2t-(S:. I) Statesman, Safcm, Ore., Mon., July 18, '50 3eauty Treatments for Cattle No Small Job, Crowd Learns j,- By LILLfE L. MADSEN ! Farm Editor, TIm Statesmsa UlIXSRORO - Giving 1,500 JTmnd animal 8 pJictir and uget wave it considerable more ouble than giving a amall boy "t j Brat haircut, some WO specta- a - rbduction Figure I 1 Fops $400 Billion 'Magic' Mark Achieved in 1936 - '. ' WASHINGTON (JP The . aalioa'i total praductloa ef goads aad services-pasted the "magic" 409 blllle-n-dllar aa- nual rait la the fiaal quarter ef 1355 aid rose to aa even higher t ate af 40S,4M,0f,M a year J a tha peolof .Barter af 19SS, 1 he government reported Sunv y. : Ecaaemlata sad government 2 ( fielalt loaf have talked af tha ray waea tna eemamie pace aid reach a 40tVb!lllon-dllar- I 4 year rate. Fresideat Elseahew- r -i-t has said the nation's eenne. anaaaUy within tna nest It f eara, The Ceatnseree Departawat's revised figures far the last two r years aad tha firat a Barter af . 1 low York Fire Smothered ffcr' Gutting L.4Ftctaro aa Wlrephete Pager NEW VOftK Iff A flra that fared out of control for ts hours in tha abandoned downtown Wan- ar taker's department store build tag was smothered Sunday night under a Niagara cascade of water. umions of gauons wsier were poured into tha ornate five Story building and flooded two nearby subways, cutting vital transportation links from Manhat tan to Brooklyn. ' It left the old landmark at Actor Place looking like 1 a bombed-out building ia wartime London. Only the outer shell of tha bufld inc. faced with cast Iron in tha structural style of a bygone era, was kIt. The building was abandoned by W animator's last December and was being demolished. The Mate apparently started Friday night, but firemen were not called un til lata Baturdav. Water from tire towers and boa ts, flowing at a rate at 100,000 allons a minute, gushed through the building Into the Interbore Rapid. Transit ,1RT' od Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit (BMTI sub ways on either tide of the build ing. Both lines connect Manhattan and Brooklyn via the Wall St. financial district. The water washed out the road bed and mounted to a depth of IS tmM la tha IRT Innul Dim 400 passengers from three stalled DaUCnish Hurls Woman ' SlaHaase News Seevkt DALLAS. Ore. - A Rickrean womaa was hospitalised and the car ia which she waa riding waa extensively damaged when it left the road and struck a utility pole and the edge of the ball park grandstand on entering Dallas Sunday morning from Rickreall, Dallas police ssid, ' ' " The woman, Mrs. A. J. Rsmsey, was reported In good condition by Dallas Hospital attendants Sun day night. They said she wsr to be released from the hospital Monday after remaining overnight for treatment and observation of a . scalp laceration. Her husband , mo was treated at the hospital far a cut ever his eyebrow but released Sunday. Ramsey could give no reason for the accident about 1:30 a.m., police said. Earthquake Sways San Diego Region KAN DIEGO iff - An earth quake, which seismologist Fred Robinson said was strong enough te away chandeliers at his home, was recorded on his instruments at S:40:M. Pacific Daylight Time, Sunday. It recorded for about 45 seconds. Robinson rated it of an Inten sity of three ea a scale af 11. He said tha center waa probably about 100 miles southeast. SCIENCE IS COSTLY NEW HAVEN, Cona. Iff It costs money to be a scientist these dsys, ssys Julian M. Stur tevant, Yale chemist. Time wss when you got your scientific de gree, acquired soma chemicals and a batch of test tubes and you were in business ss a researcher. Now, says Sturtevsnt, the use of teat tubes la diminishing, and elec tronic equipment ia used more and more for testing. You could buy a few carloads of test tubes for the coat of one electronic de-, vice. CHAPLAINS TO MEET THE HAGUE Naval chap Una of 13 NATO countries will meet hers Aug. I H. Repre sentatives of the Roman Catholic, rrotestant, Jewish and Islamic faiths will discuss "the training and task of naval chaplains." The rmtlpTfncm ia the Idea ef a Dutch i 1 ehmiain, the Rev. V. H'Sillevis tors learned Sunday at Oregon'i flrit Aberdeen-Angus Held day, The two beauty treatments were a part of the day-long demonstra tions held at Hawthorn Farms just north of Hillsboro. - The weather was perfect lor the IKi thawed tha Croat NsOoasl Prtdact (GNP) almoat donating treat, tha IWk billions It reached la 1M at tha aad af World War It la IMS tha total was last aver II blUlon dollars. National Ineeme edged na ward to a new aaaaal rata af 131 billion dollars tha first auarter af this year compared with 124 button for tha year Wi and ZW billion for I9S4. Tha 1S6I first quarter rata was (00 snllllaa dollars higher Uisa for tha last three meaths af 1055. ' Personal Ineeaie reee to s new blch aaaaal level af 1174 ail Ilea dollars she first auarter af this year, ar abeat three ell 11 a dollars soars tha bat eaar- tar af 1955. Famed Store trains were helped to safety by firemen using ladders. City officials said a section el the Lexington Ave. IRT line may be out of service for about M days aa tna result toe flooding Alternate subways are available but riders faced sa added crush la getting to work Monday morn ing. Acting flra chief Arthur J. Mas- set said of the blase: "This Is the worst fire I have ever had in U years." It was discovered early Satur day Bight. Five alarms brought some 300 firemen and U pieces of fire apparatus to tha scene, and thousands of spectators gathered la nearby fire-ut streets to watch. Contents of Cupboard Not Too Healthy -GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. Iff - Take a half bottle ,of hair tonic, mix it with alum powder, vine gar, salt and pepper and add lib eral portions of spices, vitamin drops and aa unidentified medi cine. . . I That wss the concoction that ap parently ended up inside 1-year-old Cathy Leys and her brother Rus set. I -Sunday. The two kids walked Into their grandmother's house while she waa away and, climbing into a highchair, emptied a kitchen cup board. Both apparently ate heart ily from Jars and boxes and bottles they dumped onto the floor. Their uncle, Carroll Leys, It, later found Cathy wandering hap pily around the house while Rus sell lay unconscious en the kitch en floor amid a litter of condi ments and other substances. Rushed to St. Mary's Hospital, both .youngsters had their stom achs pumped. Doctors reported they were recovering. Officials Probe Worker's Death CONDON, Ore. Iff Coroner Marvin Albee and sheriff's offi cers Sunday Investigated the death of Archie Andrews, 28 year old ranch hand whose body was found on the Raymond Beck ranch U miles north of Fossil in Wheeler County. Death was by hanging, Albee said, but no note waa found, The coroner estimated that Andrews died a week ago. He last was seen alive last Friday on the ranch, where he worked alone. The body wss brought here. Dint. Atty. William Bennett said he planned to call In an Investi gator from the Portland area. RADIOLOGY ROUNDUP MEXICO CITY iff - The latest advances In the use of X-ray and newer radioactive isotopes In di agnosis and treatment ef cancer and other ailments will be dis cussed at the Ith International radiology congress. It opens here July 12. Cotfcnwccds Thursday, July 19 WESTERN VARIITY 5WVY f ts-" - mMW U haaaaTPV , Admission 1.50, tag Inc. event held in the shaded barnyard lawn on the farm once famous for its rsce horses. Soma years ago the owner, Harold Ray, disposed of his race horea and turned to breeding Aberdeen-Angus cattle, and now has a herd fat gaining prominence in the Aberdeen-Angus world. Six states and one foreign country, as well as almost every county in Oregon were represented In the day s gathering which began at 10 a.m. and broke up at 4 p.m. Mid-Valley Represented Marion and Polk counties were both largely represented in the dsy's spectators. Carlton J. Mc Leod of Brooks,- president of tha Oregon Aberdeen-Angus Associa tion, John . Snabel, Powell Butte, vice president, and Loran D Hicks, Turner, secretary-treasurer, assisted the committee in making arrangements. The committee it self consists of Mr. and Mrs. Mc Leod, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jackson of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spears. Portlsnd: Mr. and Mrs. Hicks. Turner; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencer, and Harold Ray, Hills boro; Rei McPeters of Montague Calif., aad Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fisher, Oregon City. . Spectacular Shew Strspplng the heavy animal to a tilt-table and trimming Its hoofs proved, from tha watchers point of view, ana of tha most spectacu lar demonstrations of tha day. This la a job not best attempted by a novice, William S. Roche, Lodl, Calif., fleldmaa for the American Aberdeen Angus As sociation told the group. Roche waa master of ceremonies for the day. Even clipping and brushing the animal with scores of visitors crowding . the ropes about aim, proved no little job, Sllvertoa Maa Wlaa James Jackson. Silverton, was one of the first place winners ia the weight estimating feature of the day. Jackson with five others, named the exact weight 790 pounds of the animal Estimates ef the 100 folk ranged from 000 to 1300 pounds. Others who made correct estimates were W. A. Per kins, Parkdale; Dan Snabel, Powell Butte, in tha adult group; and Joe Freedman, Powell Butte, and Kathy Kelly, Wilsonville, in the Juniors. AO animal judging contest was also held for those attending the field day, with Sherman Guttridge of the Western Livestock Journal, Los Angeles, as the official judge. Scoring highest in this were: Men s division, W. J. singleton, Portland; women's, Iva Lee Mc Peters, Montague, Caul., and juniors, Ronald Hupls, Eagle Creek. Larger Cattle That animal breeders, who for some years had been favoring the smaller type animals, were re turning to larger beef cattle again, was the statement of Guthridge as he addressed tha group following the noon luncheon. Aberdeen Angus cattle breeders were select ing, the speaker said, that type of animal which will furnish the most steaks per unit Uniformity in their herds and ability to .turn food into pounds of beef were two points looked for in selecting a strain, be said. Drew Mathieson, Cuper, Fife shire, Scotland, who la spending a few months in the Salem area, spoke briefly of Aberdeen-Angus projects in bis homeland. SUITS FILED WASHINGTON Iff - Attorney Gen. Brownell aald Sunday the Justice Department filed 29 new antitrust cases in the first six months of this year, and closed out M such cases la the same period. DALLAS MOT02-VU Cstes Open 7:13, Shew at Dusk John Land, Wm. Bead It la -ATTll STATIONS" Second Feature Stewart Granger, Jeaa ' Simmons "POOTSTIM IN THI POO" Technicolor - G3MEQ te Oaw a.4S PHONI 4-47IJ AN Mwakr-twaara Rath "WORLD IN MY CORNER" Mm laad-WlHiM ImIi "BATTII STATIONS" Woodburn Drive-In Suadsy Monday Tuesdsy Wslt Disney's 1ADT & THE IIAMP" . Plat "THIWIUiOOfOZ Judy Garlaad Frank Morgan Open 7:15 8tarts at Dusk NEAL BURNS A Dancing f te 1 cm. Alan's Riddled Body Found Near Chicago CARPENTERSVILLE. 111. Iff The bullet-riddled body of a swarthy, well-dressed man carry ing nearly $4,000 cash was found early Sunday in an automobile at the edge of this village about 40 miles northwest of Chicago. The victim s hands and feet were bound and his eyes snd mouth taped. He had seven bullet wounds. The identity of the vic tims wss not established immedi ately. Slate policeman Robert Stroen- ing said the car, a black and white Oldsmoblle, resembled one which eluded his 100 miles per hour pursuit last night after he saw it chase a two-tone green Ford through a red light. California license platea KJP-723 were found in the front seat of the car, and police said they ap parently belonged to the car and had been ripped oft their brackets. . Police found two 11,000 bills, two $500 bills and five $100 bills wrapped in $1 bill In one of the victim's socks: four $100 bills wrapped in a $1 bill in the other sock; and $3S.70 in trouaer packets. The victim was about SO to 33 years old, 8 feet 10 Inches tall, and weighed KM pounds. He wore good quality sport shirt, alackt and short. . The car was partly concealed In a thicket along a side road lead ing to the nearby Fox river. State police said they have established that the slaying took place between S and I p.m. Ohio Circus Fears Jinx ALLIANCE. Ohio iff Is the circus jinxed ia Ohio? Rmgling Brothers, Baraum Bailey Circus people were asking ue question bunday night after a day in wnicn it circus employes were injured 10 In the sudden stopping of a railroad coach and five more la putting up the show nere. The matinee performance was three hours late starting, and the night show an hour behind the announced starting time. Last Thursday muddy grounds made , the Youngstown booking late, and the same thing happened in Canton Saturday. Friday a car load of equipment was dersiled in Akron, and that performance had to be cancelled. Sunday's railroad mishap as the circus train was leaving Canton sent Mrs. Francises OUvaras, 30, Spanish performer, to Aultmsn HospUsl in Canton with an intern al injury. The ethers hurt en the Pennsylvania Railroad coach when it made a sudden stop, were treat ed ana released after X-rays. Racial Integration Top Church Question VALPARAISO. Ind. (m - Rs- cial integration within the church continued as the conference's leading question as the annusl in stitute on human relations spon sored ay tne uitnersn Human Re lations Assn. of America conclud ed regular sessions Sunday. MAN CHARGED A Salem man was arrested by city police about 9:23 p.m. Sun day In the 400 block of 8. Liberty Street on a charge of driving while intoxicated. Officers listed him as Wilfred Jesse Grant, 1360 N. Liberty St. TODAY-Cont. from 1 P.M. Ks7tSt3 Plus Gee. Meatgesnery la "DAKOTA IIL" NOWPLAYINO A I HILARIOUS 1 USSON' IN HOW TO on i AlONOI P f t( - MtMalldet Thrmiflg Cites Opea 1:45 I t j rmmr' La . Jt, Father, Son United After U Years ,mm ii n miMiiii ma .hiiihiiiiii.iiiiiii. . i ,i n . m ikii w m -? X3f'eaaasi - -'J' ' -, - ; 1 V. '. '-v . . . it " ' . ;; , .-.'' ,:. . " -J: ' b ; ' ' ' ' V V " . ,." . ,' ..." ' - '" f , ' V...--..'"." 1 ',.. : - : ...' ''';..';:: . . , . - v ! ' ' ' t ; ,'--1 t .-. " , . - . ' . - - - CHICAGO Cla react L. Clark, right. M, aats aa arm areand hia lice atatlea Sunday where be picture ef a rebbery aaspeet pabllshed la a Chlcaga aewspaper aad atted a family resemMtaee. i lart sit. r.Mm Kammerer. renter, wha arraaaed a meetlss. Clark Mid he lest track af his family after be separated fram aa arphaaage for a meeting with Father of Soon-Blind Boy Preaches Victory Sermon ORLANDO. Fla. MwThe Rev. James M. Sibole preached SundSy on "Victory" while to himself he pondered how to tell his son Mike that the 4-year-old boy wllr be blind following an operation Wed nesday, Quoting from the Book of Josh ua, Sibole told how Joshua led the 'Israelites to victory over a group of other tribes after God had killed many ef the enemy ia a bail storm. "We must accept (he fact that God ia on our side," be said. The congregation of 300 was rapt throughout the sermon at Forrest Hill Baptist Church. Sibole aaid be has received 'scores of calls" from people all Over the country one early Sun day from an Ohio truckdriver who said he had received such a spiritual shock from Mike's story that he was going to straighten out his own life and offer the child one of his eyes. Another man identifying himself as a Texan offered to fly the family to Niagara Falls but was told there isn't "time." Later he called back. Sibole said, asking to fly the boy to Yellowstone Nation al Park and return bun in time for the operation. Most of the calls were sympa thetic and gave words of consola tion but, the minister said, a few condemned the family for submitting Mike to an operation Mm am NOW PLAYING The HAPPIEST ENTERTAINMENT of the Year! 7A ;W . xi-M. :3r 1 . JEFF CHANDLER LARAINE DAY TIM.HOVEYs.2Sa Plus "Star In tha Dust" Joha Agtr ' Hour v . HiT t4MdUtwt.. - ,,,(.-. If. Yea as Never Befavel I c J 3CTtrr mm LIBERACE VCI Shew at Dusk! was retailed with the yauta alter hia wife la 143. After the reaatea a daughter. Shirley. 17. tAP Wlrepkato.) that would rid bim of hia re maining eye. Sibole declared he and hit wife have no choice but to remove the boy's remaining eye since it had been infected with cancer that de stroyed hia other eye whea he waa 2. Sibole declared Insertion of an other eye would not be practic able in Mike's esse as it would not arrest the ailment. ENTER THE k's atntesf billavebltl caa eajoy the thrills of Diiotytasd . . . bt oa big -time TV. .. loach with glamorous 41a start . . watch ssoviet being aaade M. iy ia a helicopter! Hotpoint it giving twty FREE, 10 fsbalows Holidays ia Hollywood! All etpeasts paid tor yoa sad your parent. Wiaaert leave Seattle, Portland or Spokane airport oa Wastora Airline's detaxs DC-6B tight to Los Angelas. Stay at the beautiful Hollywood Plaxa Hotel! Next Booming tour taaaowt Hotlywood aorie stwdios. Oa locauoa yoa'U aae the stars sad acraally wsKh movies bia aaade! Laach with Slat aad State celebrities. Ia the afternoon, coatett wiooers snake a gveat appearance oa a network TV show. Tear Xf - -- -Mf aalto at il tea n af at i iln n af Ca. ar thflW atMnMaf aaaadn), w sa rnm-Cm a j rtilaaaap II i aii ! mm i Sin I aatoa- tsV Ufa) aaa), YoS WmtmttUUf ffntV tf 9& Ptt MMI ffBatolb VVM MtTtaa 10 fwW Ht for tawtfiatj dbt swell ml it EtKh fiiM m tttMf (moAt-hktr mntiitkb-e. gm m Htpe9 eiWlwt'i Hort kr tieaceiiriKMi tf mm HmpiM iMtkar (m pmtttum MCMMff) tkm fnom , $h jom 10 tom oa Ml cav-ei. it U m ftfm !- Maf Hoea)tirrf tfpibrt, faWf CM ft fm OM 9mm to flvtrf dolltr mi porch (Fiampir row afUtw kmf Hoayoiex neif tot SJ49.00, Ptjaj ff J49 it AM 9mm mum ton mm WiWt mr4 fimiUti hf Miy ! mmimm. Oay W At aat,at)aaataM, aW iat APPLIANCES TELEVISION 355 Center St. Phone 3-3139 lt-yeaiaia aaa, asean, ia aammeraaie aa u year aeparaun. viara aaw with the yeats, Clark wat taken to Home Dancing Now Legal in Formosa TAIPEI, Formosa Iff Dancing at home is sllowed. but dance schools remsln banned under a bill passed by the Formosa provincial assembly. Establishment of dance halls catering to foreigners is allowed, provided official approval is ob tained. Private dancing parties for Chinese at cluba or the other placet outside the borne must be on a non-profit basis and have previous police approval. At V ALL BX DILUXE AIRLINE AND HELICOPTER HOTPOINT HOLLYWOOD HOLIDAY CONTEST It's a drawat coat trae. FIRST PRIZE FREE TRIPS TO HOLLYWOOD j J - - aa J A -A ffi at a A 'aaa 1 ff - - - 4 aaa II- tafl Pawfaat Sa a y 1 aVai.aa It jyafyt tMfttaea CtTt-ffcaTaT AtKaTltf attawi aawafi I W u jg? Young Cliess Champ to Vie With Veterans OKLAHOMA CITY Iff- Bobby Fischer, 13-year-old U. S. Junior Chesa champion from Brooklyn, N. Y., hss arrived in Oklahoma City to tackle a bunch of tested veterans. Bobby will compete in the U. S. Open Chess tournament which opens here Monday for a two week run. The Brooklyn youth won the Junior' chess championship last month at Philadelphia, becoming the youngest titleholder in history, but he'll find plenty of competition here. Jerry Spann, tournament chair man, aaid Bobby will be one of 300 chess leaders from throughout the world competing for the open title. Finals will be played July 21. The Brooklyn boy, who atarted studying chess problems as soon as he arrived yesterday, already has a reputation as a rugged com petitor. He has played aa many as persons in separate games at one time and has competed in tourna ments in Cuba, Florida and Neb. Dallas Road Cars Collide A head-on collision on the Dal las highway netr Salem Sunday afternoon caused only minor in juries to five persons, state police reported. Treated for lacerations, scratch i or bruises by city first aid- men were Margaret Roth, 15U N. 21st St.; Nancy Bone, ISM N. Cot tage St., Mrs. Oscar Bynum, Sharon and Roxie 'Bynum, all of 190 E. Browning Ave. Drivers of the can were listed by state police as Oscar Lee By num, 190 E. Browning, and Mar garet-Jtoth. The accident occurred about 3 p.m. ont-half mils west of Salem opposite the Howard Elbert resi dence, police reported. Both cars were extensively dam aged. kuarioat Beverly Hills, see tat lovely bosses of the stars. Tbe third day of the Hotpoint Hollywood Holiday is a trip so world-fiat ot Disneylaad Park at Anaheim, Cali fornia. All the Disneyland action and sdventure yoa've read about sad seen oa TV will be vonrs to enjoy in persoa... and It's all FREE! Bat thert't ttilt mort...t helicopter will pick yoa ap at Disoaylaod. whiak you over tht Southera California couotryaide, and land jaet ia time to board thai dehaae airliner for tbt trip home. Trulr t Holidar ia Holly wood yoa aad your atother or dad This coatett it .based oa total tht better yoar chsoces. Be tbt irat ooa ia your neighbor hood so eater and get your free gift, contest rales sod burton. Beaheeaeal Satt gdl and Sflt tjaiet farnt Miftt Is) ItoMfWajapai Mel DiiMtyfaaiti tm taW mrm mm4 my Gtmfbmt Bmnrit Cm. m wTrir taaaa ana. .... , ....it aa hw vn.,nmmmhI IS efc VMM . , .a fc aaaa a. .....m, ....... I ats SatataM ..... hMM ,.l aiaai aatti at atcaaiaaalat ay fawai ar avanllaa. W at aa't af a, HllnJ !. a m imbi aiMM ftmt HtxfotM aMlrr'i Kortxra, jnm am roar rfcoKf at M at m aaa. trrfel yfna aa tltaaif m wort. Cmm mm S Mar t - aiitaia M, a SI, !. e Winmt will aa mwiril la s Hotaalai anraf atwrrlwanai Hlea tjaf fab) CaMMwSa a la aW cut at lia, aallt mMml aaw ctataa Iat aaaa la aw DlMlfUai, la H wwtk or I, will at tw frm. Pufl aat aaBat carat aaar S""aw. ralMrrM OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 P. M. Leads Party ft ' Rebert Bayer, Medftrd attorney, waa elected chalrmaa ef the Democratic state eeatral cala mities at Its meetlag Sunday la CervalUe. (Story aa Page 1.) Theatre Time Table 0 ILtlNOtl TOY TIOEH"! M. IS SO "ITAJI IN DUIT": t:SS CAPITOL (Cont. Shew tram I pm.t O'CLOCK HIGH "I l:tS, I M, "DAKOTA LIL"! l it, 1:4t Noara ialsm oarva in (Open at S 44 Show itarta tutk) "HOW TO Bl VEHY, VIHY POPULAR," tharm north "SINCERELY YOURS," Libar. aea BOLLYWOOD "WORLD IN MY CORNER," 1:00, 10 SS "aATTLg STATION" I I SO CAR TRAFFIC HALTED TAIPEI, Formosa iff The Chinese Nationalist government has decreed that foreigner! no longer can bring cars to Formosa and sell them to private persons. They can be told only to a ttste authority at prices bsied on U.S. resale values. Foreigners have been selling their automobiles tt Chinese here at handsome prof its. will oertr forget! votes, so tht faster yoa set. THm friM W I tekimwm mi AaS i aaVLS