J.".t Save time -Save money For tht Best Professional Bervlcei . CALL'AN-EXPER Make Life ADniNO MAflNgS uy at you rent. All makes Ron-Typwrttra. 495 Court Ph. 34773. AI-Hi-IAMUS '. WESTINCHOUSt Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So Coi.-'l Ph 4-8111 HKOUI.SU CAPITOL Beddina Mattress re novator New mattrease 2-400 ICA BLOCK MASON BRICK ind "block Wtrk "guar anteed. Ph.4-438. Farpentkb contractor MEW building, roofing or palnt- ing.remoa.. eat. fre s-'-wo, CARPENTEReoNTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tion retaining walls, cement r pumice block, Ere cli mate. 34 mo. to pay I-CWU CRANK WOK! S3-ton Lorain moto crana Sa lem Sand Gravel Co 2-2401 EXCAVATlWO VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co. Excavating Grading Ph. 1-14SS TO PLAOPX AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-6811 ' 500 Bus. & Finance 810 Money to Loon COLONIAL Inveatmtnt Co Rwal Property Loana Centracta Purchaud 485 Court 4-22S3. Interest. Ph. 1-0784. PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy contract and mortgage. 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 1-8941. Loans 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted PAGENSTECHER'S COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Sine 194S-Specialiita In Office Ptacementa F-Bkpr., gen. of $225 F-Steno, Insursnc .S2M atari F-Bkpr., part time Open F-PBX, recept.. split rilft 8189 F-Gen. off., aalea Ins. sxp-Open M-Amoittoua inaiae Saleaman 578 wk M-Ttmek-eoer. naVrolI. out $490 M-Accountant. coll. degree Open Beat Wav to the Bnl Job 44 Slate St . 411 Oregon Kg., 4-3391 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY M4 N. Winter Ph. i-OSM Your future la our Job. APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Stateeman bicycle routes. Several route will be pen. Applicant must be ac companied by their parent r have their wrlttrn perm I a- Kn Apply at the Circulation partment of lb ttateemaa JouraaL S04 Help Wonted, Met, WANT Accountant for PA. Office So. Ore Good oppor tunity. Box lag- Statesman Journal. . WANT several wood cutters Apply Capital Fuel Co.. 3SO0 N River Rd llGN writer, prefer someone with experience. Ph. 4-32S2 for appt; iv ANTED: dinner conk. Wood burn Coffee Shop, Woodburn, Or. 606 Help Wonted, Lody CASHIER waitress combination. nrt, well apprln. meet trie Subllc well. Bob's 19c Ham urger. Interview alter 1 30. BUILD your own builneas. We train you. No delivery. Lu vler'a Fine Coemetlrt. Call 4-7272 between 10-11:30 Mon, Tue.. Wed. , KINDERGARTEN teacher wanted. Call Mill or 3-aww TaDY to take care "of office on part time hal. Write Box 1SS Statesman-Journal. BEAUTICIAN to"work In air cnnditlnnrd talon. Top wages Ph. 3-7870. LADY WANTED. Prrmanent. plea4Snt working condition. Must be able to meet the pub' . lie. Knowledge of aewlng help ful, write giving full Infor- mation lirt letter. You will be contacted for perMinal in terview. Box IBS Statesman-Journal.- BEAUTY operator, Corvallls Beauty Salon. Fvcellrnt op portunity. Call Plaza 3-34 It collect 608 Pickers Wanted START bole bean July It, bus pickup at Employment Office t a.m. Drive-ouls welcome. Fred Schsrrr, Rt. 3. Box 134-A Sllverton. Ph. 3-4793. ASHER'S Rean Yard, begin Monday llth, steady picking. Ph. 3-9792 for bu route. BEAN picker wanted Fir Grove rarm. 7009 Wheatland Rd. Sa lemh. 4-40SS. NELL ETHERIDOE'S platoon formerly Mr,. Ormalna pla toon registering f nr beana and thornlen, hlaf-kberrieii, Picking at Harold White fV Art Waltr yard,. Bran, itartlnt July 23. blsrkberrlra Aut 10th. Bus trn,pnrlatlon. Ph. I-H943. BEAN pickera wanted 31, ml. from Fairgrounds. Tras. furn. J. F Abbott. Ph. 4-?. WANTED: Bean picker, itartlng about July ISth. Rrgliter Julv )4th. at State Ar 12th, from 10 to 11 a m. Pen 4 corners 11 to 13. Kriietrr Store at 2 p.m. to 3 Swegle School 1 to 4. MMdlcgrove Store 4 to . Al fred Dettwyler, Ph. Sllverton l-4i3i. 610 Soles Help Wonted READY to wear aalealady want ed. Salary and commlasion. State experience and tge. All replies held in atrlct confi dence. Writ Statesman-Journal, Box 1S4. FARM Saleaman to work out of en of Salem fined Real Ea tate office. Mawllni Realty. 409 Chmketa. Ph. 4.4173. EXPERIENCED aaleaman to sell Ford tractor. Apply by letter. Valley Tractor Co. Nit Sllvr i, y ton Rd Salem. aiAn i oisinosne at pica ur Fuller Brush cataloss Stnr weekly romm to stsrt t-k.197 PART TIME SALES WORK I in t p m average II" VI guar ' anteed comm. Ph 4-2J4K, FOR tmmedlr employment 400 mo. guaranteed com ap ply 329 E. Bush. I K to I A.M. Only. DISTRIBUTORS for fait sell ing food product. For psrttcu lar Jr available territory writ Bex 1M Sutosman-JournaL Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! FLOOR COVERING! N0RR1H WALKER Paint Co Floor-covertna. Oiviaion Ouai- phalt It Rubber Tile Wall tile Tree EaUmatea 4-227S GKADINO a) ,jQINO BULLDOZING 4k bark fill, $4.90 per nour. rn. s-otM. DOZING Ph 2-0892 4 LEVELING D. PANTOV1CH BULLDOZING. clearing roada, ponds, D-4. D-4 rsrryaU. V. Huaaey. Ph 1-3144. BULLDOZING, grading 4k Land clearing Elmo W. Locker owner 4k operator. Ph. 2-5742. PAPERING) PAINTINO Painting and Free estrmste paper-hanging Ph 3-SSI3 Bruih or tpray Exterior or In terior, rree eaUmatea. 3-V404. PAINTING aatimalea gladly liven. Heat, price. Dutch Boy Palnte. Ph. 4-neO0. PAPERING 4 PAINTINO PAINTING 4 DECORATING 25 Yrs. In Salem S-755J REFRIGERATION DANA REFRIGERATION Commerc'l, houtehold. Ph. 4S80t. 612 Worlc Wonted, Men EX-STORE manager want tem porary or vacation relief Job. hell qualified. Writ box 191. Sta teaman-Journal. HOME Building 'it RTmlrfeHnT CALL JOHNSTON, Ph. 1-S740. CABINETS It epeelaltlee. 22HJ Evergreen. Ph- 4-0901, 4-3655 aftrr ft p.m. MOWING. Spading, yard clean up. Hedge it Shrub trimmed. 2-9480. CARPENTER work, day or con tract. Ph. 4-SU97. CARPENXER new remod, painting. Ph. 4-0473. REMODELING, repair, new ad dition, acreen work. Ph. 3-3939 Mow hayfleld or vacant lota. Ph. 4-4371 between S pa. at S a m. NEED AN ADDITION? Rcmodellngr Cabinet work. Free ext. Expert work. Work gur. nri. io anyp:ace. l.nas. S.X line. Ph. 2-701S PAINTING Free Estimates Reasonable. Ph. 2-1591 eve. roto-tTllIng Ph. 2-2518 CARPENTER WORK, day er contract. 2-IS42 or 2-1499. lOU'S tree service Sprav. top ping, prune, cabling. 4-2tot CUSTOM mowing, lota 4k acre ages. S ft. mower. Delbert Reach. Ph. 3-7731. CFMENT woTkl guaranteed: prompt servlc; free estimates. Erneil Drake, Ph. 4-433. 614 Worlc Wonted, Lody IRONING IN MY HOME OR YOURS. PH. 4-4694 BABY sitting. Ironing 4c house work wanted, vie or soutb Village, Ph. 2-4044. MIMEOGRAPHING typing Mrs Poe. MS N 14th Ph i-SMl IRONING, my home. Engle- wood diet Ph. 3-S.SdO. WILL baby sit, S year olds 4k up Ph. 4-M4t. LIC. PRACTICAL nurne wants emp. In prlv. home. Ph. 2-7a.'t8 CERMAN girl, S yn. exp. In feneral office work Is looking nr a Job with light typing. Writ Statesman-Journal Box 112. EXCELLENT CHILD CARE My home. W. Salem Ph. 4-S.1.TS HOMEMADE frozen fruit A chicken pies. Cookie baked to oraer 4-53:19 or J-7l. "HOUSE" WORhfVV anted" PH. 4-72U CHILD Care my home. Infants It pre sen 1. . utn 4-.xi. CHILD care my home SI da ' 29c hr. 4-Cornera, ph. 2-9372 CHILD care In my home, play equipment & close supervision. lira llecinc. 4-30:1. 615 Situations Wonted RETIRED couple wants employ. ment, psrt or fnll-time. write Mr w. r, ronnoiiy, uit rort land Rd. Salem. WIEMALS cisy nurlierySia yrs, At older. Lie. Ai Mate Inspect ed. 93 N. Winter. SMALL carpenter Jnti. good V.01K, reasonauie. Ph. 4-144 LK.Hl cravjer Jozer. leveling trading 3-7042 L Kurth HAINTINf;. papering Freeeu mates. Don Lucero 3-9541 PAINTING. Dirt "cheap prices. 2.1 year In Salem. Ph. .1-7952 FRANK-HARRY'S . POWER DITCHINO In,tsIlallon. sewers, septic tanks d rsi n fields, tiling 2-0104. EXPERT apray, brush painting, paper hanging, your paint or mine. Free est. Terms, Ph. Nelaon S-S493, 3-1743. WANTED: Cuatom Combining, Eait of Salem. Havt new 12 It. Comb. Ph. 2-2602. . scharffbr6thers ln,tallallon Repair Sewer, Septic Tank,. Drain Field,. Power Ditching. Backfill. Ph l-S.-vfid or 2-9072. LAWN MOWER SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. IN Edgewattr. W 8lm. 4-1941 TILLING Howard Rotovator. Ph. 4-2S2.1 or 2-3931. No call Sat. pleaae. ' 'a Vd ahoveL crane, ho drg lln. 2Vton mobile crane D4, D7 cata, carry all clear, log blade Rental ntract er unit price SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL I40u N Front St Ph 1-1441 618 Education Wt need several mechanically Inclined reliable men to train for ipeclalued televialon-Elec- ' ironies poaitlona of eervlce men.. cameramen, technician. H you are not now making ( . .-over.. iub.w , er ;'(. '.ynu owe 'It to youraelf to writ for free fats without obligation ahout this training and our advisory service. Fill In cou pon and mall to' Ft.rCTRONiCS TRA1NINO D-pt. rflO Pox 179, co Statesman-Journal Namt .. Address City State , Phont Hourt I Work . Ag.- ROTOVATINO TILLING, Howard Rotovatlng garden cultivating, lawn prep arallon by hr. or )ob. 3-9493 CUSTOM Rotovatlng. Ford equipment Fields, lawn, or. charde as gardens. Ph. 2-8888 at a-miim. SANO GRAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL JZS McUllchrlat Cruahed quarry rocka and gray ei. aii aizee ror roada, drive ways and parking Inta. READY mixed rnrim Carden aand, bull-doxtng. ghor- ei ana aragline Work. 3-9249. SALEM SAND A GRAVEL rn Ready mix concrete, cruthed and round gravel, aand and ton aull. 140 J N. Front St. i-ttef J, ' wnrtiu W vrusnev a, rouna gravel. Rang a, con mix xeuni SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter. aewera. mrpw wnu cjeanea. S-IKIZ7, .MIKE fceptlc ee-vice Tanka cieanea u rooter eleana aewera oraina rnone Hamel'a eepUe tanka cleaned. unm wwTnt w vuaranTeed eork. Phone 1-7404 or 1-0774. TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 600 Employment 61 1 Educotlon .URGENTLY NEEDED . MEN IS-S7 to train a Telegraph Operator for Railroad thi area. Average pay $390. Joba Waiting. O. I. approved. Write Box 190, Statesman-Journal. oy ond Controct SHEET METAL WORK Heating, Ventilating, Cyclone Systems. Free estimate. J. W. FISHER PH. 4-0480 700 Rentals 702 Sloop. Rooms, Boord 1 BDRM. country horn. Ph. 2-02M CLEAN Comf. rail T. V 212 S Winter I-I72S. WANTED Man to room and board, aw n. Capitol GOOD spl. rm. No drinker. or ApL for man. S69 N. Front. ROOM 4k board, men only, 4U per mo. rn. 4-JI4Z. 70S A port merits For Rent rURN. clean I rm. Apt. Utlll lira. rnv. bath. Right In nouywooa. rn. 4-azou. SPARKLING clean 4 room turn. api. tB a. summer. WEBER Court New manage ment. 1.HB, mm. as unrurn. apt, all elec. laundry facll. 8. 13th. at X. Rural. Ph. 4-2SDS. NICE 2 rm. furn. apt All utll pd $29. 1120 Ferry, St Ph. 1-3101 or S-9932. 1 RM. turn, apt., pvt. bath as entrance. 1437 N. 4th. COURT" furn. $10 week. $30 mo. 1.H1 Le. e-aviz. DOWNTOWN. FuriT 2 rms.. Bendix. 399 N. Liberty, 2-7124. LGE. UNFItrN. I bdrm. apt. Stove and rtfrlg. gu.M. 140 r erry. VERY nlc clow In lrg. 1 bdrm apt. rn. j-a33 after s p.m. FURN. 2 rms , S.1. Prlv. bath. utll. furn. 729 So, 13th. NEWLY decorated 1 bdrm. apt.. range, rerrig. at utll. furn. Ph 3-SQ6S after 4 p.m. KING WOOD COURTS: unfurn 3 rm. apt. Laundry fac. 3rd si., w. Bsiem. Ph. 4-S914. 2 BDRM. apt. 1 bedsTriesr W. Salem Cannery. Ph. 4-9421. FURN. 1 bdrm.. court apt, Sll N. 14th. MOD. furn. apt.. 449 No. Cottage St .. 2 blk. Meier 4k Frank . 3-RM. furn. apt., bath, clean, close In, ph. J-S693 after I 4-0042. 4 RM. furn. apt., pvt bath. 49 Sr up. Turner, Ph. 4-3497. 1 RM. apt. w utll. 490 S. . kitchenette, bath, Capitol MODERN 1 bdrm. court apt., completely furn., S.18 a mon. W. Salem. Ph. 4-6879. Eve 2-I74J. CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. apt. down town, lady pref. S45 Ferry, Scenic view 1 bdrm unfurn court Apt., range, refrlg. 2-290S. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apts. 990 N. Summer 1-950S MODERN 1 bdrm. CourtApL Unfurn exrept Elec. range 4b Furn.. fS9 a month. W. Salem. Pll4-1II79. Eve. 1-8743. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 bdrm. furn. It unfurn. apt. 1149 Chemeketa St Ph. t-aexi Furn., 199 a month. W. Salem. Ph. 4-SB73. Eve. 3-S743. FURN. pullman apt., pvt. ahnw er 134a n. capitoi. Ph. 2-900t. AVAIL. Aug. lat ,vcry nice 3 rm. turn, upstair Apt. Em ployed lady or cpl. Ph. 3-4909. 4 ROOM APT. 1710 N. CAPITOL, PH. 4-00631 NEAT 3 rm. Apt. bath elec. utll nice for Cpi. ens So. 18th. NICII.Y furn. lrg. bem't. Apt. Gentlemen only. 9.7S N. Win ter. VF.RY nice 1 rm. apt. Clos In at S. Summer. NEAR Capitol; 3-rm. furn. for empi. lady: 84! SO incl. utll., auto. heat. Ph. 2-4909; 2-9272. CLEAN 3 rm. furn. ant. Pvt ent. or bath, utll. furn. 41 S, IS ATTR AC. 2 rm. all elec. apt. Utll pd. Prefer emploved per son 2(109 Market. -1070. FURN. I rm. apt., with kitchen It lrg clothes closet, clesn, cioe In. 821 Inc. utll. 404 S. High. Ph. 2-4041. DOWNTOWN. It furn. apt. 870 Utll. pd . 769 Marlon. LYNWOOD-C0URT APTS. It 2 bdrm. turn. It unfurn. Adults. 029 . 13th. CLEAN furn. front down town Church 1-7M7. Apt 182 S. 706 Duplexes 604 BFRR.Y St. Unfurn. apt. Ph. 3-B27S or S-J4J7 eves. $91.50 2 hedrm.,,2 .bloc)is..from r.plldl Bids. Auto oil-beat. Wired for elec rang. Ph 4-1441 707 Houses For Rent 2 BDRM. lge , carpeted llv. rm., furnace, voung,tnwn kit., range refrig . ett. gar $70 Center Streel Realtv. 1748 Cen ter, 4-ti.il eve. 2-7S12. To place classified ads PHONE 4-6811 700 Rental 707 Houses For Rout NICK turn. )g. fr. rm. aloo bsml, ilia hakp, S38 N. Win. ter. 1 BEDROOMS. Acreage $7t. Rameejr Realty, Ph. 4-1381. 1 BDRM. USE I. Near achoali It park. Ph. 9-7301 FOR KENT: 1 S bdrm.. So. gar. luaa Albert ur. i-wu. I BDRM. Suburban Modern, mo. Ph. 1-0411. Nelson's Rental t bdrm. newly rede. Fairmont bdrm. apt. Close In. S40. WE HAVE CLIENTS WAITTNO rOR ALL TYPES OF RENT ALS. UST YOUR RENTALS WITH US FOR PROMPT 8ERVICE. CALL DOROTHY DEAL EVE 4-M12. Nelson V Nelson, Realtors 1S90 S. ConVl Ph. 1-9W CABINS. S7 A 110 a wk. ParUy turn. 3397 William Ave. TRAILER apace lit per ma. No pet. Ph. l-teta, s14g Ox ford 4 RM. hse. Older couple. Bus. nesr store. Ph. 4-tul. Furnished Houses RENT: I bdrm. ha, adults, 43 (. Cottage. 1-4697, 3-&630. 710 Wonted to Rent Hiet WANT to rent or buy S bdrm hse., prefer rent Reaponalble party, fa. -sm alter p.m. 714 Business Rentals BUSINESS office' la Kelier, 49 00. Ph. 1-111. FOR RENT Com'l bldg. 134 eq. ii wun office location nortn on well traveled street. Ph. 2-3700. DOWN town office space, stor rms. as warehouse. 1-4114. 'IS Convolescent Homes WILL car or elderly people in my noire, zs yrs. axp. Clean very comfortable bom. Ph 4-3741 ELDEREST Nursing Home. Pri vets room avails Die. jojv ri Church. 1-914. COTTAGE CONVALESCENT nusaai, saa ni coitag a-iuse 780 Moving 1 Storotjo" Ltrmer Transfer It Storage Complete moving service. Alas agenis lor biliiins nauan- Wide Mover Ph 1-2131. LOW COST storage H U Sufi runuiur .. s-tita. 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportun. COAL DEN OPPORTUNITY. Good coal and high-test fire clay cloe to ttalem. Need cap ital with or without working interest. Prefer aix men acn with 19,000 00 caah or good credit or the equivalent. Coal ana clay are mixed, mut be separated before the coal will burn properly, then mad Into odorlens. briquettes, delivered to Saleni at 44.80 per ton. Con vert the clay Into high-temperature furnace cement used fur laying fir brick. The I ton per hour briquette ma chine la Installed. Her la a chanr to collect 60 In terest on your Investment to- I ether with high wage. Ph. It49 between :M p.m. and 10.00 p.m. FOUNTAIN lunch. Arcade, cor ner Meier Franks. Well equip ped, good lease. 49S N. Church. SERVICE Station 4k work shop In Albany for sale er trade or will Uke mortgage. 1S4 S. Cot- rage, saiem. FOR SALE In the heart of Coos Bay business district, cleverly decorated, glass front restsur ant. 13 stools snd 10 booths. Excellent businesa. Owner 73. tired, want to retire. 240 8 Broadway. BY OWNER (account old age & Illness) S rents!,, small apt. hse. Ac 3 cottage on S fine lota on Mill Creek, corner llth St Chemeketa. All occupied. Pay 10't int. or value of 425, too. Se Mr. Rnnne, owner 1-i p m. daily at 2S0 No. ISth St. MODERN 7 unit Salem motel It home, aell or consider trsd for tmall apartment houst, clot In. Owner 2-7130. 802 Business P ro p,rtr NICE small motel WHlwsv frontage for other bus. 2-2149. SOUTH I2TH ST., business lot 90 x 110 . Lge. older home, ba,mt., liv. rm din. rm., 2 bdrms. dn.. unfinished up. Drive by 1889 S. 12th. Price SBMW. B. 1SHERWO0D, REALTOR 1911 Wallace Rd. Ph. 4-2713 81)3 Suburban ONE ACRE view, t bdrm. home, 8.1 900 cash, also 1 air bldg. allea on pavement. Owner. 4-4211 806 Houses For Solo WILL trad- equity In 1 bdrm nome for trailer nous. u Sunnyside Rd. 2-09:13 100KOPEN SUNDAY 789 It 77S Gerth, VM It B41 Caa- caoe ur. rn. ii-ini, a-iou, 3-3841 for drUllt. BY OWNER, BEAUTIFUL Split Level, English Typ home. v uy aeuvery witn country Relsxation. N.E. Some trade considered. Ph. 2-2182. FOR SALK by owner new house. 3 bdrms. plus den. Low dn. pym't. Consider trad. Ph. 2-MS9. MR OWNCRI Olen Wondrv will psy top one for vour furn tnoilances Ph "4-9110 TOR SALE or trsde for farm. 2 rnrm. nome, neirer nut Hardwood fir,., Inaulatrd, om fruit tree,. 1310 Menlurn Dr. Ph. 4-9990. BY OWNER, "a bedfonm older type houne, I'i lot,, cheap for cs,h. 1219 Jiebra,ka.' BY OWNFR I new 2'bedroom homes, 19O0 sq. ft. plus gsrsge. Hsve everything. A block North Clear Lake store, priced for quirk sale Alwav Open House. Term t Trades. FOR SALE, amail house, garage, ' garden, W. Salem. Ph, 1-0.171. $1,000 DOWN Nice t hedrm. nome, kltch., din Ing rm , 'tiled bath, good sizrd lot, fireplace, attached gerage, ttnnniahed up.talra. Total price IIJ00. 2118 Vaughn Ave. Ph. 4-8293. TRADE furn. trailer equity In new house or unfurn. for late hse. Ph. 3-S.Tfll. 1 BEDROOM houst, first elm condition, 4 block from St. Vincent or Highland School By owner. 2320 Hazel Ave. $900 buy our equity 2 bedroom, til bath, larg garage, An tennt Inc. Phonf 2-4211. 4-nDRM. home on 'i arr. Priced below F:H.A. Ph. 4-4K. . BY W.'ILDIJl .. . . NEW pactous 2 bdrm Engle wood Dist. Top ouallty. 2-7071 FOR SALE:Nw bdrm. home, will 'sell equity, full prl.-e 813.000. Ha firrpl, woodwork It paneling .over flrepl , pluah wall to wall car. Petlng. llv. rm , din. rm. It hall. Lawn Ik shrubs Sr st 444 a Sth or Ph. 4-4334 tny time. 1 DDRM. house with small acre age at 70 Ratrllff Dr. Msk offer at Pioneer. Trutt Co, lent. , 800 Real Estate i06 Heueos For Solo TWO BDRM. heme, win sell reasonable. Monmouth, Ore. Ph. Skyline 1-liw, BY BUILDER NEW I bdrm home Beat I Salem schools 4k park 1-7071 Overlooking Our City wun e oeorma, uayngrir baa ment, I flraplacea, Double ga rage, and many ether - re deeming features, to numer ous to mention. Will take In trade Income property or any f ood negotiable papers. Cloee n, and straight shoot to State blrtn.-l21.oo0, and will Uke j,uuu un, This Should Sell Close In on Oak St.. S bedrms . Older gentlemen really wants io sen. win uke tl.ooo dn. as aw a aau. relet taose. In Keizer Dist Cut I bedrm. ranch-type cot tage. N!c lot with fruit and garden hedged In. Only St,- evu, yivuv an. Art Madsen Realty ' 132g State l-JalO.l-Stol, 1-SS14 2-3-4 bdrm. homes. Move In now a contract- We build, w re model. Lota.- Ph. 3-4)470 BY OWNER; 1 bdrm., birch kitchen, wired for washer It dryer, as. woo Ph. 1-7H03 or -aisi tner I. BY Owner; will aell or trad our equity or V"o In 1 bdrm. home at S43 Blller. ToUl pric gt.OJS. Ph. 4-137. JOE HUTCHINSON REALTOR Let ua aolve your home need Te Buy, Sell r Rent Call Ph. 4-9743 nil Edgewater rn. e-ni i nit so. Lomm'l BY OWNER; lovely t bedroom name, 2 yrs. old. Birch kitch en 4k utIL, perimeter heating, fireplace, garage, carport A patio. HO.Soo. Landscaped. 2999 reck Ave, rn. 4-7497. CLOSE TO ALL SCHOOLS Exceptionally wall built 1 bdrm., modern horn. Full basement party room with bar. dble plumbing, hdwd. floors, fire place. Well landacaped 80x104 corner lot, abundant shrubs, fruit and ahade trees. Nu merous atorage and closet spaces. Convenient and com fortable living provided by firactirat xioor plan. Reduced o 113,790 for quirk sale. Ph. J-tt.1010 ElectrlcAv. OWNER transferred lo Portland, must sacrifice 1 bdrm. home, apprafaed at 89.900. Will con aider any reaa. offer. Near bu. school and churches. Ph. 4-7829. FOR SALB BY OWNER HOME WITH PERSONALITY I. If BY 11 ft. llvlng-dlnlng room with beamed celling and ralaed hearth fireplace. French : doors off dining room lead to . patio. Thr ample bedrooms 'with spacious closets. Two sink bath with tub and ahowtr. Comfortable kitchen with garbage disposal and breakfast bar. Automatic forced air' oil heat Double garage and many other won derful features. Easy to get to Just go south of Strong on Pringl to 439 Battle Creek Road, Salem. Leaving aoon. Come out and tee thla "Home we hate to aell ". FOR SALE: By owner, auburban bdrm. horn, 2 garage. H acre fruit It nut trees. Ph 4-1931. 1 IMMACULATE homes. Ideal cltr locations, beautiful yards. Sj bdrm.. 2nd 4 bdrm.. eauln- pd for day nursery, ph 2-39ot Would You Like A Ten .Yr. eld home with Bedrm., living at dining Rm. Comb, with fireplace, full BaamU sawdust Fur., located South, priced st 18.890. small down Pymt tw month In clude taxea, principal St Int Eve. call FLOYD McNALL 3-7744 day J-66II0 ED LUKIN BKAL. REALTOR, 432 N. HIGH. WASH. SCHOOL Owner 1st S bdrm, furn. 8780 Sedona Ave. BY OWNER Nearly new 2- bdrm. din. rm., flrepl., ga rage, Incloaad yard, redecorat ed. Inglewood Dist,, $12,000, Ph. 4-7304. BY OWNER: Large S bdrm. home, secluded setting, fir tr fruit tree patio, hdwd. fir., forced air heat. Near school,, no. 1-710 acres, 8 mors avail able. Leaving stste. Ph. 2-1383. LEAVING town. Nlc 3 bdrm. hm. Just right for email fam ily. 8 yrs. old. Hdwd. floor, attach, garage, large yard, 2 blk. to bu. 4'i", FHA Loan. S43 mo. West off Incaster, 3S39 Monro. Ph. 4-9944. FOR SALE by owner: 1 bdrm. home, fireplace, paved atreet. terms. 2300 Hadley St. Ph. 4-4:il4. I ENGLISH typ. well construct ed, clean, nearly new, 4 large bdrm., choice quret loc. on Kingwood Hts., lovely tree. 14x21 bdrm . din. rm., roomy kit. wnook, 2 fireplaces. 2 baths, finished drv h,m't. See to appreciate, $17,873, $1,500 dn., bal. ilk rent. Ph. 3-7212. Immediate possession. YOU HAVE "WANTED S bed rooms, flrpl. in liv, rm., hdwd. firs., birch kit, tiled bathf attach, gar., auto, waah r at dryer, garbage disposal, covered patio near all achools, bus, quiet res. sres; we have It I Priced right at 112.900. Call Mrs, Oglrsbee eve J-S.17:i; dsva. t-num, T.D I.UKINREAL, REALTOR, 433 N. HIGH 2 BDRM. HOME IN S. E. SALEK Thi house has a beautiful -yard In a nice location clos to achools and markets. It msy he ju,t the place for you. Priced at SlO.ioo Call 4-4484 and let "Rudy'' Klundt enow it to you. COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS SIT Court Rt. Ph. 4-44M FOR SALE by builder. New 3 , bdrm., bath It t, birch kitch en with formic dralnboarda, brk. nook and dinlrur room dble. garage, large Tnt with shade. $12,900 South. Ph. 2-9111 or 3-488, 3 BDRM. horn It day nursery, food Income, business zoned, desl set-up for other type business, shown by appoint- ment. 112, tM caah. Ph. 2-7075 1,400 SQ. FT. up It down, full bsm't. newly dec. Clone to tatebldg. ,750. Ph. 4-8781, " CUTE HOME For elderly or foung iounl. "i i, A. il3l Brown Rd. r j 2 BDRM, house. South. 4-2725 BY "OWNER :le llv. "rm." w hdwd. fir , 2 norma , hath, kl' ,: fir.. wnfinmhtpd attir, f nil bsm t with rum put rm.. f A. hunt Cull I-.14.17 or 1170 ratrmmint. SMALL, rltpan suburban on bedroom home fxcellent fnr nmront? who tiestrtt a mini mum nf work. Only $4 350 Cull Mrs. Og!?nt tvei dt-ft.ru, days i-tm. ID LU KfNBEAL, KEALTOR 433 N. HIGH BOO -Real Estate ' 106 Houses For Solo 322 N. CHURCH ST. PH. 4-S3U IMPOSING VIEW With this lovely home with day light basement. Spacious living rm., aining rm., aitrnen, ora. nook, fireplace, S bdrms. and bath. Bassment unfinished but baa room for family room and additional bdrm. Priced at only 114.930 Call Mr. Rlchman for mora Information, Iv. Ph. 4-74SS. IT'S $10,950 New I bdrm. horn, fireplace, li, baths, birch kitchen, oak floors. Dele forced air oil heat. Near city but, Salem Hta. water, McKlnley School, tl. t moves you In. See II now. Call Mr. Crawford, Eve. Ph. 4-9020. THE IMPOSSIBLE A cosy family heme with t young feeling. Largs living rm., dining rm., and kitchen comb., fireplace. 2 bdrma., bath and utility room. Forced air oil heat. A good buy at Sll. too. CaU Mr. N. G. "ban" laaak, Eva. Ph. 4-9093. VARIETY Locats4 n a fait frowinf town. s vr. can Dt wrured. Only -tort? of Its kind in town. Would matt a food man and wlfa but.net, LarRt (pom rtrtipti. Pr.ct 11.500 plut In ventory. Call Mr. Woodcock. Eva. ph. .1-7106. i, " '". ""f": : v- & a-'. .je-w.. , -. jryn&t siefew rs isflHK's mm LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evening 4-9020, 4-7832, 1-8048. 4-M9J, 4-141 If N Answer. Disl 4-124 RAWLINS REALTY LOANS FOB BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION I OR Ss Two Duplexes on I lot. On unit 1 only t yr. old. The other unit is older but In good re- Giir. Income 8230.00 per mo. onthly expenses about $00 per mo. Owner might take a clear, cheaper place aa part payment. Pric reduced to S19.9O0. Located at 1431 4k 1440 N. Cottsge. Don't bother ten ants. To see call Henry Rund. Sunday St Evening 4-1720. Good Income Horn Buy. I bdrm. California typ bungalow la tot Chemeketa Ire. Iirelpiat la 311 N. Church St. (Realtors) Ph. i-tat 82,000 BUYS 4-ltm.. furnished house with apnrox. l'.i Acre tract. 490 aq. ft. fir. space. Owner moving to California; Turner Dlt 13.950 BUYS Modern t bdrm. house. Hdw. firs,, attached garage. Close to Highland School, and ttore, terms It desired. ti.SM BUYS V bdrm. nous close to Crant School. Small dowa payment. Owner will sell on contract. Contact us for partic ulars. , e 10 ACRE TRACT with, modern I bdrm. house. Bom timber, aa .rox. Acre cultivated. Fenced with woven wire, can be Ir rigated. House ha fireplace, hdw. fir., utility rm.. F. A. 4l furnac double garage. Would eonatder trad for 4-bdms. boua or Income property. Pric 22.oo. Evenings: Ph. Baumgartner 4-4711. 4-SSS9, Schreder l-7ale. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS BUILD ING SITE Largs daylight baamt. lot. Beautiful view, oax, fir. Madron tree. A steal at $3,190. CALL RON HUDKINS CANDAI.ARIA- FAMILY ROOM 20 x 20 witn view ana nuge fireplace. Thi 2 bdrm., t bath horn ha paved court yard with covered patio. 3.000 qvl. floor space. - A fin buy (or 824.900. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON 3 BDRMS , LIV. RM.. nil KM., KITCHEN, prxf. noox. large utility, single garage, fireplace, elec. heating. Double gsrsge in rear of lot. Clos to school and Erickson Super Market In 6outh District. Only $11,804 Term. CALL RALPH BRUCE 180 S. LIBERTY ST. Evenings Ac Sundsyt call Salesmen Ron Hudklns 3-8712. H. K. Laymon 2-8IK3, Walt Socolofsliy s-sins Mrs. Richsrdson 4-8984, Ralph Bruce 2-0881. J. E. Law 2-9112 ONLY $1,000 rOR owner'a $2,000 equity In fine 2-bedrom home timing room. About 1.000 squsre feet Garage - Lot 70x170.- Real buy at 87.HOO. STATE WORKERS 1 ! THIS 3-bed room home Is ideally located for you. its in tip top shape. You'll Uke it. $8,700. Low down. HOME AND INCOME FOR $8,750. and term,. Owner' quarter ha s nedtooma. tsase mrnt Garage. Rental brings In 849. want larger, 427 Ferry List With Fv.I Violet Bishop I-JWI5; rranx vuunc s-ie; aiinas Lehmann 2-48; Jim Ramsey 4-3SK7. ' KEJT'S WEST RALFM! 4 yer old. 1 bedten. home, nil wall furnace, verv neat It clean. Price t7, ownn Call Mr. Kilgin. ev. 4-5414. NEW 3-BEDR-M1. HOME. $10,. 890 00. You'll want to inspect thi, new ranch stvle home be fore you buy. Roomy rooms, fireplace, dandy birch kitch en, lge. utility rm., F. A. MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 498 N. Church UNUSUAL DESIGN SEE THIS QUALITY BUTLT RUSTIC 2 bedroom horn wtlh corner ralscd-hearth fire place, beautifully paneled liv ing room, apacloti kitchen, hot water radiant heat. Paved corner lot, new lawn, over sired garage. 2 block, from th Cendalarla school. Price $12. 900. Call Mrs. Wells, 4-4404. ev. S-373S. COLBATHLANDCO. .. . r- i. $0,950 CapltOlS UlSt. Within walking distance nr the . American Can Co. 2 bedroom, iioxlx earh, living room, rtin-Ing-kltrhen combination. Fen ced hack yard. Shopping dis trict nearby, bus bv the door Will aell or trade on a 3 bedroom home. Call E. J. Zwcrhka, Realtor, Phone 3-40.13, ' BEI.OW COST: Well planned-! bdrm., HM Icel Court, 800 Real Estate 106 Houses For Solo WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES OR J 7820 YOUR ANSWER For gracleu living see thlt bdrm. home locaied In Xeiser dm. It would be an Meal bom for a family. AU rooms a rm spacious snd It la conve nient to both school and trans portation. Priced at SU.oae. Call Walt Jones. Eve. Ph. 4-7132. GIVE US AN OFFER On thla economical homa lacat ad in four Coroan. Larfa liv ing rm., dining rm., kitchen. mepiaca. barrnt.. a a t h. Forced air oil heat Auto, drier and wather In kitchen. There people would take a car in traae. loiai prtce vb.dm. Call Mr. Sword for more in formation. Ivt, Ph. Vi4l, HOME & BUSINESS New t bdrm. home with mahog any trim Plu a ahop bldg. sax 7t wttn jtxie addition, stag, complete with new furnac Located on asm lot. Owner will trad for a 1 or 4 bed room home. What have you Full price for this dandy set up only SJ.l.suo. call Mr. Woodcock for more Informa tion. Ev. Ph. 3-7104. g d neighborhood near school and bus stop. Rented for too per mo. Priced at 87. 900. Owner anxious to sell. Make offer. Call Dean Klarr, Ev. phone 2-7090. Here a little dandy. I bdrm., Ilv. rm. 10x11, lovely kitchen with eating apace, utility, sep arata garage. 80x130 lot. Best of location for schools. City bus 1 blk. To see call Dal Bayburn. Eve. phone 1-2049, Phone 4-4471 Mrs. WoottM t-SOM, Cfceatham BUSH PARK AREA Family home, 4 years old. 4 bdrm. plus dan. 3 baths, 1 fireplaces, baamt. with recreation room. Lout of atorage space. Doubl garag. Near grad school and high school. Tnia nome 11 in excellent condition, Pric $22, CALL H. X. LAYMON C- BUSINESS CORNER IN NORTH SALEM only $2,790, with esay terms, WFST SALEM HEIGHTS HOME BITE water ana ewr. unur $1,200. Ct AU. WALT SOCOLOFSXT TWO FOR ONE Let the rent make your mommy payment. 2 bdrm. and I bdrm. furnlahed house en on lot $13,000. For detsila CALL e. E. LAW PH. J-2471 ALMOST NEW HOME with 4 bedrooms. Living room 2x19. Fireplace. FA oil heat. Double plumbing Nice uUhtv. Garage. Lot lOOxlSO. $18,750. Term,. NEAT AND CLEAN THIS home is perfect for a ruuple or a widow. Good loca tion. Bus bv door. Garage. $9, 800. Some term,, CHOICE RENTALS FOUR units bring In $280 a month. Almott new. Each has 2 bedrooms. FA oil heat. Bath, Utility, May Uke home. U Office 4-3381 furn. term,. 4-40.14. Near school Ar bu. Call Edna Morgan, eve. THIS IS A CRAZY MARKET: but the owner says sell imme diately, he's tired of commut ing. 3 bedrm., homev living room, with nice fireplace, lot of room for the kid. Call any time. Call Stearnt Cuahing, eve. 1-S048. Phone 4-22M Here Is A Nice Home $ rooms, Englewnod and North High diatrlct. First time of fered for asle, 2 large bed rooms 112x131 with lots of Wonderful closet and drawer epac In each. Juat 8', years old. th living room baa fire place, w-w carpet In living and dining rooms. F. A. on hest, f csr gsrage', nesr bus. easy walking dl, lance to the Capitol Shopping District. Price tl 8.0IXV Call tor appoint ment to look thla one over. , Jhore .,-4fW9, , . , 1745 GRANT. ST, REALTOR BY OWNER: 1 r. old beauti ful 1 bdim. home. Full day light bsmi. with pariv room, 2 fireplace,, I', bath,, dhle gaiage, paneled entry, lge dining room, birch kitchen. toxluO' lot. Lota nf atorage space J, hullt-lna. Located In South Village near Morning aid SchooL $l$,0O0. Ph. 4-8794. 850 Automotive 152 UtedlCert For Solo BETTER BUYS AT No Down Papent on Approved Credit M CHEVROLET 4 dr. . 17M 54 MERCURY SUN VALLEY WK 84 OLDS "tf 4 dr. 42 PLYMOUTH Conver., $145 sharp. '50 OLDS "M" 4 dr $5M '50 FORD 4 dr 2 OPEN EVES. AND ALL DAY SUNDAY AT '. ROCKET MARKET V 8995 Silverton Rd. at Lancaster Dr. PH. 4-9114 teal nuts AT Ml 'I -Mi Sate 1953 Plymouth Cranbrook Sedan ...$699 Heater, wait ring urea, 1950 Ford V-8 Sedan ladle, heater, good tin. Beady to g. 1950 Ford V-8 2 Dr. Heatar, black Bnlah. 1949' Chev. 2 Dr. Sedan $349 Radio, heater, black finlak k la top eenaiuoe. 1950 Plymouth Special Radio, neater, two-ion dlUon. 1946 Ford Two Door Radio, heater, black finish, , 1951 Nash Rambler Radio, heater. Clean. 1948 CHRYSLER Sedan $269 , Radio, heater, Highlander Interior, ewsa eoeeiuea. OTHER MAKES AND MODELS ' 1S3S Bulck Hardtop Cpe. 195S Chev. Bel-Air. Vt, 1 dr. 1954 Cad. 02 Sedsn 1954 Chev. Bel-Air, X dr. 1954 Chev. Sedsn 1954 DESOTO SEDAN Coronado Vt 1954 Ford V8, 2 dr. 1952 Ford VS. 4 dr. Phone 2-6808 "Corner Center & Church" Nothing Down on Approved Credit OPEN EVENINGS TO I P.M. 800 Rral Estate 806 Houses For Selo UNC0LN PARK All the convenience ef tht elty -.iihmis the men laxee. un- COLN PARK U THE plac to go. Cloe to rhola, .slores, and elty bua. Water system, peved streets, curbs, slde wslks. Eventually over too home. Buy now and tax ad vantage of the apprertauoa In value your horn will have a thi area develop. W have 2 bedroom home with I fire place, 2 bath, family rooms forced air oil furnace, 2 car garages, birch kitchens, con ventional ond - open -, beam ceilings. Price rang from $12800 to $14 800. 2 year financing with moderate down payments. Call and let us show you any of thee fine houses In restricted LIN COLN PARK. Abrams & Skinner ' 411 Mason! Bldg. Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loan Offlc 217 Eve. 1470$ Or $-734 REAL GOOD 1947 MARKET STREET $8 000 buvs thi nome wun a nearms. down plua I.g unfinished up Stair, part Baamt. Lot 80x1.10 with treea. taxes $1(10. Hard to beat for th price In thla lo ci ion. Eve. call RAY I7AVIS 4-9UI7 dave t-OSM) EO LUKIN BEAL. REALTOR, 433 N. HIGH. $194 WILL BUY equity In nice 3 bdrm. house. Ph. 4-9407. Moving. 807 Apt'g. Courts for Solo APARTMENTS CLOSE to Hu.h Srh. and Me morial Hospital, priced at $10, onn. Down Pymt of $1800. Bel H9 Monfh, fnr Anno, rsll FLOYD McNAI.L S-774 Dsvs 2-4440 F.O LI'KINREAL. Re altor, 433N:1IIGII. INCOME PROPERTY 7 furn, apts. llv. oiisrter. Attr. exr. Inc. F. A. oil heat. By owner. 444 8. Rummer. Residential Court $28ono HOLLYWOOD DIS TRICT, thi It a Court nf 4 THREE Bedrm. hotisee, esch with full Baamt., oil beat, fire- Elsces and garages, sch tfl e,t of condition, income $.100 month, should sell f,t, Ev. call RAY DAVIS 4-9BIT davs ' 2-4rian r.D LttKINREAL, Rfc " AI.'IOH. jp n, tuuh: S6iTiLofs For Solo LOT Kelrer. cloee t new Rhnnnlng I'rnter, 75 x 300 It. 3- 41413. vfF.W " ioi Soulh"Mirt toxin. Call 4-79411 or 575 Vlata Ave alter 5 p m. 3 IX)Tsruttahie for one or two dwelllnga Reatrlrted dlitrlct. South 12th and Ealrvlew. Ph. 4- S9S days. 1-MS0 eves BY OWNERS iTlsrg lots. North, restricted. Phone 4-4UM-4-UJ4. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mori., 850 Automotive 151 Usetl Cere For Solo THE 47 NASH 4 dr. ... $m a FORD 4 dr. ........ 1145 '4 STUDEBAKER 4 dr. . $295 '41 OLDS "If 4 dr $395 '41 DODGE Pickup ...... $195 It OLDS CLB. SDN. .. : 41 OLDS 4 dr. THE biock suiisau as n eaiue. .$349 $349 . . Deluxe Sedan.. $499 reo. as wnii uaueo. w - ...$179 Convertible ..... $499 IBM ford Vt Pickup , ton 1954 Bulck Hardtop Cpe, 1949 Cad. Convert. . 1950 Cad. 83 Sedai 1981 Mercdry Sedan - -f 1950 Olds. M Sedas 1952 Chev. Sedaa 404 North Church II OLDS "IT. Beet sono, pn. -jtm. 3 CHEV. coup. Good cond, aa. rn. ' MERCURY, rdl h heater, whitewalls, 4-dr, paint A en gine very eooo, rn- ,o. 1SSS DODGE, ry clean, low mileage, will take $J44 cash for equity. baL monthly Kvm'ts. Price SS.tiit. Call eves, a) Hayter St., Dallas, Or. Mayfair 3-414 S DODGE con. exceL cond. Ph. 4-13SS. 153 Auto forts t Kopolrt WANTED: '4S-'Sa Mercury en gine. In good cond. Ph. 4-1 1-831 800 Real Entate 810 Forms For Solo ACREAGE wrreek on paved rd. Clos In. Owner 2-1109. 12 ACRES Omv of natlv trees, ever A. Thorn lees ervcrgreen berries. Bet crop ever tl on, mostly dark aoil, new S Bedrm. home plu older not Mdn. house rented al $3$. Pvd. Bd. Grade 4t High Srh. but by door, priced at $13,800. Nearly all clear, cash out or take in pari trad horn In Dallaa. Call 1-aMA ED LUKrNREAL, RE ALTOR. 433 N. H1GH Priced right. IIS Acres, 4 bed rm., modern nome, eaeemi. Flowers A shrubs, family fruit, barn 32x40, machine shed, good well, garag. 88 Acre In crop, balanr In pas ture. Alt crop go with th fsrm. Only 12 miles from I lem. Terms. Call Mr, Leavens, v. I-4.34. C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 494 N. Church Phono 4-22M FOR SALE, 1 acres So., bldg sit with view, uo rt. front age, close tn, reasonable. Ph. 4-2487 afternoon or evee. BEFORE BUYING: Se this l'i Arr place, close In. with nice 3 bdrm. house, F. A fumre, hdwd. firs , tile hath, lovely farden spot, permsnent pas Lire, chick hse., deep well. Sin. 900. Lawrenc Real E,'at. 432 S. HlghPhS-tMS MUST SELL li A, t bdrm.. pric reduced. 1-211$. sVaCRES near Roaedale. Msk offer t Pleoeer Trust Co, Sa lem. ISt A. for sale. , mile from Prook. Ph. 4-303, Salem. SMALL acreege. modem horn. . Clpee to Church, school, bu t I'ne... 8710. Liberty Bd. SS'fe A. FARM hiTweeri Oak Grove It B'thel, Rt. I. Box 312 Rlrkreall, Frank Steven, BYOWNERr-ATNSaVtiam. free water, good summer or retirement home, ph 1-IR9A 812 Cxch. Real Ettoto BY OWNER. S unit Apt. hnote on Se. Com'l close In. what have you tn trad, consider eoeat property, ph. 4-344 L July J 8, '58 (Sec. II) 15 850 Automotive 152 Used Cert fM Sole) You Can't Hardly Get These No More . . . Real Nice VERY SPECIAL -1956 OLDS "St" DELUXE HOLIDAY COirpE, FABULOUS ROCKET ENGINE, O M. HYDRAMAT1C TRANSMISSION. DCU'O 1 TUBE R A D I O, CONDI TIONED AIR HEATER 4k DE FROSTERS, HYDRAULIC AS SIST POWER 8TEr.Rf.Nl. VACUUM ASSIST fOWtg BRAKES, SPECIAL TU-TONB PAINT, WHITEWAU. TIRF.S. AUTRON1C F.YE. PADDKO PANEL FOR SAFETY, ONLf 22. tot ONI OWNtR MILU. You Must See This CALL BERGIE S443I OR CEIL 4-5344 Day of Mil 461 N. HIGH "the lot with a lot" a) NASH, radio, heater, ever drive, kr wner. 133 Wallace Bd. mm. it new a trsEO Union 4k Commercial Ph. t-liM) S PLYMOUTH 4-door, call good, good una, paint fn. Ph. 1-7734. 1844 CHEV. 8 -dr. ad a. gads heatar. nesr tire, excel value 2S. Owner. 47S Evergrtao, Ph. 4-T17S. II CAD, cp low low anlasag. 1 wner. ph. -4. Orafoa'i Oldest Deaieg BEST BUY Otto Car CMnmerrlal gi Oiassaketa Pn. 4-0111 54 OI.DS, M Convert HOTTC S-4749. ST74 Trad. CLEAN tt Ford Victoria. Ha everything. a)nk finaneiruj., Conaider trad. Ph. 4-1231. 1S4S 1-TON U-paangr char. pan! with crew conversion, excel, eaad. ph. Dallaa HA SPOT CASH , Paid for 1NO-1M1 Car 14 cC ALL'S 1297 STATC tl MERCOMATIC Sport coure In superior eeod. fa. g-4w. IS3S Norway. " 154 Trucks, Trail, tor totet life' lite PH. 2 7J71 SMI U FT. truck ran, O.K., aid, door, mud Bape, kefl Fhaa, Ph. 4-2487 afternoon or eve. 'tt CHEVwitiT "motor, goo! shape, 3i unlls steel dump bed. 1 p. rear-end, els g an. Brownie (leaving stale) Ph. 1-7271, Sllverton, Oreg. INTERNATIONAL t T. panel 100' rubber. Less than lo.eoe ml. en motor. New transmis sion, pins A bushings New spring shackles A bushing. 141 model. Ph. 2-712. let Me Nary, W. Salem. '44 FORD. Ilk T. flat-bed. 80 mi en motor evcr-ewui. vacuus t-speed plu 2 -speed Browning. 8 28 rubber, 10. New paint ' Wk. days after ( P m , all day Sunday. ISIS H. Liberty. FOR SALE: 144 Dodge pick-up! . Ph2-4. , INT. K B 1 and Frauhaiif S4 alngle axl van air. Gone) ' Condition. Can flajanc. 1330 N. 7Ui. 4-1291. 'tl FORD pickup 404. 11. mm Box ma, nrooaa. , ISo Wanted, Cere, TntcTo CASH for Ite 4k lttl ran. Me Csll's 1287 Stat. 2-110. B'C'Rt PAYINU TOP CASH For Clean Used Care Paid tor er Not Bob 4 BiH'i Used Can) Union 4 High Sts, 194 Chev, Bel Air Spt Cpe. Hardtop. V-8. Badle It heater, powers)!, tinted windshield, W W. Tires, Power Park, S OU mileage. Muit aell within a month, going oversees Call after 1 p m. weekday. 102 M. and St Sllverton, Or. 858 Motorcytlot 1M Bllimf-AMM I2S, very good. Ph. 3-71H af ter $30. WHIZZER cycle Aa la $28. Her. ley Davidson 7 As Is S3S. Bhrock't. 137$ Highland. '48 ARIEL. 10 90 cam, good cond. $2M. Ph. 3-4749, 1274 Trade. POB SALE: '48 Harley-Davld. son 81. Good cond. Ph. 4-114, (No Sunday call,.) REGAL motor acooter, lge, aia. $90. Ph. 4-144. 140 Auto Misteliorteous DUAL manifold, Including botlt carburetora. 1 chrom. breath er It bracaets for a 17 to tt Chev. Ph. 1-003S. 42 Heuao Troil rollers 141 18 FT. Mainline trailer he Cheap. Arena Mtlltj. Olsons Trailer j;our4,S90 Laybin Bd. TRAI1.FR house. 14', metal cov ered, $179 00. Ph. 3-ri NEW 4-C 6 R N E R TRAILS S COURT. MODERN, Clean A, Quiet Visitors Welcome, tote STATE ST. $390 DN 35' Pacemaker, modern. rn. s-ziir aiier a p m. wea . weee Courta days, anytlm weekends. ONE of Sslem't Better Court Lnur atreet Trailer beun, 419S CENTER ST. TRAILER TOWING JAYHAW TRAILER SALES Wet porttand ltd - Ph 4-rW2 SHOP 'at ..EaTrL- Mlm Trailef Salea where all uses tit shown. 13 ft. thru 40 ft. Aloha! Ksn.kill; Cruisei: Mavflowet A Rnllawav Corner of Lan caster It Sllverton Bd. Ph. 4-7127. 2 FT. " iloit SaTTra I ier'."'ltMB -metal, lieepa e nuiane oven stove. Oil Heat picture win dow. Electric Ref. Toilet. Shower. Brakes, New Awning, Light Interior In excelieol condition. $1990 KANNIER USED CAR! Weal as lem. Or agon r mr ' V