Polk County Reappraisal Program Started Job Expected To Require 2 to 3 Years Valley News Statesman Nws Service IUUuui N.nr. S.rvlr. DALLAS Property appraisers Tuesday were making an inventory of all taxable property in Polk County at one of the first major atepi in Polk County's reappraisal program. Two appraisers employed by the State Tax Commission and as signed to Polk County, have begun listing properties In West Salem, according to Polk County Assessor Ed Dunn. Summer la West Salem The appraisers are G. R. Kuban, formerly emnloved In 4h Marion County reappraisal project, and I er represented. Robert Marling of Dallas. !"' 1,14 . They expect to spend most of the ! St10 lec,d lat dePutv ummer appraising residential ' the nnual u' convention in property In West Salem, under the Medford in April after a very ac supervisioo of Irving Wagner, tax Uv lfrt in the Knights of Colum commission appraisal supervisor, j Du' ince W14. The K.C.'s were or A third appraiser will be added Iniied here that year, later. - He not only served as grand The reappraisal program for knlh '" terms, but held Polk County is expected to take ! Just ut every other office in (he two to three years to comolete I Mt- nKel council, which numbers The contract for the reappraisal ov" 400 He likewise served was signed by the Polk County i idw" fieldl ln K C- work- S0"1 Court ln August, 1955. in a move to of his past activities were recount obtain up-tcxJate values for taxing d by P- N. Smith of Mt. Angel, a equaliiation purposes. P!t srand knight of the Mt. Angel Will Share Cest council, one of the speakers at the The county and the State Tax I banquet. Commission will share the cost of Co" Speaker tha program, expected to be; iMTT Cowen. supreme war round IIM.OOO. v ldel1, Pocatello, Idaho, presented According to Polk County Jidee Schwab with the state deputy C. M. Barnhart, the progranritself Je. emblem of his office, during fill not Increase taxes, but is de- banquet. Cowen was the prioc aigned to equalise assessed values, 'Pl speaker, so that everyone will pay taxes in Mayr Jacob Berchtold of Mt. DroMrtion to the vain of hi nron. Angel gave the address of wel- erty. jcome, and Rev. Edward Spear, Throuch such eoualiutioa some ! council chaplain, the invocation. KC Testimonial Dinner Honors Fred J. Schwab By LORETTA DEHLER ' Valley CrretpBdnt MT. ANGEL Fred J. Schwab, first Mt. Angel man to head the Oregon Knights of Columbus, was honored with a testimonial banquet In St. Mary's dining hall at ( p. m. Sunday. Besides the Mt. Angel Knights and their wives who gathered to compliment him on his election, all the state officers and other key men of the organization attended, about 300 in all. There are 42 councils In Oregon and 90 per cent mil n Married 55 Years ...a Pulpit Blood Call Pays Off Utnaua Ktwa Strvlr AMITY The Amity Minister ial Associativa, uader the diree tloa ef its president, the Rev. Bruce MeCeanell, gave a rail Suadajr Mm all the pulpits la this remmunily for bleed far a member ef aa Amltj chairs. . The result was "thai .members f all the cangrrgatloM abawed ap la McMuiavlUe Menday Is give bload. NORTH HOWELL-Mr. a a. Mrs.' Evaa H. BeaJs.'wk. observed SMh weddiag aaalversary ker Saaday, They earn to Oregoa ia 1(21. properties may be increased, while others are decreased. The total amount of taxes will not change unless budgets of the various tax- ing districts are increased or de creased in the meantime. Prellmlaary Work Since signing of the reappraisal contract last August, preliminary work has been done on records in W. D. Harris was , toastmaster. There was a vocal selection by Ambrose Smith. State Officers . State officers introduced includ ed Past State Deputy Michael R. Hine, Tigard; State Chaplain Rt. Rev. Damian Jentges of ML Angel Abbey: State Secretary Edward J. Bell, Stayton; State Treasurer Eu- Roden, Pendleton; state Mrs. Mamie Jenks Of Tangent Dies Iblnau M.ai frratre ALBANY - Mrs. Maude Beard Jenks, 81, Linn County native res ident, suffered a fatal stroke Mon day in Upland, Calif., where she was visiting a daughter, Mrs. Volena Jones. Services will be held at S p. m. Friday at Fisher Mortuary in Al bany. Burial will be in Riverside Cemetery. Mrs. Jenks was a lifelong mem ber of the Tangent Methodist Church. Other surviving daughters are Mrs. Loren Terhune, Tangent, and Mrs. H. 0. Parkinson, Berk eley, Calif. the assessor's office to nreoare the ! gene P way for the appraisers starting ! Advocate Arthur H. Flynn, Forest this iiimmrr Mnnnino nf the num. Grove: State Warden Joe . Bern- ty has been under way for the past ards. Jr., Milwaukle. DEATH IN TOUNG FAMILY two and one-half years in anticipa- Also called upon were the Rev. j SUBLIMITY Mr. and Mrs. lion of the program, Edmund J. Murnane. Eugene, past Cecil Young and family, called to The office lor the reappraisal state chaplain, Alfred Bernt. grand ! Seattle by the unexpected death of project will be located temoorarilv . knight of Mt. Angel council; and the Kev. Leanaer taner, Beaver ton. on the third floor of the Polk Coun ' ty courthouse. It ia expected that as the crew increases later in the program, another office will be used. Young Accident ictinig Improve SUtriau New Strvle 6ILVERT0N - Floyd William Bedrick, 11, hospitalised here Monday pight following an acci dent in the Victor Point area, was able to leave the hospital Tues day. Lloyd Ray Cupit, 8. hospitalized from the same accident, was not released Tuesday, although the hospital authorities reported his condition was "good" and that bis injuries were not serious. He nay be released Wednesday, ac cording to the report. uotn youtns were injured in a collision between a log truck and passenger car. ' ..Tr- Warehouse Group Calls Meeting to Talk Expansion Suttimaa Newt Servlr. MT. ANGEL - A special meet ing of the Mt. Angel Farmers Un ion Warehouse has been called for Wednesday night, July 25, at 8 o'clock, Bernard H. Kirsch, sec- retary, reports. The purpose of the mectine. which will be held at St. Mary's fkhool auditorium, is to discuss the feasibility of expanding' into the liquid ammonia fertilizer field. Such a project would require an Initial expenditure of npprovimate ly $10,000, Kirsch reports. Methodist Min inter Ends Special Study SUteiaua Kcws Srrvlrt AMITY-The Rev. Bruce Mc Connell, minister of the Amity Methodist Church, has just finish ed a ten-weeks course on pastor al counselling and ministering to ick at a Portland hospital. The Rev. Mr. McConnell re ports that it was very helpful and it will be of great benefit to him in his future ministry- Polk County Court News llilnul NIWI Snrt DALLAS The following com plaints were on file Tuesday in Polk County Circuit Court: Barbara Martel Antifoe vs. John J. Antifoe, seeks divorce. Married at Dallas, December 15, 1960. Lorene L. Harder vs. Sylvester Henry Harder, seeks divorce. $100 monthly support Married August 18, 1942, Dallas. Frances H. Petersen vs. DarrelL John Petersen, seeks divorce, res toration of maiden name. Mar ried June 6, 1954, at Independence. Fern Beth Rarlden vs. Robert Louis Rariden. seeks divorce, cus tody of four minor children, total of $160 monthly child support. Married November $, 1947 at Tol edo. Oregon. Ruby Rejean Montavo vs. Cesar Pedro Montova. seeks divorce, custory of one minor child, total of $40 monthly support. Married at Salem. Aucust 31. 1954. Bessie Mae Parke vs. Orren El mer Parke, seeks divorce, custo dy of one minor child, total of $.i0 monthly child support. Mar ried at Clark, S. Dak., April 19, 1942. The fallowing marriage licenses have been issued: Conlcy J. Lanham. 47, hotel operator.' Eugenepand Violet D. McFarland, 39, teacher, Mon mouth. Jerrold Bowman, 20, student. Falls City, and Sylvia Watson, 20, stenographer, Monmouth. Darrell I.owen, 25, truck driver, and Charlene Earl, 23, both of Dallas. Young's father, have returned to their home here. North Howell Couple Notes Anniversary SUt.iaua Newt S.rvlc. NORTH HOWELL - Mr. and Mrs. Evan H. Beals observed their 55th wedding anniversary Sunday. They spent a quiet day at home, with callers during the day In cluding their son John Beals, and their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunn, Maryann. Jean and Don and Maryann Sartaln. In the early evening the Beals were honored guests at a picnic dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hall, where close neigh bors of the Beals gathered to cele brate the occasion. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lindy Langwell, Kathy and Penny, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hattrick. Kathy and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hall, the honored guests and Mrs. Adelaide McGuire of San Francisco, Calif., sister of Mrs. Beals. Mrs. McGuire was bridesmaid ot her sister's wedding 55 years ago. I They are the only two surviving out of six children. Beals' has two sisters in Kate. a and one sister in Colorado. The couple was married in Flor ence, Colo., July IS, 1901. and came to Oregon in 1929. They have eigm children, 17 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. The fares on the new uvond class compartments on British railway trains arc the same all Ad the former third class. Aurora Has Reminders of Colony Days Sutnaua Nti Sarrtrt AURORA In various oarts of Aurora may be found a few minders of old colony days be- wuca me lew remaining colony nouses. - There is the eight-sided chick en bouse, which has Just been reroofed and painted la all that is left of the once famous hotel that catered to the elite and ser ved the best meals in the West. Fred Snyder incorporated three windows taken from the old col ony cnurcn into a woodshed which is still in use. He built the house ana woodshed a number of years ago. The house Is now occupied by Mrs. George Schwader Wur ster and her sister, Mrs. Ida Gar ret. Mrs. Wurster is one of the prin cesses in the coming Aurora cen tennial celebration scheduled for July 20-22. The Aurora colony band, con sisting of 35 pieces was the only band in the territory and was much in demand. It ia renoi-tud that in 1857 the band attended Butteville's Fourth of July cele bration, opening the festivities with the "Star Spangled Banner." 1 District Posts, Chairmanships Listed by KCs SUt.iaua Stmt Strvlr MT. ANGEL-Knights of Colum bus district deputies and standing committee chairmen were an nounced here Monday nisht bv State Reputy Fred J. Schwab of Mt. Angel. By districts, the deputies are as follows: 1 Thomas Barnes, Portland: J Roy Bergqulst, Mil waukie; J Joe Ford, Oswego; 4 Everett Squire. McMinnvUle; S Michael J. Raschko, Salem; Leonard J. Thomas, Lebanon; 7 Phil . Jent, , Eugene; $ David Walsh, Medford; 9, Robert How ard, Lakevlew; 10 Dr. E. A. Moody. Bend; 11 George Clavin, Pendleton; 12 Dr. William Peare, LaUrande. . Standing committee chairmen were announced as follows: Chair man of the program, Wm. H. Bow ers, St. Paul; seminary burse. Art Flynn of Forest Grove for Western Oregon and Otto Smith of Klarnfab 1 Falls for Eastern Oreion: mem-1 uennip, joe Bernards jr., MU waukie; combined council of fraternal activities. Raymond Ker- ber, Stayton; St. Mary's Boys Home. James R. Gwvnn. Port- land. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., July 18, "56 (Sec. I)-9 Linn Candidate For Migs Oregon Contest Chosen utnaua Ntwi Service ' ALBANY Selection of Miss Irene Vetter as Linn County rep resentative In the Miss Oregon contest. was announced Tuesday. MJss Vetter will leave Thursday for Seaside, acompanied by ber chaperone, Mrs. Bud Ashford. ' Misa Vetter was a 195C Albany Timber Carnival princess and was chosen to compete for Miss Oregon honors by the Timber Carnival As sociation. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Veter, Albany route 4. VFW PICNIC SET VALSETZ Date tor the VFW pic nic has been set for August II at Surfland, Ore. It .will start at I p. m. The Poet and Auxiliary will furnish "hot dogs", pop and other refreshments. In 1858 they were hired to play for the Old Settlers Ball in Ore gon City. TAKE IT AWAY! 1N7 FORD H Tea Pkk p . 4 speed transmission .. Excellent TlieaJtuns Go4 VALLEY MOT02 CO. Truck Dept. . Marian sad N. Liberty gt HON! 34147 Amitv Srhnnl Dnis Of '27 Set. Reunion .- SlastaMaakatsk Masai AMITY The class of 1927 at Amitv Hish School will hava ra-unina. . ia . Matwl lVilliBman State Park on Sunday, July 23 at 1 p.m. All members are urged te attend. Former teachers are also. invited. 11 Ljrshan i ' nrsmnr Dcriiic . You bvy a Organ . . Have Ten Heard And JPbyed... Spinal n 4J. P. S. You 11 ba happier i with a Baldwin! . Rentals and lessen ' ZOBELS . . . a .'. Ill a-... m - j- M . No other starch gives you the Ifono touch that means so much GET EASli IRONING I Do away with . . ". . sticking . . . scorching.. . lumping . mixing-, . . boiling . . guossing ,..yasto The assumed business name of Busy Budgies Pet Shop has been filed by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baley. The business is located at Dallas. The assumed business name of Smiths Men Shop has been filed by Ray W. and Gail E. Smith The shop is located at Dallas. Eighteen Swedish agricultural students 2 girls and 16 boys re cently arrived to study American methods - of dairy farming and grain cooperatives. SEWING MACHINE BUYERS ! The only placo you can obtain new household . SINGER Sewing Machine or one reconditioned by SINGER is from your SINGER SEWING CENTER! Any other ttores or repair shops which offer rebuilt," "factory-rebuilt," or "reconditioned" ma chines are not sponsored by SINGER. TU BINDER SEWINO CENTER serving this area ii Httad bflow. -ONLY hr can you obtain . . . ' ,, .. ., 1. r...-..w MNM Wwla Mxklaat. 8tartittf at MJI) I. S4NMI tawtoa Mackiaat raa'!tlMa' bp ' SINOtl wlHi warrant SINOIt parti. , S. areata' faaalrs by MNOIf. bawd aa wrlttva ( fx furaltkW la eavaaM. hm H. Commercial i 1 Phone 3-3512 I ajM-W lis .Jwiiw -I it Aks. iv v I.I A 1 i1 Vtna Liquid Starch gives you perfect starching every time ConcenfrofWr . Ono quart of Vono " makes five quarts . for average starching I If youro not ushigVano youre worlung too hard The Towne Shop II 1 - too . .. II it's . Sh ' dortWrn. fro l0 Yor-Tr . you ov 0 W w .very Qr semi -annual clearance STARTING VEDXESDAYr JULY 189:30 A.M. m 4 DAYS 0,'LY-EKDS SATURDAY, JULY 21 offering average savings of 50 and moro truly Towne Shop Values 1 i sweaters Vol to $10.95 Jontzen, Tol bott ond Kondel. skirts Vol. to $22.95 $5 (Olhwt tvblnlllly ltdud) millinery values 'to $25 $1 to $5 lingerie . Famous Kickernick Gowns, Slips. Values to J9.95 2.98 to 10.95 blouses Cosuol and dressy styles in cotton, dacron, ny lon and crepe. Values to $14.95. 1.98 to 4.98 Jewelry Famous Moke. Reg. 1.00 lo 15.00 Vi, or more, OFF m sun dresses one group - cotton, street and afternoon, vol. to 29.95 now 12.88 dresses afternoon, casuals and formals originally 22.95 to 69.95 now tf up suits David Crystal and other famous brands. Rayons, virgin wool, crepes, tweeds. Regular, Junior and v half sizes. 14.88 to 69.95 - coats We've tagged every coat in stock at clearance prices. Full length, 2A and shorties. Marchessa, Forstmanns, Hockanum and Juilliards - Virgin wools, and silk fabrics. Regular 45.00 to 110.00. 19.95 to 89.95 LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS-CHARGE ACCOUNTS WELCOMED NO MAIL, PHONE OR C.O.D. ALL SALES FINAL NO ALTERATIONS UNDER 20.00 STORE HOURS: Open Daily 9:30 . m Man. & Frj. Til 9 p.m. The Towne Shop FREE PARKING 4S0 N. CAPITOL S a