C-(Zcc. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Mon., July 16, jjj iMjj 1 gfcj& W) jjj ERA k- . ,i , vi.m,. ,v ,..-.i, ,.i..., n-in.ii i miri - i nil ii i. -m - n ' i i n nr i i iwim nm i in r-1 in r i ir II I II I , .. " """ ' ' '' i i r h r -hA V u 1 izi in n .RJnjJvlj5lj cUh Lb ho i A dramatic Night Opening! introduces Semi-Annual Clearance time sales in the city, this year's eventis Outstanding in Value-Giving, in Be here at 6-Shop ?til 9! Semi-Anriual Clearancel COATS ) ... ' Reduced Ir lay clothes tl,cs 50 Reduced &viin-Suits r)(r : .Reduced' . . veatero v . , Reduced : DRESS SHOES Ury Selection 4 ' I 95 795 JQ93 SAU STARTS MONDAY, .M j . PLAY SHOES large Selection 49: 69 o - liiCACII SUPPERS I GIRDLES I Values to 3.00 Values to 5.95 , 1150 1195 Now Now I ;'.'!... - ... , : 1 i 135 H, LI 8 E (IT r Wa CareMcfe-WeGivMre "56 t m - .Values from 125.00 to 175.00 mm w. Values from 65.00 to 115.00 Values to 16.95 1095 DOORS OPEN 6 P.M. DM Values to 35.00 19 95 11 Reduced Millinery Straw Bags Reduced 50 I Scarves Shps Values to large sizes to 46 Rcmeobcr ... Wc arc .CLOSED All Day Monday I Until 6 P.M. Preparing for this cvcnt! I Ml M a X I mm k. mm ft. . - ZS 1295 SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE H Values to 39.95 24 95 50 J Leather 6.00 L.VO I trOWllS oo PIUS TAX Other Jewelry Reduced 50 mc!'1 ft imp ww.'- ' Sorry.. . ALL SALES FINAL NO REFUNDS NO EXCHANGES Jcwcrly at Price's! Always one of the most exciting depth of Selections! Savings are Store-wide! 00 lolJJ 7 el tOfl- Values to 24.95 14 95 SALE! SHOP 'TIL 9 TONITE H Values " to 55.00 29 95 Belt S Reduced 50 Reduced 50 Values to 10.95 3.95 large sizes to Al STOLES Reduced Shop Price's in", i ir light 6 lo 9 PI 50 llonda) . Semi-Annual Clearancel SUITS REDUCED 5033 Blouses rw Reduced .... 0) O Skirts ctfio Reduced . . . . 0J O Robes Reduced 50 - GLOWS leathers & Fabrics Values to 15.00 l93 295 PRICE'S CLOSED MONDAY UNTIL P.M. LEATHER BAGS Reduced , , . . 50 LEATHER COATS One Small Group REDUCED In , 13 5 N. LIBERTY ; We CeHe-WeGiYeMore ' 1 ," . . . 1 r