World Travelers Pay Visit to Salem tqkmm 1 The Weather mm Todai forecast Partly eUusfjr today and Tuesday. Peeeible) .hunderehower. High totk 7, low tonight 3S- (Cemplata report pat. 1) WUNDIB I&5I 106th Yeer 12 PACES Tho Oregon Statesmen, Salem, Oregon, Monday, August 20, 1956 PRICI 5 No. 144 tn n toirt Conveim,DirD iepyiUDcaiinis cm n rx f7 n r n udiy; Mosseim wms M0pe. r ." .''V"-'' ' ' ,,' , , '. Y' ,' ,.''"."' - . -. ' ' e ',!''. . t. . .... , u Two of II persons from foreign lands wbo were guests In Salem over the weekend chat with Mrs. Gerald H. Perry, (rear), chairman of a program arranged in honor of the group by S- lent chapter of the Association for World Travel Exchange. In front is Jacqueline Lavernhe, Algeria. At left IS Dr. U. N. TO CM An editorial in the . Medford Mail -Tribune, initialed . A. (Eric Allen, Jr., managing ed itor), discusses the functioning of county government in Oregon under the 'heading, "County Anachronism. Noting the sue resa of professional managers in cities, Allen asks if they would not be good for counties. He cites tho fact that while a county may go to a manager plan on vote of tho people, none, in Oregon has done so; and only two, Clackamas and Lane, have put the question to the people. 1O0 coumy, wrnra si urn, is a creature of the state, chiefly ad minstrative in character (aside from its judicial arm). Author ity is well diffused, with 10 elect, ed officials. The county, in con trast with the cities, has little or no legislative power. The powers of the county court are limited Allen terms it "an unwieldy body unsuited to administration." He adds this indictment of the present system; ''Sine the system wh let up Dearly a century ago, it does not reflect the growth of the cilies, the piling up of "fringe" prob lems, the present rapid means of communication and transportation. It larks flexibility and the power to deal with urvnt problems in a forthright manner. "Rates of pay for both elected and appointed nfficials have been below comparable rates jn other fields, thus lending too often to attract, not top-flight personnel, but those who look on their .lobs as sinecures. Time after time, a county election race has been, to the voter, a choice of tha less poor ef two randidates. rather than an enthusiastic endorsement of one good man over another." Finally, Alien raises questions: Should the county have a single, trained executive? Do we really need 10 elected officials? Should counties be given "home rule" like cities? Would it not bring benefit (Cenllnued Editorial Page 41 Burglars Haiti Couple Involved In Vice Probe PORTLAND UB Two Portland residents who figured in the recent grand jury investigation told p o 1 1 e Saturday night that burglars entered their apartment and stole valuable furs and jewel ry. " The burglary was reported by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clark. Sunday night police quoted the darks as saying the stolen articles were insured for f 10,000 but valued t twice that amount. WILBERT r J ..,... jsgr "U fa.iahl hi. I,, ,1a katlratl. ' Ojato tot, ee wwrhasgo WP0 i -.v Uisi, 01 ramsian. (aiory on rage Diana Dors Dunked During House Party BEVERLY HILLS. Calif. (AP) - lively Diana Dors, husband, Dennis Hamilton, and two other mm wore dunked in the pool and a photographer was slugged in a brawling windup Sunday night of Diana's hotisewarming party.- The photographer, Stuart Sawyer, was taken from the estate in a police ambulance.' Silver Creek Falls Crash Injures Six lateaaaaa News Service STAYTON Three persons were hospitalized and three others treated Sunday afternoon following a two-car collision on Silver Creek Falls road about two miles north of Sublimity. Charles Dunn, McKinney, Tex., operator of one of the cars; his wife, Helen; and Virginia Forrest, 21, were unconscious when taken to Santiam Memorial hospital. They revived later in the day, hospital attendants said. Dunn received extensive abra sions and lacerations. His wife suf fered from shock. Virginia Forrest received a head laceration. All remained at the hospital Sunday night. Rodney Dunn, 18, and Rickey Dunn, 2, were relcsaed after treat ment for bruises. James Strang, 3355 Fairhaven, Salem, Ore;, oper ator of the other vehicle, was treated for a laceration on his right arm and released. Police said the accident occurred about 4:20 p.m. The Dunn family has been working in the Stayton area. Fire Destroys Turner Brush Statesman News Service Tl'RNKR 'A grasi fire which burned across 50 acres on the Dewey Davis place west of here Saturday evening, flared up again Sunday and destroyed about 45 acres of brush, small trees and grass on the Robert Schacfcr farm, Salem Route 4. Turner volunteer firemen fought the blaze for about two hours Sun day afternoon before it was con trolled. Saturday two Turner fire trucks and about a dozen men stopped the fire after it burned through approximately 50 acres of Chewing Fescue stubble and slash. The Schaefer family said Sunday that flames burned most of a 37 acre field of grass and about 15 acres of brush, and small trees plus some fencing. Firemen said the fir apparently started when sparks jumped a fire break on the Davis farm during a stubble burning operation, Timely' Quosl ion Kariis Rest for; Morgiie Palient MELBOURNE, Australia (A Mrs. Heila Baulch, 45. was pro nounced dead on arrival at a hospital Sunday from injuries suf fered in a fail while she was waiting for a streetcar. A policeman was about to wheel her into the freezing chamber of the mngue when he saw her eyes flicker and cheek muscles twitch. Shp sat up and asked: "Am dead?" Assured that she was not, Mrs Baulch was. returned to the ho. pita!--- She rested about an hour and a half, (ben went homo, jjli onniairsirian i'"Hfi His injuries were not immedi ately determined Miss Dors, complaining of sore back, was' put to bed but lat er her physician. Dr. Stanley Inv merman, directed that she be tak-1 en to at. jonna nospuai in sama Monica for X-rays. Witnesses at the lavish party and Miss Dors herself claimed that Sawyer, or someone, pushed the quartet into the water. My husband, naturally, was a bit more than irate," she said. "He chased the photographer-around and took a poke at him." S150.9O0 Estate The party was given as a house warming. Miss Dors said she and Hamilton bought the estate for $150,000 last Wednesday. Several hundred turned out, in cluding such personalities as Zsa Gabor, Howard Keel, Doris Day, Eddie Fisher and his wife, Debbie Reynolds. Miss Dors and her husband and her agent, Louis Schurr, and her dress designer, Howard Shoup, were in the doused quartet. - "We were standing by the pool and some man, I presume the UP photographer, came back of us and pushed us into the pool," Miss Dors said. ' . N Swimmer 'I had a feeling something like this might happen but it wasn't funny to us, I assure you, Mr. Schurr can't swim. Someone called the police. I told them exactly what I m telling you.. Sawyer, ,12, a seven-year veteran at United Press, said later at his home: "I hurt in several places but I haven't seen a doctor." He said his fare and ribs hurt. Sawyer declined details, saying he was just covering a routine as signment when the ruckus started Today's Statesman Pag . 6 .10 , 4 . 7 .10 Comics ....t.i... Crossword . Editorials Horn Panorama Obituaries ... Radio-TV 6 Sports 8-9 Star Caitr 7 Valley Newt 9 Wirephoto Pago 6 'Big 3' Determined To Give Suez Plan to Egypt's Boss By ARTHl'R GAVSHOV LONDON The Western Big Three Is determined to pre sent its Sum Canal operation plan to Kgypt's President Nasser with or without Soviet ,and Indian ap proval, it was reported ' authori tatively Sunday night. ;, The eiflalum - eontwnnce seek-1 ing. a way out of the Suez crisis was recessed Sunday but there was a flurry of backstage man euvering. When the meeting re convenes Monday, it will hear India's V, K. Krishna Menon, who has been seeking a compromise. Rut reliable informants said the United States, Britain and France will insist their plan be laid he fore Nas.ser along with other views expressed here. Thev Mid if Nasser sreepts the West's Wan for international eon-! ' lni i nl ocn nl inn il fnn ' l'trol. negotiations can be Carried out by i tram appointed by the ! conference, Informants said there would be fin "take it or leave it ultimatum." however. . The West willing to negotiate with gypt. OregonGOP Backing Ike, Nixon Ticket c . By DICK EIMERS SAN' FRANCISCO (AP) -Oregon's 18-man delegation fo the Republican National Con vention moved Into the 1956 convention citv Sunday, bold ing an unusual position among the many delegations. Outcome of last May's primary election automatically bound the delegation to vote lor the nomi nation of President Eisenhower and Vice President Nixon to make the 1956 GOP ticket. Gov. Elmo Smith, chairman of the delegation, said Sunday the delegation is firmly behind the combination "personally as well as politically." The governor-said he knows of not one Oregon deUgata,ho-i$n'i strongly behind both Nixon and Eisenhower. Monday Caueuf" The delegation's first official act will be a caucus at J a.m. Mon day. They will caucus to assure themselves their affairs are in order and that they are in accord before moving to the convention hall for the opening session at 11 a.m. Gov. Smith told the Associated Press Sunday night the caucus Monday will take up the question of bow the delegation would vote individually or as a unit in case either of the candidates to whom it is committed withdraws or is out of the running. The governor said he bad no comment on convention reports that President Eisenhower would submit a list of men acceptable for nomination as vice president. Delegate Gordon Orput, Port' land, called" the Oregon delcga lion's position a desirable one. ."Knowing that we must support candidates chosen for us by the Oregon voters." Orput Mid. ."we are without tension appearing in other delegations. There is no bickering among us and we are free to work with convention offi cials without spending large amounts of time in caucus. Oa Committee Those in the delegation working on platforms or convention admin istration committees are: Mark Hatfield, Salem, subcom mittee on natural resources; Sec retary of State Earl T. Newbry, committee on rules, and St a t e Sen. Howard C. Bclton, Canby committee on credentials. At Monday afternoon s session, U.S. Senate candidate Douglas McKay will introduce the keynote speaker. Gov. Arthur h. Langne of Washington. Mrs. McKay will talk earlier at a breakfast meet ing for women. Showers Lute But Still Due I Thundershowers are again fore cast for the Salem area today. The showers forecast for Sunday failed to appear but some stormy weather was reported in southern Oregon areas. McNary Field weather station said skies will be partly cloudy today and Tuesday with sume chance of mountain thundershowers reaching the Salem area during to day. High temperature both days is expected to run about 87, the low tonight SS. High Sunday was 86. Northern coastal areas will prob ably be cloudy or foggy with par tial afternoon clearing through to day. Predicted high today is 62, the low tonight about 5.. If he rejects It, the problem will go hack to individual govern ments jn a continued crisis at mosphere, the informants said. Kgyptian spokesmen , in London have said and Nasser has been quoted as saying the West's plan will be rejected by Egypt because it provide, foreign management of Canal operations. ' The Western attitude' became clear' ' Sunday night after other delegations at the conference had spent the day studying the West ern plan.' It was circulated to all delegations Saturday by U.S. Sec retary of State Dulles. Since there appears little hope th s Russians will go along with Western views, it is likely three flilterent proposals will go to Nas. ser Western, Russian and Indian. ll U'-.l tk..t ir V ser accepts its proposal, he will ii im- f, n in w in,ii ii ,.n-- have made - his- nationalization coup stick at little cost anrt enn sidershle future gain, and his sta- ture in the Arab world will beas-jto the limit of his availability dur sured,. 'ing the campaign ahead, - Six King-Size Gavels to Hold GOP Delegates in Order SAN FRANCISCO Rep. Joe Martin, who'll preside over the Republican convention at Its permanent chairman, waves six king-size gavels made of Vermont maple which he'll use Burning Plane Alarm .Brings Quick Response Causing almost as much neigh borhood excitement as the Bight f a burling plaae descending toward the area Saturday night was a Charles aveaue resident whose wife taw the Navy bomb er before it crashed la "South Salem. When she shrieked convincing ly, "Get out of the house there's a burning airplane falling on us," he obeyed instantly. He jumped from the bathtub and ran info the yard clad only la a thia layer ol soap. "He was carrying a towel but he wasn't wearing it," one of the neighbors who ran from tbjclr booses at the same time laughed. - (Story also on Page I.) Oil Bubbles From Laun In California HOLLYWOOD - Oil bubbled up in the front lawn of. a luxurious Hollywood home Sunday aad threatened to create a traffic problem. Folice said the area ot line homes apparently was built over an old oil field and a cap on an abandoned well had rusted out. The oil oozed' down the lawn. onto the sidewalk and threatened to spill out into the street. Coal Vessel's Cargo Burns PORTLAND Iff) A smoldering coal fire deep in the freighter Orizaba flared up late Saturday night with rumbles which shook the ship and jarred loose hatch covers. Early Sunday the freighter was towed from a pier and anchored in the Willamette River near Swan Island, where a fireboat flooded the burning No. 2 hold. The blaze was under control at mid-day, Before the flareup workmen had been unloading the hot coal at the pier." A floating crane took over the job Sunday afternoon, dipping out the undamaged coal and trans ferring It to a barge. ' The Orizaba sailed from Port land last Monday with a cargo of coal for Korea. Two days later, at sea, the coal in No.. 2 hold started burning and the vessel returned to port . ' jTli levrs Take AH - '.,:' ,''.", 'L-'l f But kitchen SinK ALBUQUERQUE 11 Thieves lelt the kitchen sink in a home owned by Mrs. William O'Sullivan, but not much else. Police reported someone stole all the inside doors, furniture, hot water tank, cast iron porch rail ings, a $1,700 heating unit and built-in bathtub. AIH.AI HM.ISTS TRl MAN LIBKHTYVILLE,' III."' - Ad lai Strenson's campaign director said Sunday night that Harry S. Truman's services will be utilized 'n Carpet Unrolled for Young Rocket Expert TinVTSVIT.T.E' Ala. I KV - A caw Ic-eved teen-aeer. wno dreams of the day of space honr visit at Redstone Arsenal, niii-r snac-p. - Rciected In an attempt to yomiR Jimmy Blackmon of Charlotte, N.C.. responded to an omciai Army invitation to iook over thia rocket city, home of America'! guided missile center. The 17-year-old youngster flew here in a light five-passenger Ar. my plane accompanied by his fa ther.. J. B. Blackmon. At the airport to greet the young rocket space man were Bill ua vis, secretary of the Huntsville chapter of the American Rocket Society. Tne two groups were oi- ficial hosts for the evening. Mountain Observatory Blackmon and his father were whisked first off to a mountain top observatory, pride of the as tronomical society. Next were movies on space travel and guid ed missiles. Brig. Gen. H. N. Toftoy, com mander of the arsenal, will inter view young Blackmon Monday. The general invited him here and has already offered him an ar senal job after he finishes col lege. The North Carolina visitor will also meet Werner Von Braun, one of the world's foremost rocket sci entists, before leaving Monday af ternoon. Rocket 'Too Hot A senior at Phillips Academy at Andover. Mass., young Black mon attracted the Army's atten tion last week when the Civil Aer onautics Authority, denied his re quest to fire his six-foot rocket at Charlotte. He sent it to Red stone, but rocket experts decided it. was "too hot to handle" that it might explode. But rejecting his rocket; the Army invited Jimmy to visit Red stone. Gov. Smith Finds Urgent Telephone Call Takes TinjCj SAN FRANCISCO i - Even governors have trouble get' ing their way at national political con ventions. Gov. Klmo Smith of Oregon, staying at a downtown hotel crowded with delegates, said he had a telephone ca.ll to make in a hurry. "I told the operator 1 was the governor of Oregon and that my telephone call was urgent," he said "A 'half-hour later I hung up in despair." loci & IJlS,"' 3 NORT1IWFST l.rAr.l'C ' At Salem l-S. Tn-Cll 0-3 At Iwnton 2-4, Kuncn 11-fr At Spokana 3, Yakima PACIFIC COAJI I.RAOI1I At Sarramrn'o 4-0. PortlaM 1-1 At NollywfHKl 4-S, Srattla - At Sun Din S-.1, Los Anal 4-7 At San Francisco fi-S, Vancouver 4-S nation i, i.rr;i'R Al Nr . York ritUlwrjh S-S - Al riuliirtflpiiia 2. Brooklyn J At Onrinnntt I, Milwaukee 3 , At SI I-ouu S-l, C hic0 0-3 AMmirAN l.r.AGI'K At rtliratn 1-4. D-'roit, J-t At rivl,nii S-J. Km city I-l At Bal'tmor- .1, Naw Ynrk J Al Bo ton HO, WaabiDltov, J-U i ' mi.' i .4y'- .iL trying to keep the delegates la order. The convention gets underway Monday In San Francisco's famous Cow Palace. (AP Wlrephoto). , travel, arrived Sunday for a 24- which is doing its best to coa - fire his basement-made roclet, School Bus, Car Collide; Woman Hurt McMtNNVILLE l A Dayton woman was injured early Sunday when a school bus and an auto mobile collided on Highway WW two miles west of Lafayette. The bus was carrying members of the McMinville High School band returning from the all-star football game in Portland Satur day night. None of the band mem bers was injured. Mrs. Mae Helvy, a passenger in the . automobile, was hospital ized here. She suffered a head in jury and fractures. Two other persons in the car. Identified as William Mercer, 51, and Carl Hagen, 71, both of Dayton, es caped with minor injuries. Tydings Quits Senate Race HAVRE DE GRACE. Md. W - Millard E. Tydings Sunday with drew as Maryland's Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, saying his health made it "im possible fur me In conduct Vig orous campaign." The 66-year-old former Senator made hit withdrawal announce ment in a letter to T. Barton Har rington, chairman of the Demo cratic state central committee. Tydings was stricken with a se vere case of shingles, a disease which affects the nerve endings, shortly after his nomination in the May 7 primary. He. was first confined to his home near here, Ihen spent 46 days in Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, and is presently re cuperating at home. Tydings had served 24 years in the U.S. Senate prior to his de feat in 19'o by Republican John Marshall Butler, who is running for the office again this year. Successor to Late Justice Due Soon A successor to fill out the un expired term of tho lata Supremo Court Justice Karl C. I-atourettc is expected to be named soon by (inv. Klmo Smith. Justice I.atour ette died Saturday at a Portland hospital after a lengthy illness. There i a possibility that (iov. Smith may-make known his deci sion nn a successor before his re turn from the Itrpuhlican National Convention, which he is attending this week In San Francisco. Justice Latourettc's term would have run through December tU ):- Y. Jf Phone Union Prepares for Strike Today PORTLAND (1 Telephone In stallers in the Pacific Northwest were planning strike strategy Sun day night in a national dispute with the Western Electric Co. Local union members were pre pared to set up picket lines early Monday, depending on word from negotiators in New York. D. G. Ward of Portland, presi dent of the North-Pacific local of the Communications Workeri of America, was unable to aay def initely Sunday night whether there would be any picketing in the Northwest. "We have people on the road now distributing signs for picket lines," be said. The pickets were to start march ing at ( a.m. Monday "unless we hear to the contrary early in the morning. Ward said. He added that selected job locations in the Northwest were to be picketed. but declined to identify any of them. A strike could affect the tele phone system if -other telephone workers refused to cross the pick et lines. The CWA local Includes some 700 employee in the North west, Ward said, but picketing "could affect as many as tS.QOQ workers in the region. Frank A. Dressier. Oregon vice president of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., said Sunday night that PT1T has no direct part In the negotiations and that its em ployes are covered by contracts currently in force. 'If picketing should occur.' Dresslar said, "we will take steps to assure that communications are not interrupted. Sandy Lumber Mill Burns SANDY, Ore. U A lumber mill ,was destroyed by fire early Sunday, causing an estimated quarter of a million dollars dam age. , . ' Kiremen from Randy and Boring battled tho flames for four hours at the Walter K. Koch Lumber Co. mill. Koch, tho owner, said a night watchman discovered the blazo and called tho fire depart ment. Only 4he planing, mill was left standing. While it is too late for filing for the position, the likelihood is that whoever is selected as suc cessor and possibly others will campaign as write-in candidates for the new term in the November election, ' Such an occurrence happened in i.o.'pO upon the 'death Ol Justice Harry Belt in August of 19.V). Jus tice Harold Warner, appointed to serve out the term, won election In, the position on write-in votes. The other person also waa a write- lis candidate. Party Chiefs Scoff at Plan To Dump VP By DOUGLAS B. CORNELL SA FRANCISCO fAP) - Republican politico streamed into town Sunday bent on bat tmng back Harold E. Mas son's lonely bid to sidetrack Vic President Nixon at th GOP national convention Which open Monday. Stassen's campaign to substitute Gov. Christian A. Herter of Mas sachusetts as the 19M running mater for President Eisenhower was sagging sadly. Top COP leaders nave scoffed it all along. Sunday the run ot mine delegates reaching the Cold', en Gate were saying, toe, the Stassen drive is dead. One measure of it futility waa the fact that Stassen Is a Minne sota boy a former governor- but couldn't muster' anything like solid support from the Minnesota delegation.- . No Disagreement So a convention which is going to nominate Eisenhower with no disagreement r all apparently will MminaU Ulna ait . as little when it gets around te the actual balloting in midweek. All but Ignoring Stassen ef forts, delegates arrived in gay and . rollicking mood, cockily confident of another sweeping victory for the party ticket they must go through the motion of picking. iney nave mat peace and proe perity theme going for them, (long with Eisenhower's ' own treat oooularitv. neaiiut the Dem ocratic team ef Adlai E. Steven son and Sea. Estes Kefauver. So delegation caucuses were mainly Just for show and getting acquainted no real, burning Is sues on which to take a stand. And delegates had plenty of time to see the sights ef beautiful, coo- (Stories else oa pages Z, 4 and 12. Picture page ). mopolitan San Francisco, ride the picturesque little cable cars, soak up win-like air, and rush through a whirl of social event, SIIU Pitching But Stassen still waa In there pitching against Nixon, still say ing he had a fifty-fifty chance ef ditching the Vice President. There is some talk now of get ting other name in nomination- maybe Herter, maybe Cor. Th odor R. McKcldia of Maryland, maybe former Gor. Dan Thorn ton of Colorado. Rut In anil fif avhaf StlaauM keeps eaylng, the Vice Presiden tial nomination la all but wrapped up and delivered. Mat) lor Mssa Meantime a mob ef young Re publicans from Pennsylvania and San Francisco took over the lobby of the convention headquarter ho tel, the Fairmont, and cut loose with banners, serpentine, confetti, a fast-beat band and yell ef "we ' want Nixon." A lad In straw hat and 'coon skin coat went into an exhubemnt Charleston. Some Nw Englanders, particu larly in Massachusetts, would sort of like to do something for Gor. ' Herter as a matter of local and iriuiim IUC UU, IMTJ SITU h Ti ll sure of having a chance. Herter is toting around a letter, ready for delivery, which will ask withdrawal of his name it it is . placed in nomination. Dewey N Candidate Former Co?. Thomas E. Dewey of New York brushed aside any idea that he would accept a nom ination for Vice President, In reply to a question on a TV show, he ssid he couldn't imagine himself doing it tinder any cir cumstances. The White House said Sunday President Eisenhower will arrive at the convention on Tuesday a day earlier than he had planned in order to "visit with many of his friends who are , delegates." Visit Delegates Press secretary Jame C. Hag- erty announced this at an unusual Sunday news conference. Hagerty said Eisenhower had pushed up the timetable because n( a "personal desire. . . to have sn opportunity to visit with many of his friends who are delegates" to the party convention opening Monday. Eisenhower' decision will give hit -riiu ia ahtain a tnira complete first hand sampling of delegates' views regarding the GOP Vice Presidential situation. But ahortly alter Hagerty' new conference Sunday a key admin istration official said tha change in the Eisenhower travel time tabla was "in no way related" te that situation. By changing his plans, Elsen hower will arrive In San Tran Cisco well In advance of the nnm inatins: session at which the party also will choose a Vice Fresiden tisl candidate. He was originally scheduled to reach the West Coast Weinjesdaj eyenini. '