14-(Sec. IT) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., July 28, '56 850 Antomotlve 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 1 850 Automotive "850 Antomotlve 850 Automotive 152 Caw ft Sala These Are Our Everyday Low Prices Nothing Free Just Our Service 11 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR STATION WAGON 14 CHEV. TUDOR SDN, HEATER ...j . KM 14 HUDSON JIT SDN, RADIO, HEATER. OVERDRIVE IMS 11 BUICK HARDTOP. CLEAN A3 WHISTLE CHEV. FORDOR SDN, RADIO. HEATER H FORD CLUB CPE., RADIO. HEATER H EORD TUDOR ION. RADIO. HEATFR , 'M PLYMOUTH CLUB CPE, ONE OWNER 'N OLDS. W SDN, NICE AND CLEAN '41 CHEV. TUDOI SDN, SHARP 11 KAISER FORDOR SDN. .. '' MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM "The Workingman's Friend" BUZ'S USED CARS OPEN TILL I O'CLOCK 1245 BROADWAY ST. PH. 2-7572 1SH ISEO '55 Packard Constellation Hardtop Power equipped, tortlon ivel rid, whit wall piwm. tlree. tu-tone paint. A- luxury ear with competitive prtr Com in and tee thla on. It'a worthwhile looking at. Manjr mora to ehooa from. '352 N. High St III1EBBL . 55 CHEV. "210" V- Tudor. tu-too paint, wall Wtpo4. $1795 54 MERCURY MONTEREY Hardtop, loaded with ac id black ln- lisa 53 FORD VICTORIA Radio. hatr, whit walla. tu-teoe paint ti CHEV. FORDOR ftecla haatar, whit walk. $7a tu-tone JO FORD DLX. TUDOR Weekend ipaclaL Dick Scandling Ph. 3-9894 lire RIMS WESTSALEM H CHEV. V-l Bat-Air Leae than 4.000 mile, equip ped. 11 CHEV. V-S Powerfllde Sdn. Real alca 1MI K FORD V-l Son. . tleSS Low mile, aula. tram. II CHEV. SUtlon Wagon 1(M II CHEV. "C Station W. (IMS . Low mllet, aharp. II CHEV. SDN. RAH 1111 Extra alee, low mile. 14 FORD Wiloe, V-l (IMS R-H. O. D, llka new. II CHEV. Deluxe 4 dr. II0M Very popular modeL n FORD V-l Sedan 11091 Real clean, eo.ool mllet. ft FORD V-l l-dr. Overdrive, low mllet, tu- 14 CHEV. 4-DR. Sdn. ...... I13S Radio, heater li powerilid. SEE US BEFORE BUYING. LOW BANK TERM. Acraat from M.K.N Furnltur Ca. Evea. 4-3490 1395 Edgewater Eves. 2-4588 11.'?NTJC..,V,,7I1J,U, Wanfad, Cars, Truck i drrvable 828. 1171 N. Liberty ' ' Ph. 4-1434. fc mrKt pAVINO 1(53 CHEV. clean, will accept Tftn fIPII elder model pickup In trade. I IK ,A.NH 47M Fillmore St. (Kelaerl after 1 wl 1:10 week daya. t C)Mn teefl Care 41 STUDE. convert, new point. 'oinl JjT'r.r. clutch, exc. cond. throughout. 800 8,11 1 Uaed Cars - Union High Sts. 900 Diiploy VIRGEL UNION & 850 " Automotive 911 Uc- Can ft -I'M ..1481 ..1381 .4(1 MM -MM , $- -! P CARS . , . Ph. 3-7802 55 CHEV. 210" 4 DR. whit wall Urea. Tu-ton. equipped. $1695 S3 BUICK SPEC. CONVRT. Llka naw, ana owner. COM ml, full factory equipment $1293 '52 FORD VICTORIA Radio a. heater, whit walla, tu-tone. one owned ear, $1099 51 PONTTAC CYL. SDN. Radio if heater, white walla. $49 41 CHEV. MASTER DLX Clb. ep.. radio, heater, cleaneat la town. Wilbur Pearson 1000 So. Com! 11 FORD RANCH WCN. ... !1MS V-l, I paae, radio 4c heater. 84 CHEV. Win. 4 dr II MS Powerfllde, only 20 000 actu al mile. 11 PONTIAC I Sedan - ISM Completely reconditioned. 11 PLYMOUTH Belvedere lasl Radio, heater, reel nice, one owner. 11 CHEV. PICKUP, food . 9t SI Wr.RCURY 4 dr IBM Monterey model, extra nice. 41 FORD V-l. convert. IMS New motor fc top. 41 CHEV. Aero tdn. 1150 41 STUDE. SDN. , US 'M CHEV 4-dr. Dandy tsit 41 PONTIAC I Sdn. Good ...1300 41 FORD V-l Cpe I7S I factory built houte trailer. 31 It. J 17 ft. lone, fully equip ped laoi U 14M COMPLETE SATISFACTION. LIBERAL DISCOUNT. TIE 900 Diiploy SEE SLOAN OR FERN TODD FOR YOUR BEST DEAL ON A USED CAR HIGH ; PH. 3-3460 850 Automotive IS1 NawCars 50 MILES PER GAL YES MORE WITH THE . NEW RENAULT . 4 DOOR SEDAN $1395 Fully Equipped RENAULT SALES 4 SERV. 3040 Liberty Rd. . Ph. 4-7505 152 Uia! Cars For Sal FOR A WHALE OF A DEAL IT'S MASTER MOTORS s chfv. SDN. V-l It ODRIVE 'M BUICK SUPER HARDTOP 2W M OLDS. M HARDTOP 29SJ M OLDS M SDN 24M 9.1 Kt'lC; SPfcCIAI. SDN.. 1 l CHEV. SDN. POWER GLIDE SI STUDE. SDN. V-S ( 11 KAIRKR SDN. O DRIVE 81 FORD TUDOR m 4M 19 4M 229 IBS 120 80 NASH SDN , 'M KAISER SDN 4 OLDS. M SDNETTE '41 OLDS. M SDNETTE '41 FORD TODOR 47 BUICK SDN. . 47 CHBYSLF.R SDN. .. 44 MERC. SDN. 73 75 If you Qualify you may buy many of these can with no down payment. MASTER 1255 Broadway Ph. 2-6405 POST Auto Sales 56 FORD CROWN VICTORIA $2795 4,000 actual mile. 55 FORD I CUSTOM- LINE $1695 Clb. cpe., radio, heater, and overdrive. i-'U BUICKS TO PICK from. All color ai body tylet. ' J-"54 MEHCURYS TO PICK from. Tu-doort, hardtop. 54 FORD RANCH WAGON $1695 Local one owner, 11,000 ml., with overdrive, U BUICK CON VERTIBLE $995 Radio, heater, -dm., power eteeiinf. power window!, power teat. 50 CHEV. BEL Am ....$695 Sharp, low mileage. 51 PLYMOUTH 4 DR. SDN $695 Sharp, low mileage. SO PLYMOUTH 2 DR. ..$595 47 CMC PICKUP ...??? Stake rack, fine truck. 51 FORD I PICKUP ....??' Really nice. OPEN EVES. TILL I P.M. Post Auto Sales 1101 S. 1JTH. PH. 4-12.11 WESTERN MOTORS 1283 Broadway Phone 3 0622 IMS CHEV. CLB. CPE. One owner, original paint, only ITOnn actual mile, ahow room condition Only (Hal ICK FORD FAIRLANE TN. SO. On owner, very clean, low mileage, fully equipped plua ford-o-mitlc . $IWS 1081 PONT. CHIEFT. DELUXE I One owner, original paint, re cent overhaul. 30.000 milea of carefree transportation for only 17(4 1194 PLY. BELVD. CLB. CPE. Onlv 12.(100 actual 1 owner milea, fully equipped and Ilk' new ....i II79J 1S3 FORD CLUB CPE. Radio li heeter, overdrive 11098 IM FORD, Radio, heater ii nv. erdnve 12(8 I 1911 CHEVROLETS. pod - equip- 8290 1190 HUDSON SUPER I Overdrive SMS 1191 JEEP STATION WAOON 4-wheel drive. Immeeulate In aide 4i aut (M KM FORD PICKUP t, TON With radio It heater, fnrd-o- matle (WS MANY OTHFRS-VERY CLEAN AiATBARGAINPRICES 149 late Lincoln Cosmopolitan, good ahape, only eo.nno mile. One owner. Ph. 1-4813. 900 Display 152 Ut Cora For SoU852 Ilea Cars For Sala Mil MILES - CONVENIENCE PLEASURE WE OrEER AT LOW COST THE VALUABLE UNUSED PORTION Of THESE FINE CARS It's Not So Much How BUT HOW FAR '56 Buick Century Riviera $3195 Tradd on lrfr moan ny one or our rriuiar ciiomer a lovely car perfect con-Htion, trwitch pitch dynaflow, 235 H P.. radio, heater tvnd other txtru. Lifht blut with match ing trim. '55 Buick Century Riviera ..' $2695 W hav cared for thli car dvnsflow, radio heater, E7.I and freen, 54 Buick Special Riviera $1995 Beautiful deep metallic rea heater, EZI, wnitewaiu, 54 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN $1895 54 MERCURY MONTEREY SEDAN 1695 53 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN 663 52 DODGE SETMtf . .. 795 52 CHRYSLER SEDAN 795 51 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 793 W II SIM OREGON'S OLDEST DEALER COMMERCIAL AT CHEMEKETA PHONE 4-5711 11 CAD. Cnnv., 11.750. or will trade for 11 or M imatler car. book for book. Call Hunt Clark, Stateaman-Joumal Co, or J-3J45 II CHEV ed. deluxe. 4 dr., A-l cond. Good guaranteed tubeleat tire. tSSO. A. V. Oliver, Rick real, Ph. MA 1-3737. 41 FORD 4-door. 1121.00. Phone 4-31M. 1M CADILLAC "2" Coupe, perfect aha pe. Call 4-5419. 1(90 PLYMOUTH Station Wafon. In excellent condition in every retpect. (MS. McCall'a Uaed Can. 1297 State. 900 Display SPIN IN & GET A LOOK at this one. 1954 Buick Riviera Hardtop coupe. Power brakes, steering, scat. windows. Radio It heater. 1 owner, 1 year 100 guarantee. SET YOUR HOOK INTO THIS ONE 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air 2-dr. Sedan. Heater It defroster, windshield washers, 6 cyl. power-glide, 1 owner, low mile age, low priced, plus 100 1 year guarantee $1,793 TROLL BY AND CAST YOUR EYE on this big one. 1953 62 Cadil lac Sedan. 1 local owner, low mileage car aold new by us. Yours for , 17 Onlv 2,0! a INSPECTED 1 Far They Have Gone WILL THEY GO tlnre delivery, onlv 9.M0 miles. flats, whltewalla, trl-ton white witn wnite top, aynanow, raaio, 50 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN 59 BUICK SUPER SDN, 49 CHEVROLET SEDAN 595 595 395 48 FORD SEDAN 193 47 BUICK SUPER SEDAN .165 47 PONTIAC STATION WAGON 145 48 FORD SEDAN 95 rn o U " 41 CHEV. 4-dr., Ph. 3-WMW. runt food. (AO Oregon 'i Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Uaed Cart Commercial at Chemeketa Ph. -o7ll 12 MERC. Monterey Hardtop, excellent condition. 1873 Court.1 900 Diiplo? DON'T LET THIS OFF YOUR HOOK Best dog-on second car you could ask for. 1942 Buick Spe cial Sedan. Only . . , FOUR FORD FENDERS ON THIS MODEL 1953 Ford customline club coupe, Fordomatic, radio, heater plus many other ex tras. Priced this weekend Only $1,198 BUY THIS BY THE POUND Sold new for approximately 54c now only 27c. 50T. off. 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe 4-dr, radio, heater It power-glide. 1 mi k p (F list fen - list Mm list I 6 a pi 52 Uiad CoN For Sol HEAFS OP M Sir 100", WARRANTY OF PARTS aV LABOR FOR 1 YEAR) NO MILEAGE RESTRICTIONS. BACKED BY NATIONAL BONDED INC. '55 Buick Super Riviera Cpe..,, , $2545 '55 Buick Special Riviera Sdn $2495 56 Ford V-8 Customline Clb. Sdn $2295 '55 Pontiac "870" Sdn. $1995 '55 Chevrolet V-8 Clb 55 Chevrolet "210" '54 Chevrolet Bel-Air .$1345 '53 Pontiac Chief. Delx. Sdn......... $1295 '53 Dodge V-8 Cornet 2 Pontiac Chief. Dlx. Sdn ..$895 51 Pontiac Chief. Dlx. 52 Stude V-8 Starlite 50 Tontiac Chief. Dlx. 52 Willys Aero 2 Dr .m. $ 595 51 Hudson Sedan $ 445 49 Pontiac Chief. Dlx. Sdn '....$ 295 49 Oldsmobile "88" Sdn. $ 245 OPEN FRIDAY EVES. TILL 9 P.M. DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR YOU CA 'o, 660 No. LIBERTY 900 Display WANNA CATCH A BIG ONE 1955 Cadillac 62 4-dr. sedan. Full power equipped plus ra dio, heater k w.g.w. tires. Sold new by us. 100 1 year warranty. 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY Ideal for small business or a big fishing trip. THIS HAS A LOT OF RIGHT- LEFT in it and can it go! 1951 Studr- baker Commander V-8 Starlite coupe. MANY MORE Only $369 Only $351 852 Uiad Can For SoU Sdn $1695 Clb. Sdn ....$1595 Sdn. $1095 Sdn .$695 Cpe $'595 Sdn $595 NT BEAT. FT PH. 2-4113 900 Diiploy THIS INDIAN CHIEF has done a lot of fishing and is ready to go some more. 1948 Pontiac 2-dr. Radio, heat er k seat cover.- HERE IS A KING SIZE JOB v with a minnow price. 1945 Diamond T truck, 154" wheel base, power brakes. 1951 International L-160 Series 2-ton dump with '4 yard bed. $1,333 MAKES 4 MODELS TO Only $422.00 approved" 852 Use- Cars For Sola II 130 HOOD ST. PH. 4-0(01 55 MERCURT MONT; CLAIR '.. $2595 Hardtop, I dr. Radio, heat. r. auto. Iran. Immaculate, ana owner. 51 HUDSON HORNET . $595 t 4 dr, radio, heater. 50 FORD V-8 4 DOOR ..$395 '50 FRAZER 4 DR $145 Radio, heater. 49 DESOTO 4 DR $395 Sharp, radio, heater, ever drive. 48 PLYMOUTH 4 DR. . $195 '48 DESOTO CLB. CPE $245 Radio, heater, overdrive. 47 BUICK 4 DR. Radio, heater. $145 47 KRAZER 4 DOOR . . $125 Radio, heater, overdrive. 47 BUICK SDNT. ... Radio, heater. . $ 05 $65 41 CHEVROLET 4 DR Radio, heater. 41 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR $ 95 Radio, heater. 41 BUICK 4 DOOR .... $ 95 Radio, heater. 40 DODGE i DOOR ... 95 Radio, heater. PICKUPS 50 FORD V-8, i TON 4 SPEED 41 DODGE 4 TON OPEN TIL 9:00 WS No. Hih PR 4-S75S IMS" FORD "HOUSE CARS 4 Customline 4 dr. 3 ralrlane 4 dr. 2 Fairlane Victoria 1 Fairlane Crown Vlrt. THESE CARS ARE TULLY EQUIPPED BIG DISCOUNT BANK TERMS PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. Staj ton. Phone 2924 1947 PLYMOUTH cpe, 1195. 19 on , eeay term on bal. Mr Call Uaed Cart. 1297 State St. BY Owner. '47 Stude. Comm., 4 dr. Ex Cond. Equip. Rett. 2-34M 900 Display l? Co v 1954 Chevrolet Cab over en gine 2 ton truck 2-speed axle, overloads, heater - defroster, directional signals, fog lights. 1,599 , A GOLDEN BEAUTY if you ever saw one. 1955 Bel Air V-8 power glide, 4-dr. se dan. Radio, heater. $1,949 THIS FLASHER IS REAL ECONOMY 1 plus power glide convenience. Deluxe "55 Chevrolet 4-dr. se dan, radio, heater. $1,695 CHOOSE FROM Mi 852 Used Cars For Sala852 Used Cars For Sal iMilM'SpiffllSsS YOUR CAR MAY MAKE THE DOWN PAYMENT ,'i'55 "98" Holiday tOW MILEAGE, FULLY EQUIPPED. FULL POW. ER. PREMIUM TIRES. SPECIAL 1-TONB PAINT $1100 DOWN BERGIE 3-6433 '54 "88" 4-DO0R SEDAN New Urea, condition. '53 "98" Deluxe Convertible Coupe All leather Interior. Full power. One local owner. ' $650 DOWN '50 Buick Super 4-Door Sedan Radio and heater, Dynaflow. Very clean. $195 DOWN '50 Olds "88" 4-Door One local owner, 44.000 actual mllet. Radio, heater, (lye dramatic. , $250 DOWN '49 Buick Super 4-Door Standard trammlulon. Radio and heater. NOTHING DOWN ON APPROVED CREDIT BANK OR GMAC FINANCING "The Lot 461 NORTH HIGH 1(90 NASH 4-dr. aed. Radio, heater, very clean. 3M. IS dn., caih or trade eV 1.13.42 e mo. McCall'a Uaed Carl. 1297 State St. 12 CADILLAC "02" cpe. Exc cond. At very clean. Bank term. Ph. 4-53S2. 2143 Coral Ave. 900 Display A REAL SPORT THIS ONE IS '52 Buick super hardtop Coupe, tu-tone paint, radio 4 heater, dynaflow. A real buy at only . . . EVER PADDLE A PANEL? Have a 1953 H ton Chevrolet panel you can' paddle out in for HERE'S A PICKUP TO WAKE-U-UP 1954 Chev. 's ton pickup. $1177 But liilir Only $895 PRICED LOW Deluxe Coupe J-K CEIL ' 4-5344 l-tone paint, radio, heater, hydra., exeelle-l $600 DOWN ' Sedan With a Lot" PHONE 2-7973 1895 BUICK Century Eatate Waf on. One. owner. 10,000 mi In. fully equip. 8299. See day Marion Car Park, Com'l At Ferry. BEAUTIFUL 11 x K 120 road ater, racing Jaguar Cuitoaa paint, top. upholatery, caih Ph. 4-0227. 900 Dtiplay COME IN AND STRIKE UPADEAL on this '55 Bel Air 4dr Sa dan. Radio 4 heater, only 15, 000 miles. 1 full year loo warranty at no cost to you. 1953 Chevrolet V- H ton pick up, heater It defroster. Fir engine red and it goes like bomb. Yours for 1, WHEN THEY ARE OKE'D BY US THEY'RE OK FOR YOU , ..; 1953 Chevrolet- oke'd sedan. Radio, - heater, 44r. seat covers. Only $992 mm Only$ L PH. 3-3175