The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 29, 1956, Page 10, Image 10

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    10-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., July 29, '58
oiMe and Garden
o o o
By v
Lillie L. Madsen
-House of the Week-
Two-Story Still Best Buy
Costs Down
For Du elling
The best buy, fcr your home
ruilding dollars (till If the two
J.m house. Thin t shown In De-
ti gn HW11 for The House o( the
Here Is bif seven -room house
planned (or comfortable family
living. It If designed to fit
modest sited lot. 11 you wanted to
build the same number of the
. same sited rooms with a similar
two-car garage In one-story
ranch style layout, you would
reed twice as much land, twice as
much room and (0 per cent more
louncation work.
This bouse covers only 1.287
square feet of land, including its
garage wing. Such an area is
merely that used by almost mint
mum sited ranch nouses. Yet
her you have almost 1.000 square
feet of livable floor space on two
floors, not counting the garage
You could fit HW-1I nicely on a
SO by 100-foot corner lot. or on
about 7$ feet of frontage else
where, depending on local toning
rules for space between neigh
bors. In any case, generous space
would be left lor lawn and land
scaping. THE BASIC advantage of two
story homes are frequently over
looked amid the novelties of ranch
houses and split-levels. The con
omiea of construction, land re
quirement and operation, includ
ing heating, are readily apparent
Also, well-located lots often
am not large enough for adequate
rambling one-story layouts. You
art not compelled to move to a
remote location to have a two-
story house. So in many cases the
two-story house can offer the ad
ded advantage of convenience. Its
sits msy be near business centers,
schools and churches an ln-town
location with benefits of estab
lished municipal services, such as
police and fire protection, paved
streets, sidewalks and sewers.
Many women prefer sleeping
rooms removed from the ground
floor. This affords privacy from
within and without.- Strangers ca
tering the bouse do not look into
bedrooms. But the full flight of
stairs needed in a two-story house
can be an objection. In this plan
that objection is removed .by
breaking the stairs with a land
in at the level of the large recre
ation room ever the garage. This
gives the bouse a split-level fea
ture without torturing Its facade.
The eiterior presents dig
nified appearancea large sub
stantial house that looks as If it
belongs In an established neigh
borhood. Hand split shakes. In
dicated in the drawing, would cre
ate especially attractive shswod
lines on the front of the house.
Or conventional clapboard siding
could be used for some economy.
HERMAN H. YORK, an archi
tect specializing entirely in home
planning, designed HW-11 in an
swer to readers' inquiries for a
modern version of a colonial
house. Open planning gives the i
V;I2.;iT ,Zm,rmT-',WJ C'TMZZWW'Zi
kSEr -J-';.: .... h&J-. . .
' '' est -
L l. i SLfc. Sf . J U
More Caslf
For Shade
Plant Show
Near-Perfect Conditions Needed for
Modern Lily Growing, Expert Says
By LII.I.IE L. MADSEN I matter. It takes an average ofi "Once we set out to raise a crop ' of that period most of the stock
Gardes Editor, The Statesman four years to grow a good flower- of one of our new strains, we sow , will be a good size. The bulhs am
Two weeks ago, I interviewed ing-size bulb, from seed. L. aura- the seed and 'usually leave it two harvested and sold and that is
i nn'ih. hutnrv of turn platyphyllum and similar slow- years In one location. Then we the end of that particular cron. We
1 lies and their early use in gardens. ! Krowing lilies take lunger. Some, j harvest the bulbs and set them simply do not plant back lily bulbs'
i his week we discussed cultural Ke puuium iase a snorter time. oui lor two more years. n we tnu 10 k more my quids, in nur pro-
, , , . , , . auction system this can be dona
Sl'BSTANTIAL IN APPEARANCE, erenamleal to build, a smart twe-slnry home
Ht' j
I iHfpl : : --
iSn 1 ilMi -J- ftlv
I Anetie itl L ,
I pgr
1 WMJ .
COMFORTABLE LIVING Is planned for. Note kitchen and lavatory locations
l fcEO CM. ,1 BED BM-, I 1 j
practices of modern lily growing,
as well as some of the newer
varieties. And this is what Mr.
deGraaff told rag:
Lilies must nav perfect drain
ace such as a gentle slope can
provide. Air drainage, too, is im-
The Statesman garden editor, m prsl, ind diMa,,.
along with a lot ot otnr lair- i vmir ,,t, i, nH th. i
goers, has enjoyed the big splash I ji h.iv Ihi-n nrrnare raised1 Lit
of color which tuberous begonias bed, (of the bu)b. Take care not lo W
maoe in tne Pbi ruup.e ui ,cia damage the roots in planting,
at the State Fair Flower Show. sua Or Shade
But chattering around has re- , nd .unlioht. at least
vealed that there was a catch in unli 2 p. m. Filtered sunlight or
this from the exhibitor's startd- ,omi.shade may bring out the more
Doint. Too many small grown riliraiB mlnr hut th..v i..nrf t
wore unable to enter just be- i mat, tt,.,!, st,.m and soft flowers.
cause it did lake such a large ! (j0 not piant near nouse wf,ua
stock on nnnn 10 mainiain inc waik, or drivM tnat rcntt sun
display fresh for the eight days. jgni or nest.
Lots of replacement was neces-1 l candidum, "Cascade Strain"
ssry either due to intense heat or and "White Elf", wed not more
transportation injury. 1 , tnan one jnch 0f settled soil over
New System Announced the top of the bulbs. All others
A new system is going to be need more than four inches of soil
tried out this year. About the 0ver them,
s.i me amount of money allnted Hearty Eaters
to this display last year, will he ; Lilies are hearty eaters. They
broken down into several classes nerd a porous, well-aerated soil,
this year, making it possible for rich in humus and well-balanced
an exhibitor to enter all or just plant food. They like a good mulch
part of the cbses and therefore of. well-rotted cow manure, rich
m?V.t a more competitive show. compost or decaying lrafmold, and
In the fuchsias, the three large tins can be applied several times
classes remain the same as hst during the growing season.
year but there has been added . ruttin Hamm
one more class, therefore there ; rmiine the flowers onlv. ore-
is S15 more offered in-this di- venting them from setting seed, is
visions prizes. i beneficial. Cutting the foliage is
There is. a complete!? new ai- harmful in direct proportion to the
vision whereby an exhibitor r.m..nt taken Cuttine items with
could enter begonias and fuchsias foliage year after year will de
toeether in one display to be i finitely kill the plant,
judged for artistic presentation Natural fertilizers, such as well
and horticultural perfection. and;roUPd cow manure, are ideal. A
consisting of eight or more plants ; handful of balanced fertilizer,
and to include both trailing and j scattered over every few feet, a
upright begonias and fuchsias and pound of wood ashes per every
any other shade loving plants. 20 square feet, and such applies
These will complete the artistry Hons reneated two or three times
wnn a top prize 01 second during the growing seasons, will
ai am, ana ora prize at
SHI More Added
Thus, where last year there was
a total of $345 offered in be-
LilyMscase Resistant
healthy. If your soil and water are
alkaline, then two or three times
during the growing season a pinch ,
goniss and fuchsias there is this or two of agricultural sulphur over.
year a total of $488 or an addi- surface and water it in. Peat moss, I
tional sum of $141. Then Glox-j being slightly acid, is good lor;
inias have been added for the j lilies. It provides an ideal medium
first time this year with a total for the stem roots when used as
of S38 in that division. a mulch.
Raloh Sittel of Sittel's Gardens Lies Not Laiy
near Tualatin is among the first 1 L'lics are always busy. The bulbs
floral entries. Harvey Hallett, are never completely dormant.
Silverton gladiolus grower, is They must be received as soon ss
another entrant. And s new dis- possible alter digging, so place ,
play which will undoubtedly at-i your orders witn your dealer as.
A SPLIT-LEVEL FEATURE Is the stair break at the rerreatloa roam level
living room and dining room win
dow light from front to rear. From
the entrance foyer, you get a view
of the full length of the living
room with its formal fireplace at
the end.
) The kitchen is large with dinette
space In one corner. Adjacent is trr, sn enormous varied-use room
a lavatory which serves as a mud 1 is provided above the garage. This
wide enough for turning space,
the driveway can lead directly to
the front of the garage.
IN ADDITION to the three bed
rooms and a large bathroom with
double lavatory in a vanity coun-
room for the youngsters coming in
from the back yard. The service
door opens from the garage into a
service vestibule with basement
stairs at hand. -
An alternate location for the
double garage doors is indicated
on the plan. If you are not build
ing on a corner lot, or with land
can be used for a studio bedroom,
a recreation room, hobby room
or for many other purposes. It
has windows on three sides low
colonial style windows in front, a
studio window above the garage
doors, and a regulation window in
the rear where the roof is raised
without spoiling the front of the
Two walk-in closets are ad'
jacent to this varied-use room.
tract much attention is that of
clemat is promised by Arnold's
of Milwaukie.
Hot Weather
Means More
Lawn Care
early as possible. If the bulbs are
slightly limp after their long trip.
place them in wet peat moss for a
few days before planting. They
will soon freshen up snd should
then be planted immediately. Never
plant new bulbs where other lilies
have failed to grow and never
plant in heavy, soggy soil. They
only through renewed planting of
seed," Mr. deGraaff explained.
Better Plants
. Each new crop of seed planted
Is taken from better plants than
any previous crop.
, New Varieties
j Mr. deGraaff told me about snms
iof his fine new varieties, showing
me those now in bloom, and telling
me what the others would look
like. I'm listing the approximate
price of each bulhs, so that garden
: ers will know what to expect to
pay from his dealer.
AFTERGIAW- A Bellinghain
hybrid. This is tall, bears many
large flower of a crimson-red with
a golden center heavily spotted
j with maroon. '$1.50
I CRIMSON Qt KEN An auratum
platyphyllum. This is a hybrid from
the species from Japan, often cal
led the Gold Band Lily. The strain
, raised in the deGraalf gardens is
broad-leaved and hardier than- th.
originals. It is also more disea.s
resistant. This lily prefers a place
with long, moist and cool growing
season, and a deep, rich, well-
drained ' soil. Under these condi
tions it is long-lived variety has
, a rich crimson ray down the center
Iof each petal. It Flowers in Aug-
i ust and September $12.50)
Bl'TTERCl'P- Another Rollins.
ham hybrid. This is soft yellow,
heavily spotted with maroon. At
tains a height of four to five feet
in the open field. A free-flower
plant $3 not '
CROESL'S One of the Mid- Cen
tury h birds. A tall, upright-flowing
lily with large goblet-shaped,
upright-flowering flowers. FIowcts
in July. '$1 001
DESTINY - Another Mid-Century,
s tall pure lemon-yellow, with
brown spots on the petals, igl.sui
Plants are tall, and will bear as
many as 20 flowers on a stem.
Colors range from straw-yellow
through reds, oranges to deep
maroons. A sun-loving lily that
should be planted 'from S to
inches deep in full sunlight. (7S
F1RECROWN One of the most
superb, vividly-brilliant vermilion
colored lilies. It is completely sun-
nronf Thrw tn fmip tall an.!
TY I good bloomer, this lily would
UI , be a distant addition to any sum
mer garden. '$2 00
Aug. 4 Silverton Jay-C-Ette I GREEN DRAGON An excellent
Siimmrr Flower Show. F.ueene chartruese colored, bowl - sharwd
Fish oil baits offer effective con-' j. jca Auditorium. Hours 2 30 to j trumpet lily. This lily always stir-
trot 01 the earwig wnicn teeo on 9 p m toffee hour from 2 30 to'Pris" me when I see it. It is
help to keep the lilies strong and ; This is L. Shuksaa, one of the best of the Bellingham hybrids, first
introduced by the late Dr. David Griffiths la Bellingham, Hash.
Shuksaa grows easily. Is disease resistant aad flowers freely.
Fish Oil Bait
Good Control
For Earwigs
plants sometimes to such an
extent that there isn't sufficient
leaf surface to maintain the plant
in a healthy condition.
The effectiveness of the fish oil
baits lies in the fact that earwigs
are attracted to the fish oil. Baits
nf this tvnm im hnwevpr nnienn.
r annul h treated like tulio or dal-1 l.. 1
, - .-- cus 10 pt-upie Hisu nu air ii'ti ri . ci- c...u
Mil. bulbs which can be dried out particulaPrlyP dosirable ,or use P-Uo. riant Sale Style
snd co comD ctelv dormant. ! j ... l Hours: 2 to 9 p.m. Satur
- " - - ... i iirounu inr nuuc.
MOSl 01 tne amateur toy growf ri : r-rn who nrfer to use
actually one of the most perfect
blooming flowers I have seen.
I $7.50 1
JILIAN WALLACE This is one of
bolder lilies. It is large-fully opened
flowers measure more than eight
inches across and the plants bear
Salem High School gymnasium ,. ' .... TV
color is a bright red with whits
S pm
Aug. 11-12 International Glad
iolus Show, International Harvest
er Bldg., North of Milwaukie on
Super Highway.
Aug. 11-12 Begonia Show, Sa
lem Begonia Society. Place: South
. ,. . !to not waliw that taweaaing Uj ' i,, wa).. hlmiltne wiu niion charge.
.'vai ij an iiuiiic v-irii iin, pruumuull VI lllia ui nut a....)"
been feeling the pressure of hiah I
summer temperatures and a tcr
p.m. Saturday; 12
noon to 7:30 pm. Sunday. No ad-
Make Carport
ruic neen lor moisture on tneir i
lawns. There are several things
that can be done to save on wa- jo 1 11
One is suitable for space for sn " " .m"m"m ' 'iJi;i ISKtUltlK;
extra bathroom, which could be lawn ,nr0UEh thf summer P
a future oroiect if olanned for Weeds should be e'iminated to
' Flower Show, Canbv Fairgrounds,
are also kept in check by a para-, ' .. . -. r.-H.n
Mlic fly. The too-free use of m-1 ."-1-8 ' ' m C"dfn
secticido, can be harmful to the i Washington Glad-
beneficial insects, so judgement is . . -., cu, c .u T.-
. . . . ,u, lolus Society Show, south Tsco-
be ng adviced in he use of chemi- Cnmmiltv cfntcr.
cal control matenals. Aug. 23-2UAnnual San Fran
F.arwiss lav their ecus in Into. .......
Carnnrts not onlv cive a home fall inri earlv snnns The vniini? cl . l
nhpH nf lim. Annlhpr enable grass Stands to be tight mr. ..nmnu line when the knih . th. r, H r.u.h th.. i -'" s-uuiii) ri.iw-
closet adjoins the dressing room1"'1'! to conserve the moisture for roo( ,ections are carefully de- aduU in July They feed on ,,r .Show;.RJ5kr,f "' .- arranjement that would havs
of the master bedroom, where a , e V 'hat weeds will be using. sinedi bu, thcy offer s wide var- a vario,y of materials, often be-'..A.M-, .".Vi?-!,. uZ Ah .'ny t' ..' M'
separate entrance to the bath-1 Any of the 2.4-D materials, when t ictv o( additional storase space. Cumme cannibalistic when con. filadtnlus Show, Mill Ht High I RtilAL GOLD A golden yellow,
room is nrovided. Properly as recommendei one of the cleverest ideas ot (i.h Thn,r h.hit nf in. School. i on the order of the Regal Lily in
. . . . i l.. .i.. ? . j. . ... . ' - " -
An abundance of storage space t l"r m'""iuri-tj. m uu a ne ,Pason is the use oi a ires EPih,.r when they seek shelter
msrgins and spotted with deep
crimson. This was orginally raised
in Australia by Roy M. Wallace.
I.K.IITHOISE- The flowers of
this are large, open, cup-shaped
flowers grown on stems from six
to eight feet. The coloring is a
pinish-orange. '$5
PALOMINO A curious lily, with
beige-buff flowers on five-foot
stems. This lily I saw in a vast
with dark blue Delphiniums in an
is set aside in this plan. Down
stairs there is a coat closet and
a broom closet; upstairs, two
linen closets, three regular ward
robe closets and three ocer-sized
walk-in closets.
of the
Quality Plan
! , Selected
Stnd this coupon for your
YOU CAN GET study plan for The Houe of
The Week by filling in the coupon and sending
it with J5 cents to this newspaper.
This study plan shows each floor together with
each of the four elevations, front, rear snd sides
of the house. It it scaled at W inch per foot.
It Includes s guide on "How to Get Your House
Built "
You csn taks this study plan to your hank or
other mortgage lender and to your builder and
get rough estimates on cost
With this Information you will know whether
you want to proceed with construction by order
ing working blueprints direct from the architect
snd asking for bids.
The Oregon Statesman
Solem, Oregon
Building Editor:
Enclosed is 35 cents. Please send me s copy
of the study plsn for The House of the Week,
Design HW-11.
(Pleas Print)
from When rirsicnpn in ine same n-j ... i a '
....... n --- - roui'U up m-pdin:i, yictnu 111 cw c!w.
Most lawns ran stand another wnnH 11 the rest of the carport. u.i. i i ,;.. -t. snow, aaiem
- , . . Slll-lll-lfU UA.CIIWII HirtRr rAi-n-
good apnlication of nitrogen fcr- cither Douglas fir or western red jrnt trMp5 simpy collect the
tilizer. Where six to eight pounds cedar, these carport storage sec , (, 'jn(prvas and bllrn ,,em.
of sulfate of ammonia or five to lions can become an attractive np f wjH he trapped in-
Aug. 26 Dedication of Clacka- I form. In fact you'd think it was
job of eliminating weeds Mng storase cabinet in to-: ,he sun and the weather 1. nf C !.! n m T" ' P " V '
lawns at this season of the car carporis for a divider wall. makfS ,hem easy , ,rap. A few .a'C? ? fleeon ..rL-ee " '
When designed in the same ; rnllpri un nrwsDam.r, D.accd i Sept 1-Oregon State Mower . i
six pounds rf ammonium n'trate addition tn most homes
i side.
were used this spring, it would be They offer a multitude of stor- ' . ' .," ... . ..,k.,ru.. i.
oesTPme to male an appucauon ae room, inr lumimin-nuiiirr .. rarwio control means nenh-C
of lust half of this amount now. can keep his more odorous gear I1""": " 'L" ! mIf" 1 I Tempi
. ... . i . . .u i. .. . . ..-A l.i. util mum iimut'im un, w in tti-
Home owners will want to be care- out of the house,, yet under lock ; ,-kin. ,
ful to water in these fertilizer and key. The same for golfers
Sept. 10-22 North Marion
Countv Flower Show, Woodhurn.
Sept. 22-33 -Fall Flower Festi
val, Corvallis.
Nov. 2-J Portland Chrysan
themum Society Show, Masonic
matrrials immediately after ap- and other sports-minded men.
With earwigs, ss with other in-
plication, or grass burning may , To give maximum utility, most , "V" ,.H imnn,i.n n.rt r
result i of these storage walls are de-! nitalion is an important part of
Sprinklers should be set on ' signed with door,, to pro- "X control program.
lawn, and le't for fairly long pe- from bumPlng nd SPORTS SHIRTS ORDERED
rions ot nme. mis gives aep " ,, i
VOPTII niV Onl H Inlv ia
moisture application into the : soil: mg the oSe wal of , P"rt shirt rnon.h in' this city of
which has a tendency to hold j .. . Ai JLV ' lfi 000. The idea was spawned in
moisture for a longer period of , ''"r" . . 1 th riiv rl nd il mPn are
Fluent light irrigations . T'liX" " exVeded to weir' the in.ormal
terior siding of the home, whe- ! shirts without ties. Even bank
ther stained, painted, oiled or j managers and their staffs are in
stimulate shallow rooting of grass 1
and rapid burning
Answers to Garden Questions
, " .
Qnestlon I planted few new I last winter. We don'i want to re-1 Question When should I takst bv wrons soil conditions, insect
roses ssrly this spring to replace , peal, but we want to be prepared, 'cuttings of my holly? When should injury, waterlogging, heavy soils,
some of those which died out last S S
winter. They did very well at firstl Answer-See snswer sbnv.
and through lune, but are now
showing signs of weakness. They
look unthrifty and sort of "wllty."
Could the frost have dons some
thing to the ground? They are
trowing tn the old rose bed be
cause that is th only place I have
for roses. P.I L.
Answer-It is difficult to ssy
what Is wrong on such meager
description. Did you feed them
well when you plsnted them? Hsve
you kept them watered? Frequent
ly both trees and shrubs die out
th first year or two because
th gardener does not give them
th needed attention during this
tim. Giv them a good feeding
of a balanced fertilizer now and
water them well. Don't Just sprin
kle them, but soak them enough
that th water will reach to all
their roots.
Qaeotloa Planted a new maple
tree this spring and It grew real
well at first, but now looks, as
if it might di. A neighbor said
I should 'feed it but seems1 to me
we've been told to stop feeding
In July so that it won't be hurt
I fall by frecies. We lost enough 1
Hsve you watered the tree thor-J
oughly and frequently enough?
Roots arent well established the
first year. You might giv It some
fertilizer which is low in nitrogen
but high In phosphste snd potash.
This will not bring on a lot of
lush tender growth which will be
caught by any early frosts, but it
hollies be grafted? P R. winters such as last.
Answer CnlHnM nf half-rim. Would remove and destroy plant,
wood 'can be taken in August and 'hn rotate for number of years ,
ii is extremely important to set ; c(t nalurl.
mowers up tairiy nign auring toe
hot part of the summer.. Mowers
sot up to leave two anda half to
ihree inches ot turf length, will
he an easier lawn to keep mois
ture, than one clipped short. This
long turf has a tendency to shade
the act.
WASHINGTON if - The Forest
Products Laboratory, a govern
ment organization, says a recent
test nf wooden floor joists in a
the ground, and it also encourages i Washington building showed the
plants to root deeper, both of ' timbers to be as strong as when
which are moisture-preserving , they were installed lo years ago.
characteristics. !lBaBaasaaaBBBBBw
are best for rooting. Holly is
grsfted in the spring when sap
is rising or just before buds be
gin to open. Graft scions should
be the lsst growth made the pre
vious sesspn,
Question Whst is trouble with
belore planting rhododendrons or ; pnUn(j, n( corn dnM the work. If
azaleas in the same spot,
Question W planted some late
corn, and intend to plant a little
more, but pheasants keep digging
it up and eating it. What can we
do other than stand in our corn
will give the tree something to ; rhododendron ' nieces enclosed i ?' P'vh and shoo the pheasants
"chew" on. 1 Base of plsnt sppears to be dying. y? L.W.
L.O. ' Answer Treat the seed with
Aaiwer Probsbly root rol. This lindane before plsnting. "Two snd
sttscks plants that are weakened i a half ounces of lindane to 100 1
you treat loo heavily, you'll have
trouble in germination.
Questlas Once you said to feed
lilacs with something in late sum
mer. Hsve lost the clipping bul
now have some lilacs which Id
like to feed. They had few blos
soms and rather smsll ones on
this yesr. C H.
Answer Lilacs usually respond
to a feeding ot bonemesl. Put It
around the plsnt in fall lat Sep
tember or October. -
Do It Yourself Its Cheaper
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Average coil only 38c mo.
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Irashsns, humidillos snd ds
llrs warm air to ntfj room W
your hom.
Wall Sunoy your Hoat ,
For Cat HaaOng f REEI
600 So. 12th St.