X 50 Questions Said Oregon's First BEVOimYlONARV! ' NEW-METHOD Oregon's First Contentment Key In Buying o fffome White White House House OF By IRWIN FRANK line little things, you don't have SAN ANTONIO. Tc. (it - On to wmtt "n things WW in ' 22-(Sec. TIT) Statesman. Salem, Ore., Sun., Aug. 12, '561 Jl( million wives are oing to looa - '"7 . at on. million husbanos within the He ta no-fancier of a galled next year and ay, "Jet'i buy the P'" window in the front of a WW LfU bouse, dear." ..,7' . u 1 rO.T.HWj, I iVTl Ur r II I I V " I I 1 I I I I I . vuu they'll lay. "first, let '1 k .! I . . 1 L. - . . . 1 minron vni wic llim ur IIIC ! u... ...... A 1, liL U- 1 I k. - "i ...u iih tile iimxirc, ne says. "Windowi are meant to ad mit light, frame a view or per mit ventilation. They are not meant to allow neighbor! to tee what cooking on the Move or whether ynu wear a sWrt in the house. They are also not meant Questions." The M questions are the key to Bill Smith'i system of deter mining if the house at which you're looking is the house in which you'll be happy this year and 20 yean from now. After n yean of study and oh-,. ,.,' ,, ttinB .m ta ha).. aervation of house and people ,vou in ... ,umm,, ,nd tht,v ... whs live in them. C. W. Smith hat compiled a book with the SO questions and ether pre-home-buy- ing information in K called ; Nome Buyer s Handbook. Smith, a -year-old housing ex pert, if director of the housing research foundation of W South' west Research Institute, a non profit organization here. The foun dation aims to improve Bousing and living standards through sci entific knowledge in design, tech nology, materials and economics. Smith lays: ' aVUer Meases "What it adda up to is building better house at no extra cost. "If wt. know what to look for and what to demand of builders. we ran get much better house. Smith expects a builder to make 1 bouse livable and attractive and he expect a couple to reject sec- . eno? class construction and design. For example: . "There' no reason why a light switch cant be put oa the same level a a door knot) so children can reach it It doesn't cost a cent more to do this, yet It make a . home more desirahleJj.-j.. A little thing like closet door can make a hoax a better place if the closet door (olds out of the way Instead of opening into a- room taking op needed (pace. .' Smith say you can tell whether the house wa well built by look ing at the molding on the bed room wall or the way the base ment door fits: . Hidden TUats 'If the builder took p'ain with Inmate Finds Trial Error, Gets Release ' NEW YORK W-A prisoner who recently pored over the record of hi 133 trial and found an error la it procedure ha won freedom after : year behind bars. George 8 m I n; II, whs sentenced to prison for life after a jury convicted him of kidnap ing and assaulting a bookmaker he had accused of welching on a bet. At tome time during hi long yean in Green Haven Prison at Etormville, N.Y., Smolen heard about "coram nobis" a legal writ of error. So a year ago he got hold of a transcript of hi trial and searched its 33 page for error. Sure enough, he found one. The transcript showed aa instance where the Jury returned to the courtroom for some information at a time when he wasn't present Smolen had the impression that a defendant always ha to be present when a jury is in the courtroom. He wrote King County Court and asked a coram nobis bearing. At the hearing yesterday Judge Nathan Sobel agreed a major legal error had been committed. He set aside Smo'-n's life sentence. Instead of ordering a new trial, the Judge advised Smolen to plead guilty to the same kidnaping chart he was convicted on. On that plea the judge gave Smolen 20 years. But since Smolen has already served that time, he will go free. Former Highway Official Succumbs REDMOND Services will be held Monday for Maurice A. Lynch, former member of the Oregon Highway and Game com missions, who died her Saturday at the age of 7S. He was a member of the S3 Legislature, former city council man, widely active In fraternal, civic and county affairs, and an ardent highways advocate. He came to Redmond in 1910 from Portland. The widow and t w a brothers survive. not good if the only view you get from the window is passing trucks and parked cars, High Wladews He suggests that most windows should extend to the ceiling, where they will admit light and still give privacy. In bedroom, the win dow lilla should be at least four feet above the floor to permit flexible location of furnishings and to preserve privacy. All these things make for bet ter living without extra cost. ' Many living rooms are nothing but glorified hallways, he says. Think twice, he warns couples, before buying a house where all the foot traffic in the winter's snow and the summer's mud must walk in on your aew light gray rug. No matter how small a family or a house, two different living areas should be provided. 0 e should be an informal rumpus room where the television set would be located. The other, a liv ing room, should provide a place! where the. older memben of the, family can entertain in more for mal fashion. While open kitchen are popu lar, Smith warns ther are times when a wife will wan to bide the dirty pot by dosing off the kitchen from the living room. A kitchen should provide a view of the children' play area and the approach to the bouse. Ad) siahte Shades speaking ot little thlrfts. as Smith does, he insist that clowl. shelve be adjustable. He inquires if the roof of the bouse is white to reflect the sun and if there are ventilating louvers to keep mois ture out of the roof and help cool ine nouse. Before moving Into a house and i finding that the heating svstem doesn't heat and the cooling sys tem doesn't cool. Smith suggest you check with people who live in home built by the same eon tractor. Chance are if they're faustled, you will be. What about the outside storage areas?- Unless these are provided you are going to have to store sleds, Christmas tree ornaments and trunks in your closets. Base ment storage space is likely to be too damn. - And where are you going to put thing Inside the bouse? You do not want to have to, carry the ironing ooaro from the basement to the kitchen. ' la there storage ipace for the card table, dust mop and the vacuum cleaner? No Ceraer Lett Smith shuns corner lot because these will also have more mow to (hovel, more (rati to cut and more uvlesi lawn to water. Traf fic will be heavier andjhe house likely will cost more, to say noth ing of the taxes. You can get pav ing assessments on two streets, for example. - . Give the bouse extra points If the lot has some trees on it, or if the land drain away from the house. You'U be wise if you avoid a development where all the homes are alike, or are a hodge-podge ot different style homes which don't blend. Make sure the neighbors keep up their homes and their lawns. Zoning Laws Smith caution about inning reg ulations. Good soning laws will make certain that a tavern won't spring up serous the street, and that the house next door won't start taking boarders. Watch the pattern of the streets, Smih adds. If streets are in a checkerboard pattern, it will be more dangerous and less interest ing. Curved streets with T or V, intersections help slow traffic. Long blocks make for fewer in tersections. Short dead end streets are safer for children. And make sure the windows in the house next door do not match the windows In your house. If they do, Smith says, the shades will have to be drawn most of the time. Bar's Products, Inc. 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OPEN TODAY zi l ifS' c:::r:s h v 2eMaTet2tUadSatt A II U Tka Un lkx eaea M ftea trtxi rle-if chi cw? ir h ktv v THE ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE YOUR OLD BEDROOM-LIVING ROOM TRADE-IN Aft: Mothers Twin Site BOX SPRING Cr MATTRESS Complete Plus Your Old Crib "GEL Sunday Only Full Siit BOX SPRING Cr MATTRESS Complefe Plui Your Old Set M i i i I, --MasMasMMWaTai