:4-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tuc, Aug. 14,' 56 No Facer Sufi I No Fear SfcaI AW rrw First atalesmaa. March M. 1S51 $Utetmaa Pnbliehin Ccnipu , CHARLES A. SPRAGUE, Editor tt Publisher ! published every marnlnf Buanei artle ts , Worth Church It,, aeleni, Oft. rtleptmax 4-asil . -" J Kn tared at the asataffia at (Warn, Ore. a eeeon , aleea matter incae c W Cufreaa Harris S. Uimktt Aesodatri rrm . Tbe Aaeeetataal la entitles! anhinvaly to th aa tar republiaaUen W all local nam pnrlata la The Invitation to Russia ' , What Joseph C. Harsch, Washington cor- respondent for the Christian Science Monitor, calli the "first really hew policy" which Sec I retary Dullei hat initiated bean fruit again ; in tha invitation to the Soviet Union to ait In' the International conference to discusa the Suet canal problem. Dullea initiated it ; last sprlnf at the time of the Middle East ;' crisis. Then London was urging a three-power ' demand by Britain. France, the United States en Israel and Egypt Dulles had Ambassador Lodge at United Nations offer a resolution invoking the agency of the secretary general I to attempt to effect some peace in the Middle ; East. Thia served to bring in the Soviet Union ' which went along with the resolution and It the same time backed off from giving ; support to the Arab states. When Britain and ; France seemed inclined to take immediate military action at the Sues, Dulles urged an international conference with the Soviet Union invited. This wai agreed to, and Russia ! hat accepted, with certain observations of J Jtt own. ! The significance, says Harsch, is that this ! reverses an old policy of western Europe to S block out Russia from the Middle East where I the West's influence was paramount. It is even, he says,' "a truly radical departure" I from U.S. policy since the promulgation of J the Truman doctrine In 1947, which was one ' pf containment of., the- Communist- power. -f Whether it will be letting the bear get his nose in the tent or whether it may lead to , fuller cooperation for peace between the I West and Russia remains to be seen. What is ! true it that the Soviet Union la a power in ; world affairs today. Its assistance should be ; welcome if the bear doesn't proceed to , shoulder out all the other powers. The com ; ing conference will provide another test of ; Russia't intention! respecting world security. J. . ' " - J ; Governor J. Bracken Lee it carrying hit j feud against U. S. foreign aid into court. Already he declined to pay up on his income ; tax, claiming the government lacked power i to tax to give money to foreigners. Now he ' has Instituted a suit In the U. S. Supreme l Court trying to get the court to knock out foreign aid. He certainly knowt his suit will be thrown out of court, but he may figure ; this stunt will win votes for him in the com-" ' lng Utah primary where he it running for . renomination by Republicans. Many people grouse over the cost of the foreign aid pro s' gram, but few think we can chop it off sud t denly, or that its continuance it unconstitu- tlonaL ... ; Montht ago the S.P. took off the overnight Rogue River train which ran between Port tend and Ashland. Because of ltt tlow sched ule it was dubbed the "nightcrawler.'VIn pro cess are hearings by the state public service commission on the demand of Southern Ore gon communities that the train be restored. A session was held In Medford last week and another will be held In Roseburg "at a date to be set." The hearings schedule seems to follow .'the rnightcrawler" schedule. It still is hard to tee' how the railroad can be required to continue a service patronized by at few passengers as was the old Rogue River. 5 Arab labor unions are reported as ready to sabotage foreign petroleum operations in. their countries if the West seizes and holds the Suet canal. They might do this, but they .would be the first to suffer. No oil, no wages. .Arab workers in the oil fields and refineries .fare very well: They will hardly want to re ytri to the standard of living of desert no jinads. The experience of Iran doesn't en tourage a local takeover of the oil industry. jMovo to Back :Bof by the By JOSEPH AND STEWART AUOP ; , CHICAGO These reporters ', are no among those who count themselves smarter .bout politics " than Harry 8. fTrtima i This modest I disclaimer is now t( 1 in order because . Truman's brisk ly firm indorse f ' ment of Averell 1 Harriman seems to have periuad- ii jea nau uie parti- ttati" " ventioe that they have a lot more political savvy than tha greatest old pro of them all. "Why did ' Truman do it?" they keep asking m a tone of superior wonder, ; sounding not angry but only a nine - sick at heart. Well, surely the answer Is that Truman did h be cause ha wants to aea Harriman nominated and help, Harriman f has a chance chance but still a P"" MmT chanceof getting the nomina tion. It will be a tough, rough fight, but no one revels la ear-,-rage more than Harry 8. Tru man. It ia a very long shot bet. but Harry Truman has wan long shot bets before this. So ha yield ed to the temptation to do what he wanted to oo all along. . Rather early the former Pri decided he wanted tha New York governor in the Democratic race this year. He helped to persuada Harriman te declare himself in inch wai perhaps not dreadfully ' ; 7 Harriman Seen Fight - Loving Ex difficult to do. Many weeks ago, he told Harriman in plain terms that he was "for" him, In the sense that Harriman waa his pre ferred candidate, better in his opinion even than Adlai Steven son, whom Truman had also en couraged to make the contest. Thereafter, the . ajaeiUaa be tween Hanimaa and Tnimaa did B4 raaeera Tremaa's prefereiN-e. The eaeatloa wai whether Tin maa wawld make a pablle fight tar Harrtmaa, ar waul! slat) at lelllag lkee wka Baked klm that he liked Harrtmaa heller than a ay af IIm others, la a phrase ml Hanimaa's already eaaled la thia . apace Ike ejaeallaa waa "whether Tmmaa wmM lake his eaat aU Ike way aft ar aaly half It." . , The Harriman camp were well aware that they needed all the help Truman could possibly give them. They worked over him at every opportunity, hardly leaving him time to drink" a toast in peace when he went to New York lor his daughter's wedding, for esample. Bui even on the eve of the convention, neither Averell Harriman himself nor any of those around him actually ex pected Truman's activa, open in dorsement, with all its far-reaching, dissension-making conse quences. la tha week Ware eamlag ia Chicago. Tramaa Uld tha Mia atari aatloaal rammllleemaa, Mark HaUaraa, a ad other Mla eearl delegates that ha waa la deed far Harrtmaa. Hi said ha weald tea pleased tf the Mlsaaar laas stark la favarHe-iM Ma art Rymlngtaa far at lead twa bal Ma, la gtve Ike fUrveaiae aao wagaa a ehaaee la be slapped. Bat eve ea Ike train la Chicago, Righting the Wronpi The Justice Department's action Monday In withdrawing opposition to restoration of citizenship to the Nisei writes finis to a rather black chapter in America's handling of its non-whites during World War II. More than 100,000 Japanese-Americans were uprooted early in 1942 and placed in what were veritably concentration camps. There were doctors and lawyers and news papermen and f6lk from practically every walk of life, both American citizens and non citizens. It it hardly a wonder that nearly 3000 of the Nisei (native-born Americans) were so stunned by such discriminatory treat ment that they renounced their citizenship. Under the Justice Department"! new at titude, 157 pending auits wherein restoration ia demanded can be dropped, and automatic restoration of citizenship is in ttore for nearly 1000 others whose loyalty has been proven and who seek to become American citizens again. It is not aurprising. even in lh cold light of reappraisal, that a nation should be so angered and perturbed by the treacherous attack on Pearl Harbor that it went so far as to penalize all the nationals of the attack ing race. But it remains surprising and sad-, dening that native-born citizens of our own land should be so treated without investiga tion, trial or any indication of wrong-doing. Retaliation in the form of citizenship re . nouncement did them no good, but two wrongs don't make a right, and we commend the Justice Department for taking the same view. Fine Record-Thus Far ' When Oregon can come up to August 1 with less than 800 acres of its forest land burned over. that, indeed, is cause for con gratulation! all around. Such was the report Monday at the annual board meeting of Keep Oregon Green. Actually, compared to former years, 19M could well aet a record. There had been 265 man-caused fires and 943 lightning-caused fires in state and national forestr of Oregon up to the first of this month. The man-caused trouble still Is far too heavy, but the fact that tuch fires, as well at those from natural causes, were doused with so small an over all damage tpeaks well for quick reporting and efficient fire-fighting. KOG didn't attempt to tay Just what part Ha 85,000 members 18 to 16) are playing in the reduction of forest losses, but having that many youngsters growing up with a thorough knowledge of the dangers inherent as well as their own responsibilities in the matter cannot but reflect great benefit now and in the years to come. But the aeason Isn't over. Come the east winds and we'll need every bit of aid we can get to keep the loss down. And we'll need a new reminder that anyone throwing out burning material from a car cigarets. etc. it tubject to prosecution. Oregon't forests comprise a precious; heritage... -, Our eyet blinded when we saw "OSP An niversary" as heading for an editorial in the Medford Mail-Tribune. The text however dealt with the 25th anniversary of the Oregon State Police. In these partt OSP goes for Oregon State Penitentiary, whose age is consider ably older than 25 years, though the state police are 'diligent In keeping up its enroll ment. Salem't OSP doesn't recognize anni versaries and has no organized alumni associ ation though some of.the latter return from time to time for refresher courses. Henry Semon who served, for 12 terms in the House, after election on the Democratic ticket, has filed for reelection as an lnde-' pendent. He explains that the county Demo cratic organization thinks he Is too conserva tive so he will try.not to burden their .ticket. Regardless of party Semon has been an in fluential legislator, and we anticipate his re election by Klamath voters. The 1956 wheat crop is pushing the billion bushel mark. Latest estimate is for 938,088.. 000 bushels, up 18.726.000 from the July figure. Corn estimates though dropped from 3.266,000,000 to 3,143,779,000 bushels. The figures assure an abundance of foodstuffs for man and beast too much for the normal market, and more stuff for the CCC to handle. as 'Long-Shot - Pres. Truman Tramaa laid his personal entour age that he laleaded ta maintain a pahlle aealrallty. That was his apparent inten tion, in fact.' almost until the opening of his famous press con ference, at which he first prom ised to reveal his choice. It is a fair bet that the last strsw of persuasion was laid on the some times yielding camel's back of Truman's prudence by Judge Samuel Rosenman, an ardent Harrimanite, with whom Truman conferred Just before the press conference began. After that, the problem was not what Truman would do, but how he would do it, Streams of Harri man supporters urged a pow rful statement. Streams of Stevenson admirers sought to avoid the worst, which would have been a statement hinting that Stevenson was not a "fighting candidate." la hla awa suite. Just hall aa knar before giving It ta Ihe pub He, Tramaa gave hla statement tar Harrtmaa a trial rna among Mi apeelat Intimites aaeh as l-e- lie Riffle, Charles Marphy aad Doaald Dawana. He was delight ed, visibly eiultlng aver Ihe thing he was abeat la da. At least half the members of the Truman circle were not de lighted. They feared the trouble "ahead. .They thought Stevenson wquld get the nomination any way or at any rate believed that ' Harriman could not be nomi nated. This conviction is increas ingly widespread in Chicago, But when Harry Truman makes a gamble, it Is always wiser to de fer judgment until you find nut how the bets are paid off ln the end. . ' (Cer"llh l''W Naw York Harild Trfoun lot I MOMMY s r'"t.ee.aie Sea. . 1 res. " just sofety-tested trewhut!"' IPnTfTTTOTimfTOI (Ceatlaacd S. Segregation-Integration, t. U.S. world position. 7. Aid to small business. t. Foreign aid; social security liberalization. 10. Eisenhower's advisers and appointees; taxes. Republicans hold these ideas on Safety Valve Says Ctaaed Shop Has N Valae To the Editor; . The Kansas election based on the right to work law shows labor's strength at the polls; labor lost the industrial sections to S and by very heavy ma jorities in the rest of the states1 The closed shop is of no value to labor and should be discarded; the issue is as harmful as the NAACP effort to start another civil war. A wage increase affecta only those involved but the following price increase affects all of us. Inflation or the continued wage increases have destroyed our textile industry because of the great difference between wages paid here and elsewhere and no diplomacy or tariff could prevent or correct H. Wage disputes . should be settled, with an eye to the effect on our general economy and welfare. Not so many years ago a union strike was known in legal circles as a criminal conspiracy because the workers do not own the fac tory and it is only' by indulgent tolerance that labor is to blame: it should also be tolerant and should temper its selfish interest with consideration of the general welfare. Labor is a big factor in the Morse-McKay contest; Sen ator. Morse's first public appear ance was as a member of an arbitration board that granted all of Harry Bridges demands and Morse was immediately acclaim ed as labor's champion which he still is for he calls a work slop- page at any time to attend a union meeting. J. M. Campbell, Dallas. Ore. Time Flies FROM STATESMAN FILES 10 Years Ago Aug. 14. 1M i. ... r,. war- A-io Wellman, Pallas, was selected queen of the air forces for lha state army day show and Naomi Krnmwell. Salem, also a former WAC, will he the queen of the ground forces. 25 Yrars Ago Aug. 14, 1931 Songs of the Amerirsn Legion auxiliary quartet will feature the regular evening band con cert in Willson park, anncAinces Oscar A. Strelhammer, director. The quartet is comprised of Mildred Wyatt, Bernire Bowe, Marie Robertson, and Grace ZoseL '10 Yearn Ago Aug. 14, 191! With the best market for fresh prunes in years, a deal j has been rinsed by the Salem Fruit union for the shipment of a large quantity A the green, fruit to eastern markets. This is the first sale of green fruit since 1909, when the union ship per sixty carloads. Roller Kriplish ly D. C. WILLIAM". I. What Is wrong with this sen tence? "We planned on taking a varalion. but found that we did not know sufficient about the va rious resorts." 1. What is Ihe correct pronun ciation of "lerics"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Sacrilege, satellite, sagasjty, sanctimonious. - 4. What does Ihe. word "sump tuously" mean? 9. What ia a word beginning -with ra that means "hoarse; harsh; rough"? . ANSWERS . 1. Omit "on," and say, "did not know F.NOUGH about, etc.' i. Pronounce see-rees. 3. Sagacity. 4. Costly; luxuriously. "The halls were sumptuously decorated." 5. Raucous. ly THI MOSSIIRS rfi utv;i r eWW their new from Pag 1.) the Issues and their relative im portance: 1. Eisenhower's performance as President. J. Prosperity. 3. Peace. 4. Farm problems. 5. Foreign aid. t. Record of the S4th Congress. 7. U.S. military preparedness, a. Democrats' handling of Ike's program. , . Korean cease-fire. 10. Taxes. The striking thing to me In this listing is that the Democrats do ate tin ! I ; ".rj Ol liW I noLinclude:'giveways.u here that item gets most agitation from Democrats. Across the country however it must fade out, for it isn't listed in the national summary. The regional summary shows Demo crats in the West citing natural resources as No. 4 and adminis tration power policies as No. t. In the catalog of issues suggested by members of Congress with out regard to party natural re sources and public lands conser vation rates as No. 2t and re clamation and water No. 37. Frankly the ten major Issues above reported do not look like ones to get greatly excited about. Eisenhower's health will be more of a sub rosa issue. His perform ance as President stirs no deep emotions either of approval or disapproval, though Eisenhower as a person does excite great af fection among millions of Ameri cans. On should not .foreclose other Issues however which may emerge as the campaign pro gresses. Truman's play on lack of corncribs in 194! which he blamed on Republicans- waa enough to tip the scales In his favor that year. What looks like a rather pale campaign this year may develop heat before it ends. Masked Men Take $30,000 KANSAS CITY liTC-Two gunmen masked with handkerchiefs slugged a woman secretary and robbed her of $30,000 while she was waiting for an elevator in a downtown of fice building Monday. A vicious blow on the left arm with a revolver caused Mrs. Lou Eve Phelps to loosen her grip on the leather bag containing the cur rency, and also broke her arm. The men grabbed the bag and ran to a waiting automobile. The money, in bills of $20 and less, was to have been used Tues day for cashing payroll checks of Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad employes. Mrs. Phelps, . a widow, works for the Bur- hnon Sredlt"n"n- ,u - Sn hsd UP ,he money a nearby hank and was return- wn aura Jn the otherwise empty lobby. Man Goes to Grand Jury Donald Alfred Vickers, 20. who gave an address of a Portland Road trailer camp, was bound over lo Marion County grand Jury after he waived preliminary hearing Monday on a charge of burglary not in a dwelling. Vickers is charged with burglar izing the Park Medical Pharmacy, S93 S. Winter St.. Ihe night of July ia. District Judge F.dward O. Stad ter Jr. set bail at $2.noo. " r , , o l ItOOIlC KoiHl rMglial , . ,, aoiigiu ny i.oimiy Application lo install an electri cally operated warning signal at Boone Road where it crosses the Southern Pacific tracks south of Salem was mnde Monday to the Public t'lililies Commission by Marion County Court members. The action came after receipt of a letter from Southern Pacific agreeing In pay half Ihe cost of such a warning device. The letter estimated the installation would cost about $1,000. Soap Box Entrant En Route Home AKRON, O -Mr. and Mrs, John Llndon and sons, Kent and Ron nie, left Akron for their home In Salem, Ore., following the Nation al Soap Box Derby in which Kent participated in the initial round. 1 Kent was eliminated by Roland j Tindle of Wichita, Kas., as was ; .lames Wright of Corpus Christl, , Tex. Winner was Norman Wesllall I ol Rochester, N Y, GOP to Emphasize Labor Platform, Hatfield Says 1 The Republican convention this year will give "mora than lip service" to tha American labor movement. State Sen. Mark Hat field of Salem predicted Monday as he departed for the conven tion site in San Francisco. Hatfield is a member of the platform committee, slated to convene Wednesday. The eonven Uon opens next week. "President Eisenhower hat the support of rank and file labor members, but election of a Re publican congress will depend upon an effective labor plank in tha party platform," he said. Salem Sea Scouts High ' In Regatta Salem Sea Scouts began a well- earned Salem shore leave Mon day after their return from the annual Portland Area Council regatta where they matched sea manship with some 200 other young salts. Returning Sunday afternoon aboard the 26 foot S.S.S. (Sea Scout Ship) Willamette, the crew of nine scouts and four officers carried with them a second, third and fourth place rating from three of the various conteits that were held during the weekend affair at Vancouver. Their team o( six oarsmen and. a coxswain won second place in the rowing contest, third place in ability to hit a target with a ring bouy, and fourth place in swimming competition. The young seamen also took Pmrl ln sum evrnia as Knot iving, Jirt-i -demtmstratlonf anoT saiT making. part in such events as knot tying. Yeoman of the nine 14-year- old sea scouts was Aaron Swen- ningsen. He was crew leader to Dave Curry. Robert. Farmen, Dave Parker, Mike Wallig. Jon Rhodes, Jeff Wittemen. Neil Par lin, and Henry Windell. Older members of the crew were Skip per Edward Gottfried, first mate Donald Rassmanrison, second mat Jack Rhodes and Tom Cur ry. - Deputy Added To County CD Appointment of Melvin H. Cleve land as assistant deputy for per sonnel of Marion County Civil De fense has been announced by Wai-. laoe S. Wharton, county CD direc tor. Cleveland, who is the assistant State Civil Service Commission di rector, fills the vacancy created by the resignation of Gene Hunt ley, who has been with the county unit since 1950. Other appointments announced are: L. Sydow, superintendent of. North Marion Union High School. director of the Aurora staging area; Lawrence Spraker, Slayton, director of shelter center district 9, replacing Charles S. Morgan; L. V. Thirkell, chief of the clothing sec tion; . G. Lermon, chief of the san itary section: and Harland E. K el ley, chief of the transportation pool. Marine Held In MP Pose A Salem marine was being held for military authorities Monday on a charge of posing as a military policeman, according to city po lice. Curious officers stopped Pfc. By ron Jack Weekly, 2fwo Ward Dr.. about 11:30 p.m. Sunday after a vehicle was seen displaying mili tary police insignia. The "MP" theme extended lo a shore patrol arm band and white weh belt with holster and lanyard, polire said. Corporal's stripes were sported, they added. . The youth was held for the Pro vost's Office at Portland Air Base after questioning revealed unsign ed orders and identification carry ing rank of private first class. Dead Chickens Litter Ituildiiii! Origin of 16 dead chickens found discarded Monday in a Salrm building spurred an investigation by city police. Officers said the while leghorns were discovered in a building own ed by the Home Fuel Oil Co., 1694 N. Commercial St. Armond Car row of the oil firm notilied police after finding the batch of dead chickens. Investigation indicated the chick ens had been thrown into the build ing through a broken window, offi cers said. APPLIANCES Hetpolnt RCA Victor Neeehl w Sunbeam Beadii 3SS Center St. Phone 3-3139 Open Monday and Friday A. M. to P. M. Road Delays Reported in Construction Traffic interruptions continue In various parts of the atate due to highway construction and other factors, State Highway Engineer R. H. Baldock reported Monday. Baldock's road summary: Ocho- co Highway some delays due to washouts in Mitchell, Wheeler County, area. Columbia River Highway 14 mile construction on Bradley Park Wauna section. Slight delays. Columbia River Highway heavy rock grading four miles west of Hood River. Delays of 30 minutes. No delays from I p.m. to I a.m. i nor on Saturdays : and Sundays. Umpqua Highway construction from one to eight miles' east of Reedsport"' Wash Near Cequllle - Coos Bay-Roseburg construction eight miles east of Coquille. Pos sible delays. Willamette Highway construc tion from 14 miles east of Odell Lake lo junction with U.S. (7. Minor delays. R. H. Baldock Free way now open to traffic. Pacific Highway construction from, two to four miles north of Canyonville. Possible delays. Coast Road Delays Oregon Coast Highway con struction between Kernville and Depoe Bay. Rough and possible short delays; construction from Florence to one mile south. Pos sible delays: construction 11 miles south of Bandon. Delays; construc tion immediately north of Brook ings. Service Creek-Mitchell second aryopen to light traffic only. Elkton-Suthrrlin Highway con struction from 12 lo 24 miles south of Elkton " -'"""'vv Moimr semarfc-construclion n"om P0' ,0 ''v miles west. Pos- iklak An ilia sible delays. Death Claims Mrs. Kuzenski Mrs. Anne Kuzenski, resident of the Salem area for the past seven years, died Monday at her home Salem Route 3. Box 670, after a long illness. She would have ob served her 68th birthday this Wed nesday. Mrs. Kuzenski was born In Bir- zai, Lithuania, Aug. IS, IM. She came to this country in 1907 and was married lo Adam Kuzenski May 23. 1909. at Aberdeen, Wash. He survives her. Mrs. Kuzenski and W husband resided in Tacoma. Wash., for many ..years prior to. coming to saiem to live who a oaugnier, Mrs. Nels Tonning.. Surviving in addition to the. wid ower and daughter here arc two granddaughters. Miss Dorothy Ton ning, Salem, and Mrs. Anita Ton ning Miller, Portland. Funeral arrangements will be announced later by Virgil T. Gol den mortuary. Trio Handed Prison Terms Five-year prison sentences were given to three Salem men Monday in the attempted robbery and as sault last July of a local service station attendant. The men are Robert Folk, 21, 4925 Arlette St.; Robert Frank Morrill. 24, 339 N. 25th St., and Noel H. Martin, 20. 655 Gaines St. They pleaded guilty to slugging attendant Dale Niceolson while at tempting to rob a Chevron, service station. Alteration of Clinic Okched The city engineer's office Mon day authorized $6,000 in altera tions on a medical clinic at 2489 Center St. A permit also went to Mill Supply Corp., to mske $2,840 alterations on a warehouse at 330 S. Church St. The project at the clinic, an eye, ear, nose ana throat estah- lishment, will amount to an addi tion housing more treatment rooms. Other permits issued Monday included: Carmen Jenniion, Si, 600 alterations on a house at 563 N. 13th St.; Virgil Rabcock. 1100 alterations on a house st 415 Trynn Ave., B. V. McKenzie, $236 rerooling of a house at 2040 S. Commercial St. TV VIEWING TIPS GIVEN NEW YORK To TV view ers of the national political con ventions the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness of fers this advice: Avoid a com- pletely darkened TV room; use a ! soft, Indirect light. Sit as far from I Ihe set as visual comfort permits. Rest your eyes periodically. i TELEVISION Jl7 50th Clackamas Fair Opens on Wednesday; By I.ILLIE L. MAD8EN , Farm Editor, The Statesman CANBY-The- final paint Job la drying and every thing has been polished off for the opening of the 50th annual Clackamas County Fair. Doors will be thrown open to the public Wednesday at S a.m. The fair 'run through Saturday. Old Timers'. Day will be ob served on" opening day with a number of cash prizes offered in the 2:30 p.m. contest which will be held in front of the grandstand. Herman Chindgren, Colton, is con ducting this event, which will in clude an oldtime fiddlers' contest. A big league flower show, backed by the 25 garden rlubs of t h e Clackamas District, Oregon Feder ation of Garden Clubs, will be staged In the new floral building which was rushed to completion this past week. Old-Time Gaests Men and women who have taken part in county fairs during the past half century will be guests of the fair board at a noon lun cheon in the pavilion annex dining room. The horse show and rodeo which .'have provided evening entertain ment during the past three years, will be missing, but instead free entertainment will be provided at the grandstand, with two vaude ville shows each afternoon and a county-wide talent contest at night. A new feature and one expect ed to attract a lot of attention along with the half-century mark Theft-Spree Youth's Case Continued A preliminary hearing for Ron ald Eugene Huffman,' one of two 16-year-olds, accused of commit ting six burglaries early Friday in Woodburn and Gervais, was continued Monday for further juve nile department investigation. .The second accused youth. Ray mond Sander Ainge of MacLaren School for Boys, is still to have a hearing, juvenile authorities said. Both boys admitted breaking and entering the six businesses, j which included two banks and a post - office sub-station, deputies said. State police, FBI agents, sheriff's deputies and. city police all had a hand in clearing the incidents. The youths also have made , statements clearing the July 24 burglary of Ann's Market at Brooks from which a safe was taken, and the attempted burglary last week of a Gervais barber At the time of'the burglaries. Ainge was on placement from MacLaren. He was returned to the school after his arrest to await further court action. 2 Miss Serious Injury in Area Hcadon Crash SUWamaa Stmt Srrrtra RICKREALL Two persons es caped serious injury early Monday evening in a hradon collision two miles east of Rickreall on the Sa lem Dallas Highway, state police reported. Officers listed the drivers as Mrs. Neil Bice. 36. Delake, and Virgil Lowell Bradley, 44, Silver ton. Both were alone in their cars and both were taken to Salem Memorial Hospital for treatment of apparently minor knee injuries. The 6 p m. mishap resulted in heavy damage to Mrs. Bfce's 1556 Ford and Bradley's 1952 Buick. Gervain Man Still Not ConftriouH After ("rash James Perry Wells, 22, Gervais, remained unconscious Monday night at Salem Memorial Hospi tal some 36 hours after being in jured in a highway accident, at tendants reported. Wells suffered head Injuries when his car skidded and rolled some 600 feet on the North River Road near Hopmere Sunday aft-; ernoon. When emergency strikes call us! An experienced, licensd pharmacist is available to fill your prescription accurately, when you need it. - CAPITAL DRUG STORE Z Locations ta Better Serve You Main Store: 405 State, Corner of Liberty Prescription Shop: 117 Chemeketa, Griffin BIdf . H E GIVE HrWI GREE.V STAMPS .. Our Store ft Air-Contlitioncd hy Frigidnire Shop Here celebration-is the antique show. Entries Close Livestock entries closed several days ago with all of the barn space filled. Two large herds of Ayrshire cattle, a class not fre quently represented in past fairs, will be on deck Wednesday thia year. Entries for flowers will be ac cepted Tuesday until 10 p m., Mra. Roy Zimmer. superintendent, an nounced., Judging of flowers, as veil as many of the other exhibits will begin early Wednesday turn ing. . Already entered in the old timers' show at the fair is a "surrey with the fringe on top". This will be brought to the fair Wednesday, drawn by a handsome team, and driven by Ted Klebe of Staflord. Gale Blatchford. Molalla, has promised at least one of his old make automobiles, and Mrs. George Cattley, member of one of Canby's pioneer family, will ar rive,, apprpriatcly costumed, in one of the old ears, Luncheon Plaaaed Members of the Clackamae County service clubs have planned a luncheon for Thursday noon in the pavilion annex dining room Governor Elmo Smith is sched uled to attend the fair that day, although he will be unable to ar-. rive in time for the luncheon. He has promised, Chindgren says, to be present for the chicken barbe cue dinner to be staged in the fairgrounds' fir grove at ( p. m. The Oregon City t'hambrr of Com merce is staging this event. Another event, well in keeping with the 50th anniversary, is the Clackamas County horseshoe tour nament set for the fairgrounds starting at 10 a.m. Saturday, re ports Larry Lawrence, fair man ager. Ted Huff will direct the tournament.' Five courts were In- ' stalled over the week-end. Phnna 4-SSII Subscript! Rales By rarrlar la elUei: Daily only 1.ZJ per ma Daily and Sunday $1 J per mo Sunday only .10 wttk By mall. Dally and Sunday! tin advance) In Oregon tl M per mo SM tlx mo 10 JO )tir By mall Sunday only: I in advam-e i Anywhere In VS. I SO per mo 2 7S aix mo. SM year In V .. outside Oregon ft 45 per mo. Member Audit Bureau t ClrrnUtmn Bureaa af Advertising ANPA Oreioa Newspaper -PualUaera A'ariaUna Advertising Bepresentativel: Ward-Grirfltk Ca. -West Holllda Ca. New York Chirac Saa rranrlsr. Detroit SO NOT ...dangllni carl , thick ktwt ..bulky frtmet ...glatsas that M chtsf aw ltairtN A hearing aid that becomes part of your prcntjla.iea. A miniature miracle of coo ceiled hearing. See the new Maico Hearing Cilawes today. If you can't come in, write today for free booklet. MAICO SALEM HEARING SERYICE 311 State Street Floor Location Phone J 0702 (Across from I.add & Bush Bank) Accurate service Comfortably no