Vandals Scramble 23 Bread Trucks I I t a. . -a M V- a - ..v. AV. - New York Closing Stocks ' Reported by Merrill Lvnrh. Pierre FVnner and Bean Admiral Corp . A I Chem Ac Dye Allied 8lr .. Alln Chain M Alcoa 124 Aluminum Ltd Am Airlines 28 Am Can .. 4S', Am ("van 73'. Am Molora Am Stl Tdr- 48", Am T T .; lll'i Am Tobacco .......... 78' Am Viscose . SB' Anar Copper , Armro - Armour .. .... lftsi Atrheson Top Avco '.'Ilnlknlp 1'k cord Motor I a 51 a.f?.n niMiniM Gen Fnode . Gen Motors Gen Tlr Ceo Pac Ply ... Gilletle Glldden Goodrich ... Goodyear , Grace WR Grt No By , 87 , 58'. , 82 48', 47, 8W 7P. 47', ID i 78 M 4.1 , l'm j Grl Weal Bug'! 2n'J 81". i Greyhound .... Iil'4 ...ISO', ..... Phllco Corp Phil Morru . Phil Petrol Pillsbury ,...- Pro Gam Pur Sd Pi L Pure Oil B Radio Corp ............ Hjiyonler lnc Repub Stl Reynold Mel ....... Revnnlda Tob . Hlrhlleld O '. Royal Dutch . II . 41) SO', !8', . a'. Salem Quotations PftiVv Npw Salem Quotation! at of lat yesterday J ' . " s Hikes Wheat HITTHMI (Andreaen'a) Premium - No. 1 ' ' i'.'J'.XGC.n lOregon Egg Producers I irricea to rarmera are s 10 8 cents J umbo a no"""t "" ; ' to news of a change in government Kxtra Largs aa - I........'.'." '.in export policy with harp gains on . s .54 tru Rnard of Traria XI inula u oarrv. iZ'IZII m tln 7 lon: with it. CHICAGO uP Wheat responded , 4S'i . 40 . 46 .. I34i. saieway mrs . 8:1', . 81 . 47. j PHILADELPHIA Twf8ty-thre tricks mt the General BaUn( rempaay were badly damaged la the star-1 afo yard si the bakery whea drivers weal ta ate the atarhiaes alter the weekeaa, may ma la via.ave, wai awiievee wera of vandals, ponce aaM. teyg ia iae iraeu were la ine igaiiioa Colgate The damace. whkh ' J.'""r.Vi7 flendlx Avia ........ 5V, Bet Fnnda Mi", Heth Stl Boeing Air ....... Borden Borg Warn Pucyrua Burro Adding .... C Calif Park Campb Soup ..... Can Pac Ry Cut 1 I Caterp Trac ..... CelaneM Celotex Certalnteed Chei & O Ry Chl M ft si p Chi NW Ry .... Chl R Is Ryi.!. Chrvsler , Cltlei Serv j... Climax Moly and vaadala rer Wlleved tm kave drlveo lh BaairklBea areaiBid. BUBBVlntf lota earh olher mmd Blawla Com Crrdit l l. .... .in u I. u.i. t . . , Comw f'rtl.on m j( m 111c imrii inr nurymi Legal Right of Supreme Court To Enter Dam Fight Challenged By JOHN KAMP.1 I Appeals to nullify the license 45 slates' tax money is going to be spent. Portland Protlure PORTLAND UH Butterfat Power Co. Monday challenged the The public power groups said legal right of the Supreme Cotfrt 'n their app'icntion that the case in atn into ih. Hell ranvnn con- eventually will wind up in the irover.v i ihi. tim Supreme Court and that the high Idaho Power lawyers filed court should stop the construction 1 Tentative, subject to immediate papers opposing a petition in ; work to "protect its jurisdiction." change Premium quality, deliv ii'hirh rtuhlii nnav tr ffrnun adepd Idaho Power aaid in its answer-ered in Portland.-0-63-lb lirst the Supreme Court to slop con-1 the Supreme Court "does not ilruction of a company dam in juh"""i. i mur, the Hells Canyon reach of the Snake River between Idaho and Oregon. The dam and two others planned by the company would flood the site ot the proposed federal Hells Canyon project. Bills to authorize the federal dam are due for de bale in this session of Congress. Order Asked The public power groups, advo cating the federal proposal, last week asked the Supreme Court to stav a Federal Power Commission to entertain the application fof stay. The Federal Power Commis sion," it said, "entrusted by Con gress with the determination of public interest in this matter . . . unanimously granted to Idaho Power the license in question. Hearings Cited "Both the commission and the Court of Appeals, after having heard this matter on its merits, have already determined that a stay should not be granted. "To grant the stay requested quality 57-60 : second quality 52-55. Butter-Wholesale, fob. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 92 score, 59': A fade. 92 score. 584; B grade 90 score 57; C grade (9 score, 55. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 11-46 lb; Oregon 5-Ib loaf, 43'4-50. Eggs To wholesalers Candled f o b. Port and, AA large. 44-47; A large, 41-44: A medium, 35-38; A small, 25-28. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 53-54: A large, 4S-50: A A medium, 47-48; A medium. 45-47 Conn Fdtion Container Cont Can Conl Oil Crane Co Crown Zell Curtlas Wr l Deere r Co Dla Match Doug Air - Dow Cham Du P da N B Fait Air I.I Eait Kodak n Pao Gaa Kmer Radio Ex Cello . r talrchild Homeitake M . i I tnl Harveal Int Nickel .. Int Paper .. Jnhnft-Mnn I Jones & M Stl K Kaler Alum ... Kennecott J74 Kern Land 3'a I L '!' Llhhy McN f Lug Mvera 'to1 Glaus l''a I Lockheed Air . 44 a . Loew'g lnc . .... . J : ln Bell A S5' ltrillarH - i M - ! 1 Magnavox ... Wi iMar.h Field .. K'aJM M Wood '-' Merck A- Co Mont Cheni Mont Ward ..... Motorola . Natl Rlnrult ... Null Canh Reg . N.itl Dairv ... Natl Dl.llll Natl Gypum nail Lead ... 33 ... S', .-. HO'.' 1.18 .. -. .. 48', ..1.10 . ..'17', .. 7.V, ; ... 44, .. S7', ! .. MP. 48 ... 82 .. . 47 US .... 38 .... 84 .. M'. 'a I Natl Supply ... .... 8, 404 81 7', 11S4 48', 88 .... M'i ... Si. 3. ... M' No Am Avia No Pac Rv 41i NW Alrllnei 18', O Olln Math M'i Otis Elav tt't . SS'. SI Joe Lead 44. I St L r SF Rv r , St Regis Paper i t Schenlev Ind I 1 aeon Paper - -7.i', 5ears -Roe S.18. Shell Oil 84i Sinclwr Oil as'. Skelly OH Poronv-Mnh ... Sou C.I Fdl ... Sou Pnc -Ry ..... Sou Ry .... Saerrv gumd ... Std Brandt Sid Oil Cal .. as 1 sid Oil Ind ..... 87", ' Sid Oil NJ 4V.Stude.Pack n, Sunday Oil 80 Isunnhine M ..... Ik's 1 Swift At Co Sylvanla aCl .... T - - Texas Co I Texaa Gulf ., 1 r.n ii rr' : .. , ! Trans Wo Air .. 3, lTen.Cen Tox in'. I V el'e iminn Carb 4S '. 1'nion OH . M'. Union Pac Rv 175 1IJ' I Unl Aircraft 74', a vnl Air Lines 40 JH'a Unl Corn 8"i 8 Unl rrult . 81 'i US Plvwood . 4'i US Rubber Ms US Steel .. Large A 1 iim AA a ., Small A Mil. ruuiiryi J Colored Hen, J?, Leghorn Hens vi 1 Colored Fryers . , , l -a j Colored Roaiters . . Old Rooalers " Other cereals did not fare so ..'well, although most futures posted .15 'i , -:n '. 34, ; . .14 . Sit. . a", . 48 '. . J8J, . a-', , 81', . ". . 7', . IV, 8'. . 48 . U'a . '," , 3.1', . J2', . 4-1 . 38'i rt'i 34 . 81', a gains, earby corn and oats con- Jz tracts eased for small fractional losses. Oats were restrained by re- :pons 01 irnpona irnm lanaaa, i,vetiw.ait 'IVxctol vneat closea 4'Ws higner. corn ..,.,v..s. niicism 0Wcr lB 1, higher, rye 4',-5 tziika. smither Cn. inc t i hijihcT, soybeans l to J1., higher and lara 10 10 23 cents a Hundred The new export policy won't go nto operation until bept. 4.- There- Pabco Pac G a El Pit T T ...... Pan Am Air ... Pennee J C .... Penn Rv Pep.l Cola Phelpt-Dodge . 41', SO', KJ'4 Kt 88', S4' 'a 4', Warner Pic . 28J Wa.h Water P 37", We,t Air Br 3S Weatern Air 11 Weitern r.lec 54' , Weatern Union !, Woolworth 48', T Zenith 1H Portland Livestock Stocks Make - PORTLAND 1 - USDA-Cattle salable 1.000; market uneven: fed steers and heifers 25-50 higher: cows unevenly 50-1.00 lower; 12 head high choice 4.060 lb fed steers 23.75 with accompanying 11 head low-average choice 1,003 lbs 23.00; other choice steers 22.50-23.25, in cluding 1.223 lb weights at 22.50; good steers mostly 21.00-22.00; standard steers 17.00-0.00; good- choice 825-1.022 lb feeder steers 17 SA.1S Innr! hifrh rhnire with some prime 900 lb fed heifers to-middlin1 at 2.260,000 shares, 21.75; other good heifers mostly comparco wun z.uzu.uuu on rnuay, Slight Gains NEW YORK OP Oils, aluminums and selected issues led a moderate stock market advance Monday. Pivotal issues wound-up with gains of fractions to a point. Some Issues raced ahead 4 points or so. But volume still remained fair- 20 00-75 1800 ranner standard heifers and cutler 15.00- The Associated Press average of cows . 60 stocks rose 50 cents to $183.80 Bid Asked Affiliated fund li ,18 am Canadian Fund So ns 22 80 Century Share, Trust 14 ng 28(1.1 ; Chemical Fund 18 IS 1(1 73 , Delaware Fund II sa U71i Diver. Inve.t. Fund ...8 78 10 8.1 Dividend Shares 1 88 3 22 r.lon A- H. Bal. Fund 2.1. 13 24 71 C.a. Ind .14 81 18 .10 Group Tobacco 4.34 477 Incorp. Investora 10.32 11.16 Key Cuat. Funds: B-3 17 98 18 81 B-4 10 84 1194 K-l 8 88 , 10 37 8-2 ...., 13 01 14 20 S-4 ' 10 04" 10 88 Man. Bond' Fund 7 87 8 7.1 Maaa. Inveit. Truat 12 14 13 121 Natl. Sec. Series: Income Scries w ... ...... 8 34 S93. Stock Series . 8 04 8H81 Pref. Stock S 8 88 8 88 1 Natl. Biv. Scnea . 4 81 5 28 Natl. Growth 8 88 7 28 Pioneer Fund 14 18 1S4I Tel.-Elec. Fund 13 43 13 55 Value Line Inc. Fund . 8 17 -8 74 Wellington Fund . .. 14 13 19 38 obtain wheat at price concessions from the government. They will Chicago Grain CHICAGO (API Grains: Western Securities (F.ilka. Smither & Co. Ine.) Theae bid and a.k quotations rep resent price, at which one or more dealers, members of the National Aa aoctation of Security Dealer's Inc., would trade with the general puh lie at the time the quntatinna were gathered at 1 p.m. yesterday: Bid A.ked lanr. -uregon power Caacade Plywood Conaol. Freight ., Iron Fireman Jantxen Inc. Com. . Meier & Frank - Mnrrivon-Knudaen Oie.-Port.-Cenient Kl". -MJ4 IS'a 13 22' 19'i 18, 43'. 48', -8 7S Pac. P Hi L. Com. J9'i 3i. Pope at Talbot . . 28', si ', Portland Caa it Coke 35',. 37', Port. Gen. lie. 23', 27', BANKS Bank of America 38', 41', Bank of California 1ft 7B, Chaa. Manhattan .............. 80', 82', Firat National . S5, 59", nrei juai. city T 8.1 67 U. S. National 74'i 78 Chicapo Butter-Epgg . - . . miiuiuiii, li , n iiivuiuiii, .f-i , - . . . . - ....... - . . 1 FIT 1 conduction license under 1 herein would constitute a reversal . viai r.rf,. - 1 moctlv 1 on-8 JI few ann--ulilitvlwith the industrial comnonent ud ..l:-u n,Mintf'hv thia court with no finnnrtunitv . . '. .' ' I . . , ,l ... A ,. 1 tk.. wnicn iuanniur. Bimouuu..,,-, r . - w j cenlg gaoilional. Brownlee Dam. The same groups; to examine the merits or facts of have asked the V. S. Court of Channel Chuckles By ML KEANE KOAC, 550 k.c KOAC (Taftd.v) 16:88 a.m-The News and Weather; 18:15 Especially lor Women; 11:43 Summer Story Time; ll:86The Concert Hall: 12:88 -The News and Weather: 12:13 p.m. Nonn Farm Hour; 1:84) Melody Lane; 1:14 Gueit Star: 1:43 Morton Gnuld: 2:86 M.rDonald'i Antholiay; 2:38 Memory Book of Muic; 3:8 Oreson Beporter; 3:13 Munc of the Maulers: 4:88 Poellc Palterna; 4:13 On the Upbeat: 4:43 New. Com. mentarv: 3 S4 Children , Theater; 3:18 Living Portrait: 6:88 The News and Weather: 6:15 Tom Bob- erl, Oreanlut: 6:3 Pan Americana; 7.SS Waltm of the World; 7:13 F.venln: Farm Hour; 1:88 Music of Cjecho.lowakla; 8:38 Concert F.n- core,; a -.43 The News snd weather; :8 Music That Fjidure,; 6:55 The News and WeaUier; 16:88-Sign Off. the case, of the action taken by the Court of Appeals and the Fed eral Power Commission, after full consideration of the facts and merits." The Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in the case last year It has not yet ruled on validity of Idaho Power s license. Legislation to authoriie the fed eral Hells Canyon dam is slated to be debated in the Senate this week. Vote Suggested Sen. Neuberger D-0re suggest ed to that chamber earlier Mon day that a referendum on the fed eral project be held this November in Oregon, Idaho and Washington. In the meantime, he proposed, both sides would halt their efforts and agree to abide by the referendum result. Objection came immediately from Sen. Coldwater IR-Ariil. He contended it would be "improper" and "undemocratic" to let the three states "decide how the other KVAL TV, JVIIF 13 Ft'fJFNK:' KVAI.-TV. Channel .13 ( 12:88 Queen for a Day: 13:43Modcr9 Romances; 4:88 Com edv Time: 1:18 Ernie Kovac a Show: 2:86 Matlnes Theater with Albert Drkker and Evelyn Ankera In "French Kev" a private detective finds a corpw In his hotel room; l:38-8top. Look t listen; 3:4S It's Fun to Reduce; 4:84V-4 00 Date; 4:36 Big Roundup; :.10 For Vour In formation; 54J The News; S:36 Snorts Headlines: :S$ Weather Re nin n Hood; 1:88 Dear Phoebe: 7:36 -This la Show Business with Clifton Fadlman aa host; S:8-Sneak Pre view; 8:38 Frttival of Stars presents "The Fabulous Sycamore,," a half hour filmed drama, with Cecil Kel Iswsy and Barbara Brittnn; ;6a The Visitor: 6:18 Dr. Hudnon'a Se cret Journal: 16:88 Burns and Allen; 16:16 Tomorrow's Headline.; 18:45 v,ierdv's Newsreel; 11:68 Special Ffaaturette. L':!?3l!::lc:dCI::r 1TGEIY EOZEHil Zemo antiseptic promptly relievea itching; of surface eczema and akin rashes. It stops scratching and at aids faster healing;. Buy Extra Strngk Zsmo ljttYtt forstubborncase. Miml I ff j GOP Committee , Sees Chandler as Active Candidate CHICAGO OP The Chicago hoft committee for the Aug. IS Demo cratic National Convention has ranked Gov. A. B. t Happy) Chan dler of Kentucky as a leading con tender for the presidential nomi nation. James L. O'Keefe, host com miltee chairman, said Monday that Chandler, Gov. Averell Ham man of New York. Serf. Estes Ke fauver of Tennessee and Adlai Stevenson were sent identical let ters of welcome Saturday. Th letters invited the recipients to "please call on the host com mittee for any assistance it can render during this great conven tion." - Stevenson, Kefauver and Harri man have waged active campaigns for convention support. Gov. Chan dler recently said that he con siders himself a candidate. A 8TI 'DENTS PLAN TRIP TOKYO 1 Japan's atomic energy commission will send 32 research students abroad to study nuclear physics late this year and early in 1957. Twenty-two will go to the United States, the rest to England, France, Canada, Sweden and Norway. Egg To consumers AA large, 58-63; A large. So-M: AA medium. S3-5H; A medium, S2-57; A small, 36-41. Live - poultry No. 1 quality, f o b. Portland Fryers, 24-4 lbs, 24; at farm, 23-23',; light hens. 16 at farm; heavy hens. 17-11 at farm: old roosters. 11-12. , Turkeys To producers L I t weight, fryers. 27-21: young turkey hens, liveweight, it; eviscerated young hens, 38. Rabbits Average to growers- Live white, 3',-4's bs. 20-23; 58 lbs, 15-18; colored pelts 4 cents less: old does', 10-12, few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 56 58; rut up, 60-63. Wholesale Presses! Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs. 36 50-39 00; good. 35 00 37.50: standard, 31.00-35.00; com mercial cows, 25.00-29.00; utility, 22 00-26; canners and cutters, 2.00-23 00. Beef cuts 'choice steers) Hind quarters, 47.00-52 00; rounds 43.00-45 00; full loins, trimmed, 87.00 74.00; forequarters. 27.00- 3000; chucks, 30.00-32 0; ribs, 47.00-520. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 1-1 lbs. 50 00-53.00; shoulders. 16 lbs. 31.00-34.00; tpareribs, 43 00-46.00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs. 51 .00,55 .00. Veal and calves Good-choice. all weights, 30.00-38.00; commer cial. 26 00-33 00. Spring lamb Choice and prime, 45 00-55 00; good, 43.00-46 00. Wool Nominal clean basis, U blood, 1 00-05; S blood. 1 03-08; 'j blood. 1 12-18: fine. 1 17-23. Country -dressed Meats, t.s.a. Portland: Beef-Cows, utility, 22-2$ lb; cutters, 19-20. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 26-28; rough heavies. 18-25. Hogs-Best light blockers, 2627; lean light sows, 18-22. j Lambs Top grade springers, ! 36-38; good yearlings. 25-30. Mutton Lightweight ewes and Ufallinr. 1ft-11 ' Fresh PreeWe Onions Calif. Whites. 50 lb sks, 800-50; Wash. Yellows, No. 1A, 6.00-50: No. 2. 4 00-50. Potatoes Calif. Long Whites, No. 1A, 100 lbs, 10.50-85, few 10.00- 25; special brands higher; Oregon Boardmans 8.00-50; local Reds, 20 lb lugs, 2.40-50; Wash. Reds, ( 50- 7.00. Hay New crop No. 2 green alfalfa, baled, fob. Portland, nominally 34.00-3600 ton. New crop prices not established. cows 9.50-11.00: young commercial cows up to 13.50; utility bulls 13.00 15 50. Calves salable 500; market slow, steady-weak; good-choice vealers 17.0O-19.00, few to 20.00; commercial vealers 13.50-16.00. Hogs salable 1.200: market active; butchers 25-50 higher; sows steady; sorted lots U.S. No. 1-2 butchers 180-235 lbs 19.25; six head mostly No. 1 19.35; mied U.S. No. 1-2-2 grades 18.25-19.00; No. t grades mostly 18.00-25, few down to 17.75; butchers 160-175 lbs 17.00-18.50; sows 300-500 lbs 12.00 15.50; few under 300 lbs up to 16.00; over 500 lbs down to 10 00. Sheep salable 3.00; spring slaughter Iambs 50 higher; other classes steady; good-choice 85-105 lb spring slaughter lambs 19.00- 20.00; mostly choice 20.25-50; few old crop lambs and yearlings 12.50; i good-choice spring feeder lamb 15.00-50, with one small lot 81 lb weights mostly choice 16.00; cull-good shorn ewes 2.00-4.00. $1.00, the rails up 30 cents and the utilities up 10 cents Stocks and Bonds Compiled k The Associated) Press July 16 STOCK AVERAGES 30 Ind Net change - A 1.0 Monday Z7Z.8 Prev. Day .171.8 Week ago 388 1 Month ago ...358 3 Year ago 1858 High 1858 Low .. 1853 High 1833 Low . J41T 375.3 ... 144 8 337 8 ... 303.1 II IS 80 Bails mil fttcks AJ A.l AS 141 1883 74? 187.8 14 4 185 8 13.0 1808 144 173.1 191 181.1 15 8 1716 1ST IBIS 67.3 148 8 141.1 141.4 1400 141 134.1 138.1 1380 1424 114.8 CHICAGO (API Butter steady: wholeule selling price unchanged; A A 83 score 5 00-51 25; A 83 58.00- 58 25; B 80 7 00-37.23; C 88 53 25 28.50. Eggs firm: wholesale eellln" prices unchanged to 1 hlgherl 60 per cent A 41.00-42.50: 40 per . X 38 00-37 50; extra medium 3: i.MO: standards 32.90-33.00; check. JO SS 23. Open Close , WHEAT July 115', -14', S 14-15 September 115-20 M"V, December 1 20-23 lll',-l, Msrch 1 22-25 1 2!',-lJ May 3 30-2Ji; SIS', I CORN July 1 5.1-s.v, ' 1.91', September I 4H-4S', 1 48'4-S December 1 .17', -.18 1 .17,.4 March J4l',-i, 1 41', May 144', 1.44', OATS July 1.V..I, WVH September 14',-7 1.T.-74 December 17-77', 18', March . 78',-',, 17', May 18', 17', RYE July 1 38 LSI", September 138-)', 1.40-401, December 142-4 I 44', March 148 148', May 1.4a; 1.47 SOYBEANS July -83-f 184-88', September I SI', -51', : 151',-sl November 145,-48's 143-4S', January 1 48', 4K',-4I March 15l',-4 1 S3 Statesman, Salem, Org., Tues., July 17, '56 (Sec. II) H .MOMMY y THI MOSSUU ' ' ' s Oil A ly..'a8Vi i c-o CU air. 1- Heal 14m sat. Ia. awt a H. i. 8m. 4M "See? Tht fcrris whwl is fun!" Cliicapo Uvfutofk CHICAGO (API (USDAt Hoga 4 000; mostly 23 higher; bulk No. I to S mined grade lots toe-288 lb. butchers 16 29-18 73: top 17 08: No 1 and 3 tlO-aa lb. 15 73-16) 25: MO-X10 lb. 15 00-15 75; 180-180 lb. 14 00-16 JO; sows 11.75-15 90. Cattle 30 000; calves 400; steers and heifers stesdy to 38 higher; rows steady; bulls steady to 50 lower; vealers steady: Blockers and feedera steady; losd of high prime around 1251 lb. steers te 00; prime 1084-1311 lb. steer, 13 25-23.90; bulk choice and prim It .00-13 00; mixed food and choice 30 39-10 79; food steers 1180 20 00; choice and prime heifers so 80 23 23; utility . and commercial cow. 10 73-11SO: few 1300: canners and cutlers 8 88-11.58: utility and com mercial bulls 14 80-16 25: food and choice vealers 18.00-23 80; good and rhoire stock ateer calves and light yearlings 16 80-30 OS, Sheep I. Ola): steady; good to prime spring lamba 83-83 lb. 10 80-33.301 shorn slaughter ewes 3 58-5 80. jwcsss ALL rEKFECTafaKSr JULY BUYS 20 OFF Several Patterns American Havilarvd Chin Dinner War .Better Bedding Store S1I State 8L m :'-sV v. m . i Peter, Peter, Putnpkln eater Had i wife and couldn't keep ta. So he had their home re-wired Now the stays home And he's admired. . mni' iimwi -I'M d- PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 4efe'i 81.. in Ulr Maty Portland Grain PORTLAND brl Coarse grains. 15-day shipment, bulk, coast delivery: Oats. No I. 38 lb white . S7.00-M Barley. No 2, 45 lb B-W 47.50-48 00 Corn. No.2. E-Y shipment .... 71.50 Wheat (bid I to arrive market, basis No 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft While 2.09 Soft White (excluding Rex) .... J.09 White Club 2.09 Hard Red Winter: ........ It per cent 2.09 12 per cent 2.09 Monday car receipts: Wheat 379, barley 299. flour 36, corn 11, oats 11, mill feed 48. BOND AVEKAC.KS 20 18. 18 18 Net change Unch Unrh t'neh A l Monday Prev. day Week ago Month ago . Year ago 1836 High . 1958 Low . 1859 High . 1855 Low . . . 84 8 84 6 . 85. 1 89 I 887 . 881 84 8 fK) Ml 857 3.T 83 8 856 881 877 85 6 888 884 844 44 844 848 87 88 8 844 1001 88 8 848 84 4 841 836 83 T 85 nt .88 5 84 0 Markets at Glance NEW YORK (API Stocks Higher, oils In demand. Bonds Mixed, governments lower Cotton Steady, trade and new Uena buying. CHICAGO: Wheat Very strong; new export policy. Corn Old crop stesdy: new firm. Osts Steady; small price changes. Soybesns Firm; best gains not held. Hogs Calned 13 cent.; top 117 00. Catlle Steers steady to strong; top 324 00. Dow Jones" Averages (Adreraseiaieat) For Relief of Itch J)rvggi$t' Prescription! MWWhHti7,iOr--iinait is- rritate with Dimples, red blotches ant) ther akin blemishes Irnm exter nal causes, you're crazy with Itch 'nt torture, try Sanltone Oint neat ttchlni stops prompt It martine disappears immediatels inlti.e Omtmeat is ilso won drfui tot llchine teet tracks be iwcen toes and Atnletes toot. rr "kTe CAPITAL DRUG STORI IUU at Uaerty rboaa I till NEW YORK (API Dow Jones closing stock averages: Open High T.OW Close .10 Indus. 811 84 913 18 810 17 911 88 30 H.lll 188 81 168 OS 187 77 188 30 IS HUH 88 70 70 11 88 91 88 81 85 Storks 181 19 18213 180 58 181.47 Chicago Onions Open High- Low Close Nov. (old) 1 80 Nov. 1 new 109 log 181 100 Janusry 1 36 1 38 1.26 1 17 CHICAGO (APi-Onlona: February 130 130 1.40 141 Every third person employed in the U.S. today is a woman, re ports the National Industrial Con ference Board. 5H06) III 670x15 I;! 710x15 a;l 7i.Air itRVICr. STATIONS, INC. I I -ii rfeyir-l S00xl5 88 1 1 ' f M FARMERS I I I I ...el.r.... .e.A..e.l K.fUk fitfifiriJcA I I from SALEM ff NEW BROAD POLICY I , . - I II aW M. .kh Sasaki I aa as XMatta X T afaT m 1 in r nnimaT arnnii .411.' i IT WILL PAT YOU TO CHECK WITH US BEFOM . m f Ulllf OI0U JL A. I "" YOU RENEW YOUR PRESENT POLICY I (j T fj)f"l I truck i' uFt J STrSTfrr: : : : : : : VY t."1 1 aWi f "" D 'I Station to station rates, not Including Isi. fcr 3 C" aasfas. maun a sa a M8-aial S I mnulei alter I t.m. wrtkdsyi snd ill di, Sundjy V 0SK0 INSURANCE AGENCY eni-wiw X ........... . . . . . n 1 (lk ''lesaea, sssskl esil hi rwal I HOLIDAY- on NYLON PflEW.l FEDERAL TIRES AT FLYING XT DEALERS Buy One at Regular . . . Get Second Tire at Here's How You Save Black Saftl Ride Tubeless SIZE You Pay For 2 Tires Plus Tax 53.63 60.90 66.53 73.50 You Save) osj Z Tires 17.87 20.30 22.17 24.50 1 2 Easy Credit Terms You'll find" th lowest tire prlcti in town at your Flyirtf -"A" deoltr durinf this Holidoy $ol.,;,f ...i. COME IN AND SAVE . . . Wt'v sloshtd prictt on top quality FEDERALS. Guorontoosi for lift otjoinst all rood koiordt; fuorontttd lifa ogoinst workmanship and moftriol detects. Ntver before hova wo ef farad thia famoui tira at such a root savings. Thii it your opportunity to hove the I EST ot a sen sational sale price. Don't Wait? Coma in todey and equip your cor with sate, new FEDERAL TIRES. FREE!, OR A LIMITiD TIME ONLY SUMTER" with the purchase of two or more tires ASK YOUR DEALER ABOUT TIDEWATER'S EASY PAYMENT PLAN IR00KS Pef Flying "A." SALEM Don's Flying A Service . -; Amertra)' Legion flub" ,'; SALEM Larry's Flying A Service zisi a StaM" m. - Doug's Flying A Service Four Corners 47802 Hoi's Flying A Service 2121 Fairgrounds Rd. ?IM Rondle Oil Company 137S Portland Kd. 2 7171 Ron It Don Flying A Service 2fte N. lllsh. I 43.14 Hopper's Flying A Service 2Jlt S. (ommerrlal , MILL CITY Draper's Flying "A" , TURNER loll Iras.