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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1956)
0 Statesman V HOME panorama '!ztzn . . . r.ssic'. . . Fcshicns . . . Features ft-(Scc. I) Statesman, Salem, OrcTues., July 17, '56 Around Town . . . By JERYVZ ENGLISH Robert Steeves, Mrt. Ralph Un derwood, Mrs. Donald Sornrner, Mri. Donald Scheelar, Mr. Robert Strebig. Mn. Rodney Hofstetter. and Mri. Lester D. Green . . . It'i welcome bom ... far MIm EUaabeth Lard, who arrived la the capital tab) weekend Iran a I are aneaihs plane trip areaad lb warM ... her flrat stap waa Maalla, P. I., where ska visited her broker. Mealagae Lard, tar a sneath . . Iraas Ikere aha flew la Rasa via ladla aad Cblaa . . . Opening the door After a week la Italy sba weal Edwin McWain of i la Bareeleaa aad la visit bar aleee. TEA TIME ... en Friday when Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren, her mother, Mrs. Carl Hollingworth of Port land, and Mrs. William E. Smith entertain at the former's North 13th Street home ... the affair is being arranged In compliment to Mrs. Norman Frees, who was Mrs. Ray L. Smith before her June marriage in Washington, D. C . . . Friends hava been in vited to call between 1 and I clock to greet the new Mrs. Frees and to welcome her home from Europe . will be Mrs. Palo Alto, Calif., sister of Mrs. Mrs. Mrlvla Lard, al Palai Sally Nohlgren ... jwas la flpala far five weeks aad r.i.irn . . . .4 tha Urn traveled Ike eallrt coast ... Mrs. .ill aa Mn. Cmn Aadmea aad Lard aad eklldrea. Mary Elisabeth Mr. j.m Waal af Partlud. Mrs. I Jeba MaaUgae aad CarmeaclU, rk..w a. Koran. Mrm c. Her. I are leavtag Ik end ef July bert Smith. Miss Beryl Halt aad I Mealea City la Ha Mr, Lard, waa Miss Lelia Johaaea . . . Asslstiag reaa nan laemicai t-e... .k lh. roam, .mi I. tha tardea Miae Lard alaa vMled la Paris. in Mr, RobMt r. Aaderaen. wbera ska was Hard by ber leag. Mr. a. n. Sraatan. Mn. Keaaetk U friend. Mrs. riereaca Hackca- r-arlaaa. Mi.. Lllllaa Davis. Mrs. berry af New Yerk City, farmeriy Keaaetk Prince. Mrs. D. A. Lar- as Partlaad ... Ike traveler spent u. mi trim tvhiu. Mlu Aaa week la New Vert aa retare- ku.m. Mr. atit. Mn. has: la Ike stales r.anUa Enrwr. Mrs. Keaaetk Arrivtog . . . home this week- ena irom a lonnigms irip can were Mr. and Mrs. Merrill D Shersnaa, aad Mrs. Jaacs Smart . , Arrrrlag ... ia the capital to day for visit at the Nohlgren home will be her sister. Mrs. Ed win McWain, and daughters, Judy and Marlee, of Palo Alto . . . they will also visit in Portland with her mother, Mrs. Carl Hollingworth . . . Mr. McWain will Join his family here later In the month ... On Ohling . . . they went by train to Detroit and there took delivery on a car , . , driving on to Toronto and Bangor; Maine , . . -Hem v . from a plane trip to Mexico City are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrison (Sue Barnes), who are now making their home i,,",. Mr. Nriii'irr.1. 1 in Salem ... The Morrisons have P"r!?y. 'iWrooJLMI!- Vfcbeen living ia Seattle since their M arranging unmi luimrcun . , and bridge party for the pleasure marriage ... of her sister at her home . . . A Callferala . . . visiters are Mrs. few of Mrs. McWain's friends have i Raeaell Faller aad daaghters. been biddea to "the affair . . . Stephaale aad Valerie, af 8a, Vlaltara . . . la tba eaaltal are ! Fraadaea, waa are gaests al Ike Mr. aaa several was MIm Silverton Dateline , I , , Family Night Picnics Are Popular 1 By LILLIE L. MADSEN SILVERTON The big social event each week now Is the Fam ily Night Saturday Night picnics scheduled for the next six weeks ahead. First of . the summer's schedule was Saturday night and this drew almost 400 folk, not only from Silverton, but from the sur rounding communities: Mayor Harry Carson spoke very highly of the old-time picnics Mon day as he commented on the num ber of people they brought to town. Both Mayor and Mrs. Carson were ardent attendera at last year's event the first time the picnics were tried and said they planned to miss but few this year. Mrs. Lets Kelly, manager of the Flying E Ranch at Wittenberg, Aruwsj among those noted in the 'crowd Saturday night. Mrs. Kelly is the former Lets Nibler of Woodburn and Salem. Silverton friends are receiving --rrf. fr m Mm P.frtfv finntt whn Nohlgren her daughter, Judy, and Ike Medlierraaeaa . . . Miss Lerdj, vacationlng ,' Haw,il ,, ,um. 3r.Ua 1JAlilrraaaa I vatai lak aaalaa fata flaaa araaaafcal ak mm , . mer. It s been warm there, site writes, although she adds that there had also been a cooling rain recently. She ia with her sister, Mrs. Gertrude Walcott Smith, now a music teacher at San Jose, Calif. Both women grew up in Silverton and lived here for a number of years. Mrs, Scott has made Port' land her home for the past four years. Reeves la Celebrate Two aedal eventa'have been announced for the coming Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Reeves will be guests of honor at a reception arranged for the Knights of Pyth ias Hall in observance of their Golden Wedding anniversary. All friends of the honored couple are invited to attend from I to 8 p. m. At the second event the Rev. and Mrs. Alvin Selid will be hon ored at a reception from 2:30 to S d. m. at the social rooms ol Trinity Lutheran Church. Mem bers and friends of the church are invited to meet the new pastor and his family who arrived early this month to serve Trinity. James Phillips, president of the Trinity congregation, and Mrs. Phillips, are official hosts. Receptiea Far New Pastor Miss Nettie Hatteberg ia in charge of the coffee arrangements, Asked to greet the guests aa they arrive are Mr. and Mrs. William Bloch, Harold Larsen, Ludvlg Meyer. Silas Torvend, Elmer ,t sen. Clifford Eklund, Edwin Sat- rum. Aldea Clemetson, Oscar Sat erm. Albert Satrum, and Elmer Thompson. Pouring will be Mrs. Silas Trov end. Mrs. Elmer Olsen, Mrs. Clif lord Eklund, Mrs. Edwin Satrum, Mrs. Aid en Clemetson, Mrs. Oscar Saterm, Mrs. Albert Satrum, Mrs. Elmer Thompson." In charge of the guest book will be Mrs. Virginia Hughes and Mrs. L. A. Meyer. Mrs. Weldon Hatte berg is ia charge of nower ar rangements, and serving are the members of Miss Hatteberg ' Sun day School class. Assisting are Mrs. Robert Epen eter, Mrs. M. G. Gunderson, Mr. and Mrs. Claut Moen. Weldon Hat teberg, William Hatteberg, Jens Moen, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Satber. Mrs. Emery Headrlcksea wast hostess for a shower honoring her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Emery Hen drickson Jr., at the letter's home on Brenner Ave., Thursday evening. r Together 50 Years v v; : -i . V ... v. . J . (,'' i M, ' I ," ri I f ti f Salem Chapter, Order af Eastern i Hilt Ave., at 1130 o'clock. fk iss Papke is Bride or Mr. Voss,sir wi ""7 ,rh !,?sMsw,uwiUbe ,M? rr,BC2 v v-j-riw . eon on Wednesday at the home Lightner, Mrs. Ronald Rossner and AAr. and Mrs. W. G. Welling, who will observe their golden wedding anniversary at a reception on July 22 at their home on Northwood Drive. They -were married in. Salem end hava lived here ever since. They have three daughters end six grandchildren. (Kennell-Ellis Studio). af ber pareata,' Mrs. Fraak Calaba, fa weeks ... Weekead visiter ESilverWedding Dinner Fetes , Couple JMr. aad Mrs. Geerge Fleteker aad eeaa, Roger, Gear it and Daag laa. as Hartferd, Cmi., farmer talem rcsideats. waa are gaests af ber aaetker, Mrs. Dera Jabasaa Margaret Pai-rlae af Berkeley, wke ... The Fletehera will leave Wed-!ficw aartk la vWt bar asalber. Dr. Mday far Head River la visit J Mary B. Parviae . . . Ml Jalla his parens, bat Mrs. Fletcher aad . JabBaea, waa aaw lives sa Camas, tba bays will retara la Salem la 'wash met MIm Parviae la Part. a week la aaead the remalaacr af Uad aad aba alaa apeat Ike week the meath . , . TeaigM Mtsa Maria tm4 here with ber anetber, Mrs. Dare aad ber bretbcr-la-taw aad Leaaa Jekaaaa ... sliler, Mr. aad Mrs. Leiaad Sarlf, g.j.Bralag ... at their beach farmeriy al Salem, are eaterUla-, hom, lt R(MAt tni Uit week lag wlih aa btlarwial party la kaa.wert Dr. ,nd Mrs. Hume Downs al the Fletchers . . ' the alfalr lnj Brady . . wlU be beM al Ue Sarff bame tai Alaaay with a graap af laagtlme irtemls af Ibe Fletcbers fcavHed the eveaiag ... Te fete eagaged due . . . Mrs. Brrtard 0. Schuckinji, Miss Helena Schucking and Bob Schucking are entertaining with an informal party on Sunday evening at their holt Acres home ia compliment to Miss Charlotte Alexander and her fiance Thomas Wendel of Portland . . . A group of friends have been in vited te call after I o'clock to greet the couple, whose marriage will be aa event of August 4 . . . A beate facet . . . al Mrs. Frank V. Prime la her leagtlme friend. Mrs. Raymead Kelp el Las Aageiea . . . Mrs. Prime weal la Sea Fraaeleea to aseet Mrs. Kelp aad the Iwe drave aartk to gether . . . Tha daa alee plaa a trip to Caaada aext week . . . la tain pi I meat la her Callfarala visitor. Mrs. Prime has larked a lew frieads to atop by lar a cap af eaffee this aaeralag at ber East Lefelle Street bame . . , A trip la the beach ... Is en the agenda today for a group of the young married set. who are members of a bridge club, and their children . . . they will make their headquarters at Oceanlakt Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Means celebrated their tsth wedding anni versary on Sunday at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cross. The couple was married in Salem by the Rev. Wiley Weathers, who was present for the anniversary celebration. Also attending were three of the Means' children, Mrs. Herbert Ross of Portland. Walter Means Jr. and William R. Lacey, Salem, and seven grandchildren. A dinner was served fal the gar den at S o'clock. Toe tiered cake was cut by Mrs. Glen DeLapp and Miss Sharon Gwynn passed the guest book. . . Attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ross. Jackie and Jert Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Means Jr., Mary Ana, Susie and Sally. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lacey. Venita and Chris, the Rev. and Mrs Wiley Weathers. Mrs. Ef- In the group with their youngsters i fie J. Andrews. Mrs. Kate Baer. will be Mrs. John Maulding, Mrs, I Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sim, Mr. and Mrs. Glea DeLapp, Norman, Lynn, Kathy and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gwynn, Sharon and Tommy, Mr. and Mrs Clyde Salisbury and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sim mons, and Teri Jean, Ed Cross, Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Croxs, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stettler and Joyce, Mrs. Carl Ramsden and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cross. Geer Family Holds Annual Reunion The Mh annual reunion of the descendants of Joseph Cary Geer took place Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Geer on Gar den Rd. . All of the officers were reelected to serve another year and include I. Waldo Geer of Salem, president; A. A. Geer of Salem, vice president; and Mrs. C. C. Geer of Silverton, secretary- historian. Two members of the clan who have been active in the family since the meetings were first held. were honored at Sunday s meet ing. Mrs. Eva Short Shaw, the only living granddaughter of Joseph Cary Geer, was presented an orchid by the group in rec ognition of her devotion to the family and interest in its affairs. Honored by the group in ap preciation of her years of faithful ness in serving as secretary his torian, even though she was not a blood relative, was Mrs. C. C. Geer. Mrs. Geer, wife of the late Chet Geer, has held the same of fice since the formal organization of the "Oregon Geers" in 1924. She was presented with an en graved pen as a memento of her work. Members of the family and guests were present from Oregon, Washington and California. Fol lowing the dinner, a business meeting was held at which time a memorial was held and corre spondence read from members of the clan who were unable to be present. At the conclusion of the business meeting, an informal afternoon followed with background music played on the concertina by Dad Fischer of Cutler City, father of the hostess. 90th Birthday Honored Mrs. Agnes Hogue celebrated her 80th birthday on Sunday. She spent the weekend in Brownsville with her daughter, Mrs. Jay H. Curtis, and on Sunday they went Ia lhnwin fnr . r tinlnn Af IK Curtis family. Mrs. Hogue was the j honor guest at ine reunion. Goldenweds To Be Feted On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Walling will celebrate their golden wedding an niversary at a reception on Sunday July 22 at their home. 1066 North wood Drive. Friends are being In vited through the press to call be tween 2 and S o'clock. Arranging the golden anniver sary party are the Waitings' three At a 4 o'clock ceremony on July 14 at St. John's Lutheran Church Miss Lorris LaVonne Papke. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Papke. became the bride of Wil liam Lawrence Voas, son of Mrs. Vivian Voss of Wenatchee, Wash. The Rev. H. W. Gross performed the nuptials. Mrs. Don Schaefer, the bride aunt, sang and William Fischer was the organist. Miss Patti Ahrens and Mrs. Dorine Jackson, wearing aqua ballerina gowns, lighted the candles. Of lace and tulle over satin was the bridal gown, fashioned with a floor length skirt and a lace bodice with : Mandarin collar and long sleeves. A sweetheart tiara of seed pearls and tulle held in place her fingertip bridal Illusion veil. She carried a white Bible marked with a lavender orchid. Miss Margie Papke was her sister's honor maid and she wore an orchid nylon embossed bal lerina gown over pink taffeta with matching headdress and mitts. She carried white gladioluses and pink rosebuds. The bridesmaids, Mrs. Tom Dutton of aVncouver, Wash, and Miss Mary Barr of Portland, wore similar ballerino gowns of orchid over matching taffeta and orchid headdresses and mitts. They carried while gladioluses tied with violet ribbon. Nancy Schaefer, cousin and god child of the bride, was the flower girl and she wore an orchid nylon embossed frock. Douglas Schaefer, the bride's cousin, was ring bear er. . Bridegroom's Atteadaals Kenneth Ream of Wenatche, Wash., was best man and ushers were Don Papke, the bride's brother, and Arthur Wheeler of Wenatchee, the bridegroom's nephew. Mrs. Papke chose a steel blue two-piece gown with white - ac- Dirks. Phyllis Shrake, and Mrs. Howard Bell ol Merrill, cousin of the bride. For her wedding trip the new Mrs. Voss donned a beige linen dress and duster ensemble. The newlyweds will make their home in Wenatchee, Wash. Hostesses Fete Alice Ness SPRING VALLEY - Miss Alice Ness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Dickenson of Zena, was honor guest at a miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. John Mischel and daughter, Marjorie, of Spring valley. Miss Ness Is marrying Gerald Boote at the Court Street Chris tian Church on Saturday evening, July 21 at 7 p.m. ' After a short honeymoon the couple will be at home at 1366 South 12th Street, Salem. FOUR CORNERS Mr. aad Mrs. Emery Hendrickson have had as their house guests, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Harnack of Crossfield, Al berta, Canada. Mrs. Harnack is a sister of Mrs. Hendrickson. daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. and!,riM nd Mrs. Voss wore a mmmML PERFECTw! JULY BUYS 20 OFF All Bedspreads In stock I No Special Order I Better Bedding Stores 512 State SL of Mrs. F. P. Colgan, 1280 Oak I Mrs. George E. Thomasoa. ameer Z3? 1 !.' a TUESDAY, JULY 17 Fashion Modeling OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 12:15-1:30 P.M. Mrs.- William C, Read. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Donovan, Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Patterson of Riverside. Calif. There are six grand-children in the family. - Lena Tindall, who was born in Scio. and W. G. Walling, who was born in Salem, were married on July 23, 190C in Salem and have lived here ever since. Mr. Walling was with the Oregon Pulp and Paper Co. for 24 years. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee Q. Don't you consider It very bad manners for a dinner guest to be late? A. This Is considered one of the most serious breaches of etiquette. A guest who is late for a meal in one's home must have a very good excuse to justify any pardon. Q. When a woman phones her husband's office and his secretary answers, should she identify her self as Martha Johnson or as Mrs. Johnson? A. She should say, "This b Mrs. Johnson." ' Q. Who are correctly asked to serve as pallbearers at a funeral? A. Men who are close friends of the deceased. Members of the im mediate family are never chosen, as their place it with the women of the family. navy blue and white norat prim gown with white accessories. Their corsages were pink elfe rosebuds and atephanotis. The wedding reception was held in the church parlors. Mrs. Victor Schaefer and Mrs. John Bell of Merrill, aunts of the bride, pour ed. Mrs. Jay Schaefer and Mrs. Chester Schaefer, the bride's aunts, cut the cake. Assisting were Mrs. Vera Papke of Lincoln, Neb., aunt of the bride. Misses Marilyn Rindahl. Margaret Nott, Bonnie Goto' on a Picnic? 77 Pack this along for a quick, delicious meal Past Caardiaa Neighbors Club of Neighbors of Woodcraft will meet Friday night at the home of Miss Pearl Bairey, 1460 N. Lib erty St., at t p.m. Club Calendar THURSDAY American Gold Sur Mnthrrt with Mn. Cln Larkina. 17SS Park Avt.. S:30 p.m. picnic dinner. rnioAV Peat Guardian Nelfhbora Club. Nnshhora of Woodcraft, with Miaa Pearl Bairey, IMS N. Liberty It., t p.m. l STORE-WIDE SAVINGS! FOR VALUE-GIVING) FOR DIG SELECTIONS! 135 K. LIBERTY WeCMe-WeGiveHore STORI HOURS 10 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. semi-annua gjoggl?g:ddg(B 3 COME! SHOP rsesALL TtnrECTmmiBmr 1" j) I JULY BUYS I CBef5 20 OFF HASHJl ffj aV lVJi V , ft All Bath Rags and i ( fjJv) ' seat Cavers , I !Ne Special Orders I N,u,Ty I mtw Better Bedding Store! iftn 512 State St.' .1 " " BEAUTY SALON HOURS ONLY: OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9. P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 AM. TO 5 30 P.M. I ' r" '' A the cut from $1,501 NOW the cut from $1.50 Sweet darlin' of a head that will swim. Just e brush-touch pops every curl in place even after a day at the beach. Pippin shampoo We feature the most popular hair Pippin Permanent coloring Miss Clairol Hair Color Pippin Set Bath. We use Ogilvie Sister preparations to help give your hair new health; Revlon's new "Snow Peach'' frosted for beauti ful manicures. from. 9.50 You may use your Charga-Piste In the Beauty Salon. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P..M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. Ilffi I Hfr SflU See results the first time ' . you use this new home treatment for BLACKHEADS and LARGE PORES At Imtt f$r you fa use at horn, beauty authority FKASCES DE.WET . TtUtutt her talon treatment that twiftly, taely, "lifti-out" and irathet-away blackheadi! i Years of Beauty Experience Fiances Dinmt success with this new treatment has been overwhelming. Women whose complexiona were marred by black heads and coarsened by large pores saw brnuk-laiing resulti the vtry frit time. Not only did blackheads actually rine an ay but pore openings seemed to disappear. Com plexions dulled by dirt and grime glowed with a aew kind of freshness a healthy, sparkling cleanliness. And now, in your ewa home you can realise the same mar velous experience. Don't Experiment with Your Skin A blemished complexion must have scrupu lous care... the rare that only a beauty authority of long experience and impeccable reputation ran give. ..the rare of the new VISIBLE PORE TREATMENT. This treatment really dram the skin ... sets en pore openings to loosen blackheads and allow them to be easily waahed away... kelps to make the skin look fine-textured, ...And to Easy-to-Use This aew VISIBLE PORE TREATMENT hf Francis Dennit is three preparations ia a kit. ..all three working together for amaa. ing remits. Here i how you give ymuruU Ait tremtmtri in only IS minuitt FIRST: cleanse your akin with clear liquid VISIBLE PORE CLEANSER. You'll feel it loosening, and freeing, dirt and grime that provoke blackheads, surface blemishes, large pores! NEXT: the gentlest cream park you've ever used, VISIBLE PORE PACK. So mild, to pleasantly tingling on the skin; and yet ac tive enough to "lift-out" residue from pore openings. ..blackheads "float-sway" whea you rinse off the masque with plain water. LASTLY: soothe and smooth your skia with the VISIBLE PORE ASTRINGENT, that really helps the skin texture to a degree yoe never thought poaaihle. You'll say you've never known your face te feel so clean clean clean!... your skia becomes delightfully young-looking, fresh. You can see results the very first time yoe use VISIBLE PORE TREATMENT, Your owl skin condition will determine how often yoa should use it... once a day, every other day, or few times a week. 1 1 vitiate I I l . . i viiiii.Tr. ' """"""1 e 1 rVCl pan. l:Anpinrr I Le21r?'jsJ .aiaaaapafj I Start this treatment at home today! n VISIBLE PORE KIT s-COMHITI WITH S MlfAftATIOMfl 4 .95 LARGE SIZE 7.95 TOILETRIES-STREET FLOOR Meier k Frank's Salem, Salem, Oregoa Please send me the following: Quan. I I I I J I J l ""Name ... ......J... . J Street I City . .., Item Price .Zone State Had and phone orders. Plus shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. ,..;..:s;Si."A'a'". . BEAUTY JSALON-SECONO - FLOOR 3-2211, Ext. 271 JO SAVE! 1 Vt i't i .',(' :l"r I City