Make Life A DniNO MACBIN18 Buy you rent. All makea Koen-Typewrliers. 45 Court Ph. 3773, Ar-HLIAnttS WESTINGHOU8E Woodry Furniture Ce. 474 So Coir'l Ph 4-1111 HtUUINU CAPITOL Bedding Mettros re novators New mattresse 1-400 BBICR A BLOCK MASON BRICK and block Work guar antccd. Ph, 4-14:1. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR MEW bulldlnf, roofing or paint ing, rsmoo., en. irat Mm CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tions retaining walls, cement r pumice block. Free esti mates. 34 mo. lo pay l-Saao. CHAN! WORK tt-ton Lorata moto rrano 6a lam "ana A Gravel Co 1-141 EXCAVATING VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co. Excavating Grading Ph. MRS FLOOR COVMBINGt KORR1S WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering. Oivlnon Quel Ity Installations Linoleum, As- Fhalt It Rubber Tile. Wall Ula raa Estlmstee 4-1178 600 Employment 41S Situations Wantee) FRANK-HARRYS POWER DITCHING Installation, sewers, septic tanks drain fields. tillng 1-OIOS. W ANTED :Cultom Combining, last of Salem. Have new 11 It. Comb. Ph. 1-1601. SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation Repair 8wer, Septio Tanks, Drain Fields. Power Ditching. Backfill. Ph. " 8-S4S8 or 1-S071. TILLING Howard Rotovator. Ph. 4-2121 or 1-3111. No calls Sat. please. - it. is. s yd shovel, crane, hoe drg. line. IS-ton mobile arenas. D4. D7 cats, carry all clear ing blade Rental contract ar unit prices. SALEM SAND It GRAVEL 140k N. Front St Ph. 1-141 418 Education W need several mechanically Inclined reliable men lo train for specialized televislon-Elec-tronlcs positions of service men, cameramen, technicians. If you are not now making over 1100.00 per week, you free farts without obligation bout this training and our advisory service. Fill In cou pon and mall to FXF.CTRON.CS TRAINING Dept. 2M Box 17S, co Slates-man-journal Kama . Address City State Phone Hours I Work Ag.- I'RGENTLY NEEDED MEN 11-37 to train as Telegraph Operators for Railroads this area Average pay 1310. Jobs waiting G. I approved. Write Box 1H0, Statesman-Journal. 20 Day and Contract SHEET METAL WORK Heating. Ventilating. Cyclone Svstems Free estimates. J, W. FISHER PH. 4-4W 700 Rentals 702 Sleap. Rooms, loare) NICELY turn. rm. also basm't rm. 5.19 N. Winter. $1. A DAY, or S3 a week. Near Capitol. 411 N. Bummer. CLEANTcnmf. rmafT. V . close in IIS S Winter 1-17M. WANTED Man to room and board, to . Capitol. GOOD spl. rm. or Apt. for man. No drinker. SOS N. Front. 70S Aportmanrs Far Rant COURT furn. Sio week. 110 mo. 1341 I -re. 4-SMl, WEBER Court New manage ment. Clean, furn. Ic unfuin. apt., all elec. laundry fanl. S. 13th. at E. Rural. Ph. 4-1SM. DOWNTOWN. Furn. 1 "rms7, Bendjx1JSSNLiberty.J-7l24. VERY nice close In Irg. 1 bdrm. a pt. Ph. 1-1031 after S p.m. NEWLY decorated 1 bdrm. apt range, refrig. At utll, furn. Ph. l-ooss after 4 p.m SlNGWOOD COURTS: unfurn. 1 rm. apt, Laundry fac. 3rd St.. W. 8em;Ph.4-SS14. 1 BDRM. apt. l'beds,"near w" Salem Cannery. Ph. 4-S42S. FURN. I bdrm. court apt. 111 N. 14th. MOD. furn. apt.. S4S No. Cottage St., J blk. Meier At Frank. 1-RM. "furn. apt., bath, clean. clotte In., ph. 1-S491 after I 4-0O4J. 4 RM. furn. apt., pvt bath. 145 A up. Turner, Ph. 4-3407. I RM. ant. w. kitchenette, "bath, util. 450 S. Capitol MODERN 1 hdrm. court apt , completely furn . IM a mon. W. Saleni. Ph. 4-SS7I. Eve. 1-S743. CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. apt. down town, lady pref. S4S Ferry. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apis. VI N. Sumner 1-S20S MODERN I bdrmj Court Apt" Unfurn except F.lec. ranee At " Furn., IM a month. W. Salem. Eve 1-174 CAPITOL PLAZA I tidrrri. furn. at unfurn. apta. IlitS Chemeketa St Pn S-ant MODERN 1 bdrm.. Court Apt. Furn., IM a month. W, Salein. Ph. 4-SS7S. Eve 1-1741 4 ROOM APT. 1710 N. CAPITOL. PH. 4-00M NEAT 1 rm. Apt. bath elec. utll. nice for Cpl. sol SolSth NICELY furn. In. basem't. Apt. Gentlemen nly,. 434 ,Nt Wlp-. VERY nice 1 rm. apt. ss 8. Summer. Close In. . NEAR . Capitol;. 1-rm. furn. for empl. lady. 149 50 Incl. tilll., auto, heat; Ptil-4505 1-5171. CLF.AN 3rm. furn. apt" Pvt ent. At bath, utll. furn. 4IS 8. 1 DOWNTOWN. Ii'mrn apt."70 utll. pd., 74S Marlon. HVNWOdb COURT APTS." I A- I bdrm. furn. ai unfurn. , aWulta, S2S 13th. . Save time - Save money For tht Beit Professional Services ILL 11 IS PI B Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! (1RADINO DOZINO BULLDOZINO It bark (111. 11 JO par hour. Ph. I-W31. DOZING PN I-0S9I k LEVELING 0 PANTOVICH BULLDOZING. clearing roads, ponds. D-4, D-S carryall V Husscy Ph 1-1141. BULLDOZING, grading tt Land clearing . Elmo W. Lockar owner operator. Ph. 1-4741 PAINTINO Bruih or spray Exterior or In terior, Free . estimates. 1-004. PAINTING estimates gladly given. Meat, priraa. Dutch Boy r a i ii .a . rn. -wwv. PAPKtilNU PAINTINO PAINTING DECORATING 2S Vn. In Stlem-75M RKFRIGERATION DANA REFRIGERATION Oommerc'l, houiahold. Ph. 4M0S. TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 700 Rentals 705 Aportmtnfs For Rtnr 1 Ig. rm., furn. Apt, .M NSUMMER SMALL front 1st fir. apt. block H t r. in center. COOL bsm't apt , stove, refrig., 1 bdrm.. 14230 1 blk. Will amette U. Ph.' 1-4JV0. Eves. 1-S334. CLOSE In: furn 4 lge. rm. apt on first fir.. SMI.. Close In: S lge. rm. unfurn. apt. Ind fir. See at SSI N. High. Ph. 1-31 ROOMY furn. 1 bdrm. apt. Close to Sr. and Jr. High. Ph. FURN. "Apta7"S3S and I4S. Util ities Intl. Employed person only. Ph. 4-1M7. CLOSE In nice mod. (urn. Apt Ph. 9-S4S0 except Saturday. NICE furn. Ig. fr. rm. bam't, lit hakp. MS N. ter. also Win' FURN. clean S rm. Apt. Mill bath. Right In Ph. 4-4200. ties. Prlv. Hollywood. SPARKLING clean 4 room furn. apt. SOS S. Bummer. LGE. UNFURN. 1 bdrm. apt. stove and rerrtg. s.w. 7t Ferry. 706 Duplexes jytwiy drrorated furn. upper duplex. Adults. 1145', S 1.1th VERY nlc newly decorated I bdrm.. duplex JPh.l-l304. MS FERRY'stTUnfurnrapt. Ph. 1-4271 or 1-1417 eves 831 SO-1-bedrm, 1 blocks from Capitol Bldga. Aula oil heat. Wired for alee. rang. Pk. 4-131. 707 Houses For Rant FOR RENT. LEASE Oft BALE: Two bedroom home. Fenced In vard. aardrn spot, fruit trees. SM S. 17th Street. Ph.'l -S454. 1 BDRM . refrig Ic stove S4 Ph. S-S711. 33U Duncan Ave. MOD. 1 bedrm. house, quiet dlst. pref single person or elderly cpl. Ph. S-OMI. FOR LEASE. 1 year minimum. 1 bdrms. Manhrln Gardens. SS0 mo'. Ph. 4-1453. CABINS 17. St SIS wk, part. furn. Ph. I-124. I RM. MODERN house, partly furn. 4, Ph. 1-1141. 1 BDRM., frpl. attach, gar good loc. clean. 1-1S41. RENT or leasei l bdrmTouse 1750 Peck Ave. Mornlngslde dlst. Ph. 4-S4IS. 1 BDRM. nicely furn. duplex S. Sslem. S5S SS. B M. Mason Wit. 341 Chemeketa. iBDRMS , bath, at utility rm. Ph. 1-S.114. 1 BDRM, house, close In S30 mo. Ph, S PM. 1-4374 between 4 it r BDRM., unfurnished house. Adults only. 7l N. 14th 81. 1-M11. Eve. 1-S40S. COUNTRY home. mod. t bdrms.. HiBlurn..bsm t SSJ. Ph. 1-1031 P BDRM. country home. Ph. 1-021. 1 BDRM. A park HSE 8. Nesr schools Ph. 1-7301 TRAILER enace IIS per mo. No pets. Ph. 1-SSSS, i7S Ox ford 1 BDRM. lge.. carpeted llv. rm.. furnace, youngstown kit . rsnge Sr refrle . all. far. 7S Center Street Realtv. 174i Cen ter, 4-4431 eve. 1-7111. 707-a Furnished Housas 4 RM. furn, house, washer A dryer. Call 1-7310 days, 4-4S31 eves. RENT: ' I bdrms. he. adultii 4S1 8. Cottage. 1-49.7, 1-5430. 710 Wantad ta Rant Hses WANTED TO RENT JR FXKCUTIVF OF NATIONAL FIRM WANTS MODERN 3 BDRM . HOME, WILL PAY UP TO PFR MONTH. CALL J. C. PENNEY CO., 4-4421. .. CLEAN, mod., unlurn. 1 hdrm. home bsm't A oil heat. Ph. 4-5191. WANT to rent or buy 1 bdrm. hsr.. prefer rent. RMponsihle parly. Ph. 4-S544 alter 4 p.m. 714 Business Rentals BUSINESS office In, S4,V0fl. Ph.J-llii; IHIWN town office spsce. stars rms it warehouse 1-4114 718 Convalescent Homei EI.DFREST Nursing Home Prt vste rooms available. 130 N Church. I -Ml 4 C0 f T A G E CONVAI.E8CKNT HOME. Ul N Cottage 1-7034 780 Moving, a Storage Larmer Tranxter ft Storage Complete moving tervtc A lie agents for Bf KINS Nation wide Movers Ph 11131 ' LOW COST atnrage R L. Stiff j.FursUlur C l-ltt ,.. ,.,.,. ,) 'mi ,1 J'! i-l V 1't i"Jnf It 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportuw. BY OWNER (account old ag k lllnessl S rentals, small apt. hse. At A cnttagea on 8 fine lots on Mill Creek, rorner 14th . A Chemeketa. All occupied Pays 10 Inl. or vslue of S2S,. 00ft. See Mr. Ronne. owner 1-1 p.m. dally et ISO No. 11th St. ROTOVATINO TILLING, Howard Rotovatlng garden cultivating, lawn prep aration by hr. or )ob. 1-301 CUSTOM Rto vatlng. Ford equipment Fields, lswns, or chard, a, gardens. Ph. 1-84 A S-4774. AND GRAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL XS3S McGllchrlst Crushed ejuarry rocks and grav el. All anea for roads, drlv waya and parking Intl. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden aand. bull-dorlng, shov el and dragline) work. 1-S14S. SALEM SAND Ac GRAVEL CO Ready mix ooncrete. cruahed and round gravel, aand and top soil. 1401 N. Front St. 1-141 VALLEY SAND aV (.RAVEL CO Cruahed It round gravel Sand A eon mix 1-4001 SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, aewara. aeptle tanke cleaned. 1-0327. MIKES Kcplic eenrtce lantu cleaned D rootor cleans sewers drama Phone S-84SS H-mel's sepue tanks cleaned, line eerviie Guaranteed work Phone 1-J404 or 1-4774. I'PHOLSTERINO UPHOLSTERING Prnfeaalonal: guar. work, free 4V . pickup, deliver. Ph. 1-420 800 Real Estate 101 Business Opportune Coffee Shop II. M0 BUYS this nest, clean nearly new coffee snop doing good businesa in Salem, rent 41 month, leas available, par ted for MOM At POP aetup. EVE. call RAY DAVIS 4-S017. days 1-MM FD LUKINBEAL. REALTOR. 4H N. HIGH. C O A L D E N OPPORTUNITY. Good coal and high-test fire clay close to Salem. Need cap ital with or without working Interest Prefer six men eacn witn gS.OOOOO cash or good credit or tn equivalent. Coal and clay are mixed, must be separated before the coal will burn properly, then made Into odorless briquettes, delivered to Salem at 4 -SO per ton. Con vert the clay Into hh-tem-perature furnace cement uaaej for laying fir brick. That S ton per hour briquette ma chine la Installed. Hera la a chance to collect 80 in terest on your Investment to gether with high wages. Ph. 4-1MS between 7.00 p m. and 10:00 p.m. SMALL cafe for sale or trade. I can handle. Ph. 4-7SSO. FOUNTAIN lunch. Arcade, cor- net Meier Franks. Well equip ped, good lease. 4M N. Church. SERVICE Ststlon Ar work shop In Albany for sale or trade or will take mortgage. 1S4 S. Cot tage. Salem. FOR BALE In the heart of Cone Bay business district, cleverly oecoraiea, giaae rroni restaur ant. II stools and IS booths Excellent business. Owner 7S. urea, went to retire. 140 Broadway. MODERN T untt Balam motel aV home, sell or consider trade for small apartment bouse, close In. Owner 1-7130. 802 Business froperty NICE amall motel wHlway frontage for ether bus. 1-11 s. 803 Suburban ONE ACRE view. 1 bdrm. homo. S3 one cash, also 1 acre bldg. sites oa pavement. Owner. 4-SJI1. 806 Houses For Sola BY Owner: will aell or trade our equity of 1000 In 1 bdrm.. home at 543 Blller. Total price SS.03. Ph. 4-4.147, JOE HUTCHINSON ITEALTOR Let us solve your home nee as To Buy, Sell w Rent Call Ph. 4-SMl mi Edgewater Ph.4-7S74 71429mlmJ BY OWNER; lovely 1 bedroom home. 1 yret old. Birch kitch en ft utll., perimeter heating, fireplace, garage, carport A patio, SlO.son. Landscaped. IMS Peck Ave. Ph. 4-74S7. OWNERtrsnilerred ta Portland, must aacrifii-e S bdrm. home, appraised at S9.SO0. Will con etdor any reas. offer. Near hue. arhonl and churches. Ph. 4-7S2D. FOR SALE: By owner, auburban 1 bdrm. home. 1 garages, 't acre fruit A nut trees. Ph. 4-1.1.13. 1 IMMACULATE homes. Ideal city locations, beautiful yards. 8 bdrm., Ind 4 bdrm, equip ped for day nursery, ph 1-3501 BY"bWNER Nearly-! newl bdrm., din. rm., tirepl., ga rage. Inclosed yard, redecorat ed. Englswood Out., 1 11,000. Ph.4-7304: LEAVING town. Nice I bdrm. hm. Just right for small fam ily. yrs. old. Hdwd. floors, attach, garage, .large yard. 1 blks. to bus. 4.V- FHA Loan. J 41 mo. West off Lancaster, I3S Monroe. Ph. 4-5544. I BDRM. horns At day nursery, good Income, business coned. Ideal set-up for other type business, shown bv appoint ment. Ill.ttO rash. Ph. 1-707S CUTE HOME For elderly or young couple. ! norm., moaern. large gar. 4k ', A. 1131 Brown Rd. jf BDRM. house. South. 4-1725 I BELOW COST r Well planned 1 bdrm., I1M Irel Court. BY OWNER: i yr. old beauti ful 1 bdrm. home. Full day light bsm't. with psriv room, 1 fireplaces. I1, bslhs, dhle. garaae, paneled entrv. lge. dining room, birch kitchen, 90x100' lot. Lota of storage spare aV bullt-lns. Lorsted In South Vlllsge near Mornlni- side Bchonl. llS.non, Ph. 1-9764 WILL trade equity In 1 bdrm" home for trailer house. S240 Sunnyslde Rd. 1-0433 BY OWNER, BEAUTIFUL Split Level, English Type home City delivery with Country Relaxation, N E Soma trade considered. Ph. 1-2143, FOR SALE by owner new house. 1 bdrms. plus den. Low dn. pym't. Consider trade. Ph. 1-SRS5. MR OWNERl Gtn Wnudr will pay top price for your funs A aonllances Ph 1-4110 FOB 8 A LF.4mairi houseTtara go, garden. W. Salem. Ph. 1-0171. UTOOO. DOWN Nlra t bedrm . noma, kltrh.. dm .. rfwg -4-aiM4; ps)it, aVMxt W4t. al .4treslticJ4aohedv asraee, unfinished upetatre. Total price IS.500. 1111 Vaughn Av. Ph. 4-i5.1. TRADE equity In new house furn. or unfurn. for lat trailer hse. Ph. I-M01. I'oo buys our equity 1 bedrooms, tile bath, largo garage. An tenna Inc. Phone 1-421L . BY BUILDER NTW apartaue 8 bdrm. Ig1 wood Out. Top quality. 1-7071. BOO Ral Etit 106 Heutet Far Salt NESTLED IN THE TREES A PERFECT SETTING IN THE TREKS on a knoll for this cory smaller home Ideal for couple or eingle, person. Has I bdrms. Csn be handled with small down payment. 17.400. Call Echo Yaater, Eve. 1-4471. FIR AND WILSON A LARGE OLDER HOUSE WITH 1 BDRMS. on an excep tlonally large lot. Ideal loca tion for school, bus service All rooms are large. Haa fire place. Lovely, old trees, gar den, ahrubs. Small down of S2.500. Priced at 17,000 Call Dorothy Deal. Eve. 4-SS31. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS IBM 8. Commercial Ph. 1-M0S 30 Pieces of Furniture plus attractive mod. I bdrm home, on lge. lot east, low tsxaa. garage, good well, 12000 on., price atuoo. 5 Bdrm. Home $8950 1100 ft. first floor plus bsmt., furnace, nice back yd , terms. The Star Realty MM 8. Pac. Hwy. Ph. 1-1051 10 DOWN MOVES YOtT IN TODAY OR BUILD TO SUIT. ED FISCHER. PH. 4-SS.11 $4250 NEAT clean ONI bdrm. home on amall lot. Just right for a retired couple, located North east. EVE. call MRS. or,LF- BEF 2-B171, davs 1-MMI, ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR, 431 N. HIGH. ENGLISH type, well construct ed, clean, nearly new, 4 large bdrm.. rhoic-e quiet loc. on Klngwood Hts.. lovely trees. 14x11 bdrm . din. rm., roomy kit. wnooli.' 1 fireplaces. 1 hatha, finished drv bsm't. Be to appreciate, S17.S7S, II. too dn., bal. Ilka rent. Ph. 1-7111. Immediate posseealon. FOR SALE by builder. New S bdrm.. bath Jr. t. birch kitch en with formica dralnboarda, brk. nook and dining room dble. gerege. Urge lot with shade. South. Ph. l-sisi or ACREAGE SOUTH Tht Houm It a romplct mM. but with Ingcnultv and tlbow r8r4t you could havt a thnM bsrtMmi home. CrtMlc thfoufh tht proptrty and aoma tlmhar an tha bftck. Quail at your bark door, Ownar would aril houaa with ona arra or all ton acm for only 97,000. Call Ruth 4-144. ENGLEW00D DISTRICT A really lovely apadous 1-bed-room home on extra large lot. Honey of a covered patio with fireplace. Garden and fruit trees. Call AL 4-5414. Acreage with Income rental. Sub-division possibilities, south The veraatila farm with many Income possibilities. Will trade for city property. Call Boy, Kva. 4-47,6. Off. 1-U1S. JOE L BOURNE REALTOR PhMlS 1140 rf. Capitol BY OWNER:' lge llv. rm. w? hdwd. fir., I hdrma , bath. kit., unfinished attic, full bsm't. with rumpus rm.. F A. heat. Call 1-3437 or 1170 Falrmount MUST aell 1 bdrm. hae. with playroom. 17S0 Peck' Ave. A NO. I Lumber In this 1 yr. told 1 bdrm. home. Ph. 4-5450. FOR BALE: 1 rm. house, good yard, fine shrubs, cloaa to school, full bsmt.. oil heat call 1-4341 after 4 P.M. Pri vate owne. BY OWNER. 1 bdrms.. Msnbrln Gardens. 111.700, low down. Ph. 4-1451. I BDRM., house, carport Jr stor age rm. corner lot as xm , on bus line St near 1 schools. Sit Judson. Priced to sell at 43.950 cash. Ph. 1-017S. NICE 8 bdrm home near Salem General, fireplace, bsmt. nice lot. consider some trade. JOF NOONCHKSTER BL EST. 1595 N. Cottage Ph. 4-341. 4 BDRM. has., hardwood floors. fireplace, bsmt., good nuy. Write Clsude Graham. Rt 1 Box 1I3AA, Oallaa. Ph. May fair 3-4212 BY OWNER 1 bdrm. daylight. birch kitchen, buittin range a oven, cedar paneling In living room, beautiful view of river. Candalarla Hts. aV Salem, plas tered, white ceiling, 1 fire place, forred air heat. Mer cury awltehes. sliding glaaa windows. 1 hatha, plumb, for washer Ic dryer, Call 4-S1S0 anytime. MOVING, must sell home. exc. location. 1 bdrms.. bsm I. Re duced prl e t- SS9S0. Ph, 1-S4S7 1040 N. Church. NEARLY new. 1 bdrm., lge. lot. North school bus at door, Term. 130 SUrk. 4-2750. SECLUDED home, fireplace, lota of ground. Ideal for enuaren. Shad a. trult trees. Hdwd. firs.. Irg. I bdrm. plus attic North on busjln. Ph. 4-1411, "ONLY $12,500 IF you have been wanting a 1 bdrm. home with flrepic. Ille hath, hardwood floors, covered patio, garbage dispos al, auto, washer and dryer, a aecluded street, nesr all schools, shopping dlst. snd hits, we have It. EVE. call MRS OGLFSREE 1-5371, davs J-HWO ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR. 431 N. HIGH. English Slyle-McKlnlry ' Just IS years old. with full bssement, 11'3"x25' llvlng-dln-Ing room, kitchen with eating space. 1 bedrooms down, un finished attic with closed stalra (room for 1 bedroomsl. Good location. 111,70, Evt: John Van Osdol J-7341. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2M N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 Close to School MORNINGSIDE DISTRICT. .74ew 1 'tWtti w. hmt wh tg fm ' llt rrrv.' -ar ftrep hs-th e Tiatr, 1-car ga., corner lot, with 81. Ravin rat Ing 'at citras In, herd to this tvne of construction fn' fna nrlre of IMOop, EVE. CALL tn 4.rsrs, dtvs l-so ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR, 43N. HIGH; BY OWNER: Large ihdrm. ' home, aecluded aettlng. fir aV fruit trees petlo. hdwd. firs., forced air heat. Near schools, no, l-T10 seres. S mora avail able. Leaving state. Ph. 1-131. 1800 Ral Estate 806 Houses for Sola Are You A wars That construction coats are atlll moving up. and that thia trend Is nstion-wldef In tha fore seesble future It la unlikely that we will be able to beat tndave prices on new homes. Won't ou let ua help YOU make a selection from our snsny fine lutings' Phone 4-7177 anytime, Jed Morrison, Realtor MO N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 FCR SALB BY OWNER HOME WITH PERSONALITY IS BY 11 ft. livlng-dlnlng room with beamed celling and raised hearth llreplece. French doors off dining room lesd to patio. Three smple bedrooms with spacious cloaeta. Two aink bath with tub and shower. Comfortable kitchen with earbaae dlaDoaal and breakfast bar. Automatlr forced air oil heat. Double esrase and many other won- drrlul features. Easy to get lo Just go sou in or strong on Prlnsle to 435 Battle Creek Knmd. Salem. Leaving soon. Come out and sea thla "Home we hate Mo sell". C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. GET SETTLED BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS Let mo show vou these lovely homes of your choice. Mlcldlegrove Dlst. 11 .000 down, S" s mo. 110.750. 8 yrs. old. rench type, 1 bdrm. with possible Ird. Harelgreen Dlst Brand new 1 bdrm. ranch type on lge. lot. 113.500. Mornlngslde Dlst. Owner trans ferred. STireo to sen almost new 1 bdrm. rsnrh. type. 111. 750 Call Martha Thleeen, eve. ' 1-M97. SEE MY AGENT for this II Acres 10 min. from psiem. Besutiful view property. Soring water, old buildings. All seeded lo graaa. Terms. S9I00. Cell AI Bender, eve. 1-7444. CLOSE IN t, ACRE. I-gs. llv. rm., din. rm., kitchen witn break, nook 1 bdrms. down, 1 bdrm. unfinished upetalrs. Full bsssment. economical aawdust heat. Shrubs, fruit, gsrden, chicken house. Only !'..BO0 with terms. Call Lloyd :rs, av. 1-4M9. WHAT DO TOU HAVE to trade for owner s equity in ims I bdrm. home. Birch woodwork, fireplace, dining room Plus eating apace In kitchen. Only I 'I yr. old. Laws In. Street raved. View. In city limits. 11 450. Call Fay Beat, eve. 4-5594. 7n: N. High St. Phone 4-4441 DeWITT & KRAUS MOO .00 Lower Price For this week. 1 bdrm. with 1 more partly finished, nice lge. kit., living rm., fireplace, cloee In. school at bua, large well kept lawn eV garden. Must aell stow. SS.SOO. Full price. Call Gene Pedwell We have many good listings a I, I a 4 Bedroom nomas. Trade good used pickup and rssh for this nice 1 BR. home on a 8 Acre tract located North; Small barn, well hnue. Good soil. Can add more BR s. Sea Ron Kraut eve. ph. 1-5444. Beautiful 8 BR. home. large llv. rm., rumpus room, large mas. br, Wall to wall carpet In bdrms. Tile kit., lot of cup- bosrds and closet. Sepsrate utllltv. cork tile in tlvlne rm.. house and lot. SI1.000 with i. Acre. Thla Is one of our bet buvs. Sea Bill Fidlr, eve. ph 4-7444 Ph. 4-4871 IIS N. Church 17. 950 Three bedrm. heme with bssement Sr. furnaco. nice liv ing rm. V dining rm.. fire place. This is a well kept older home on a nice atreet, a real good buy. Will trad on new 1 bedrm. Geo. A. Walters. Realtor SO0 8. Com'1. Ph. 1-4714 or 4-4345 WASH. SCHOOL Owner. Late 1 bdrm. furn., fire place, fenced yd. 8780 Sedona. "new home NEW SUBDIVISION Quality built for the discerning buyer. One entire living room well bricked with raised hearth fireplace. Slldln glaaa doors from dining room ta patio. 1 spscious bdrms.. Pa baths, col ored bath fixtures. 8 car plas tersd gsraee. Located on 71 x 133 lot with trees. City. water, pavrd street. If you want COMFORT, BEAUTY A OI'ALITY se this home 4H . 750. Call GRANT BOWDER, Olflre 4-3.1P4. Home 4-101. If no answer 1-M5S. 1SO0 Fslrgrounds Rd. Ph. 4-.1M4 LINS REALTY tOAN Ton BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION I OR V TRADE, TRADE. TRADE. IS crra with 1 bdrm. home, barn, mchln4i ahtxj, family orchard. Approx. 10 Aerea In rulttva tinn. School but br door, Oak ahadt tr. Ownr will takt amall borrt In Salem. Foranot. call Dalt Ray burn. Eve. phone S-3M9. $,12.ifl Off "SS" Hlehwsv North. Cory, clean 1 BR. home, range and heater Included, laree fenced Int. close to bus stop. 250 down, S3g month. M7S0 8. Sslem Rpeclsl. 1 BRs. on on floor, large lot, ejrtrs bldg. - spsce, paved St., bus line, terms. THTLEX ? Sslem, I bedroom In esrh ..Hit uU aunllna vr.. 1 1, nt Incnm. bcl of term, tsk lower priced property In trsde, III.S00. B. M. MASON, RLT. S4I Chemeket 3-BB41. 1-HkM. 1-1441 Ph. 2 BDRM. HOME IN S. E. SALEK This house has beautiful yard in a nice location close to schools snd msrkel. It may be lust the pi see for you. Priced at tio.ioo. Call 4-4444 and let "Rudy'' Klundt show It. tavern, ...,,,',":;.,.;. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS BIT Court St. Ph. 4-444 LOVELY new horn for sele, owner transferred. 8 bdrms., )t bsth, spacious liv. A din ing rm., hesutlful Rnmsn brlrk flrepleee. 1 Irg picture windows. Ie. petlo. wlrrrf for . wssher V dryer. Ph. 8-7794. 800 Rral Estate OA Houses Far Sale STEP AND HALF QUALITY HOME South Salem, 8 Urge bed rooms imsster bedroom with full bath) h-suufttl-ly finished kitthrn w.ih built-in range, oven and dianwasher. 15 x M llvlne- want In a home Is here SU.500. Call Don Dough- LIB ORMART ton. ENGLEW00D DISTRICT - S bedroom home en Norway Street with extra special patio and back vard fwonderful for those summer Dienlesl--Daclous llv. Ins-room with fireplace, separate dining room, cloaa to bus snd shopping renter Call a real goo ouy. e .. . - A SENSE Or Grester privacy can be yours In this ehsrmlng 8 bedroom horn on Albert Drive. The velvet-like lawn la completely fenced and set with many beautiful tree. Bedroom and closets srs unu usllv large the entire house radlstea cheer priced et 410, too. Let Adrlenne sarcoma snow you aooo, FARM SPECIALS It Acres East, an cultivated, well located, better than average farm home, 1 bedrooms, lots ef storaaw. barn and chicken house. An stlractlv home close In A priced l lust Si 4.500 It Acres East, all In crape, no building, S330.0O per sere. For these . and other farm call Henry Torvand. IF YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL US OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. ' Phone 1-4118. 1-4114. 8-4117 Eve.: Don Doughtnn 4-1414, Ralph Maddy 8-8411. Adrlenne Sereombe 4-90SI. Henry Torvend 1-3431. Mil WEST SALEM: 4 year old. I bedrm. home, all wall furnac. very neat It clean. Prle 17, tsooo. Call Mr. Klgglns. v. 4-44S4. NEW 1-BEDRM HOMZ. tit.. S500S. You'll want to Inspect this new ranch style home be fore you buy. Roomy rooms, fireplace, dandy birch kitch en, Ig. utility rm., F A. MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C.V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 454 N. Church CHEMAWA. S Like new, 8 bedrooms, plastered wood floors, FA oil furnac, attached grage. school bus by door. Owner snxlous to sell. Ask for Hicks, Xve. ph- 1-4404. NO. I BUSINESS ZONE Vary neat 8 unit apartment on ment. Ecn unit nas own neeting system. ua ss x in. low ar apartment ran be used for office. Owner will take la soma trad. Full price 1U.50S. Call Lucas. Eva. ph. 1-S344. I ACRES - $200 DOWN Suburban. North. No buildings. cai, gz per montn. cau jonneon. a,va. pn. a-aaa. REIMANN REAL ESTATE Ml South Hlfh at.' Ph. 8-W01 ISflflK'S BEST EUyS iERE ARE TWO BEAUTIES To fit your need. Located In Roseland OlaL Excellent Censtruetiea by GLENN VXROETS. Both have' 8 bdrm.. Urge Hy ing rm. 4V dining rm. comb., birch kitchen, Uled baths, brk. nook, family rms.. double alt. tsrsga, aewsr and water sys m. On with split shske roof and floored a I tic priced at only S14.9O0. One with It, baths, roman brick front ana radiant neat, prices et si7,oo. Owner will take s amall house that's worth the money ai part payment. Call N. -J. "Dsn" Isssk for an app t to see these homes. AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS 111 N. Church St. Ph. 4-3311 or 1-742 $5950 CUTE, CLEAN 1 Bedrm. home with living A dining rms. Kit chen, bath. Insld utility wired for dryr. ettsched garage, rvd. St. Lot with trees, close n Leslie Sch. Ev. cell RAY DAVIS. 4-SS17, dsvs 1-SMO, ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR, 411 N. HIOH. Ultra Modern Large, new contemporary. Lo- csted on Klngwood Heights with view to the Eatt. 14x11 living room, beamed ceilings, t bedrooms. 1 baths, 1 fire placee. full basement. Double, heavy beamed car port. S21. aM. Eve.i Msrjorl Fanning 4-kOM. Ted Morrison, Realtor 230 N. HIGH PHONE 4-777 UNUSUAL DESIGN BEE THIS QUALITY BUILT RUSTIC 1 bedroom home with corner raised-hearth fire- filace, beautifully paneled llv. ng room, spscloua kitchen, h(l water radiant heat Paved corner lot, new lawn, ever sized garage. 1 blocks from the cendalarta scnooi. price su.' too. Call Mrs. Wells, v. 1-373. REALTORS SIT Court St. Dial 4-444 WIDE OPEN SPACES Suburban Family home located on CTlfl.TI corner lot. Attract ively landscaped with beeutl ful fruit A shsde trees, ber ries tc grapes. 1 full, modern bsths, S bdrms., separate din ing room, sepsrate 1-car ga rage. Ideal for, large family wanting apadous children's vsrd. Lot csn be sold off bsrk. Will consider trsde. flt.SM. Cell DON BELLINGER). Olflre 4-134. Horn 4-04tS. If no SB- swsr a-ttss. Itet Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 4-1M4 tllTst NEW RANCHTYPE HOME built ef the beet mate rial, 1.SO0 ft. floor apace plus axtra large 1-ear garage, 1 nice bedrms., 1 'a bsths, dining rm., Ig. utllltvf fireplace, oil fur nac, fine Ipcsllon aouth. ' Cw';A.'."Wlttf 'Realtor11 SS 8. Com 'I. Ph. 1-S714 or 4-S3S1 $6,950 Capitola Diet. Within walking dlsttnc of the American Can Co. 8 bedrooms irr:l?t eech, llvlne room. din. InS kllchen combination. Fen ced hack yard. Shopping dis trict nearby, bus bv the door Will sell or trade on a 1 bedroom home, rail F. i. Zws.rhka, Realtor. Prions 1-4031. imam 800 Real Estate 06 Housas Far Sola roont, tl x 13 dining-room I X ' , k blue finished room ta 1 v I 1 iV!mr",rE"7,.h.",Ai.,u .-.. es. aLJ RUDY CALABA OWNER LEAVING SALEM Ralph Maddy It's Juit 411,100, snd TREEDOM furn. Near school at bus. terms. Call Edna Morgaa, v. 4-4034. 1 THIS IS A CRAZY MARKET: but the owner say aell Imme diately, he' tired of commut ing. 1 bedrms., homey living room, with nlc flreplere, lot of room for the klda. Call any. time. Call Stearns Cushlng, vs. 1-S04S. Phone 4-trsl BEDROOMS home en one-half acre. Hard N. Capitol Bt. Full cement bsse Good garden soil. Full price Sl.tOS. GROCERY TO TRADE OR SELL Long established Independent gror. at market, Good ttlgn bor hood trade. Perfect for couple, quarters on premise. Will aell or trade for home, to tal prle asp. tl. sot incl. in ventory. Call Tom Faa AV. 4-S1S. ATTENTION STATE H0SP. EMPLOYERS A small 8 BR. house Just e stoma in row from trie heap, Very neat 4V clean. Idrge dbl. lot with fruit and berries aa. lore. Good term te right psr- 17- (.an ion ragaii a-.. tv: 4-1188. I B. R.'t 4 FAMILY ROOM This beauty I Just l'i blks. from new Hoover School. Has llv. room, din. room, kit., fsmllr room. dbl. plumb., fireplace A dhl. gar., app. 1.108 aa. ft. Total price 14 eoo oo call Tom Fa (an 4-441. Ev. 4-tltl. We have several houses that can be bought full a. I. N dn. psr., app. 1340 00 rinsing costs. Call 4-441 or 4-tltl for info. WE NEED LISTINGS Cell for our appraisal 4-5441, 4-41SJ, 1-1 SO. Hamilton Real Esteto. le Stat Si, Off tree! Parking. REAL ESTATE INS. 140 Ststs Bt. Off Street Parking Roy Todd, Realtor WONDERFUL FAMILY HOME In an attractive neighborhood of comfortable well .kept homes, a extr large bedrooms, mc living room, and apacloua kitchen with nook. Close to shopping center. T yrs. eld. You can't beat this for SS.ono and it can be bought on good terms. CaU Mrs. Graham. LOOKING FOR INCOME PROP ERTY T Her is class A buy with an excellent return on your Investmsnt. 8 duplexes II furnished r pertly fur nished, three with 8 bdrm. and seven with 1 bdrm. plus a 8 bdrm. house, aaven gsrsges and I carport, I yrs. aid and everything in tip-top shspe. Annusl Income Call Mr. Hicks. JITST PAINTED, 8PIC AND SPAN THROUGHOUT 1 bdrms., -big living room, din ing room and breakfast nook, convenient and very attractive kitchen, double garage. Locat ed East. A very liveable home for your family on large lot in a low lax area. Te see this call Fred Doerller. . BOY TODD. REAL ESTATE 831S Stat Bt. Ph. 1-SM1 Ev call: Mrs, Graham 4-4744: Vandervort 4-7001; Hick 4-4(1.10; Doerfler 1-1714. HONEYMOON COTTAGE THE lllckeet 1 Bedrm. borne In town in fine location of nice homes, MM aq. ft. of floor spsce plus attached Ga. A few fur nishings Included, nil piped fur. Priced low at St.lM. Eve. call 4-2S08. davs 1-atiso ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR. 411 N. HIGH. FOR SALE by ewner: I bdrm. home, fireplace, paved street, terms. 130 Hsdley St Ph 4-4.114. l.SOS SQ. FT. up A: bsm't. newly dee down, full Close ,ta tat bldg. tS.IM. Ph. 4-17.1. LnratM In Ylesssnt Eastmore. land, thia home haa mahogany trim throughout. unususlly large living room. 8x11 dining room, big utility good ell furnace. Every thing's In fine shape. 8 years old. with lion so. ft. SH.Soe r.v: Cordova Stephenson 4-414 Ted Morrison, Realtor 230 N. MICH PHONE 4-7977 850 Automotive S2 Usee! Cars For Seta : :toaLVa ROM'S aim Sales 1953 Plymouth Cranbrook Sedan .....$699 Heater, white ring tires, 1950 Ford V-8 Sedan Radio, neater; good tire. Ready to go. 1950 Ford V-8 2 Dr. Heater, black finish 1949 Chev. 2 Dr. Sedan Radio, heater, black finish It in top eonditlon. 1950 Plymouth1 Special Radi. nsater, two-ton diuon. 1946 Ford Two Door Bad!, heater, black finish, 1951 Nash Rambler Badl heater. Clean. 1948 CHRYSLER Sedan $269 Radio, heater, Highlander Interior, eleen condition. OTHER MAKES AND MODELS. 1995 Bulck Htrdtop Cpe. 109S Chev. Bel-Air, VS. t dr. IBM Cad. 62 Sedsn lf)S4 "Cher. Bel-Air, t it. IBM Chev. Sedan ' 19S4 DESOTO SEDAN ' Coronado VS IBM Ford VS, 2 dr. 1B52 Ford VS, 4 dr. Phone 2-6808 "Corner Center & Church! Nothing; Down on Approved Credit OPEN EVENINGS TO B P.M. 800 Real Estate 80 Heuset Far Sala FURNISHED; with beautiful furniture, moaern I oarm. horn, located close to 8. Ss lem High School, fireplace, hdwd. firs, Venetian blinds, lot atreet t alley, lawn, shrubs, fruit, gerden epec. low taxes. Call ua for partic ular. Evenings Ph. S-SOtt, 4-SOSS. l-Slt, 4-478. 1S8 WILL BUY equity In nlc s norm. nous, rn. s-aeoT. Moving. 807 Apt' t. Courts far Sala APARTMENTS CLOSE Bush Sch. and Me morial HosDltal. Brteea at Bl. toe. Down Print of tltOS. Bal tot Month, tor Aooo. eal! FLOYD McNALL l-VH Days a-eaee jo lukinbbal, altor. 431 N. HIGH. MODERN MOTEL 810.800 8 units. 4 furnished m ME Hy.. irees, mm acre, expansion spe cial. The Star Realty HM S. Fee. Hwy. Ph. I -901 INCOME PROPERTY furn. spt. st llv. auarten. Attr. exc. loc. P. A. oil heat By ewner. see B. Bummer. Residential Court tStOOO. HOLLYWOOD DIS TRICT, this st e Court of 4 THREE Bedrm. houses, each with full Baemt.. oil beet, fire places and garages, each In beet of condition. Incom SS00 month, should aell feet, Eve. call RAY DAVIS 4-417 davs 8-eM ED LUKINBEAL, RE ALTOR. 431 N. HIOH. TWO BDRM. home, will aell reasonable. Monmouth, or. Ph. Skyline 7-111. BY BUILDER NEW 8 bdrm heme Beat B Sslem schools r per l-7ni 8-8-4 bdrm. home. Mov in now en contract, we build, w re model. Lot. Ph. 1-S47S. 808 Lata Far Sala 1 LOT Keirer. close te new ShojvMng center, is a so ft. VIEW lot South High 80x1X7. Call 4-741 or 871 VltU Av. - af ter put. 8 LOTS, suitable for en or two dwellings Restricted eistrlrt. South 12th and Fslrvlew. Pk. 4-JJS day, a-asst eves. BY OWNER t large lota. North. reatneue. rnoae e-suee s jjs. 110 Farms For Sala 253 ACRES . Located cloee-ln on Mill Creek. Good soil, all level. A bargain at per acre. Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS IM South Liberty Street Telephone 8-1471 DON T WAIT JUST LISTED If you want this 10 acres, so In cult., eal. in umocr pasture, llv creek, 1 bdrm. horn with fireplace. 14 stanchion ham. Srlr now tlt.tOO. call ANDES ON davs 4-444. ev. ph. 4-7714. Only 11,100 down A II, 000 per year. 80 A. equipped, . In cult. You should see the crop now, Ap Srox. 1 TWO ft. Irrigation pipe, I sprinklers. 8 H. electric pump .' 1 hdrm. home mesr Marlon), Prle tioson, ' down. CALL ANDERSON. Dave ph. 4-4484, eve. ph. 4-S714. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 117 Court St. Dial 4-4494 2 Acres U00 Large older modern home, ass't. fruit. Home naa rooms, tax smaller bom in trade. The Star Realty 8.130 B. Psc. Hwv, . Ph..8.Ml ACREAGE wterk.fmjmi H ' tttows 1. Owner 1-eiK. . BtTrORaTBUYTNO: 'Be"lh,r"t,' Acre place, close In. wllh nice 1 bdrm. house, F. A. furnace, hdwd. (Irs , Ille belh, lovely farden spot,, permanent pas. ure. chick hse.. deep well 110,100. Ijwrrnre Reel Estate. 421 SHiiJ. Ph. 1-404. illlST SELLISA.. abdrm price reduced 1-3111. tt ACRES near Roeedale. Ma'ks offer at Pioneer Trust Co., Seism. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., 850 Automotive 832 Usee Cars Far Sala AT black finish. A real value. ....$349 ;$349 . .$349 Deluxe Sedan . $499 red at whit finish. Top con v ., .......$179 Convertible .$499 1950 Ford VI Pickup s ton IBM Bulck Htrdtop Cpe. 1949 Cud. Convert. 1950 Csd. 62 Sedsn 1B91 Mercury Sedsn 1950 Olds. 88 Sedsn 1952 Chev. Sedta 404 North Church SEE & DRIVE THE LIVELY f '99 ENGLISH BUILT FORD Anglia i Perfect THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST B MALL CAB ON THE ROAD. IT WILL AMAZE YOU AND BO WILL THE PRICK. $1545 Delivered, Inctude heeler, rroetars. turn signals. Hies, whit wall tires. top twin fender mirror and a 11 snore. BRITISH CAR SALES toss n. cspiioi ph. a-eeot 14 MERCURY club coupe, very rtean. iaa., terms. u sown. 130 per month. McCall a Used Core. 1887 Stst. ISM NASH 4 door sedan. Only 1341, terms, SM. down, 130 per month. McCaU's Used Cars. IM7 Stst. 147 PLYMOUTH club coupe. good condition. Terms, SM down. 83S per month. McCsll s used care, inn state. U BACK, lS4t Ford sedsn. Bot I all blanked out, radio heater. It Child Av. FORD rib. coup. 12t. Ph. t-ssa sfur 8 p.m. II OLDS "SS". Best offer ever Ph. 4-8031. 8 CHEV, coupe. Good eond. tat. Ph. '48 MERCURY, radio At heater. whllewslls, 4-dr., paint A en gln very good. PK 8-1M1. list DODGE, vary clean, low mileage, will Use fit cash for a e, u 1 1 y, bal. monthly eym'ta. Prle 81.4M. Call eves, ins Hayler St., Dallas, Or. Mayfair 1-414. tl DODGE Meedowbrook 4 dr.. one owner, ten or beet cash offer. Ph. 1-f.JO. 800 Real Estate 810 Farms Far Sala 12 ACRES Grove of native trees, ever A. T hornless evergreen berries. Est. crop over II .Sot. mostly dark soil, new a Bedrm. home plus o!dr not Mdn. house rented st Ml. Pvd. Rd. Grid tr High Sch. bus by door, priced at tll.ton. Nearly all deer, cash out or tsk In part trad horn In Dallas. Csll l-Mfl ED LUKINRFAL, BE ALTOR. 438 N. HIGH. Priced right. 118 Acres, 4 bed rm., modern home, baeemt. Flowers It shrubs, family fruit, barn llxto, machine shed, good well, garage, tl Arras In crop, balance In pas ture. All crops so with th farm. Only II mile from Sa lem. Terms. CaU Mr. Leavens, ev. 3-4731. t V. KENT 4 CO.- REALTORS 4M N. Church Phone 4-8W1 lit A. for sale, 'i mil from Brooks. Ph. 4-111, Salem. SMALL acreage, modern home. Cloee to Church, school, bus line. 8710 Liberty Rd. iti't A. FARM between . Oak tlrove It Bethel, Rt. I, Boa 111 Blckreall, Frank Steven. BYOWNER: 4 A . N. SantlVm, free water, good summer or retirement horn. Ph l-ltt. 0fcniATsOre Bo'..'" bldg sit with view lit ft. front age, close In, reasonable. Th. 4-287 afternoons or eves. 818 Wanted, Real Ittata ASK THE MAN WHO offers to ssalst In your real astste transaction, lust how well he will cooperate with other brokera In the sale of your piop-rtr. " M he re ,.4iee to eHrta with. all. he Is giving lese setvile Vrttn' tfss "hewn provided for you. -When you Hat with us your property . ran he sold hy anv licensed broker In Oreson, C s'l us to rlsv. WE NMD LISTINGS Dial 4-444. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS lit Court St, Dial 4-4484 July 17, "58 (Sec. II) 13 850 Automotive 832 Usee Cart Far Sal You Can't Hardly Get These No Mor. . . . Real Nice VERY SPECIAL .. ' 1955 , OLDS aa" DELUXE HOLIDAY COUPE. FABULOUS ROCKET ENGINE. OM. HYDRAM AT1C " TRANSMISSION. DELCO 8 TUBE RADIO. CONDI. TIONED AIR HEATER A DC FROSTERS. HYDRAULIC AS SIST POWER 8TEERINU, VACUUM ASSIST POWER BRAKES, SPECIAL TU-TONt PAINT, WHITEWAlX TiRrs, AUTRONIC EYE. PADDr.Cf PANEL FOR SAFETY, ONLT 81.000 ONE OWNER MILES. You Must See This CALL BERGIE S-S43S CEIL 4-5344 Day or NIU OR 481 N. HIGH "the lot with a lot" 41 NASH, radio, heeler. drtv. bp owner. 1131 Wallaea Rd. mm. NEW A USED Union A Commercial Ph. 1-1178 I DODGE conv. asxei. eond. Ph. 4-1J44. '48 CADILLAC U ed. Cnnektef older rsr in trad. Hit N. Itth. Ph. 4-417t. CHEV, 4 dr, new tiro At battery, exc eond. 8471. Ph. 8-4190. eves, a-tajt. II ROVER. 4 dr. aed. auto. clutch, heater Mather urhoU xe. eond, economical. .7S or best offer. Ph. 4-80HS. 80 S. 11th 40 PLYMOUTH 4 -door, mecnan- icaiiy good, good tire, aeer plntiJt. Ph. 8-TTX 1H4 CHEV. i-dr. adn. radio heater, new ure. exrel velud txt. Owner, 1478 Evtrgreesu Ph. 4-7170. 'tl CAD. cpe- low mlieaja. I ewner. Ph. a-xsee. ion ' Oragoa's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Car Cammarrisl h Oissasketa Ph 4-S71I . -M OLDS, tt Convert. M. Ph. 8-4741. 8174 Trade, CLEAN 'U Ford Victoria. Had everything. Bank financing. Consider trade. Ph. 4-43-1. IS44 f-TON 15-paasenger chev, . panel with grew convoraloii. excel, eond. Ph. Dlla MA 8-41SS. SPOT CASH Paid for 100-141 Car ' McCALL'S 1297 STATE 81 MERCOMATTC (port coupe, in superior eon, ra. -sui. lilt Norway. 853 A uta Farts 4 Repair. WANTED: '44-U Mercury en gine, a too eond. Pa. t-tlia. 8S4 Trucht, Trail, tar sala I FT. truck van, O K., aide doors, mud flap, sell cheep. Ph. 4-8SS7 afternoons or evee. Interna TiONAL t t. paneC 100', rubber. Leu than It uud ml. oa motor. New trensmts-. ion, pin tr buahlnga. Nesr spring ahacklaa A bushing. 141 model. Ph. 3-7141. SSI Moe Nry. W. Sslem. et FORD. l)t T. flat-bed. tt mL on motor over-naui. vacuum 1 -speed plus l-spood Browning, rubber, 70. New paint Wk. day after 8 (St., all dap Sunday. 111 N. Liberty. FOR SALE- 1S4S Dodge pick-up. Ph. I-. INT. K B t and Frauhauf IP single axle van air. Good Condition. Csn finance. UJ N. nut. 4-S3S1. 154 Wanted, Cars, TrucTs CASH for IttS aV 1891 car. Me Cell' 117 Stat, a-liot. WE'RE fAYINU . TOP CASH Far Clean . Used Cars Psld 'or or Net Bob k BiU't Used Can Umbo a Hlfh 6t. 838 Matarcyclaa 'tt ARIEL. Bl tt rsm. eond. J1. Ph. 8-4741, ' U74 Trsd. FOR SALE: '4 HarleyDavinV eon SI. Good eond. Pa. 4-1138, (Ne Sunday calls I 160 A tit a Miscellaneawa DUAL manifold. Including bntb carburetors. I chrome, breath ers A brackets for a 17 to tt . Chev. rh. 1-0038. tai Houta Trailers 14' SPOBTCRAFT by Alloa trailer, all aluminum, sleeps 8 butane ranre, Ic box. water tnk, etc. soao. Ph. 4-S13I. S4Tls'FT. MslrUm trllerhea. Cheap. Arena Mill is. Olson t Trailer Court, ISO Laybln Rd. fRAILER'hnute, 14", metal cov ered, 1174 00 Ph. S-4iiS NEW 4-C O R N E R TRAILER COURT. MODERN. Clean A Quiet Visitor Welcome. 4048 STATIST. tOW DN. .IV Pacemaker, moderst, Ph 4-1117 slter t pm. week dev. nyilm weekend. ONE of Seism's Better Court Center Street Trailer Court, 411 CENTER ST. TRAILER TOWING JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES IS4t Portland Rd Pit 4-n8 jsfior at rjrl Mslm Tratks - " '..wit,',-'aa " 'tsSt ' hown. 'll ft thru 4t ft AtnWui Kennklll: Cruieei: Msvflowe It Sollswsv. Comer of Lan caster It Sllvcrtun Bd. Ph. 4-7127,' 33 FTHoTrst'traller. lMVfl metal, sleeps 4. Fulan oven stove. Oil Meet, Future win dows. Electric Rel. Toilet, Shower. Brskea, New Awning. Lnht Interior. In excellent Condition. I IS VI KANNIEN USED CAM West Salem. Oregoa meg PH. 2-77J Sill i