I ' ? 4 I 10-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., Aug. 5, '56 Source for Dread Bubonic Plague Located by Doctor Bt JACK LF.FLER CORONA. Calif. I When An drew Sakacs. travel ill. wf broueht to Corona Naval Hospital, doctor quickly had a grim sus picion. For three preceding (lays, the 4J-yer-oId retired Navy chief pet " ty officef had been treated (or what was thounht a recurrence af malaria. Hii condition iu ateadily worsening. After one look. U. Cdr. Lay M Fox. Sl-ycar-old intcrni.it from Baltimore, ruled out malaria. But what else could it beT A emick check allowed: White blood corpuscle count 47.- OOO S to 10 timea above normal. Continued chills, fever, nausea. " diarrhea. Extremely painful wel- Malaria Toll Said 2 Million Every Year PARIS (INS-Medical experts in the World Health Organiiation estimate that 400 million human beings throughout the world are exposed to the dangers ot malaria each year. Each year, , these experts pre dict, some two million people, "roUirMy tffiif Kfiwit orthwac tually (uffering from the dread disease will die, because ot lack of effective measures to combat . malaria. Some idea of the Immense task which faces those encased in a continuous world-wide campaign to wipe out malaria, can be gained from statistics which show that in India alone, nearly two hundred million people live la areas where malaria it prevalent. In the' whole of Asia, (excluding Red China), at least SO per cent of total population of about 550 millions are exposed 10 malaria Backwartl Castries Medical expertrTWint out that the Droblem exists not only in backward and underdeveloped countries in Asia. Africa, and Latin America. Malaria has con tinually ravaged Greece, Italy and Yugoslavia, w h i I even France has not been entirely im mune. The wide range of operation of the malaria-carrying mosquito Is evident from the fact that case have been recorded In areas as widely separated as Archangel in Northern Russia, and Cordoba in Argentina. The discovery of D;D.T. during World War II proved of immense value in the fight against ma ana. Use of this tri-chemlcal eomrjound In the form of a spray baa permitted WHO medical teams to carry out large scale campaigns against malaria la re mote and generally inaccessioie areas where out break nave Deea greatest. 'jWpregAii'e'. -A survey of a number of coun tries where and malaria cam paign have been carried out pro vides an impressive record of the efficiency of DDT. although WHO official have pointed out the pos sibility that certain species of mosquito may in time develop an immunity to this chemical. . , In the whole of Asia, it is be lieved that as a result of inten sive campaigns, nearly 30 per cent of the 270 million people liv ing in the danger zone, have re ceived a reasonable degree of im munity, and similar progress has been reported in all other malaria areas. ling in the right groin. Small amount of pus in right ankle. No evicence of ascending red streaks in the right leg, as in a normal infection. Dr. Fox learned that the prev. ious Saturday. June IS. Sakacs hod fished in a remote mountain area and, upon return, noticed several small red marks on his right ankle. He had begun feel ing ill Flea Bites The marks. Dr. Fox reasoned. could have been flea bites. An alarming picture began tak ing shape. But Dr. Fox. a cau tious man, wanted to be sure be fore announcing his dread diag nosis. He extracted specimens from swollen lymph glands in the groin and examined smears microscop ically. These confirmed the suspicion: Bubonic plague one of the most fearsome diseases in all man kind's history but a medical rari ty in this country. The time was 4 p m. It had tak en just three hours to . solve the puizle.' "... The young doctor.- who never had encountered a. plague case before, won wide .acclaim from associates for his expert diagno sis, i But his medical detective work is only part of the story of the Illness of Andrew Sakacs who died June K for lack of early! uwunenlr - Featured at State Fair ' ? . a". J : 7- ' - - Dramatic Search While the hospital was using ev ery method known to medical sci ence to break the disease's hold on Sakacs, California health au thorities launched a quick and dramatic search for the - plague source. Word of the case had sent pan ic through Sakacs' hometown of EI Rio, a small Southern Califor nia city near Oxnard in Ventura County. Mothers kept their children In doors, checked .them for feverish symptoms. Rat hunts" 'were or ganized and platoons of trapbait ers went to work. Mention of plague evoked shud dering tales of the "Black Death" that swept through Europe in the 14th Century, leaving 2S million dead. But plague had been consigned to virtual extinction in this coun try by high standards of sanitation. L'akaowt Disease Would the plague spread like wildfire as it did in Europe entiicloa mr.A -till A ui in . . --. ..... . . a . asasss a a r&: t.n vicim . 5ome Industries I roubled the almost unknown disease? Veteran ntartiinert Dorothy Toy and Paul Wing will makt their - first Oregon oepoaraiKe Sopt. M at a featured act of the Helen Hughe stag revue at the Oregon stato fair. The re vue will be presented nightly at I in front of the grandstand. "Ml. S. Economy Strong But A Health Department task force, headed by Dr. M. G. Wy man. epidemiologist- Robert W. Jones, rodent control specialist; nd Harvey I. Mary of the Los Angeles field office, set out to fol low a faint trail they hoped would lead to the source of plague, first they checked the Sakacs Ing neas. They found none. Then (Editor's Halt: Whal't the Busi ness picture In IS Mldwesl, where farmi and aiitos are major rftnald eratlona right So?' H hat It the situation In Ui Far West, the Smith ana the Industrial East aa Ih natloss arsres for another pres tantlal campalm? An at-a-slanr' rrpart bl ixllurai iitua lor 154). the most then the auto cities of Michigan, for example now see good times only as a memory, or as a future promise. The Smith once caught up in an industrial boom as textile mills and chemical plants came along to serve them this aummer By BAM DAWSON watches nervously as the textile Stales as a whole has a healthy i weakness and the weight of over- 1 T R. Designer Says Phonevision Nearly Here they checked the premises where color at mid summer. But general production, and as the race of he worked at Port Hueneme Na- gooo' times are mottled here ana further incustnal growth slows val Base. Again nothing. . ! there by a few ailing industries ; noticeably. The disease detectives learned and some troubled communities fia,,,in. .sirurri of Sakacs' trip to a ranch in Lock- j a now familiar pattern in a post- j other cities sents of the air- wood Valley, deep in the Los Pa-jwar America of flourishing busi- rrnft jnrlustrv in the far west anil dres Nationar Forest, the Satur-!nesses side by side with depressed Texas, for example find their day before he became ill. ' They j ones. ! mfisi prcssfriK problems Indav in examined the places where he a triD around Ihe country shows the st merle to catch un with the paused for a glass of beer or stopped to look at the scenery. and again found nothing. ia2 roaad t toe But when they reached the un occupied buildings of the ranch, they found their first clue. Lying all about, in and out of the build ings, were the carcasses of squir rels and rabbits. Working quickly., the health of ficials collected fleas from the dead animals and burrow open ings, then trapped some live ani mals. The fleas proved to be car some sharp chances from a year Cities that were prospering U. S. Sends 22 Shiploads of Food Overseas WASHINGTON The I nited States has sent 211.000 metric tons rim of the deadly pUKue and. ' J10"1 he cqu.vatrn! of 22 hip- h rtMin..civ tri hi i toads to cirM Kuropcati coutitrirs tn. ruwknn iiwci . v, eo nine 11 1. IIIVOMW iliJ' 1U Mia 1' , Ihle tn .Ion .in In . tnlrnhonA anri u " Live- animals trapped a half !,n(i'T. Tresident Kisenhowers plan mile from the ranch buildings ln. T"'vp causrn,ny crop The lnlernatinn.il Cooperation . ih. ;; i vnn "Thus," reported Jones, "it ap- ' . n.ernminnai ooperauon ee the person you are talking to, . uj , :!.; Administration said the commodi- JouThnk ' ,0nCr '"""l course in the Immediate vicinity" c"t to Franco. Greece, I.un 'Vt that i, the opinion of ranch building, .An epi-' retra. Aleksa. a junior majoring ' '"' what " 1 clifoM wh "at an" Mi product design at the institute dered milk, cheese, butter, beans. The entire area for miles around r"'c and n,h(T Afm- was.du.sted with DDT a. a Prj ciRlil .COIXEfT TAXRS 'It was a million-to-one chance KAWACH1, Japan r- City fa- of Design of the Illinois Institute A" 1u.",r of Technology in Chicago. Aleska. who escaped from Russian-dominated Lithuania in 1944 and entered the United States as a displaced person, is so optimis- tic that phonevision soon will he an accepted means of communica tion that he has designed a phone booth for the purpose. The futuristic phone shelter was unveiled on the IIT campus. Aleska explained that the grace ful free-form structure is desicned especially for use in parks and ' for half a century. natural wooded areas. But he! They have found that epuoolics that Sakacs haDnened to he talk- IhcTs worried about laKKinc city ing in the midst of an epizootic revenues launched a new kiea this area, and that an inlective flea week. They put s trim or six prct happened to bite him," Jones , lv young girls to work as tax col said. ! lectors- but sent along a huvky Health authorities have been'ma'p escort in case someone. gets quietly fighting plague-in wild wrong idea. rodents in IS Western states and twi Western Canadian provinces added: break out periodically and deci- . : , ! Snlcm I kit. m m m m m m m m w irw i 1 I housing, services, utilities which their still expanding industrial economy requires. If one of their new industries slows down a bit there always scin to he another one to step in and keep the gen eral health hih. Drought gives many sections a hard time. Farmers in parts of Iowa. Mi.v.imri, Colorado. Texas see parched lields anri new dust howls threatening. I.hcslork men watch southwest ranges dry up and water tables fall. Rut neigh boring suites, w it h plenty of rain is year, see crops llourish while farm prices increase. Prosperous, communities hae their special problems. Drilling for oil is slowed do'in while Louisiana ami the federal yovrrnmcnt feud over ownership of the tidelands. And New Orleans seeks to im prove its port standing by wang ling a 'channel to the (jiilf of Mex ico to bypass the winding Missis sippi. Worry Shared The California fishing industry and1 Ihe southern textile mills shine one worry the threat of Japanese competition. The booming aircrall and other industrial activity in Ihe Pacific northwest is Icmnrrcd somewhat by a little weakness in lumber and by a w inter-damaged wheal and fruit crop and by squabbles over who should build what new dam where. Some weaknesses spread impar tially over the country. Auto deal ers everywhere found sales down JjvlIj mirht - try- It nn . riln.,maln thn rnHi-nl .rninulatisin. nf an street. Its eurvini! shane mieht i entire area. . i ' I Toil) last year s ft er lev el Most prove an Interesting contrast to! The last Calilornia plague 1 r,n, i,Pivfr ! h"mo n"il';'r'i w1' putting up the rows of angular buildings that! death prior to Sakacs occurred in t H" rntrm.f, awn n.rf ntnrt. f'er houses this year than last. fill our cities." 1947. The average since l!17 has ??!:'",,".?":!, f, nf ""rarniers most places, although Il.i. l.nrf I .1.. ... Alntr. knliAt.AM Ik. luw.tk .mM . been aboilt One CSS. . eVerV tW'O knl,,, Falh,r t IL1.. V''.. .un rs. k. r.. nrt.nmA In mnU.H VfaU I SlnnV.r III Sj1p.ii; M r Vfrnnira 'they fiberelass. metal or clastic and 'Black Death multi-colored to make it visually Itr ' ( appirr nf Rm-iirstrr Minn.; feeling belter Ibis had summer than Too Late to Classify ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify CAN hop wanted, day shift. JB Drlv. In, :2. Fairiroundi Rd ISO- For lraa. 4-hdrm, houaa. 21UJ park. rn. l-ss.u. , IRS ACRM,"bldj." Nr., Bronktl i 1.100 arra. I'h. 4-3K83, Salem. Rochester" paarhru now 'N WI10I.KSAI.K rmdv: Goldrn Jubllra , oihrr. BUSINESSA nlc eh rrll .HI. vanetlei ialr, J3i0 humn.sa. attracliv. inenni. waiiac. ita. Ij.suo for tnv.ntory. Isol AlllSiTRKAM Trailer.. wnpM'. full-llm. Buaineaa. Wflla BOX finrst Irnvel trailer. See Ey arly'a. 4.MI5 S. Pacific Hiway. Hl MKBrt'RY 4-dr.lCnod eon dllton. U'.IS. Ph. 3-4X13. 1 P.DRM., rntlaae. clean dif ferent Antenna. - Aauui. H7 N. 18th. . week, exrel. Co, henefltl. terest in developing into Dept. Manager eenual. Afe lo 45. Apply in person. W. T. Grant ' Co. i 224. Slateainan-Journal. SALE New ilnk-dralnboard-ileei cabinet combination 23', off I'll SO At up. Jud kon'a. 219 N. Ciinmirrcial. LOVELV horn. Kinawmid Dr," '. bdrms.. den. dbi. plumbing, bMiit. L.IKC- new. Aouut or SAI.ESLADY-Pleasant perma-1 amall family. Il.ij. Ph. 3-JI9S nent woik. 40 houra. .1 day na AtlTirm. uhurh.n Nnrth I vda. old. .1 bdrtna.. dole. plumbing, dxhwaaher, bnt. . I2. Ph. 3-7IM. 1UJ5 CHRYSLER Windsor. 4-dr, .ui.n r-n.i y tga u.'iu ii.a CI. FAN. 3-rm. furn. apt., pvt. I tuon ini at iua nuitv numr i... I, oc rm. -i or traiuferred. Ph 3-8.107. KOR SALE 4-bdrm.. mod. ' UAp.rtlv furn 4 rm ' elei- hnme. you are pasting , up a ,,, re(r , oil heal. Ph good buy. If you don t t-ome ; 4.4vng in to n-e lliia home at 1070 ! - Wilbur Sun. or alter S. .FRY cook ' anled, night ihift. SALESMAN wanted tn .ell eler- I CJ. " . "J.' "'" tnojil atDnhAiirt S.ilarv car furnibed nd' commission, LOST Sr. of kev on lonf Wanted onlv a permanent bra chain, Rttyard. Ph wnrktrr. Insurance. rtirmnt j 3-WHS after 4 p.m. and od ol atu ffvrnt npnnr- tunilv. MOPNINGS ONI.V. cX Salem'30 Nor,h cTm' lW IVinonal ' CHILD cart my borne. $1 day. , . . . 2J- hr. 4 Corner. Ph. J-9S72. i-oiT ana rouna PRACTICAL nurnns li vn. xp. Will live in. Ph. J-44S4. W A NTFD flood home. for Golden-Red Cocker. Wonder ful pet. 'Well trained. Ph. CLIENTS want eah to buy f;irm. one wants st.oon I- LOST: Jarta clip ear run Hr rled witn ftiiall pearl. 1 larger at top. (.onlart Uean Oelit. Ph. 3-mt LOST; Swatl ilMgl. Puyi, iii- . auers to penny in tne vi cinity of S. 2Ut At Bcllevu. Ph. 4-SII4 S.'iTaoJw ni." "m LOST? 'BiblrWithbbiru.Tr on gia.ouv place- .i .... ..,, i Pay A. Flh. Broker. Ph. -470 1!'. CHEV Bel Air Hardtop Sedan. V-8, Radio. Heater. Powrr Glide. White Walll, heaittv. Ph. 4-7L1U. CARETAKER or maintenance. Y.xp. cabinet work." painting, repair' Ac yard work Contact Tom Burch.'tirand Hotel. Ph. j-.nsi. , I WILL DO ironing in my home. Ph. 4-7S27. , BY OWNER W, aleny i-bdrm, house, exc. cond. Furn. rental cottage In rear Pnc. 17.950. 1074 1h. Ph. 4-7223. 2-BDRM.' houar. i blki. to Morn- ingside ach. Ph. 2-0002 G E ELF.C. range, lata model. auto, oven, excellent cond. M H. Bedaaul. 17SO S. SummeV. Ph 4-8072 FDR SALE by builder. New -J- bdrnv, bath 'i. birch kitch en with formica drainboarrit. hrk. nook and dining room, dhle. garafe. large lot with shade. $i:Wl South. Ph. 2-JIS1 or 3-4WS WANTED Cultivator work. Turnabout tractor. Ph., J-68M. 2-W1IEF.L trailer 4S. Jig saw 810 N'ew Geiger counter $75. Small gas angina S1Q. Dor. rabbit wnew double butch 1JU. White duck 2 Or trade for power tools. Ph. 2-4097 2O07 Coral Ave WARD elec. Ph 3-7251. personal data. Vicinity 912 Division. Ph. l-2la. Reward. LOST: Westlnghousa phetabl. radio in front of Lee Apia. Finder, pleas, return to ofllce of Let A,Pts. of Owena Fairmoum. Ph. 3785 FOUND" English blcycleT'oWner identify A Py for. ad. Ph. 23471. . ' 316 Ptrsonolzr refrlg, hand taws. TOO MANY BILLS? Don't let your htlli f ?t you In trouble. If you're behind ih j p-yntenti, cotW lielp you. ; No Kecur.ly of ro-aif nere t nefded One plare to pay all biilii. Pav onlv tAoat you ran afford! . Bonded and licensed' for vnur protertion't CRKDIT CONSl LTANTS Dial Salem 3-M44 for Informa tion. PSYCHICHeadef-adv.r "oVTaTl affair. 41.50 Portland Rd. at Albany rutoff. Ph. 4-Mfi.V STAR Friends Frank Irn People! Route 1, Halsey, Oregon. ALCOHOLICS Anunymuui iroup N I. 0M N ConVI 3-4537 ALCOHOLICS AnonVrrioua."- Ml S Commercial 1-2 1M CA Save time -Save money For th Best Professional Servicef m mm CP Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! AnillNQ MACSIIN1S Buy as you r.nt. All makes Roan-Typawriteri, 456 Court Ph. HPiiANtra wifSTINGHOt'Sf Voodry Furnilurt Co. 474 So Cor.-'I Ph 4-1111 CAPITOL bedding Mattress r. novators New mattresses 4-4009 BRIH BLOCKJHAIOM BRICK and block Work guar anleed Ph. 4-6431. CARPENTER CONTRACTOS1 NF.W building, roofing or paint ing. remo...a4 tree 4-.M. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling founda tions retaining walls, cement or umic block. Free esti mates. 36 mo. to pay l-g.'HO CRASi fVORB 2A-ton Lorain moto cran. Sa l.m Sand Crave! Co 1-14(11 CXrAYATMO VINCENT C. NEAL Elevating Co. ' Baeavaitng llradlBgl ' - Ph. 1-1681 FLOOR COVERINGS NORMS ' W XTkER Paint Co Floor-covering Division (Qual ity Installatlona Linoleum. Aa- fhall Rubber Tile Wall tile re. Estimates 4-227S GRADING DOZ1NO BULLDOZING, grading at land clearing. Elmo W. Locker. owner Si operator. PH. 2-S742. DOZfNGiLE VELING PH 1-OH52 P PANTPV1CH BULLDOZING, clea'r'ng roads. ponds. 0-4, D-S carryall V H i iKcr Ph 1-JI44 PAINTING PAINTINGm.siSPRAY Fy ir or Job Fret estimates I n,' 4-0004 and -tm. Brush or spray Exlerlor or in terior. Fre. estimates 1-9SOS. REFRIGERATION DANA REFRIGERATION Comm.re'L houaehold Ph. 4o6. SAND GRAVEL vv allinii sa n n'SSounKv r 18J5 M-c;iUhnst Crushed quarry rocks snd grav. eL All slr.es for rosds, driv.. ways and parking Inls READY MIX I'D CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-doring. shov. el and dragline work 5-0249 SAI.FM SAND At (illAVEI. I O. Ready mix concrete, crushrd and round gravel, sand and top soil. U"i N Knmt St. 2-141. VAuLEi bAND eRAVElCtT' Crushed at round grsvcl Sand con mix 14ihi2 SKPTICSF.R VICE ' TO PLACE AD "TIIOXE"4-C8ir HOWARD'S Roto-Hooter, wuers, septic tanks cleaned. 3-i.il'7 MIKE'S Septic srvtc "lank, cleaned U rcM.tgt cleans aewers drains Phone 3-Wri Hmel l sepuc Units cleaned! line service Utiarantted work. Phone 3-74C4 or 1-0774 rPHOI.STERING "rPHOLSTERING . Prnfrssinnsl- guar isnrk. fre. est., pickup, deliver. Ph. J-I7I4 To ji(aie cla.sMlied ads 400 Agrirultiire 410 Seeds and Honrs BECJONIAS Good color selec tion 6i93 Lardon Lane. Ph. l-:7. . SALE PRICES BEGONIAS, baskets, ptits. hed- aing & trailing inicei. some chiysanthemums. fuchsias, Lowery's Gre.n House. Iblll ( hemsita Hd. Fndsv. Satur day iSun. morning onlyi. BF.fiONlASr-&KMetniar Fwhsias. Copley Gardens, CM Chemawa 412 Fruit & Form Product 450 Merchandise 455 House Goods for Sole FOR SALE: Llk. new 1954 C E range, & 4 burner. 24 ' oven. Phone 4-HdS. 100 Agriculture 402 Livestock tor Sale HDRVS furn duplex, Ph S-irfi" ACRFS. part wooded hillside. NICE veal calf, milk grain tl. stream, old livable house I -ted. Ph. Wilis. - w nown. .k.w a ' ,nn SAI r ,, onmn,v vearllne ewes. Theo. W Olson, Rt. I. Box 454. Ph. 5SF23 eve. - 4 month. Ph. i-StSt.. 3-4WW 40 A., by owner. E. of Rrooks. F J. Morlky, Rt. 1, Box 2:6, Rrooks. Ore. BEANS! 4th Picking Aug Tth. Fred Scharer, Ph.- Sllverton 3-475.1 DR A PE Floral, new, for T4t window. Including travis rod and comic. Prt matching tables lamps . pr. step tables. hie Ph. .1-1170.1. PRICE CHOPPED Owner trans. Must sacrifice older tvpe house, romp, re modeled Inside. 3 bdrms , near M-hnola A: shopping, in city. So living room, dining room, nice kitchen wnook. small dfn, Instil., hdwd. floors, mod. F A. oil heat wired for dryer, garsge. trees At shrubs, on n:ce corner lot. reduced to n.!.W Ph. Owner 4-47B. Pavmaslor check Writer Ph. 4-7544 OPENING s,.leswoman who hat had hroad background of sales experi ence to. reoresent modern new . S.tlem oiru-e. for nation wide manufacturer of non competitive approved health and reducing equipment which h. exceptional con S'lrcrr.rr appe.il Salary while Icirninc For appointment Call 4-2lc1 DON'T OVERLOOK Tnis. 3-bdrm house, well lo- cwlen nesr M Vincent fc Highland school At shop cen ter Hdwd floors. f.rrpUi-e. dining room, full bsmt.. nice let. well l.ind''aped. LAWRFNCE REAL KKTATF 42: S High Ph. 2-4II46 LOCKER BEEF 13c to 17c. Pick out your animal, will deliver to slaughter hous any time. Rt. S, Box M Salem. Ph. 1-1225. SALEM- leatCo loi-kefaef" Custom killing, cutting and wrapping, trailer loaned free. EXTRA good gentle milk cow ;1f7fa1nymarh GRADE A 32 JERSEYS Dairy Ouota w Curlry Dairy Hugh McManus Rt. 1,' Box 19. Grrvais Ror f SSirjN A L norYhoYr"ba Hanson. 4-6714 or 4-.QS3 FOR SALE or trade, gentle ponies for children, also good sadd'e horses Bob Franke. 305 N Water SI Sllverton Ph 1-6134 Russet Potatoes 50 LBS. $1 98 GREEN APPLE MARKET - 5005 Portland Rd. rRESHEGGS-Grarfed A can dled Will deliver rase tots. S1B0 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 1-2.TO0. GRAVENSTEIN apples 12 50 box. St. at Sun. nnlv. Hring con tainers. 1630 Wallace Rd. GRAVF.NSTEI11S S2 50 your 'boT. 'i tm. W K N of Kel7er scho.l. Dennis Wile . Ph. 4-344(1 10 LRS. long white spuds 55c; bininai 10c lb.;, red rpt to matoes. 1 lb: 2.1c. Bishops Fruit Mkf . 3510 ilv. Rd. U-pick cukes I 50 dilla. $2 50 swTet. Ph. 44321. C I 'C U V BF R'S ; A 1 1 kl nd. P h . 4-9263. 4725 N. Lancaster. PAST IV HI ZED"svholemilk 75c gal. Homogenlred. 79c. ls gal lon -4(ic. Cleary Dairy. 2-3MJ 413 Fertilizer ROTTED SAWDI'ST ' 15 yrs old Cs. It llk. peet moss for mulcntng flower beds 3r IsWns ' Call fur prlc. and delivery. Phillips Bros., Rt. , Box SBO. Ph;4-3061. BARN yard rotted fertiliser. 5 per tnn, minimum S ton load Ph. 413J Independence. PFTF. Moss from chirk trava, ?5c "use-s. a)teT'Sharaj(Kaa 150 Mrrrliandise 451 Machinery t Tools 1955 Minnespolis Vnl-Tractnr W7 combine At picker-sheller. Fh. 4-9H74 eve. J5TI ewinq Mochines 403 Livestock Wonted LIVESTOCK Buver Claude Ld wards Rt 3 Box K)'JK 4-1 1 II CAITLK ouve7s7State t I At H Snethen 2-1.145. 2-4380 CAlILa. n'uises at vour laim r. t. Mccandflsn. Rt 2. 3-eihV CATTLE Ouyer A F Sotirrer, 1260 Harmony Dr Ph 4-9067 SEWING MACHINE Repossessed light weight Singer portahle Ral S8 5n take over for II 25 per w k. Ph. 47102 sewing Machine " Another beautiful Necehi rig xag portahle left on our hands with s IWI balance assume eon tract for ft 25 per k. Ph 471DJ. Unfinished Chfstj, New .1 Orase.ra 6fl S5 I Drawers IS IS . Ma Phone Orders Pleaa. HOGG BROS. 141 BUM. St. .- VACUUM CLEANER LEW YT $29.50 UP 1111 N. Capitol 1-,0OT r,lr- IN1AIB llnoleumv II 71 per so. yd. R. L. Elistrom Co., 260 S. Liberty. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, drvers. ranges Is rafrigv S.IS IB it up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemekels SL FOR SALE Householdoodr Phone 3-SHS1. . WOOD circulator (Good Cheer) W7 50. 2054 N. Church St. UNFINISHED furniture. H. L. Stiff Furnijure. i;5N Hign 2 ANTIQUE needlepoint chairs, drape. nuaccllaneoua. Call after p m. 4-tms. VACUUM CLEANERS EI.ECTROLUX - !9 50 UP 1.171 N. Capitol J-7067 Dir. MOVING, must seir Crosier flh.lvador re.frir!, Gibson range-,' draperies it blonde corner .libit. Rt. S. Box 370. Molalla. Ph. 3771 Molalla. USED washers $15 St up. Mod ern Appliance Center, 1141 So. Com'l. Ph. 4-sn5.1. I'SF.D refrigerators. 119 25 At up. Al Lau. App . 2350 State St. NEW v.nt fan for kltch. or bath. 122 5. Judson'a. 279 N. Com'l. VAaTUM-CLEANERS HOOVER $19 50 UP im N. Cspitol J-7067 Dir. 430 Mrrrhandine 458 Buildintj Moleriols 4.8-' in Canadian birch plywood .. We aq. II 4xa-s in. sheating plywood . . I2J3 Sheel lx Fir. shiplap .. iJH M Fir Casing :.....4c Fool 1x12 Cedar boards Ji;o M IxlO invej:tl .-caviar- -board and halts ... $125 M Steel Roofing . 11(150 Sq. ft Odd size plywood cut to your order, no Chae4te. 5x0-', In. ping png tops SO ea. A" grad. birch doors 17.70 ea. "AT gratia mahng d.wra,. $4 58 1x1-2 blr.. shiplap $15 M OPEN ALL DAY SATl'RTJAY C & K Lumber Yard - LancaMrr V Orir '. Ph. Snl4Pm 2-IWfl LUMBER FOR SALE ' 2x4 R L ..'... . $'.$ Boards & Shiplap . . Bean Polos, Free Wood - Call Alpin. S-4.13J Lebanon 4-14K.I SPARKS Oil Heater .Trana Air conjitinner " compi. -wall controls , $2541 i Shower bases wmlxing ' faucets $5 5$ t'sed V'rntllstlng Grills.. nc u$ . t'sed Drawers 50c up 29xN) Book Cases, ready made . , ......... $1 aa 96' high solid. Rustic Fence 15c lln. ft Zx S'mris ., le lin. ft, 1x4 flooring ... 121 to S4S M iilmhrr .. .. . lit to M household View Sash. 4.14S S5 ea 4-!ilfi5 after 5 pm. View Sash. 42x42 $3 ea . ALSO Doors. Plumbing. Elee Suppliel goods. Ph KING SIZE 81 tn Sesly posture, pedic mattress A box spring I.ike new. with 20 sesr guar- antee.. I sed I vear will sell price. Ph. 2-97I2 455 House Goods for Sale DRLE. chest, all me beds' ot foam matt, drafting hoard. Ph. 2-2315. DAVENPORT A- chair. good cond. 135. 4-6105, 312(1 Wllla I.ane. VACUUM CLEANERS'- K1RBY $19 50 UP 1S21 N. Capilol .1.7067 DIr DRFXEL oval table w '$ chairs. like new. Ph. Fairfax 7-2451 Jefferson. P PC . D 1 N I N G r m"" sr I . " R Ion rie finish $'i5. Ph. 3-S.kiO after 6 : STCDIO much, good cond, $10 Ph. 2-0442. E.S:R!TTER& CO. 100 Disploy Cloniried 133 BUY , TODAY!.' Well Gie? Von More Than Tfade.ln Allnwanc. w Oi a Set ot New fj C Allsta'e Silent Guardsman f, Biar. Wall, or : ; While Walls Sears Roebuck & Co . 404 Poultry and Rnbbiti LT. PRAHMA bantams, show lock, rcas. Ph. 4-Ob.TO after 6 FOIl'sALK: 50 "young laying hens White rock A- red. $1.75 ea Ph. 2-6507 before I p m. Pulleta 125 While RockA; 15fi New Hamp starting tn lsv. II 75 ea W. W Fisher. 2670 Hollywood Dr., I'h. 228.12. BARV Chicks hatched yr round Valley Farm -Store. 4-4624. CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry We buv rahmls. Wing s, 3')R5 Slate. Ph. 4-.191I YOVR LACVDRY PROBLEM SOLVED' That's what our WASH-DRY-FOI.D Service will do for you' Just leave vour bundle with ind-.' ?" 'I', re"' ,Mt KKS'MORE roaster a i ) :a i sru i.in.c. 455-A Appliance! I.Al'NPERETTK 1S Ferrv St. Ph J-4555 (', block E.ist of WilLlnictte IT r USKD APPLIANCES 15 Refrigr rators $10 and mo 1 17" TV S5.fl Wringer washers $15 A up GOOD used wringer washer, see Like new Mart . 2;n S Liberty. Open Fn nights till 9. No down pa.' men! o a c l Ph. 4-R.I71. ELECTRIC apt'., range.' $.15." Ph .",-ixi7. .1215 Triangle. 408 Pets BOSTON Terrier Stud Ph 4-24W1. e evict. 7S.10 N CAPlTfil. 17 I'CPI'IF.S; beautifully marked wire fox terriers, adorable lockers, Pekingese, pedisrecd Rcas. prices. Douglas Kennels. Stolts Mills. Ore. 5 Ml. N. nf Sllverton Hiway 213. "Signs " MOTHER cat K six wknld kIN tens tn give away. 2775 S. i Summer. 4 CUTE kittens lo give sway. Eh... 2-7004 : -AO , COCKER pups reg aim white Peke. house broke. 2124$. 1 List full, still ur-rrn't Mrs l.ovlnn bo-,, it., nl tl,., ..1.. ! Vitirinia S'artia ..t D, ...,., II I.. , . The source nf the "Black Drath" : Hn.ih. r of Aifonse Desioover, Mo-1 An(1 ,iirm Implrmrnl rlcnlors and MOOUE PETS since 1!I2 has a fatal case of.chel.ta. Iowa: Mrs. m,.v Marin, o I Prfs.va cvrn man ttir auin mm. plnRue bton traced rats in California. tO dotlH'StiC ''n.Tlolle. Mich Shipment will be ' .Strang Tolnls , niniir i. niirviur, inwe., inr services. I and Interment umlr Ihe Hir,.inn In its basic, form, bubonic at- of the w. t. Rigiion t o, , ;'iby alniosl nil rcuion Some stronc points were sharer) lli'tail trade I was belter as a whole than la-it Nch Hitr.v.ir niniosi evprywnere cxerpt in der the canopy, facing the inside of the structure. The concave canopy shell shel ter! the user from sun and bad weather and ensures privacy. BOOK BANNED KARACHI - Pakistan has banned the sale of the book titled here "The Story of the Human Mind", written by the late Hen drik Willem Van Loon. A govern ment decree alleged that portions interesting The flowing structure Is anch ored In a wide, flat base that gives it stability and rises grace fully from a slender pedestal to ...,-jl iu.. U..L. ikn l.....k ni..n.l. r tl.. u.. lorill Si ruuiiusTi vnnut'y wvvi inr i ins- ijiii)iii yuiiiuA ui mi- inr lion,), jMmes Itnrltf usrr'i head, . , tnan system, It lakes its. most At the reaidence. ins r. In using the btkith, a person ! nanserous (orm when it spreads s-ilein Augui :irn Hushand m Ki- cities, where many workers had atands jack-ln-the ptilpit-like un-1 tn the luncs and becomes pneu . .1? bonaii b ,k. , ,,1 k ?. i b lnirt nlf or were on strike monic. men It is extremely con-: Edward nurke, iwnii of s.iem smi . aim save tor tn or same cities 1 lagious. With each breath, the in- "' ;,r"n """" "' '""' : and or farmins areas the Iota of , . . 1 1 . . 1 t slif. Brother nf Edward Thompson. , , ,, . fected person expels plague ba;il-! Hurke of i.a.iniia, calif. Rosary wall ! personal income was on Ih.' rise li. j he said Sundiiy. August Slh'st S in 1'nllimilllltV llfler comilllinitv Every person with whom Sak-1 ',,0;'. win bT .,.1 1 "'" a .slow sum. acs came in contact after becom- . st Joseph s church Monday. An-! mer were expected to manv places ing ill was given antibiotics and!"' ', ,"m (w',n comiiiding j n0w that the steel strike was over no additional cases developed- .' 2L ! wl work on new model automo- Plague IS Still a potential dan- Elisabeth illolll.) (iamhle Tiiles was soon to start rawa of chapter about Mohammed j treatment of human cases have were intended to outrage the re- reduced mortality to negligi ligioui feelings of "Moslems. ble point." .. let.v Jones said, "i,,H it is not T r. People everywhere complained tne qreaaed disease it once was. Ui Haiem, Mrs Vsude Vincent of -tnis summer about the hich rfist menicai acvances. In the use of m u -!,. L ' 01 llvin1 nr"' thfir debt burdrn ntikintiea .nel ...If. e$e...' foe I nglewood .III . Mrs. Edith Sper. j ,,. ..", .. . her nf Portland. Ore (irave.ide : BimoM everyw neir, mey went services will he held Tuesday. An-1 on spending and hnrrowing and 'nooV. derrrhrd.n.n"1'' 'P installment and ol ih. w. T. Ridon Co. i mortgage payments. SALE ! ; 'SUMMER SPECIALS' c W'as Now'. ,wt'ni.tTzrn ' tisns 11145 1 I I liiiit h Organ A Tone Clwimhcr. :' CONN 3i SON ATT A IM'15 I BIS i ;: Mtv.silAI.I. Iimis I sis ; ; i25 oe. i nntel s . MI NSH A LL 1 SPINET I IM I SIS i iKSTFti I 945 I tak (Sitigit manuill I "Ask About ZOBKL'S I Unique Church Plan." ZOBEL'S EASY TERMS PH. 4 B2S2 I'up tn M Mos.) 519 COURT Kree Delivery Lessons? 5 Toy Fox Terriers. Cocker Pup pies. Open Eves 4t;5 Stale. f Yr. old tnale Boxer, $.15. Ph. 44SH DOflS hoardedrCorkhaVtirKen". nels. Lutrile Lund. Rt. 3, Sll verton. .1-47S7. 1 1 1 1 N T F R S ' J m'Cr I g h ta gef nr the fall season. Labrador re triever pun AKC reg. Call 4J757 nr i:mt. 1 A. K C. reg. Boston Terrier puppy. Ileal sweet, 3-AR;ln. SAVOYKD "pii,"" a Wkl.tilrf. Pnrel.rcad AKC reg While with black points. Th. 2n.10 or 4020.1. YCl!N(ruaralleets"cagcs feeds Mickey's JH25 S fjnm I.17S5 FOR"SAI.F-PiipfiiJ"s "all kinds' Come see afternoons at 358 Livingston or call 2-7081, Will buy puppies any kind. SMALL breed" black "pups. Ph. 4!IU2. SIAMESE KITTENS Ph. 3-Mfll or 2-8H57 ALL .Hunters, German short haired pointers, sell nr trade. IB 1 0 S. Capitol. Ph. 4-OSI3. MINIATURE Dachshund.! 10 wks Priced to sell. 4-V.T04. BIRD Paradise for trds. rages tappllaa JIM Uvingsloo MM. Can he seen at Wards w hse MONTGOMERY WARD 153 N. Liberty Ph. 3-.1tf)t 40-INCH auto. elec. range, good cond. Ph. 2-0525, 3 Piece living suit, and wringer washer almost new, very rea sonahle. Ph. 21379. VACUUM "CLEANER Late model Elcctrolux. Like rrcOND. automatic water'heat'. new rnndillnn. u 5(1. Terms, er. judson'a. 279 N. Com'l. i per wa. i n. siiti. at .11!iB D St., Salem MAYTAG wringer washer, like new, reasonable. Ph. 45.104. PRACTICALLY newWhlrlpool drver. Set at 32.15 Center. Th. 34271. rniCIDAinE-refregeraior7"'cu ft., exc. cond.. $511. Ph. May fair 3.11.15. Dallas NF.W Kenmore Auto, washer. GE drver, Coldspot refrig . deluxe 30" range, large Duo Thetm oil healer, chrome set, 1225 wool rug At pad. 17" TV 24(l Portland Rd. dir. j FOR SALE: 11 ft Phtlco refrlg I. MjPaulsl597 Huge. USED Refrlg. .125 At up Modern Appliance Center, 1141 South Com'l. 4-935.T. BE THRIFTY Buy Good Used Furniture $.30 no dn. w'll buy a com plete household pi furniture including APPLIANCES. TYPEWRITElTdosk with le gal sized drawers. Walnut finish. 139.50. KNEE HOLE desk? drawer excellent condition. $44 50. 1 PIECE sectional-lime green freize cover. $79 so. RADIO-PHONO combination, IM.Sp. . , WE have a good selection nf reeonrlitinned & guaranteed APPLIANCES. WANTED, good used furni ture and appliances. We pay cash. 456 Wanted House Goods WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Furn C1-747J TOP CASH PRICE - rURNI TURK. APPLIANCES. ETC hern u S'nr-ll ivnKV '"M ART 27lf S LIRFim PH 4-S:i71 ArsMSTR"rC-"'ttrte,. ec. cond,- WOOD . 515 S; COM'L. PIL 4-3310 VINYL floor til.. 10c each. R , L. Elfitrom Co. 280 S. Liberty Itn.ooo CASH Tn spend for High grsd. Used Furniture At Appllsnces. Ph. 3-5110. Paying Top Pncea for Retter Grade. Glen Woodry, 1809 N. Summer 457 Radio and TV PORTABLE radio plays llkt new 114 95 Used Mdse. Mart.. 270 S Liberty. Open Frl. nights tttl S No down payment in a. e.i Ph. 4-8371. ARVlN"Yahlemnrtefradln. 124 05. t'sed Mdse. Mart.S7i S Lib erty, Open Fn. nights till . No down payment mac. I Ph. 4-8.171, ZENITH Trans Oceanic, portable radio. New price II4SM. Spe cial price ISA OS, Used Mdse Mart.. 2711 S. Liberty. OpeTi Frl. nlghls till 9 Nn down payment lo ad Ph 4-8371. 458 Buildintj Moteriolt FOR SALE: Planks .J x 13 At I ir. Alsn logs for nr. 'wood Ph. 4-8840 or 92S Co lumbia St. Son OOO TEET New fresh-mlll.d old at second growth lumber. 2x4 to 2x12 In S tn 24-foot lengths. Delivered prices Salem. :1 per thou., minimum. Ted Muller 4-052.1. SMAU, hldgTrt ble construction, to b. moved, f250. Ph.. 2-8273. 7in Portland Rd Pn 4-S1II 4 Ml. Vn ot Salem, '4 Ml. No. of Totem Pole on 9:iK Open All Day Saturday 2x4 Stud, fir and cedar 15c; No. 2 cedar shingles oft a sq. Ntirthwrst Product. 4'K) S. Ta ctile Itwv,. Wondhurn. Overhead ste.1 gsrag. doors wi'h nard-var. I.1H 5. In .'ailea 4s 50 6 ft sliding Tatlo dmrs v t-"M ! 1)5- EI'PI.NG LL'MHt.R CO. PH 4-6111 ' 3.40 SILVEIf'tiN RD IMPORTED ORIENTAL- 4x8 Hardwood Plywood LIGHT AND DARK WOODS IK ET. WALL COST $19.20 TO $29.44 CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C O. LONO SONS PH. 4-3031 I MI. N. KF.IZEB 460 Musical Instruments i 2 USED organs Ar demonstrator, save 123(1 Used pianos. ntio er s. 383 No. High. WANTFD"used "Clarinet At trum pet. Ph. 2-8850. PI A NOS "recond 1 1 lone'd, I75-an3 up, terms. Dodge Pisno Serv ice. Ph. 41858 NEW ELECTRONIC Orgsn for your home: 1718 nn Wiitsey Weath ers Music, 470 N. Capitol. Ph. 2-2(1.14. 462 Sports Equipment 12 FT. car top boat, carrier 3", Johnson $125. Ph. 2-0810. 49 CROSLEYStaWgn. for salt or trdae for a boat trailer. Ph. 4-0O08 after 8 p.m. f WO" h7ejTnvtrH""utllltyTraiU er. Suitable for camping equipment. Priced to sell al $.13. See at Shell Station,' Owen, and S. Commercial. BOAT and' house trailer storage spate 2 hlks from Oil Ward Call 45400 ID' MAH. "speed" boat fiber glassed. 8(1 H P. Marine engm. trailer with winch. IflOS. Al pine 84102 Lebanon. FOR SALF12 ftrhostrVraller. , 5 H. P. Sea King mntnr. com pleted 2.vi. 144 Center, Ph. 4-50M, ' ' :. ft' RUNABdtJfTtriller, ss" Johnson, cheap. 380 King St. ORTRA"DF-T4Tthru"n ahout St trailer. 8051 Will avt. CASH paid for used guns mod em snd antique Casrada Mera. 1230 Broadway 468 For Rant. Misc. FOR RENT or lt.ise igt ars house space cement floor, brick bldg downtown In quirt IL L. Stlfl Fura.. $-11 U.