CMP) Statesman Salem, Ore., Wed., July 18, '56 ' Z ' Italy 'Amazed! at Arsenic Paint v. . , v i . Story; 'Poison' Roses Covered By FRED JX'ST ROME OB The bizarre ttory that the long Illnesses ef U. A, Ambassador Clare B t h t Luc stem from arsenic la tht paint of her bedroom celling stirred Italy Tuesday. Italian! and diplomat! expressed amaxement. A U S. embassy spokesman dis closed that a layer of heavy tar- paper now hides the "poison white roses" on the ornate ceiling in the blonde envoy s bedroom of the 17th Century villa Tavema. He said the paper was nailed oa. and coated with nonleaded paint, after it was discovered that arsen ic dust and fumes from the roses had sifted throughout the bedroom, making Mrs. Luce ill. The villa Taverns Is the officio! residence of U.S. ambassadors in Italy. As suck, it is diplomatically a part of United States territory. The United States bought It in 14I. Me IB Effort . ' Two ether American ambassa dors, James Clement Dunn and Ellsworth Bunker, slept la the same villa with no apparent in ef fects before Mrs. Luce took up her appointment here la May 1953. i Time Magazine broke the arsen ic story last night. , Mrs. Luce, former playwright and Republican congresswoman from Connecticut, is the wife of Time's editor la chief. Henry ft. Luce. ' la the United States since last May for treatment of intestinal in flammation and anemia, she is due to resume her duties here next moots after a three-week Mediter ranean cruise. . . fib has b a a ' troubled by anemia and fatigue during much ot her work la Italy, tell Uaoaspected By Time's account, tiny specks of the poisonous arsenic fell un suspected from the paint, powder ing room and her breakfast cof fee, and ia summer gave off fumes Which she inhaled. Mrs. Luce has done much of her work at a desk ia the room, in addition to using it as a sleeping chamber. Expert opinion differed about as sets of the case. -One of Rome's biggest paint stores said it sold a lot of paint containing arsenic, but hsd never heard of anyone being poisoned by it. Similarly, A Rome hospital Ailing f ) ) MX. to Italy Clare Lace as skewa as see arrived la New York last Msy far treatment ef a mysterteas au meat. Last ai(M Time Magasise revealed that deadly arseaie dast siftlag eowa frees the paust ea her at dream reillif la Kama re portedly caused the leag series ef Utaeases that have aJageed her. (AP Wirepbste.) Court Blocks Model's Effort To Regain Son ALBANY. N Y. un A state supreme court Justice has held that the doors are "closed forever' gainst a New York City .model's regaining her son through the agency te whom the surrendered him when he was four days old. ' Justice Isadora Bookstein Mon day dismissed a habeas corpus proceeding brought by the natural mother, Joan Romano, against the Family and Children'! Service of Albany Inc. He held that "a consummated adoption is unassailable and hence the doors of the agency are closed forever to the natural parents. Legally A tooled '"" ' The boy was adooted leeallv last November by a family whose name has not been disclosed. Bookstein said the adoption pro ceedings had been "wisely ordered sealed" and might be opened only by court order. He added: , "I see no good purpose in so or dering since, in my humble Judg ment, H Is lor the best Interest of the Infant and the foster parents that they remain unrevealed, even to me." ; The child was born Nov. I, 1954, la a Schenectady hospital. . Miss Romano contended she was coerced into aigning away the baby. She said that she gave him up at the insistence of her then husband. Donald McGaffin, a for mer Schenectady newspaperman who now lives ia Saa Diego, Calif. They were divorced later. Career ea Upgrade The adoption agency said that Miss Romano told agency repre sentatives at the time: "I know I don't went a child that win inter fere with my careeer." . The agency said she then "was an the upgrade and had almost reached the top ia her profession." ' Miss Romano told the court that she would net about ttt.oos from modeling this year. She ssid she had not stsrted the actios to re gain the child sooner becsuse she had been low oa funds. spokesman said he had never beard of such a case of arsenic poisoning. Added te Kill But in Washington, a paint chem ist declared if there was lead ar- senste ia the paint of Mrs. Luce's bedroom ceiling "U wss added deliberately either to kill someone or to kin flies. That idea was advanced in an interview by F r a a c i s Scofield, chief of the technical division of the National Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Assn. t Scofield said there vu another possibility that paint applied in this century may have flaked off and loosened particles of a coat applied before 1900 which might have contained arsenic poison. He ssid this would have been "Paris green" or copper arsenste not lead arsenate and it would have required large doses taken inter nally to cause illness. No Evidence At the same time the U.S. State Department said there Is "abso lutely no evidence" of any attempt on Mrs. Luce s we. John D. Jernegsa, embassy counsellor in charge while Mrs. Luce la undergoing medical treat ment ia the United States, said be could add nothing to the Time Magazine report L Reporters were not permitted to emer ner vuia to loot ever the ambassador's bedroom. A spokesman for Salvatora Mun dl International Hospital used by many foreigners resident in Rome said be had never heard of such a case of arsenic poison ing. One of Rome's biggest paint stores said K sold a lot of paint containing arsenic but had never heard of anyone being poisoned by it. . Pais Peisealng A Dutch doctor practicing In Rome said he had seen a number of cases of similar paint poisoning in the city. "It seems to be most frequent in cases of green paint," he ssid. Mrs. Luce's bedroom, in her 17th Century villa, reportedly has heavy green beams. But the ar senic powder and fumes were un derstood to come from white roses painted on the ceiling. ' Dast Falls Easily A doctor who had been called In on the Luce case ssid he had never heard ef a similar instance. "But it would be very possible ia these old buildings." he ssid. "Dust easily falls from the ceilings.' Italian newspapers front-paged the story. One called it the case of "the poisoned roses." Another termed it "a romantic adventure' for Ambassador Luce. The pro- Communist Paese Sera referred to "a dark mystery" and recalled for its readers the Borgia family. which reputedly took care of some enemies by use of poisons.' Paese Sera said there was noth- ln like this in the Luce case. Mrs. Luce's bedroom is on the second floor of the vills Taverns, the ambassador's official residence in Rome. The brown stucco build ing, with about a dozen rooms. is m a seven-acre park of green lawns, cypress and pine trees and marble statues. It is su rounded by aa ancient brick wall. Worked la Rasas The ambassador's bedroom, one of two master bedrooms, is de scribed as large and ornately dec orated. Mrs. Luce, an embassy spokesman said, did a great deal of work at her desk there, in add tion to using it as a sleeping chamber. The embassy was unable to say exactly when the ambassador's bedroom was repainted. A press spokesman said he understood it was done la July or August last year. This would have been six months or more after the arsenic theory was first introduced as a factor in Mrs. Luce's - continued illness, according to the Time re port. , British Army Women Win Undies Battle By ALVTN STEMKOPF LONDON tsV-The British Army has surrendered the girls in its ranks can wear any kind and any color panties they choose. And the ssme applies to bras. Antony Head, the secretary ef war, backed down in the face of incipient mutiny. Also confronting him was one of the most deter mined members of Psrliament, Dame Irene Ward. The girls of the WRAC (Wom en s Royal Army Corps) have been fuming for yean over gov ernment issue panties. Aeeaaale ia Site They are of sturdy material, khaki in color, elastic at the waist and in the region of the knees. And each of -a size to accommo date about two girls. The bras? They fit pretty well if worn over a trenchcoat. Both bras and panties, said the girls, were apparently designed by a male quartermaster before World War I who hsd only the foggiest idea about the female' figure. I Most of the girls used the panties for laundry bags, and, wore undies they bought them selves. But there wss slways the risk that at inspection they would, be caught improperly uniformed. Seagbt Allowance They got Dame Irene on their ! side. She campaigned for a money allowance and the demobilization ' of government issue lingerie. ; The War Department hesitated. saying it might be hard to find the ; money lor another allowance. Secretary of War Head parried and delayed. But Tuesday he made this state ment in the House of Commons: We are going to change over to an initial allowance for under clothes in the women's services.' Dame Irene, magnanimous in victory, said: "I thank the minis ter bow that the battle has been successfully concluded." Sw 'ffl ifl r Next Step? r I Depend on Us... mm 1 S5 .25. iihlHju HrJ jig SINGLES frost H H DOUBLES tress $LM SAN FRANC.SCO After the doctor's vitit, look to us to fill his prescription with utmost care. We double check for accuracy. . . use only finest, freshest drugs. CAPITAL DRUG STORE 1 Lecstleas to Better Serve Yea . MAIN STORE: 405 Stale St. Corner ef Liberty Prescription Shop: (llChemekeU We Give frtC Greea Stamps Headache'g Cure Starts Off Another NEW YORK IK - Joseph E. Fleming, so, a U S Mail truck driver, got over bis headache Tuesday. Fleming parked the truck with two sacks of msit in front of his home last night while he went into get a pill to ease a headache. His head throbbed more than ever when he csme out and found the truck missing. A mail carrier found the truck Tuesday morning about its blocks from Fleming's home. Its contents were Intact. '""'l fP! imA VrL Runs Goad Loorr o4 in ;Kd! 51 C S3 C0 v:lliy t::K2 to. Used" Car L-f. Fh. 4020 See Ch 'ie er Gene Center A N. liberty Its. -7. " Again We Are Offering . . Our Vacation Package THE ... r tatesman will tava veur nanars aaek dav vou are awav an vour ' r s;jS cation and deliver them te you when you return ONE PACKAGE Just clip this coupon and brine, It in: i 1 ' - i 'if "V . : - V r.J ssve my r -VOOfc (Slgaed) K A V l CREDIT MY CARRIER FOR MY VACATION PACKAGE .to. 1 , V mm 7 OR ' If you are going snvwhere that has mail facilities, fill out the coupon below and send it in, or call 46811 (ask for "cir culation") and we will mall your Capital Journal to you. Just pay in the office when you return. Please null say ot'OrffionCtatfBittM to me while I'ss ea my vacation. From te (Signed) MaU to : Z. I will pay la the effirt aa my retura. AMD'S 2 Dad V it''. 1 Mmml-mm mm! re Yea, for two years now, we at Toy la no have tried, to bring to the Salem trailing area the largest and best selection of toys and hobbies In the Northwest. Evidently we are somewhere near this goal fromvfhe response of people in this area and the many compliments wo have had on our store. From this tor we hove shipped toys to many foreign lands as wall at almost every state in America. Wt take pride in this success and we promise that we'll continue to bring to you the best linos and the largest selection in the West. We wish to thank those of you who have visited our toy paradise and to those of you that have not yet seen our ttore wo wish to invito you at your earliest convenience to just stop in and b rouse around. Whether or not you need toys now wo think you'll enjoy seeing tha thousands of wonderful hems that wa carry. You know, you don't have to bo a kid to enjoy TOY. LAND... 1 Respectively, The Shews SWIMMING AND WADING POOLS . . . Keg. KM (lifetime guarantee) Spec 2.t Keg. S9.95 (lifetime guarantee) Spec . S7AS Keg. J 11.9 J (lifetime guarantee) Spec' ..$ Reg. $14.95 (lifetime guarantee) Spec S12.M Reg. 119.95 (lifetime guarantee) Spec S1C.SS Reg. $79.95 1Z' wide 21 in. deep Spec SSt.tS Reg. $2M.M ir wide SS ia. deep Spec. S17B.8 Reg. $35f.M XV wide 42" deep Spec. S310.M (o)(o) (TOYS See ear huge selection of leys values to $2.91 for only 98c. We gusraatee this te be the best S8e selection you've ever seem. Wagons . Radio Toy Res St . . Radio Super ... Rex 94 Rex lOt Radie Flyer Radio Rise her , Radie Imperial . fl.tS S1.2S 97.2B 9S.7B $.4 ...sie.ts ...$l.BO :-.S20.t-S IM TOrun K1YKB MU kwrtil o nirff DffalTMDft COPS AW Sf PUB Only $2r CLIMBING TOWER There's sasaethiag about this GyavDsady Climbing Tower that fires children's imsginstions. Te them it's s fort, a castle, er ia a iwiakliag ef aa eye changes tress a plrste ship to s rocket ia eater space And Just for good measure it is equipped with s trspese sad gym rings makes aa idesl cempsnioa piece for any Gym Dandy Gyas. Overall height ? Overall width 74" .. $22 3 e V MW mm '34" Mare kids can get mere tua .at ef s slide thaa almost aay ether piece af play equipment. The popular sites are all steel toastnictloa, and the side rails, ladder and footing have a baked enamel finish that will retain Its beauty for annnaDnng P I a c h Gym-Dandy J Dwnit carries a "lifovjj Dtime" guarantee. JJ this guarantee" h remains in e-5 DfECT AS IONO ASg DtHI PLAY UNIT RE-g "MAINS IN THEaj POSSESSION OPej Hthi O R 1 0 I N A IfJ 5 PURCHASER. B Vfwl SETS -p'y g'm ' All Gym Dsndy one-piece slides sre nude with a DOUBLE CURVE to give the kids that roller-coaster sensation . . . only one of many quality details that make Gym Dandy Gyms better values. Other details include: Larger bolts, safety cap nuts, heavier 1.000-lb. test HOT-DIPPED galvanized chain, longer braces, safety-form seats to name only a few . . . Reg. I44.9S Spec. Oaly H Dawn . . . M Days Balsaee, No Carryiag Charge . . . (14 different models to choose from at $16.95 $99.95) Down Will Hold S-phy gym set. New safety-engineered Torsion Form Cross Arm for the Sky-Skooter Pumper reduces strain on pumper bars and improves high swing performance. Another plus value offered by Gym-Dandy. Another reason they can take the roughest plavs ef the rowdiest little rawals in the neigh borhood. And, Gym-Dsndy's carry a FULL LIFETIME GUARANTEE . . . Reg. S2f.H Spec. 21 88 enamel finish that will retain its beauty for mm t years. Budget priced 9 95 f 59 95 SDDDnODIlM (14 different models to choose from at $16.95 $99.95) TOYLAND HAS A COMPUTE DOLL HOSPITAL. Yes, wo can repair your doll whether she has a broken too or what-have-you. Compete lino of wigs in stock, plus parts for all kinds ef dolls. (A trained export will make your doll like new again.) ELECTRIC BOATS . . . Reg. $3.25 Spec. $2.66- B 2 ' Sp $2.29 Chuck Wagon Cooking Sets.. Reg. $4.9$ Spec $2.88 Doll E. Do Dish Reg. $2.91 Spec. $2.29 Dish Sets, (includes service for four.) Reg. $3.91 Special $3.19. SAND BOXES s. . Reg. $14.95 Spec. $12.88 Y U-'5 . . . Spec $9.88 PEDAL CAR (Fire Dept.) Reg. $22.95 Spec... $15.88 1 Only CANVAS UMBRELLA TENT Reg. ,$14.95 Spec '. $8.88 TRACTORS . . . Pedal and chain drive Reg. $22.93 Spec. $16.88- 'Rg- $29.95 Spec. $24.88- Rg. ".95 $- $26.88 3 piece metal table and chair sets, .. Reg $7.95 Special $4.18. We alae have a huge selectioa ef trikes at tbeJowest prices possible ... 1 oaly TRAIN BOARD. .This demonstration antt rest us ever $25.0t. Is 5 t 9 feet snd wilt run S trains st the ssme time. Comes complete with track, accessories, plus landscaping. We'll sell this board 1st. come basis at $119.95. You couldn't build it for $300.00 BEACH BALLS . . . Reg. $1.9$ Spec. $1.59 Reg. 98c Spec 79 Rfl 9c Spec 49 PLASH CAMERAS ... 5 only-Reg. $4.49 Spec .$3.88- (These are excellent cameras and lako beautiful shots without experience.) ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL CARS . . . R.g$1.9$ Spec $1.66 1 only BIO JIM ELECTRIC CRANE. (So good I will pick items es small as pins. Rog. $14.95 P" l - $9.88 FlUB-A-DUB STRING WPPETS , , . Reg. 9$cSpec.J 59 2 only 20 INCH BIKES. Rag. $44.95 Spec, (dent miss this one) .-..$33.83 FAMOUS MAKE LIGHTED WORLD GLOBES.... ,...33V Jllsceurrt RECORD PLAYERS . plus 10 golden recdrds, plus 25 needles. A $12.95 value for only $8.88 only Storklino CHROME TABLE AND CHAIR SETS. Reg. $22.50 Spec. $17.88 MARVELOUS MIKE TRACTORS. A eleetrie tractor that automatically shifts snd goes for sours without stepping. Barks (in when it hits something, goes forward as son as It has cleared. Reg. $9.95. Special $:,.. p Ml'RICAL BEARS, FANDAS, DOfiS. ETC Reg. $J.9. Special $2.M. Reg. $4.M Special I J M BURCIES . . . 25 discount ea all buggies in stock. 11 liffereal styles to cheote from. (Thia would bo a good item to lay-a way.) . VISIT OUR COIN AND STAMP DEPARTMENT WE BUY AND SELL COINS. Following are some of thto prices wa pay for coins in very good condition. Indian cents. 1SC1 . 1864L - 18ft, (7, $ 190HS 19098 Lincoln pennies 1909s 1909 8VDB 1914D 19I4D 1954 Proof sets 1955 Proof sets ... ..$2.71 .$12.S0 .. S4.SO S3.SO .$11.00 . $2.2B .S1S.OO .$12.50 ..B1.2S ...$.00 ..$5.10 I9J1S le .MM 1914 D Merc Dime ..$10.00 1955P Half Dollars ... .754 192SS Dime $1.00 1921P Dime f l.OO IMS 5e $15.00 19128 5e $4.0 1914D &c $2.75 (We alae buy bright uncircu lated commemorative half dollars.) (We're interested ia proof sets (sny year), We buy all kinds of United States coins. Bo sure to see us First before you sell. Bonus price paid for GOLD this week only ... , 1161 UNION STREET Phono 4-3691 IN THE CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER