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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1956)
I t uiauTI IB MAY II MAY B 10.14.1411 tumn 7. mid a" as AOS U 36.34 l-rf STAR GAZER' -Br CLAY K POLLAN ' 11 rar Mr 4cvn CoH H J AarWi(i r rfi. Start, Te develop manage for Sundoy, rod words corresponding to rKaptwrs your Zodiac birth sign. 70 7711 31 Mtownt J2 la 33 To 34 Your 35 Lm 36 Soa'ott 37 Don't 3e Knock, 3 Facu 40 Fran, 41 0han) 4 ly 43 Smil. 44 Put 45 , Uay Oen'l I CanM) 4 Sa 4 tuck 7 4. TatrnJ Von 10 V II Da 12 Kw 13 Tht 14 tut 15 Htm 14 Mm 17 Your It Cot I KMr 20 ThuhH 21 Pananally 31 tint 22 SatrW 52 Him'i 23 Don't S3 Todoy 24 Nov 54 And 23 HorianM 33 Ka 26 (o 54 Fancy 27 Accompli 57 Sha 21 Mo, 5t From 79 P,iufa4 S4 Th. 30 Opportunity Your 47 llo. 44 On 4 Out, 50 Thmk 41 0.19 42 Ev 63 Tha.r 64 Stisngo 43 World 66 On, 6; i 61 Todoy 69 Or 70 Too. 71 Portom 72 Avoid 73 Your 74 Opon 75 PflrkMkwi '6 Potrpontmonl " You 7t Orhor 79 Gonofoul 0 A II S-amam 13 Agointt 13 PaoplcV 4 Ana) 5 You t Calm 7 oblomt 81 Oittanc. Aarot 90 Spirit OCT. 34 NOV. IS i- 6m 4i GooJ (fpAaVn NtBtrt. numuM nov.u . DCC. 22 fSJf I bo-3iJ-33I'1 kO-42-74 vl DCC. f JAM 163 47 r tj I JAN. 31 rit IH7790. JOVk MA II rYZ How Is Your Sociability? Test Gives Measurement (EDITOR'S NOTE:. With the summer vaeall.a time a, H ailfM be well u eeuidee saw tatltfactoriljr c mlafle with oth tr. Herc't a tell eats, m to teat r aelabUltjr.) By .THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Maybe the wordi "introvert" nd "extrovert" were Invented by psychiatrist but to be one to know that ome peo ple are more sociable than others. And the way things work out, the sociable people are likely to be the leu self conscious and ahy. Where do you (all In the cate gory of social mixing? There are some clues in the answers you give to the following questions, put together by a practicing psy chologist. , 1. Would you rather give a par ty than go to somebody else's? 2. Do you talk louder than usual at a party? Air Control In Korea Said Held by Reds By JOHN BALDWIN SEOUL -The chief of South Korea's air force warns that if the Communists attack again in Korea, waves of Red jets will sweep allied air power from the skies within minutes. "We have no way to defend our selves against the first attack," declared Lt. Gen. Kim Chung Yul, the ROK iRepublic of Korea) air force chief of staff, in in inter Tiew. "We certainly would be faced with the difficult Job of winning back control of the air." The two 75-plane wings of F-86 Sabre jets one ROK nH ImtpiraH L' n ij . r r I J I . I . . : . v I i va in nuin wuuiu oiipr ivto oy inc sociaoie ones oe no more than token resislance to 'cause they can move around and muic man mi miu jpis tne taiK io iois oi people, ine reur fnmm, nt..t ...,IJ . I , . i . I , II I I I. Does it upset you when peo ple drop in unexpectedly? 4. Are you embamMMl if lh. house is in somethin ln than apple-pie order when unexpected guests turn up? S. Do you enjoy telling or hear ing gossipy I. Do vou nrofpr nirm l a Alt- versalion or reading? Keep TV Oa? 7. When you have guests are you likely to. keep the television set on? I. Do you like cocktail parties better, than dinner parties? f. Do you have a better time at social gatherings if you have something to drink? J 10. Do you have fun at your own parties? Answers: Of course, it isn't a sin to flunk this test All it mn is that you don t have as much fun in a crowd as other An Unw ever, on the basis of a score of 10 points for each correct answer It Is tairlv easv to fimir nut whether you tend to be the life oi me party or a hermit. Be caue most of us have areas of self - consciousness, a pleasant score would run trom 70 upwards. Anything much lower than that indicates that you tend to think about yourself and the impres sion you make a little too much. 1. Yes. I. No. If you tend to shout, It indicates you're operating under a degree of tension. i. No. Net I'acemmoa . 4. No. There are always occa sions when things are in a mess and everybody knows it. 8. Yes. Most of us do although try to get a man to regard the water-cooler as the masculine equivalent of the back fence. 6. Yes the real outgoing, sales man type invariably does. 7. Nn. In addition tn hid man. ners. it prevents full enjoyment of conversation. I. Yes. Cocktail parties are be- Communists could throw into the initial assault, Kim declared. U.S. Air Force officers said pri vately that the tremendous Red plane buildup, in violation of the Korean armistice, is partly res ponsible for the recent shift of U.S. air strength out of Korea. "We would be sitting ducks," aid one officer. - U.S. planes now based in Japan and Okinawa would be of little help as interceptors. Gen.' Kim said, pointing out that Japan based jets can fight for only a few minutes over Korea before head ing home to refuel. Korean officers estimate Com munist air strength in North Korea and Manchuria at about 775 planes, including more than 500 jets. Of the total. 430 aircraft mostly MIG jels are operating from North Korean bases, Gen. Kim said. 1 inff tvnpa uanallv nrefar Hinnnr parties where the guests are like ly io remain in one apot ior long er periods. 9. No. The addition of alcohol to' the system- is the remedy for those who would forget their- shy ness. 10. Yes. The worried host or hostess is likely to be the poor miACT. Of the people over 65 in the U.S. 1 there are 2,70,000 employed. There are an equal number of these are ages who are either retired or not working. I Ycu Ar Invited to Visit Our 'CHARM HOUSE' A Cape Cod cottage furnished wli the warmth and, friendli ness of early American maple at its best Where you may shop at your leisure with free decorating help, if desired. Our "Charm House" has just been completely redecorated. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC 467 Court Ph. I Mil Opea Men. A FrL Til t Mm Your prescriptions ore in skilled hands, here... When you want to bo urt, whon you car about quality drugs oxportly compounded o . . that's the time to visit our pharmacy. We'll do the work right!! f CAPITAL DRUG STORE 1 Locations to Better Serve You Main Store: 405 State, Corner of Liberty Prescription Shop: S17 Chemeketa, Griffin Bldg. WF, GIVE i-fC GREEN STAMPS OUR STORE IS AIR CONDITIONED BY FRIG1DAIRE SHOP HERE COMFORTABLY y Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Sun., July 15, '56 (SecI)-7 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P, M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS S7; L. special purchase! jewel movements men women 9s watches styles lor women: 1. Dress watch in gold-plated case with matching expansion band. 2. Expansion bracelet style with yellow gold color case, stainless back. v 3. The ever-popular 'embraceable' style. ,tF- - 1 Ik 4 '' ll -(D) c l mmm!mmmmmm I - ' LillWaMBai X. '-'". j: i 'v "s-..? , , --,. - - " aaaasaasiwaaBiiaaiBBniBBani v v 'fr n Mi ijO. v i fete, v , agjl'-'," v , aaaaaaiaaaaaaaiajaBaal ., ,i ........ ..n,. . ... .4 , .:-.i.: . i.. ,--,: -. -Is.. a.v,.. mt.imii.tJi r Wli&z: f I - ' - , : : ' .... -i " ' v ..' (' ' '. r . .""'. A r. .' "' '". ' ' ..Ji-.-'V . .,n,,iii,iia.i.mii.; i .,,. .....J.;..', i plus tax A whole w onderful group of w atches 'ooling like dollars more than this spec ' lal price. Dress and sport styles you'll ! e proud to own and wear. To make thfa price even more exciting-Meier & Flank's guarantees every 7-jewel ' move- ' ment mechanically for 1 year. So, don't wait . , . hurry down and make your ? selection early . . . keep in mind what a superb gift one of these watches would ' make! . !'. styles for men: 4. Water-rasistent, thock-resistant ityla 6. Sweep second hand itylt, leather band with chrome case, expansion band. wet, .hock-resistant. . 5. luminous dial, water, shock-resistant .. . ' ; with yellow gold case, stainless steel , f. Dreu watch In square or oblong style, ; back, leather band. . leather strip. - , .... , ; Mail and phone orden JEWELRY-STREET FLOOR sale! reg. 9Q- s10.95 fashion handbags " Wonderful! You can buy that wished-lor purse to complete your VupimeY . v - .' - ' . v wardrobe at a mere fraction of the original price! This selection Includes smooth calfskin, saddle, cowhide goatskin leathers; plastic 1 patents, ; rich rayon failles, and novelty summer fabrics. Every style from satchel to clutch is in the group. Black, navy, red, avocado, brier, white, pastels. . ' - Mail and phone orders LEATHER GOODS-STREET FLOOR sale! men women's handkerchiefs i: 1. Reg. 50c-$1 assortment of print hankie for women-'aS tractive designs for costume accessory, for 'tuck-in' gifts. Floral and modern prints on linen and cotton; hand tolled end scalloped edges. 2. Reg. $1-1.50 women's initialed linen hankies. ' Pure white with hand-rolled hems, hand-embroidered initials. Lovely of hankies. 3. Reg. $1-1.50 men's assorted linen and cotton handker chiefs with hand -rolled hems, tape and cord borders, hemstitched hemi, some with woven colored borders. Stock up at this price. Mail and plume orders' . HANDKERCHIEFS-STREET FLOOR 'tit shipping t oAl to arras outside our regular. truck delivery routes ' " " m r ii ii nh 1