The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 15, 1956, Page 18, Image 18

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18-(Sec. HI) Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Sun., July 15, '56
Wreck Strips Airplane
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Kipped V-iean frn thf
ether personnel bound for England, virtually every Mat in the
tha plana plummetted bit a
Seized SSltl'SZ
arian pilot who was forced
, by seven anti-Communists to .
land tho big ship at IngoU
sladt. All seven sought po-
1 litlcal asylum Saturday. (AF
, Wirephoto.)
Pnritinnc Vrr4 HOUYW0OD-ene louit Hardy, 44, f
Mile. jKquolino Henrletro Humery, 36, assistant editor of
' tho French edition of tho Readers Digest, planned to marry
: In Farlt, but when Hardy, hero on film business, was unable
', to return to Franco in time for tho wedding date, ho asked
! hit bride-to-be to come hero for tho ceremony. , (AP Wire-
t pnote.j .
Visits Iko !!st
president Richard M. Nixon
arrived from Washington for
a meeting with President
Eisenhower on tha Pros I-
afanfa farm.'tAr wirepnoro.
,. ! i
. Tells
N.J. In military transport plan which crashed en takeoff
tuQg,,,) Air B . hero, 'killing 45 military and
wooded a action near tha baa.
; i
Mnriltn in I frArn lONDON-Actrett Marilyn Monroe and her husband, play,
mor,,lrn m t0nHOn wright Arthur Miller, arrived in London Saturday. While in
tha British capital Mist Monroe will co-star with Sir Laurence Olivier in a film, whilo Miller
. will work on another play. (AP Wirephoto.)
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P'awraa I Haw M'-S WMfttio
pnn n Mnt nf II
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7 mMfri
orn Now Ingland. Hot, humid weather Is expected to persist In Texas, Georgia and South
Carolina) it will bo eeeler In Connecticut and Ohio, little toinparaturo change ia spotted
oiaownoro. VAr tvirepnoro.j
cabin wai rippad loose whan
(AP Wirephoto.)
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nmn? CONWAY, N.H.-Adlal Stevenson, leading cen-
w,,un' 1 tender for tho Democratic presidential rtemina-
tien, waves to crowd whilo entering the Presidential Inn
hare Friday. Stevenson stopped at tho Inn to lunch with
state Democratic leaders. (AP
Oof rem
Jtj I IV" E3
1 '" frt for most regions of the United States
except in Idaho, middle Atlantic states and extreme north-
FT. DIX, N.J.-Army
Pfc. Rudolph A,
Johnson, 22, of Norfolk, Va.,
tails roporton haw ho camo
upon ono of survlvort of mo
air transport crash, stumbling
along a road in a rainstorm,
to bo tho first to learn of the
tragedy which took 45 lives
and injured 21 other par
sent. Johnson, who led a
rescue party back to tho
Kane, suffered an injury to
his left arm whan a section
of wreckage fall on him as
ha extricated a woman vie
tint. (AP Wirephoto.)
f a.v ? w if
U.S. Endorses
British Plan
For Cyprus
States gave an extremely cautious
but none tha less definite endorse
ment Saturday to Britain's new ef
forts to solve tha thorny problem
of Cyprus.
Prima Minister Eden announced
Thursday he. was sending Lord
Rsdclirte, an outitandinf British
legal expert, to Cyprus (or coniul
tations looking toward the draft
ing of new "liberal'' constitution
for the Mediterranean island;
In response to a question about
the American attitude toward the
new British move, the Stat De
partment said today:
The United States welcomes
tha Intention of the British govern
ment, as announced by Prim Min
ister Eden, to proceed with the de
velopment of self government on
the Island of Cyprus."
"Great Gala"
State department officials said
privately that the great gain in
the situation from the United
States point of view is that Eden
obviously Is trying to get the prob
lem off dead center. For many
weeks there has been no clear
prospect for an eventual peaceful
settlemeDt of conflict. The new
Eden move now offers hope such
a prospect may be opened up.
Eden made two points in defin
ing policy in his Thursday report
to the House of Commons which
apparently found support in offi
cial quarters here, although they
were not covered by the terse
formal statement.
Terror End Asked
He said a new constitution for
Cyprus could not be put into effect
before law and order had been re
stored. This was an invitiation for
the great Cypriot terrorists to con-
aider what political gains they
might make by giving terrorism.
Eden also held open the possi
bility that under some circum
atances his government would be
willing to consult with Archbishop
Makarios, the Greek Cypriot
leader he banished from the island
in March. Speaking of such consul
tation, Eden said that if the Arch
bishop was to denounce terrorism
"then a new situation would be
U.S. officials felt that the Eden
government blundered in exiling
Makarios and have contended that
until some way could be found to
reopen negotiations with him there
was little chance of getting a
Cyprus settlement.
In 1926 there were 5,782 air line
passengers in the U.S. in i
there were approximately 40 mil
lion air line passengers.
Premier Sunday Cross- Word Puzzle
X Lump of 50 Danger 94 Arch in a 1 Bivalve ii Bombard- Muffin
earth 51 Headland mine molluslc ment of
5 A fish 52 Piercing 98 Agrarian I Fluid 45 Shrub coarse
10 Song of 54 Later SS Brink rock bearing flour
joy 54 Marsh 99 Close S Norse god berries SB Sevenfold
15 Slav grass 100 Of lower 4 Const- 47 Definite 91 Child
19 Take on 57 First tone crate article of
cargoes woman 102 Kind of 5 Withdraw 49 Dogma Shtm
30 Muse of St Strictest cloth formally 52 Aatral 93 Limit
lyric 60 Son of 104 Type of Kind of 53 Chinea 1 93 Anneal
poetry Seth drawing quarts wax ing oven
11 Indian 82 Mature 105 Placed 7 Absorbed 55 That 97 Oocupa-
22 Set of 4)3 Pertain on golf t Consumed , which tion
three 65 Bind to moind t Dormancy imparts OB Brave
23 Eager secrecy 107 Second- 10 Capable circular 101 Esteem
24 Mediter- 66 Feigner ary 11 A king of motion 103 Marked
ranean 68 Still 106 Shoot Judah 5S Manner with
shrub 70 Asiatic rapidly 12 Invasioa 59 Woolen spots '
25 Dls- timber along IS Leers fajbnc or
patches tree 109 Lashes 14 Smaller 61 European lines
26 Wander 72 Calartium 111 Mesh 15 Plunderer finch (tool.)
27 To dinplay 73 Sinking. 114 Learned 16 God of 64 Behave 104 Evident
29 Small as vetael persona love 66 Grazier 106 Excludt
exploaion 77 Spout US Dwell on 17 Split 67 Ncga- 108 Loon
31 Seorner 79 GikrIo 119 Manilla It Dutch tive 109 Bony
33 European 83-LaiRe hmp farmer in 69 Niggard fish
juniper cask 121 Animated South 71 Dwarf 110 Grotto
14 one who 84 -Facility 123-Egyptian Africa 73 Place 111 Spoken
hat strong 15 Plane goddess 28 Confront 74 Impre- 112 Dutch
liking figure 124 Of grand- 30 At an tnd cation West
- 86 Percolate with five parentt 32 Chirp 75 Join Indies
37 Stately anglet, 125 Polishing 34 Lore - 76 Alcoholic island -
house . 17 Poly- material 35 Perfected beverage 114 Enjoy
40 Unbe- ntsian pine 126 Captured 37 Hon 78 Wont 115 On
llever 88 Slater 127 Compart- 3t America 80 Con tarn- deep
42 Calm of Area ment aloe Inate water
46 Sit of 90 Imperial 128 Cancel 39 Part of II Toothed lis Cultivate
type 92 Fleshy 129 Arrange coat 82 Honey tho
47 Ros under- folds 40 Cor badgel soil
48 Again ground 130 Bring to 41 Quail 15 Salt of 117 Intulat
put in stem bear 43 Nymph platinic 120 Excel
vessels 93 - Turmoil 131 Yarn "f hlila acid 122 Remise
I ll tZ'ZZWLZ-
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Watch for Dry
Danger Signs in
Summer Plants
Prolonged dry spells and one
has been building up in the wll
lamette Valley stunt plant
growth. .This it si true of lawns
as of annuals on Which bloom is
Drought late In the summer
caused premature ripening of
plants, indicated by cessation of
bloom and formation o seed. At
either end of the season signs of
drought damage" are a gray or
yellow tint -to leaves that, were
green and shiny, wilting stems
and leaves, delayed bloom and
slowed development of new
growth. A test that proves the
signs Is plunging the spade its full
depth in the plot and turning over
the earth. If It is dry that far
down, irrigation is needed. Soak
the soil . well. Don't just sprinkle
the surface. ,
Do's and Don'ts
Dt if you are a new house
holder just starting out, remem
ber that, while there are
various-sized hammers for dif
ferent jobs, the average house
hold hammer should be about
U ounces in weight.
Do if you are going to use
wood screws, start in with light
pressure. Increase the pressure
as the screws get deeper into
the wood.
D in driving cut nails Into
floorings, set the flat sides
parallel with the grain
Dt learn that there is a
difference between water-resistant
and waterproof glue , . ,
and that only the waterproof
variety should be used on wood
Don't forget that the oft
repeated advice to remove dents
from furniture by applying a hot
Iron to a moistened surface will
work only on bare wood not on
any finished wood.
Don't forget that most wood
fillers shrink after they have
hardened. Gaps should be filled
a little above the surface and,
if necessary later sand to level
of surrounding surface.
Don't us a metal hammer
to hit the wooden handle of a
chisel; a mallot should be used
to avoid splitting the handle.
BONN 1 One million West
German youths will be registered
for the draft by early 1957, the
defense ministry reports. The first
conscripts will be called up next
spring for service in the new Ger
man army.
(Anewori an aago 20)
Ready for Outdoor Chefs
i ,1V
5K -
Far eating eatdaort, a cabinet Uk
paper plates te charcoal for the
Lazy Lounging
There's aathiag like a handsome "working" fence ta afford a backdrop
of privacy aad comfort for vacatioa-time'a lazy lounging. Tela one's
known as the "good aelghbr"'as it affords privacy without snob
btihnrts. Free copy of plan showing how to build fence raa be
had by sending postal card t the Home Service urrau, Suite Z037,
lit W. Washington St., Chicago, III.
Give Daphne Cliance to Rest
In most years, and this will
presumably mean for the future as
well as the past, the daphne
makes its flower buds in late sum
mer and starts to rest, especially
if artificial watering is stopped in
August. This gives it a better
chance when winter drops in tem
perature occur suddenly.
Most people know one daphne,
the one called daphne odora. and
never experiment with any other.
,V Hi..--:
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this Is bandy ior everything tram
. . . Live Longer
mmmmmmmmtmmmtn inn in .HA'ili ft MW i Jt
This one, of course, is the best for
general garden, purposes, and it
usually grown as a foundation
shrub. Because M is somewhtt
tender, and cannot bt grown out
doors in the north Atlantic or Mid
west states, we should appreciate
it here, where it teldom it frost
Itwara W. AckllB
At n local hnipital Jaf 14th. Late
resident of 1000 N. Capitol. Survived
by wife, Mn. Emma I. Aeklln of
Salem. Dauihter Mra. Donald I
Pence of Gervals. Service! will be
hrld NTnndajr, July IS. at 1:30 p m. In
trie Chapel at tha Vlril T. Golden
Co. Rev. John Cauble will officiate.
William Francli Barnti
In this city July, 1 J. Late realdent
of .ISM Garden Rd. at the ase of S3
yrarf. Father of Mra. Ethel Noeck
of Salem. Roy Barnea of tan Pran
ciuo, Calif. Ora Barnea of Salem.
Granbllle Barnea of Cototl Calif.
Brother of Jullua Barnea of Trenton,
Net). Mr i, Ada Riley of Trenton,
Neb. Mra. Alice Wlnf of Cordon,
Neb. and Mn. Peraia Day of Twin
rll. Idaho. Alao aurvlvlnf are 4
grandchildren and t great - grand
children. Servlcea will be held Mon
day July lth at 1 30 pa. In the
chapel of the W. T. Bildon Co.,
with concluding aervlcet at City
View Cemetery. Rev. John Cauble
will officiate.
Mlrbael Pick
In Portland, Ore , July II. at the
ace of 3 yean. Late realdent of Rt.
2. Box 410 Siilem. Son of Mr and
Ml. Richard C. Pick of Salem. Broth
er of Keith Dennl: Pick, also of Sa
lem. Crandson of Mr. and Mr. Wil
liam Pick of alpm. and Mr. and
Mrs, I har!en Dennm of' Portland,
(Ireat-arandNim of Mrt. Margaret E.
Hennett of Salem, and Mrs. Giles of
Portland. Also surviving are 3 aunts
and S uncles. Services will be held
Monday, July 16, at 10:30 am, in the
Chape of the W, Tj Bifdon Co. -with
concluding services at Belcreat Me
morial Par. Rev. Coerts will offic
iate. Johanna tchula
At a local rest home, Thursday,
July 12th. Late realdent of RU S.
Box Tl, Salem. Survived by ton, Ar
thur L. Schula of Salem; grandson.
Edward Schula, alao of Salem; five
grandchildren, Mrs. Roy Flske of Sa
lem, Edward Heinke of Salem, Fred
Hfinke of Salem. Kdward Schula of
S.ilem and Mrs, Joan Wright, nlon of
Silem. Eleven great-grnndchlldren
also survive. Services will be held
Monday, July 111, at 2:00 pm. In the
chapel of the Cloush-Barrlck Tuneral
Home Hcv, H. W. Gross will offlc
late. Interment City View Cemetery.
Mrs. Wlletta ttelngruke
Late resident of Untonvale, Dallas,
Texas, July IS, at the age of 43 years.,
Survived by husband, Howard fcteln
grubs. Unlonvale. Texas; t daugh
ters, Kllae Steinfrube, Gall atein
grube and Jean atelnfrube, all of
unlonvale, Texas: mother, Mra. La
Verne Taylor; S sisters, Mra. Worth
Wiley of Dayton. Ore., Mra. Xmory
Wood of Salem, and Mra. Mailt Mil
ler of Portland, Ore.; one brother,
Henry Taylor of Amity, Ore. Mem
ber of Unlonvale E.U.B. church.
Services will bo held Monday. July
llh at the Unlonvale I U.S. church
at 1:30 p.m. with the Rev's. Clvde
Dollar and r.eorge Mlllen officiating.
Interment, Hopewell cemetery, un
der direction of the Howell-Edwards
funeral chapel.
Thomas W. SUnsaai
In this city July Utn,. Graveside
servlcea will be held Tuesday, July
17, at t oo a m In St. Barbara s Cem
etery, tinder the direction of tha W.
T. Rifdon Co,
Robert M. Wad
In Augsburg, Germany, June 14th.
infant son of Mr. and Mra. Gerald
R. Wade, Salem. Announcement ef
servlcea will be made later by Howell-Edwards
funeral Home.
It Continental
' "The Sunshine Heat"
a No Fire Harare4
No Noise '
a Ne Dirt oi Odor .
a Ne Maintenance '
The only fully automatlt heat
guaranteed kr
Good Heosekeepiag
For Free Estimate Fkoaa
Met Fatrgre
isadl K4L,
Cabinet Helps
For Barbecue
Aq outdoor dining cabinet, a
place where all paraphantlia for ,
the purpose may be stored, it Just
what you need in lummer. If it
kat toft rubber wheels tnd can
be trundled along like t wheel
barrow, so much the handier,
Dining out can be fun, H can
also be a chore. Certainly It 'a a Y
chore to round up equipment when
the family, all of a sudden, de
cides "let's eat in the backyard
tonight". i
Usually Dad hat to spend quite
a bit of time to locate the char
coal,- the mosquito candles are
sogged by rain or hopelessly lost,
and tht paper plants art tnyplace
but where Mother looks.
Life can be so much more
simple tnd consequently so much
more pleasant if there's t place
to put these, things within easy
reach. Experiment with shortcuts
to this easy living Idea. Try for a
simple-fire type of charcoal light
ing, and paper plates and cupt
that may be tossed right into the
refuse. There are hot and cold
cups now for drinks of all temper
atures, and all sorts of containers
for the table .... paper buckets
for talad and other foods; smaller
units for dessert.
Your outdoor ctbinet could in
clude charcoal, paper plates and
cups, salad bowl, pepper tnd tall,
tin foil, paper napkint, charcoal
seasonings, doilies, mosquito can
dles, forks and knives. Ditto can
opener, salad fork and spoon, spa
tula, meat fork and a barbecue
brush for coating on tht meat
sauce. If Dad wears a chef't apron
and hat, include these each time
they return from laundry. Also an
asbestos glove.
You might put your standard
company shopping list for outdoor
eating in this cabinet also. Such a
list could be thumbtacked pa the
inside ot the door.
And if you have a basement or
party room, that's a good place to
keep the cabinet unleat you have
a theltcr outdoors.
This Week
In the Garden
Continue te feed begaaias aad
fechaias fish emnlalea. Take a
regular date for this se that 11
at neither overdose aor neg
lected. Some gardeners choose
the 1st and the Uth ef each
month for a feeding. Some prefer
te feed each Manday meraiag la
smaller doees.
Moat daffodils can be rrmet-el
aad divided aew If they are to
be removed er divided.
Watch fachslas far seed pads.
Certain varieties set then. Re
move them te keep year plaaU
Pick eft all withered blooms
and teed node from panties aad
give them another feeding, rtah
emnlalen it gaed. They'll (Ira
yea a lot ef snare fcleeat K yea
keep them watered.
Spray rates for blackaaei.
Custom Made
la Oar laea
faaeaeee ' . Vraeerse BeOa
Cenuee Beards tn Covers
rrae tetlaaatea Day ee tflekt
ra.nut (tents) SMt Coaler at
Lowest National Wholesale
If yee see wsrl SO days fee Ike de
livery ef any ef these itesse.
We can save you as high
as 50
Bedsaul Bros.
1721 Center Ph.3-9172
i 1 4i
s r. j
- sj 0oo"Is
TE!S!0:i SCK21
Rotptsret eaaW a tcs
laetall f ttoss) saoitie Pao Mst
ase tttsa ao pasnrsrrg. ResWy
to hang , , , requires ne tdjos
ments ever ! Alwayt dram tight
to window frame. Full length
for complete insect protectton,
better ventilation.
Us For:
Columbia-matte All
Aluminnra Bcreea Dean
Fltialtua Aluniaaai
, Awalngs JPatlo Cerars
Car Porta aad Door Btodt
All typtt of flat wlaeow
Custom Made Drtpcs
la asaay fnbrict - -
Flrxalum All-Aluminum
Venetian Blinds
Kirsch Rods and Hardware
Capital Shade &
Drapery Shop
195 Feirereundt Rd.
Fk. 4-1UC for Free Kstlmttae