The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 19, 1956, Page 2, Image 2

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    2-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem,
Mid-Valley to Take Active Role
ifn INTjitinmiifln r,iviIDp.ffnsfiTftst
,JS.JL . 1 I
V Staff Writer, Tfct Statesman
'Operation Alert", the nation
' Ode civil defense exercise that
rurgint Friday, will be observed
?ilh varying, but noticeable, ef
fect through the mid-valley area.
J. In Salem there will be fir-ens,
"imulated car of Portland evac
; .n at the State Fairgrounds,
rgistration of some state work
i rs and a scurrying of city, county
j nd state civil defense workers on
her assignments,
r . Dallas will actually register.
J. are for, and feed any volunteer
I College Chief
PORTLAND Richard H. Salllvaa,
p-a here, eiecatlve vie preoideat
TX Ike ErfoeaUoaal Testing Senr-
rice at Prlocetea, N.J., baa beea
aamed aa srtsMnl of Reed Cot-
eg l ParUaad. Ore. tAP Wire
Jjids Opened
Sor Rocky
; leach Dam
d of four Eastern and Calilor-
i a contractors submitted tit low
d of 111.031.094 Wednesday for
construction of th initial one
1 jr of th Rocky Reach Dam
it Hit Columbia River,
Th bid was less than half the Radio Club have volunteered to
1 'ifineer's estimate of $2S,nooooo ' operate two amateur, radio net
ft th Chela County Public i work bands.
inlity District project. fm p,M
LrjTrJ8, A'c'o ' Plk Cn CD
wte are the Arundel Lorp. ot . . . . !.
J-.ltimore: L.E. Dtxon Co. of San
I -.iii . u..-... r . . l . H as many as l.ono volunteer evac-
J abriel Calif : HunkinC . n k ey , w,d ,h,
Jjnstrucnoa Co. of Cleveland and , f m h (j
t American Pipe Construe- RickrMl ilrrt wl, ,t
i un CO. of Los Angeles. r4J f m , poUl CoUnly when
. The PUD hones to get construe-, tlrrn n Monmouth. Rickrealt,
1 on started this fall on th dam j independence. Falls City and Dai-
me miles upstream from Wen-
i'chee. The district obtained Iti'rri ... .
--ttn.dlon license from the Fed-j lralllC YlOlatlOtl
i.fli rower commission oniy six
fvs ago.
j Five bids ran up to fiS.800.OMl.
- The second lowest bid was 114.-
i .4M. It was by Morrison-Knud-j
-n Co. of Boise: Henry J. Kaiser
i ., Oakland Calif , and Prter
3 wit Sons Co., Portland and Se-
I ... Oakland Calif . and Peter !
bid of IM.WI2.4M was submit
l by Ihree Portland and Seattle:
mi. They were C.J. Mo-tag 4
ns, Portland; Carl M. Halvnr
in Inc., Portland, and
(instruction Co. Seattle.
a' s'iii-i',i,t,e.aii. " ""
With 11 NON-STOP schtdulti doily
' you'll bt Ihtrt teontr by
ooo fh
bofily U r.7
Ore., Thurs.. July 19, '56
w - '
evacuees who appear at the Polk
County Fairgrounds at Rickrralt
after the early morning "attack."
While at the Canby emergency re
ception center, an estimated 4 000
evacuees, including Cov. Elmo
Smith and his stall, will be cared
for and given an emergency meal.
Radio Blackout
Throughout the nation and its
territories there will be a com
plete lS-minute radio blackout be
ginning at 11:10 p.m. During this
drill the air waves will carry only
broadcasts from official CONEU
RAD stations operating at both
640 and 1240 on the radio dial.
The basic assumption of Opera
tion Alert is that Imaginary air
and submarine, attacks wll be
made simultaneously against 7(
areas In the United States, of
which Portland Is one. In general,
the test plan in Oregon will be to
provide simulated care and hous
ing for evacuees from Portland,
and to provide support for that
city after the hypothetical attack.
Cemmaaicaiieas Test
At the same time, regional
county and city civil defense units ;
are given the opportunity to test
ineir communication ana air raid
warning networks.
The state civil defense control
center in Salem will be In con
stant contact with all county con
trol centers and the federsl civil
defense administration regional
office at Santa Rosa, Calif. In
Oregon, control of the direct play
of the problems will be from the
slate -center: such as decisions on
problems of traffic control; food,
petroleum and medical supplies;
rescue and damage control serv
ices; and security and policing de
tails. Marion County's civil defense
unit will be headquartered in the
County courthouse, from which
the initial alert will be transmit
ted to each county sub-cenier.
Salem "keypoinl" communica
tions center at the state police
headquartrrs will serve to alert
CD units in Polk. Yamhill, Clack
amas, Washington and Clatsop
Siren ta Soaad
All fire departments in Salem
and Marion County will signal the
alert by sounding their sirens. An
other lem-apm of the test will
occur in the Public Service build
ing where employes will volun
teer to test the refugee registra
tion facilities of the county CD
branch. This will b conducted
during the noon hour by two
registration teams in the building
Throughout the exercise a skele
ton crew, headed by Leo G. Spits-
bart, will man the reception cen
ter at the Stat Fairgrounds.
While the control and communi
cations center in the courthouse
will be staffed by CD workers who
will assemble when the warning
alert is received. County CD
Director Wallace Wharton said.
Member of the Salem Amateur
a .1 1
il.Oliri 1MCIHOU8
Hit in Portland
PORTLAND i The present
u"' rou" ", "7 il ll V
IHIltHin WB II ill, Kru . rJ irnun j
In a report from the city's Trallic
Safety Commission.
The commission, noting the ris-
" acci-eni aPPea.
for more stringent enforcement of
traffic laws. Its report was sub
mitted ia resolution form to Mayor
Fred L. Peterson.
1'nder the present system, speed
ing and reckless driving violations
go to Municipal Court while
arrests for Improper driver li
censes or automobile plates are
handled In District Court.
Th safety commission said this!., ... , , n, ,
system has resulted In lax enforce-'I1 Oil ml I)cal in W 00ls
ment and fewer arrests because ;
of delays officers have encountered ,
In District Court, located in the
county courthouse.
Downtown H Downrown,
)as will give a three to five minute
blast. - .
Volunteers will be admitted to
the fairgrounds emergency station
until 10:30 am. for registration.
West la II said. Those registered
will then be given a police escort
to the Dallas city park for a free
picnic lunch.
In addition to caring for an esti
mated 4.000 Portland evacuees,
there will also be an emergency
four-page newspaper printed at
Canby CD center by the Canby
Lane DA Asks
Residents Not
To Sign Recall
m.k .;' n
Venn, target of .recall movement,
here. Wednesday asged Lsne
nere. nuncujr . n.
Count- residents not to sign the
"CTi-,. rmmi,. .
headed by Fred J. Bartels, Spring'
a lvnu v ;
fif m mning engineer. Bartels
was foreman 01 . ,r. ,
which Venn extend, was irnprop-
erly Impaneled. The grand jury
called. It Inoicted a Eugene attor-,
J I.
ney on cnarn- w nnrnj j
nauee ana receiving nuirn '"""w' ;
in a wainnrm iu
not resign. "If I had anything to
hide or fear of a personal nature,
I would never have undertaken to
expose this mesa which up to now
has been so carefully swept under
the rug. No rug. however, is big
enough to cover this dirt. The
reai issue
", :rrl "... V.
violated the law to face prosecu-i
Hon. 1 ask the e Iwm not to W
Venn has charged In an affidavit
filed in circuit court here that
Circuit Judge Frank Reid had
Bartels placed on the Jury. Venn
said he would welcome a libel suit
or charges that he has made false
statements under oath. Such
actions would prove his accusa
tions he said.
Suicide Blast
Kills Infant
In New York
NEW YORK un A violent gas
explosion, apparently touched off
by a auicide attempt, Wednesday
took an Infant a life and wrecked!
three two-story homes.
rStS t fcl
Fiv persons.
by s mother, were
blast on the Queens side of the ,
East River, in Long Island City.
Four other brick-frame-houses inj
the neighborhood were damaged. ! HELENA, Mont. I The Na
Asst. Dist. Atty. Thomas P. Cul- tional Wool Growers Assn. execu
len announced that one of the vie- live committee Wednesday voted
times, critically injured Willidm to petition the government to srt
Kulka. 40, was booked on a man- the incentive level for wool in
slaughter charge. 1 1957 at the maximum permitted
Cullen said Kulka. depressed by law, 110 per cent of parity,
since th death of his wife last! The executive committeemen
April, turned on four gas Jets from 11 western states and Texas
"and apparently tried to commit 1 wound up their summer meeting
suicide." In Helena Wednesday.
The dead baby was- Margaret The group reaffirmed a prev
d Gregorio, aix week old." She request that the Commodity
died in St. John s Hospital four
hours after the late afternoon . i
plosion. Her mother, Florence, 29,
was in poor condition.
Klamath Dance
Juveniles Nabbed
police and state liquor inspectors
arrested 14 juveniles outside (he!
Klamath Falls Amory Monday
night on charges of illegal posses-!
sion of liquor. Icern over the fact that buyers of.,,rm- XS wa!' "Wed and
Inside the. Amory, some l.snoi feeding lambs are making their relmscd, hospital attendants said.
dancers, mostly teenagers rocked price offers contingent on the ! Drivers were listed by Salem
and rolled to th music of a sheep producer assigning over the j police as Mrs. Riggs and Gladys
nationally known orchestra led by j incentive payment he will receive j Leslie Hasselbrink, Ocean Lake,
Fats Domino. .
rolice said the youngsters were;
turned over to juvenile authorities.
T xvrr ArcutVnt Victim
apparent victim nf a logging acci-1
fo Gen Cahpman, 47. who
came here two months' ago from j
Kansas, was found dead in the
woods near here Tuesday night. A
tree had fallen on him while he
was working alone.
Thr widow, two sons and a
daughter . reside at Pleasanlnn,
Mrs. Anna M. Funk, II, of Salem lion of a 200 foot reinforced con
route 2, box 182B. was taken to'crcte bridge mross Champoeg
Salem Memorial Hospital by Wil-' Creek near Newberg was awarded
lamette Ambulance service about by the Statu, Highway Commission
:30 pm. Wednesday after she re-i
ceived a possible fractured hip in
a fall at .her home.
. Mr. Dave Rain. 210 S. High St.,
wife nf a Salem police lieutenant,
was taken tn Salem General Hos
pital about 4:20 p.m. Wednesday
for treatment of a re-occurring
hack Injury, Willamette Ambulance
Service attendants reported.
Inside or Outs.dt . . .
Spaady Srvlt with a Smll . . ,
Delicious food and Pine tarvic
T mak ti your favorite Spot
to Din.
I lit jAN JllUr
Portland Road at
For Ordart to 0
Tito, Nasser
Reveal New
National Ties
BWONf, Yugoslavia Pres
idents Tito and Nasser Wednes
day announced a tightening Of
bonds between Yugoslavia and
Egypt. Then they traded views
for S'i hours with Prime Minister
Nehru of India.
Nehru said the three-nation
talks were only a friendly ex
change without any decisions.
"We have not settled all the
questions of the world I repeat,
not," Nehru said. "It is really
extraordinary that we cannot hold
a friendly meeting without you
of the press attaching the highest
importance to it."
Tito, however called the three-
nation talks "very, very success
ful cordial and friendly.
They will contii.ue Thursday.
jr-'ehru is scheduled to accompany
Nasser to Cairo later in the day.
An effort by Algerian National
ists to persuade the three promi
nent advocates of neutralism to
conflict apparent y fai ed
... J? 'id Vpn
An Indian source said Nehru
M th w A Egyptian
M NiMW WM lrritated ,he
PPcarance of four Algerian Na-
1 H.n.ku T. J Ant III iiroi 11 J I ui a n 1 1X1 UlU
not push the Algerian bsue. '
Tanjuff. (hi? Yugoslav nrw ac
rommuni Ttamrs hTi0.
N nfl
'nre nd "rin of bloc
llj n(
In Tunis, the Algerians had said
presented a 10-point pro-
,,.. . . ,, j- . j.,j.
for sovereignly and independence
of Algeria and freeing of all Al
gerians in Jail or exile. ..
It was indicated that another
communique would be issued at
the end of the three-nation talks.
Tanjug said Nasser and Tito
in tneir joint communique an-
nounred support of resolutions of
the Bandung Conference of AM
... .. a.:.. t . .
Mint wjtn thf Midf11p EnSt. The
resolutions contained a blanket
attack on colonialism.
Nasser was accompanied to
Vanga by the entire Egyptian del
egation that came with him on
his state visit here.
Yugoslavia's foreign minister
Koca Popovic, and Vice Presi
dents Evard Kardelj and Alex
ander Rankovic sat with Tito.
Nehru had only a few aides with
Nehru nnw W from prit
In an Indian air force plane after I s guest of his brother, Dr. Paul -More people are going to
tail ing over North African prob- Newton Poling, pastor of First church all the time," he ob
lems with French leaders. Nehru Presbyterian Church. served.
said in Paris afterward that the1 The noted visitor, a native of Another role of the visiting
20-month fighting in Algeria must 1 Portland and from a family line Polins is chaplain of the chapel
be brought to an end. He said that has produced nine ministers, ; at Temple University. The chapel
the French appeared to desire is en route to Asia with his wife, j is a shrine for the four armrl
Wnitlninti A c L-
- op Incentive
T 1 m pm
I j(OA 111 T L
rean Lorp ., adnere to its present
program of not handling
more than 0.1W.0OO pounds of p m. Wednesday following a two-.""' " . " " , "' "'"r.
stockpile wool a month. ar cMifim at Marion and Sum-1". ' "j1 ''
A ruling by the U.S. Depart- W Streets, city police reported. J Jnh"', P8."t,or w,ft
mentof Aericnlture resardinv in.1 ... ... ' ington Tnllegiate Church in New
EmLn Willamette Ambulance Service York cit, ,,-,, c,ark
. U - . : 1
The ruling states that incentive
payments covering the wool on
feeder lambs cannot be assianed
by a sheep producer to a feeder
lamb buyer.
Some sheen producers on the
committee had expressed con-
next summer.
me incentive payment win be.
made on the wool grown on un
shorn Iambs which the producer
raises, as provided under the
National Wool Act. The t'SDA
has advised that such assignments
are illegal and will not be recog-
Plans were discussed
for the
1"57 convention of the
Wool Growers Assn. in Las Vegas,'
Jan. zi-24.
Cliampocg Creek
Kridgc Contract
Awarded hy Stale
A 135,R04 contract for construe-
Wednesday to Cnited Builders,
Inc., Beaverton.
The Beaverton firm submitted
the lowest of seven bids for the
project, which will be along the
Newherg-Yergens Corner Road,
about Ihree miles west, nf New
berg. Marinn County will he re
sponsible tn constructing ap
proaches to the bridge, which will
replace a narrow timber bridge
I at the same site. ,
Oregon Hem of Sloppy Jo
A Grot S.ndwichl
North City limit
- Phono 2 6798
Youth Held
f J .1.
I V J 3
Leoaard Rebert Canniag, It, suits on a cigarette following kis arrest
Wednesday oa Highway H Just south of Salem by state police officers
Doaald Kleiasmilh (right) aid Joseph. Balfe. Stale police said Cua
alag is kelag held for the FBI and Kansas City authorities aa charges
of burglary and aalawful flight to escape prosecution. Conning is
held ia the Marino County Jail. A second maa with Cunning was
not arid. (Statesman Photo.)
Noted Editor of Christian
Herald Visiting in Salem
Staff Writer, The Statesman
"Television, if used rightly, can'
be of great service in the ad
vancement of religious prin
ciples," Dr. Daniel A. Poling, one
of America's foremost church
men. -said Wednesday while on a
visit to Salem.
Dr. Poling, for the past 30 1
years editor of the non-denomi-1
national Christian Herald, is here '
Mrs. Lillian Poling, to dedicate
an orphans home at Hong Kong.
Mrs. Poling also plans to visit
Madam Chiang Kai-Chek in For
mosa. Dallas Academy
Dr. Daniel A. Poling, who at
tended the academy at Dallas,
Ore., also is longtime interna
tional president of Christian En
deavor and plans to attend a
forthcoming CE meet at Oslo,
Advent of television gives the
Two Women
Hurt in Wreck
Two women were taken to Sa-
lorn Memorial Hospital about 5:M
in:. inn i-i.u.i. c,
.7 .i .i.!. sj,.
and elbow abrasions Mrs.
Lockncr 1062', Seventh St..
received head and knee lacera
tions. attendants reported.
Mrs. I.ockner remained
nKht th hospital for observa-
vehicles received extens
ive damage, officers said.
Mi's, Dogs Sarrh for
U2-Yrar-()I(I Woman
TACOMA I Sixty military
policemen and eight Scout dogs
T , 1.-1 I ll-.J. 1- mtA
It'll r I. LTWI (-UllfTWMJ 11F HIU
in the search for Mrs. Mary
Drawsky, IK-year-oifl Elma wo
man who disappeared Sunday.
Plans call for the party to as
semble at Elma and search the
Grays Harbor area. They will re
turn Thursday if the woman has
m t been found.
9 A.M. TO 9 P.M.
Fairgrounds, Entronci from Silverton Rd.
96 Obcdionce Trial Dogs. Thr will b two ring of
obdinco dog working.
Sponsorship Tickets ar SOc for a Family
Show Is sponsored by Salem Mons Club
Watrh for Saturday's Capital Journal and
Sunday's Statesman for esart Judging program.
Here for Fill
church great opportunity to
spread the gospel over a larger
area and with greater impact,"
commented the 72-year-old visiting-church
leader. However, he
cautioned against using the
medium unwisely.
Christian Editor
The Christian Herald editor.
1 lihiku ntinii!il nuhlinat itn nut tt
w York Cilv has a eirrulation
ib(,ut 400,000, said religious
interest i iriilv imiln, .
forces chaplains Inst with the
troopship Dorchester d u'ri n g
World War II.
One of the four chaplains was
Clark V. Poling, a son of Dr.
Daniel A. Poling.
The reunion Wednesday even
ing at the home of Dr. Paul
Poling featured a family dinner,
, lAlso present was Daniel W. Pol
ing, a cousin and dean of men
iat Oreon State College.
El-ht Preschers 1
Dr Daninl A Pnlint uihn aaiil
h, always enjoys retiirnin In
bis nitive state, js nart'euhrly
oridrful of one fact. He has
heard eight members of his
family preach from the pulpit.
He listed them as both his grand
fathers; his father, C. C. Poin.
former pastor of Evangelical
EL'B Church in Salem: an uncle.
The Rev. David .V. Poling: his
"..,!. 'nJ j-'.J ,: .
1. L- - n 1 w- 1 w ..
fam"v n.
rious)v rPrrptjve ,0 the Ejvpn
J nme. naniH. six nf ,h(1 famiIv
line carry it, hut different mid
dle names help avert some of the
; pr, anH Mrs. Daniel A. will end
thrir Salem visit today as they
; take a plane for the Far East.
T . .,
i Underworld (Llliei ft
Authority Challenced
LONDON 1 Gangster Billy
Hill, appearing as a witness in a
kniling case, boasted in court:
"I'm the boss of the underworld
In London."
A few hours later some un-
krc crH nnH(,ru-nrlrlli nff wtnla llilt'c
I fl.'hv hln. .nUn frnm in frnnl nf
I niht cllb own(.a hv njg wifr.
. 7:00 P. M.
Cash Pi-It Daily HI Score
B&B Bowling
3085 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-4431
Hells Canyon
Issue Brings
- V
Heated Debate
kins iR Utah) and Neuberger
(D Ore) engaged in a sharp dis
pute Wednesday night over the
truth of a Democratic .charge that
the Eisenhower administration
wants to "give away" the Rells
Canyon dam site in the Northwest.
Watkins called it a '.'baseless,
election-year smear attempt."
Neuberger retorted that the ad
ministration is "leaving no stone
unturned in its fight to turn over
Hells Canyon the finest water
power site left in our country
to a private utility company for
wasteful, partial exploitation."
This rugged canyon on the Snake
River between Idaho and Orejon
is the deepest river gorge on the
continent. The question of how to
develop it has become a focal and
bitter issue in the national public-vs-private
power quarrel.
Watkins was the first man up
as the Senate plunged into debate
on a Democratic - sponsored bill
to construct a high federal' dam,
I PC I'pheM
The Utah sf-ltator upheld as a
carefully considered decision, the
license the . Federal Power Com
mission has granted the Idaho
Power Co. to build, instead three
smaller dams in the canyon.
It ia a clearcut question of the
federal dam. or the private dams
either project would flood the
other. .
Watkins said the three-dam pro
ject would do virtually everything
the high federal dam would do
and at no expense to the federal
taxpayers. He also said the pri
vate development would provide
power for the Northwest by 195a,
several years ahead of deliveries
from a single high dam.
Neuberger, disputing Watkins.
also declared that the White House
"is using all resources at its dis-j
posal to maintain a solid lineup
of Republican senators against the
Hells Canyon bill. . . concentrat
ing the stroncest and most de
termined pressure nf the entire
congressional session." I
"Extensive Probe"
But Watkins contended that the
power commission, which he
called an independent bipartisan
arm of Congress, licensed the pri
vate dams "by unanimous vote. . .
after the most extensive investiga-j
lion ever." and added:
"No committee or Congress can
match the experience, know-how
and informational background that
went into the Federal Power Com
mission's consideration."
The issue became national sev
eral months ago whrn Democratic
National Chairman Paul M. Butler
urged party leaders in Conaress
to press for passage of the Hells
Canyon, authorization bill to hol
ster "giveaway" charges and help
party candidates in the Northwest.
Political Issue
Soon thereafter the bills were
approved by Senate and House In
terior committees where they had
been stymied for a year.
The "giveaway" cries were
voiced after Douglas McKay.
President Eisenhower's first sec
retary of the interior withdrew
his department's opposition to Ida
ho Power's license applications
several years ago.
After the power commission is
sued a license to Idaho Power
which estimates its three dams
can be built for IM3 million dol
lars, public power groups chal
lenged the legality of the license
in the. courts, where action is
Proponents of the federal pro
ject say it would add a million
kilowatts of generating capacity
to the federal power system in
the Northwest and provide im
portant flood control and other
Idaho Power contends its three
dnm plan would generate as much
power and provide as manv other
benefits as the more costly fed
eral proposal.
Woodburn Drive-In'
Wed. Thurs. Frl. SaL .
Tyrone Power
' Plus
7MBEI HOURS 10 llll"
Dana Andrews
MtHMIAMt Technicolor
frao) Iks Iras!
HOWl HITI , .f 'I
J ":"
10 HOJI "I
Possibility Seen for Met
To Revive Opera Season
NEW YORK iff) - A possibility
appeared Wednesday that the
Metropolitan Opera's cancelled
1050-57 'season may be revived.
The hope grew out of day-long
meditation efforts of Al Manuti,
president of the big local (02 of the
Musicians' Union.
The musicians are not directly
involved in the dispute which led
the Metropolitan Opera Assn. to
cancel the season last night.
The Met management blamed the
American Guild of Musical Artists,
which represents singers and danc
ers. Manuti said he hoped to "save
the opera season" and an esti
mated three-million dollar payroll.
Gov. Shivers
Doubts Demos
To Beat Ike
NEW YORK 1 Democratic
Gov. Allen Shivers of Texas said
Wednesday he knew of no Demo
crat who could beat President
Eisenhower in Texas in this fall's
presidential race.
Shivers jumped party lines In
support Eisenhower in the W.i2
election. Shivers recently was de
feated in his bid lor leadership
of the Texas delegation to the
Democratic convention next
He told newsmen he doubled
that Adlai Stevenson could "carry
Texas against President Eisen
hower this year, but it will be
closer than in 19.'.2."
Asked if he thought some other
Democrat could win in the state,
he said:
"I don't know offhand of any
Democrat with a possibility of be
ing nominated who could beat
President Eisenhower in Texas.",
Shivers made his political com-!
menrs, following an address to the
Independent Grocers' Alliance.
He told the Alliance he favored
dissent rather than rebellion
against the V. S. Supreme Court
decision on racial integration in
public schools.
"It is not my purpose, now or
ever, to attack the Supreme Court
as an institution or to advocate
rebellion against its decision," he
"I am not questioning the court's
power to decide as it has, al
tlioiigh 1 am questioning its judg
ment. "There is a vast difference be
tween dissent and disobedience. 1
do advocate and exercise the right
of vigorous protest."
City Approves
Of New Plant
Oregon TurKey Growers filed a
building permit at city hall Wed
nesday (or a ttt.OOO one-story pro
cessing plant. at 6!W Rasselt St.
Contractor for the construction
was listed as Guy W. Jones.
Willram T. Geiirls. general man
ager of the Oregon Turkey Grow
ers Association, said details nf the
new structure will be announced
at a meeting of the association
next week.
Oregon Turkey Growers oper
ates a plant in West Salem.
Kites Slated for
Drowning Victim
Funeral Services for Fred Her
bert Emery, Ifi-year-old boy who
drowned in a lake near Newberg
Tuesday, will be held in Berkley.
California under the direction of
the Howell-Edwards funeral home.
Gates Open 7:15. Show at Dusk
. Gisnt 100 ft. Screen
Wait Dlsnev's
Second Feature
Spencer Trscv in
1 Cinemascope
. Hair Creeping Co Hit!
Gates Open (:4S
Show At Pusk!
6W Jl vj I
I "-tT7 I wt '
f7IrT'h ilt"'ou
Wednesday night th Mot man
agement had found a compromls
proposal acceptable.
He said AGMA promised to put
the plan before Its executive board,
The opera settled a wage dispute
with AGMA more than a month
ago, but a side dispute, involving
the dual role of a Met official, Rob
ert Herman, was left unresolved.
Herman, 31-year-old son of one
time baseball star Floyd 'Babel
Herman, is both assistant stage di
rectora union-covered job and
assistant to the artistic director,
an exarutive position.
AGMA threatened disciplinary
action against Herman as a mem
ber of the union because of hit
management activities. The Met
said the union refused to arbritat
the matter. The season was can
celled, the Met said, because it had
no guarantee of labor peace.
Theatre Time
t on. lOJS
ICnntiminul frrnn
1:32 1(1
1 p m)
too, 4 IS,
(CatM Opea :4J Show at Pk)
"ANYTHING GOES": i00, 10:20
Nine to Take
Police Exam
j Nine patrolmen today will tak
civil service examinations for a
(single opening as sergeant in th
I city's policy department. Results
of the exams will be reported at
a meeting of the Civil Serv ir
Commission tentatively set for
July 25.
Also announced at that meeting ,
will be results of exams which II '
men took last week for Ihre
patrolmen vacancies.
The nine taking the exams for
the sergeant vacancy include Ken
neth Keuscher. Ross Cruzen, Nap
Rocque, Calvin Steward, Georg
Weaver, Richard Wallace, William
DuVall, Laverne Jenness and
Marion Browne.
Maurice Merrill
-Kites on Friday
Final services for Maurice iter
ritt. IW0 Market St., will be held
Friday at 2 p.m. in the chapel of
the Virgil T. Golden funeral home.
Ritualistic services will be con
ducted by Pacific Lodge No. 50
AFiAM. Interment will be at Bel
crest Memorial Park.
Merritt died at his home Tues
day. Me was 77.
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