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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1956)
6-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore.; Sun., July 15, '56 Marilyn Monroe's Arrival in England Met by Near-Riot Among Photographers, Reporters By EDDY CILMORE LONDON Marilyn Monroe, often late for Just one news con ference, waded lnt three in tu multuous succession 4S minutes after her arrival in Britain Satur day to make a movie. The shapely blonde film star flew in with her new husband, playwright Arthur Miller, and ttf. off a near riot among reporters and photographers vying for posi tions within reasonable range of her soft voice. She confided: She bad a pleaa an trip. England is a wonderful country. She expects to be here 14 weeks. She likes cycling. It would be very nice to see Queen Elua- be,th II, Might Get a Foot In the Door, But- WESTON . SUPER MAKE, England (INS) The looming danger of automatic machines taking over jobs now held by hu mans holds no terrors for one branch of British business. "We will never have robot traveling salesman," Maurice Batchelor told I sales convention, "be could nev er make a sale." Of the motion pictures shown In West Germany in the first three months of 154. there were from the U. S.. 39 from West Germany, 14 from France.. A sin gle Russian produced picture was shown. The questioning brought out too that Marilyn,, who once professed to wear bo underthings, had on both a bra and a panty girdle. "You've got to keep your stock ings up some way. she said. One of her friends said the rea son for Marilyns change was Miller, the tall, gangling bride groom. "Arthur's sort of conservative," the friend said. Marilyn came here to make a film called "The Sleeping Prince" with Sir Laurence Olivier, British stage and screen star. Marilyn's press agents explained at the top of their lungs that a conference would be held first for newsreels and TV. then one for photographers who take still pic tures, and a third for reporters. As they" bawled this news to more thsn 100 representatives of the press, radio and TV, Marilyn stood by with a sweet smile. , 1 Near her stood her husband, also Sir Laurence and Lady Olivier, who as Vivien Leigh starred ,ln ' Gone With the Wind" and looked as if she'd be happy to go with ! it again. i While flashlights popped, one lensman was hurled to the floor J He yelled as someone stepped on his hand. , ! Marilyn then sat down in her i trim-fitting skirt and crossed her j right leg ver the left an event ' which started photographers shov-, ing closer. ' ... , I After some questions and some! answers, Olivier took over. He led 1 Marilyn, Lady Olivier and Miller to a refuge behind a soft drink counter. "Now, we'll start again," he said. But he soon gave up amid the shouting, camera-clicking and questioning. Marilyn continued to smile. "Are all your news conferences like this?" asked an amaied Briton. '0h,M she answered softly, "this is very orderly." Marilyns party later drove to her temporary English home, the Parkside House at - Engleficld Green in nearby Surrey County. " Her agents chose the Parkside hideout after abandoning much publicized plans for her to stay at the neighboring Tibbs farm, owned by lawyer Patrick Cotes-Preedy. The switch infuriated Cotes Preedy'a wife Eileen. She said she wished she had never beard of Marilyn Monroe, adding: "What makes me so angry Is that she's going to the other house because Tibbs Farm has had too much publicity, and whose public ity was it? Theirs, of course." By "theirs" she meant the Monroe publicity outfit. Parkside House was rented from Lord Moore. The main bedroom has been specially decorated in white. The double bed, with Its bsmboo-trellis head, all the furni- COMMERCIAL Quick to . See Our selection of slide rules is typical of the choice range offered the engineering worker in the field or at thes board. 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