The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 16, 1956, Page 6, Image 6

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    'fT Statesman's HOME
'kr.zn . . . Musk . . Fashions .'. . Features
6 (Sec I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., July 18, '58
Harland Home is Setting for
Garden Ceremony on Sunday
J At t beautiful garden wedding on Sunday afternoon Mini Martlynn
iWlard, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harland, became the
'bride r( Lt. Puane M. Eakln, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Kakin of
well Butte. The ceremony toot place In the garden at the Rivercrest
Ijrive home of. the bride t parent overlooking the Willamette river.
The bridal aisle from the house to the far end of the garden
was marked with bouquets of gladioluses and larkspur with white satin
roping in between. The Improvised altar was an archway of wood
wardia fern with baskets of yellow gladioluses and blue Majestic
daisies and larkspur on either side.
The Rev. Joseph Harding performed the 4 o'clock ceremony. Miss
Joan Hamman was the vocalist and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell played the
wedding music.
The Rridal Grara
' The tall, bunette bride chose a gown of Chantilly re-embroldered
lace witn pleated tulle bordering the hemline of the floor length
contour skirt. The fitted bodice was made with short sleeves and (
sshrina neckline. A half bat type headdress of matching lace em
bellished with opalescent sequins and tear drop pearls held in place
her nylon illusion veiL She carried a basket arrangement of yellow
ftses and stephanotis combined with white net.
Miss Carol Harland was her sister's maid of honor and Miss
Srenda Eakin, sister of the bridegroom, was the bridesmaid. They
wore ballerina flowered garden' print dresses of white and blue
organdy with blue cummerbunds and matching blue picture hats,
floves and shoes. They carried basket style bouquets of yellow daisies
and blue larkspur...
. Merit Eakia served si beat man for his brother and ushers were
William Pickett and Jack Knapp.
. Mrs. Harland selected a pink lace sheath dress with flowered hit
for her daughter's wedding and Mrs. Eakin wore a mist blue lace
gown with white hat Their corsage were of stephanotis and rose
ejle roses.
lrrrplUa Fellews Kites
; - At the reception, which was held In the house and on the patio,
Mr: Clifford Goesler of Portland and Mrs. Elton Eskin of Grass
XaHey, aunt f the groom, poured. - Cutting the cake were Mri. Nor-
IT'S Young and Mrs. Norval R. Edwards, aunt of the bride. Assisting
ei e the Misses Mary Arnold, Julie Astrup, Marcla Cook, Anne Wilmot
a) 1'nrtland, Barbara Swegart and Barbara Brewer.
tot traveling the new Mr Eakin donned light blue suit with
ty accessories. On July 1 the couple will leave by plane for
Houston. Texas, where Lt. Eakin Is stationed with the VS. Air Force.
Dallas to Qe Now Homo
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Mrs. Howard S. Olson (Adrienna Conatser) whose marriage
was an avent of June at tha First Presbyterian Church In
Dallas. The bride it the daughter of Mrs. Marguerite Conatser
, and Mr. Olson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Olson.
The couple Will live in Dallas. (Sieimonts Studio).
Miss Joanne Ellis is Married
At First Methodist Church
; Historic First Methodist Church vat the scene of a Sunday after-
Black and Back Interest Are
Featured in Italian Fashions
Talbots Entertain
Guests From Afar
The Rev. and Mrs. Addison A.
Talbot Jr., from Chemewa school,
have had as guests, a brother, the
Rev. George B. Talbot of Swan
nanoa, N.C., and Mrs. A. A. Tal
bot Sr. from Clinton, SC., the
mother. Also visiting are Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Finley Talbot and
their three children, and Miss
Nancy Stye, all of Detroit. Mich.,
and Mrs. T. 0. Tate of Medford.
Mrs. Talbot Sr. was a missionary
in China for 28 years and the Rev.
George Talbot was missionary in
China until arrival of communists.
He then went to the Philippines.
Returning to' China, he was ad
Vised by the mission board to
leave. He is now pastor of First
Presbyterian Church at Swanno-
noa. The Finley Talbots have al-l
ready left for a trip to Hawaii and
then will return to Detroit.
Miss Marilyn Dunn Becomes
Bride at Afternoon Nuptials
- Pink and white were the colors selected by Miss Marilyn Lois
Dunn for her Sunday afternoon wedding when she became the bride
of Thomas Alan Beach. The bride la the daughter of Mrs. Donald B.
Brandon and Herbert C. Dunn of Honolulu, T.H. Mr. Beach is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beach of Seattle. . .
The 4 o'clock rites were performed at the First Congregational
Church by Dr. Daniel Schulie.
Mrs. Denise Redden was the voc
alist and Jean Hobson Rich the
organist. The altar was decorated
with bouquets of white anthurium,
which were flown over from Ha
waii, and gladioluses.
Of 'candlelight Chantil lasewas
the bridal gown, designed with a
bateau neckline and short sleeves.
The Contour, floor length skirt
was enhanced with a deep flounce
By CELI WOHL time at a garden party at their
ROME I - Look for black and hom on ' APP' y
back Interest In the Fall and Win-, Despite the classic Roman setting,
ter Italian high fashion showing ! of their eight mannequins
this week. wm De American girls.
Waistlines return to normal in Peagala LIm for Ferdlaaadl
front, slide lower behind. Jackets! Master suit-builder Ferdinandi
may look like tailcoats, skirts will gives away all his secrets in "Pen-
Grand Ronde Man
To Wed OSC Girl
luunii Ntwi Svrvks
WILLAM1NA - Mr. and Mrs.
Robert H. Cummings of Palo Alto,
Calif., have announced the en
casement of their daughter. Miss
Catherine Cummings, to Robert
G. Billson. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Billson of Grand Ronde.
No date has been set for the wed
The engagement was announced
on the Oregon State College cam
pus to Miss Cummings' sorority,
Alpha Gamma Delta. Mr. Billson,
who graduated from OSC this
spring, is a graduate of Willamina
High School
Picnic for Visitors
LINCOLN Lincoln folk who at
tended a picnic supper at Silver
Creek park for which Mrs. Clor-
inda Topping was hostess honor
ing her sister. Miss Lois Wrisley,
and her traveling companion.
Miss Beatrice Maples, who are
rboth teachers at Dallas. Texas,
were Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ash-
ford, their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Groh
and Paul and Russel, who are on
vacation here from Portland, a
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. John Topping, Salem, Mrs.
Sarah Feller, Frank Ashford and
Jason Ashford.
the presentations. He says all
movement win be in the .back,
colors are those of precious stones,
Art Fair Set For
Saturday, July 28
The Salem Art Association's
second Arts Fair is set for July
28 at Bush s Pasture and mem
bers of the committee are looking
toward an even more successful
affair than last year. Exhibitors
will place their material from 10
to 12, the fair will be open to the
public free from 12 to 5 o'clock.
The exhibits will be given more
space this year( and a wider range
of interests is expected. Crafts
men and artists are invited to
bring exhibiti and demonstrate
their skills. There is a small
entrance fee. the craftsmen may
sell their exhibited work. Entry
fees will benefit a fund to pur
chase work of local artists for a
permanent collection.
Mrs. Logan C. Berry heads the
committee in charge.
Modern Etiquette
By Roberta L'e
be narrow and Italy wll see more guin," the name of his line. Black
no weou ni unit nc la marr iH M m Joanna p II,. nur man ever Dtion. ine crinoline grey wun wniic irimminiis ana win. ..,. ,;n k
, - . - - Hhu,ii , , , , . . . . i . . , ... - niiim v . t 0,1. .. n.-, it. iv svhe ailiuuill, amHJUKI
Mr. ana airs umore It. Kins, and Gerald H. Conrath. son of Earle JT . , , T-xJl? ' maRe and of satin. Schuberth. always not be less than ten dollars
r Lonrain m sl Helens and Mrs. Roberta Conrath of Portlond. Dr. . " preo.cuon is r.ssy niiprcaoie as pen- dramatic, has a cocktail dress with size should depend upon the bride-
fi-noks Moore performed the 1 o'clock ceremony before a setting of hfre .retires a good memory gums, says Ferdinandi. a fur skirt and uses ermine and eroom's means.
1 S.Kajrstic daisies and yellow gladioluses. . . w pasi snowings. wun ineir inter- Gattinonl reveals only "back- mink tinted all colors. I Q. Should a person ever place; in" a grey and white print dress
Q. When one Is 'being introduced
to a roomful of strangers,-is one
supposed to acknowledge each in
traduction with a How do you
A. One 'sincerely -spoken "How
do you do" should be enough, and
after that, just smile and bow
slightly to each person as you are
introduced with perhaps one or
two added "How do you do's" in a
low voice.
O. What is the amount of the
fee a bridegroom fives the clergy
A. There is no stipulated
amount, although the fee should
of pleated nylon tulle. Her tiara
style Headdress of seed pearls and
opalescent sequins cascaded from
a nylon tulle fingertip veil. She
carried a white orchid on a pray
er book and stephanotis stream
ers. Mr. Brandon gave the. bride
in marriage. "
Attendants Wear Pink
Miss Sharon Everson of Plenty-
wood, Montana was her cousin's
honor maid and bridesmaids were
Miss Norma Hamilton and Miss
Catherine McCormack. They wore
pink organza frocks with all over
design of white forget-me-nots
made with bouffant skirts, boat
necklines and a yoke of tiny tucks.
They wore velvet scroll design
headdresses with short veils and
white gloves and shoes. Their bou
quets were of white gladioluses.
Delia King, daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. A. T. King, was the flower
girl and Paul Dunn, the bride's
nephew, was ring bearer. Delia
wore a pink dotted Swiss frock.
David Beach of Seattle served
as best man for his brother. Ush
ers were Ben Beach Jr. of Hay
ward, Calif., brother of the bride
groom, William Dunn of Los An
geles, the bride's brother. Dr.
Raymond Martin and Edwin An
gevine of Seattle.
Mrs. Brandon selected a sheath
gown of romance blue fashioned
with graduated tucks, matching
shoes and a white lace hat. She
pinned a corsage of anthurium to
her gown. Due to illness, the
bridegroom's parents were unable
to be present for the ceremony.
ReceptiM la Fireplace Roam
The newlyweds greeted their
guests at a reception in the fire
place room. Pouring were Mrs.
Ralph Hamilton and Mrs. Harold
Hauk, Cutting the cake were Mrs.
N. J, Evensen of Tucson, Arizona,
the bride's grandmother, Mrs.
Vernis Webb, the bridegroom's
sister, and Mrs. Dan Anderson of
Miles City, Montana, the bride's
great-aunt. Assisting were Mes
dames W. F. Wilson, A. T. King,
Ben Beach Jr., Carl Aschenbren
ner. William R. Dunn, Misses
Helen Frank, Joan Johnson, and
Norma Cooley. Carolyn and Delia
King passed the groom's cake.
When the couple left on their
honeymoon trip to Vancouver, B.
C. trie new Mrs. Beach was wear-
ABB ml
-MH' '- I
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BtfTs TAR . GAfcER! 3
AMI 31
may' 21
MAY 23
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Hi J- 7 36-31
. AuA 23
49 17 87 871
AUG. 24
serf 23
Your Ooifr Activity Guide M
According to tfie Sfon.
Jo develop mesioge for Mondoy,
reod words corresponding to numbers
of your Zodiac birth sign.
31 Tht SI Ctrtain
32 An 67 Pu
33 Budo 3 Ink
34 Ontrt 64 A'Ound
35 Concerning 65 To
1 A
2 Ct
3 Tr
' S Youc
6 Could
. 7 Busy
I B.
10 Smart
II Check
12 To
13 Let
' -14 AnenO
15 Oul . ,
. 16 Blouom
. 17 To
19 Keep
20 Gel
21 Morten
22 A
23 WotcMul
24 On
25 Hunchet
27 Hoe
28 Oat
2 Long term
36 You
37 Blow
38 It
39 Moy
40 Be
41 Thq
42 Element
43 Pleotonriy
44 Should-
45 Imuronct
46 The,r
47 Be
48 Rrjivng
4? Mortert
50 lye
51 CM
52 Arranged
53 People
54 O
55 Euellent
56 Could
57 Tope
58 On
59 Know
30 Conference 60 You're
Cood Adcne
66 Jurprued
67 Fundi
68 You
69 And
70 You
71 Asiert
72 feel
73 Today
74 Valuable! '
75 Credil
76 By
V Fortunate
78 Day
79 Yourtelt
. 10 Good
81 Ind.tpoted
82 And
81 In
84 Worth
85 Trying
86 Sight
7 Signed
88 Today
89 Newt
90 firmly
7' 16
2732 42y
S4 63 73 Vr
OCT' 24 fcfci.
41 77 78 vj-
13369 B483V&
8-10-13-3eaf 1
D7 46-57
JAN 31
I45457J 1
16? 7a3-86VV4
:.- Joanns Forxtrom was the
national ran ana winter openings interest " Ripk. rlnrest ! eirscorl . u. d .u u:. .. ,u. ,ki. .,k:i. n..
" . . 1m i n .- i niKi iiic iiuin BIIUWII1S9. unci- ills nuuaill uu rue mine nunc iiic
aliit and Prof. Josef Schnelker 'ushera included Hal Strafford of h8"ning July 18, most Roman too. by Princess Lola Giovannelli. national buyers and the fashion meal is in progress?
tte organist. Lighting the candles j Oregon City. Robert Miller of 10e,gner,,.,tm u,rd ,hf'r f""'- ttft dsses cling close to the fig-press move on to Florence on July I A. No; not until leaving the ta- Miss Christine Nichols, a ) Pendleton, George Carney
emsia of the bride, and Clifford
lis Jr., the bride's brother. .
'For ber wedding the bride se
lected a (owa at bandclipped Im
ported lace and nylon tulle rver
satin. Tha bodice was of laca and
jjshloned with a long torso and
portrait neckline with short
sSnpves. she wore long, matching
r Its of tulle. The full length bouf
iVnt Ikirt.was of tulle enhanced
with lace applique.. Her fingertip
ijlusion veil was caught to a hand-
ansae uara oi seea pearis, wnicn
Fred Greatwood;
For her daughter's wedding Mrs.
Ellis wore a rose silk crept gowa
with large, white collar edged la
imported embroidered lace. Her
flowers were pink EH roses. Mrs.
Conrath chose a bronte silk gown
with black trim and corsage of
yellow stria rows.
Krcepil ; FsOewa
The wedding reception waa held
In tha Carrier Room. Pouring were
Mrs. W. J. Albua. Mrs. Millard B.
Doughton, Miss Shirley Crothers
and u"i "u nooeno ure in iront with luliness drawn to,. Then come the Paris shows.
yapum, erai un-mseirrs corrtpicie- me back, in evening gowns, exag
i wii irum uic tasnion press.
Others ar cryptic. Eleanora
Garnett uyt, "My Una it called
with white duster and black pat
tnt and white accessories. After
August 10 the newlyweds will be
at home in Wrnatchee, Wash.
as made by her mother. She and Miss Nancy Fenenacker. Cut
Crried a cascade of stephanotis I ting the cake, were .Mrs.. C. E.
a t gol.lra strike rosebuds ceo--Wolf and Mrs. Eugene Lebold.
fc red wii h spray of phalacnop- Assisting were tha Misses Judy
is. Lih,. i.' f . -v Wolf. .Carol Wolf, Jeanette Ellis,
J? recede i e Bride .: T V Caralee F-llis, Paula Scott of Sil
t Miss Lorraine Ellis was her sis-' vertoo. Mrs. Darrell Turner of
t, r's honor maid and Mrs. David : Braverton and Mrs. Charles Jen
A Rhoten (Coralle poujlitonj and in C Portland. .
. in Diane Gearhart were the For her wedding trip to San
bridesmaids. They 'wort sheath Francisco the new Mrs. Conrath
fantasy. It is a change from my
previous line, but not drastic"
Interpreted, that means lest em
pire, but stilt a hint of it.
Simonetta is equally cagey With,
"My lint is not changing, but it
Is different.'.' In translation, she's
indicating pushed-ap bosoms, slack
waists and slim skirts, but prob
ably they'll look less like costumes.
She and husband-tailor Fabiano
will show together for the first
geratedly full skirt backs break
into trains. Waistlines slip down
Benind to justify the fullness.
Mingolini-Cugenheim apeak of
new nare la ineir Una, "square
necks inspired by the Renaissance
and Fall countryside colors.
Carosa's figure-following "per
suading" line is feminine with l
good deal of drapery. After lm.
portant black, she likes brown.
red-trimmed dark grey and pale
"fwiati "ink"1 f-
t e".n evening.
Ombra (shadow) is Emilio Fed-
enco Schuberth's contribution to
wore a beige sheath embroidered
in pastel green, pink and white
with pink duster and pink acces
sories. After August 1 the couple
dresses of white lace aver nile
greea taffeta with cummerbund
Rustle and back panel of the nile
green. They carried wedding ring
arrangements with a sheslh of j will be at home In Portland
f llow strike rosebuds and Bells '1832 S E. Frsnklia St
at Ireland. In their hair were!
Ulfihing flower circlets. Mri"" - T" Marten Birthday
w ik , . ik. n Club met at the home of Mrj.
V V u .u "0WCf Leonard Myers. Card playing
rlrl and Jimmy Wolf the r.n? furnisnfd h. enttlnitietrt and
Uarar. Thry are cousin of the rr(re7hmenls were served wl'h a
rt(,e- ' . birthday cake ta honor Mrs.
'. James Quinn of Madras stood j Blanch Schmit and Mrs. Stella
tiih Mr. Conrath as best man and I Jones,
lett at Service Wide Assortments
10 Acres af Exciting Merchandise
Special News From Price's
mmmnrnm urn.
i l I i
Price's Will Be
Until 6 P. M.
la prepare f op iliijr event
walch for our hnnouiiro
mcnt of 100s of dramatic
values in Momlay'g papers!
Doors Open a 1 6 P.M.
Shop Until 9 P.M.
7V 'in o f
II lie n sr l . M mm
j 135 N. ii B CRT Y
silver bv International
e '
Silver you can well be proud of every day of your life , . . - when you set
family table, when you entertain. International Sterling is unmistakably solid
silver ... its rich weight, deep-sculptured design and warm, radiant color
cannot ba duplicated in a lesser metal. Choose from these seven exquisite
patterns . , .
f piece 42-piece
place setting service for I
I. Sil" iris $36.14 $273.63
J. Prelude $29.55 .: S222.28
9. Silver Melody $31.82 - $239.54
4. Royal Danish $36.14 -.. $273.63
3. Silver Rhythm $31.82 $239.54
6. Joan of Are $?9.55 $222.28
7. Richelieu L.. r $3S.14 $273.63'
i ' ' price plus lCe federal tai
42-piece service for 8 includes handsome mahogany drawer chest, at no
extra charge.
' Mail ami plwne orders. Fwt thipping cost to amis outside our
regular truck delivery routes.
Golden Rites for
Sheridan Couple
SHERIDAN Mr. and Mrs.I.ynn
Jones of Sheridjn observed their
golden wedding anniversary July
3 and were honored with an open
house and reception on Sunday at
the Sheridan home of their son,
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Jones. Nine
ty guests attended, many coming
from valley points.
Lynn E. Jones of Harmony dis
trict and Lela Frances Agee of
the Gopher Valley community
were married In 190 in McMinn
ville and have spent their fifty
years of married life residing in
Salem. Cloverdale and Sheridan.
They are the parents of five child
ren: Russell of Prineville. Lionel
of Salernr Everett-of Sheridan,
Mrs. Raymond Bones of Beaver
and Ancil Cove of Prineville. They
are grandparents of 13 and great
grandparents of seven.
Out-et-state guests the past week
at the East Salem home of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Dark Jr. were
Mr. and Mrs. John Nee from Wat
ham, Mass.
(Hub Calendar
American Gold Star Mothers with
Vri. Glen Larklnn. 1759 Park Ave.,
S:30 p.m. picnic dinner.
Willamina The FL club met at
the Rebekah hall' and hostesses
were the losing side in a recent
contest. The annual picnic will be
a dinner this - year at the Pixie
Kitchen at W e c o m a Beach.
Elected as delegates to the stale
FL convention Sept. IS in Bay
City were Mrs. Jim Monaco, Mrs.
Bill Hurl and Mrs. Robert Boundy.
Alternates will be Mrs. Orley
Brock. Mrs. Bill Denton and Mrs.
Jim Reynolds.
This year take the whole
a : i .. 1 i i if '
folks. Ask about UNION
PACIFIC! Family Fare
for a real travel bargain.
v mi i a I a
iouu nave iun going ana
coming and Grandma will .
be tickled pink!
Oea. Pass. Agent
Phone Portland CApitol 7-7771
OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M.
i M
I r'jri Osttrher
s fJ.jne' offocimenf
...... -r
A slicer, juicer, shredder ... all in one wonderful, attach.
rncnr 10 uie wun your usienzer blender... Three separate
d.scs for juicing or shredding. Installs easily, quickly to do the
od in seconos. 1
Fits all models. See it demonstrated. ,
round" cleaner
a a
a .
Floor samples and demonstrator's of this popular model DC-7.
Turns on its base, allows you to clean in all directions with
out moving cleaner. Whirl-away cord reel; toss-away bags.
Foot casters and attachments included.
Fast,- efficient service on all makes of vacuum cleaners.
Mail and phoui orders. Plus shipping cost to urea
outside our regular truck delivery routes.
Vi. ! t ; la
We .CaTe Me-WeQive Mre