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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1956)
UlSec. II) Statesman. Saleml Ore.. Mon". Tulv 16. '561 make tricks mu.Mi iu.-u wi Tna nr XOTirl Or INTENTION t improve . Kart Amu rree X ThiHttnik i Marta. le.irtremh Street NOTICE hKllfcBV is C.I VII thai the Common Council of tha City of Orrenn, drama II Hmari nd expe-lient and hereby declares u. puroo inn intention ta tmnmva Planes Collide, Both Luiid Safe LONG BEACH, Calif. Wl Two Air Forct planet, a B2 and a truck aver made In China havt rolled off the assembly line of state motor car plant in the alan rhurian city of Changchun, the Communist New China newt agen cy sayi. ZfJ UViVK- ,rom " " C. collided in the air Saturday of North Thirteenth Street lo the1,... a. ... . -j .a a - eui Doia laiHira at ia tore ma rine air atatioa without casualties. uno 01 North Fourteenth ", tho Clly of Salem, Or. . aon. bv bringing aald portion M aald rreet in th eatsbllshed grade, pro. vlrlin drainage, eonetrurtlng cement concre'e curb and paving aald por. linn of aald street with a fi, l-ch is-ph-ltic enneret pavement M feel wid. al lha cxpens of In abutting " fltcnt property, except lha atreet and allay Intersections, which Pn" will ba assumed by lha City or Salem, and except tha sidewalks which will ba constructed at th. P'"' of IS abultlp proparty only. the Air Fwct reported. Both- (wo-rngine planet were Base and vera on routine training flights. Officers aald that in soma manner a propeller of the B2 truck the rudder of the C'V The C45 mace a wherls-up belly all In accordance with tha olane and i landing but the B2 landed DOT- SJ. " m'" which ,, malty, the Air Force said, report- """T etty i and whlrh inn reierenee thereto ara mada 0 nr1 hereof TIim. ni. mnA U'ctWnvt may ba examined by any ln-eret'd Party. Anv Interested Droo- NOTICE or INTENTION to improve ' taatll rbitrrk Street Free McGlkhrlet straal la Jadsaa Street NOTICI HEREBY 18 GIVEN that tha Common Council of tha Clly of Salem. Oregon, drama II necessary based at Long Beach Air Force IU purpose and Intention In Improve IKlUIrl CHURCH STREET, from lha north Una of McGllchriat Street, to lha anuth Una nf Judann Street, n tha City of Salem, Or, on. by brlnln aald portion nf aald stret lo tha aitahllahad frada. pro- vldlnf drainaia, constructing camcnl concrata curha and pavlnf aald oor lion of aald alract with a I'a Inch at- pnattic concraia pavement 34 feat wida, at tha expenae of lha abutlinf and adlacant property, except tha aireei ana alley intersections, whir expenae will ba assumed bv the Clly of Salem, all in accordant, with the plana and specifications therefor NOTICB Of STREET VACATION NOTICE It HEREBY GIVEN that Adam Enfel and klir.abeth Enfel. hn rty owner may ascertain Ihelr an. i lh day ' Hiv, 1M. which ware adopted by tha Common proximate shir of the cost of mak. "' patilioo with tha Clly Record- Council July t. I5, whlrh are now the improvement at tha offic of r "'"atlnf proreadinia to vacate ' ' tha city re- tha city enelneer. Tha f-ium lha streal daarribed as follows, to- niror and which by this reference Council hereby declare, lit- purpose "- u'lmiion in maKe ina simiwa ' Beatnnlnf al a point SS.N feat Southerly from tha Southeast cor nea of Lot II. Enirel HrihU Addi tion alonf lha West aide of Eniel Avrrvue: inenca norm ra: n west. thereto ara mada a part hereof. These) plana and soecifirstiona may oa psramlned by any Interested psr 1y. Any Interested property owner may aecertain their approximate sharp of tha coat r rnaklnf tha 1m- acribed Imorovement by and throuth alreet Improvement denartment Owners of property ll-ble for tha eoal of fhsi'lne auch Improvamanl may fit written remenstraaee aalnst tha aama with tha clly re corder al anv lime within ten dayi Jfier tha final publication al this no tice. By order of lha Common Council. July . eM. ALrnrri MUNiyr. cil Reenrd kJ.: "."7" ". '' ...I,. .k-.. T. a..ln.l Ih. ume with Ih. . ",Bl "M' UD"""",!;th;,Wdedlc rord.r .1 an. Urn, wllh.n ten div. lion navinf (Ken nan ano maaa pn- " puuiKauun mu an. rr lo a rapist or the addition, ana "re. thu It would be beneflrlsl to vacate i By Order of tha Common, Council. said strret. ana there is no need or 'uiy a. nerraeilv nf retalnina the lama for' ALrRrlJ MITNOT. City Hecwder auhiic use Date of first publication: July IS. MM Tha common council or in city nai puoiirauon: juiy x J.IS.X3J0. liaa imI' iiuum NMih a- ay Wmmt I provament at Ih office of th city SD.IS feel la lha Southwest corner : enfinr. i n Lommon Louncu nere of Lot ii Kneel Meiehta Adrtiimn by decUraa It purpose and Inten- the no Easterly alonf tha Souther- tio" to maka Ih above described Iv Una of Lol If. lull feat to tha i Improvement by and throuah the Poulheait corner of said Lol II; i"! Improvement department, thene In a Southerly direction I Owners of property liable for the lo 7a feet ta the niece ni heainnine ; coat of maktna auch Improvement for the reason that auch straal la not may fll written ramonilraac U.a.3 rtrTIC l" rvT-arnoN TO oath Teea-e . pc-if stre 'real e-T" M MA mtmumS . Korii-a; ui-nnv ln fiTVE" thai Saleiti has fixed th 13th day nf Cinn-o- Council of th Cltv of Amu I, IMJ, al Ih hour of T:9S tern. Or -'on. rtrema I ne-vry o'clock p m., as Ih time. In the and axned'ent -d hereby declirra Coimril Chambers in the City Hall It f"vta enet Intention to Imnrove tn Saaam. Orefon, aa lha place for ' m trKT . sr. coN n hr.-rtna "Id procaadlms and any NOTtCE Notice It hereby (ivan thai th ro- T-rrr ' lr" "'i and aJ obTectlon. and ramonstrance, WX'RZXTXZPMSr r-rn- Ittreel la tha north line of Ih propoaed vacation. Objections P ia W llutnh? ii.I Trle Street. In th Clly of Balem ,t auch yacalion. any there ba. j i?thr?nr, LnIL Vn! ,d Oreeon. . . '.should be made la writing and filed ", ."TL"1 "i","!! Ii1 "lm- n,m . ..,..; ... .... ..k .- r-u. i Z ...a .... and atyl of Glob TraveP IVervire. brinflna aald portion of aald with tha City Recorder of said clly "5!' treat lo lha aatablished trad, pro- Prior " ' Ih' haarlna I' "t""i"T r ""T.ii !2 .d,na,dreln.. ronatruclm, cimenl I BV pHDin Of. THE COMMON ; f-f"i!. J has been dissolved pursuant to the slatuiory Isw of the stale of Orefon and to notice of withdrawal given to all partners by th undersif ned, alter Concrete eitrhe ...... ... PnilMril. Julv t"- cf r'r-t with a fS l"h ' ' AVFRFD MUNDT. ' s-t:ic r""crrr vvri-t l 'e-l City Racordcr. . - - errtem-e f n s-.t -i. ! J.S.IIJSO.AJ. ) -d)-eepi "m-riy. e-:rrnt . I t'll end -I'e tn'-y-.-t'nf r.'h'e'a e"--n't win h. rr-un-if be f- cy o- criem. -u in acir-nra y.tri tha pl'oe a'd rnecit- fn-a aher.'nr NOTICE Or INTENTION TO IMPROVE oxroRD STRErr and Irom the first d. y of July. MM so lar ai nlatra u tna undersigned Palmer R Saltier and Brunhild T S4lher, who retire irom said firm ana wna hereby disclaim aU liability - ftS'BV'J-d; y'lhl'cHr"! TRMr feaJH A'rv...T'd - rorder and whu-s ke (hi. . NOTICE HEREBY Is GIVEN that terela ara made oart hreof I1 Common Council of the City of Thee plana and enerlflcallons may , Salem. Oregon deem it neccaaary e examined by any Interested party, and expedient and hereby declares u purpaae ana intention u improve OXFORD STREET, from tha eaat Una of Twelfth Street la tha weat Una of Thirteenth Street, la th City of Salem. Oregon. by bringing aald portion of aald street to tn established grad. pro viding drainage, conatructlnf cement concrete rurbe ana Any interested prooerty owner may certain their anproximete share of th coal of making th Improvement t Ih office of th city enaineer. Th Common Council hereby declare its purpose and Intention to make tha ahov dearnbed improvement bv and tnroufh th street Improvement ds- yanmrni. .. .. . rnp"tr p-b-e for th pcvlng aald portion of aald atreet m. file wri-i-i ;.U-,Tr . J. wH s' '""h '-haltlc concrete tha J-ma ri ibaVJ. !J Psvcmenl 4 fret wlrj. ,July I.S.IS v;: :.,v,,h.'nrty?T.,;rth. ?'.!. r"".?' in ..r alter tha first day of July. 1S9S. Th unfinished business and af faire of tha copartnership will be attended to by Gorg W. Murphy, on of th copartners, aald George w. Murphy being hereby authorized by tha undersigned to collect, receive and receipt for all moneys, good and properties due or accruing to said partnership, and to discharge aU ob Illations of said partnership and par. form ail Its unexecuted contract. PALMER R. SATHLR. BRUNHILD T. bATHlR, ... m oaroner Hoaa. balem. Oregon riw-l t.Mhi... e " catiieni proncrty. r?crnl tte afreet Fy Order af Uua Caaiaaa r.,11 nd alley Intcaectlons. which ex July "t Common Council. p,r w utlmMl bj Clly AI.riEn MITNTTT. Cltv Record-e.!"' . , Pt of first puhliretiont July l. IM " ,n ccardanc wllh th plan and lq unai puoiicaiion: July an, J II U.M JIOTirE fir INTENTION TO rnNlTSPrv a ueia ttOTICE HUREBV IS GIVEN that ye Common Council of th City of Salem. Orefon, drams It necessary nd expedient and henehv alerlMrM It purooM and Intention to construct aaniiary eewcr Una ta serve Lowen Street, a part of En Heighta An nex ca. i and adlaceal acreage. In acrordanca with tha plana, swcciflca- ftone. ana aetimates. for such sewer which were adopted by Ih Common Council July s., which ara now an rue in tna office of th city re eworr ana which By thu thereto ara mule a nerf , to. after Us final publlcallon ad 1 h Common Council declare ft I notww permeations therefor which adopted by the Common Council June XS. 194, which are now on file in tha offlre af tha clly recorder and which by this reference thereto ara mada a part hereof. Thee plana and specifications may ba examined by any interested party. Any Interested property owner mar acertaln their approximate share af tha coat af makin( tha Improvamanl at tha office of th rlty engineer. The Common LCouncll hereby declare Its purpose and intention to ma fee the above dee mbd ampraventenl by and through Ih street improvement department. KOsltE Of IMLNTION TO iv.aeas.t;,a a ....& kOii. aj that tha twnuas cuuiK.ll of lue city ai "ni, orcaoa aettia it naccary ana expea.cnl ana hereoy oaclares iia puiaws ana intention lo ton slrutl a sanitary aewer line to aerve tna area aouta of ciaa Creek Hoed between Pali Drive and Caacaut Drive, ta the City af Salem, urea on. m accordance watn tha plana, apeci licatsoaia. and eaUmatea for aucn aawer whlca war adopted by me Common Council June la. ISM. whica ara bow on tile la tna eflic ol the city recorder and which ay Una rel ate oca therein are made a part el una not us I he Common Council declaree Its purpoee ana intention la maaa aucn Owners af aronertv liable foe the I aewer improvement al the exoenae roel of making sue improvement ana coat 01 uia propeny in com may file written - remonstrance mon Council arm benellted bv tne eordrr and which by this referenc. ' h. tarn, with in city - ""'- uT .7. ,1Z.'JT1. a part af thia no- c?.rDr."' ." ' " w ' v:, f " this purpoee and inten I ion lo mak auch aev.ei improvement at the exnenee and r.l of the prone tie Ih Com mon Council deems benefited By the conatrurtion of aiirh aewer, to-wlt, prnnrrty in th following deacrlbed dltrlrl: Prinnlng al a n-lnt on Ih north . line of I.owcn Street, Cltv of R. Icm. Pmk county. Or-nn. i1d T"'i't heme e.-sl-rlv from lha foutheaat corner of Lot Bine': I, By Order af tha Common Council June u. la.i. ALTRtO MUNDT. City Recorder July S. t. II NOTIC OP INTENTION TO IMPROVE THE ALLEY In Ih unnumbered block north af Block H. Balem NOTICK HERFBY IB GIVEN thai the rn.n,..tlt I nllnll .f IK ( I . u .1 -- ' . wniinn 43-. aaiem, urcgon aeema it necessary ana feet If measured atnn Ihe awirth line of said Lowen 8ire-l: thenca northerly along tha enutherlv ex tension nf ihe westerly Una of Lot 17 ol Enfel Heighta Annex No, I and tha westerly line of Lots 17. It i and :o of aald Enfel Height! Annex Nft. I tn tha northwest cor ner of said Lot tn: thence easterly along the northerly line of said Lot tn and tha easterly extension there of lo a point on the weaterly line nf Lol n. fngel Hriehta Annex No. I; thence northerly to the northwest corner of aald Lot I.I: thence eaatrrlv lo lha northeast Corner of said I ot 1.1: thence aouth- eriy tn the loi.thea t corner of aid expedient and hereby declare Its purpose and Intention to Improve THE ALLEY In th unnumbered block norlh of Block . Salem, la tha City of Salem, Oregon by bringing aald portion of aald street to th established grade, pro viding drainage, and paving aaid portion of aald allay with a tta inch aaphaltte concrata pavement If1! feet evlde at Ih expense of th abutting and adjacent property, except th atreet and alley Intersections,' which ex pense will be assumed by tha City of Salem. all In accordanrf with the plana and Lot 13; thenc easterly along tha ' soeclficationa therefor which ware roriner-v in. n- luots la Rnt ?n, aaopiea py ine common council rn-el H-I'hts Annex No. I to the I June IS. lu;l, whlrh are now on file nrrtl-eaeteriv nrner e said Lot 1A: I In Ih office of Ih city recorder and thenca aoiif'erly to tha nor-jist I which by this refcrenc thereto are corner or lAn I Of Heights Annex No. aoulherly along tha easterly line of aald Lot IS. KITS feet; thence north Ta- If weal T7 ) feel; thenca couth V IT west 11.1 77 feat: thence south feett thene north IT T eaat ta a point on th enterlv line of Lot N of aald Engel Helghu An nex No. 1 thenca aoutherly tn tha eoutheaet earner af -said Lot M; thence aast akmg lha easterly ex tension of the aoutherly Una of aald Lot yy, las.U feet: thene aouth l.t" SB' west lo a point nn tha northerly lln of aald Lowen Street; thene eastnrlv along tha norther )v lln of ld Lowen Street an feet; thene norlh 13 if eaal l!1 feet; Id Kneel ' mad a part hereof. These plana and thence ; sperlflrationa may b examined by thene eaal-rly lo a nnHt which la nolle any interested party. Any Interested proparty owner may aecertain their approximate share of tha coat of making tha Improvement at th of fice of th rlty engineer. Tha Com mon Council hereby dec Is res its purpoee and Intention ta make the above deacrlbed Improvement by and through th atreet Improvement de partment. Own. re of property llabl for the coat of making auch improvement may file written remonstrance Sfalnat lha same with tha city re corder at any Ume within len days after the final publication of this north 77 weat est feet and north if- sv we-t ansa ayaj fe-t nd north 4' ST weat 71 SI feet from tha Intersection of th weatrrly line of Kingwood Drive with the nnr'herly lln of aald Lowen Street; thene eoulh 4 V aast 7 S4 feet; thene anuth 4 W aast in a i to a point an tha northerly lln of aaid Lowen Street, aald point be ing westerly from tha Inleraertlon of th westerly Una of said King, wood Drive with the aoutherly line of aald Lowen Street Inn feel: thenca aouth 17 17' weal lot feel; thence westerly to a point on tha easterly line of Weat Hllla Way, aaid point being aoulhertv from the Bv Order af the Common Council June IV If ALFRF.D MUNDT. Clly Recnrder July 1 S, IS NOTICI TO CONTRACTORS Sealed propoaala tor furnlshlssg ma terials and constructing three rein forced concraia bridge with columns and footings will ha received at tha office of lha Clly Manager, Cltv Hall, Salem, Oregon, until I II a.m. on Monday, July II. IM, and will ba publicly opened at 1 00 a m. on lha same dale by lha City Manager la his office. Tht protect Includea removlne Interaeetlon Of Ihe amitharlv line of i three existing limner bridge and aald Lowen Street with the evaler- conatmctlnt the following: lv line of said Wee' Hill" Wiv 1001 Itll.H HTHKET KHIIX.K feet: thenca westerly end parallel with the soulherlv line of said I-owen Street to a point that Is SO fet westerlv from the rverterlV line of aald West Hills Wav: thence northerly and parallel with the westerly line of and West Hills l.eneth: l2 feet IM' . 10' . laT LrK STREET BRIDGE: I engt'): feet I If 10' - If I 14TH STREET BRIDGE: Length: 71 feet I If - KV . If) Plana, aueclficatlnns and other doc uments required for bidding may be War le a point nn Ihe southerly 1 Inspected al lha olflc ot the City line of aald Lowen Street; thenca northwesterly lo the point of be ginning. T t Engineer and coptee may ba ob tained by qualified prospective bid ders upon a deposit of 110 00, which amount will be refunded In case the documenta ara returned, but other wise Will ba retained. Attentlnn of bidder Is directed to Section I7S-0II, O R S. providing for I he Common Council will, at In o'clock pm, August IS, MM In Ihe council chambers of the city hall, hear and consider onlectlone. If any i.,.ra he ta the nronoaod sewee lm. nl af Ihe assessment nf the Pra-aualitlcslion. total cost .or part nf th. l) ul X?? t -ereof rlnt ld district ftr any ine.-lftf-ti(,ni. and mus tf a.-com- particular proprt therein. ' i psnied by a certified check tor an Th. niana and eoeclflcatlona above moun' 0,",, ,c or ."ceedlng five Tha plana anq apeciticanona aoova , (,,;( n tl)U, b(d A referred to may b examined at the.ioti'l. corporal surety bond will be office of the city recorder, and any required to guarantee Ihe faithful , . Mw,. ... I performance of th contract, togeth- Intere ted propeny owner my as-1 ......-- ..h certain hie approximate ahar of tha may be ne wary ta protect the Clly n"tc nf th rll re"orrlrr. and anv cost of making tn improvement at asainsi loss ar namaga oy reason af interested pro-yert- mvnei. ma , - th city enalneee . ' Hijuriea to person or property. ,. otfir. of hc c.ty r.glneer I. rrved by th. City py uiorr vi - --' -. in reievi any or all mas, ar lo ac aistrlct : Beginning at a point on the aouth lino af Lot la. West Salem Ad dition. City of balem. Polk - County. Oregon, aaia punt being LS.a feet norineasteriy Irom tne Southwell corner of aald Lot 10, thence northwesterly nd paral lel with tna noitncasteily line af said Lol III, to a point on lha north bank of the main drainage Oitcli: Ihenct noruicaaterly along tna noiin uank ol said crainaga dn.'ii to a point on the north easterly line ol aald Lot 10; l.ienco nortnweslerly along tha northeasterly line cf said Lot II and Lot S af Taggarts Subdivi. Mon lo tha northeant corner of aald Lol I; thence southwesterly along tha northwesterly line of aald Lot I. 40 feet; thence north westerly along Ih southerly ex tenaion of Lol 7 and I of Mid Taggarts Subdivision and the northeasterly line of said Lot 1 and S to tha northeast corner nf eaiok.Lot I; thence southwesterly along tha northwesletly Una of aald Lol I and lha southwesterly extenaion thereto to the south easterly corner of Lol 14 of aaid Taggart Subdivision; thence noi Ihwesterly along the north easlcry line of l.ola M, 15. II. - and 17 of talil Tafsarl Subdlvl alon to tha hortneaat corner o( said Lot 17; thence southwesterly along tha northwesterly line of said Lot 17 to th northwesterly corner of said Lot 17- thence weaUrly lo a point on Ih east erly line of Eatate Court, said point being aoutherly from the Intersection of the easterly line ol said Estate Court with Ihe southerly line of Glen Creek Road 147 feet: thence weaterly along tha southerly line of aaid Glen Creek Road to Ihe Inter eection of th aoutherly line of aald Glen Creek Road with tha easterly line of Cascade Olive; them' aoutherly along tha eaat. arly line of said Csarsde Drive to a point 74 feel aouiherlv ol Ih northerly line of Lot I, Block I. Klnrwood Terraces, If meas ured along the easterly line nf aaid Cascad Drive: thence northeasterly to a point on the mrthaalr r'v line ol said Lol I laeld nnrthessterlv line alsn being tha anuthweaterly line nf Weal Salem Addltlnnl. Said point being southeasterly from the northwesterly line of said Iit t 0 t feet, thence southeasterly along life southwesterly line of aaid Weat Salem Addition to a point southeasterly from tha northwest corner of Lot g nf aaid Weat Salem Addition M.3S feet; thene northeasterly to a point nn th northeasterly line of aald 1-nt t. asid point being anuth easterly Irom Ihe northeasterly corner ef said lot I. JO A4 feet; thence northwesterly lo lh nrrtheest corner of aa'd f.ot I, rOfM feet: thene easterly to the nnrfiw-'l corner n' lot nf aald Weil Salem Addition; thenre aoutheaaterle alon- the anuth. werterlv line nf aa'd I n g 210 111 feel; thence north SV 4r eaat 7. SI feel: thence southeasterly parallel wllh the northeasterly tin of aaid Lot S lo a point nn th southeasterly line of anid I.ot s. said point being aeitilh westerly from the southeasterly corner jot aald lot I, mill feel: thene northeasterly along the southeasterly line of aald West Salem Addition le tha point of heglnnlnf. The Common Council will at 1 o cmm-k, p m., July 13, marl. In Ihe council chambers nf Ihe ritv hall hear nd erm-tdee ohrect'ona: If ny there he to the. s-ronnsed aaws tm nrovment. or Ih saar-ament nf Ihe tnlrl coat or anv ner of the coal f-e-a-of e'alnat aald dlatr'ct or anv nrt-ulr a"tta lrfrl. Tr clans and snertftrxtlnri above re'erred ta me- he examtn' el te July t, 1W. ALTRKD MUNDT. City Recorder. - .1I41J0. rent th proposal which appears most advantageous. CHARLES A. BARCLAY, City Purchasing Agent. '.14.11. e-taln hta ennro-Mmete share of the met nf miUna Ihe Improvemenl at h n'flre of lke c't enelneer. Nv rrdr nf th Common Council Jun IS, ISM. ALfRF.O MtfNDT, City Recorder July I, MS X T- whM Classified ""Advertising" SUInmaa-ajMnuil tm N. Ovrk KC PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mia. I Mbm, WMhteTf. Mia iwr in I Urn SI M 0t lln 3 time M M or Ui hirHM II M .. 1N Mr )ln I mo lAOOflnci tun.i CUifid adf mill tf run in ooib Mtwri to atiw sdvvrtiMn tn aavaaiis at in KTmta- TOmbiisd clrvuieiiioiu 'Whtn an ad ia ardrrtHl thrtM ar aix timea and a Sunday laiua ia iiu'ludad (for xamp. rrtday Saturday Sunday. Ih lowtr Sunday rates auply tMraua only in ;ataman dud. una aun lava ClaMidtrt ads mill start la tha rmunint Oraaon Staittman. con luda in the evanini Capiui Journal Dul aria will be ar tad tor Sunday Salesman only. The deadline for cliwified ada i 00 am. the day before pub lication except for Sunday when deaeiiine u e 90 a m Friday emergency ads and small line ad received after I 00 im weekdays and until IS noon Satudray for Sunday may ba oiacea in ine ioo una w ciat illy' column , Ads fur Monday pipers must 9 in by I a m Saturday The Statesman-Journal f.ews papers reserve the rifh to re ier questionable advertisinc; it ; further reserves the right ta lace all advertlsms under to jroper elaaaificatlon. Tha Statesman-Journal Mrsl papers assume aa financial re iponsibiiity for errors which may appear in advertisements ?iibltshed ia Its columns and in erases where this paper ia at Null will reprint that part ef tn adverttsernent in whlrh th tvposrsphicaj ntliuke occurs. A 'BHnd" Ad an ad contain- nf a btatesman-Journai News- oapers box number for aa dresa is for the protection af th advertisers and must there fore be answered by letter. The Statesman -Journal Newspapers re not si liberty ta divulge n formation as to the Identity o advertiser using a Blind fHlS NCWSPAPP.R 8TRIVCS to protect it readers against fraud deception or iniurtes Headers are cautioned to make SO f AYMKNTS to gel a oo fition advertised la tha nelp wanted columns All nrlp wanted ads MUSI SPaCCIKY nil NATURE OF THE WOHK Sales help wanted ads must ststa tf tha aav ia In the form of salary eommtsaions. guarantee ar Include firm aama Bona rid oner at em ployment with pay belong ta the "Help Wanted" columns. ids ia other columns which re quire investment la at ocas samples, equipment ar caan onnd snculd he thoroughly in vettigaed oefore oaving out sny monev Advertisers re quiring a eah invrntfrent for umplrs or merrhaflw saiet aid etc must so snecifv in their sds nti rsDorl sny exception to tht rule to te rlass'fied ad vertising manager 400 Aprirnltnre 402 Livtstock tor Salo norrssiONAL karssihow La Hanson 4-S1I4 a -iaU EXTRA gd gentle milk eo rn. i-Jiiu anar in, jrHKEY family row, grnlla. 44M Bllverlon tia. GENTLE spotted mar. vry gentle lor klda. also bay pony. sij nnverion ro. ' IUR SALE or uaoe. genua pomea lor children, alao good saddle horses Bob Eranke, 90S N Water SL ailvtrloe, Pb S-dIM SALEM Meat Co, lorker beef Custom kilting, rutting and wrapping, trailer loaned free 403 LiyestoxkVariied CATTLE buyer A. 't Bon-mar, row rlarmony. ur rn -oT LIVt-SIOI K buyer Clsuae ta svarda HI S. Boa SE 4-1 1 H CATTLE Buyers 47 Rule E I. at H Snethen S-I.MS. I-4'HO. CAT! Li norsea at your farm C C. McCandlian. Rt I. s-ilde 404 roultry antl KabbiM g YOUNO. aervlreabl do rab- mta. Ph. 4-24XI. BABY Chirks hatched yr. round vauey farm Mora. 4-4B24. COLORED dressed fryers. Call evening. Ph. 4-IOM. CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry. We buy rabbits. Wing's, WSS Stat. Ph. 4-311. 408 Part 1 WHITE klttrna A t yellow to giv away. rn. zhuut. roR SALE or trade. I wka. old Labrador pupa. A K C. Ph. 1-3141. 3349 Abrami Ave. FOR RALE Puppies all kinds Coma see afternoons at 334 Livingston or rail I-7AM. Will buy puppies any kind. roR "SALE : TlnyTot Tririir puppies. Ph. 4-93M r 1110 Croaa St. TO CIVE AWAYnblack kittVnT Ph. 3-0731 400 414 Form Efjiilprrtewf ONE ft. Caa combine with flt'kup flngera. Burns hrlslulfersiin, 44411 Mixxlvlsw , Dr. Th. 1-1171. 450 Merchandise 454 Sawing Machines MAKE OrrEH: Singer uphol. sterinf Rawing M.thlna. 41-S Moaei. rn. 3-anu. mw fit sent View Dr. 4SS Home Goods for Sola I SWIVEL brnwn Jt 4-M40, flreplare rhalra. fold tweed. Ph. ROSE wool frett Davenport eV rtiair, no sign or wear, enst will sell for 1113. Ph. 3-326 alter 3D wk das. ROSEWOOD at mahogany .urn tur. rhnir. rrank a Cabinet Shop, aunt N. Com I. roR SALE: Sxll broadloom rug. Jamae eler. portable dishwash. er. blond and table: Simmons Beauly rest mall. Ai roil apgs ; overstulled arm c hair. Ph t-tnss. VKRY clean, nearly new 3D" Croaley elertrie range. SI 3D Ml I.g. oven. Glen Woodry, 1SU3 n. suininer. . . NEW Simmons Hideabeda. lies. Glen Woodry, Itkst N.. Summer. Paint a ai aa ,i a p.. Glen Woodry, lu N. Summer. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE" PH. 3-3431 MOVING, must sell Croslry aneivsaor refrig., Gibson range, drsparlea aV blonde corner' tible. Rt. 3. Box 370, Molalla. Ph. 3771 Molalla. SAMOYED pupa, purebred. AKC , rrg. from championship stock. Ph. or 4-0203. fOR SALE: A K C. reg. Labra dor pupa. 4 mo. eld. S-S34I. , MUST sell 14 mo. old male Dai matlan. reg. AKC. Loves rhll dren. Sllvertnn, ph. 1-7231 days or 3-W.I3 v. REG. Rchippcrk puppies. Ph 4-1036 USED refrigerator gully guar anteedmany alien 329.96 A up. ROBERTS BROS. 340 Court St. UNMNI.SHtU furniture. Jl. L. Stlff furniture. 173 N Hlgn SAVE now on chroma and wrought Iron dinettes at Sa lem's Lowest Overhead Store. Glen Woodry, lu N. Summer. 450 MrrclinndiVe 4SS Housa 0vs1s for Sale COl.DfiPOT refrig, aaaled unit S79.s. Used Mdsa. Marl. I7t Ho. Liberty. Open rn. plgliis til S. Me down pa) nient lo sj.i. . ANTIQUES: Two beautiful. round front, rhln. cabin! LamberVa. 3H58o. tomm, NEARLY new MayUg waaher wpump S03 00: very nlr G K wasiier wpunip Saa ao; Ken. more washer wpump, lig rollers S4Si. Glen Woadry, wa N. Summer. J-PC. WALNUT bdrm. aet. 4S. Uaed Mdae. MarL 170 So. Lib erty. Open Prl. night III s. No down payment o.a.). Ph. 4-S37I. BET nf alx antique aval, rhalra marble top tables, dmp-lrsf tables chests. Lambert s, 133 Bo. comm. SlOvM NEW S pc Bedroom suites. Irg Mr. at Mra wplate glaaa inn ror, bookrasa bed wsluling panels, nn stand, tilen wowi f.y,leo N. Summer. GAS Servel refrig. St Taupan range, excellent ronditmn. gun H3 for the pair. Easy terms. S AY H green stamps. Master Ken lt e Station. Mi N. t orn I (i t. STOVE -IMS model, ex.rl conn , also elec. Iruner. Ph. 4-WI.J or l-HiU, . 456 Wonted Housa Goodi WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Eum C... I-1471 SI 0.000 CASH Te spend for High grade Used furniture at Apnltaiu'ee. Ph 3-3110. Paying Top Prices for Better uraoe. (i len Woodry. 103 N. Summer WANTED FURNITURE A MISC. PH. 34098 SI km S'& H GREEN STAMP DIRECTORY "Clip & Save for Thia Week'i Best Buys" BAHKRV Peerlea Bakery 170 N t'onimerrlal Phone S-liM ' CAMERAS l ohurn Cameras 114 N. ('oimnerrlel Phon. t-1.41 DRUGS ' Capital Drug Store tlals I. liver ly . - Phon 1-31 IS . Chapaian'a Drug Store 140 Camlalaria Hlvd Ph. 4-SS71 Eree Delivery Mootry'a Pharmacy Hntlywitod Business Dtst. Kaiser Quslnasa Disk rirL Oregon Fuel ro. Sswdust and Wood rl'RNITI'RR Irniei's loloniai rurniture 3.43 R Commercial , Phon 3-4711 JEWELS Alexander's Jewelers Diamonds-Watches Sllverwar 3S3 t ourt St. LAWN at'PPLIBS Howaer Pro. 11 M 8. Ilth Garden Tractor Haadquartera Leather Geeda Bhafar Leather Goods ' - 133 N Cammerrlal Luggage U line Leather Good) PAINTS WALLPAPER Hutrheon'a tl N. Commercial i Phone 1-SSS7; ' RADIO Mitchell s Radio A T V. ISM) Slate Rt Ph 1-7171 Installing Sales as Service SERVICE STATIONS Ratdnrf'a Texaco Station 1W3 lalrgrounda Ph. 1-7431 14th 4 State Ph, 1-SSM Webb aV Anderson I Richfield! 12th aV Mission Complete Auto Repairing TELEVISION Mitchell's Radio T V, Mho State St -Ph 1-737T Installing Salea It Service ' 450 Merchandise SCrl.PPFHKA Ph. 1-3M2. pupa for aale I MO. OLD reg. Colden Cocker Spaniel, house broken, exc. pet. Ph. 1-7430 See al 177B N. 14th. no KITTENS, meetly Manx. Macieay ltd. 4-S7SO eves. 1 MO. Old Reg. Carman ahort haired Pointer for sale or trad. IS10 S. Capitol. Ph 4-013 ATTEN: hunter, for asle A KC registered English Springer Spaniel puppies, ISM N. Urd Ph. 3-a0. DACHSHUND puppte. minia ture, long hair, black at red. AKC. reg. Ph, 4-7304. BIRD Paredia for traa. cages s.anlin .aig t.ivingsion -laa IrOR SALE pointer pupa. Registration pa pera available. See Derret An derava. Reid Jdotel Milt City. Or. Estate Liquidators Just received large aelectlon of cheats, beds, dsvenoa, appli ance., rugs, pianos, vacuum cleaners, misc. Save at Salem's Loweat Overhead Store Gln Woodry. 1(103 N. Summer. SPEED QUEEN wringer-washer. ueLux with automatic Dump. Used only 3 yra. M. Se, ,t 1403 S. Summer. Ph. 4-3074. avea only. FOR SALE: Like new 1034 G. E. rang. St 4 burner, 24" even. Phone 4-24M. HURRY on this slightly used Hotpnint custom auto, washer ar dryer, only 1340. Guaran teed. Easy terms. 8 aV H green sumps. Master Service Sta tion. MS N. Com'l. fOP CASH PHICE - rtirVM. TURE. APPLIANCES. ETC. USED MERCHANDISE MART T0 I IHKRTY PH 4-S37I WANTED: Good clean furniture aV appliances. Will pay top cash price. Ph. 4-4371. 457 Radio and ll" TV Console, all channel tune A-l. S3 00. Glen Wood ry, leos N. bummer. 17" EMERSON T. V.. table mod el. uaed. reconditioned, 30 dsr warranty s3. 42 court St. Ph. 3-atUl. 458 tuildintj Mororiols LO. ar SM. press, cookers, cop per boiler. 1723 N. Church. KENMORE Caa Range. IDAS model. 10" oven, electric clock, light tn oven, pilot light, oven thermostatically controlled, equipped with vent pip and flexible connecting hose. 3100 00 complete. 34 So. LibertySt, MOVING, will aril aVverajar tlclea of furn.. alao elec. stove ft refng Very reaa. Ph. 1-7117. lir"tn..Sp,n'r1 i IT" Mahogany Duncan Phyte dining roi.m set. In excellent condition. Burns Chrtstotfer son. 4440 Hood view Dr. Ph. ELECTRIC wall heaters. K", off 12 gal. elee, water healer. S3. 11-1 wire. 4',c ft. Light fixtures reduced. I pc. bath aet, 1120. Built-in rangaa, 'i off. Outlet boxes, lie. 14-1 wire, 4c ft. Apex Electric i Plumbing. 1410 Broadway, Ph. 1-181. Open m. eves. W cut wlr. pip Ja prices. Overhead steel (arage doors with hardware. 31.a. IB stalled 4 i. Calvarused .v. treufk. 11H per ft. EPP1NQ LUMBER Ctt PH 4-6123 r SILVERT0N RD. Qassjfird Index Tor lour CMvealeBsre" 31 Maettag RoeJcaa 111 Lost aad feuo 114 T rajas po rtalaoa 11 Perssmal ' 11 Staanpa aaal Cats te AG RiCtJLTCRS an Lreeatock for Saks 03 Livestock anted M4 Poultry anst Rjaoit l Pur ataaruaa Ajuo aS Pesa Sea Pode li Seed and Plant 111 Fruit and Farm Predua-s) 111 Fertilizer 414 Farm lUtuipment 13 Auction Sale 43 MERCHANDISE 131 Machinery and Tools 132 w anted Marmnery Tools tS4 Sewing Macnines 133 House Goods for Saie 15 Wanted House Gone. RaO'o ana reiev aioa liS building Material lj Oo it Youraell 10 Musical Instrument. aril Sports Cqutoment tM Bicycles IM irade Miscellaneous PIS, For Rent Miscellaneous 170 For Sale. Miscellsneou. 71 Wanted. Mieccuanaou. 74 Miscellaneous 17 lul KOVNC paraaeets. cage, fat da Micuys. 333 S. Cua. 1-Fii. 410 Seed's osmI Mewts SALE MUSEKY ST0CX INVatNTORY RsxrusTOoai. A3 anruba a area wna.e.:. ar leaa. Many rtem. 91 aa.. foe SS Over t iMO ttem. t be oeat Nelaoa a Xuraary aarxt try Salem Gotf Coarse aa. 5. Kiver Rd. AU aale caan. ail ia n ftruu. ae fuaraateaa. Pa. 1-S-l.l rrcfTLAS. g toe it. Greenr.ouae. Brook. Merrill's MI71. KENMORE A-l watiiiu ma c"o. us. I'sed Md-ar Mart. r S. Liberty Osaea Frt tu 9 Ne down re. men I i.e i BE THAITTT Buy vased fur-u- 11 fell A craft paper 1133 a) 3 tab 113 lb roofing Cheap Cedar Shingles Si. S3, 9. a) New iron nn.fing per aq 110 Outside whit paint, gal S3 30 13-3 wire, roll at 4c Garage oX-ora, all airea. cheap Bark wir SO rods S3 ft 43 4) Ceiling tile llxM. lec aq. ft. tit plaster bat. 1! 4. 1 to. I S3 ao. I Aitaaata asdiruj 111 S ae. New star avsanra. sail SHit 458 tuilding Matariols Paint SI SO gal. Paint Glen Woodry, 103 N. Summer 460 Musical Instruments USKD uprlulit piano, reasonable Ph. 4-27IW. lll'SH aV liURTZ upllghrpTann. . good rnnd.. (190, L'sll 1-5320 eves only. UPRK'.HT Piano for sale, 1-S323. Ph. 462 Sports Equipment GOI-F flubs 3 woods, T Irons at bag, la). Weaver K-a arnpe rmaaiialra A dot with fifth mount for S Savage It 3. 4410 Shoreline Dr. 19.13 MKRCURY Mark 13. Like new. 32 Charles Ave: FOR SALE: Boat, motor it trail er complete Willi controls. 1'u ml. W. hirer school lo and of rd 3 W. Cheniawa HQ. 14 FT. "runabout, trailer. 22 II P., steering rontroi. rn. a-aan. SCOTT-AT WATER Outboards Salea aV Servu-e. Blake-crart boat. Shrolk. 1371 Highland. CASH paid lor uaed guns, mod ern ana antique laaaaoe Mere.. 123 Broadway. 450 Mrrrhantliae 472 Wanted, Misc. I NFKD late model refrigerator and appllanrea. Top caah paid right now. Ph. Glen Woodr-r 3-311 or bring to 109 N, Summer. ' WAN I 111) several thousand cords of wood, all specie. Pa 1-7711. Night. 4-331 474 Mitcellaneeus Cigarette Burns Repaired W can repair those unsightly nurns en any woonen surface In your home or office. LEE 4020 State Bt. Phon 1-7004 464 Bicycle LIKE new light weight Brhwlnn Enginii racing pixe. -a. rn. l-ial. BOY'S 24" Schwinn bicycle. 111 731 Sunset I'll. 3-9072. 468 For Rant, Misc. roll RENT er lease is ware house spar cement tioor brick btdg . downtown In aulr H L. Stiff rurn. 1-S1S9 tur fc aaaltaaeea. THE I w wr keanra. mil eul TH Hf II WAT la 1 TV ft. Term, at I la" gaiv. pipe lie. e-l. wooosrs tanrtt rsxo ixm-v. Ell S. Cen t Pa. 4-IT 9 a YOC aaad . auxaj'a lem er a oeeat rurvtuae ae eooiiaaeea. S . maw ,o eur esury earass. Woodry . VmT-r Ceed F'ir-iiturai 111 So. Cam I SI PS. 4-M7J I b.oca so. of papar alia II 2 Fruit X. Faewa 9 eeaol aaca t-QM-t-T- M dl DeLux. " - " " " I. V Diiasli Biitfnai a aat B .-ai ImrfUKuijtt apt. size ljt rt-cxVl Lerorurrl rrf ntfra.or Sumnapr 3 BUSINESS AND FINANCE Money to loan 512 Loans Wanted 511 Investments 40 EMPLOYMENT 101 Halo Wsnled 104 Help Wanted. Man we. Help wsnled Laoy HH Pickers Wanted llll Sales He D 112 Work Wanted. Man 114 Work Wanted Lady ail situations ta anted 117 Job Information 111 Education i0 Day or Contract 100 RENTALS 701 Sleeping Rooms Board im Wsnled Rooms, Hoard 703 Apartments for Rent 7114 Duplexes :ui llou.e tot nam '07-A Furnished 70S Fsrrr.s tor Rent 119 Wanted to Rent 710 Wanted to Rent House. 712 Wanted to Rent Apt. 714 Business Rentals 710 Resort Rentals 7'a i onvalescent Hnmea , 70 Moving and Storage WU rltlAL ESI ATE 3li Business Oppnttunittes Vn Huainras Property Suburban Houses tor ftsie iv Apis Courts lar Sal mn Lots for Sale 110 Farms for Rata ai2 nxcnange Heal state 31 Resort property II Wanted Real Estate tzi Inaurance 300 IVr-onal 312 Lost and Found FOUND: Rtrayad Hereford. Ph 4-2IKI0 avea. 314 Transportolion LEAVING for Texas, between Tues. July 17th ft Frl. 20th. Will expect passengers to ahar expense. Ph, 4-2S44. 316 Personol ALCOHOLICS Anonymoua group No I. KIM N Com. 14331. ALCOHOUCS Anonym oua. tM R Commercial Mioa ELECTRONICS nerds men. Sea our ad under Class fll. 100 Acririillure 402 LleesttKk lor Sal FOR TRADE: While fared row rhe-te. beds, dsvenoa, appli after 1 p m. 4 YR. old hlk. Mare, saddle ft nrldleliss Ph. M292. ONE 1-yr.old aaddlehred gelding rheslnut color wllh blare face, also 4-yr -old ahellsnd gelding well marked. Ill Plymouth Drive, Salem. JfEW RED POTATOES 1 the. 49c. Moor Park ft Tlltoo Apricots from Yakima. Green Apple Tt.. SOOS Portland Rd. NEW RED POTATOES 1 lb. 4!ic. Moor Park ft Tllton Apricots from Yakima. Green Apple Mkt. 10fllPortlandRd j FOR SALE Grain Pea hsv. 123 T In fie d. Rt. I. Box 303, Sa lem. Ore. LARGE selection of dining sets. 1 pc. ana i pc. eels mi so Blondes, walnuts, Duncan Phvfe a. Glen Woodry. lard N. Summer. NEW- brass flrewVeena 112 SS Glen Woodry. 1003 N. Summer. BOYSENBERRIES. Order bv nil A DTv-mrirri calling 2-00.19 or drive out to IjUAKAIN 1 tjtjL) paten Monday. jonn weuen-iRw.nnd,,on,a ,utom,f,e w,,n. omwKiiM 1 . r. rl ..... raneee Am r.r , 1.1S IB It up. YEATKR APPLIANCE CO. 171 Chrmeketa St achwander, 7 ml. 8. on Sunnyside Rd. Montmorency Pie Cherries J. W. HANNAH, 4-8243 FINE PTeceRRIES U Pick. Ph. 2-2124 FOR SALE: Exil. quality grass A Sub Clover hay. 1N0 rami. SIS per tnn In field. Located at Cascade Meats stockyards in Salem. Ph. 3-5MV FOR SALE Fescue hay. 12 ton In the field. Don W. Muell hauph. Rt. 1," Box 140, Salem. Ph. 4-122. PASTEURIZED whole milk 73c gal. Homogenized. 79c. 1 2 gal lon 40c. Cleary Dairy. 2-3oa5. Canning Tillon Apricots From The Dallea Polehn Orch. ards. will arrive Monday. 757 F.dgrwatar St- W. Salem. Ph. 2-5357. Good Clover Hay $27.50 DAVE RAMSEYER 4-1364 CANNING aprlcoU from The Dalles. Ped'i Produce 32.10 Portlsnd Rd. Ph. 4-4078 413 Fertiiiicr BARN yard rotted fertiltrer. 13 per tnn. minimum 3 tnn load. Ph. 4I.TJ Independence. " ROTTED" SAWDUST II yrs old. Use II like peet moss fnr mtilrmng flower beds or lawns. Call for price and delivery. Phillips Bros., Rt I, Box 900. Ph. 4-3031. PETE Moss front chlek tray. 73c sack. Valley Farm Stora. ANTIQUE maple poster spool bed. dreaser tn match. Lam bert's. 2.15 So. Comm. INLAID Lino.. II 3 per so,, yd R L Elfstrom Co. erty 360 S. Unfinished Chest?, Now . 1 Drswere 10 91 1 -Drawers SS No Phone Orders Pleas. HOGG BROS. 341 Stat. St. INLAID Lino 11.3 per sq. yd R L. Elfitrom Co. 260 S. Lib-arty. USED washers 111 Ar up. Mod ern Appliance Center, 1141 So. Com'l Ph. 4-9.105. WE8TINGH0USE refrig., srsled unit. 1993. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 So. Liberty. Open Frl. nights til 9. No down pay ment fo.a.c.l. I S per aq. yd. IVa-JSc. tli 31x1 gaj. tei eetx tasks (31 3 e ate gal aorai a?, taruu .:s j J - Sew satn tu eon-pier-a S-staS ToUeoj with er lai.SU Waaa. taa with rruai 19 3 49 Iroa. atael. er-i-ia ati Draal-basvd a! uiif . 30e P:. r" Ceila fana t:X73 Deluie 14x24 mtd. eamae-a S3 3d Oak Org. rasdsna ascg-Jl Cheap New window asshea. choice 13 10 Window aV frsmes, large stork Mahg plywood 4x1. lie sq ft. 0 1 .000 doors, hardwood ex glass STRICTLY CASH-U-HAUL CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C. G. LONG ft SONS 43031 1 Ml N. KE1ZER 470 Far Sola. Misc. NEW rockers. S;t9 93. Used Mdae Mart r.O S. Liberty. Ph. 4-S37I. No down payment (o.a-C-l. Open Frt. tughis til t. MAPLErhst. 4 "drawer. SI7SS. Vaed Mds. MarV Ft So. Lib- rty. Open Eft- night til . No dowa payment to a.c . Ph. 4-77t VSE3 wire recorders 129 94 up. Vaed tap raerarder 149 94 up. Taoe redio-peioae 3-apeed tsa. New vac recorders S.14. . Jtro-ar S3 30 ixn ft Uds t 12 19 CECIL FARXFS CO. Ml-n rn DrNTAL PLATE REPAIR 1 HH. SERVICE IN MOST CASES. OR HARRY SEMLER. Dnttt Adolph RMg. Slat ft Com'l St. SALEM PH 1-3311 ADDING marhtnea. ash regie. Clary. 1979 Fairground. 1-137. 476 Fuel ANDERSON'S alabweed. Ph. 1-7781 or 4-234. Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCHINO Planar Enda Chotre slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph. 1-77SI OREGON FUEL CO. Old fir Illy pads SAWDUST RAH Green Stamp Ph. 3-JS3.1 3097 Brnadwap "order now " FOR rates'" Sswdust, wood for furnace. range or heater, anavtng. at mulch. West Salem Fuel '' IS Edgewater Ph. 2 -arm HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST WOOD. WANTED eeveral thouasnd cords of wood, all speele. rn. Nlghta. 4-331. COAL briquette (odor leaa caa be aenverea 10 saiem rw 131S per ton. See ad under S01 Business Opportunltle. 500 Bug. & Fiiymca iausts. I. Church. Ph- 510 Morvey t Loor 4-X23S. ' COLEMAN floor furn.. good cond.. 100 gaL oil lank ther mostat, reaa. Ph. 2-B152 LARGE hdwd. play pen IS. Golf Club 1 woods. I Irons, com partment bag, good cond. S Ph. 4-720; PH LUMBER FOR SALE 2x4 RL $15 Boards it Shiplap Bean Poles, Free Wood Call Alpine 1-4.132, Lebanon $$"SAVEi$$ jlxS-"i In Canadian birch plj wood . 30c sq,. ft. 4xA-'s m. sheeting plywood 12 33 Sheet lxS Fir shiplap ta M Fir Casing 4c Foot 1x12 Cedar boards 1120 M 1x10 Inverted cedar boards and batts 1121 M Steel Roofing 11050 Sa ft. Odd air. plywood cut to your oraer. no charge. Sx9-.a in. ping pong topa SO ea. "A" grade birch doors 17.70 ea. "A" grade mahog. door.... 14.35 1x1-1 btr. ahlplap 173 M OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K Lumber Yard INLAID Lino. R L Elfstrom Co. ISO S Lib- arty DAVENO ft chair. 1.1430, Used Mdse. Mart, rn So. Liberty. open Frl. night til 9. No ' FOR SALE: good I car garage Lancaster ft Center Ph. Salem 1-1500 payment (oa.c.l. Ph. down 4-0.171. ANTIQUE furniture costs no more than modern, and what s difference. Visit Lambert's, 2.11 So. Comm. Itermsi. To place classified adi call 44811. Want Ad Guided Godfrey To Job A$ Arm Typist TVPin TAJfTloTefcle. Aaply4 y Peraeaae! Piseasaaial office-, C ( tf. 1. Area, Cue Ma in. Nee V I4iik eViitiag Um a yoaa ssaa, fa sard dnbat Godfrey aace a.aere4 Claaeilied Ad for a rraiet at Cam Merrill a ek that paid Ilia t?0 smith eat) keep.- m wnrn a ttm tm mmtm tWa M (Mi ivsajal MaaJ ka.aa Pmm tarn, U M K II, ,i llrV'V VaS 4 I f eaaaaal eaaaaaallai to he moved. Cottage. Sr. at 7 N. 500.000 t'EET New freshmtlled old ft second frowth lumber 1x4 to 2x11 In to 14-foot lengths. Delivered price Slm, 130 per thou minimum Ted Miiller S-IIM BLOG. SUPPLIES Oil Burners, conversion camp with all controls. 150 Thin tube Radiators with enclosures 110 A: up 1 Olflr riling vault cabinet 1 hr. fire rating IM I 4-dr. filing cabinet 127.50 Office lights .11 50 ft up nejeci naraooara 50x100" 11.71 oht. Uaed Flr-Tex 4c aq. Uaed Plaster hoard 3c aq. ft. Uaed Celling Til Se so. ft All kinds used Lumbar . 141-131 per M. ALSO .Windows, Doors, Elec. Supplies E.S.RITTER&CP. 740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-MII 4 Ml. Nn. of Snlem, 'a Ml. No. nf Totem Pole on 'iE Open All Day Saturday FOR'SALE: 2x4 studrilngs. fir or cedar IV each. Cedar ahlp lap 159 per M. Cash and Carry. Northwest Products, 40 Pac ific Highway, Wondburn. Dir ect Irom mill to you. WAt.L heaters: Meier Nu-Alr. new, S.OOO watt38't, dls. 2-00.10 BEV S rummage, everyday. 473 N. Cottage. Ph. 4-7300 AUTO, gas cond. 150. fir. furnace, excel. Ph. 2-0082. PIT RUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DEL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. Pa 24310 TOP SOIL Phon -1371. 1-1301 TYPEWRITERS adding ma. chines, cash regular, duoll cators. desks chairs, tiles. up nlies Hnen a. 454 Court 3-H773 E Adding machine, caah register. 2.000 ft. shelving. 11 counters. 1 wall case, 1 show cases, 7 drawers Misc. Tim limited. Ph. 3-701)1. MONROE lec. calculator, aroall executlv model LA, uaed, SMS. Ph.-37alJ CLOSKOUT New V Gym Slides 312 80 Sav at Glen Woodry. 1003 N. Summer. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, dryers, ranges It refrlga 111 19 It uo. VEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St. Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam rjlal 1-1749 Prompt uonvary lunar Sand aa Grav.l to. 472 Wonted. Misc. THE Union Gospel Mission I. a non-profit organization eerv. homeless men. For donations nf furniture, clothing, paper, maaazlnea, anything els. Ph. l-.iwu. f AG-AXLE In good cond. to fit 1952 t hev. true, men ajiin ns. Shedd, Oreg. LONG TERM LOANS (Farm and Suburban) LOW INTEREST . RATES Ph. 2-3551 CLt'ETT fc KEW0M REALTORS IWat Falpgrounds Rd. I Hollywood Put I WE HAVE cash buyers foe red estate contracts and Ind mort gages. Oh mart It C.laba. Realtor. 477 Court St Phon. 1-411 111 FOR MONEY 175 to $2500 Pacific Industrial S. Liberty Pit -S LOANS 15000 to 11500 Buy What You Need - Conaolidale your bill. Finance throjgh WILLAWETTE CREDIT COMPANY 11 S. Church St Ph. 1S411 PRIVATE money to Interest. Ph. 2-0794. loan. 1 for Cash HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. 1990 Fairground. Rd. (Hollywood District) HOME OWNED HOME OPERATED No Investigation Fe. Free Parking Lot. Call 1-70.11 CASH IN 1-TR1P Phon first then com In lo gel cash in a single visit 10 wna. final largest in tha USA I Ex elusive! Nationwide Credit Card at no extra cost good .1 over l.fsio offices. The Beneficial Man like te aay "Yes! when you asa iot a loan. Wa said "Yes!" to over 1 million last year I Phone, write, come In. , LOANS UP TO 11,100 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. (Personal Finance Co.) Phon 1-2404 101 S. High !00 Bus. & Finance 500 Bun. & Finance 510 Mory to loan S-0 Morrtry to loan Iffl. Mley. mm. 1MET. 0 O D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Por vacation Eor Bills ' ForPurcnases For You $25.00 To fSSOO.OO TACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 118 S. LIBERTY PHONE t-2201