Mil The Wealher Today's forecast) Fair tt day and Friday. High today 71, Uw tonight SO. (Compttta raport pt tmt4 to Mm (raw, tl Oraaaa FOUNDED 1651 106th Yaar 2 SECTIONS-! 6 PACES Tho Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oragon, Thursday, August 30, 1954 RICI Sc No. 15 Cair-Traih Crash CCilDs Tvm Jeffeirsomi Wmemi m Natural Gas Will Flow Into Mid-Valley Burners Sunday First Section of State to He Served by New Pipeline Withdraws Under Fire Natural gas will come into actual uh-d for here "sometime in Aug-, ing of all gas facilities in this dis use in Salem area burners early ust" but delays led to a later esli- tnct has been completed. Manager Sunday -morning, the climax of mate of Sept. 10. Wednesday's re-i Dodd said. In Portland, the eon- Last week the papers reported monlhs ' transcontinental pipe- port puts the matter back almost 1 version work has just begun. Nat- trie death of Mrs Edward Mar. i construction and mass con- on original schedule. , , ural gas is due in us thera in Powell, widow of the American ! ver,'on worlt- "a gas appliances; Conversion of appliances, check-'. November. composer, at the ago of 98. To , "V5'- the musical world the item' f,rtland Gas 4 Coke Co. made sounded like an echo from the ' n announcement Wednesday, past, while to the general public ' s,a,in ,h' he Willamette Valley it was one with scant signilicance i district with some 10.000 gas users Yet Mrs, MacDnwell left an in- ' a"-''0" ' the 'at to use herilance of good works fitly ' "he natural gas piped in from New rivaling that of her famous hus-1 Mexico. band. 5,W Caasiimers Kdward MacDowell w the ' Abont S.000 consumers of the im first of American composers lo mediate Salem area are affected. gain international distinction. In1 When the change from manufac- fact his earliest recognition came, hired to natural gas occurs, there in Europe where he had gone in will be little to see, and no inter 1874 at tlie age of 1 to study i ruption of service, said Joseph music. A fellow pupil of Claude 'Dodd, Willamette Valley manager uenussy in Pans, he later became for the gas company. warm friend of the German ; Natural gas will burn somewhat composer Tram Liszt who encour-1 more quietly and its flame will be ageo the young Ampncan to de-; bluer, with a more velvety quality, ynie nimseii to musical composi- he said. tion. la I WW he married Marian Ratr r Kiawtea . L Kevins, an American who had . a ri,.iin. . no. .i.. ... studied piano under him in Kur- pocted lo fw the changeover by one. They returned to America in about 3a rlavs Portland L IKS, settling in Boston where iroke has filed tentative lower MacDnwell continued his compos ing. President Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia invited him to join the faculty of the university nd he became lis first professor of music, in 18lt6. The relation ahip proved ' increasingly unhappy nd terminated in an unfortunate controversy which precipitated MacDowell into a mental collapse. He died at Peterborough, New Hampshire in 1908. His death presented a challenge to his widow. They had bought (Ceatlaaea' editorial page 4.) Bullet Kills Mother of 6 at Myrtle Creek rates schedule with the state public utilities commissioner. This would amount (o about 1( per cent reduc tion for home heating customers and varying reductions for other custo'mers. The changeover is no) expected to create any service demands, but the Salem gas office will be staffed all weekend in case there are questions from customers to answer, Dodd announced. He re minded that the special telephone number, 4-6791. for "conversion calls" would remain in effect. Fartlaad by Saturday The natural gas was reported by gas company officials to be in the main pipeline at Camas, Wash., now. It will be at Portland by early Saturday and will move on to Salem, behind the last of the arti ficial gas in the lines, during that day and night. Natural gas was originally, sched- CREKK. Ore m - A Thprp U()lt killed a mother of six -ClVli IMCo ;,!,.! ...v. ..."v . .'v.Vivk i "'" 1 MYRTLE rifle bullet k cnuciren wnne sna was aoing ine y i -mm f family washing on the back porch r. ill tit of her home here Wednesday. (U HV Police still were trying Wednes-1 A WW day night to find out who fired IT 0(1 llOlUC the shot. They said they could i . fUggest no explanation. UlMna Nwi lervlra The victim. Mrs. Josephine1 Tl'RMIR Burglars broke inlo Claire Moore. 34, staggered from the Petei Tcleek house, cooked up the porch into the house and col-1 some eggs and coffee and then! lapsed. Some of her children, aned made off with tools and a handful 1(1 months to 11 years, were inside, i of family heirloom jewelry, state They ran to the nearby home of police reported Wednesday. her sister, Mrs. Floyd Creason, I Patrolman Norman Johnson said whn raHtH a Ancinr i i t t i. : J I - J - Mrs. Moore died about the time Route 1. Box 32. Turner, was apJ CHICAGO (AP)-Hrr1x;rt C Pasclirn m ithdrew W etlncs- he arrived. At first il was helieverf ; narentlv entered between noon (Liv :is the DemiK'ratic candidate tor eovernor Of Illinois. she had suffered some kind of; Tuesday and noon Wednesday. Kn-i ' JfP stated that he wants to "dovote all of my energy and neiKire necause ine minn was iry was gameo ny oreaKmg a win-;,jme to rpp. attemptss to hrclniKt mv reputation. . Ftit immnHiitjtlir A i rrr, rw , Aft an4 lnlrvy-L- I nfi Inns fmm , v a - 1 Paschon is CJook l.onnty (Lhicago) treasurer. An employes CHICAGO Down city hall corridor Wednesday walks Herbert v... Paschen, who just announced Be was resigning as uemp-; BrH(M1 ArTrllift eratio candidate for governor ot imnos. ne is unaer in vestlRtion in coryiection with a political slush fund. (AP Wlrephoto) Democrat Candidate for Illinois Governor Quits Ike Backs West Plan For Suez Nasser t&'Confer 3IonIay; Cyprus Readied as Base W.ASI 1 1 NC.TON (A P)-Presi-rlr-nt Eisrnliowrr sail W'etl nesday the Western plan for operation of the Suez Canal would 'assure a peaceful solu tion of this preiit prohlem." He called for international sup port of the proposal. In endorsing the plan which grew out of the recent London talks. Eisenhower asked tor back ing from "all the nations and pe oples that believe in the processed of international justice and con ciliation." The President aid he be lives the program approved by II of the 22 nations represented at London has the support of the American people. And he expressed pleasure that Egyptian President Nasser has agreed to a meeting to discuss the recommendation for interna tional control of the canal. A dip lomatic report from London said the meeting would be held in Cairo next Monday. Statement Read Eisenhower's views wert con tained in a statement read to newsmen by Secretary of State Dulles after the two men con ferred for two hours Wednesday. LONDON wn Britain and France arranged Thursday to use the troubled isle of Cyprus as an Allied springboard military base in the Suez crisis. French troops art presumably en rout to Cy prus by sea. Easy Raaga The Eastern Mediterranean Bri tish island colony is 2.0 miles from the north end of the Suet Canal and .within easy parachu tist range of the 103-mile water way and Egypt's big cities. The French entry into the Cy prus scene was described as tem porary and intended to protect French nationals in the Middle Locomotive Mangles Middle of Death Car -r me Fail ';;....; ; , . ) ; v'-V'v-v .. -;.' 'i 'Kr, ?-: v ' - '; I v' - ,l I . i ' ' 4 18 JEFFERSON A traffic accident Wednesday f aused the death of two JefferMm woaoea, Mri. William E. Skeltoa and Mrs. Fred Wled. The ear, driven by Mrs. Skelton, was hit by t Southern Pacific passenger train on a gravel Intersection about a half-mile north of here Crash Cuts Wild Dash of Alabama Pen Escapees MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP)-Two Kilbv Prison convicts The Allied action by the two overpowered a truck driver W ednesday and fled in a truck Western powers came as Egypt- earn ing 28 other convicts. ian President Nasser's govern- i Their bold davlifiht dash ended about three miles ami a ment fanned anti-British feeling f,.w mjniltr., ater en tw overturned on a curve, killing by arresting three Britons on es-' , . . . ,., . ' " pionage charge, and ordering two;,w" pnaoners nncl injuring 2, none senou.sly. Rriiich riininmnt. mil nf ihp rnnn. Another convict was hit in the . trv leg by a richochoting bullet fired Nasser himself, moving on his'1 'wo uar05 'rom 1 I The guards encountered no re-1 .tiumiay as uic u,v ui wtm lams . , ' , . 1 in Cairo with a five-nation com- s'stance (.rom. he envicts as theyiO 1 A ''Si Nixon's Father Die Instantly In Wreck Passenger Train ' In Collision North Of Jefferson By JOE WEGLARS Staff Writer, Tho Statesman JEFFERSON -Two letter. son women were killed instant- Iv Wednesday wlen the car tWy were driving was hit by a Southern Pacific nassertcer train at an intersection one-balf mile north ot here. Dead are Mr. William E. Skel ton. M, driver of the vehicle and Mrs. Fred Wied. 80. The address of both was JU. I, Jefferson. Mrs. Skelton was a prominent Jefferson civic leader and was a member of the Bebekah Lodge, Past Noble Grand Club. Threa Links Club and was com- a. Trmnlty health - chairman i for several years. w Mrs. Wied was also active, ia community affairs and she was a member of the Euclid Chapter of the (Mer of the Eastern Star and the Jefferson Women's Dub. This was the 15th and 16th fatal traffic accident in Marion County in 1ST and the 18th and 19th ia the Marlon-Polk County area. The accident occurred at S p.m. Wednesday when the train, travel ing at Si miles per hour, hit the Skelton car, traia engineer A. B. Clancy said. ' V lot eat Impact The train hit the car with such force that the body of the driver was thrown from the vehicle and rolled for 100 feet. Salem State Highway Trooper Charles Conawa said hsr clothes were partially torn from her body by the force of the wreck. According to engineer Clancy, who was at the controls of tho train at the time of the accident, the train had just left Jeffersoa Terminal and was proceeding north ta Salem. He said that al the train approached the intersec tion, known as Wied Crossing, he blew his whistle to warn any ap proaching vehicles. Travelling adjacent to the If car passenger train was the car driven by Mrs. Skelton on Marion Road. Whcji she reached Wied Crossing she made a right hand ' Kirn anH waa hit hv the annrnarh PENDLETON. Ore. - A jng train when she reached the complaint was-signed Wednesday ! tracks. ' Man Accused Of Kidnaping Oregon Trio mittee on the future of the Suez I disentangled themselves from the not immediately discovered. j dow and unlocking a door from Coroner L. L. Powers ordered thf in-,ioe' he aid an autopsy. It shrnved that a .22 1 Reported missing in the hreak in caliber bullet had pierred her WPr 1 ot nf Gpn nY'"'. heart and a lung. The bullet was!frt nf wenches, a csmeo worth sent to the State Crime Laboratory! nver m nn va,ud " famiy in Tortland for analysis. Police ! heirloom, an unmounted ruhy. a were questioning residents of the necklnce from the Holy Land and vaiuea ni .w ana a nun oi wni.v key. Johnson said eggs had been fried in the kitchen and s pot of coffee brewed. Some crackers were also eaten, he reported. Elephant Pair at Portland Soon To Have Sister PORTLAND Portland loo's J ii si a Lonely Dog? welfare fund in that office is under investigation by Look County and federal grand Juries, U.S., India Close Big Farm Deal NEW DELHI, India The United Stales Wednesday made the biggest deal in the history of its farm surplus disposal program. It signed an agreement with. In dia involving $.160,100,000 and mil He quit less than 10 weeks be fore the Nov. election. He had been under indirect pressure from some party leaders to get off the ticket. ' The Democratic State Central Committee will choose a new can didate to run against the Repuh- Canal. Longest Span In World to Open Today as Noah O. Hasty Jr.. in, serv- J Wednesday night ing one year for forging a nar- Dr. I. N. Kraushaar said Nixon cnlirs prescription in Jefferson could die at any moment of a half County (Birmingham) and James dozen causes resulting from ab Williams. 21. serving four years dominal ailments. Nixon has been for burglary and grand larceny suffering from bleeding of the NEW ORLEANS (v The world's ln 1 lk lmin,.v 'Troyi. main abdominal arterial artery, a .... ! hi....!.. V I. I - ' J I. 1 I! I i l ..1 I liran inmmhenl Gov. William fi. ' longest Dridge il takes nearly two I " " . 8 u . o'eeuing oi siomacn uicers ana stra(ton i gallons of gas to cross it-opens to '-"Rene Pruilt. 24. and an- kidney failure, and he could de- The committee will meet Tues-i lral,lc mursaay. . ' , " "" ,u,l, u lr way I vr"v nemui nir, wr uot twistec wreckage. All were promptly recaptured. Dead Convicts Named Prison Director J. M. MeCu! lough identified the dead convicts WHITTIER. Calif. iP Frank by Mrs. Eva Roberts of nearby Riclh charging that she, her daughter and a man were kid Struck ia Center v Train conductor Thomas Ward, said the train hit the car in the naped Sunday by her son-in-law renter and continued for about and two of them were later re- three tenths of a mile before be- leased on the desert near Winne- mucca, Nev. ing able to halt. Mrs. Wied's body was pinned in Dist. Ally. John Walker said under the left Iront door. The Mrs. Roberts, 42, and Joe Rj train had to be backed from the Thomas, 22, Pendlet i. told him! wreck and the roof-pried oft the A. Nixon. 77-ycar-old father of the l this is what happened: car before Marion County Deputy Vice President again is in "veryj An ,r)llimenl d.eopwl whlIe ' Coroner Charles Edward could day in Springfield. lions of tons of U.S. farm pro- Second Time ducts The agreement provides for the , tw It was the second time within 1 'rsIOJcar wni oeR.n roiling; .cross P nt v mnA R 1 1 H H v are cnon Ia h-,.' Two police cars were rushed to The agreement provides tor me, two monins mat a noie nas oee n - Rosy and Buddy are soon to have . , cr . . , ., , Vn..pA s,n. . ,ri India wheat. I winched n a ma or oartv t cket ca.srway... . v ft of the people "-"CZ cmn, rice, tobacco. and dairy! in ..liaoi. Orville E. Hodge. ReJ Jn ,TVocldTnv !n umr.iin. in i i iw.r H,r inroriiicts. take oavment in rupees! publican state auditor, stepped "... . , . - . no. "wl ro8a.y Rosy and Ruddy, you know, are, it,. car, returned a short lime! and then return the rupees to In-1 out of office and gave up his bid ,7.,.., A'7n Parlo. A Kiiin of a ceremonial ril.hnn into the cab of the truck carrying tor said lot of olficial celebrating and t'he'ne P''ison'" hack Irom lunch to I Vice President Nixon, eldest son first cars will begin rolling across! Ifavel pilot where they were of Frank, was advised at Manto- a sister, a Viet Nim. elephants and gifts from Siam The third elephant will arrive In Seattle hy ship about Sept. 14. Jack Marks. Portland coo keeper, who will be-attending a park conference there, will meet the baby elephant and bring it to Fortland in a trailer. MESSY CANTALOUPES OREGON CITY I - Some 300 cases of cantaloupes were des troyed Wednesday when the trailer of t truck fleYeloped faulty . rhechanism and overturned near 'here. , .. . . ' ,,'V later when they discovered theidia by grants, loans and spend- "prowler" was a dog. I in them inside India. Negro Students Taken From School as Mob Mills Oiilside for re-election July IS. just outside New Orleans to St. it u-- u- . il. immmiiiy iwrmn ner ftinnnrvine, Menard Prison to serve a 12 to ! Thr, ' ,T iL. "Pro;,m",rV 15 year sentence for embezzling four months ahead of schedule WILBERT ' CLINTON, Tenn. Sheriff I hanillul of .students and parent Joe Owen took 11 Negro students hau1 picketed the school but the out of nearly intenrated Clinton vast majority of the students ig- eone.,oay io pro-: ,Ui... , Pa5chrn has said tnere j, noln mnr- lh9n nn. mill, rfnll.r. in ""r 'rm state funds. 1 p -wn began May 2.1. County and federal grand Jur-j hrj(, of , .es are looking into an employes r(. hpM fppt h welfare fund in Paschen , coun- ae bv 415.000 feet of hollow rylin tv office. The fund, totaling dPr pjj,,. working. The driver, a trusty loking, N. J. named Klvin Bradley, was pinned betwen the two convicts on the wild ride, Lee said. McCullough said Julius Christian, 29, serving live years for burglary in Montgomery Coun ty, was hit in the leg hy a bullet aimed at Ihf truck's tires. Fair Shies Seen Today wn is made up of donations from banks which have county hioney on deposit. 'Nothing Illegal Night motorists will he guided liv reflectors. 21.000 of them. They will be able to see a hall-mile a-head. as a "mob." There was Sheriff Owen and his deputies! ing illegal about tlv fund, but such a milling i personally escorted the Negro stu- P ' -'e LUZ PLANT DEDICATED . j . , , ., . i, ' !,, i,r way no rerurn ine cimir oi I ons. nmii.n:nii vv i oe rvor nwes mob around the school I thouaht It dents home an hour before ;mis- . . . , , 1 r-,.Lm- jj!..,j . .,., , best to take them home," the's- Wednesday allernoon as , . , ' j T j ,l , 1 Cwih n iL u'.,j j ... i . , , , .. , ,., ',:. tir;.ii : of cer of Hie fi nd Tind that It was in .North Portland Wednesday. snenff declared. There were safety precaution. principal .h..l. son n.nto H.M. .nrt I ' n .1 nrillnin -lr said the sheriff I "Peraiofi oy in itepunncan pre- IhouRht somejiody might gft to'ld him he thought "the lives ofjd?"; hurt." i the Negroe; were in danger." .. . T,"'.''!. I j Owen said the Negroes are at Meanwhile, principal Britlain i ; liberty In return to school Thurs-f said he hatf rrjretcd -n "'11111. 1 n..''i 'll... i .!..." that kn nilct Ka K'nilritM .' int., il nu"J wind, i iiimiiiii uiai i". i"i.i"io i , i.j . . ! Artier ihr. h,K- .hr'nrvrim when he was elected . coun y trea.,NOWTI,wi:aT ,.,Af-rn hSiiai.." n k a .! tK.i.i.i. ,n;A .h ...iiim.t... u,.. "W m. 11.4. He said nothing; At Uwiatnn 4. slem S I ",l"l'" """'T'l vi ".. .'" ' " .i .lonnins aiiI nf Ik. Iroautr. and Negroes which police said issued to him by John hasper. ' " ,' ' stemmed from mixing of the rac-j Washington, DC, . segregation er all-white1 reader, , and his loliovcrs GROUND BROKEN KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Crews broke ground Wednesday Fair skies are scheduled for Sa- tion al McNary Field. Predicted high today is 7H, the Ihnv r. vi.ilinn Snnr!av (ha TCBCn ine DOay. home of Raymond Farni. 2 and Jefferson newspaper his wife. Rosie, 21. of Rieth. Farni ,"tor. id he understood the two became angrv. produced a guJ women had just left Jefferson a ter and forced Mrs. Roberts to tape to"" . "e "id "r"; Thomas' hand. toPelher. Skelton was driving Mrs. Wied Ordered lata Car home. (Add. details H Then he forced his wife to do ! the same thing to Mrs. Roberts, her mother. Ho ordered all three into his car and drove to below Winnemucca, where he turned -i . . IV'al Mrs. Roberts and Thomas loose. OIltaCl Willi waiKer aia not say wnai was the cause of the argume The sheriff's office report Wednesday that Farni had called from Portervillc, Calif., to his sister ,in Fruilland, Idaho, Bov Survives T;S!;ed .13.3,000 Volts : i i ' ZION NATIONAL PARK, Vlah A The n-yetf-nld son-of a ranger naturalist at Zinn Nation al Park grasped 33,000-volt wire Wednesday and is still for a planned 12-millinn-dnllar low lonicht 50. Johns-M.'inville insulnling board High -recorded at the weather plant near here.' ' bureau Wednesday was 77. OREGON MAN STILL LOST MrKINLEV PARK. Alaska -'alive. lem and vicinity today and Friday, ! There still was no trace Wednes- The boy is Del Ray Terry, son according to the U.S. weather sta- day of Wavne Rerry, 20, Towell of Hebcr Grant Terry, par Butte. Ore, who has been missing i "!" ,,' , ... ,, . . . j, . , ! Acll Jones, manager nf the 11 days after he started off alone Soulh(.rn L,lah rmver Co., .M it on a sheep hunt in this rugged unbelievable" that the boy ' ciiiiilt ry. AFL-GIO Ahns.lo CollecLBiggcst Labor Political Fund in History! 3 a Chicago lawyer. defeated when he ran for lieutenant governor in 1952. He drew more than one million votes in a the school HOLMES ADDS AIDE Al Trl-Otv .) Wemtlhre 9. At Spokane II, EusPn 3. es in the previously school. I brief conference Four persons, including one grounds. . , PORTLAND' State Sen Negro student, were placed in I Federal Judge Robert L. tay- Robert D.. Holmes, Democratic jail, but only three were charged, lor, at nearby Knoxville, ordered candidate for governor. Wednes- The fourth, a Negro, was held Kaspee, 2". and four others to ap- day announced appointment of for his own protection after being! pear in court Thursday to show Roy Kilpatrick, Canyon City attnr-; chased down a street hy a group! cause, "if any they have," why'ney and former member nf the. of white persons. I the court should not enjoin tnem i Kepimtiran Mate central ( mnmit-: national i.pai.i r Twelve Negroes were admitted from "hindering, obstructing and tee executive hoard, to head his, At cmrinnn 4. New Vnrk s to Clinton Hiah School alone! interfering with" integration of! campaign committee in Grant I ilS1 , PAririe coast i.eacii'K At Portland i. Lot Antrlra 4 At Hollywood 1. Sirramento .1 ' Al Ran Franciftro H, San DlPfn 4. At Seattle S, Vancouver 1 AMKRICAV I T.C. T. At WaithmaTInn 7. Chlraffn S. At Haltlmnr 1. ( 'leveland .V At Pnslnn 4. Drtrnil a. At New York 7, Kn Cttv 4. with nearly too white students. A the school. I County. At St. Lou n I, Philadelphia I. was still alive. A companion, playing with young Terry said the boy appar ently climbed atop i rock on a " hillside to touch the live wire. A six inch black spot marked here Terrv had stood Attendants at the Dixie Pin- Memorial Hospital said voting Tcrrv's condition could FOREST PARK, Pa AFL-1 "We wish we had that much bevi Din, a New V'fk rackets ciar. ' become critical. He has burns on CIO spokesmen said Wednesday cause we could use it. ' : was arrested Tuesday night by the ,th feet and the left hand. !,,,' ., i,..,., j ..,.j Other sources at the labor con- Fill In connection with the Mm. ; ; .. they expect t" collect and -spend hpr inr,ira(f.rl 4'I'K would ! ,K or V,et,r lliesel, crusading , , f. . Jhe bigg! labor, politiral. fund, in be nntr.rtVd if it raised one mil... nkw.pnper. .ciilUmnist. JWttSIIIOII ...... i kl. l... Im Ik. m j.ii - , , . ' .,,,,k-'. I. ... ' iiimiii.t in inr mining aui)'uiii. unn QOIIHrs. j n 1 1 pcikt iff . n c I in.iiii 1,11 wmh- James McDcvitt and Jack hroll, The AFL-CIO Executive Council, position reportedly showed collec- co dircctnrs tn( the AFL-CIO's meanwhile, struili a new blow at turns of about $r.V000 so far this Committee on Political Educa- racketeers in the labor move- year, vtith the bulk,, of the money tion 'COPE i, told a new.i con-1 ment. It ordered all affiliated un- still lo come in lerence they plan In spend the ions to slop issuing phony chart- Allocations alreadv made, in- ! money to help elect Adlai Steven- ers that "ran he used to shake , eluding more than- aSfl.ono in con- son, the Democratic presidential j down" employers and give' "a gressmnal campaign contributions, nominee, and labor-favored candi-1 black eve to the labor movement " has lelt a net balance of some- dates for other ofdees. George Meany. AFL-CIO presi-, thing over lloo.nno. I Their goal is three million do!- i dent, said the practice of racke- The . money already spent in-; Inri. ButKroll said he didn't think leers wrangling charters lor non-. eludes t.jfl.lMKi for printing the vol-i the f'ind would be built up In that existent "paper locals" sev- ing , records of all members of sikr ,"We won't ge that Jiind of eral years ago when John Congress on issues of interest tn dough in voluntary dollar eontri-1 Dinguardi 'alias Johnny Dim oh- labor. Copies of these voting rec-. hutions from Ihe AFL-CIO's 15 mil- i lained some from the former AFL "rds are being mailed to the on members or in allocations Aiilo Workers t:mnn. The AFL homes of all 15 million AFL-CIO, from union treasuries," he said. I stepped in then to cancel them. members. i Classified . Comio Crossword .. Editorials ... Farm Newt ,.ii-5. 16. 13 .. 4 . 12 . Home Panorama . 6 ifr : Markets 'Obituaries ... Radio-TV Sports Star Gaxer ... Valley News Wirtphora Pag .....13 13 . 1 ..10, Sec .11 II . . II .. I . II - I - n : ii . 3