f' 2-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fit, Aug. 31 '56 State Hospital Doctors Progress in Getting People to Think of Mental Illness in Same Light as Physical Ills (Additional late newi on page 18). Theatre Time Table tinrm Our ft Wat" Ttt, t 1 cAmob (Conttnuouf tram t m. THI LAST WAGON"! IM, J1. t:4. llrM -POI TMAHKID rO BAN Gift": 1 Ok . : NOBTfl MUX Dmva-M (Oat, npui Juhal" Unba" Clan Wrd. Documentary. i BOLLYWOOD l-totnthody Up ThM. Ukt Ms" tioo, U:tn. n in. Bjr FAt'L W. HARVEY Jr. AfMdatc4 Trtm Writer The doclori at the Oregon Stat Hospital have com lopf way in removing the stigma of mental ill ness. It look a though they arc winning their campaign to con vince people that mental illneis thould b. considered in the aame light a phyiicat illness. For the first time, more patient, are entering the hospital volun tarily than are being committed by the court. ' Ten year ago. there were about four court commitmenta te every voluntary commitment In the part two year, there have been 1.503 court commit ment an,d 1J0S voluntary com mitment, The huge hospital, with 3.461 patient, has increased its popu lation about SO per cent In the past decade. It probably will have 3.800 patient by I960, when the new state hospital at WiUonvill is expected to take it first patient. ' A big reason for this Increase la the hdniber et. "mental patients 1 the dateS growth; -tat the- tart that people are going , voluntarily (or treatment also is a factor;. New Tecbalqaei Dr. Den K. Brook. uperin tendent of the hospital, credits the new techniques of treatment, such a electric shock and drugs, with making It possible to cure many more patients.. In the past two years, almost .000 patient were admitted, ana neany inai many were discharged. Almost 50 per cent of the dis charged patients, however, have to come back for further treatment. The new drug. Including ehtor promazine and reierpine, are a tremendous help. Quirt Patients These drugs quiet the patient in order that they can talk with the psychiatrists. And. says Dr. Brook, there- " substitute- for psychotherapy, which (imply means counselling between doctor and patient. These talking sessions. In which the doctors try to learn the basic difficulty of the patient and to resolve his problems, often take several hours per patient. But, if you divide the total number of patients by the number 14; Id h r1-' Ik World Premier New leitig Held In . . Portland .Tf Dca't f.'jss II i VAIIII I iir AKN V f iUiiM.tAf.inr i u vv. J J - mU Vj Mm . I t lyfcethl TrTtTl RICHARD WIDMARK FELICIA FARR - Start -Today at . I P.M. 1 I O U 1 A R C I s FIus- Terry Mooro "POSTMARK FOR DANGER" NOW PLAYING! cssr uusmct iTrTHOrrf srra . UMES I08ERTS0I JBSM of doctor, you can figure out that ...k dnidne Ha an mvttrao nt .11 Hwvv wv-sw only 1 x minute per week for talking with a (ingle patient. This isn't quite a bad a It sounds, because the vast majority of patients are Incurable, so don't 7J : fV'-ar OnmSeoe w.aTtcmcmo WESTERN CO-HIT! toir uutouN' noun ncuoo guii conn ta reason KtYim HUMP NOW PLAYINGI THI IOLD AND THI MAVI ALSO "NAKED AMAZON" its r STARTS WtONtiDAYI ruarui It Sll uittOADrFV i! SIX-GUN... V s sn aiwayi - i , . Om fakm : Avay htm v -- '.. i I irawfrm'. nareactr 1 V' l.N '-laiCOIPft - i r i -.- GU v FORD Email BORGNINE Rod STEIGER SS? 6:45 - B Set any psychotherapy. But it still in't good. Need More Doctor Dr. Brook, with doctor on hi itaff. i asking the next Legis lature to give him 11 more. With more doctor, he ay, inore pa tient could be cured. The American Pychlatrlc Assn. recommends that the Oregon State HospHal staff should have 41 doctors, 21 nurses and M psychi-' atria social worker.- - Panama City was founded ky Spanish -conquistadors in ISl. Panama la an inaian woru iw "many fishes." ' 5ILYERT0N Drive-In Theatre "Trail of the lonesome Pine" - rl - Mm Wayne i "Shepherd of the Hills" Early Bird Specials 1 0 to 1 2 A.M. Saturday Only 4 U UIC( ' EGGS Du. Woodburn Drive-In Wed..Thur..Fri..gst Walt Disney's "THE VANISHIK6 Mmf PlM -"(Hill CtiZY Hour Victor Mature DALLAS M0T0R-VU Gate Open 7:00 Show at Dusk Lucille Ball, Deal Arnas In "FORM DARIINO" . color econd fetur ! Robert Tylor, Stewart Crsnger In "THI LAST HUNT" cinemsscope . . . v , - . r . . , - '-'. . ' V ' ' . ' ' ,. - 8 big days end nishrt! Sot. Sept. 1 thru Sat. Sept. 8 fifcfyf' I (&tftWl!zff IWrw tfcew T70 oktm mm (i.ckod writ, ewiterfensng, odtioe. f"t 'Iffo II (Zr(rkti&0a. ' ed. apecrooilee- ovwf mnd eirtreKtioraa. U mntOt te o emd de I - - JNidriirymil J f Q -fTi II J,mT'tff'z rm' "r eerememt syolo, 1 L q J I . ."'V Out f AnMrka't truly grat fain . . yor. Ongon - ' fVC'' j v !: SALEM . ,,-Lr2TJ--! ODOSCEI r nrionn MssaMM 0PE.V 1:4$ THIS FINE FIRST RUN ENDS TOMORROWI .. ' You'll Hat Yourstlf if You Mill III M.e-M'a Thrilling Ufe-lnaplred Drtrnal,. NEWMANANGEU .Everett SlOANEilewi HECKART Sll MINED HOLLYWOOD KIDS ClUI MATINEI EVERY SATURDAY 1 TO 4 TM. Thl Week' Special Featnr MISTER SCOUTAAASTER Starring Clifton Webb and George (foghorn) Winslow Hus ONE HOUR OF CARTOONS Children and Adults 20c STARTS SUNDAY Thrilling First Run Show! 'THEVVE GOT TO tfer love couldn't stop him , the law couldn't stop him. He was the and he had I or be killed! r bestTi l I'll B Thrill $utpm and don KNOV WHO a. St mmi vfi. 1 I ML 4j lon'f f.ll I ' t trte ending f S0-' Warring Glenn FORD Jeanne CRAIN .Broderick CRAWFORD Russ TAMBLYN i I. . frwoc a. glrdT sRiSsai sant! S rrfMi.iwjr I orKiaa w eua PLUS Thousands are cheering the biggest musical comedy under the sun. ..M-G-M's . MUSICAL . IB G!u slomng BETTY HUTTON' Louis-ilhern . J. Carrol Naish l tdmrd Arnold . Keenan Wynn AN M-O-M aUSTIRrllCI MMIMt 10 LBS. SUGAR COFFEE Jy 3 LBS, SPRY 09' SLICED BACON . 43 Old Fashion Franks flla, hen .$U9 . Swiff Premium Cooked Salami ii, 39' Sliced, lb. 49c if the Plee Swift' Premium Minced Ham R,. 39' t Sliced, lb. ,49c Swiff Premium Wieners lb FRYERS 5L(o) lacks and Netk JU U SWIFT'S SWEET lASHEl SLICED BACON AA Large . T . . . 49c ... . . 39c AA Medium . AA Small . . CRACKERS, lb. . . . . 25c iak.lMssMsssssssssssssssss.lsaasaat Tuna Fist , TUNA 6 cans $4 00 for I MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING Potatoes 10.b,25' leeal Onions Bermuda 2 1 25' Sfalk 13' Celery Local Corn Doz. BANANAS Odd Size lb. a We Reserve the Rigt te limit-No Sal te Dealers ... i. .. "TTpriUi Good Through Thursday AVIHG EHTEll Portland Rosd' SALEM Idg.wtr St. WEST SAIEM AV 49' 39' 4r .... i . i (.....