fL flat bed truck. 14 In. Case hammer mill. Do laval single unit milker. Can be seen at 1.117 Hammel Av., Salem. Ph. 10510. 454 Sowing Mochiwas SEWING MACHINE . . THIS beautiful Singer consol left on our hands with only 882 80 bal. Tak ever contract for II 21 down, and 11.21 per wk. Ph. 4-7102. Dir. 455 Houso Goods for Solo NICE dssk $30. Dinette set 2I S-1M3, 450 Merchantaiie 4SS Houas) Goods fer Salt BEDROOM sat S40. Uaed Mds. Mart. 170 8. Uberty. ' Ph. 4 CI71. Open Frt nigUU tu s. ss awa paymaan ia.a.c.1 SEWING BASKET and lit model Singer desk sew : ing machine. Both for only , ss.N. uawrai uaoe in a no easy term. Ph. 4-7102, Dir. UNFINISHED turnlture. H. L stiff rurnitur. ns n Hign BE THRIFTY Buy Good Used . FURNITURE $30 down will buy a complete household of used furniture : including appliances., Reconditioned k guaranteed ranges k refrigerators . , From $34 95 Daveno club chair green frieie . Automatic washer, k dryer, , This set looks like oew k is in excellent condition ... A REAL GOOD BUY Only )299 2 sets of twin size Beauty, rest box springs k mat tresses, used only JO days SAVE $80 Typewriter desk, with legal sue drawers , , . walnut . . $31.50 We Pay Cash (or Good Used Furniture Appliances XfOOD 515 S. COM'L. PH. -1-3319 CHAIRS, your choice. 1.M. Uaed Mde. Mart. 178 8. Ub erty. Open Ert. night til . Ph. 44371. M down payment to.a.c.l MUST SELL. K n m o r auto washer 130. Westlnghous elec. range 30. Kenmore vacuum cleaner tank type 120. Ph. 4-7331 eve. 4338 N. River Rd. ANTIQUE Man. rope-leg'' Uble SM. Also cranberry glass. 220s Portland Rd, VINYL floor tilt, 10c each. R. U Elfttrom Co. S88 S. Liberty. USED wativera ll is up. Mod era Appliance Center, 1141 So. Com! Ph. 4-S3M. INLAID linoleum, 11.78 per a Ld. R. L Ufstrom Co, MS lberty. QUAKER oil circulator. I4S. Ph. 4-MU. PICTURE, mirror, coffee table, fir. lamp, bkcaee, davenport, 4 matching throw ruga, holly wood bed. box spring A mat tress, lent, 1 sleeping bags. Clean, good cond. Ph. 1 1138 after s p.m BEDS full aire, twin all. Ytaii Choice. IS. Used Mds. M.irt. 270 S. Uberty. Ph. 4-S37I. Open Eri. nights til 8. No dowa payment (o a.c.) HAVE purchased homa equipped with everything, will A, Q.E. Mobil Made dish washer, 7 ' mo. eld. B a 4 i x economic washer, 11 a II wool hooked rug A pad. Baby furniture. win make) food deal. Ph, 4-8291. MAPLE a ingle bad, Slramona mnrprlng msttreea, box apring . lis, ' chest. Ubla A chair, walnut drop seal desk gxa. PR. J-4W7. CREEK davenport A chair. 121. rn. Hua. CORONADO auto, wesher, . Wcstinghouaa alee, range, dav enport St chair, bdrm. set with spring! A mattress, tables. rugs, rnaira e arapes. iam n. lBth. Ph. 1-SMI. GOOD uaed fum. Inc. gaa itov, rug. dinette, crib. 4-0884. BILTWELL daveno, maroon, good cond. 849. 1 fir. lampa, code Ubla A misc. 1910 N. loth. 21" C.I TV console, ant. Lrg. radio-Phono, consoie. 7 Dr. desk. IxJO Zeiss binoculars. 3-7475. MORSE elec. portable aewlng machine. Never been jsed. Lai model. 1-M after T p.m. DBL. bed complete S3S. Contour chair. Like ncw. 1-O051. . BUNK Bed. 19 96.l!el Hot. Mart. 270 8, Liberty. Ph. 4 4.171. Open Frl. nighU til S. No dowa payment to.a.c.) REPOSSESSED Tweed davenport A chair with foam rubber cusniona. ray only balance due. $129.62 TERMS 12 WEEK Reconditioned uaed. 2 complete room of furniture living room, bedroom, dinette. $149 TRANSPORTATION DAMAGE Daveno. sofa by day, bed ahy ntte. Pay only 9 per mo. Closing Out For $59 1 complete rooms all new furr nlture. living room, oca room dinette. Start living for only $299 Slightly tolled box spring A mattress. Reg. till Buy Set For $59 8TORE HOURS MON THRU ERI. 8 TIT. I SAT I TIL S SUN 11 TIL I KENWOOD Factory Outlet FURNITURE 735 Edgewatrr St., West Salem Linoleum Rugs, 8x11. S3 88. Valley Furn. Co., 11 N. Com'l vacuum cleaTTers EIctrolux S2 !)5, Hoover ll S. Kirby 119. B, Lwyt 124.90. Many other, all makes. Compact Vacuum Cleaner 1321 N.- Capitol. Ph. 2-70S7. 435-A Appliances 3 IN. push button C.B. Range, like new. limm. STARKERS FURNITURE 3260 N. Lanraater 1 COLDSPOT Ireerer A 1 Hot point rang. 4-S2H. , BUILDERS, Contractor. Phil lip Appliance has one of the most complete selection of built-in appliances in the vsl lev. Special prices to builders and contractors. Phillip Ap pliance, 338 Center. LIKE new DeLux Crtilty rang, sua, rn, 4-imr. O.E. refrig., aood working con dition, 1S, Ph. 4-wias. APT. rang S25. Frlgldalr re- mgerator - S25. Thor muter. 110. Good cond. 858 Belmont. WILL trad S yr. old refrig. for automatic arver or wnat nave you. Ph. 4-81 85. BENOIX automatic washer, re- bullt motor. Ph. S-1478. ISEO Refrig. I2J A up. Modern Appliance Center, 1141' South Com'l 4-8.153. NEW dishwasher sale. UD to 10 discount. Phillip Appnanc to. aw cntr. NEW Bern! Ix Duomatlc washer dryer, all In on, reducer! to S tu.J. Term. Juason s, svt H Com'l. Lr-AVINO TOWN-wlll sell 'M Norg refrig., elec. utov A auto, wasrter. rn. 4-113311. io.8CU..FT. IH. refrigerator. good cond., aoo. ph. Monmouth - SK 7-12.10 after and sal Mrs. 1. Smiley, lil E. Clay SL f m. Xa ak M Jfcjf 450 Merchandise 455-A Appliawcts COLDSPOT refrigerator. Excel lent cendUion. Call Mr. Jank W7S1. falBSON refrig. good cond. nil rn. 4-Juva. 125 ABC washer, wringer type sood cond. uete clot lies ciean. See at 1451 D St, Ph. 4-W3. HOTPOINT electric range. SS' S Durner and deep well corker, 50; wood-coal heater, 818. Writ Rt. 1 1 Bex laic. 456 Wanrad House) Goods 1 SIS.SO CASH Te spend for High grade Ueed Pumltur A Apptlancea-- Ph. 1-6110 Paying Top Price tot Better Grad. Glen Weodry. 1808 N. Sunvmer MISC. turnltur wanted. Cour- temia eervlce. - Pt WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Fura. Co.. 1-I47S TOP CASH PRICE FURNI TURE, APPLIANCES, ETC. USED MERCHANDISE MART 178 8. LIBERTY PH. 4-8371 457 RoJio and1 TV USED TV Mia for sal, 18, 14, 17, XI, 24. so inch sets to choose from, term of course. Phillip Appliance Co. 361 center. Radio & TV Service Quality Work Fair Prices' CALL BURT 4-517 458 BuilJiiti Motwriala ' .BUILDING? r - Kl VS ' WEST COAST GRADED DIRECT MILL DELIVERY 9x4. Sx. Ixl. No. 1 bett jr '. - u .. S8 If 1x4,. :xs. gxs, no. 1 at better .. va s 2x8 tongue ii groove No. J S7e ai Ixtl boards suf. 1 aid 887 M 2x4 R. L. ... $28 M No. 2 cedar shin! " SI. 48 m. OPEN SAT. ALL DAY. SUN St MONi NOON. NORTHWEST PRODUCTS 480 S. Psc. Hiway. Woodbum Ph. 2-SO WANTED: logs, poaaa. PHln( er Umber slum page, can Wal lace) Road Lumber Co. 4 747. SELLOUT ALL STOCK GOES Prices Slashed Large stock weatherstrtpped winnows, irames, aw ooora. hardwood, plywood, galv. pipe, water heater, door hardware, roofing, garage door, paint, 4x8 plasterboard, blanket in sulation, "ixie bevel aiding, barb wire, slide track ex hard ware, elec wire St boxes, gut ters, cedar h Ingle, door frame. C. G. LONO SONS . Ph. 4-409 1 1 ml. N. Kelzer LUMBER-FOR SALF 2x4 RL . fl Boards k Shiplap v. Bean Poles, Frro Wood Call Alpln 1-4331 Lebanon WHAT PLATFORM!! wirv-r got rr m Arry-nrrNO EVER YTHINU to build wrtn. Just arrived CARLOAD RE JECT DOORS Manog. Birch at Fir 1 M to I Si. ALL SIZES 8KB THEM I PA NFLINOS BIRCH, MAHOG, PINE. SPRUCE. CEDAR. AL DER. REDWOOD, CHIP BOARD and several other. LARGEST SELECTION IN THE VALLEY. NAILS 8 75 keg, PAINT-OS White 158 gaH SDGS. A SHAKES all kinds te fix your home and fit vour pocketbook. LOW AS MS M. PLYWOOD You name It we've got Itt FIR-BIRCH-MA HOO REDWOOD SEN WOO D-ETC. Smaller pc fir at reduced price, or we'll cut It to your sle. STOP IN AND SEE OUR SELECTION. Yes. WE'VE COT THE PLAT- FORM- WI WELCOME BOTH DEMOCRATS A REPUBLI CANS Ml Remember NOTH ING DOWN M months to pav on approved credit. Free e'timatlng. F r delivery. Servic with a amll at Portland Road Lumber Yard 1541 Portland Road Ph. 4-4431 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY GOOD uaed Brick 2c, 2c A Sc. 1850 Hoffman Rd. Keith Brown Specials PLYWOOD: -txSxta RG Mahogany Panel .. 184 ea. 4xSxs RC Birch Panel 48 ea. 4xlx Shop Birch .11.20 ea. 4xBx, Ext. Shop Ply..-4.80 ea. 4xlxs rgh. Sheathing Ply s.w ea. 4x.x. rh. Sheathing Plv. ', 1.84 ea. fx8xi rgh. Sheathing Plv IMea. HARDBOARD: 4xtx k Hardboard 1 00 Dei sheet 4x8x Hardboard .. 1 25 per aneet txSx"a Hardboard 4.s per aneet LUMBER: lxl-RL 4 Com, Shp 1.108 M 2X4-RI 4 S4S 30 00 M lxl Ac 1x10 Rl 3 Com. AlaaKan Cedar Panel 80.00 M Ixtl A lxS.tCom A btr Knotty Cedar Panel... 88.08 M CEDAR PANEL: Doora : Reg. Sale 1-SxS-SxMs HC Shina 143 1S7S. 1-4 AV 2-Sx-lxls 10 Lite French... 14.34 mi ea. 3-0x4-8x1 Ext. Shlna .. 11 "T 10 80 ea. I. S. door jamb Inda ... l.M ea . PAINT: O. .8. Whit . 150 gal. Pabco O. B. rvnil gai. tor iirlca of- 2 gal. Shake Paint I gal, for pries of 1 eat Try our at" BUDGET PLAN-, Remember, nothing down ana eaey payments I KEITH BROWN "LUMBER YARD Ml North Front St Ph 1-8111 W Civ 8 A H Grn-Stamp SPECIAL (WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE) 14" to 84" wide complete with fram and hardware. $5 EACH Used Brtrtg timber and plank. All n Btr 45 to 5S M x4 ah oris .....ti...'lc lin. foot Siding 140 to 868 M Many other Dunning nargaina. E. S. RIHER & CO. 740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-831 1 4 ml. No. of Salem, V ml. No, of Totm Pol on sa E. Open All Day Saturday, Statesman, Salem, Ore; Sat., Sept 1, 1956 (Sec. II11 " .'Save time -Save money i : . . For th Bert Professional Services Make life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDIN4I MAcaiwaa uy aa you rent All make noen- typewriter, so court Ph. 1772. 4KPUIANCSS ... WESTINGHOUSS . Woodry Furniture Ce. 474 So. Coeal Ph 4-11 11 ' IB.UUIMO CAPITOL) Bedding Mat trass r. novttor. new mattreaaes s-aoss BRICK BLOCK MASON BRICK and block Work guar anteed. Ph. 4-8438., CARPENTER CONTRACTOR NEW building, roofing er paint ing, re mod est, tree. 4-8340, CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda- liona retaining wans, cement or pumice block. Free estl mate. 18 mo, to pay. 1-8288. CABINETS CABINETS mad to order. Furn. repaired, rree ext. pn. s-4)4j. CHARIS CORSETTIERE Xno Lansing Ph. 1-8BH CBANB WORK 25-ton Loraut moto- crane Sa lem Sand Gravel Co S-S48I IXCAVATtcta VINCENT C. NEAL, .. ' Excavating Co. Excavating Grading Ph. 1-1888 450 Merchanclise 458 lulldina Maferlals FOR KALE: Superior Aluminum Aium-a-weia norm wingews Welded no-part main fram corners. Alio doors, . f... H. Powell. Ph. 4-8608. Ovsrheed (tees garage tVesr Wltn asntvirsi je iae tailed 848 88. - ft. sliding Patla door wglan (lot. EPPING LUMBER CO. PH 4-6123 S74 S1LVEKTJN' RD- 500.000 FEET New treah-mllled old A second growth lumber. 1x8 to xxii in i to 84-foot lengths. Delivered price Salem. 830 per thou, minimum. Tad Muller 4-8U3. 4o0 Musical Instrwmants . RENT. ; A New Baldwin Acrosonl Aaeric' Moat Wanted -Small Puna. ONLY $3 PER WK. Plus FREE Lessons ' ZOBEL'S Ph. 4-8251 IH Court St MUSIC LESSONS ALL INSTRUMENTS Instru menta rented while you learn. Salem' larger Musi School. WlLTSEY-WEATHERS MUSIC Ia th Capltnl Shopping Center rn. i-eitas PIANOS reconditioned, BIS and up. term. Dodg Plane Serv ice. Ph. 4-1S58.- GUITAR, like new with pick-up A can. M5. Ph. 8-1748. MILTON piano, good cond. 1:2. Phone 421-J Independence. LESTER Spinet PUnu, 1408, Ilk new. Call S-S98t. HAMMOND chord organ, will trade foe car or pickup, 1-1(780. CORNET good cond. Ph. 1-S1D0 BESSON trombone with rase. Uaed vary llttl $78. Ph. 4-3154 ELECTRIC player piano. SO rolls Included. t22S.8ft, Phillip Appliance, term. 35S Center. BV'"'0WNER, Wurlltzer piiiie, like new. CaU 4-8018. PIANO Instruction. 10 yr. teaching exp. Grad. of BO. Univ. In piano. Stat accredit ed. 1843 Court. Ph. 1-3255, Duan Hunsaker. 462 Sports Eqnitwien POSITIVE PROOF THAT WE SELL FOR LESS 2v H P. "See Bee" out- bd $24.50 1.7 H P. Neptune, new 4 M 2S H.P. Johnson, gear shift, remote controls, incl. $27S.OO Dot's All!! ... we need trade-ins now. Bring your old motor In and get Oregons' biggest allow ance. FALL CLOSE OUT POWER MOWERS The are the finest mowers monev can buvl II" Reel tyaw. reg. SIV7 M SM 50 II" Rotary vpe. reg. in. 181.58 II" Rotary tvne. reg. 117.90 I7J.18 Brlgg Stratton power I I BOATS II' flat bottom sklfl needs work ONL' I29S0 12' Chrl Crft bottom and side glassed, only .an. manv other good huya In new A used bpata, motors A trailer. Salem Boat House 100 Chemeketa i Ph. J-8303 BRAND new 250-300 Savage, box of ahells. for aai or iraae. 1020 Maolaon Ph. 4-O70S eve. 'BOATS "k OUT BOARDS SHROCK'S Corner Highland-Portland Rd SALEM, VHEUUIt CASH oairt for uaed aunt, mod- ra and antiqu i ascaae Mer tllf Broadway DEER rtfl, condition Ilk new, SI-OS Winchester, mooei iv. 18. Phi 1-0471. "New 30-30 Win. rifle, $80 f 3198 AFTER 4 P.C ELOlN boat trailer, with spare tire a tnt roller, iuv. si a.. Judaon St. - BURCHCRAFT 14' fiber glassed iraiiar wnn ugnts at mm sis nals, lis horse Evlnrud. ltl Model complete outfit. 1.1 10. 4510 Swegl Rd. Ph, 4-1005. ; , 464 Bicycles 1 ROYS' 38" blM tor sal. Ph. s-l.ie alter e p.m. i 20" BOYI BKYClXTiifM- GIRLS IS" blkitoood cond?2o! 1041 E. Rural Sftar I. 468 For Rant, Misc. rOR RENT or Mas if ware houe apse cement . floor 1 brick bldg.,' downtown In aulr B. L. IUU rum.. Hill FLOOR COVFRINOS NORR1S WALKER Paint Ce Floor-covering Division qual ity Inatallatlon Linoleum, A. phall Rubber Tile. WU tUe Free Estimate 4-227S ORADINO A IMlaUNO O0Z1NQ k LEVELING Ph 1-8851 D. PANTC'VICR SULLDOZINO. clearing roads. pons, D-4, d-s carryall , v HUS a usury -Ph 1-118. Bulldoscr IS 50 hr. Sherman digger sa hr. Ph 4-17. MKATIQ Meora Heat for La ' ELECTRO-RAY Electric Heat No obligation for Free Estimate and demonstration. Call Moor lieat Inc. 43 8. Church Ph. 4-73)11 ' ELECTRIC HEAT: Radiant Baa Board Glaas umta Con ventional Wall anil AH National advertised name. W InstaU. Let u bid your Job. Farmers Union Co-op. . Ph. 4-378. S81I SUvertoa Rd, Salem. PAINTING PAINTING PRICES REAS. IS y.t tn Salem. Ph. 1-7551 PAINTING Brush, spray TERMS, Pre estimates, pa. per hanging. Ph. 4-004, 4-M2I. To place classified ads . call 1-6811. 500 Bus. & Finance 51 S Invesfmenrs $$ YOUR MONEY CAN EARN A BETTER RETURU ' BUT 1st anertgagM aa unproved teal acuta lil Bassra and vietnrtt. - your money nets 1", Examine th security yourself AR - details and collections taaen cars ol without obligations. Mortgage vilable front 50 to 1000 W ar aervlclng : SI 500.000 08 la 11 mortgages for institutional snd Individual Investors just like yourselL Over is ytan satlfctorj Mrvtce for th Willamatta Valley, ' STATE FINANCE CO. - 117 8. HfCH ST. Phone 8-1181 Salem. Ore reel 450 Merchandise 470 for Sola, Misc. REO, It" Deluxe Rotary Mow- tr. IDS, term. Phillip AppU , anew, 155 Center. 34" TV table model with table, antenna, 117. 1 Home-Ugnt hain saw, bar and chain, il50. Table model refrigerator, I"x24", ISS. Gen. Klec. auto! washer-, nearly .aew, $171. Ph. 1-1707. ALUMINUM swing A bu gym set, 122.54. Ph. 1-7454. IS. Ph. 8-14M. USED Montgomery Ward re frig. a co. ft. .xeum sat Sunnyvlew FOR Western wear see a at th ARMY A NAVY SUR PLUS. 221 N. Cocn'L , Vour Down Town RET'READS 800 8T8 88 .84 A up. Lytle s OX No. Com I A Pine. USED Urea, truck and pasaenger. Buy, sell, trsd. LyU s OK. Pit Run Gravel top son ' ra. 4474?r GOOD Moo tag pressur 'ome oil burner, A controls compieta. Ph. 1-4087. TYPEWRITERS" adding ma- china, caaa registers, aupn catora, daska. chairs; 111, rip- cator. I pli. Ri oeo a. 458 Court 1-477: 71 TOP SOIL Phone 1-1873, 1-8301 WHOLESALE New fires -Ny. tax Pine. Ion 870-15, 18.30 plu Lytic OK, N. Com I m PIT RUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DEL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 NEW cond. Pup Tent. Gov't, cost 112.88. Our price M M. ARMY A NAVY SURPLUS. 123 N. Com'L Your Down Town Store NEW Rollelflex camera, I ISO, 1 35 alia len. l.1JllossomUr. BEVS RUMMAGE aelMng out Come in nd sav. 471 Mo. CotUge, Ph. 4-7300. THOR washer, wringer tyiie, good cond.. Ill, New Hospital wheel c h s 1 r, metal, with brakes, IBS. Solid oak library table. ll. IMS Lana, Ph. 1-0841. HOSPITAL bed and mattress. 1841 E. Nob Hill, Ph. 3-7731. GIRL'S dressing table 811.50, 12 -gal. crock 13.50, girl's SO' bika Bike 121.50. Ph. 4-481 NEW 7 ft. split cedar posts, also rustic split cedar fencing, Ph. 4-30S1, ' . WAU. furnace fan It thermostat 200 gal. oil tank, good cond. 4-4555 after I p.m. ANTIQUE COLLECTOR (LOOK) 1928 Hupmoblle, 2nd O rubber. Fair condition. 1-7731. LAWN MOWER 15. Trash burn er 120. Waahlng M. Ill, 1158 Hoffman Rd. - NEW MgaT Hotpotnt Water Heaters. 18 year warranty, reg. 1124.85. now 88 81. Phil lips Appliances.. 355 Center. PC. bathroom used fixtures for ssl Ph 1-MQsv - TWIN sir cotton mattre-ise. used Mtise. aaan. stv o. Liberty. Ph. 4-8.171. Open Tri. nights til 8. No down payment to. a. c.l Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Hal 1-174 Prompt Delivery teim Snd A Gravel Ca OIL circulator, uaed 1-wk. end 850. 3-444S or 1B& it. th. WOOD elrc. heater. Comb, r dlo-phono 4528 Nile Av. 472 Wbwrac, Misc. STOCK rrk for i. T. Chev. pickup. j-in eve. WANTED, building to wrack bar lumbar. Ph. 3-5913. WANTED several thousand cord of wood, all soeclaa pa -tiii Nlghto 4-B431 - 474 Miseellariaous APDINO mschtne. eash regis Clarv 17 ralrruncla 8-K178 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR I HR SERVIfP IN MOS: ,CAFS OR BARRY REMLER. Dentist Adnluh fl'rlg. Stat A Com'l Its SALEM , ' PH 1-3311 476 Fuel HIGHWAY n'KL CO SAWDUST A WOOD WAVTf D several thouaand cords e." wood 'an sowiea, pa. -ii.i Nights, 4-5531. PAINTINO Brush or spray Extert-w er Me tertoe Free esllmstee a-ia. SAND A GRAVEL - - W A LUNG BAND AND GRAVtX 1121 McGilchriet Crushed quarry rock and gr I. All siie for road, dnv ; way and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden ssnd. bull -doling, shoe el and dragline work 1-828 SALEM SAND CRAVE1 COT Reedy mix concrete, crushed . , and round gravel sand and tr) -soil 1401 N front St 1-34H. , VALUEV "A.D t.RAVgU IU Cm she A rcMina gravel Sand A con mix I 4QQ1 SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter. aeweraT septic tank cleaned. Mail MIKE'S Iteptie ae-vice I ansa cleaned D motet rla ' dram Phono S-Ssaa met seeU Una Mn iin Guarantedi seaek. , Phone S.7484 er l-l. TELEVISION Hanaoa T.V. 1841 8. 12th, Opea eve. Service freca te 118. Ph. 4-8844. WINDOW SCREENS SALECO all aluminum screen mad ta order. Wa measure A lnatal. Free estimates j - ' SALEM ALUMINUM WINDOW CO. ISM S. I2th - Ph. 4-M1I 500 Bus. & Finance SIS Istveifmenri SIO Morvey f Loast LOANS 888.88 V SIMS ; ' '. ' Buy What You V Consuhdata youi bill Finance fhntjgn ' I .WILLAMEITE CkEDIT COMPANY s 181 S Chuicn SI en 8 411 Wa HAVE buyers tr real estate cantrarts and anf mert gages Ohmart 4r Calab. Realtors 471 Court St Phono 1-41 iS PRIVATE moaey t luaa la Interest. Ph. 1-Q7V4. COLONIAL Ineeetmeat C Reai K sporty Loan Contract. rcha SS7 Court. 4-iiaa. interest. Ph. 1-4 1 1(4. ' $1500.00 Mow yeu eaa borrow 11508 from us furniture, auto, trailer ' bo.ises and equipment. W ar happy that after IS years . we are jble ta extend thas additional aenrice te you. n CORPORATION Phone S-9161 137 So. Coml. Salem, Oregon Installment Loans Contracts Purchasetl Consolidation Loans ' CONSUMERS FINANCE .CORPORATION - 1488 B. Com'l. Ph. 4-8431 PRIVATE' money to loan, cash for real estate mortgages ana contract. B. M. Mucin er W. B. Minler, 841 Chemeketa. 600 Employment 602 HalpWantaJ TEACHER for Christian grade school. Ph. 2-SIW4.3-4-4.T4. COUPLE Wantad . to . manage motel, Man could nave einer work. Write Box 188. State. man-Journal, giving quaiitk. tlona. APPLICATIONS are now Ming tsken for auatesmsa aicyei route Several route will ft pen Applicant must be ae ompamed be their parent r have their written permis sion Apply at th Clrculstloa Department eg the Slataamsa loiirni CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY M N Winter Ph 2-8138 Your future M aur to) 604 Help Wanted. Man WHOLESALE SALESMAN For established meat route, pre fer voting man, out of town night weekly. Apply J. R. Me. Gowan, O. W. Green Meat. 132S S. 15th St. MILK mora A v on dairy Close in, exchange lor anue. mUk A wagea, Ph. ev. 1-M"4, . 6uMP"Vruckdrtver, xp. Slsta age. axp. and wage experiea. Writ Box . 888, Statasmaa Journal. ' WANT! Expert filling eta -Jo help. 4 to 4 yrs. ex ag. 1125 Portland Rd. WANT severer "wend cutters. Apple Ceottal fuel Ce. ss N River Rd - , 606 Help Wanted, Lady WANTED Exp. car hop. Nights steady work, uptowa unvc-w. 450 Merchandise 47 Fuel CAPITAL FIT.L CO. SUMMER RATES ON BLOWER S I, n VICT. Dry hvlnts. Dry 0tt A Ali Woon Chotc ! mt Dwca wood mixed. PLANER INDft Mtrf Broadway ' P. 1-T721 - OREGON 1X CO. 8AWPt'T PRY OR C-RKEN WOOD . S AH. GRtF.r St AMPS Ph. 1-55.14 1087 Broadway ANDERSON'S lahwood. IV , unit load 2S. Fk. 8-T7SL GENERAL f INAr.CE LOANS i , a' ..it. r, V. a ry 7 - " '", '