1 10-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., July 17, '58 C Berg's, Vista Retain Top-Place Tie in Junior B Chase Berf'i Market and VlsU Market remained la a top placo tie in the Junior B League race at the re ult of wins in Monday night ac tion. Each club now baa a 7-1 record. The Berf'i club retained a ahart of the lead spot by crushing the Keiier Truax Oilrrs 1M. while the Vista Bin dumped Four Corners Merchants 13-0. In other action the J'l Drive-In k Emery'a Mar ket entry nipped Labish Center 3-2 and Salem Lions Club topped Master Servic Stations 1-2. Daw. Jones and Elvin Painter combined In a three-hitter that .gave the Berg'a Markets the win ever Truax. Berg's big Irame was the third when nine runs were Mantle Still Leads in American . f.lusinl f.lovcs to Top In NL Dotting Chase NEW YORK UTi - Stan Muslal of the St. Louis Cardinals, who usually lets his bat do his talking for him, Is making good on a spring training prediction. The U-year-oia siaiwart coniiaea to friends In St. Petersburg. Fla., last March that he expected to Dozen in Win (Coat. Irani preeedlag page) Notes! Tn feaaters played errorless MU for their foarth stralgM gam . . la toalcht's o'eloekef. Andy tTk Bear) Ocorf (t-1) g aialast Terry Ley - A Salesa Junior Baseball Clasa C Leaf gaaae featariag in Stelais Tracker aa4 Nancies Market will pre lim tealfht'a clash, starting al ail o'clock . . Jay Dean, the big s-Orega Staler sow with the Ems was absent Iran the Eugea aad last algM. Mrs. Deaa I eipcctiag, 'twas re parted, aad Jay was given leave . , OSC' ataletl Mn Spe Keene, Ralph Cotemaa aad Jlaa Barratt wer preeent for the game, nd kaal to limit their at tcatloa to Jerry Exley, another f to Beaver grails with the Em. Exley' pop tad mam wer In the taad too . . The third base bleachers ar now ape to alt kids It aad utter, tree at ekarg. They mast en ter the third baa bleacher gate, a4 will b chapereaed each night . . , Cade K'd 'cm: ia m Siim B H O A ' ft H O fxley.l llll Xrauss.S HI sssfc. i ty.$rxi ' tburo.r 111 n.burs.I I I t rn.rcl.l 41 Klnf.e t 0 If vth.j i ii'buiu i i -orr e f I 1 wbiti-4 I I --"fold a 11 Cide.a I mr,x- a I -rtn.p ,. rk. 1 , , T'w.mS fjusfx " ' i-nnuuM .hri r M.rt.n i Lefty Whiffs t . a .'round decision. .:c5j r "" US K St? , J ! Bethe. weighed 1M H to Salde'. Winning, pltrhn't Cada (4-SI. Lot- 1 180 Vs. I oltrhar: Panfnld lS-41. I "itrhr la ah n I ir M on --ntoid T as 11 T 7 -rtan . I 1 1 t 10 till) Hit hv oltrhar: Exirv. Ptii'd hall: " roar. Ufl on baaai: I. I. . 4. "oma run: Hzakula. Two-buna hlti: "rauaa, Euafian. Rum ballad In: "iinn. Kln. 8ukula 14). EufH, S-crltlra: Kins (Fl. Double nlavi: rtoy to Bmlth, Kin la Wabaiar. 'mr: 1 07. Umniraa: Flahar Ik Lopat. A'Undanca: 1.400. Today's Pitcher AMMICAN LtAOtm Cleveland at Waahlnstnn (nlfhtl V'ynn (10-31 vi. Wlnlir 3-. Chlca en at Baltlmora (S twl-nlht Hirnhmin IS-I) and Kregan (1-4) or fitaley (3-11 va. Wuht 4-7 1 and Fer frr.e (1-4). Detroit at New York nlht)-Hoeft ill-Oi vi. Kucki (13 4). Klniaa City at Boaton II twi ritMl Dilmar 17-10) and Herrlaae (1-si va Brewer (11-1) and Porter-f-id (l-ti. N TK)HAL tCAOVt Brooklyn al Cincinnati (night Vmifaa (1-1) vi. Lawrenre 411-01. Tew York at Milwaukee (night) ' -me iS-S) va. Crone ll-ti. Phil- elphll at Chlraao NrtraT i 1-01 VI, leer (1-41. Pttuburgh at St. Louli lehl) friend lll-ll va. Wahmeier ( -7). , I . (Cant, from preceding page! on I red an eight-mile hike before the creel; could be reached. But r'net they knew they'd catch nothing but whoppers in such a remote i 'ream, the eight-mil trek wasn't at all formidable. So off they went. Juat aixwi hall a mile from the stream the two puffing meonlalneers were approached by a ranger. "Where yen bay beaded?" ever led the officer. ' "We'ra going to Deer Creek aad bag same of lhaoo big ones," they beamed. "Oh I don't think you'd better da that." auggoaled the gendarme, sjnickly adding, "as Deer Creek Is closed to fishing. The ranger couldn't havt taken more wind from their sails had he used a hatchet. Here they were, .with aching muscles and blis tered feet after 74 miles of tramping, and faced with nothing but lito 7V mites back to civilization. - - y "" "Don't ever meatlra the ward fishing la me again,", walled pheteg Joey two days and four mustard baths later. Not even the pacifying words of how lurky he'd been that the raager eaaghl him going la, Instead of coming out, made him led better . t Mr. Jantxe It Ready to Lend a Hand Here's ono for the Capital Post No. t, American Legion gents to fallow up: Clarence E. Jsnlre, father AT the two ball-plaving Jantse tws who prrnpfd wtHi tfcn OrrotS") lid iiHViit to V.Wet-a' Firid uptin whitii a ncw-'U'gtnn 'Basebatt Park ' wns iuppofcd to be built an me lime ago. ' . "I've gni the equlpmeal la plow and level the ground, whlrh needs M badly," offers Jantu. "Ant If w can find somebody who '' will seed H and werk It properly. I'll Ire (lad to gel M ready. The Lealon has done a lot tor my boys, and I'd like to da same thing for other baseball playing yeong iters earning along." So there's an offer for the let-George-do-it members of the Lesion. Clarence is ready to do It, if you'll follow through . . . pushed across. Bin Gentzkow knocked in (our markers lor the winners and Jim Mudd batted in a pair with a double and single. Vance Young and Dave SeRine collaborated on a two-hit mound Job that gave Vista Market the shutout verdict over Four Cor ners. Pacing the winner's attack were Johnny Jones with three lor three and three RBI'a. Jim Clark with 2 for 2 and 2 runs knocked In. Pearley Wilder with a triple and a couple of RBI'a and Danny Eisworth with two RBI't on a one-for-one plate job. .t- Winning run for the J's-Emery entry in the close one with Labish Center came in the sixth on an error. Two walks with the aacks nail down his seventh National League hitting title this season. He figured he would hit between .340 and .350 and that would be sufficient to' Twin the crown. Musial is starting to make his move and has spurted Into the league lead with a Xtt average, one point more than Cincinnati's Ed Bailey. Figures include games through Sunday. If Stan can annex his seventh championship. It will tie him with Rogers Hornsby as seven-time winner. Musial then will be within striking distance of Honus Wag ner's feat of eight titles. Il-Pelat Gala Musial gained II points during the week in advancing from sixth place. He delivered 12 hits in trips a .600 clip. Bailey fell into second at .326, losing nine points on 3-for-U. I Red Schoendienst of the New York Giants jumped to third at .321. v . Ken Bover of the Cards and Milwaukee's Hank Aaron are tied for fourth will JI9. j Mickey Mantle of the New York Yankees maintains his American League supremacy with a .365 average with Detroit'a Charley Maxwell trailing at .352. Mantle went B-for-ll and suffered six- point ; decline. Maxwell dropped nine point on ft-ior-zo. Kaeaa Third The Tigers' Harvey Kuenn re mains third with a .349 average. followed by George KeU ot Balti more In fourth with .330. Bill Skowron ot the Yanks rounds out the top five at .327. Muial also Is in national lffii runs batted in pace-setter with W and Cincinnati a tea nnu- kl heads th home runs oeray with 13. Mantle continue to eao the American League in homer with 30 and RBI wltn 74. A . " TT": ri O glade Suffers I n, o .1 1' tlilmirr StfathlfU" I Villi! 1 1 O uru vnnir in Vn.ma WavneL eran Jimmy Slade all over he sf 01" ArT':innif olffht to i sin an unanimous lv- Wresli Start' Bruins' Hope tl ryyr WF Pec No. 7 ba 1135 SAN FRANCISCO lid UCLA ; alumni hero called Monday night lor lifting of eligibility penalties. and "a fresh start under a new, t fair and workable code" in the Pacific Coast Conference. On the eve of Tuesday's meet ing of PCC presidents to consider recently highly controversial fines against Conference members ac cused of illegal aid to athletes the San Francisco Bruins Club issued the statement through its president, J. V. Murray. Two University of North Carolina trackmen are ISM Atlantic Coast Conference champions. Jim Beatty is mile ruler and Charlie Yarbor- ough la broad jump titlint. fT,C.h'Wwryt, JW loaded gave the victors a pair In the third. Both Labish runs in the seventh came on miscurs. Doug McCormack hurled the win, shad ing Dean Westling of Labish. Three runs in the third frame propelled Salem Lions to the win over Master Stations. They came on Glen Vanderhoof's single, two walks, an error and Vanderhoof's steal of bom. Vanderhoof collect ed three hits for the Lions. Both Master Station markers cam in the third on four walks and Gordy McCaliister's single. Tom Ribben trop allowed the service station crew only two blows. In Junior C League action this evening. It's Berg's Keizer Market vs. Dickson's Market at Barrick PeeWee-Midget -: Baseball Monday' results in Midget bsseball action included: Eastern League West Salem Cubs 12, Leslie Indians R, while the Les lie Pirates and the Candalaria Cardinals played to a wild 17-17 tie. In the Western Lesgue the Wsshlngton Senators ran over the Hoover Hornets, 28-5, and the 01- inger Eagle stopped the Barrick Dodgers, B-7. In action today at 1:13 n.m the Leslie Yankees meet the West Salem Chiefs at West Salem and the Leslie Orioles face the Rich- mond Royals at Lesli In the Eastern League, in the western loop It's the Highland Hijackers against the Highland Raiders at Barrick No. 2 field, while the Barrick Braves draw a bye. Monday's line scores: Li1i Indiana 411 110 HI W-Mltm Cuba 031 OS' 11 S Iwar and Hamilton: Jiaipn ana Jacox. - -- Candalaria Carta - S.il 44-IT 11 Lfilit Plratca all ISIT 11 Whltmor. Kfland (1) and Dolaial; Oundcraon, Zwlnf (4) and MarUn. arrlrk DodriZZ.... Oil 41 7 t OHnsar Eala J 0' S S 4 Shcphard and Parrant; Vlck, Wald (4) and Crary. Waihlnfton Banatora .... IS 40S IS S 1 Moovar Horncta 0 103 SIS Davtdaon and Moraan. Efliund, Polka a, Paul (4) and ichia. Braves, Cincy Get Victories (Caallaaed from preceding page) sixth victory on a nine-hitter. Harvey Haddix, the little lefty the Cardinals traded away, beat them for th third time in four tries, neatly spacing a seven-hitter for his eighth victory. Haddix singl started the Phils' winning third against Willard Schmidt. Richi Ashburn followed with a double and Marv Blaylock then doubled them home. nil HkiIim nnkMl hla loth hnma run after two walks in the irst ? inning for th Dodgers, who put! together Junior Gilliam's triple ...i .ii. ku ri rn.iiu in. I their other run In the fifth. A 1--U l . J - mm nra n '" . - crowa " ?- wh - hit hi. inth home run, and Hal Naragon each had three hits in the Indians' 17-1 hit attack as Lemon shut out the Red Sox on two hits for seven Innings while gaining his 192nd major league triumph. Prank Sul livan, now t-4, was ths loser, Jackie Jensen hammered his 11th homer with a man on in the ninth for Boston. Major league baseballs once had SfiO single stitches. Today s ball has 108 double stitches, . . . n"e. "V ?funlf' ' ' ' u"'k '"V ftone for $42,900 a the Alfred Vanderbilt dispersal sale. Low Down tout css snouts covin IMt DOW fAYMCNII I"""'"' """ ' ,,.,1.,, WT, , , . I,., i.ei.i m ! uii-j , . aea m mimae anaam 4-TMt wnnia oil . . J t GET THE BIGGEST BUY OF ALL rAtlTi - BEST I mpmm CHRYSLER "lR! V MAtlF Salsm AutcncbileCoarlnc. 0 435 N. Com'lSt. 3-4117 No. 2; 20-M dub vs. West Salem Lions at West Salem;. Fields Mas ter Service vs. Jackson Jewelers at Barrick No. 2: and Steinke's vs. Nameless Market at Waters Field. 4 v Truax Oil .. ..V . MO l- Beri'i Marker!! . MS S'-IS 1 i Jnnee, Painter (1) and Klin; Gil brriion. Penrod (J), LontuU (4) and Burrif hi. Villi MirM Ms'sa-IS 11 4 Four Corneri . 000 (10 All Young. SeRlne (4) and Kimble, Wilder (4); Scharf anil Hohtetler. galem Lloni 013 001 S 4 I (Uaater S'atloni . . ON 000 I I 4 Rihbenatrop and Vanderhnof: Hit- chit, Kelley () and Chrlitlanien. not oni i s 4 4 ono ooo I 1 1 s J'l A Emery'i . Labiih Center . McCormark and laitridie: Weet ling and Bilm. PCG Prexies Set Session (Cont'd from preceding page) USC, in requesting the meeting, said he believes: "Every friend of higher edu cation will Join me In demanding that we clarify this situation with out delay and to do less than our utmost at this time will do ir reparable injury to the athletes who represent us and irreparable injury also to every institutional member of the Pacific Coast Con ference. One thing appears certain about Tuesday's secret meeting a hot go round. Reaction to the meet ing request was divided. Dr. Fagg and Chancellor Raymond B. Allen of UCLA anked the session as soon as possible. Dr. Henry Schmitz, president of Washington, and Dr. A. L. Strand of Oregon State also favored an early meet ing. . Wilsoa Sees N Need But President Meredith Wilson of Oregon said he saw no need for a meeting and Dr. D. R. Theo philus, head of the University of Idaho, replied in the same vein. He said he has given his proxy for the meeting to Dr. Wilson. After a meeting with Oregon Education Chancellor John R. Richards, Wilson said both he and Dr. Strand feel the enforcement of the PCC code has been just, but they will listen to any pro posals for a code change. j Stanford's president, J. Wallace Sterling, last week said, "I sej nothing wrong with the conference as it is and I'd be happy to see it stay under the existing code." Dr. Sterling s remarks were made after California Gov. Good win J. Knight had proposed L'SC, UCLA, California and Stanford withdraw from the conference. National League Brooklyn 305 010 4 S 1 tnicneo ooi oooi 1 I Called and of 1th Inning, rain). Craig and Campanella; Jonei and Chin. Viw5uk 010 Oofl ono-1 i 100 100 OO'-l 0 Kim. raca (l and roilei; Buhl "a ",c- i Philadelphia 001 Oflft on r tea bi. Louia . . ono non ooo o 7 o ' Haddix and Lopata: Schmidt. Kon- 13 atanty IS) and Smith. L Schmidt.' I .. i i j4 New York tno 101 000 4 0 Clnelnnall .. 000 424 OD- 10 14 24 Aninnelll, Rldzlk 141. Llllletleld isi.l Mfrtonarl tl and Sarni; fowler and M '.T. AUCTION! MUTUAL LUMBER CO. $200,000 INVESTMENT Complett Diipersol Sawmill Flontr Mill Repair Equipment. 60x60 Archer lurnor Actually hundreds of Items luildinjs EVERYTHING Auction SEND FOR INVENTORY LIST. Free. Hip thle ad it will appear only once. This Is one sale yon CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS! Everything goes without reserve. SATURDAY 10:00 a.m. July 31st Grants Pass. Write or phone Grants Pass. Oregon. Green wood 2521 C. A. MORRISON, Auctioneer 069 Hwy. 19 South ftm tUa aarSea rt n ,w" ,,,v " - "low-prica" earl They'll Do It Every Lrrru! xoowi skz wwn MOM COMBS UP WITH SOME S4vORy DISH ,6MB T4KES ALL THE BOWS FOR IT VUM-VUM THIS 16 fikVCU. WE OOSOT4 H4VE THIS k AILA TlMB- WMEM SHE STRIKES OUT, IT'S COMEBOCV ELSE'S RECIPE 4ND SHE'LL REPE4T EVERY 6RUES0ME INGREDIENT PROVE IT Detroit Tigers Sold (Cta!lnoe4 from preceding page) Harvey R. Hansen, Detroit whole sale lumber dealer; William H. McCoy, Detroit insurance execu tive; Paul A. O'Bryan, business man and attorney from Washing ton, D.C.. and Carl Lee, manag ing director of the Teller Broad casting Co. Knorr and Felier said earlier that the bid was broken down like this: Knorr. Hansen and McCoy put up one-third of the money; Fetrer, O'Bryan and Lee put up another third, and Crosby, Brown, Cole man. Woolworth and Thomas put up the remaining third. ! Slssoa Holdover All except Crosby are expected to be members of the board of directors, along with Sisson. Sis son has been treasurer and busi ness manager in the Briggs re gime, and will remain with the club as secretary. Veeck said after the announce ment: "I'm not conceding at this' moment. The final decision still, rests in the hands of the trus tees" . I But the Detroit Free Press said Former British pugilists Tommy Farr, Jimmy Wilo'e and Freddie Mills write sports column for British newspapers. Tide Table Tines ron rArr ukegon (Compiled by V. . Cnart and Geodetic Survey, Portland, Or. JVLT ISM Hlfh Wal-n Lou Waters Time Helaht Time Height ft jui ft. n ( is am. m pm j in n a m'. s os p.m. 137 am. 1:33 p.mv 3:34 a.m. 1:3S p.m. 4:43 a.m. 3 5.1 pm. 5:23 a.m. 4:44 pm. 01 am. 8:30 p m. 34 a.m. II p.m. 7 OS am. 411 p.m. 7 .13 a m. 7M pm. 03 a m. OS p m. 31 am. :49 p.m. 14 -04 II 7 OS Id -OS 13 OS 14 01 11 0 I 3 0 04 1 -0 1 17 Iff 11:22 am. is) p.m. JO 12:0.1 p.m. 10 .11 p m. 12 .IS pm. H IS p.m. l:OS p.m. 11:5 p.m. 1 V p m. 12 .14 a m, 2 09 pm. 1:11 am. t .17 pm. I l a m. 3:00 p.m. FINE CARS... fiill aaniiinnatrl --i-'ri Time 6AVI (smack) TH4T PC4LLV HIT THE SPOT.' (SMACK) CXJT ANY Of TM4TP WMtRE DlO YOU GET THE RECIPI f. TO flatly, "Bill Veeck struck out Monday." Veeck contended his bid of IS, 2)0.000 was "the highest under the original instructions." Veeck heard news of the Knorr Fetzer acceptance Via radio in his hotel room with four members of his syndicate Someone asked Veeck how badly he wanted the Tigers. His answer was: "How oaaiy ao you want to oreatne?" rm rr ? rr T4STES h nt 1 FOL1-OWEO s m A nS rtc &4RLIC.TWO PINCHES 0- I iSt-V A SCOW ORB &4 MO. two CUPS C I ff'M y- j?,V.CHlCKEM F4T-I'M GOING J . S. ,.r V , 1 t-f eJ " L-l-l- THmT ujokincj I FEARLESS FEIRING (THE TIRE DOCTOR) SEZ: Wo have operated on many unsavory culprits apprehended during our "HIGHWAY MURDERERS ROUND-UP." All war oxtromoly dangerous and had to ba handled with rubber gloves. Most had to bo knifed and aro now mating In "MURDERER'S ROW." Why not lot our tiro exports help you drive safely by giving your tiros a physical chock up today? REMEMBER, THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWNI Here Are the "Killer Tires," TIRE SIZE ALLOWANCE PER TIRE 600x16 Size ... . . . . $8.00 670x15 Size , ...... . $10.00 710x15 Size . . . . . . . $11.00 760x15 Size . . ... . . $12.00 800x15 Size . . . . . . . $13.00 LOOK AT DRIVE ao ; NEW AND ALMOST-NEW 2- 70015 FIRESTONE 6-PLY 2- 75017 B. f. GOODRICH B-PLY 6- 123x30 SEIBERLING 10-PLY S- W0x20 FIRESTONE 10-PLY 1- 900x20 GOODYEAR 10-PLY 7. 2- 1100x20 O.Y. ROAD LUG 14-PLY ... 1- 1100x20 U.S. LUG TRACK 14-PLY ... 2- 1100x20 U.S. LUG TRACK. 12-PLY ... 1-1000x24 G.Y. GRADER TIRE By Jimmy Hatlo THIS IS MV VERY OWN INVENTION OUT OP MV OWN ME40.' X CALL IT QAGOUT4 LA EPRBV , X THINK IU. SELL trr TO ONE OF THE BIG RACKING COMH4NIC5 Theft of These Bates ' Didn't Occur in Game WATER VLIET, N.Y. ( - All the bases were stolen in Water vliet's Congress Park but not during a baseball game. And the thief apparently, found no use for his loot. Police found it dumped in a street in Troy, across the Hudson River, Gil Turner. Philadelphia welter- weight, formerly worked for his grandfather as a plasterer. Fabulous Allowances You Will Get for Your Removed Regardless of Condition: THESE GENERAL TIRE SPECIALS! 50 ONLY 71 Ox IS Oonersl Nygan Puncture Sealing Tuboless Premiums "Hi-Density Rubber" ..a MANY OTHER TRUCK TIRE SUPER-DUPERS! BIG RUGGED GENERAL HIGHWAY TIRES SAVINGS SIZES COMPARATIVE ON OTHER IN TODAY I BEST BUYS IN TOWN I OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL NINE! SERVICE, INC. (Across from Elks lodga) Manager Calls Brooks 'Gutless Alston, flayers Said Hit by Serious Rift CHICAGO i Manager Walter Alston said Monday he probably did" call his Brooklyn Dodgers gutless while they were losing four straight at Milwaukee last weekend. Alston was asked to comment on report by Brooklyn baseball writers that there was a rift be tween him and his players which was so serious that It might lead to open rebellion. Alston, her with the Brooklyn team for a series with the Chi cago Cubs, was asked whether he called the player "gutless" and unable to withstand pressure be tween games of a twi night double headers at Milwaukee last week. "Yes. I probably did." he said. "I've said lots ofthings in the clubhouse. When you're losing you re apt to say a lot of things Meadows Bet Total Record PORTLAND I A record 6'4 million dollar pari-mutuel handle was listed for Portland Meadows, which ended its spring and sum mer horse racing Saturday. The program was extended five extra days to total of 50 racing days!, , . ' . , . 7 Cleveland non SOI I0 7 17 I Attendance reached nearly 200.-i Boston ooo ono ois-a s I 000 and pari-mutuel wagering av-l. i"lm "? Naron; Sullivan. Dor. j .nn aa , iisn tat anfl wniip. noma runa imm erased $133,292 dally. . Cl-v-l.;nd. Buiby. Boaton Jfnian. is SPECIALS $11790 T l if Jri. fl a oo i a U rtuiTAx TAKE-OFF TRUCK TIRES! 25.91 PI" Tax, T. 47.31 " 62.7S " 79.45 " " ,. mmm 79.45 "' " r:r;'z.:rz: -149184 Incl. Tax J 149.84 " " - - 129.20 " -I. ... 97.15 " - you wouldn't when you'r win- ning." " 'Need Somebody Mad'" "If I said it, and frankly I donl -remember what I said. I'm happy now that somebody got mad about ' my words. That is what we need! Somebody to get mad and giv that added extra effort that's th "Z difference between winning and losing. "I'll say something else: When I 'Z popped off in the clubhouse at -Milwaukee It wasn't the first tim I've had something to say to th players. I can remember some six -or seven other such sessions so the popping off at Milwaukee wasn't anything new. "And there'll probably be more. Who knows what a fellow is so- ing to say wnen he s mad after losing the-kind of games we'vt been losing of late." Leonard Koppett, writing In th . New York Post, called it a split . possibly beyond repair. . ' "Waller Alston is dissatisfied with his Dodger ball club," Kop- pett wrote, "and his ball club is even more bitterly disappointed with him. . . "it's gone far enough for some to feel that the sooner Alston is gone the better off th Dodgers will be." American League is oft vtv V Phont 2-2459 I.