1 Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., July 19, '56 (Sec. I)-7 P5 m l U U J SALE STARTS 8:30 A.M. THURSDAY THURS.-FRI-SAT. Hogg Bros. 40 employees cordially invite you to visit our store during this gigantic "Employees' Days" event. The five pic tured furniture salesmen have a combined total of 82 years of furniture experience to assist you with your selections. Bill, Pete, Vern, George, and Ray recommend these home furnishings as the best values Hogg Bros, have ever offered. Free Coke & Cookies REGULAR Includes: 1 .vW2! , ; v': nrS-JbH . : L 1 Willim Loewen QJSmnr- STEP TABLE m&m 7 COFFEE . Ik ESfeis? TABIC r" 'i TABLE ,r-uA f 5 " fs With rf movable 38" lon I . , , , - s J I hr y,,r ) 4 Wfi A-7 vn Kermit Petersen Vera Tallman Ceorge Maurer Ray Hudson Complete Modem 8-IPiece Sofa Gee! Group 240 75 0 Daveno and matching reckar with sturdy hardwood framat in choica of modern textured covort. a) Twe etep tablot with plaiti topi. Matching coffee tibia with plastic top. Mahogany or blondo finish. a) Twe dacorativo labia lamps. 0 Ono TV occasional chair of black tubular stool with rod or groon plastic covor. Employees' Special W5 GROUP OF 3 TABLES U,, mm i , wwiitii mi , iMPyii i wii.im T fg't'",' " h .. e ' T)r - . .ZAV?- ALL FOR ONLY 2 stap tablos and matching coffaa tabla, rag. 59.85 Yat! These are the same quality as the expensive EMPLOYEES' SPECIAL Inlaid tables you've see in the top horn magazines, i Beautifully styled in Chippendale design. Gleaming J mahogany finish. Famous DuPont DuLux furniture 3 finish. 00 YOU CAN FOR YOUR BABY'S COMFORT & SAFETY . . . r A ! ....w r.l 111 i ,4,,'f -. i j ' ' ' ffs ) JE I . 1 : 1 1 I I III EASTERN MADE HARDWOOD YEAR CRIB . . . . INNERSPRING MATTRESS BY SIMMONS CO. . . . . . Employees Reg. '47.90 special luce riiD esfl 3! NWIX EASY BUDGET f PAYMENT PLAN Crib and Mattress-Completa YOU SAVE $3000 GENUINE SIMMONS 4 SPACE-SAVER (Hide A Bad Type) With Inrverspring mttress included. 4 Beautiful Colors. Beige, ' Persimmon, Sage, Turquoise. Reg. $199.50. EMPLOYEES' SPECIAL 50 $ 169 New 1956 CBS TV Set 21 SrrirFTnhlr MnHrl (.rained Mahogany Finish Lighted ( hannrl Indicator Top Front ( ontroln Push Button Off and On Switch Push Hilton ( hannfl Sr lector Aluminited Picture Tuhe Filterized Dark Screen Tilt Out ('hisxi Reg. 249.95 TV Sat Reg. $19.95 remote control TOTAL $269.90 Employee's SPECIAL , Complete a... tk & (nun '- ' h. CBS Q) Gives You More of the Bait than all of the Rait , Change stations or turn set on or off from your aaiy chair. Complete flMem 8-Piece lediroom Sryp Set Includes: 0 largo 6 drawer dresser with at tached mirror 0 Matching bookcase headboard and and footboard 0 (Choice of finish: Modern Blondo Sea Mist Mahogany or Beautiful Grained Walnut) 0 Comfortable innerspring mattress 0 Matching luxurious box springs , 0 Two handsome fluffy pillows 0 Two beautiful dresser lamps Employtts' Special W5 COMPLETE MODERN 5-PC. CHROME DINETTE SET REGULAR 89.95 Table Siie: 30x40", extends to 48" (with one leaf) A beauty (or any dinette or kitchen area. Chairs have foam rubber padding with durable chrome handles (not shown) for easy moving. Choice of modern textured plastic table top with matching or contrasting chairs. EMPLOYEES' Special W5 ' ' .-' - '- i r -i ni0 Mi iraj, n . ii. iibji,, COMPLETE 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE ONLY '388 00 r , . -v..- r 1 Lightweight ALUMINUM FOLDING CHAIR Choice of the new plastic seran or duck fabric. While quantities last.' y Employees' SPECIAL 1 $4 99 All Lawn Furniture Umbrellas, Rockers, lounges, Picnic Bench t I lawn Swings REDUCED 30 to 50 FREE PARKING FREE DELIVERY NO DOWN PAYMENT (On Approved Credit) Open Mon.-A Ff i. Nites 'Til 9 P.M. Chant from 4 hn( flnnra tit furnlturr, farprlinf and applianrrs. WILLAMETTE TALLEfJ LEADING APPLIANCE h HOME FEOnSHEE SALEM OREGON CITY 260 State St. Ph. 39148 u: a a' a a a a a a n a a a n u u a a a a a p a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a c D D a a a a a a