12-(Se& I) Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Thun, July 19, '56 American Paints Cannot Cause Arsenic Poisoning i fer ALTON L. BLAKE8LEE Associated Pros Selene Reporter :KEW YORK Wu-The paint in your home can't eus wienie poisoning lik . that credited with f tokening Ambassador Clare Booths Luce, U.S. experti aid Wednesday. For arsenic la limply not used In American paints.' Years ago some might have been contained In the pigment paria green. But paint chemist long ago developed better, cheaper green pigments. About the only serious hazard In paints now can be lead if chil dren chew lead-containing paints from criba, toys, lurnitureVor (rpn Curtain Blocks Effort To Free Yanks in Russia -By WHITNEY SHOEMAKER ' WASHINGTON (1 The State Department said Wednesday It has been handicapped In effort to liberate Americans believed held 1n Russia because of diffi culty in penetrating the Iron Cur tain. Deputy Undersecretary Robert ilurphy told Congress "vigorous diplomatic action" is taken when ever . circumstantial evidence is nWrient to indicate the Soviet actually are illegally detaining . American citizens. Murphy said the government is working on cases possibly involv i t armr personnel in addition to Vie airmen It nas cnarged Russia nth holding incommunicado. The State Department official wH called to closed session of th Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees to relate details of the note delivered to Moscow on Monday accusing tht Soviets of secretly holding a umber of U.S. fliers. '. He said in a statement released after the joint meeting that the United States hopes publicity ghoul the note will encourage per son -repatriated from Russia to come forward "and give us addi timal information." ;Sueeesa also hinges. Murphy snM, "on the possibility that So viet authorities will actually make in. attempt to find out, if they do gnc already know, what American personnel they have been holding of whom they have not' notified . Sen. George D-Ga), chairman Hit-Run Driver Sought, Girl Victim Dies - SPOKANE l-Polic are looking for' the driver of a car which struck and killed a five-year old limkane girt and then sped off without stopping. - The body of the ilrl Catherine Lynn Norgard, was found crumpled in the street about noon Tuesday, She died a beat tea fninutea after her arrival at the hospital. A neighbor heard the impact and taw the hit-run ear speed ey. The girl Is the daughter of I-Sjrt. and Mrs. Donald M. Nor f ard, an airman stationed Ceiger Air f ore Base nere. of the Foreign Relations Commit tee, said Murphy acknowledged the government lacks "concrete, documentary" evidence that par ticular individuals are in Soviet custody. ' . George added,' however, that "hearsay and second hand" evi dence is ample to- justify action. Eve "Grasping at Straws" Sen. Mansfield (D-Mont). a member of George' committee, laid he waa convinced the' State Department is doing all it can. "even grasping at straw. j The U.S. note said thi country was "compelled to believe" that Russia has detained some of the 22 crew members of two downed planes. It mentioned specifically a navy privateer that went down in the Baltic Sea region April II, 1950, and a B29 bomber lost over the sea of Japan or near Kara chatka In Siberia on June 13, 1932 The note added "it may well be" that other Americans are in custody. It urged the Russians to. make a prompt investigation and report. Murphy said Americans and others coming out of Russia have reported seeing or hearing of U.S. servicemen, "some particularly identified a military aviation per tonnel," in Soviet camp or pris ons. While informants have been un able to pin down 'identities, he said, they have given physical de scriptions or other bits of infor mation linking the Americans with fallen aircraft. Military and diplomatic officials have agreed the Soviets are "un der a legal duty to inform us whether these reports, though anonymous a to the identity of the Individual Americans involved, were true," Murphy said. In several instances, he told the senators, initially vague reports have turned out to be "fundamen tally true." other objects. '. That hazard now is being well r e c o g n 1 1 e d, and lead paints avoided for such uses. White lead paints now are used mainly out' doors. Paints, as other products, now are -usually given strict tests for safety and toxicity before being marketed, said Dr. A. Haldane Gee, director of toxicology of Foi' ter D. Snell Inc., consulting chem 1st, New York. Animals Tested Paints or pigments in them may he fed in olive oil to test animals The animals are given amounts that a child might consume if he took to chewing painted surfaces of cribs, toys, or window sills. Some solvents in certain paints might give the do-it-yourself or even -the professional painter headaches or nausea. Gee said. But usually that comes from paint' ing with them in poorly ventilated rooms. If hazards in paints or other products can t be removed, then warning labels point out the haz ard. So for aafety, use common sense and read labels. Gee ad vises. Lead-Free Paint Choose a lead-free paint If you're going to touch up the baby's crib; the other paint au thorities advised. Numerous cases of lead poison ing have been reported among children, said Richard J. Eckhart of Sapolin Paints, Inc., chairman of a paint industry committee which helped set up labeling of minimum amounts of lead permis sible in paints which children might accidentally ingest. He said a number of such cases had occurred among low-income groups In big cities, where chil dren chewed or licked old lead paint on walls and sills of buildings. As for arsenic poisoning, paint maker agreed It couldn't happen here. SUN WATCH DUE RIO DE JANEIRO ( -The sun will be under observation 24 hours a day in the International Geophysical Year 1957-58. AH. Shapley of the VS. National Bu reau of Standards told scientists meeting here stations around the world will make a complete rec ord so that things like changes in slowly-changing sun spots can be checked in details. Save $50 on this GDOGOIT Piece Sofa-Bed Refurnish Your Entire Living Room . Get an GIXTTKA Bedroom! Group 0z p"T i.V'TjIS:" By Day ... A luxurious Sofa By Night ... A Comfortable Bed It r 1 Jf All EIGHT Pieces for Only Snap Open for Full Size Bod in a Jiffy I Large Bedding Storage Compartment Oft MlllRf C.4 tprUf, SALE STARTS TODAY Regardless of Sale Prices Every Item Is Doubly Guaranteed By the Manufacturer and... PAY NO MONEY DOWN As Little As $2.00 Per Week HERE'S WHAT YOU GET! Camfort assuring Sofa-Bed-Choice of Colors Matching Upholstered Swing Rocker Modern, Cocktail Table Two Modern Step-End Tables Two Smart Table Lamps Decorator Color Throw Rug A complete living room outfit for lei than you'd as pect to pay for the sofa-bed atone. Decorator (elected for daytime beauty, practically designed for your nighttime comfort. All eight pieces for thi on low price! Come in early, and order your complete living room group in your favorita fobric and color. Don't mis thi opportunity to brighten your horn and enjoy these outstanding savings! Store Hours - Daily 9:30 to 6 P. M. Fridays and Mondays Noon Till 9 Korea Punch paclts Wallop SEOUL WA punch served at a reception for U.S. Ambassador Walter Dowling really packed a wallop, so powerful it made some tt', the American and Korean guest violently ill. No one had to be hospitalized, lad most of the ailing had re covered by Wednesday, . The reception for the newly ar rived ambassador was given by U.S. Charge d'Affaires Carl Strom and U.S. economic coordinator C. Tylor Wood at the army-operited Choun Hotel. Nearly soo at tended. Two punches were served, but the. ill effects appeared to item tV.ni' a concoction of rum and lemon. An army medical officer who investigated said the hotel's Water supply and ice were not contaminated and all Korean em ployes were free of discsse or in fection. '. He couldn't snalyx the punch. Hone of it was left i J VS. " a .v.!" MEEuiii Cleaner Clink -and ' Si"jin 'Center $ Ko other seat I more beaa tiful no other neat wiU last as long a OsontMthe seat that' solid one-piece con t ruction. Available in 42 color, plain or pearlescent. ' Tht color gm all the way through it can't fade or wear away. Replace with an Olson ike, tht teat of LASTING beauty. t". O1UMHIN6-HIATIN0 'WE ALL NITE Thursday & Friday THE CLOSET DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER TO THE NO. HOSTED IN OCR STORE WILL GET A ' 30 DISCOUNT OF FOUR SEI.LATHON PRICE ON ANY NEW CLEANER OR AUTOMATIC SEWING MA CHINE. NUMBERS WILL BE POSTED EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR BETWEEN I P.M. AND 1? MIDNITE. 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