SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS 8-Orr?ou 5latman, Salrm, Ore.. Sat. Ang. 25, 1956t-J f . - Pastor Given Reception A rapacity romerecation of the Calvary Baptist Churcli inet Wed nesday night ta recognise it new ptftor. the Rev. Dr. W. Berkeley Oravood. Members of the church hiimi mi Mta tk na aa aaorf e M nasi TV aawv aoi ihw th tfaaM ae mH MM lflali SM wmiH aw) SUNDAY'S TTLEV1SI0N HIGHLIGHTS KPTT t'NDATI aGHUCHTI (CHANNEL CTtt I:M jtv Goodyear Playheuae Jamea Gregory. Clay Hall and Malcalm Brodrick itar in "Grow Up." A own We that he ia growinc ua. aad auflm for JL l:M pja-4oreUa Yauaf Show Lord la Younf featured aa the deaf wife aad partner af an aUarner finda that her handicap ia advaa taieoaa ia aalvwf a murder mystery, ia "Datable Partner." !: .. Sunday Star Time "Command Performance." sUirinf Lili Palmer. Arthur Dracy aad Mark Daly. A theater idul aeeoanea ditfirured and ruai away to joia a band af gypsies. KOIM-TV CIKDAVS BIGmJGHTS (CHANNEL ): ' t:M pjB-Aranchair Theatre Ttendervoue with Annie." atarnntc aad friendi joined in the service Wfteir son. Dr. Carl Crow, who ia presided over by Mr. D. R. Peter- j, profMor ,t (he University of ml A receptioa) followed. 1 MirhiKaa. lira. Jame Fraaeis was at thei The ineintMT of St. Jonas 01 pa cooaoie. Lee Wieaa opened 'congregation will bid farewell to the hour with aa invocation. The Tustor and Mr. Grou at a sue- City Council waa represented by ul hour betUnnin( at 7:30 p at. Russell Boneiteele who welcomed i Sunday, Aug. 19. a Vesper ser- Dr. and Mrs. Ormtmi aa the be-, vice was conducted in honor of i aa- lilZTZ 'H ku ri p.lru, r inhr-v Smith A fit! half of the eity. Another nesuce i the Rev. Mr. Gross. Approxt-j .7 uulcTnigM w with rprisia resins. M ". wa. , eateoded by the mate 0 people ...ended 7:a ajau-E) Sullivan Shew present the top winnen from all Rv. T. M. Obhard who rcpre-; The Rev. Otto I. of around Uw werid in the V. S. NavtaHalent final. I tented the Salem Ministerial Aav forest Grove, a iloig t.W friend, ... . -. a ... t. . r i ,;n ; sonatina Th r. Clvde Woods, of Rev. Gros. delivered the er-i a:ao .. o t. israw-." " ' . "" .1. V.L.,; 1, .L ..a .... . o , .1 Rcy. H. W. Gross to Give Farewell Sermon Sunday , - 7 Sunday, at 10 JO am. the Rev. H. W. Greaa of St. John a Luth- ern Church will preach hia fare well aermoa to the eoagregatioa he has served for Dearly 40 yean. Ho ia retiring froia the ministry after M years as an ordained minister. He and Mrc. Gross are leaving next week for Lansing, Mich, to make their home near appear ia The Hone nan. A omorous otarnt inner btothi ao tangksd wttk a srvM umB. at:M .bv Fsral Run Theatre "The lecoad Pace," strrmc Ella Raines. Brora Bennett. A talented bat banteiy gui has difficulty (et t. ting a atari. KLOR-TV CCKDATI HICHIJCIITS (CMANKEL 111: tf:M a.L-r5ece Prena Canfereajee A panel of four eotkne students question AnvVaaaador Selim fiarper, t'kief Delegate from Turkey t tha Cniled Nationa. i-.m pjBlmperial Theatre ''Douhte Croa,t-starrui VHtoria Gasman and Aanedea Nazzarl with Gina Maria Canale. Aa em beuler (acceasully spins a aet af circumstaacei to frame bis part ner. ' '! ' 4:M IM-Fiaoeet PU1so(u-"Oklahoma Justice" atarrlag John ny Mart Brown. : a.m. Famous Film Festival "The Promoter," starring Alec Gumnea. A eamedy aet ia BriUia ssm 71 year ago about a schem er who work hia way ta tuccea. ' I :M pjaotwaet Theatra-"ModH. lac..- atarnag Mowara uuii and Coleen Gray. The story la set against the background of the mod eling .i - y Tomorrow's Sunday AsMca.o Speciml Church Aclititiet in Salem and the Valley Methodists to Hear Bruce At Silverton Salem First Christian Church Fills Assistant Pastor Position Dimald A. Ross, paslor of the First Christian Church. Hood Riv er, has just been called to become the associate minister of the First Christian Church of Salem. The Rev. Mr. Ross will assume his new duties with the Salem church oo Sept. 1. , He was born at Spokane. He at SUNDAY'S TELEVISION SPTT. COT 17; EOlN-rV. XWT I: KU. VW U HOC M:N MM I r PtraaaCaO lYawrTrMMa t IIKPTTI JIkoi.ii naVI-IV'trana Today Fait Taaajty tOIN raw. Taaay irtia To4ry .HIPTVIcttholle Hour tcrtwa Mmir IA-r. Wnmmf.Wmm rrhii la Life IMD Hlrkafe rntHbUf PIU Mlekok KPTV Zoo Parads Zoo PsraOa (Outta tOwttoafc KOIN'raa HatMO iraaa Msasa ISunday Dm ISunday Maw KLOWUfMM) WIH. UaWea Ww4. Bklg. Amarle IBIo. America istPTV'aidf. SimM B1dc Awertea (Caitrca ia Hojs-ChufTh hi Bom KOTNtUae Kafuer a a. are rrh Way fTha Wsy slLORlCTiHaiT lTrnmi OirW 8rtene Optra 4 ErrVMana Oara MnwOHit OUrM Opar. H KOI( Una ta tUana, to Tt iAimekMtr TW. (Armehalr Tha. KLOKt.aa.T4al TM. tmwrlal THr. tmarrul Tlwa. flmperul Thea. rKPTV Roy Koawrs Utoy Rosrrs BUIs hi IHata la Bins KOfWArmrOMr Ta .Armrtirtr Th. TelepH neTlaia tTekrph'at TIM KLOK Imaerial The tUtrprrtal Th- lor Plyhw Ptanaer Plyiw. KPTT1 Mart tk Pr atwtwPTa KOINIym Ara Trnwa (Ya AraTHara laaHa KLORInonw Plyliaj. P1fmr nyt Krral KMTIt. rraapw irronti.r aatMTts tOrsI Robrri irranller i rental's My Uaa KLORlU AilceO for It 10 Aakei far H ifmu firms ir.maua rilw Willamette Assnrialion, greeted nephew, was the liturgiat. The the aew pastor and bis family, choir, under the direction of Mrs. Mr. William Watson, moderator Wm. H Fischer, san. the selec of the Calvary Baptist Church, tioa "Lord, tad Vt Still." Mr. welcomed both the new pastor i Wm. H. Fischer was the organist, aid visitors to the service; Also I Congratulatory message were assisting at this time was Mr.! read from the Rev. Alfred Dorrf William Reaian. . . Her of St. Louis, Missouri who The president of the American " ''"'": h " Carl H. Baptist Convention, Dr Harry L'l Slr,- W.shiogtorr, Dillin, gave the charge , to the ! wn0 if he Wto ot n ( church. In hi measage he fhaVg-l" J1 ,.ov".no' tE!m0 ed the chunh to accept lU re- l" " "nnsen spoasibility ia lU relationship ' 1 jle1 '? cbssmate and with the aew pastor, and urged i,b president of the Lutheran them to go forward with Chmu:th",Th: M'ss"u" Sod: Mayor centered program here in thi, wprearniative.-.. isor eommuaity. At the completion of !b'd nhd ,r?mTy T'8!." hi charge to the church. Dr.! Elmer Adam, who aerves Oregon 2',,c, J ,??s,n Baptiats as Executive Secretary. I M'aB Murray. Uk. charged the pastor and mention-1 '" ' vesper aeo-ice. a ed the uniqueness af hi relation- i 'T,'0" w" hold m ,he 1 ei0"; ship to a great group of people. 'h,J ,U" a v'r oni greeted The response to these two."" cunsraiuiaicu nev, ana .Mrs. charges was made by Dr. Or-jCross- aiond. The Rev. T. C. Stannard ' i closed the service with a prayer aTr . of deiliratioa. W Odif ltl 1 llWtfl ognition, members and friends of the Calvary Church gathered in a reception was held in honor ofrA I IS f ITK vi. aiiu mil. i imiin . jiiia, u. n. Emerson was in charge of serv-i. SMnau Maws Srvlr SILVERTON Dr. George Bruce, guest pastor frora Salem will be the speaker at the Silver ton Uetho st Church Sunday at 11 m TV. Rw Paul HenrV. pastor, 'will be preaching in the . the p ublic schooU there First Methodist Church in Ash-1 od later graduated from Spokane land. Mrs. John E. Bronson will j ajversity in June 1931 with an olav -TriumDhal March" by Grieg in .thrifiian Lduca- I as the morning prelude. Gerald ' . oraaineti to tne Lnris- The Re. II. W. Craw af St Darby will be soloist. In , prep.ra- " ministry in imhim year i.L.-. t k... n v - i. - k ' lion Inr I he Lemenniai UDservancr i nc i numm inurinn will give hit farewell aer moa Sunday after SO years a aa erdained ministrr. in mid-September the choir has in Washington and Idaho until the Mcjlvcniia to Start Studv For-Ministrv Robert Theodore Mclhenna of MS E. Myers St., Salem, Ore. has been notified that be has been ac cepted as a student for the minis try at the Pacific School of Relig ion in Berkeley. Calif. He will be- been asked for a special rehear sal a Sunday night at 7 o'clock. The final early morning service l'. Trinity church will be Sunday. During August there has been no iiunday - Sehoal -elasaea-aad- tha church hour has begun at 10 in stead of the regular 1 1 o'clock church hour. Services will be back at 11 o'clock with Sunday School s: 10 a.m. on Sept. 2. Trinity Lu ther League meets Sunday night days of the second World War at which time he enlisted a a chap lain. He served on active duty with the U.A. Army for four years and spent some time in Italy and GcrmanxJie jshow .iii his Jnth year of commissioned service with the U.S. Army Reserves, serving at present as regimental chaplain with the rank of major. At Hood River Following his army service, he lunch Farewell Address Rev. A. W. Nelson will speak at the U o'clock, service at lmman uel Lutheran Church Sunday, and gin hi graduate studies on Sept. will deliver his farewell adress on i. I the following Sunday. The congre- The Pacific School of Religion islgalion has arranged a farewell cot at T SO with the Bib study tobej ,h luiiuwru UJ iirvitaiivu a Chi Rho camps. For the past ten years he has been the director of Chi Rho camps. College Graduate Mrs. Ross is a graduate of Northwest Christian College of Eu gene, Ore., and of the University of Oregon. She also has been ac tive ia youth work having attended three sessions of the National Training School for leader of Youth, and has served as a mem ber of the State Chi Rho Com mittee. . A daughter. Mrs. James M. Smith, is also a graduate of North west Christian College, and is now with her husband at Parks Air Force Base. An adopted daughter. Myrna Jo (eight months old) is at home. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED v Job Late to Classify GRAVENSTEIN APPLES PEARS ph. i sm Pick up, $3110, IKE'S AIDE IN MONTANA -r MISSOULA, Mont. 11 Sherm an Adams, presidential adviser, arrived in Missoula Friday for a three-da; visit with his son, Sam uel, a summer Forest Service employe. Men to Meet inc oldest meoiugiral seminary and the only interdenominational one west of the Mississippi. It is considered to be one of the out stnnriina seminaries in IK emtn. ' t ff h i m tnn I ... f ica .... . i, un. m J"m ll .fh.iv VI IW students representing nearly twen ty different denominations. It pre- KPTVIatova Ailaa -KOINIld Salllvaa U4)K!ramMtruiM ISleva Ana lEaaulllvaa Tuamm film iSleva Alln 074 Bulltvaa rilmt tSUira Allra E4 avluvaa iramaas Films Plyhi C KPTT Qaadvr. Vlvhal ICooTr. phttM IC4rr. Plyha. ICMdyr. 0 KOINta a Thaator O B TWaWr lAlf. HIK-neatS u.U Kltrhreckl KLOKTrd Mack Txl MSfll ITed Mrk rred Mark rKPTVIirrta Taung tlrtta Young IMaaU Crtato lMoet.Crl.ta KOIN I M4.SS Oilfmst m m CTl'n. iCItj DtrU-l ICIly Dtocllr. UOWOMmtThMt fwnrlTwit Coronet Thesl Coronet Thwt. 10 II 'KPTVlaawUm IBowUn Ifjuaday atar tSundsy Btar Knii!v.. Hiuiani ira. Ku.Baa)4 111 Baa Thtatltat Bua Tboat. KLORt Coronet Ttrnt Coronet Theot Wet Town Hi It Wet Tow Hall KPTVJauaaay guv ISuadiy ftar Sunday Sur tBuntfsy Star KLOR VI Town HaH Wei. Tow Hall Wei. Town Hill tel. Town H" SUNDAY'S RADIO BSLM im BOC0) KM KAT MS BOW ! BOW It lit 11 aon 11 1: ass im: acw ta i HOCK S:J M:4S al-4J Chnrck Iran ,aat m tatuay i aolN Inv fa cm aia riat SEX Co to Chureh ESLM Com1 BaaUnt galeni Aaa. fsucO Mvrr Knaw -H Club tir.T WlIHa Clu IWaflto Ch flKOIN News-Music lExplnnr WlG Praadnro Wlat ar.x ami stuay ESI.sI Blbta Clam BOW :) CSatcS W u til caurcn hw (Salt Uk Tab. Baaho PumaS Biblo Btiadr Bibl ktudr Join Bavy Your Buaineas I Boa -wttuwlAaa lAiirn'vlaliMla Ua to Ltarn aUlt Lak Tan. Back ta Co Back to Coat Nararono Bat. Mut. tor Sun. IWalUt) CKlb KUAV Nm iTor. Af Kent St Francta Froadom WtT IVoIca Proph cy Voi Propti'cy Bibl Study Uihl at Llta iUht U(t BlbloClaaa VolcnVl PropbiVoIco of Propk- 9KOCO Mua tor Sun. Mut lor Sun. Mum. tor Sun. SCAT BobarU Oraaa BoborU Ora !MII Pavlaw KA . MlIN Jrwlah rlUt WaathM IAd In Bclcne. ISunday N.wl SW Scandlruiv Hr Sramltna Kr. Srandlnav Hr. Srandinav Hr BF.X it Hour Wuaku Ho.n Chon People Hint. Dem. Ast. VTsOTNaws Chrlitian Bet. Frank A Ern'ttljiiinlc 1 HMO "iwiivionan fribvterin Manh Mel Jf"' 1 BOAf Hit Rvlw "III Brlew llllt Hevlrw IKGAY Nel i. ,ii m u.i. rmmt iUiiii. rait ISfiiiw Feat iMulla Felt M n.n Uuu. In, Sua Muir lor Bua Muiir for Sun. Muair for Sun. Braneti Branch Branrk Cimcart Mln'tr Flral ilothodiitiFlril Melhodlat . IIIH Jaim k.' v 1 nr a,Ht n.-..lac rir-a .Hlt Flrrt daottrt F'nt Baptlal SCAT Lavman'a Hour t.avman i Hour t.aymin-i Hour tjivman i Hour 1BMIN Muil Fst Muile Feat Sun. Arlern'a Sun. Aftern n BOW Eurnal Uht F.trrnal Uht ICithohe Hr. Catholic Hr. US rw-Braifh Bra neb Branck Branck "nTkil-M News Mulr IMenoonltea Mennonilei 1 (IX O World Raws Sun Matin Sun M.Unee Sun Matine BOAT BOAT Nowa IVronad SVrenad KUAV Ni 2SOIN PrcT Fatoi Hr. farcy FalUt Itr. Perry Faith Hr. (Perry Filth Hr. SOW Nawa-Moaltar Monitor Monitor Monitor a til Branch (Branch Branch (Branch BSLM Medlcln Bun. Malta Bun Srnd IBun. Berenad BOCO Sun. Mottn Bun. Serenade Bun. Matin. Sun. Mjtlne BOAT Bun. Brnda Bun. Serenade 'Sun. Brenad KG AY New BOIn) Waahlngton IWaahlnilon IBrdwy. Parad Brdwv. Parade KCSF Monitor Monitor Monitor "onllor BIB Baelval Hour ISertvat Hour Kevtval Hour iBevtval Hour SSI.M" u7 Serenade ISun. Bertnad IBaneball IBaaeball OCO Sua Mallne Sun MaUne Hun Marine inn. Mniwi SCAT Sun. gun. Serened Sun Serenid iKGAY Nfwt oli Lutentng Ear tlatcnln) Ear tt.lit.nln Eir l.lilenln Far SOW Monitor Bob Conildln Converaatlon 1Converiatlnn - BSB Hr ofDocirlon IHr ofDeclilon Herald on ruin sieraia ot irmn Qiurch Youth Due at Rail v In Portland Twenty young people from the Court Street Christian Church are planum to attend the annual Northwest Youth Rally ia Port land. Aug.. T7-a at the Central Christian church. Key Neufeld will be In charge of the devotional period of the program at Use opening session Monday evening. The group will travel by private cars. Tbone who wish to stay overnight will be guests ia the homes provided by said "Nathaniel Pious But Prej udiced" is the meditation theme for the Westminster men's break fast Tuesday morning in the Coral room of the Marion Hotel, is was announced Saturday by the Rev J. Dwight Russell, minister of the new I'nited Presbyterian church now under construction on Liberty float' near Kwald Street in Salem Heights. The breakfast is held on the sec- fee hour in honor of the Rev. and Mrs. Nelson for Sunday. Aug. 2fi from 3 to S p m. Rev. Mr. Nelson will serve as senior pastor to Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Mil waukee. Wis. . "Misplaced Affections" is the theme of the Sunday night 7 3tt pares carefully selected young ' o'clock inspirational services at mi;n ami wnmrn fnr th pinr si. f lrnP-'jP!!" im""""' A miawecr, ministry, religious ednration. the . Bible study liour Tus " been ar- mision field, and other full time Christian service positions. Dr. Stuart LeRoy Anderson is its prcs- Mrs. Long of Salem Dies ranged for Wednesday at 7 45 p.m. at the Robert Barnes home on Stavton Road. Both Yaag. Old Calvary Luther League will give a program at 7:30 Sunday night instead of regular church services Th program is for both young and older members. The Calvary Bible Study group goes to the home of Magnus Chris tenon Wednesday night. - s LldT Kenneth McVay will con- of each month from 7 to 7 t5 a m A brief devotional meditatioa u given by the minister. bemorhage at a Saiern hos pital. She was bora at Traerr lows. Mrs. Florence M. Ion;. Ji lts ond and fourth Tuesday mornings Center St.. d'ed Friday A a cere- lnf, morning norship at Sev enth-day Advent :t Church Satur iay. Sn".ces wil! begm at 9 31) m lir iwmi K'Ue. Vfl-V.. In au men interestea is westmin- ami tcnea to ureguo f,;i tmufleT appotntnurnt later ster Church are invited to attend m 117. where sne settled ia Kat jjTba'S-icfiom wJl 'otlow the the breakfast. bard She and her huseaad. t.i , lmA .'. r-. . ,L - , , . 1. c . I L" T - .- . . - iaic iu nHNiui l gruy si or jduiuri L.uu 4. a vuarrxj- delivery of the laminated beams trooal minister, moved to Saiern ia for the chapel, completion dale fur l37- the building has bees delaved un- la Saiem. Mrs. Long was a mem- til late September, Mr. Russefl bef ot First Congr"auonai,aiurr:n 4: w'J prceile tae servtee The sotig serMce Has bees st f' U the Portland host church. The rally. started five years ago Si a Life Work Recruit pro gram. This year there will be in cluded oa the program, two panels which will discuss the subject of Christian service through the busi ness and professional world. "Service With God's Approval. based 00 the Bible text II Timo thy 2:15 will be the rally theme. This key-note will be carried out ia three messages, the two discus sloe, p a a e 1 s, singspiralions, de votional and the concluding ban quet oa Tuesday night. KVAL TV, VIIF 13 EltiENB: KVAL-TV (Ctuanrl IJ) t : The Piitor, "Prion Call from Johnny"; I -Oral Rnbviiff; l:J Lighted Window: rhampittn hip Bowling; II Catholic Hour prt tenia Paul Horgan, dutaafr and novrliat; U:3t American Forum; I :t Outlook; I 3 Zoo Parade; 2 M Sunday Matinee Theater present! ohn Howard and Heather Angt-I in Hulldug Urumnuinft Hrtdr ; l:3t Thti la The Ufr; The Chriato phen; 4:3i-Jayree Spotlight; 5:M Meet the Prrn; I Rny Rngrra; Topper; -THA: ..Of Steve Allen Show; : TBA; l:3-Water-front; Tht lnretta Young Show atari Loretta Young tn 'Double Partneri"; :3t Wyatt Earp; Trlephone Time with John Nenhitt narrating the true atory of "Smith of i friiador" a itory of IfM earthquake; I l ja Sunday Showtime ilh (.eral- dlne Fltrgerald In "Obneaiied" a murder myitrry. I 1 2 3 SLhf Baa.b.11 Raabll IBiitbalt IBaaeball ore Teenag Time Teenaae Tuna. I limn ""' ia KO AT Sun S.renad ISun. Serened Sun Serenade K(AY N.wa OIN Mlteli Miller IMItrh Miller IM ten Miller in urn miner 4 IMItrh Miller nW Mnnltne - IMnnltnT 'Mnnllor- IMonltnr a tX Bon Brott fhw IBob Seotl Shw IBob Sent Bh I Boh Seott Shw KSI.M P.wball IBaMhall .mdiv Cnn. Siinrlar Con. lorn r.ena Ttinei Turn Teenaea Tun Teem Tune KOAT Ofwn Porun) O'fwn rnrum lAirtinte Alr Tim KOIN DJ-UBA. ID J-It. A. K'M Nrwl ITBS Newt aW Mnnirot -- Mnnilnt - Mnnltur IMonllnr KKX Bob Brott Show IBob Smtt Show Hnh Scott Show Htnh Scott Show SALEM TRUTH CENTER 1 MS COURT Metiahyiicel lactaeat . . YatttS learfiy Srkael -ttiesy PiKwiiian CImm Prey. Hlinf CUalct MeeKymil library PImm 1-MIS She was a member of the Hi-aoard Church membership classes will Reoecca Lodge. !be conducted dunnf, September Survivors uxlude a daughter; for thoae interested in the new "iss Ester jc. Salem, and to. consrrgatioa which formal- brothers. Edwin C, YTHnLr. D-s ly organiied sometime during Oc- ' Moines. Iowa, ard W.U Mclntire. tober. The classes will be held at P'"- Iowa, the manse, located on the church's 1 F une' services will be at 1 property atop Boulder Knoll. P " -Monday in the Vir?il T. Sunday School registration will Golden Funeral Home, with Dr be held during September in prep-1 Robrrt A. Hutchinson of Hood aration tor the start of the church Riv'r officiating. Burial will follow school classes simultaneously with at B('11 Cemetery, Wood- the first worship services after the "urn. building is completed. Ben ( ave is the architect for the n .1 1 i" church building and E. K. Batter-; "riiantl rirm iAtne man is the general contractor B,,I,J, r on R'ner Job vrivriiii, tiisj .sts.usrv l ll-Ullll Vliup- el and Christian education unit. Death Claims Mrs. Budier Mrs. Laura B. Bugher, 825 llill op Dr., died Friday at her home. She was 76. Born Sept. 9. 1879, In Shel- btirn, Ind , Mrs. Bugher had lived n Salon, for the past 47 vears. She was a member of the Veter- ns of the Spanish-American War Luxiliary. Her husband, Preston Bugher, died in 1911. Survivors include 1 daughter, rs. Hazel Andresen, Salem; a son, Walter C. Bugher, Portland; two granddaughters, Mrs. Mary Alice Andresen Janice, Tampa,. Kla , and Miss Audrey Phyllis Bugher, Portland. Announcement of seryicps will be made later by the C'luugh Bar rick funeral home. PORTLAND - C. D. Dennis & Sons- Portland, with a bid of $17.1)46, .was the only bidder for repair of bank protection works along the right bank of the South Santiam River at the Cox location eight miles east of Albany. Gov ernment estimate for the work was 117.653. Salem People to Attend Luther League Meetin" -Wheel Ywr Wjgoa West has been the rally slojan of the 423 Lutber Leajuers who arriv ed in T.corra Aug 21 by special Great Northern train from the Midwest. They will be attending the 34th National Luther League federation Convention ( Luther an r'ree Church) Aug 21-22 at Pacific Lutheran College at Park land. Wash. Attending the convention from the Salem area are: Gerald Get tis, Curtis Gettis, the Rev. Har old Grindal. Hard Wheat Developed for Northwest Foursquare Church 4f)0 N Jth St QS 45 1 1. -landay Sl 11.00 "Oa, .ura...' fart 7.30 p.m. "Our Vian Rev Roy E. Wurthington A KRIr.NDLY WELCOME AWAITS VOU 5 6 KSI.M New IMmle ll ulheran Hour e"n Hour aoco Teener Tune Teenafe Tun Teenave Tune Teem re Tunei KOAT KOAV Nwl lOn In Town Bun Serened Sign Off KOIN Corllaa Arehr ILIilmln Pnal Two for Money Twe for Man KC.W Newi-Mnnltnf Monitor Monitor IMnnltof BRX Bob Scott ShowiRnb Smtt SfinwILIntenlnf Pml tLislenlnf Pnat RiMhell IRaeebill SI M Will. Pa(e Kliro Teenaaw Tunes Teenare tun Teemee Tune iTeeneae Tun oin rm KOSI Monitor KSX Drew Piimtl Bats ball irni Monitor J I mm v flaler Klummolt lAmer rorum Gueit Star Runtnnke Amr. fonim (Here s to Vta 0 ll.M Baeabatl IRaeehin IflaiehaU maeehall nro Tenee Ttine Teenier Tune Teemee Tune iTeenaee Tune KOIN Muter a Ml or iMeater i Mel a Juk nnw Jurvuul box Jurv r,a Serenade Sernad reetlval Mm Feellvii KS rut Our Ttm imth Our Time Growing PtniQrowln Pilns KSI SI Biieball - iSiaebin iRiMbin IBinhill 111N Juk Bow Ju171V1111.ll K'ol reitur ICol. Feilurs ns Muete Pt Muilr rrt "ui feel St Louie SX Arfmnt la Ora lAramnl In Or IHI-rt Tint - MI-PI Tim NerlK Ilk and 0akit Rev. R. K fttrhtor, Peirof TWO GREAT KSVICIt 11:00 A M "What li Sin?" M0 P.M. "How Soon the Second Coming ofChriit?" Com Meet e Friend it "THI IRIINDtr CHURCH" PULLMAN, Wash. - A new bread-type hard white winter wheat was released Friday for growers in the intermediate rain fall areas of Washington and Ore gon The Washington State Collrge. extension service said the new whrnt is expected to put more Pacific Northwest flour 'in bread and provide a better market (or Washington and Oregon crops. Release of the n.w smut-resistance wheat was announced -jointly by John S. Carver o( Pullman and K. K. Price o( t'orvallis, Ore . research directors for WSC and Oregon State College. Some lO.OUO bushels of seed for certified seed increase In the two states will be distributed to inter ested growers through county Crop Improvement associations, they said, t , At an awniKr recoitinientli'd heeding rate of .TO pounds per acre, the supply should seed some 20.000 -res ' of the hslf million acres in Washington nnd O Tffnn artnm u.hir-h ant luitufi agency say there is widespread ! m ,nd , inrhrn, r,jn(a, vcnr (ommunist political Infiltration of j The wheat is 'mn.n as Selection West Borneo, formerly I)utch4 of 27-ir, x TioRex hut doesn't ruled and now part of the repuh-;have an olficinl name as yet. lie ui inunnesin. Oiurt'li to Sep Films Oil IVni MiHwion Wtirk Stateiman Newt lervlr rot'R X'OKNKDS-Speclal serv ices at the Pour Corner Raplist church on Sundny, September 2fi. at 7:30 p m. will be in rhnrge ot Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morthwiik who Uill show a sound color film on Mission work In Peru. RED ACTIVITY TOLD VATICAN CITY - The Vati can's International Fides news WELCOME . . To all who mourn and need comfort ... to ell who ar frind leu and need fnendthip ... to ill who pny ind to ill who do not . , . to all who have imned and need a Savour . This church lays "WUCOAAf." 4J a m. Church lchJ 1010 a n. Mrnin Warthia Ouett tpeekert " " v. Harmea I. O. Imith, C.lf.ry Albert., Canada - Vyi 10 a m. Youth I J 7:30 a.m. Ivenina N 1 Service SERMON: - "Hope for Your Troubled Heart" Duant E. Muth, Pastor WosUy Rogars, Minister of Music Church of tht Noiorent "SeUm't Stngipg Church" 1 (SlM Vtull IMualc sots Freddy Marlls iTradrty Martin Mum FeeV Muelo Peel f SCX Kath Kuhlman Kith Kuhlmm 1KSI M MuilC ... L'ju,le OIN Sun Wtt fts Mut. Mom OW Sleh, Bennrtar Veta Newi A S riniii tdlUa Nnwl Mui IPeac tn ValleylPeee In Valler Irar Nation If lr Nltlon Meet Pre Meet Preil Isnel Mem Iireel Meeaar IMuilr ' IMuelr Church of Air ChurrhnfAIr Mr of DerKlon Hr of Dermon Stvlval Tim Sevlvil Tim . ....... IMueta Iinii aiuai e";- - ar.wr Mewarrivhimp C Cunrrl S.SX IU Cfaataai Orahaaa eMtlllt ' Mtlle Cily Counefl Citr CounrO Paul Can Paul Careen First Christian Church Marion end Cortaga Streets ( Waynt Greono, Minister WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:45 Topic, "Tht Alpha and tho Onstgo" CHURCH SCHOOL 9:45 A Class for Everyone Youth Hour 5:00 EVENING WORSHIP 7:30 Topic, "Slav. Marks' Miracle Night SaL 8 p.m. Rtv. M.lvin Wayman "Job's God" We Will Hear Directly From Heaven Tonight Sunday A.M. 9:45 Sunday School Sunday A.M. 1 1 :00 Rev. Mas Wyatt Sunday Evangelistic Rev. Wayman "He Healed Them All" YOU WIU. BE 1IF.AI.KI1 IN THIS SF.HVICK FAITH TABERNACLE N. 5th and Gaines I Dayton, Wash., for five years and has been with the church at Hood River for the past four years. lie has been active In the lead ership of CYF conferences and i - FIRSTS METHODIST CHURCH Down Tw the Tall White Spire 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. v "RELIGIOUS ENTHUSIASM" Soloist; FWirwrTnttef Broadcast KSI.M 11:30 12:00 Brooks H. Moore Minister SAINT PAUL'S v EPISCOPAL S. Liberty st Myers One Block Kast af Commercial Sunday Services 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Mission Ut Hod St Service t.m. Rev. Geo. H. Swift, Rector First Presbyterian Church CHFMf KETA and WINTER "THE SECRET OF THE AGES" By Dr. Polinf Tw Services: 45 and 11 a.m. KOCO 10:00 s.n. The Lutheran Churches of Salem WELCOME YOU ST. MARK'S tl). L. C.) 343 North Charch " Service ll:M . tn. Sunday School :30 a. n John L. Caoble, Pastor ST. JOHN'S (UC.-Mo. Svs.) 14th and Court Sis. -'- Service 10:3 a. m-' Sunday School 915 a. m. H. W. Gross, Pastor GRACE (E. I C.) 3300 Sunny-view Avenu Service 9:00 a. m. i Lowell Holte, Pastor GOOD SHEPHERD U. t. C.) 3720 South Commerrisl Service 1:30 and 11 a. si. Sunday .Vbosil 9:45 a. ta. O. W. Ebrieht, D. Pastor FAITH (It. L. C.) 4S05 North River Real Services S:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday School 1:45 a. m. . Warrea W. Pechmau, Pastor CHRIST (A. L. C.) State at Utta Street Service 1:30 and 11 a. m. nunday School. :45 a. m. T. M. Cebhard. Pastor CENTRAL (L. f. C.) North Capitol at Gainei Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. is. Harald Grindal, Pastor K. B. 7 International Duma Truck, periecl running ahap. First 1. UU0 00 tako. Pn. Saiern J-t;a venlna alter . 4 CHEV. 2169 Hazel. M FORD la f. pirkup. ko new I1.W, M. W. Uraillev in AutniiVllle. Ph ITU n. I'l-I 17 DODGE pirk up 7i Keliei Dm. assieaianl View Dr. iliSO BUICK 4 dr. aeoan.r; cvllent cunditinn lnme a nut, ikkI tirea. Call or are alter i, 110 Hanaen Av. or I'll. i mi, IWW CMKV. 210: 4 dr. SM mZ rn"A ' 'ht tlrl W5 IJftS Chemeketa. Ph aosn. $i PONT, deluxe. t'llDJ. U4 Mill. Ph. J.J7SS. 1400 BtjysequUy InTmoderq l norm., now d. lira , altai h. farane. Jlti Corai I'd. 4-AMia. 1 WITH daylifM haiwmenia-;i k U4I Caacauc Pn. i ttH) J-lt,i S-IJia tor pnrei 4 lerma. NEW ' J bdrmf llv.l,dinrrma" Irpl.. birch kltch. t. nonk, 1 bath, hdw. ilia., paved at. a rurba. F. A. Heat. Double far. IIUKio. Ph.,J-7SI. BY owner 3 Mifin".7frbC recreatiua rm., autn heal. . ' MnrtunasldaDlal. 4-(U7t. WANTED to rnt.mairnHia,' ' or lurn. apt. In W. Salem. Ph. . .4tH3, ,. . ' I BDKM , houa neafTiorsaleni High, washer c dryer. J-SHiO. PARTLY turn." I bdrm". near 1 BDRM home ttacheiTaraa; oil heat, partly urn. larden PI. Ph. 1-0219. FURN. apt. Lipmans, Divlaion. 4 Morki North of Ph. i-SHM. J40 CLEAN conifortabl ba'aemant apt. lor rent. Ph. J-47u. QUALITY HoueePalnuni p"T'' c E- Gre"- ixPERIENCFt)-' randyaaleo woman, aalary plui bnnua. Apply Llpman Wolfe per sonnel olhce.. BEAN pickers "wanted ""Sal h Sun. i, mi E. ol Keirer Srei. Jnwph Herber. Ph. 4-40S7. OREGON Director of Natinnel fareni r.nuratlnn pmernrn apnnanred by a Marihall FieleJ owned enterprise, will inter, view women 25-SS lor unrkina aitanre. The women aelect. ed must be well educeted. refined, like people, be inter. etco,in the welfare of rhiklrea) have a car, be available im. mediately a willing tn w lor promotion. The pnmtMio. tails lor contact with parenta, "" therefore experience In learh lng. church work, or orgama. Ing adult groups or umllar experience la deairable. Guar anteed aalary with abov average earning potential for Burces&ful asalatanre. Mra. Anhoury Willi conduct inter viewa at the Oregon State Em ployment Service 710 Ferry SL Mondayat 2 PM. TUXEDO suit" whltedlnnr Jacket, alze 40. rcaa. 1 DM0 AMERICANeinlejEncyt lC pedia Ph. before pm. J St.iM. USED MAnlev electric- pip cnrn aland. 110 volts, lunl the thing for fair lime. SI 111 Ph. 4 ill I. HAMMOND" Cordoran.trad for car. Ph. 3 -97H0. CLEAN atandard C. E Rang w- dccwell. Ph. 4-71S4. 122 RE-DECORATINOM Snm,"o my beat furniture doein't fit the new achem. ao here' your chance to get a bargain. , For Instance, a birch Havwood fcVakefield dining rm. aet. con anting of table 4 buffet. 4 straight chairs J arm rhaira. Alan a t piece aectlnnal daven port, done in " amart corded " grey fabric. All In excellent condition and offered at n fraction of coat. Ph. 3-H92J. ANTIQUE organfnoddaveno! singer treddle. desk. reai. Best offer takea.110 W. Lincoln. Ct "CUMBERS medium h-g! II IS bu Bartlett pears 11 SO. M'O Capllngrr Rd. out Macleev Rd , 1st gravel rd. to lert past Rickey school. Brine containers. sw Welcome 3tDaits gon Ar First Baptist Church Marion and Liberty Stt. Salem, Oregon FORGOTTEN Vu may k oed ky the ln ta torget tn recard of Chrial. I vill 'orgive tha" IniQuity and t Witt remmtto their tin so mr. Jrmian 91-34 Dr. Anderson Preaches en Sunday 1 1 :00-"Walking or Running Which?" . The Sunday night service will feature unusual and -ojUlanding music Dr,--Anderson, wearing a costume from the Near East, will preach. Be sure to bring yrAir friends! . You are invited to attend a progressive, bible centered Sunday School at 9:45 A.M. every Sunday. Here are facilities for you and your children! Why not start next Sun- aMeeurt, aminf fa ene1 kaaplstii aj jift fttBI rW i$ CWttofrf tkfMSfk I ttmMf wkk 3mm Carat Dteeeer I alum mm ye thai yeur mleht k hill Ma H. A Church large Inough To Strvt You Vttlf A Church Small Inough To Strvt You ftnonall CRAVENSTEIN applet a conC L. H. Zielke. Ph. 4-40M. S l House-broken ) KITTENS'fra to good home. Ph. 2-4A2I. DACHSHt'ND miniature "mal7. Ph. 4-7304. .300 Personal 310 Mtino, Nohco BAHA'l world faith Information, write Stateim'n-i'rn'l, Bos i il2 Loit and Found LOST-Fawn male ,i-4im Boer. Ph. LOST Blue parakeet, child's pet. Ph. 4-02i5 FOUND woman's wedding band in Ed's Market parking lot. Owner pay for ad. Ph. 13722. LOST Schwtnn middle weight bicycle stain less ateel fendera. Red body I-SSM. LOST: Brown leatherblllfoid at Stale and Church. Reward. Phone l-nsnt. LOST: Ladies whit-ptirseMIN fold and Identification!, Wed. eve. Ph. 3-457. ; FOUND: Guernsey Heifer. Ph. 2-1307 Ev. LOST: Blue" Par.ikieet whleri marklnga. "Doc ". vie ol KM N. lthPh. J-0934 LOST Parakeet, pale green. Phone 4-3IM7. LOST On Cerrh Av. between Franklin and 2nd. a '" eler. trie drill. Reward. Ph.. I-l.txt. LOST Boy'l orangrcnlnre3 Colson bike. Ph. 1-M. North Salem Motel. Reward. LORT:YrTnldTlck"Pekingea Cocker wwhlte spot on cheit, short eara. 3-729S. - 314 Trwatportotion WANT rider to Anlznn'a. ther expense Leaving August 30th. Ph. 2-ISM, WANT rider to Minnesota. Leav Aug.. 279. Ph. Woodburn 1-472. J1TT arsonol itr, msroitNT on ait rh.tst. mas Cards Purchases mida be fore- September 1.--19M STATKSMAN l'BI.ISIIIG ro. im No. Churctt Ph 4-imt. ext.. 7J SPIRIT CnmmunTcatlon Reading A HEALING. By appointment eve. 47SS4. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous irouo No 1. 20M N Com'l i-t.SJi ALCOHOLICS Ano'nvmous. 9M S. Commercial. 2-21M. I-JIM , PSYCHIC Reader adWroni affairs. 4540 Portland Rd at Albany cutoff. Ph.- 4-9SM, 400 Afzricuhurf 402 Llvetfeck far Sale 4 JF.RSKY cow, milking. I are registered. Ph. J tMllS or 4-113. SACRiriCK young gentle horse, saddle Si bridle, 1123. Call mnrntngs. 3-IM140 FOR sAt.r. Yearling "purehreii Corrlertale. rams, R 1,. Irving, Rl .1. Bn , Salem. Ph, 4-Mtll. CHILDMEN'S gentl"whlte"pnnvt r. old. Ktw ahati, pn, t-UtT.