12-Sec. IT) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., July 17, 56 DAILYGROSSWORD t ACBOU V DOWS " t l.Charff for'wl.Te etve It. Tiny f V, proftMloMl i rvtcea. (pi) K. A. rwp of players ( Sport . Veranda 10 Constclla- tion 11 Debate . 13. Mail rr.) 14. Wbthcr 15. Cutting; tool JT. Slipped urmt . tO. Protections of flfuree, 1 a plaques 12. Cravat ' IS. AIM . , It To brew, ti t ST. Beginning; 31. ilent li. FrulUnf epUte of frsin KPtarced wit datrer tl Put of "to bt" M.Voleanle rock 49. Olid 41 Radium ynt . 41 Wide awake 43. To ttad. U payrneat 4T. Sink 44. Levels 4. Portlee Gr. Arch.) 30. Warbled 3. Vnlt of 31. Game work - at 3. Shields ' carda 4. Olp. M wool 15. A I. Ape top- . Aot of par erodlnf 7. Paaeeea. way bctwata eeeta I. Mala , feature t.Colora It Man' . nickname tpoee 4 ICEnfUah Uvera 21. Body of watar if. Ornament for Um aar 30, Car for, medically 33. Eneoua. tared rt Ml Yesterday' Aamt M. Bar IS. Btorlea 34. Turn said IT. Venture 4t. Hiadu tod 44. Beverage . 44. Mala adults m f f I' if H' vm i::::fc::i: i-i . .a J' 34 il W l II q ) m if j iTKir " W -WLZ I" " Sal cm Obituaries Orae I. Oirtk At local hoeDltaL Ju F 14. at the age of 11 year. A resident of i ortn AVfl. aurviven or nu band. Walter Carln. Salami dauaii tar, Mr. Harold Elbert. Salem: iia- tar, Mr. Sarah Damrall, Dallas brother. Arthur t. Edwards, Hill,- boro: and on granddaughter, fu naral service will be bald Tuesday at 1 e m. tn tha chapal of tha Virgil T. Coldan Co. Intarmant will ba at Belrreat Memorial Park. nev. Oacar UUea oflicumng. Wllllaai C. Pelk At Salam nursing bom. Jul 14. Late reaident of 14S arvrtl Ava Survived by daughter. Mr. Viol Brodn, San Francisco, and Mr. Luhi Mosher, Salam; ton, Leon Polka, Forest brov: ight grand- chlldran and four grct-grndrhtl-dran. Funeral service, will b bald Tuaaday. July 17. 10 o a m.. In tha chapal oi tha Clough-Brrirk funaral humt. Intarmant at Llty Vlrw cam. atary. Htv. Boon Whit Will olllc lata. Frank It. Inw A tha raaidanc. 117 Jama nr.. July IS. Survivad by two daughter. Mr. H. A. Lamb of crenrenl UM, Or., and Mr. W. O. Phillip of Sa lam: on, Lynn Snow or North Band, Ora.; aavan grandchildren and flv graat grandrhlldran. Announcamant of aarvirai lalar By th virgu T Golden Co. Thia W. SUnaea In th a cllv July nth. Craveald services will oa nam luimiy, juiy 17. at I 00 a.m in St. Barbara Lam atary, under th direction of th W. T. Klgdon Co. Robert M. Wad In Auaibur. Germany. Jun S4th. Infant ton of Mr. and Mr. Gerald wad. slm. Announcement of aervtrea will b made later by Now li-Eaward unaral Mom. 717 Ike Carries Heaviest Load Since Operation By WILMOT BERCBEK WASHINGTON III President ElaCThowtr spent I hours and 2S minutes la bis White House office Monday, Um longest sustained working: period he is known to kava put la since b became 10 June I. It -was his first work day back at Um executive mansion after recuperatinf oa his Gettysburg:. Pa., farm from his emergency ab dominal operation, Eisenhower met with staff mem bers, conferred with Secretary of State Dulles and received the cre dentials of Don Trod ore Alvarado Carafcoa, the new ambassador from Ecuador, who reported after wards: ' "He looks very, very, very wen." . Light Atteraeea The President entered bis office at 1:30 a m. and did not return to the White House living quar ters until 11:45. James C. Ho gerty, his press secretary, ssid Eisenhower will tackle a fairly normal schedule during the morn ings this .week but his afternoon chores will be "act as heavy" as usual. The President's doctors reported Saturday he was well on the road back to physical fitness but they cautioned that his return to the capital should not be taken as a sign that his convalescence was complete. Eisenhower underwent surgery June I to relieve aa ln Ustinal blockage. Be is ae longer wearing bandages. Among the President's business callers Monday was Lewis W. Strauss, chairman of the Atomic Energy Conunissioa. The late: meeting with Dulles Included a discussion of the Impending con ference of American Presidents is Panama, which Elsenhower a ad Dulles will attend. Pailtieal Seaeiaa Hagerty said the President will hold his regular weekly meeting with GOP congressional leaders Tuesday but will aot have any news conference this week. On Thursday, Hagerty said, Eisenhower will preside for the first time la five weeks at a meet ing of Um National Security Council. The President will also be on hand Friday for an expanded meeting of the council. . Eisenhower s doctors want him to do more walking. Consequently, Hagerty said, the President will walk "quite a lot" on the enclosed grounds to the south of the White House this week. - Myrtlewoodin Big Demand By Churches By GE01GI L. SCOTT PORTLAND (INS) Myrtle Wood, a rare wood which grows sly la the Holy Land and south Wwstern Oregon Is coming Into Increasing use tor church furn ishings sad fittings. Edwia A. Loft and Perry W. Jones, of Grants Psas, Ore., re port a heavy backlog of orders . from churches ia the U S., Can ada, Mexico and Hawaii for com munion trsys, offering pistes, candle sticks, tnuet, altar lamps and baptismal fonts. Pe to AeeeelaUoa' Loft and Jones, who operate t xyrtlewood carving and cabinet "studio" believe the' increased popularity of the wood Is due to it associstioa with Holy Land. Loft said it is difficult to keep up with the demand because of the length of time it takes to dry the heavy tight-grained myrtle wood. It has taken as long as five years to cure some of the larger pieces. There is no way to hurry the curing process. If too much heat Is applied the wood will check er split, destroying its usefulness. The heavy wood, which weighs almost 100 pounds to the cubic foot, must be free of moisture be fore it can be worked. Pound la Small Graves Loft and his partner have s wind tunnel ia which they rsck their wood, rough cut to site for various pieces which will eventu ally be taken to turnlna 11 ha. and carving benches. Air of mild and constant temperature is lows over the stacked wood. ' Nearly ill the remaining Biyrtlewood in Oregon is found ia small groves. It grows largely ia the Cbetco river area where it m irequenuy pushed aside si waste in Isrge Douglss fir opera tions. The only usable part of the myrtlewood tree is between the roots and the first braiwha Smaller Umber operators take time to salvage the myrtlewood and sell it to csbinet shops. Trees Ceataries Old Myrtlewood a'tan aii.u. . height of 60 to BO feet and a dia meter of ix feet is not uncom mon but It takes centuries to grow such a tree. Tlmbermen estimate some of me larger myrtlewoods have stood throughout American his tory, having started even before the discovery of this continent Oregon has preserved some of the groves ia state parks. Prison Probe Due July 28 OLYMPIA m - State Sen. Nell J. Hoff, chairman of the legisla tive council's subcommittee on in stitutions. Manda earing . at , Walla Walla . Julv ai.Sl-',dVv .,.,... t. lH.;.tntt;pTObjiurt the, TXV-Wti Classified Advertising Jet Accident Hurts Airmen States oaaB-Jearaal Newspapers 2N N. Charch St. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mb. I ami Wkae par II b I Um JS par Una Uims M per tin 4 Urn 11 1 11.20 per line 1 at. 160 (IneL Sua I ClaealftM ad will b rua ia both paper ta give advertiser th ad vantage of th tremerxloiie pulling Kwr of 17,074 oroblae4 (ircula-ni. Whti an ad Ss a ad ara urn c tlx time and a Sunday laeue I la uded (for example Friday, Satur ay. aunday) the lower eundcy rat pl becaue only The BUtasraaa LiDUahe Sundays. Claoifled ada win start ta the morning Oregoe Statesman, conclude la the tvenlng Capital Journal but ad will k accepted lot aunday Stateunaa only. The deadline roe (Uannee ad a IM o.m th day befora publication e xrept for Sunday when deadline ta 1:30 pjn. Friday. Emergency ad nd smll Ua ada received after 1 00 gm. weekdayi and until IS noon attirday for Sunrtav may be placed la th 'Too Late ta Claaufy" column Ad for Monday paper enuet a ta by 4 p m Saturday. 1 n siatermaa journal newt pa per reserve the light to reject aue. ttonable advertising; It further ra aarve th right to elac all adver tising under to proper claific- uon. Tha Stateamaa Journal pr asaum no financial billty for error which may appear In adevrtteenMnta publlahed In it eohunn and ta raeea whar ttil aa- par Is at fault will raprtnt that part of aa advertisement la w4ileh th typographical mlatak occur. A "Blind" Ad an ad rontalaln a BKaTeamarwournai nwpapr box number for an addrei, n for th protection of th advert) ear and muit Therefor Da aniwered by lat ter. Tha Btatman-Joumal Nwp per r aot at liberty la divulge in formation aa to the IdenUty ad aa aovrur uaing a Blind aL Ad ia other column wnKb rooutr inveaunent in stock, aampiea equipment or ceeh bend should a thoroughly Inveellgatad kafei paying out any money. Advrtlr requiring a caah Invtalment for ample or mere hand u. aalee aid etc muat so aoactf In their arfa THIS NEWRPAPU StklVrs k pro tect Its reader agalaal fraud, de ception, or Injuria Reader are cautioned ta make NO PAYMENTS to set a poaiuon advarttatd ta th help wnted column. All help wanted ada MUST SPeCtTY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Bale help wanted ad muat etate tf the pay la fa th form of salary, com. mlaslene, guarantee, or Include firm nam. Bona fid offer of employment with pay belong to th 'Help Wanted- enlutnna Kindly report an repnnn ta Oil rut to in claallled advrUtlng CJassified Index '"For Your Convenience" ANCHORAGE. Alaska An FS9D Scorpion crashed and burned on takeoff here Monday after noon, seriously Injuring the pilot snd rsdsr observer. The plane crsshrd approximate ly one mile off the north-south runway within the boundaries of the Elmendorf Air Force Base. The aircraft was from the 449th Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Ladd Air Force Base. It was re turning to Ladd after participating In the Alaskan Air Command rock etry meet.. The pilot and observer were re moved to the 6005th Air Force Hospital where they are suffer ing from burns snd shock. Mili tary officisls described their con dition as fair. The aircraft was almost completely destroyed. The cause of the crah was un known. A board of officers wai appointed to Investigate. Names of the two fliers werel0 Picker wanted lihk.lt n.rfia iifi.iu. -i ! le Hrla . -i li """'"""" "'iSISWork Wanted, Mas 910 Meeting Notice 31 Loat and Found 314 TranaportaUon 315 Peraonal 311 Stamp, and Coin tin AGRICULTURE 401 Livestock for Sal 40.1 Llveatock Wanted 404 Poultry and Rabbits 4i1 Fur Bearing Animals 408 Pets 40 Va Food 410 Seeds and Plant 411 Fruit and Farm Produce 41.1 Fertlllrrr 414 Farm Equipment 425 Auction Sale, 4 MERCHANDISS, 4X1 Machinery and Tools 4M Wanted Machinery. Took ' 4M Rawing Machine 4M Hnune Goods for Sal 4M Wanted Houae Rood 451 Radio and Television 4AS Building Material 4.M Do It Yourself 4A Mualral instruments 41 Snorts Equipment 44 Bicycle, 4M Trad Miscellaneous 47 Fuel 41 For Rent, Mlecelltneoua 479 For Sal. Miscellaneous 471 Wanted. Miscellaneous 474 Mlscellaneoua ton RUSINEftS A14U FIN A NCt S10 Money to Loan SIS Loans Wanted 11 investment flOO EMPLOYMENT sol Help Warned A4 Help Wanted. Man S04 Kelp Wanted. Lady Friends Elect State Pastors DENVER m Two Oregon men, Dr. Arthur O. Roberts, New berg, and the Rev. Gerald W. Dillon, Portland, were elected to the administrative board of the newly ergaaited International Assn. of Evangelical Friends here Inglon "State Penitentiary Mori said his committee will check into the need for a maxi mum security building at the pen itentiary. They also will consider the feasibility, of sending the more rebellious Inmates to the federal government's Alcstrai prison un der a state-federal contracture! arrangemenL , Dillon ssid, is to revive Quaker areas with a new breath of spir itual life. NATIONS AGREE BELGRADE ID - Yugoslavia snd the Indochina state of Cam bodia have decided to establish diplomatic relations, it was an nounced tiers. 7 SI4 Work Wanted. Lady miiMnms wames 17 Job Informatloa nil Fducatlon "170 T or Centred 70S RENTALS 70S Sleeping Roam. Board 703 Wanted Room, Boar IIS P"lmenta for Rant 70S nuptexes 707 Hi use for Stent 707-A Furnished 70S Farm for Rent m Wanted to Rent lie Wanted to Rent Rouae, 711 Wanted to Rent Apt. 114 Business Rental 714 Resort Rentals Til Convalescent stoma IS Moving and At ora me REAL ESTATE sol Business OpporttmiU ana Rualneea Property ail S'freefT' a! . fVixaee- See. -X -.'i y ';- SM VapH ," Court- 'r Haa "v" d lxla for Sale , SIS Farms foe Sal 111 Ftrhanee Real Estate 114 Reeorr Property tl Wanted Real Batata ?A Insurance S.VI AUTOMOTIVB 't I'sed Can lor Sal BM Aula Part and Repair M Truck, Trail for Bale 4 Molorcyclea IK Wanted Car. Trucks - Aula Mlscellaneoua al Houae Trailer T 0: WANT m ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED.., Too Late to Classify 30O PrnonAl 3U Persoo4 FOR Trade: Whit faced cow for jtouj liner, ra. -un artei pjn. Oil' at your aood fraan aaa ilia onaay i-ene. -7i. FOR kALia: Colli pup, mo. omI. isouae-broaa. ta. aitar aew p.m. U-P1CK WiUamett rapbrria. I ml. w. a n. oi nailer awhoot. Jorgenaen-r van berry sarm. rn, -iua. CHICKKN lertlllier. I yr. old alo cow familiar. Truck load iu utliverea. fa. 4-JuoK w -oo. rUR KALE: FuU alia aood bed. complete SJ. blngle harnaaa uniun rug loam, is wlutn a). 3XiVFlaiierla.,ph.4-al(4a. 4 KSJS. of bcuaehold furnltur. rn. J-40J. VINYL lloor til. 10c each. R. L. sjiairoin t-o. aw a. Liberty. INLAID linoleum, 1.7I per q. a. M. L. tilatrom Co, MO b. Liberty. GOOD used refrigerator and ranges, from ju. fielder a, JJ N. nigh. 141, -FT. Amana freezer, like new. !9.M. Heldera, Mi M. rtign. AOATX buyara writ ta M. L ClodfalUr. 1021 I. Ith, Albany ure. I WILL, not be responsible for debt other than my own Maxl EHolme. AU'OHOLirS Aounymoue sruup No. 1. tOSI N Com'l 1-431 ALCOHOLICS Aaonymoua. S Commercial S-IIOS ELECTRONICS need men. See our ad under Claa SIS. 40Q Agriculture 402 Liveifock fer Sole WANTED FEEDER LAMB9, PH. 4-T374 BAY gelding, t 'yr.. 14 hand. urnue lor anyon. Ht. 4, Boa I1A. iTheAD reg. Island Jerseys. 1 American saddle gelding, 1 quarter horse t Palomino mar) Ph. Empire 7-350. FOR SALE 1 reg. Cardale.ram. Call Silverton 1-4089 or 1-4 log rOR TRADE: White faced cow cheat, beds, davenoa, appli fter S p.m. "YR. old blk. Mar. addl aV bridle, 1U. Ph. S-43U1. BEAUTIFUL AM FM radio phonograph, mahogany con. file 1 apeed. SPECIAL, aiZS, neiaer a, je n. nign. CAPaJiART AM FM tuner with HI ri amplifier. Reg. IISK.Sj, nuw .u. aiciaer, Ma jm High. COMMUNICATION receiver, all wave, rag. SIM. NOW flOU. lieiaers, jos n. mgn. REPOSSESSED R.C.A. T.V Guaranteed am new, 4100 all. Haider a, KJ K. Higri. ELXC. range, timer, clock, auto. oven, tvo. pn. 1-S3J7. CONCRETE epUc tank manu factured ox inatalled. fowar digging. Pateraen's Cement Works. 143S Pin. Silverton Ob. Ph. 1-4074. WANTED: Good elec. rang., with timer. Apt. lz pref., 1-OU3U. FOR SALE: Studio upright piano. Ph. 1-1164. GOOD uaed piano, l"J. Haider . i n. nign. IBM Kay punch operator tarn part Um. Mr. Cmmoo. Pti. -!!. WOMAN to care for I children whil father works, ilva ph. 1-43M arter S p. m. RECISTER now at Rlenache'a mil Yard. Picking atart be tween July IS V Aug. L latact date in fhta column later. Tranaporutlon NOT furniaried. Thee SO acre cloae to Salem. only 4, ml. from downtown. rn. 4-J is. WILL start picking beans Thure . July lvui. Aurra avcitwyier. rn. auveruwi -ijb. PICKLING cucumbers, packed to order. Ph. 4-OU. WANT aleady work, janitor. night watch er farming, alao odd Job. 1-0S6S. FREX estimates on floor cover ing or drainboard. R. L. JLii trom Co. Sao 8. Liberty. RM. turn. pt. Pvt. bath, 70S N. Liberty. Ph. g-947. 1 bdrnv. court, un at atov. VERY ale furn. except refng. S4 MsraeL J- lya 1-BDRM., mod. bouae, St. Bliler. SMALL I bdrm. hs.. all elec.. $35 plu utll. except water. ion ith. i-iote Eve, mm. PROF, man want 1 bdrm. houae turn. CaU 1-737 after S p m. Mon. thru Fri. it al day Sat is Sun. STORE at MS N. High St. Bee Id Bchunke. Model Food Mkt USED OFFICE CHAIR PH. 4-7248 PARK LANE NICE clean 1 bdrm. SS.7M Good neighborhood. Ph. 1-4233, by owner. ONE 5-yr old aaddlebred gelding cnestnut color wnn bla face, alao 4-yr.-old Shetland gelding, well marked. S10 Plymouth Drive. Salem. PROFESSIONAL horMshoer Lea Hnon. 4-4714 or 4-sosi EXTRA good gentle milk cow. Ph. 2-3101 alter S p m. JERSEY gentle. family cow. 1 gl, 44M Silverton Rd. 400 Agriculture 413 Fruit V Farm Produce BLUEBERRIES for l. Jamea L. Hright, 1040 south Pacific Highway, woodburn. Oregon. CUCUMBERS for aale for Dickie lleera 4V. dill. 4725 N. Lancas ter. Ph. 4-8 23 after I. FOR. SALE: Grain Pea hay. S2S T. la field. HU I, Box 19. Sa- lem, ur. BOYSENBERRIES. Order calling l-i.l or drive out to patch Monday. John Neuen ach wander. 7 ml. S. of Salem on sunnyaide ua. Montmorency Pie Cherries J. W. HANNAH, 4-8243 FINE PIE CHERRIES U-Pick. Ph. 2-2124 FOR SALE: Excel, quality grass er bud s.iover nay. trio ralnl 119 par ton in field. Located t Cascade Meat atockyard in oaiem. fn. 3-a33. PASTEURIZED whole milk Mc gel. ilomogenlled. 78c. t gal' Ion 40c. Cleary Dairy, 8-303S Canning Tilton Amicots From Th Dalles Polehn Orch aroa. arrived Monday, 7J7 r.oirwater t , w. Salem. Ph. -99f. Good Clover Hay 827.50 DAVE RAMSEYER 4-1364 apricot from Th CANNING Dalle. Ped's Produce 5J3 PortUnd Rd. Ph. 4-471 4l3 Fertiliser GENTLE. . spotted mre, very gentle ror kid, alao bay pony. 44M Silverton Rd. FOR 8 A LB or trad, gentle ponle for children, also good ddl horse Bob Frank, 303 in. water at., atiivarioa, fB 1-41 34. SALEM Meat Co.. locker beef. Custom killing, cutting and wrapping, trailer loaned free. 403 Livestock Wanted WANT to rent gentle riding horse for child, IS yrs. old. Ph. 1-.1S44. CATTLE buyer. A. . Sommer. HQS Mermoay Or. Ph. 4-S0S7 LIVESTOCK surer. Claud Ed ward, ru. a, box seag; s-iiii. CATTLE Buyer 17 SUU. E L as ri. Bneuicn. a-uss, i-3ao. CATTLJ1, Boraaa. at your farm. E. C MeCadllh, Itt 2, e-41S 404 Poultry end Rabbits BARN yard rotted fertilizer. $5 per ton. minimum J ton load. rh. 413J Independence. ROTTED SAWDUST" II yrs. old. Us It Ilk neet moaa ror mulching flower beds or lawn. Call for price and oeuvery. rnunpa Bro., Kt. Box tui. Ph. 4-3011. PETE Moa from chick try, 75c ec vauey aarm ator. 414 Form I orm tquipment ONE S ft. Case combln with pica-up ringers. SB30. Hums Chriatorrrrann, 4440 Hoodview ur. i-n. 3-1171. T25 Auction Seles AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S- TONITB 4S4 CENTXR tTBXIT BALXM FOR SALE: Rabbit. Callfor- niana Ac N Z. white. 1M3 Leo. Cherry Ave., Surn right on Alder, then left on Gary, then right on Leo. BABY Chick hatched yr. round. valley rami mot. 4-424. COLORED dressed fryers. Call evening. Ph. 4-1090. CFSTOM DRESSING Of poultry. We buy rabbits. Wing . 391 SUIte. Ph. 4-391S. TOY Fox Terrier at Stud. S', pound. Ph. Silverton 3-453. WANTED: Female cocker apan- lel. Ph. 4-M7S. GIVE away S yr. old M. Col Shep. Watch dog W farm, Pb. 1 i-im ONE German Shepherd dog as pup, sis . I-la re nee ttie bert. rails City, Ot. Sunaet 7-M17. LIVELY, little Chihuahua, pup- pie, registered. 1-4O01. REG. cocker, blond I wka.. Ph. I-I34a. as red. BY OWNER NEW 1 bdrm. bom, hdwd. fir lnul!d, weeuier-atrlpped. radiant heat. iae. family kit.. S70 dn. no loan coat, full price fll.Mo. erg per mo. Inc. taiee ti fire tn. 1 blk. Eaat of Kelier school at 1041 Kened St S-M71. BY Owner: 1 bdrm. home. Full price 110.900 700 dn., wlU so u 1. ra. 4-o. WANTED: Cheap lot wold barn or sarag for storing trailer. Box 1S4, Sttman-Journal. 14 CHEV. deluxe, good merh conq. rrKeq 10 ecu, r"n. -oai3. WILL trad good '47' Naah for two wneti trailer. S4S1 Broad' way. Ph. 4-7430 1U BUICK Spec, convert., dyn- iiow, on owner, low mileage, fully equipped. Caaii or terme. no trades. 4 At 7 JO p.m. week aays at a. High. 1M OLDS "si", will take trad. 11. MIS. Ph. 1-8397. rOR RALE Hlwtha cooler, 431. Ph. 1-MSS. Motor 300 Pprnonal 312 Lett ornf Feumi BANDED natural colored para keet mat, vie. oiea era ltd. Call 4-SS.M. LOST: Black Cockr Spaniel, no tll. Friday 11th between Sa lem and Independence. Notify Police Dept. Independence. LOST: Green Schwlnn bike. middle weight, rack on front, leather Mat. Ph. 1-WV3. Reward LOST: Red female cocker near Wallace Rd. S-48M. FOUNDrstrayed Hereford. Ph. -w-aiwv nvtra. 314 TreRiportetiow LEAVING FOR Tax Friday euiy u. win except passenger rxchang references. Ph. 4244 316 Personal TOO MANY BILLS? Don't let ynur bill get you In irounie. 11 you re behind In payments, w ran help vou. No security or co-aigner needed One place to pay all billa. Pay only what you can affordl l Bonded and Ucenaed for your prntecllnnll CREDIT CONSULTANTS Dial Salem 1-SS44 for Informa tion. Phone 4-6811 for Courteous . iiiMutiitt it- eww.-e" '(tA. iviv; j, Assistance FOR SALE or trade. I wka. old Labrador pupa, A.K.C. Ph. 1-M41. 3344 Abrama Ava. FOR SALE Puppies all kinds Come aee afternoon at 3355 Livingston or call 1-79M. Will buy puppies sny kind. FOR SALE Tiny Toy Terrier puppir. Ph. 4-32M or in Cross St. 450 MerchantJise 454 Sewing Mochines SEWING" MACHINES CABINET ELECTRIC .829.50 Round Bobbin PORTABLE ELECTRIC 839 50 Late Model-Rever Stitch. NEW SINGER PORTABLE 99 90 Round Bobbin-Special LIMITED QUANTITY SINGER SEWING 1-1511 CENTER 130 N. Com! Woodburn 1-7111 OFFER: Singer uphol MAKE atering Sewing Machine. 41-1 aioaei. rn. J-M1J. llkiS Plea sant Vlw Dr. 45S House Goods for Sole ELEC. range. model, Itoo. food eond. 1S93 Ph. 1-07S0. HI GRADE Dave no. perfect IM.. so. uirn Woodry 104 H. Summer. TO GIVE AWAY: I black kitten. Ph. 1-073S SAMOVED pupa, purebred. AKC reg, from champtonahip stock. Ph. 1-03OS or 4-0203 FOR SALE: AKC. reg. Labra dor pupa. 4 mo. old. 1-S24i. , MUS-FeeuT mo. old "mala Dal matian, reg. AKC. Loves chil dren. Silverton, ph. 3-7251 days or l-4tU3 eve. REG. Schipperk pupple. 4-1034. Ph. SfTIIPPERKA Ph. 1--WU. pupa for l. 4 MO, OLD reg. Golden Cocker Spaniel, hous broken, exc. pet. Ph. 1-7430, Bee al 1771 N. 14th. ATTEN: hunters, for aale A K C. regiatrred Engliah Springer Spaniel puppica. 19M N. 13rd Ph. 3-aau DACHSHUND puppies, minia ture, long hair, black Js red. A K C. reg. Ph. 4-7304. BIRD Paradise for nsrd. caiea. aMppuea ales uvinaanoa 1-141 fOUNO p-arakeeta, ceres, feed a Mickey a, Hit S. Com. I I U 410 Seeds end Plants SALE NURSERY STOCK INVENTORY Reduction. All ehrub 4j , trees w holes 1 or les. Man Items SI .. 4 for II. Over I.OM Item lo be old. Nelsons Nursery next to Salem Coif Course on 8 River Rd. All aalee rash, all sales final, n guarantees. Ph. 1-14 11. rUCHIAS. S for SI. Merrill ureenhouse. Brook. 4l2 Fruit V Form Produce GOOD clran wheat At oats hav. , 121 per T. In field. A. J Doran Rt. 1. Box "VI Salem, Skyline ; Rd. Ph. l-So.'U. NEW'RED POTATOES II Ihs. nc. Mixir Park It Tlltnn Apricots from Yakima. Green Apple Mkt , J005 Portland Rd. MOVING, muat sell: 1954 May tag Auto, waaher, 4 mo. old. Coat .Mra. aell I2S5 or make offer. Ph. S-33M. FOLDING Dressing Screen 44 50 Clen Woodry 104 N. Summer. NEW maple arm daveno aV chair S28H. Used Mdse. Mart 170 S. Uberty. Ph 4-SX1. No down paymnt (oa.c.) Open Fn. nigni 111 . 450 Slcrcliandlse 43S House Owed foe Sale KENMORI automctl washer. 1 So. Uaed Mda. Mart. 17 B. Liberty. Open Fri. night til . No down payment en to. i.e. 1 UNFINISHED furniture, H. L. suir rurnitur. 17 N. High rPEED QUEEN wrlnger-waaher", uriMX with automatic pump Uaed only 1 yr. 450. Be at 10 B. Bummer. Ph. 4-S074. eve only. FOR SALE: Uk new 154 G. I. range, at 4 burner, 34 oven. t-non 4-Jtw. . EENITH Coneole Radio, very HI grade, only JO. Chromium hi. chair, sa.as. Seely mattres. Ilka new 430. Hoover vac Cleaner US; Bmall Lester piano 75; old dreaaera at cheat as. Bargalna galore at Belem a Lowt priced Store. Glen Woodry 101 N. Summer HURRY on thi allghUy used Hotpolnt custom auto, washer St dryer, only 1340. Guaran teed. Eaay terms. S Jk H green tamp. Master Service Sta- tlon. 38 N. Com'l. PC. Mahogany Duncan Phyfe dining room art. In excellent condition. Burns Chriatoffer. on. 444 Hoodview Dr. Ph. l-ini. Unfinished Chests. New I Drawer Ml I Drwr SS.S M Phoa Order Plea HOGG BROS. 14 BUt St USED wisher 115 up. Mod ern Appnnc ( enter, 1111 so. Com'l Ph. 4-9395. COMPLETE furnishings for 1 bdrm. horn fer aale. Ph. 3-4754. GAS Servel rerrtg. tt Tappan range, excellent condlUon. S13S.9S for the pair, tasy terms. S At H green atamp. Maater Service Station. 365 N. Com'l. G E. STOVE 1955 model, excel. cond., alao elec, ironer. Ph. 4-925 or l-5o33. 450 Mcrctandigej 4AI For Kent, Misc. ran mtitT or ttaea. hre. wara house apace, cement floor brick blag., eownlotra. In- euir u. i- ana runs., s-tisi. 500 RuB.&Financu 310 Money to Ueo 470 For Sole, Misc. STORE fixtures, gla eaa. card caias, Birch cabinet. Victor ean register . Ph. 4-437. SEVERAL large Crock. Glen Woodry 1U6 N. Summer. CLOSEOUT. Gym I' lUdes. 411.- ev. wooqry 10 n. Bummer OIL BURNER. H4 gal. tank. tack control. AU for Sao Ph. GAS water heater St aa tov. 117 ChemekcU. Wdoeday I sv n. as. NEW drop front desk, 4394. Uaed Mdee, Mart. 17 B. Ub erty. Open Fri. night til. I No down payment toa.c.) Ph. 4-4371. VERY nice Stroller 17 95. Clen woodry 10 n. Summer. NEW rocker. S3S.95. Used Mda. Man. 110 a. Liberty, Ph. 4-S371. No down payment (o.a.). Open Fri. night til I. NEW Simmon Rollaway Sua. uien woodry 100 If. summer. MAPLE cheat, 4 drawer. 417 9. Used Mdae. Mart. 17 So. Lib erty. Open Fri. nights til . No dowa payment (ou,l, Pb. 4-4371. NEW Box at Mattres aeta 444.0 Cilen woodry Into N. Summer. USED wire recorders 12 95 up. used tape recorders S49.99 up. Used Table phono 3 -speed 14 94. New tape recorder 114. up. Regular 15.50 1200 ft lane at 12 1 CECIL FARNES CO. HI-FI SPEC IAUSTS. 440 N. Church. Ph. 4-3289. COLONIAL Investaaeat Ca. Real property Loan Contract Purchased 47 Court. 4-131. Intareat. Ph. 1-074. PRIVATE MONEY-to loan, buy contract and mortgage. Ml V"u rn- -4l. WC HAVE cash buyers for reel 'at eon tract and fn4 un fair. Ohrnart A Calaba. Renters 477 Court Bt Phona S-411B 600 Employment oOa Help W.nted BR COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 14 - 8pci.U.ts la Olfice Placement. 494. State 1411 Ora. Bldg 4131 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGF.NCV 154 N. Winter Ph 1-aaua Your future la aur ink ePUcTrfoNS are now betne taken for Stateamaa Bicycle route Several route will oa pen. Applicant must be ac companied by their perenta or hv their written permia. Ion. Apply t the Clrrulatloa nepartmant of the Stateamaa. Journal. BUNK bed waprlng 119.50. Glen Woodry loot N. Bummer. COLEMAN floor turn., good cona . 100 gat, 011 tank uier. moatat, reaa. Ph. 1-8151. 456 Wonted House Goods CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY FURN. CO. Ph. 1-747S 110.00 CASH To spend for High grids Uaed Furniture er Appliance rn 3-5110. Paying Top Price for Better urad. Clen Woodry, 103 N. Summer WANTED FURNITURE k - MISC. PH. MOM TOP CASH PRICE - FURNI TURE, APPLIANCES. ETC. USED MERCHANDISE MART TO S L1BKRTY PH 4-4171 WANTED: Good clean furniture At applincea. Will pay top cash price. Ph. 4-8371. 457 Radio and TV EMERSON T. V.. table mod el, uaed. reconditioned. 30 day warranty 481. 424 Court St. Ph. l-s&iZ. WESTINGHOUSE T.V. Con- sol model. 419 95. Uaed Mdae Mart. 170 S Liberty. Open Pri. nights til 9. No down payment loa.c.) Ph. 4-4371. T.V." SET 437.50: RCA U" TV 1109.50. Clen Woodry ISot N. Summer. 458 Building Moteriols" BLDG. SULLIES PAINT. Oil Baa 1.SB Qal. Glen wooary iu . Bummer. LARGE hdwd. play pen 18. Golf Clubs 3 woods, S irons, com portment bag. food cond. Sea. rn. 4-72. NEW Lg. Garbage can 4.a. Glen Woodry loo J N. Summer. WALL heatera: Meier Nu-Alr. new. I.Oi 10 watt 3S'l dia. 1-0030 GIRLS' dresses, iweater It suits sires 10 to 11. prscticauy new. For particular 3-5947. BEV'S rummagaveveryday. 473 N. Cottage. Ph. 4-7300. AUTO, gas fir. furnace. cond. 450. Ph. 1-00K2. excel 10 KEY Victor adding machine. hand operated, so. 4093 Au burn Rd. Ph. 4-435. eve. PIT RUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DEL. $1.23 A YARD PH. 4-2463 Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PR 1-4310 TOP SOIL Phone 1-IS7S. 1-CW1 TYPEWRITERS adding m. chine, caan regiatcrt. oupll cators, deaas. chairs file, hid. pl'e. Roen . 41 Court l-773 OORMEYER Food Mixer SIO Clen Woodry 105 N. Summer. ROSE wool frrlr Davenport eV chair, no sign of wear. Coat .! will aell for 1125. Ph l-52jifterl -30 wk day. ROUND Oak Pedestal Table. 412 oien woodry 105 N. Bummer COI.D Spot Refrig. A-l concf 450. Uaed Mdae. Mart. 170 S Liberty. Open Fri. nights 'til sNo down payment io.a.r.1 BILTWELL ba'vp't iet45 "Sslems Best Buy Alwavs." Glen Woodry 15 N. Summer "household "furniture HI. 3-3431 TERRIFIC Vac. Cleaner Sale Glen Woodry 1S04 N. Summer WEST1NC.HOUSE Range. S3 95 Uaed. Mdae. Mart. 27 S. Lib erty. Open Fri. night til 9 No down payment on to a,c.i SfOVING; must " sell Crosier Shelvador refrig- Glheon range, draperle at blonde corner table. Rt 3. Box 1:0. Molalla. Ph. 1771 Molall. LARGE Rolltop Desk, extra good, bargain 45. Alao large action! Hook Cae 445. Cleo Woodry 16)15 N. Summer. HI SPEED pt7ele?7rng" A-i A only 449 50. Glen Woodry 105 N. Summer. USED refrigerators fullv guar anteed manv sizes S29.94 A up. RORERTS BROS. 340 Court St. PANEL crib wmattres 123 50. Glen Woodry 105 N. Bummer. BFNDIX washer your choice. 129 Mi. Uaed Mdae. Mart. 270 S Liberty. Open Fri. 'til I Nn down payment on ifl.r I LOVfcXN o v 1 aeta 1109 50. Sav at Salem's lowest tlvelie u, 4. Glen Woodry 105 N. Summer. WANT AO WHOPPERS s5kg" " a )jf 1 fanaSsas. I4 Oil Burners, conversion romp, with all control. 450 Thin tube Radiator with metal enclosure SIS A up t Olflr Ming vault cabinet a nr. tire rating .. . . sw 4-dr. filing cabinet ......... 127.5 Office lights 12.30 at up elect nardooaro 50x100" 11.75 sht. Uaed Ftr-Tex ,. 4c q Sen Plaater board 3c q. ft. sed Ceiling Til Sc q. ft All kind uaed Lumber . 445-S5S per M. ALSO Windows. Doors, Eire. Bupplie E. S. RITTER & CO. 6740 Portland Rd. Ph 4-131! 4 Ml. Nn. of Salem. Ml. No. of Totem Pol on 99E Open All Day Saturday IMPORTED ORIENTAL 4x8 Hardwood Plywood LIGHT AND DARK WOODS 1 FT. W ALL COST $19.20 TO $29.44 CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C C. LONG At RON PH. 4-5051 1 Ml. N. KEI7ER Overhead ateei gars re with hardware. S3IJ. In atalled 44 sa. Galvanised v trough, U1 par ft EPPLNO LUMBER CO. PH. 44123 1740 SILVERTON RD. LUMBER FOR SALE 2x4 RL $15 Boards k Shiplnp Bean Poles, Free Wood Call Alpine 1-4:133, Lebanon SOO.OOQ FEET New, fresh-milled old At second frowth lumber 1x4 to 1x11 In to 34-fooi lengths Delivered price Salem. 430 per thou minlmnm Ted Mutter S-1IM FOR RALE : 2x4 studding, fir or cedr 15c ech. Cedar ahip lap 459 per M. ( ash and Carry. Northwest Products. 490 Pac ific Highway, Woodburn, Dir ect from mill to you. Paint Summer Paint S1.B8 (al. Glen Woodry. 1405 N. 460 Musical Instruments C1TI.BRAN8EN piano, exc. cond 41B3. 22:10 N. Llherty. HARMONY Guitar, Gibson Am- pllf. 3121Jenen Kt. UPRIGHT Pino for lePh. 1-S525. Sports Equipment WINCHESTER 11 single ahot, I mo. old llPh. 1-(I4. OUTBOARD motor " 's H.P. 428 Ph. 1-1S1. i FT. Fishing boat Si trailer, new paint cheap. Se at 1134 Fairground Rd. 9 HP. Johnson motor. See at B it B Sorwxue. Dalle. (regon .5'rorirW '5rrra5Wra"Y dot with Spiih mount lot 9 Savage 135 4410 Shoreline Dr. ili55 MK.lfcl'llY Mark 34. Like new. l.'a f harlea Av. "Hun I tha prloc heard of Claaallled Adat' FOR SALE: Boat, motor as trail er complete with control. 1, ml. W Kelrer chool to end of rdoSW.Chemw Rd. 14 FT. runabout, "trillar. IS H P., steering control. Ph. 4-411. CARH paid tor uaed guns, mod ern and antique. Mare. U3t Broadwap, STORE FIXTURES Adding machine, ch register. 2. Owl rt. shelving, 15 counters. 1 wall case. S ahow coaes. 7g drawer. Miac. Tim limited. Ph. 3-7091. MONROE lec. calculator, small xecutiv model LA, used, S143. rn. S-3731. CLOSFX3UT New I' Gym Slide 112 so. Save at Glen Woodry. io n. Bummer GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatl wash era, dryer, range It refrlga. .i. l it up. VEATF.R APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St PART TIME SALES WORK I to t p rn., averag 34 3r) fusee snieeo comm. pn. 4-ZZ4. FOR immediate employment. 440 mo. guaranteed com. a p ply 33S E. Buin, 1:34 ta B A.M. Only. Top Soil 612 Work Wonted, Meai Orchard Loans. River Loam Oial 1-174 Prompt Delivery ateucr Sana as tiravi Co. 472 Wanted, Misc. USED twin bed In good cond y u. Hex 553. or i'n. aoo. Stayton. THE Union Goepel Miaaion la a non-profit orgniration serv hnmeleas men. For donations of furniture, rlnthinr. paper magazines, anytlung else. ph. 2-.1i.83. TAG-AXLE in good cond. to fit 1U32 Chev. truck. Merl Clth- en, Shedd. Oreg. I NEED lata model refrigerator and appliances. Top cash paid right now. Ph. Glen Woodry 3-5110 or bring to 1405 N Summer. WANTED several thousand cords of wood, all specie Ph. 3-7731 Night. 4-K33. 474 Miscellaneous Furniture Refinished By Experts We Ink H th finish off and refinish vour furniture like new. CALL LAWRENCE LEE. . LEE BROS. 4024 State St. Phone 1-7001 DENTAL PLAll REPAIR I Ha SERVICE IN MOST CASES. DR HARRY SEMLF.R, Dentist Adol.h Bldg. Slate A Com ! St SALS.lt fit S-.T.1II ADDING machines, eaab regis Clary. 1171 rairgrounda 1-5371 476 Fuel ANDERSON'S 1 a b w 0 0 d. 3-7751 or 4-2.r4 Ph Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCIIINO Planer Ends Choir slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph. 1-7711 OREGON FUElC0. Old fir Illy pads SAWDUST IAH Green Stamp Ph. 3-55.13 307 Broadwy ORDER NOW FORRATF.S Sawdust wood for furnace. range or heater, , snsvtngs at mulch West Salem Fuel ' o 1525 Fdgewater Ph. 1-4031 HIGHWAY FUEL CO SAWDUST A WOOD WANTED aeveral thousand cords o. wood, all specie rn J-i.ii Night. 4-433 COAL briquette todnrlesal can be delivered to Balrm wr 450 per ton. Se ad under aot Businea Opporlunitiea. 604 Help Wonted. Mew WANT Accountant for PA, Offlc So. Ore. Good oppor tunity. Box 184 Statesman. Journal. WANT aeveral wood cutter. Apply Coital Ful Co, 1904 N. Kirnr Rd. 066 Help Wonted, lady WANTED: Baby lttr. bou4 Aug. 1st. Live In or out. Ret exchanged. Ph. 4-9l. EXPERIENCED' writressw7ntel Thepa. lltfjute St. LADY to care for 3 ach. axe children, Llherty dist. 1-5U14. MATURE woman to baby ail whR mother work. 8 JO ta 4.30. my home. Ph. 4-7923. CASHIER waitress combination. uraL. siu .appearing, meet tha public well. Bob's 19c Ham. burger, interviews after 1:30. BUILD your own business. Wa train you. No delivery. Lu. tier's Fine Cosmetics. Cell 4-7273 between 14-11:3 Mob, Tues , Wed. KINDERGARTEN tearhe wnted. Call 4-2775 or 3-os. BEAUTICIAN to work In air. conditioned salon. Top wage. Ph. 3-7170. 608 Pickers Wanted START pole ben July 19, bu ftckup t Employment Office a.m. Drive-out welcome, Fred Scharer. Rt. 3. Box 134-A Silverton. Ph. 3-4753. NELL ETHF.RIDGE'S platoon formerly Mr. Germain pla toon registering for beans and thornless blackberries. Picking at Harold White A Art Wall yards. Beans darting July 23. blackberries Aug. loth. Bue transportation. Ph. 1-9943. 610 Sole Help Wonted- READY to wear saleslady want. eo. Baiary and commission. Sutc experience and ge. Alt replies held In strict confl. dene. Write Statesmn-Jour nil. Box 14. EXPERIENCED salesman to sell Ford tractor. Apply by letter. Valley Tractor Co. 3310 Silver ton Rd.. Salem. MAN ta diatrtbut A pick up Fuller Brush catalogs tn weekly comm. to atart l-347. FOTTNDATIONS are our Special. tty. alao do building, remodel ing it concrete work. Free lt Ph. 4-7352 or write U. P. Collier at 3094 Doughten, Ba lem. EX-STORE manager want tern. purary or vacation relief Jnh, Well qualified. Write box 191, Statesman-Journal. HOME Building Remodeling. CALL JOHNSTON. Ph. 1-9740. CABINETS A specialties. 23"! Evergreen. Ph. 4-0903, 4-3WW after 5 p m. MOWING. Spading, yard clean up. Hedges It Shrub trimmed, 2-54A0. CARPENTER work, dy or con- trct. Ph. 4-HW7. CARPENTER new remod, else painting. Ph. 4-073. REMODELING. replr. sew ad dition, screen work. Ph. 3-39.1 Mow hyflrld or vacant lot. Ph. 4-0372 between p.m. or a a m. NEED AN ADDITION? Remodeling? Cabinet work. Free ext. F.xpert work, work guar. Ref. Go anyplace. Cha. Ex. line. Ph. 2-7014 PAINTING Free Estimates Reaaonahle. Ph. 1-1.131 eves. v ROTp-TlLLING . . Ph. 2-2.-ia CARPENTER WORK, day or contract 1-142 or 1-1459 OU'S tre rvtc Spray; top ping, prunecWlng-2wi CUSTOM mowing, lot enr ages. 4 ft. mower. (Miocri Beach. Ph. 1-773L CFMF.NT work: guaranteed; Eroinpt service; rre etimte. rnest Drk. Ph. 4-4331. 614 Work Wanted, Lodj IRONING IN MY HOMF. OR YOURS, ril. 4-46'14 BABY aittlng. Ironing A- house work wanted. Vic of Bouta Villsge. Ph. 2-4IM4. MIMKU'IRAPHING tyoing Mr. Poe. M5 Nltht'n home. Engle t yer olds 4s IRONING, my wood dist. Ph. WILL baby sit. up Ph. 4-1349. EXCELLENT CHILD CARE My horn. W. Slem Ph: 4-S33S HOMEMADE frozen fruit a chicken pies, cookie oaaeo 1 order 4-5X15 or 3-I741 HOUSE" WORK WANTED-" PH. 4-7216 CHILD Car my home. Infants pre cn 1. a. 12th 4-72x1. CHILD cr my horn 11 it. 20 hr. 4 -Corners, ph. I-'". CHILD care 'In mv home. pla equipment at close supervision. 1034 Electric. 4-3703. 615 Situations Wanted S10 Money to Loan IM LOANS SNA to I1M0OO Buy Wht You Need Consolidate your hill. Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY R, Church St Ph. 1417 PRIVATE money to luaa. 4 uiiereat. rn. a-oiv. WrFMAfil dev trnrrv; Lie a, . , .t at (Sjt V i.KcST'i -!5S'; SM ALL carpenter Job, gnoj : ' -' work, rsonhle. Ph. 4-1414. LkTht criwler dqrer. wveUng, grading 1-7041 L Kurth PAINTING. pVperlng Pree estiT mate. Don Lucero. 1-1511 PAINTING. Dirt cheap 33 years In Salem. Ph. price. 1-7553. EXPERT nray, brush painting, paper hanging, yo'ir paint o mine. Free est Terms. Ph. lNelsoa 1-1491, S-U43,