400 Agriculture 413 Fruit A Farm Produce Cultivated Evergreen Blackberries - KELLY FARQUHAR ' 1460 PH. .tOO Personal 414 Font f.ul.m.nt 3.. . , "WADP, Irrigation Svstrm" IX LOW Ond rOUWO NEW, never used will sacrifice - 3W) jX3o poo ft, 4:m. 13 BOYS bike Identify A pay for No. 30 Rainhird aprlrklers. ad. 10M Howard. Super A. Farmall LOST green-parlkect. name 11 "1)1. due. plow,, cultivators. P.ohby; Reward. Ph. I-.l.i0. Meyers prayrr, implement t r r 7L" . " trailer, drag harrow. Don LO.-.T-1 wal ribhion for ralrr- 0ii. a., I R,, i Kllv.r. pillar Ira. tor. between Dallas " n"; " ,i and Salem. Reward. Ph. i-IHM ,on- n'r f- Howell School. LOST Contact lenaea in aniall aje. . , black cylindrical container AUCTIOn iOle Vic, Highway Bldg. Rewsid . 314 Transportation. - AUCTION SAN FRANCISCO Aug. 14 take OF FURNITURE :. lhart expenses. 130 Hmei. v" ulu'u uft,J oj AT SCOTTY'S J IP rtUOflOi TONITE 4640 CENTER STREET jTER30NAI.lv. The ' H o m I . Kfir Schools" nltrrrd In to. dv ( ir. .tird Sc. tm.i tw. s,i. 412 fruit ft Farm Proaue irinlo It-Mfiiriit Huilriera A urok; i h'lin huys in Todi Uol hnrtif D a: krt. ' TOO MANY BILLS?" Don I 1M jour billi get you in iiMuhie. u yourc tie mad in navmentf, va eaa help ynu No Decurtty or co-Menrn needad. One pbice 1a pay all Mils. Pav onlv what you can atfordl (Bonded and licenaetf lor your proieciionii n i.MiiT . viti i t a vtc I'RKUIT CONSULTANTS D al Salam 1-M44 for Informa tion, 1 WILL NOT he rekponliie tor any debti but my own, Wanda Ruth. PSYCHIC Reader artvire "ori'all allaira. i5;0 Portland Rd. at Albany cutoff. Ph. 4-92(1. NoL 20M N. Com I AlCOHOUCS Aau'nymoua, M S Commercial S-210S 400 Agriculture 402 Llosok for Solo S MILK cowa. SM each. Phone 2-20OJ. K ICg weaner pHi. Ph. 4-232L SAUM auil Co, looker keel. Cuitorn killing, cutting and wrapping, trauer luaned tier. S Yr.' Shetland excellent cunfor nation. Pn. 2-42MI. r-.)K SALK-li HainpVhii cio "' i ider pin. I'll. S-VJMW. CilAV KcUang for aalc, gentle Ph. J-S2S5. , 'icTirsAtirorririiu'. r ri r j(.r- ford rattle. Ph. j-'Wa. f'M SALE or trade, gentle co rnea for children, aiao good aaodle horaea. Boo Frankc. Mti N. Water St, ilvcrtuu. Pn. 3-SI.T4. PRurcseUONAL koraeanoar Lea Maneoe, -72t at a-svu. 403 Livastock Wonttd LIVESTOCK buyer. Claude Ed wards. R 2. box asst. 4-HIJ tVAlTLI Buyers aafl SUU. fl . 1 H. Snetnen. 1-I34. 2-43D0. LAllLa, nulaca. at your laun L. L. alcLanalisn, Rl2, 3-tlilU' CAfTLI. ouyer. A.I. ooninier, tJMi Harroony Dr. Ph. 4-Wol 404 Poultry ond Robbitl BABY Chtrka hatched yr. round Vailey armSture. 4-4.'4. CUSTOM DRESSING" 0VKttiB 408 Pats PKAUTIFl'l. v.h.tc retLslcnd eiMan klltcne, L'lue riv, All.. W. H. PecU. Rt. 1 Box 346. Mnlalla. Phone 3-B04. inn SALE or t.-ntie lor rr rules AKC . Wcimaraner pup pic, vheipcu juit- lb, it'jtf. Ph. 2-44DJ. - BOSTON Terrier Stud aervice. Pn. 4-24AK. TO GIVE away: 1 yr. old male collie, Ph. 2-5971. FOUR cute kittena itTgTv awly. ::.I40 Nref Ave. )7KG. LngUKh Springer Spaniel puppiet. llioO N. Ird. "glamorous, lalghinq" odorless showixigs AKC R ROISTERED SA.VtOYKDS Wrale lt t hlacx riointa. Ideal pet enpeciallv for children. alo rei:. Larirador retrievers. Pn. 4-0203 or 2-0.IH9 MOORE "PETS Cncker. fnx terrier pups, hlrd-t. hanisterft, vacation prices, open eves. 4005 State. fART'BUI.lT'puppies, $7 Ph" 2-3763 after 4. MALE BOXER 10 mos.. ahott, ears cropped, child-'! pet, res sonable. Call 4-05. MINIATURE Dachshund.. "io - uks. Priced to sell. 4-704. BIRD Psradis for hirds, esges luDPlles 110 Llvlnglton 2-1442 COCKER mixed puppies, $2 5(1 ea Ph. 2-3454). 2 TOY Terrier pups for sale S05 S. Lancaster. YOUNG paraxects. cages fi-erln Mickey's Jg25 S Com JS.'i 1.ARRADOR female, reg , $1(1 ea. 2-5541. 3345 Ahrams. FOriSALE'awki. German Shepherd pttpptci. After .4:30 PH. Ma. 3-2IM12. Rt. 2, Box 205, Monmouth, Oregon. StAMESEkHtena, ahowTncS. Call after I p.m. Ph, 3-0711. FOR SAI.E-Pupple all kind t ome ,ee arternooa. at Livingston or rail 2-79S9. buy puppies any kind. i in 410 Seedi ond Plant BF'IONtA". Gloxinias. Fuchsias. npley Gardens. IfKiSChemawa FUCHSIAS BURNETT GARDENS 4-24.il 412 Fruit & Farm Produce GRAVENSTEIN apples I? 50 bu. Ed Wittenberg. .144 W. Chema l Rd. Th. 4-4656. 413 Foriitiior ROTTED SAWDUST 15 yrs old. Us It like peel . moss for mtilrntng flower bed or lawns Call for price and delivery. Phillips Broa.. Rt. I. ISox fmo. Ph 4-3o1j B1HN yard rotted" fertiliser, li per ton. minimum 3 ton load Ph 41.U Independence. i TF.1E Moan Irom chirk travs, 75c sack. Valley Farm Store. 4l4 Farm Equipment kTOR SAIf-Case. A 6 enmblne rxr. cond. Make offer. I'h 400 Agriculture 412 Fruit Farm Produce TILE RO. 2-4133 '-PICK heaps. Ph. 2-6122.' ( PEACHES Slappv i Golden Jubilee GKEKN AF'ri.K MAKKKT aUifit t Jk ta A I - ' - LannmK Apricots rracilt'S PKD'S PRODUCE 5230 PORTLAND RD. I CY,.-,". ' . , N'f. "' Y ib' G.'! 'hr. . ", lw B- Brooki. Ih. 32!l4 Gervali. nm SALE. Gravenstein anplen ax...iei'U Koyo. 4 ml. r.. Clear Lake School. Ph. 2-l2.1. I'-I'ICK cucumhcr.7 Ph. 2-71(17" norHUPTKTT rra. hr now ready Golden Juhilce other re liable varieties later. 1370 Wal rrf Rrl. KENTUCKY Wonder Beana: rrirnWeTT'Tui'iiii'erii. or. . d m fnrv canning Peache.. Rollin Beaver, up Glen Creek Rd. Ph4-7772. 10 LES. Gem spuds-JcRe"d ripe tomatoes, 10c lb. Vlne rlpened Cantaloupes 7c lb. Blahops Fruit Mkt., 1510 Sil- verton Rd. Cl'CiTMBERS; All klndaPh! 4-93. 4725N.Lancaater. CUCUMBERS U-PICK PH. 4 4321 BAl.KD Alia fencue. In field, plenty green leaves. Ph. 2-20II2 GHAVENSTFINS I) 00 to $2 50 iir box. 'i ml W N n( . Kci-er. .8 li. Wiley, -41H5 U indior Hd KOH SALE -pickling. Ph. Cucumbers fur Aumivllle 724 MiLkrl.on. PASTEl:ni7.Kb"hore;iiK.V gal. Homogenl7et. 7dc. ', f3l Ion 4nc. Cleary Dairy. 2-30.15 PEACHES THOSE Home grown tree ripen ed peaches, now ready at the . Jeaa Mathia Orchard and Frull Stand 4 milea N. of Salem on PSE , mile N. of Drlve-In Theatre. TO give sway 100 acres fescue atraw. H. H. Peters, Rt. I, Buoiimiiy Ph. ill! stayton. 450 Merchandise 451 Mochinery I, Tools 1 S-.'S Minneapolis Uni-tractor w. mnihiiie and puker-aliellrr. 01. 4-HB74. S1I0PSMITH NO. lOE" 1485 Center 4 Sawing Mochme. SEWING MACHINE SIXGKR de-k modfl, tM 50 .e v inoriel. eav term., l.ib- ei jil ti;iue in. l-ii. 4-7102 SEWING MACHINE RF.POSsr.SSKD Mnr console. lorivarn ana reverse atlti Ik fully guar. Ra lance. bH 5fF Tfl.e over for $1.25 wk. Ph. 4-7102. 455 Houto Good for Sal l inoleum Rugs, Sxl2. $3 91 Valley rum. Co. 219 N. C'om'l. BF.D maple twin sire complete $35. Daveno and club chair. Ph. 2-5IH5. 3742 Sunnyvlrw. NEW vent fan tor kltch. or bath, $22fl. Judson's. 279 N Com'l. SOFA, green wool fricre. m;itch Ing chair, A-I. conn $500 new. Sell Ph. ..1-IUID7. IJF.NNY lind spool bed Antique 2 drawer c hest. HC Radio rhono. (on.-i-le. Silver fox collee table. 25HJ North River Hd. Sat., Sun. and i:ves DAVENPORT and chair.wine. maple did. lied, chest with mirror, Maytag v-rlnger wash er. i.10 S. Mill. Ph. 3-S025. ROOM SIZE COTTON RUGS" Wished and fluff-dried .they'll look like new I Fast econom ical service. LAUNDERETTE ' U.iS Fer-y Ph. ?yi i'j hio.k E.ist of wiiiimcttc i .i VINYL floor tile, !P- each K I' i.. l-.ilsirom Co. 260 S Liberty. Unfinished Chests, New- 3 Drawers a 05 I Drawers la S5 No Phone Orders Plesse H0G(, BROS. 14 State St. INLAID "linoleum. $1 79 "per so. yd. R. L. lUfstrom Co, 260 S Liberty. UNFINISHED- jfurnVuir! S7T - Stiff Furniture. 173 N. High MOVING, must sell Crosier Shelvador refng., Glhson range, dr.iperte, A hlonrle corner table Rt J, Box 370. Molalla. Ph 3771 Mnlalla El mi.USro washers $ f: 11 n Mod- cm Aprhan-'e ' -ntrr. 1141 So lorn I. Ph. 4-953. COMPLETE "household-furnish", inga lor sale. 34!'3 Cherry Ave Ph . 2-14W1 BORM $.10. See Mow sin ....- m:i ni mo. w iwin nen. - OAK rocking chair. ItOOO". 3.1S V 11, ok. l;i . 5 PC. ' walnut bedroom set. 1124 95. Used Mdse. Mart, 270 K Libert'. Open Fn. nights til 9. No down payment, (oa.l Ph-s.171. NEW Maple corner cupboard". 140 50. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-B.T7I. Open Frl nights til I. No down payment (o. a. c). NEW rockers, $.17.93. Used Mdse. Mrrt. 270 8. Liberty. Open Frl. nighta til 0. No down payment. Ip a.cl. Ph. 4-f:71. - . ' NEW Deluxe Thayer 4 "yrTr'rlh' w 49 coll tnnersprlrg "mattress :ut .75 Terms. Clen Wnodrv. 1(105 N. Summer NEW Simmon. Rnli.u.iv, sissa c.icn woonry. irHlj N. .Summer. RFC. Illfl.10 New -Maple -Bunk beds w mattresses 171 91. Glen Woodry. 1605 N, Summer. CI.OSEOt.rf " "curved aecttonsl reg. $13150. now $2S on. Terms. Trsdes. Glen . U oo&ry, 110 X. Summar, 450 Merchandise 455 Houao Goods for Solo REO. $IM 50 New Simmons Hlde-a-bed. 1600, terms tradri. Glen Woodry. 160 N. , Summer. NEWa-pc7BcTt"BiltweIl See. tional. S12m.su, terma, (ilea Woodry. 10 N. Summer. LG. Conaole Radio, Record Play er, Recorder and Microphone. 19 30. terma. Glen Woodry, lol N. Hummer. REG. $249 0 BMtwell davenport and rlub chair, tin $0. Glen Woodry, 1S05 N, Summer. 10 COIL MATTRESSES w ID yr, antee and matching guar- DDI springs. Reg. $11900. now 7S a ael. trei we isae iranea, Glen Woodry, 1H N. Rummer. NEW (xlS Tweed Ruga. $2$.$; ' i.. u iini M g,.mM.,q OPEN Mon. morn. Trl. evea. Glen Woodry, 1W0N. Summer. $159.30 NEW 1 Ttr fciltwell living rm roup inc. davrno, platform rocker. 2 table lainpe. 2 atep end Wnles, matching roffre tahlea. Low dn. payment, easy terma. Glen Woodry, Mat N. Summer. DINETTE set. liv. rm. furniture. tablei, lamps, etc. SS Pied mont. VSFJ) refrlgeraton. 118 25 i up AL uue. App , 1330 state at. BE THRiFTY Uuy Good Used FURNITURE' $30 DOWN will buy a com- pli'le household of (urnilure including appliances. 7 DRAWER typewriter desk waimu i.nisti A GOOD st'leclion of radios.), a , cm B.xm m table It console models. Also! ixs-rl 4 Com sl aM 3 speed, combination It , - It P.M. '. FULL size WestinRhouse , . , . ranee, ti.ed only 4 months. SAVE $90 NOW $179 WE HAVE a good selection of used ranges a retrigerstors, alt are guaranteed. . WANTED" Good UslLTTOttlff . & Appliances vyoodt: ITU.lt 515 S. COM'L, I'll. 4-3319 OAK dlnlns: uuliQue black walnut i-oucli. Viicuiim cleaner. 2 hand t pe winiiors. iniac'l. I'll.. 2-00S1 ' aMrr 6 p in. 455-A Applionctt AUTOMATIC WASHER . 4 years old, good cond. Cot $.100, sell $75. Phone .4-7871 1955 Westinghoure T.V. cabinet. $179 95 Used Mdle. Mart-, 270 8. Liberty. Open Fn. nights til 9. No dn. psyment (o.a.c.) Ph 4-6.171. REG. $2?9 so" Deluxe G E. Drver wspnnkler. now 116 SO. Glen Woodry. 1K05 NSummer. OPEN Mori-Morn Frl. Evea". Glen Woodry, 160S N. Summer. EASY aplnner waher, excellent I condition S.W. Ph. 4-74H Eve. I FALL roto tilling. Richard Rhs. ! iimw rteninirrr or.ver., iiRr. jicw cohmllnn lu0. Ph. 1-5522. 22 FTrUPRIGHTfreerer. Cros ley auto, wssher, gaa water heater. Ph. 1-4711. MOVINCell complete house hold furnishing. Evervlhlng. See IMS N. 15th after pm. Ail day Sat. A Sun. EI. FCTROM ASTER Range. 5 yrs. old and in excellent condition. See at T.M S. U'lh. or ph. 111 sale price $73 00. RECOND. automatic water heat ers. Judson's. 279 N. Com'l, USED SpeedqueenW r i ng er washer, good working order. 120. Ph. 3-0082 sfter 7 p.m. USED Speedqueen wrlnges washer, good working order, $20. IMv JS-SdM sfter 7p-m. LARGE Thermedor elc. range w ith built-in elec. heater. $150. Ph. 2-4BB9. 455 Oxford. M. W. deep free7e 2 jrs. old 1140. 4325 Sunn.vview. 456 Wanted Home Goodi CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY FUISNCO. Ph. 2-74.2 WE" NEED" FURNITURE" Valley Turn Co 2-7472 110.000 CASH To spend for High grade Used Furniture A Apnllances. Ph 3-5110. Paying Top Prices for Relter Grade. Glen Woodry. 1405 N. Summer MISC. furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. a-OOOfl. top cash pnirE"ruRNU TtfRE. APPLIANCES. FTC. USFD MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. I.IHKRTY PH. 4-4371 457 Rodio ond TV FINE console models. Rsdlo phonographs as low aa $33. HFIDER'S. .143 N. High. TV SALE . I'n to 50- dt-coiint. Terms .. PHILLIPS APPL. Center 21" Muntr console w. doors, nice mah. cab. Ph. 2-4208. NEW 20-ft trombone aerial .price. 1710 Alberta. Ph. 2-6353. 458 Building Matarioll PRE-FAB HOUSES IDEAL FOR RENTALS FARMS VACATION COTTAGES 2 P.FDROOM house delivered to Salem 137.1 00. Sl-e 24' x 26' Fsrh house Includes elec. re frieerstor. elec. wster htr.. elec. range, toilet, na-h basin, kitchen ainks and cabinets, v-irirtr, and plumbing. jA4ii.iirT-.-cr.':nKr'"-rLANS SENT 1.1711 HOI'SF 'I" . anytime ai o.io n. . . . .. sw - in Flvd . Portland. Ore -- Bants Homes Ph. AV 6-.1500. - .- . . to be moved, 1250. Ph. 2-1273.' 500 000 FFCT New fresh-mtlled old A second growth lumber. 2x4 to ?xl2 In $ to 24-foot lenptbl. Delivered prices Salem. $30 per thou., minimum. Ted Muller 4-0523. GARAGE nooRS Nrw LOW Trices Th 2-4145 va. 4-6131 450 Merchandise 458 Building Materials 41x4 S4S-RL SIS per M. rWommnn S4S RL: 2x4 and lx at : per M 2x1 at $50 per M 2x10 and 2x12 at I4S per M 2 t $ S2S RL 155 per M La Creole Lumber Co. Ellcndale Ave., DaHaa. Ore. Ph. Mayfalr 1-251 Clearance Sale Drain board rover ...19r aq. ft Jap Flooring nalla HO keg NEW mx.u dbi'. ainmi i.bo. New laundry tray a tuts. Good paint 12 M to 1.1 71 gal. Cedar ehinglea, 45 Barn door track, hdwe, CHEAP Soil pipe. 4". New, 7r ft. Pipe j-in. He; ,-in. lac; In. 2c: l'i-ln. .lac: I-ln. 45c, 1 Ton Arizona flag 6tone CHEAP. 11-2 wire 4'c, range cable Mr. Toilrta S2S SO bath tuba ao M. Plainer brd. 4xt II 40. Il.afl. gl 115 Texture paint for plaater-brd., CHEAP. New window aaahet 12 00. Steel eeptlc tanka .iM V up. Water healers . . . SELL OUT. 1 tab 215 lb. roofing CHEAP. Hdwd. doori, glaa doora. CHP. Building paper 5? 35 roll. STRICTLY CASH-U-HAUL CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS- C- O. tONG At SONS PH. 4-W5I 1 MI. N. KF.I7FR SAUK New aUnk-dmlnboard- tfPi - cabinet coinblntion 2&'r off fi7 .V K up. Jud Min'n, Zt9 N. Coinmircwl. Keith Brown Specials close-out While they Sale iu-nw t Com. shlp. . A . -rv 1. . . lom D.a I 1 l.nl 2X4-RL 1 Com 20.00 M 15 00 M S48 IxK-HL Com Mi Btr , T O . ... .... km M lx-RL 124 Ituatlc Sid- ,nM is m w 5x4-RLE feliing 25 00 M, I 5$xa-RL I Ruatlc 90.00 M - 3;LfSin'" B,Vl leHFEV doors- .150 00 M $5 ea. ... 5 On ea. l5 ea. 3- .i-nxa-Oxl', a-sao .1- J-0x-x, .! 15- 3-0x-llxl ', R43 , I S. Door Jamb Fir Texture Paint Sand Fininh ' Reg. 5 pkg. I 50 25 bag 4 40 Cementico Masonry paint pkg. 1 15 5 bag 4.45 4.00 .75 200 Vie Our Budget PlanNothing Down and Xaay Paymenta. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD. 215 No. Front St. Phone 3-S111 "We Give S(H Green Stamps" LUMBER FOR SALE 2x1 RL "..15 Boards It Shiphp Bean-Poles, Free Wood Call Alpine S-4332, Lebanon (USED) . Sash priced from.... . II A up Windowa wframea.wE 50 A up y, .low pi iced O0""- doora, doora only $1 A up framea A hardware...$ A up Metal folding chairs ... II 25 f4.4loel hies .- II.S0 a 29x(to ready made book shelves 12 ea Reiect nardboard 11.75 aht Shower base wmlxlng fauceU 15.90 36'' hieh solid ristlc fence material 15c lineal ft. No. 2 A- btr. used lumber 4I to 154 M AI-SO Plumbing A Electric Supplies E. S RinER & CO. 6740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-KUt 4 Mi No. ol Salem, Ml. No. of T item Polo on 99E Open All Day Saturday And Fence Stain Forest Green, Graphlt Black, Terra Cot la Red. REG. 2 95 GAL. In 5 r.-il. r.ins Only 99c GAL NORRIS WALKER 1710 N. Front Ph. 4-2279 Overhead Heel garage with hardware. 1.16 J In stalled 4I M I ft. sliding Patio doors wglass 1 103. EPPING LUMBER CO. PH. 4-6123 3740 SILVERTQN RD, NO. 2'2-4s random length l?9 per M. 2x6a tongue A- groove $49 p-r M.. ex. ftir sub floors. N W. Products. 400 S. Pac. Hwy.. Woodbu-n. 460 Muiieol Instruments 90 V) Piano reduced to Kid 50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N Summer. PAINT SAI.F'I II ft Gal. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summr. ELEC.'l'LAYER PIANO 1199 93. terms. PHIII.LIPS APPL, 355 Center FOR SALE: Piano make offer. Ph. .HUi27. PIANOS Veconditioned. 165 ai.d up, terms. Dodge Piano Serv- l-e. Ph. 4-1,651. 464 Bicycles 1 BOYS bicycles 115 ea. Ph. 2-6150 before noon. liliis girl's "uedblkrfnr'sn P1"?"' tav ''.-J TRADE 26' smaller girls bike 4-76 prac. . new girl's Zenlt'i bi- cvcle. stsndsrd sire. 1927 Slate 1-941.1 WORLD girl's bicycle, good con dition with basket, 120. 2-22. 462 Sport Equipment ANOTHER LOAD of l.V Shar.taa Just arrived, l.sns Lsne, 1110 La-iaAv; ChamDion Boats 1 Th fin at boats built for p!ra-iire- A wflrr fcki ;n$T Dup to Mck nf Uni to voi at l Ihin huiinr.t am nrlling mil h,il-an;-r nf 'ittt-k - at ihdjralp with or without mii'or. I-l:1' Saber anort ruriahout. Mr ri'rv Mark 20 tnotrr 1-14' ?fahar npnrt utility," Mr. pury Mar !S0 motor. I-l' 5ihfr arrt runahont, 1-1 tmrr lnitoarrl runabout. I-M' aoort titilltv kit 1-Mercurv Mark 7 m"tnr, for Appointment ,- Save time - Save Tor ths Bfrt Professional BerviCM MUM-EXPERT Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDINO MACBINBt Buy aa you rent All makei Rotn-Typewrltera, 454 Court Pn. 307 v J. tPPLIANCKS WESTINGHOUSI ' Woodry furniture Co. 474 So t oi.-'l Ph 4-2111 iiruoiNo CAPITOL Bedding Maltreaa re novators New mattreaaea S-eoaV RIICB BLOCK MASON BRICK and block Work guar- anteefl. ph. car rttNTEa contacto alKW building, roofing or paint ing, remoa, aaLiraa a-aaaa. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tions retaining wans, cement r pumice block. Free etu mates. 3 mo. to pay. l-io. CRAMS worn, 15-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand Ai Uravel Co 2-2441 EXCAVATING VINCENT C. NEALt Excavating Co. Excavating - Gradlngi Ph. X-ION 450 Merchandise 462 Sports' Equipmont 14 FT. boat A trailer 2 'control, A winch 2S. 2 h. p. Neptune Mtr. $20., S x 11 tent. 2 burner Coleman stove like new. 340 Bn.l4th. Ph. 4-4727, . DEER rifles. 300 Savage, also 30-041. Ph. 4-0701. CAMPING bed. colapaahla with springs A matreas $15. Call 2-07l. HIFLE Winchester, model 70, cal. 20-06, like new, S Dr. Felix L. DHger, 134 Edge water. , BOAT Irailer.l-oiit llUSeU for siuu, nae new. 1S90 N. CfPltol Ph. 3-7Kn4 lOOJ.C. HIGGINS .22 automatic rtfla with 5-power erope; also 410 shotgun; both like new. o Norman SL Ph. 4-4335. 2 MODElTm Winchesters: 1 30 20; 1 300 Savage. Ill B.'Bnd. ' Ph. 2-5374. WANTED: Beat boat A trailer 1100 can buy. Ph. 4-4522. 16 H.P. Jottneon, excel, cond. Sell or trade for smajer mo tor. Ph. 2-3400. BOAT, very good. II ft. con vertible top, boat cover, anchors. Good trailer all fur 1150. Ph. 4-4)52.1 or 3-7:i:ta, '54 FVmRUDETi,"H.P.. ' rood. 2230 S. 13th. CASH oaid for used guns, mod ern and antique Cascade Mere. 12.1 Broadway 15' HOAT A trailer factory built, very good cond. Eyerly Foreign Cars. ir Wat and trailer, II hp. Sea King motor, good cond., trade ' for plckup or 1250. Ph. t-2730. 30-0 REMlNGTCfN rifle, avope eight and shoulder strap, 171. Ph. 4-589. ON NEW BOATS 2 onlv. 14' PLYWOOD. OAK rtbs A frames. Reg, I37S Ri duced to 275. 1 only. 16 PLYWOOD! OAK ' ribs A figmes. jteg. $u its duced to $4J. USED BOATS 1 lr TOI.LYCRAFT Cabin boat, used onlv. 2 montha. NEW PRICE 1772 Special less, hardware, ateering, A cover, extra for 1100. 1-14' REINELL, 15 hp. FVIN RUDE. trailer, steering, A re mote controls, ready to go, 74S. 1-14' BIRCHCRAFT BOAT and trailer, complete 1295., I-1.V CABIN CRUISER. Com pletely Flberglassed, 1 yesr old. with steering and COD trola. Reduced to 1495. 1-BIO 14" BOAT, excellent con dition. Mahogany deck, steer ing. 1225. 1-21 hp. '54 EVINRUDR.' elec tric motor with control and battery, comolete 1150. 1-5 hp. SEA KING Used. . 149 50 1-5 3 hp. EVINRUDE 149 50 1-5 hp. SEA KING, USED K 50 2 Used Hlghwheel trailers .. WO OPEN SUNDAYS 10 A.M. TO P.M. Fully Guaranteed, Easy Terms 2o Wallace rd Ph. 2-2471 BOAT. 2 hp. motor, trailer $110. Good cond. fn. 2-9S19 468 For Rent, Mite. roK Ra'NI or lease ige ware bouse' anae cement floor brlrk bldg.. downtown In quire H L. Stiff Furn 1-SIII 470 For Sole, Miie. KENMORE oil clrc. heeler. Ph 2-nosfl. B R A ND new PAYMASTER CHECK WRITER. 1125, cash or terms. Th. 4-7544. DEI.VOBIS spray gun A com pressor, exc. cond., 40. 2:195 Broadway. tuh, n ater nratrra. J uclon 2f!i N Com I. .. lop ;o.i Orrhart I. nam Flvnr lan. Oiiil 2-17.11 Prorrpt Deltverv Vei7er Sand alt Gravti ( o irV'S nmimafe. tve-jr day. 473 N CotUxt.Prt. 4im. Pli' RUN (n(AVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DEL. $1.25 A YARD 111 4'2m .'it Run (iravel TOP SOIL. PH 2 4310 ' SAVE $100 Ward TOP SOIL Phone -I17S. J-K301 rvPEWRITFRa adding ma. chines rash registers 1 u oil catora desks, chslrt (ilea sup plies Roen's. 454 Court 2-4773 NEW 3(1 galcolllnTDeluxe-sas water heater never tincrated. 2fl ru. ft. Coldspol freeier sic. cond. Ph. 1-7839, I , FLOOR COVt-BINQS NORRIS WALKER Paint Ca. rtoor-rovenng. Divtaioa Uuat- lly tnitallauona. Linoleum Aa. pball gl Rubber Tile Wall tile r ree ESTimares (TatADINO DOZING BULLDOZING, grading & land clearing. Elmo w. Locker, owner At operator. Ph. 2-5742. rxlNGEmTNcr" PH 2-0H2 D PANTOVICH BULLDOZING, clearing roads, . pondi. 0-4, D-0 rarryali V. Husaey. Ph. 2-2144. PAINTING PAINTING BRUSH SPRAY By nr. or Job. Free estimate. Ph. 4-004 an4 4-2t24. Brush Qt spray Exterior or In terior, Free eetlmatei i-psoa. REFRIGERATION DANA REFRIGERATION Commerc'L houaehold Ph " WINDOW SCREENS S A I, ECO all aluminum screens made to order. We measure inatal. Free estimate. SA1.FM ALUMINUM WINDOW CO. 1.TU4 S. 12th " Ph. 4-021 450 Merchandise 470 For Sola, Mite. VSED OFFICE CHAIR PH. 4-726 GAS floor furnace, slightly uaed. 25.000 btu. 40. 1744 Norway St. Ph. 24S70. UPRIGHT piano, good cond $150. Kenmore Dx. range, dble oven, like new. 045 Norway. USED Oremaiter Geiger counter excel, cond.. cneap, i:w. rn. 2-S410 or 3-8l or 4-4524 BABY buggyWlth mattress, ex cellent cond.. 2. Ph. 4-5472. GIRLS English bicycle. Colum bia 3-speed portable record .. plavr r, Royal . uprijht type writer. All excel. contL Ph. 3tX50. STATE OF OREGON MacLAREN SCHOOL. FOR BOYS W00DBURN. OREGON Offer tor aal by aaaled bid I Jota of material conaiatlng of 1 lot of scrap Iron and metal; 1 Farm Spring Tooth Harrow; 1. Pull Type Mower: 1 Pull Type Hay Rakei and 1 Case Tractor on rubber. Bid Infor mation may be obtained from W. F. Begin. CnmmlsssrV De parunent, .-MacLaren School for Bovs. Route 1, Box 27, Woodlmin, Oregon." Phone Woodbiirn 3.1.11. All bids must be received by 1 p.m., August Id. im METAL office desk with typing chair, 1n excellent condition, both for 1125 See at 325 8 12th. or ph. 45.13. PATIO awning, nearly new. 14 1 14' aluminum white with green trim. Ph. 2-2SS4. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, dryers, rang A refrlga. sja.l up. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. 475 Chemeketa BL DELUXE Bpark Oil Clrc. Pipes A fir. board. Uaed 2 ma. Pb. 4-04.19 or 435 W. Madrons. CAMERA, .15 m. 7-lesa Ikon Con. teasa. Light meter, range find er. 2 1 lens. Many accessories. ISIS Wsller St. A SPARK oil heater, wtlh fan. tubing A drum. Ph. 4-144 BABY buggy, leather. 17 JO. Ph. J-OJOI. CLEAN Mason Jara. Man's suit. Bir 3$; overcoat aire 42. rn 4-7537. 2 HA RTF R eecretarial chairs. Ph. 4-2273. LABGE selection phono records 15c es. Glen Woodry, 105 N. Summer. NEW 9x12 LlrToleums $4 Clen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. NEW brass flrescreens, liS. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. REMINGTON RAND Adding Ma-'h., $55; comb. R.C. Allen Add. Mach. and Cash Register, $75; Deluxe R.C. Allen Comb., $95: nearly new Clary Electric Arid. Mach..' $171, terms. Glea Woodry, IMS N. Summer. LARGE Osk roll lop desk.143; office desk. $20; etudent desk, 116 95. Glen Woodry, 105 N. Summer. is "CAU'Vrocka,-$6 3fl7whVef- harrow. li.W; hahv Jumper. , F-Strno-Rkpr. typist . . Open $.195: ttrnller. 15 50; n p. E-Steno. social work 21-45 Open motors. $5; rotn-broiler. 124 50; : F-Tvplat, statistical, calcu deep fat ityer, 112 50: radios, j ininr ... 4g wk. cneap: oiciapn., s .to; ninger sewing mach., IIS 50; wicker planter. 14 5(1: 17x27 mirrors, $2: trailer house table. 99 50: g irden toola, cheap: trunks, $4 50; commodea, 44.50; new bathroom sink w attarh'a., $29.50; flower pota, cheap; hnd wringer. $2.50; and a fnon other bargains. Glen Woodry, 160S N. Summer, LAST CHANCE NAVY Life Jackets. $2 21. Clen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. OPEN Mon. Morn Frl. Eves"! Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. 472 Wonted. MilC . 1 WAN TED several thousand cords ; of wood all species. Ph 2-7721 Viable 4-5ftX1 WHEELCHAIR, A-i Tond 7' f nTd ing tvue Write Box 165 Dallas, or Ph. Mayfair JI-4114. BOY'S dresg ault, aize J or$. Ph. 2-(iooo. SHORT logs wanled54" Song , or multiples. 14" to 49" In di ameter. Westwood Plywood Co., Independence. Evenings, Salem 4-1670. . 474 Miscellaneous TYPEWRITER. S C. silent port F.xrel, cond. 7.1. Ph. 3-4970. . AODING maentnes cash regis Clarv ta;9 Falrernuods .9t75 ItrNTAl Pl.Afl. REPAIR 1 HR SEWVfl T IN mos: CASES OR HARRY FM, WM Drn'i Adni.?i Blrti Slat V Cfim l Its SALI.M PH 1-33 tt CAFF, equip 50 loss. Small and large Ice cream machine and cabinets etc Pat's Cafe. Mt. Angel. PI), l.reen 41. 476 Fuel OAK WOOD Buy It dry and save I Ph. Salem 4-.196I. capital" FUEL .ro" St'MlfR RATES ON BLOWER Sl.nVICE Drv shivlngs. Dry Osk Sr Ash Anon - Choice slnb .A block wood mixed - Pl.ANER..NrS llu Bro,idway Ph ,1-77!l Oregon Fuel Co. Green nr dry fir lily pads - Sawdust , r- w n in, n r..iiii- , PK. 2-I5M 3017 Broadway i ORDER NOW FOR RATES ' Sawdust, wood for furnae range or heater, shavings a tnuli h 'Vest Saiem I ue- (.0 U08 104114- Ph. 1-4031 . 1 , SAND GRAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1S25 Mt-Gllchrist Crushed ouarry rocks and irav el. All aires for roads, drive- ways ana parking rota. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden aand, bull-doring!" shov el and dragline work J-S24. SALEM SAND Ax GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, rruahed and round gravel, sand and top , eon 14U5 N. Front SI 1-24(11 VALLEY BAND A (.RAVEL CO Cruahed A round travel Sand A con mix 1-4002. SBPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, arwera. aeptlc tanks cleaned. 2-5327. MIKE'S Beptie ae ice. Tanaa cleaned D rooter rleana aawera drains Phono 2-4464 Bemal'a aeptl tanka eleaneaL line service uuaranteed work. Phone 1-1404 or 2-0774. fPlfOLSTESUNO UPHOLSTERING Professions!: guar. work. free est., pickup. dell ver. Ph. I-42HI 'television HsronT.V. 1S43 B 12th , Open evea. Service from i ta S.30. Ph. 4-0444. 450 Merchandise 476 Fuel HIGHWAY FUEL CO, SAWDUST A WOOD. WANTED aeverai Ihoussnd cords of wood, all aneelee. Ph. 1-7721 Nights 4-543.1 ANDERSON'S slab weed. Ph. 2-7751. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Moway to Loan WE HAVE eaah buyers far real estate contracta and 2nd snort' (ages 4 ifc haes4 A 477 Court St Phone 1-4 111 LOANS $90 00 ta $1504 . Buy What You Need Consolldaio your bilia, Flaanc thrsragli WILLAMETTE CsUDtT COMPANY Id B. Ckurch BL Ph. I SOT COLONIAL iPTistsoaat Co. Heal Property Loana (ToBtracta rurenaseei. r cmm. 4-xio. Interest. Ph. t-trtVi, $1500.00 Now you can borrow IIM0 from ua on lurnnurc, autoa, trailer houaet and rquipmrnl W ai happy that afttr H yean wr at? aine to txienfl ihta ad cJitiunal arrx-tcc to you. . Ki7 So. Com'l. Salem, Orf oa General Finance CORPORATION PHONE 3-9161 PRIVATE money to inures), rti. g-srrtH. 512 Leant Won tad NEED 12.000 00 from private party to finish new home, by reliable couple, credit refer ences furnished. Box 242. aiaiesman-journgl. FROM private party $12,500 on uauas Dullness at residential ' property. Write Ralph Jacoba, 4777 . a7. i-reacotl. Portland. Ore. 15.000 NEEDED for 1-2 years. wen aecurea cnaitei. ray iu-.. Statesman-Journal, Box 237. WANT to borrow $10.00 on $20.- uuo value commercial sites, will pay interest A month ly payments If desired. Boa 234, Statesman-Journal. - 600 Employment 602 Halp WonUd COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Binre t4S Sneeisllste in Office Placementa r-steno, good speller, part lime ...... , ... 11.21 hr. F-t'lerk, exp. jewelry, , typing Open F-Cosmetlr A drug sales, exp. 25-30 $200 F-High School graduate, leach children 90c pr. hr. F-Supervisory, addresso graph 23-30 150-59 M-Young men, learn tele graph 11-2 150 wk. M-lnsurance, cole Ige back ground . Open M-Rug A Furniture sales man, exp. . Salary A Com. M-Sboe salcsmsn. exp, 20-40 1171 M-Acccunting. general office 21-15 1143 n 1 U' . ,. M v. - li , r..u. 404 Slate St 411 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 4-3.131 TEAcilER for " Chrlsllsn" grsde school. Ph. S-27. APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesmsn otcvele routes Several routes will be open. Appllranta must be ac companied by their parents or hsve their written permts. ton Apply at the Circulation Department of th atateaman. Journal. SINGLE women, men and couples under 61, Resort and Motel management training. See ad class 411. LAB TECHNICIAN Immediate vacancy exists at Oregon Stata Hospital. Salem, lor rer lab technician. Sal ary range 1.124 to 141. For fuilher inrnrmattnn rontart personnel oftice OS K., Salem Pn 4-".M e ;t. 372. j capital" EMPLOYMENT "AHENCY 154 N .Winter Ph i-0634 Your future I our Job. EXPERIENCED automotive frame man, 63 No. Liberty, Ph. .1-9741. A U TO " M EC ft A N IC W A NTF.D We went a goou; qualified me chanic for our foreign rnr aervice dept. Must be clean A gfNd habits. This ' is a good importunity for right roan Appl'- in person to British ( ir Sales, ?fia3 N. Capllnl Ask for Mr lltin'-.in . WANTED, bellman al Senator I Hotel , WANTED bus hoy for Sens tor ' - a. 2 MEN to learn the heating business. No exp. nee. Anplv 4n person Mon. Aug 13 or call .1-7S0.1 for ' appointment Holland Furnace. 1057 S. Cum 1 600 Employment 604 Help Wonrad, Man WASTED: Reliable gardener, caretaker, permanent position, living accommodutiona lor man A wile, wutilities turn Gardening experience import ant. Reference req. Bux U3, 81 a teaman-Journal. WANT several wood cullers Apply Capital Fuel Co, 2900 - N River Rd. LARGE EARNINGS FOR CONTRACT TRUCKMEN Aro Mvflover Tranult Com pany Inc., reeds driver J4 to W vrarn, Who , own ll'A or latter modfl traitorB, ,r braVtri or amatl dmvn pav mmt for trartor. full ttmt operation. pAid tratmnf, uni filing, tiailrr upkeep, commu nication rot! paid.- f5V ad vnnr on load, irtoaithly atat. rnflrila and pay. 'hnn or v rtt 3. R., Hollr. P O. Box 107, Indianapolia ). Ind. Mel To9 7-W71. AIRLINESNEED Young men 17 to .1. See our ad under la. National School j or Aeronautics. 606 Halp Waritad, Lady WAITRESS wanted, apply In person. IS21, N. Commercial. WANTED, maid for Senator Hotel. Bee violet Gilchrist, housekeeper. WANTED: Woman to care tor I yr. old boy and live in. Ph. l-77:t9. GIRL or woman. Pleasant office work. .io for 40 hours. Write full dctaila and age to Box 225 Stateaman-Journal. MIDDLE-aged woman aa house keeper: all mod ronventneces Must live In. Family of 2. 4 4559. EXP. Beauty operator. Maiden ette Beauty Shop. Ph. 4-1200. 2-530. WAITRESS exp. 21 to 41. Coffee Shop. Dorchester House. Ocean Lake. Live in. Ph. 2731. WAITRESS. Northa Restaurant, Capitol Bhop. Center, No ph. calls GENERAL house work.' live In. call mornings. $91 N. Liberty. lTOPP,8Golden PheaMnVrtx- perlenced waitress wanted. 24$ N. Liberty. Apply In persmyj FUXiVTIME COQK Call 1-1182 BEAUTICIAN LOVEALL . MILLER'S AIRLINES NEED- Young women IT to 2. Be our ad under ) National School of Aeronautic. TRAVEL counselors, hostesses A managera. Cruises, luxury ' motels and resorts need train ed people. Be aa Class. 111. 608 Pickers Wonted WANT Bran pickers tor Sunday. Good picking. Ph. 4-9700. WANTED Bean pickerg, food picking;. WE. to Totem Pole, turn right 4 mi. Watch for siga. Hynes Bean Yard. Ph. 4277S. BEAN plckera wanted, excellent 3rd picking. Start Aug. 10th, Jim Wilson. ' Pb, 2-2201 ear 2-0150. - BEAN PICKERS wanted for Bat. and Bun. $ ml. E. of Lancaster on Bunnyvlew. Albert Scharer, Ph. 4-4017. BEAN PICKERS needed. Good 4th picking. Alfred Dettwyler, ' Ph. 2-512$. THORNLESS evergreen black berry picking starts about Aug. 11. Ph. Sllvsfton $-4791. Aian Wlesner. Wanted Blackberry Plckera Now K mil East of Brook Charlea Pennlman BEAN PICKERS. U-Drlve out Good picking. Ph. 4-F7M. 610 Sales Halp Wanted CARD SALESPEOPLE DO YOU NEED MONEY? $50.00 IS YOURS For selling onlv 50 boxes of our lovely Exquisite xmas cara Line and this csn be done In a single day. It costs you nothing to try, 22 Xmas Card Samples Free, Thousands of orders wsltlng for. you. Write for FREE Imprint Samples and boxes on approval PURO SALES CO., DEPT. 12 !26S.W;SUrk. Portland, Ore. ATTENTION: MAN WANTED for Rawleigh business. Selling experience helpful but not re quired. Car necessary. Write at once for particulars. Raw lelgh's. Dept-133, Oakland 20. Cal. HAVE YOU? EVER CONSIDERED LIFE IN SURANCE aa a career? Just now toere are many unusual opportunitiea with our com pany. W. Riddle Combs, Gen. Agt.. tZO Pillock Block, Port land. OreA 7-1171. WANTED Experienced Real Estate salesman. See Mr. Keen at C V. Kent A Co.. 456 N. Church SI. FOR Immediate employment, $400 mo. guaranteed com ap ply 223 E. Bush I 20 to t AM Onljr Career Opportunity For young man age 21 to 40 must be ambitious A snx;ous to get shesd. Position offers food Income, plus opportunity nr rapid advanre-ment. Write details tn'St.ite Manaser, .504 Park Rlrig.,Portland. Ore. "Can" You" Qualify? Average $2M) weekly or better 1, Are von between th ages of 27 arid 6fl 2. Do ynu have a lata model de pendable car? 2. Are vnu free to travel exten sively) 4. Will vnu work from I III S. five days a week? 5. Are ou eager, ambitious. In dustrious, aggressive and In- si lent ' If votlr answer is yes to the-e ciuc-tion!., we will send s s.iles I i-i.itu er to tr.un nu t.ei- ,all We v. ill pav all v..r expenses and guarantee vo-i lllhl per week while naming Air NLit! name, adilies ac.ri pone number as well as shod outline of sales experience to N01II1 Ameni.in Press, 411 Btnadwa), Kanaiis City, Mil souii. ... WOMEN-Earn" 11-1115 "wklv", spin e time showing adult and children's apparel In homes. New a'vle Group I'artv Plan. Free outfit. Decline Fashions, llen..envllle 14, Illinois. SUCCESSFUL, "sp-elaHtv S.iles inrf to sell fainnir Tonemast er hearln- airl. work on leads onlv Generous, comm. 2:'6 Oregon Hldg. 612 Work Wonted, Men r , AI I, roto titling, Richard Pas Ph. 3-4714 FAMILY MAN 21. wants stead , 10b. Hsve been in rshinet work psl 1 yrs. Self employ ed, but have to get away from rilut Do I'ke Ibr vd,, sork nr (nos, etc fiforl ref. Slalc.man Journal fioA 2J0, , Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., 600 Employment 612 Work Wound, Mat CARPENTER, new re mod. Also painting. Ph. 4-073. LAWN aervice. hedge A shrub trimming. Jackson. Ph. 4-JOOA NEEDrsTkDDlTIONT Ramodellngl Cabinet work. Free . est. Expert work. Work guar. Rrf. Go anyplace. Cha. Ex- linc. Ph. 2-701. CEMENT work; guaranteed; rrompt service: free estimate, meat Drake, Ph. 4-4VU CUSTOM made cabinets fancy or plain. Free estimates. 44343. J.0T0TILLING Ph 2-2511 CARPENTER WORK, dsy or contract J-IS42 er 2-1459. I OU.'S tree service Sprsy. top ping, pi une, caoung 4-200 HOME BulMlng A Remodeling CALL JOHNSTON. Ph;J-9740 FREE estimates on floor cover Ings or dramboarda. R. L, Eli atrom Co, 260 S. Liberty. 614 Work WonUd, Lody LADY dealree work aa recep tionist or Gen. Office. Mrs. Thomas. Ph. 2-454. EXPERIENCED dress maker. Mrs. Julius Plncus.Ph. 1-9341. A portable Dictaphone placed In your office. Accurate tran scrlption In my home, deliv. ry on order. You'll be ahead 'of your eorreepondence agaln'. rn. s-oiwa Tor appointment. HOUSEWORK by hour, Ref."ph 4-0276. . IRONINGS wanted at 8. 17th A Waller. Ph. 4-5 1 BJ. CHILD care my home, 1 day. lac hr. 4 corner. Ph. I-H72. I WILL DO ironing la mj homo. Ph. 4-7527. ... WILL baby alt anytime. CaU PORTRAITS painted In oil. Other paintings as requested Mavis Tofte, Ph. 1-14$ Intra I-l p.m. WOULD Ilk baby lilting In your noma eves. rn. 4-otwa CHILD rare, my koan. 14$ Ferry. Ph. 1-173. WILL car for 1 or 1 children, my nonie. Ph. 4-uii. Supervised Child Care. IIS Shipping Ph. 1-12 MIMEOGRAPHINO typing Mr Po. (49 N. istfi Ph 4-seal CBrnr"ar " any . home, - play aqulpl., close supennsfon. fenced yd. 105$ Bectric. 4-3701. 615 SiKetion Wonted BOOKKEEPING Part or full lima. Over 1 year experience with logging A sawmill ac counts. Phone Mill City, 1442. DOES your root leakf Call King s Roofing rn. rn . a. Com'l SL Ph. 43721 day arJ night. SMALL rarpenler lob, good work, reasonable. Ph. 4-1421. LIGHT crawler dozer, leveling grading 1-7041 u Minn PAINTING, papering. Free esU- maies. uoa Lucero a-a-ar WANTED, caretaker Is) exchange for house, lights m weter. 1 miles from center of low). Inquire 121 . So, Commercial week days. WIEMALS day nuraery. Lie. A a late inspeciea. saa is. win ver. EXPERT eorav. brush painting. paper hanging, your pa or mine, Etee oat, Tiisaa. Ph. Nelson S-S4I2. S-8241. TILLING Howard RotovatoT Ph. 4-2S22 or 2-2531. Na call Sat please. SCHARFP BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewer. Septic Tanks, Drain Fields, Power Ditching, BackfllL Ph 1-554 or 1-4072. ts. 's yd shovel, eraaa, boa. org. line, ga-ton mooue erane. D4, D7 eats, carry all clear ing blade. Rental extntraei or unit price. SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL 140 M. Freat BL Ph, I-1-441 618 Iducefion RESO 'TS. tours, motels. Short. Intensive training lor single women under 52 as travel counaelora, hostesses, m a n agera. Also for man and wlf teams under II for manage ment tratntng. Reasonable, ex tended tuition. Phone 1-4123. Room 215, today ONLY. ' CAPITAL REAL ESTATE SCHOOL 20 hours of qualified Instruction in real eatate aeuing, naiing and proper use of all real es tate forms. Prlmerily planned for salesmen preparing to take the State examination but haa Information also of Interest to the lavman. School licensed by the state. Clasaee will atari August 21. 195 and will he held Tuesday and Thursdav evenings at 7:00 P M. Tuition for the course $25 00. Regis tration limited. Apply now at Roy Todd Real Eatate. 231 State St. Ph. 151, Arrange ments can also he msde for training for the Broker Ex amination. happy Time"bcho6l Applications being taken now for 1 A 4 yr. olds for rsit term. Sponsored br the A.A.U.W. Ph. 4-5117 A 2-5052. WANTED YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN TO TRAIN FOR FLIGHT AND GROUND Airline Training under moat modern methods for poalllona In thla new lasclnsting and well-paid field. Public Contact aa Station Agents, llostesaes. in Communication, Reserva tions. Trafflr, elc. Free Travel Passes, many other neneflta. Prepare bv a SHORT LOW. COST TRAINING PERIOD which need not Interfere with vnur present ' Jon. ws, tan HELP FINANCE qualified an pllrants FREE LIFETIME PLACEMENT SERVICE Coa.t to Coaal. Ages 17 to 3 wtlh high school or better end pleasing personality. Write giving addicts and phone number to Airline Training, National School of Aeronau tics, Box 245, Statesmsn Journsl. gaei PImw sail frAnlrae$ 60 ""V "a sOnffOCr Dl CATS ' dorera. clearing ' blade carryalls. Cat motor .Her for reot hv hour or vill contract vnur work lug. ditrhl mg.'l'h. 4-7111 " SHEET METAL WORK Heating, Ventilating, Cyclone h'vtems Free ehtimates. J, W. EISIIKR I'll. 4 04S0 702 Sleep. Room, loord DESIRABLE room. 1 block from Post Office. S4Ferry St CLEAN outside ent business man. Ph. 1-3.12J or 4-1410. HOVEV sv" from" home Men". Pn k upches lies N. Mh W 4NTFD to board A rm. elder, ly laily, reas. Ph. 2-94.1S, 2-goa , f. fp n T V AI, ,pt 5.19 N. Winter. CLF.AN. Cnmf rme. T. V. rlose in I5 S Winter I-I7 WANTED - Msn to room and board. 26$ H. Casiitol. Aug. 12, '56 Sec. IV)-25 TOO Rentals 705 Aportmorili Pm Reset $ RM. turn, apt., prlvsle balk, lui No. Liberty. Py 1-447. I-RM. turn . kitrhea, menprel I40 E. Washington. 4-1020. 1 RM. filrn. Apt. Mo. fentkemaa. aoono week avaaaw abl lfdealred. Ph. $-127. 2 ROOM ref. range, garage. Sst roo. Open today. 1947 Stata. PARTLY fur. ApLw7n'ewga heat and cooking, 125. 1728 Center. I RMS., bath, lurn.,' uTilpdT blk. to rapitnl, adults, 5E -Pis, I-42S4 after I p.m. txfruCfm. A'l-bdrm. apt! Prlv. ent, 1411 Court. BLOCK from MA7weU furnTl rm.. bath. 46 Center. LOVELY ap.noua 2 bdrmTgrnal! fir. apt. Avail Aug. II. Pre wa'er A laundry facilities, at 4211 Stat. Bua at door. Ph. CLEAN furn. 1 MS Perry. A 1 rm. apla. CLOSE IN, nice) modern furn. jM-m. apt. rn. 2-1491 except UU'ITOL PLAZA I bdrm, furn. A uniura. apta. Ut cnemeaeia m , pn $-ar-as) "CyNWOOD CbUHTAPt! CLEAN 1 A 1 BDRMS furn unium. AOUII. 1)23 $. 13th. - FURN. Aplt.. $U andHJ. utlC inci.. emp. per. only. Ph 4-157. FUR. A unfurn. Cloaeln. im age, bus, 2-5513 or 1-21377 . LARGE lat-flr. furn. apt. auto .' ell heat, near Capital anal Shopping 165, Ph. 24MI, 25272. I-! 1 rm. attractlvercleasi fitrn. prlv. eathj A sntrsnrea. Clos In. garage. Ph, 1.713. QUIET, clean, turn. I rmhf. Pvt. bath. enL No smokers or - ormiers. as. Adults, I LOVELY 1 bdrm. court. Stovsw rtf;1,. 'urn., wardrobe closet. lift H. $t. Ph. 1-5XMI. " NOW AVAILABLE 1 bdrm., turn. Apt. large eloeart storage space, hot wster heat, I blk. to Stale bldgs. ex M. A F. 441 N. Winter PULLMAN APARTMENT. Either vqiumtsnea tgjsooi ar fur klshed ($40.00) Nlr sis. At private home but separate from house. $M E. Judson BL Phona Ralph Eyre i-1491 ear MI24 for infesrmatloa. V BASEMENT turn. apt. Good fear workinl epl. sua H7 lummor. 1 RM. furn. apt $45. Pk. 475) loss asaoison St. VERT NICE lg. close la ant: Pk. a-Jl altar I 1. 706 DwpleEoo CI-IA.N nicely furn. bdnaw T V,MilJ.41-OJi, CIAJ1 Mrnj. fur, duplex.' UNFURN. clean 1 bdrm."""aoT vacant Sept. 1. Adults. Soma furniture for aalc. Ph, 4-078, UNFURN. $ private g.7. West Salem. $4150, UNTURNISIlED Duplex." UprSJ - ina. aacii WH- B bdrma. I block to SI. Va cent s. Ph. 4-91U4. FURN, duplex. 8 rnuu garaans. Adults. 4-S304 eve. FURN. bachelor apt. . Fale grousicia . $4 ana. p. l-aa fteT A 64 FERRY-St Unfurn. apt. PV $-ana ar 1-41T evea. M 54. $ hedrm, a block frarss Capitol Bldg. Aut etl boat. JfJJ " - i.. Pa. DUPLEX SIM Portland Rd. 8108 per mo, both units. Pk. fjaai, Cluett Kenyan Jtltr, ev-as). 707 Houiei Fer tW 42 SO I Bdrm. Kelrer E. A. McGLAUFXIN. AGENT i-aiii, $-aau FOR rant nlr 1 bdrm house, 7S0 Manbrln DrM Katawr DistT HOUSES for rent: one" I bdrTo" one 1 bdrm. Ph. 4-424. OLDER 4 bdrm. home, ansa Portland Rd. $M. Immed. poo session. Ph. 2-3551 Cluett s Kenyon Rltrs. oves. 4490. Nelson's Rentals l-RDRM. NEWLY DEC 8 3aV l-RDRM. UNFURN. H8. $4fc with atove A rwfrlg . $51. Csll for Dorothy Deal Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1591 8. Commercial ph, f-.tnea 4 RMR. NICE for elderly, f. V, set. rn. a -mm. low rent. 4 ROOM house barn, psstTiroTl mi viijr ueuia. rn. z-sea. CLEAN I bdrm., house, elec. best $40. no dogs. Ina. 4set Stale. 4-2S4J. WH.L I EASE lovely I Mrm, i""" in nvirrr ror lis so per Mo. Ph. 1-967. 2 . BDRM., modern home full birot auto, oil furn. Ph. 2-747T after I. 1 BDRM. Inquire 1421 Market, s-ouov. 1 BEDROOM house with Electrl Range, Ref. and Room Heater $40 no. Bee 204 S. 23rd It. Ph. 1-574. 1RDHM. has., $n7T210 N. lath! Inq. 1st house No. after $. Ph. 1-1017 I HR. furn. house in Lablah, 143 00. Ohmart A Calaba, Real tors 477 Court St. Ph. 1-411. 135. I BDRM. hou.e Ynf urrC except stove A relrlg., clean, no dogs Ph. 4-.137. 1 RDRM unfurn. AduitMuiri rsre for lawn and shrubs. 840 8. 1.1th. I BDRM., houseTBiihurbsn North 155 moPh. 4-4M7I. FREE trailer space for reliable couple for part time rare of country home. No oblerllnn to slightly handlrapped. Ph. 472ST FURN. lbdrmT" firepl.7basmt gar. Alan l-hdrm. unfurn. er partly. Ph. 2-4.132. l-RDRM. unfurn. hi-altachej garage, hdwd. floors, 150 ma. 3237 Beacon.- Ph. 41 Ml. 707-O Furnished House 1 RDRM , he, partly fum. gar. 2.140 Claude St. 150 NEWLY -reclecTfurnlhed house, gar, bdrm. 4138 Portland Rd. Ifna Wanted a Ranf BLDO. eultahle for small sehonl with ground area. Ph. 1-427, 1-44.14. 710 Wonted te Rant Hies DESIRE 2 bdrm. house unfurn. . Will give good cars. Ref, Boa) ;il, Statesman-Journal. NFED duplex or house unfurn. Quiet area. By tollable rouplo, Ph, 3-9.I.H1 from I la 7:11 p m. BUSINESSMAN wfamlly need 3-or 4-bdrm. home, pref. su burban or countrv, smith. Would ronstrier option. Ph. 3-7707 TO PLACK AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4111 To place classified ada li