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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1956)
12-(Sec. II) Statesman, COO Real Estate t06 Hon For SU DIAL rOH COUPLE FOR and owner will trade for 1 la l 11 mil radius of Sslem. Neat well-built home with bdrms . flreplsca. patio, creek, double garage Beautiful spot ' tor ftosrers and f arden. Good eecUoel South. Call Mrs. Graham. BEATmrvL SUBURBAN BUY Weal Salem city center, lovely setting, large lot. Large llv. Mif rm . separate dlninf rm. extra larae kitchen. well-er ranged with breakfait nook. I extra-sire bdrms.. IMS sq. ft ol living apace. Wseher and dryer and freeier, Steve It refrlg Available at bargain price 101. Price of home $10,10. Call Mr. Hick. BDftMft IN BUSH SCHOOL DISTRICT Very well built home with lovely yard and flower, and outdoor fireplace. 1 Mrma. down and one large bedroom upatalra. Good stairway. I blocks to echool and I to bui. Newly redecorated throughout, A ' real buy at 7SO0. Call Fred Doerfler. ; BOY TODD REAL ESTATE ' ' 1 State St. Phone 1-1501 ' Bvt. Calif. Vandervort 4-7nt, Hicks 4-4930, Doerfler I-37M, Mrs. Graham 4-474 "OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2 to 5 370 Fir Knoll Lane "HORSE LOVERS" . , this tuilful SECLUDED 11.14 Acre nrooertv: I arret treat. ed peet.irs, l-box stall barn. : aome irtoie. piumnea; two fireplaces, wooaea gien scumgi private road; complelsly fenced. Price 121,000 terms, ftrectlooe: Drive out to end of Canter It., turn right to fir Knoll 4ne, turn left, follow sign. , CLUETT & KENY0N, REALTORS 1980 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. l-3Ml-tve. Sun. Ph. Mangles 4-0 or Bronnan 4-tMg Open House SUNDAY 1 TO S I blocks Eait ol Keizer school ON KENED ST. ' $700 DOWN .: ... rniiPAPC nicer vai lire :-,:. - wiiii mu. iiimji. nuj Sard wood floor, cine to school, insulated walls at ceilings shop ping center, ljo sq. ft. living (pact. S bedrooms, radiant heat paved St, drive way, NO LOAN COST Payment fit month which Include taxes. Interest and fir Int. BILL DAVIES, BUILDER tat Bunaet Avsj. ' Ph. J-M71 SUNDAY, JULY 15 2-5 P.M. v 4935 COLOMA CO OUT LIBERTY RD. TO BOONE RD., TURN LEFT TO COLOMA IN LIBERTY GARDENS TURN LEFT TO 4935 A MOTHER'S S Bedroom! pariouo rooms i'i Baths 1 tiled stlo sceUemt Value BUILT BY OTTO MEYER FULL PRICE: $13,900.00 4744 FTRDELL 0 BOWK COLOMA TO LORL TURN RIGHT TO FTRDELL TUHH LI PERFECTION Large living room , Bnaearfast nook Exquisite fire-lees) f . A, OH heaf BUILT BY DON LARSON FULL PRICE: $12,900.00 WALT JONES WILL SHOW AL ISAAK I Co, REALTORS . Church st SUNDAY M 2005 BYRAM DRIVE EAST ON 8UNNYTIEW That lovely horn with three bedrooms and double plumbing, sit uated on a comer lot with ground designed for luxurious outdoor living .... covered berbeque, house and evergreen hedged Sot privacy. . Salem Properties REALTORS MT W, High St. I 1 o n n i 1 o n MuilM,;, DtOl ira ta N. CHURCH ST. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES PH. 4-J3U OR 1-7120 IMPOSING VIEW With this lovely home with day. light baaement. Spacious living rm . dining rm., kitchen, brk. Honk, fireplace, 1 bdrms. and bath. Baaement unfinished but . has room for family room and aaiuonai oarm. priced at . only II4.M0. Call Mr. Rlchman for morn Information. Eve. Ph. 4-141. TT'B m OKft Kew I bdrm. home, fireplace. I'i baths, birch kitchen, oak flu.. rv-l , j . w itfwvwv air nil heat. Near city bus, Sslem Hit. water. McKlnley School. II.. Call Mr. Crawford, Eve. Ph. . 4-1030. rPTTTTl Tunnnntnr v-i inn iinruokSllJLirj A cosy family home with young feeling. Large living rm., dining rm., and kitchen omb.. 3 bdrme., bath and utility room, forced air oil heat. A good buy et call Mr. N a. "Dan'' leaak, Bve. Ph. 4-NU. VARIETY Loeeted In last trowing town, f yr. lease ran be secured. Only store of Its kind In . town. Would make good man and wife builneas. Large gross receipts. Price (I, MM pint In ventory. Cell Mr. Woodcock. Evs. Ph. 1-7101. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evenings 4-KUO, 4-733. Mow, 4-MM, 4-74M If No Answer, Dial 4-2141 SpiDAY, JULY f bedroom home. II II living with tireplar. t X II din ing room, large kitchen, hreekfsst nook, rull dry baaement witn wers anop, uiimy, ommie garage. X l lot. Full price $10,000. Located at Glen Creek Road. Weat Salem, one block off Wallace Road. Dal Rayburn will show, Eve. and Sunday phone) in g-20. RAWLINS REALTY 60S CHEMEKETA STREET Salem, Oregon Cfdc phon 4-47$ Salem, Ore., Sun., July 'COO Real Estate 804 Hou For Sal RnRF.MENT - Prles only 1750 la 30 acres suitable for livestock Approximator .i In lie from Modern l-yr.-old Ranch style $11,900 TOTAL DELIGHT . Knotty Pine family room Exceptional Fireplace) Double att. garage 0x140 lot ,. Suparb quality n TO 47 Dining mom Lovely birth kitchen !i Baths I tiled Double alt garage Ph. 4-3311 or S-712 Phone 4-0331. 1-1531 r n V ni mi n YOUR ANSWER For gracious living see this I onrm. nome located in Keitrr dlst. It would be an ideal horn for a lamlly. All rooms are spacious and It la conve nient to both school and trsna- rnrtation. priced at M.m. all Walt Jones. Evt. Ph. 4-731. GIVE US AN OFFER On thin economical home locst. ed In Four Corners. Large liv ing rm., dining rm., kitchen, fireplace. I bdrms , b s t h. forced air ell heat. Aulo. drier and wtsher In kitchen. There people would take a car In trade. Total price Mom Call Mr. Iwnrd for more In formation. Eve. Ph. a-KMa. HOME & BUSINESS New 1 bdrm. home with mahog. any trim phia a shop bldg .ISx II with 11x14 addition. Ring, complete with new .furnace Located on same lot. Owner will trade for a I or 4 bed room home. What have you? Full price for this dandy set up only 23,on. tall Mr. Woodcock for more Informa tion. Eve. Ph. 1-710. E 15, 2-5 P.M. r 15, '56 800 Real Eatate 106 Hout-t For Sal WILL trade) eoulty In I bdrm. home for trailer house. 110 Sunnyside Fd. 1-0933. Court Site Close to South Salem High. Two lux 12 lots, side by side. Zone 1. Will take two units up to 4 units each. Good buy at - only U.aflO for both lots, Paved street. Eve. :L Mr)orl Tanning 4-aTO. or 1-501. - - . Ted Morrison, Realtor 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 E . .. 4915 COLOMA . . . (Go out 8. Liberty Rd. to Boon no- ana . souow open no use aifnal DESIGNED FOR LIVING . . . J bedrooms, family room, pink ir birch dream kitchen, 2 fireplaces, sliding glass doors, etc. are lust some of the fea tures. A quality home built by John Woif. It Is one of the largest in this new area. Price only 1S. 500. Se It before you buy ... SUNDAY. I TIL I P.M. , C. S. JACOBSEN REALTOR PH. 1-4971 WOW! NEW 1-bedroom home) on cor ner lot. Liberty Gardens. Lawn In trees and garden. This modem nome orrers lux unous living In a modern sub urban area, noining but new houses in this district. Close to school, one block from bus line. II3.7M. Interested? Cell Mrs. Freeman. 4-IM. CLYDE PRALL. REALTOR. 114 So. High 6t 4-MM. 4-7711. E 1219 SIXTH ST. 2 P.M. to 530 P.M. Completely furnished spacious 3 barm, nome isou sq. il l l yrs. old, wail to wall carpet In llv. rm.' Sr din. rm. Immed. poeaesalon. Price lt,O0. Ceo. Patrny will ahow. ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR 331 N. High gh Eve. Ph. 1-isii 4-1WJ I Bedroom $8950 1 big birch trees in front, cher ry, peer, I apple tail big) In bark. Beautiful lot. 13 x I llv. room, fireplace. 3 bed rooms down. 1 1 1 bedrooms up (paneled for boy's room). A well home. Evs.: John Van oedol 3-7341. Ted Morrison, Realtor 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7S77 NEAT BASEMENT Very comfortable home for I modest DudgeL located Nortn within City limit, bus by door, baaement, gas heat, ga rage, nice rear yard. I bed rooms and floored attic with stairway. Full pries on $7100, $70 down. 5 ACRES Spacious modern I1 fa story noma. 4 iNKtrooma, whit barn, located Northaait on paved road, cool shade trees. Won derful family location, school bus by door; room to romp. AND DEN 3pclnui. neat, attrartlvt home in food nriRhborhood South, tht parka- and ptayf rounds In th area, and Its ntarneM to achools make thit horn Idea) for a family Full ptiro 113, 750. Brat of terma availabla. WOODBURN RENTAL Small duplex In Woodburn. well locaiea. owner wants offer un price, and Terms, PH. 4-4454 RON JONES. Realtor Wes Gre 3-351 Bob Sleeves 3-3971 Crolsan Creek A real dream house. On Vn x 21ft lot ON THE CRKKK. thl 1 bedroom horns ha lota of charm. A hue covered patio factnff the hark, with treea, a sunken dining room, 14 x 23 hvins room with fireplace. IMVfl. Evs.: Ted Morrison Ted Morrison, Realtor 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 A ton Value In a charming 9 BR. home. Exterior Juat painted. Immaculate Interior with excellent arrangement. Homey atmosphere with patio and barbeque. Priced below FHA appraisal at I11.B60. FeVes. and Sun. call Mrs. Mason, COULD THIS BE YOURS? Exceptional living area 15x70 L. R., Large separate dining room, glremlng whit kllrhen with eating apace. I spacious bedrooms with ampla clneets. Reparole utility room. I blocks to school. 7II30 lot with wal nut trees. This Is en out standing value at lll.uo. Rves and Sun. cad . Carl Hansen, Salem Properties REALTORS ST N. High St, Ph. 4-0331, 1-1M3 FCR SALE: By owner, suburbsn 3 bdrm. home, 1 gsragea. ere fruit s nut trees. Ph. 4-13.13. 4-ftDRM. home on acre. Priced below J" .H A. Ph. 4-4101. ENGLEWOOD 800 Real Estate 06 Houmi Far Sala OPEN-HOUSE: ; TODAY -2.-00 to 5:00 ' BRAND NEW DESIGN READY TO MOVE INTO I bedrooms, lots of extra features mis price noma large family room wiw Deemed ceilings at fireplace double plumbing oil heat lota of tile work. Olive out South Liberty, turn right on Ewtld to Stanley Lane, right on Stanley Lane and watch for our sign 1713 Stanley Lane. Built by George Sunlga. Ralph Maddy will show Eve. phone 1-341 OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. TRADE POR PORTLAND HOME - ly 3 bedrm home, nesr Bush land. Sal price I3,7M. CANDALAR1A LOT Nice comer, HIMMEL & FERRIS, REALTORS M3 KINGWOOD DRIVE A distinctive address splendid design. large family room. 1 fireplacea. 3 baths, thermador oven and range. Ilia baths, 1 bedrooms, trees a view Just listed see thi now. CATCH A BASS right on your acres ruatice older S bedrm. pond, barn really a steal at LET'S CO See this Immaculate home. I large bedrmt., large front room, attractive fireplace, nice dining room, birch kitch en with eating space. Very fin location, A splendid buy for lii.aoo. . TO SELL YOUR HOME Eve. r Sun. Salesmen: Andy Halvorsen 3-T103. Murl Frentl 1-043, H. Peck 3-4413. Roy Ferris 1 143 SOUTH LIBERTY GRABENHORST BROS. JUST LISTED Attractive home with split shake roof. Has 3 - bedrms. and large danr - Hot water radiant heat, large land, scaped grounds with variety of fruits and nuts. Space for another home if desired. Own ei leaving Salem Will give Immediate possession. Only 111.000. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY FOUNTAJM..rJ.UJCH downtown location compact and well equipped. Ideel operation for couple. Prtc I7.M0. CALL H. K. LAYMON ONE OP SALEM'S FINEST HOMES 1 1 u a t d In the Height with an unobstructed view of entire city. Large llv. rm., din. rm., den, tile kitch en, l1. tile baths, 4 fireplaces, 4 large bdrms. 100 x 130 lot, beautifully landscaped. Truly family home. CALL RON HUDKINS WHERE THE BRFEZES BLOW AND THE HORNS DONT: Oft the beaten path and in GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 180 S. LIBERTY ST. PH. J-2471 Evenings A Sundays rail Salesmen J E. Law 3-5113 Walt Socololsky Ralph Br, ee J-M1 H. K. Laymon 3-SI03 Ron Hudkins 3-1713 RAWLINS REALTY LOANS FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION I OR $'i St. Vincent, Highland District. 1 bdrm. and sewing rm. which could be used as 3rd bdrm. Auto, oil heat. Ntca yard A garden spot. This 1 well built borne In excellent condi tion. Full price I7.3M. Cell Henry Rund ta see. Sun. tt Eve. phon 4-1720. 1 bdrm. plua den on on floor. near new. East suburbsn. Priced at only 111.500. Good terms. Call Chet Rawlln. Ev. phon 3-423. Hollywood District. S bdrm. Home. Llv. room witn flre 05 Chemeketa SUNDAY, JULY HOMT r INCOME 1070-10M Electric. Go out S High to Electric, turn left. Front home has 3 bdrms. Liv. rm. with fireplace. Separate din. rm Youngstovm kitchen with lots of tile. Full base ment with F. A. furnace. Floor sanded. RAWLINS REALTY (09 CHEMEKETA STREET ftalem, Oregon Office phone 4-475 NEAR ST. THIS WEEK S 1 Block lo Church 1 bedrooms. Irixll' . den 11x11, large living room, dining room, nice kitchen, double at tached garage, separate util ity. 110.500. IS Blocks to Church i very nice 4 bedroom home with extra lot In one ol the fsstest growing districts for only 110.850. We Have Buym. If You Want To Sen Call MARY A. PAKISON 1-MSt L. E. KLUMPP 3055 PORTLAND RD. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT One of the better 1 bed room hornet In thli area living and dining-room have new wall to wall carpeting ttitrhen and nook la very attractive basement with fireplace oil furnace large well landscaped lot grind val ue at 113.000 Will trade for 3 bedroom home up to $U000. Call Henry Tor- 3 vena, LEI OHMART $9300 I BEDROOM HOME Msnhrln Gerrtens AdditionReady terms arranged Aak for Don BASEMENT - 1 BEDROOMS ' Just what you've been asking for It's nearly new and located cinse in on marnei nireei ano one 01 our very best buys wrll planned and well built oil furnacepicture windows exterior siding painted white you will like this horns Call Louts Lore ru Price Just 113.100. DAYLIGHT BASEMENT 3 Urge bedrooms, party room with School 4lde walks and naveri In. I fireplacea, specious l-car I loan that ran be assumed GOOD CLEAN AIR Bresthe deep and enjoy the big Living-room with fireplace, dining-room. I bedrooms down snd unf. up. You msy sssume present mtg. of S4.3O0, psysbls eie.w a monin euu price si.siw. Adrienne sercombe. , IF YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL t'S OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS ' 4T7 Court St. a Phone 1-4111, f-41 1. 1-4111 Eve : Henrv Torvend 3-J.lJ. Don Doughton 4-1414. -Louts Loreni J-MM, Ralph Maddy 3 -), Adrlenn Sercombe 800 Real Estate 106 Hausat Far Sala that you don't generally find In Phone 1-4111 i - Owner willing 1o trsd hit love Park, for similar horn In Port pavement eV sewer. $3.30. own property nice secluded 10 home, fireplace, big spring fed ga.vso. IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS - SO10, Jo Hlmmel l-lia. HAP PHONE 4-4471 fine neighborhood. Children will love it. Lge. llv. rm. with -fireolace. din, rm.. blrcn kit chen, 3 lovely bdrms. St bath. Auto.-oll forced air heating, CALL J. K. LAW HARDWARE BUSINESS IN VALLEY TOWN $3,000. for fixtures, plus Inventory of p nrox, 17.900. Excellent lease. Been In same location for 31 years. For further details CONTACT RALPH BRUCE DAIRY QUEEN STORE $17,500 buys this splendid operstlng business, locsted In. finest of Vslley towns. Ideal location, paved off-street parking. Jong term lease can be arranged. FOR DETAILS CALL C. L. GRABENHORST NEW - UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW. $3.S00 Family room and par ty room. Dishwasher, built-in atove and oven, I fireplaces. Daylight baamt.. S bdrms., I baths. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON J-KH.U Mrs. Richardson 4-RNK tilace. Dining room, kitchen. Full basement with apt. Nice corner lot, drive bv 1.190 N. Capitol. Asking $11,000. Vacant move right In. If Interested, call Dai Rayburn 3-S04J. Beat Two-Bedroom Home Buy in Town. Located Eaat Subur ban close In. Has lots of shsde and fruit trees and gar den space. House in excellent condition, ready to move Into. Price 19.50000. Terms. Call Dean Klarr. Eva. At , Sun. phon 3-70. ( Phon 4-471 E 15, 2-5 P.M. Newly redecorstcd e e n d nous hes 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, separata util ity, bath. Out of town owner anxious to eell. Both homes now vscant. Full price for both homes 113.150. Henry Rund will show. Ev. and Sunday phon 4-1710. VINCENTS SPECIALS IS Block to Church . On Delmsr Drive. A besutlfu nesr new 3 bedroom home on large lot with a paradise of flowers It shrubs. Priced to aeU. I Block to Church 4 bedroom, ! bsth. a resl fsm llv home. Full basement. Good yard.' MIKE J. DONAHOE 4 9704 PHONE 1-741 - WILL TRADE VP RUDY CALABA to move Into, fenced ysrd Doughton. view close to new Candslsrls etreeti ciiv ,! Unua th garage all for 117 ano with good See Rslph Maddy. ' . 150' lot on suburban Coral Ave 800 Real Estate 106 Hatrnt Far Sala WASH. SCHOOL Ownsr lata 1 bdrm. furn. 17M edona Av. z BUILDER Pk. I-71M We Uke trades DAYLICHT BSMT, 3-bdrm., 1 fireplacea, 13x40 ft. playroom, wooded lot. 14.XX). M3 HlU id Lane. FAMILY ROOM, dining, I bdrm., I1, belh, dble. garage, dead-end street, wooded lot. smsil back yard, aey to Keep. Ready July JO. $14,300. J4 Tulare Av. FAMILY ROOM, largo dining i'i batns, dble. garage, aoxisi Int. mountain view. $14,000. 4434 Kurth Av. WEST SALEM. 1 larse bdrms.. dining room. nooK. lawn ox shrubs, redecorstcd. $11,000, FHA or CI terms. 137 King- wood Dr. "NICE COUNTRY HOME" 1 A. close In. Good house neerly new, modern S bed rooms down and I up not fin ished. Large living room eg fireplace. Good .well for irri gation and home use. nice ahade trees, new barn, creek tnru place, good son, you would lik this place. Price .terms. Call WILLIAM E. MOSES, REALTOR. S31H STATE ST. PHONE J-4993 or 3-768S 4 BEDROOMS Newly decorated and In excel lent shape. I bedroom down and t up. Hardwood floors, bath' with til trim, living room, electric heat, kitchen nd dinette. Large lot with lovely lawn, flowers, snd shrubs. Located on North tlrd Street. 'Close to school, stores. and city bus. $10,900. Will fin nee P.H.A. or G.L V- ACRE Just off Lancaster on Glenwood Drive. Close to school and bus. $ bedrooms Automatic gas furnsee. living room, kitchen, and dinette, laundry room, wired for dryer, garage, good well and pressure water. sys tem. Very good ground for gamming, only woo down. Payments less than rent. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BLDG. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS OFFICE 3-0J1J Eve 3-470 or 3-7M4. $185 DOWN Rugged but Livable, 3 room house, wall, pump and tank. Sink. Lot 43xl3. North. 13390. E. A. McGLAUFLIN. Owner 335 N. High 1-W11 Sun. 3-M13 SMALL but nest 3 room house that la modern, snd another house a a rental, I0O00. and on eesy terms. E. A. McGLAUFLIN, RLTR 33SN. High I-Mll Sun. S-Mll BY OWNER Nearly new 3- bdrm., dm. rm., fireol . ga rage, inclosed yard; redecorat ed. Englewood Dlst., 11,000. Ph. 4-7304. HOUSE for sal. Oceanlake, ood location, electricity, water ar ewer. Milton Boyland, Ocean lake. BY OWNER: Large 1 bdrm. home, secluded salting, fir at fruit trees patio, hdwd. firs, forced air heat. Near schools, no. 1-71 acres, I more) evsll. able. Leaving state. Ph. 3-133, LEAVING town. Nice S bdrm. hm. Just right lor small fam ily. yr. old. Hdwd. floors, attach, garage, large yard, 3 blks. to bus. 4t FHA Loan. 141 mo. West off Lancaster. 131 Monroe. Ph. 4-5544. S250 DOWN Will buy you this 1 bdrm. hem. Full' me Beui. cioea in loca tion, price M.I90. Ask for Richard Klumpp on this, eves. 2-3SM L. E. KLUMPP. RLTR. 303 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-743 DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 344 Stat Ph. 1-3M3 Must sell C I. Flnsnced. neat 1 yr. old 1 bdrm. nome. uraprs it TV ant. Inrl. in price of 110.70. Paym'ts 1. Int. 4a. Furniture kvsiL Owner say "tak n offer on this one floor pisn a oarm. home. Large llv. rm., din. rm . kit., util., bath, oil furn, att. gar., lrg. lot with garden, out side fireplace, close to bus Very reasonably priced st 1490 Eve. cell Voorhees 1-4007, Denton 3-OM0. BY OWNER: Modern 1 bdrm. home wden, good neighbor hood near echool. 3 lota wgar den, well lsndscsped. Fenced. Will sell house wone lot or wboth. Welcome to look house over at 130 Evergreen. BY OWNER: country general store, lockers, eervire ststion. Good business, good locstlnn. Will sell stock or stock A fix tures. 3 to I yesr leeee. Slstes- man-Jnurnal Box 171. DRMhseTfull price 14.000. equity, II 500. 4110 Idaho St. Ph. Portland BE 4-I5Q. FOR SALE by owner: 1 bdrm. home, fireplace, paved street, terms. 330 Hsdley SL Ph. 4-4)1. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS (EAST) This fin S bdrm. modern home with lsrge gsrsgs. nice shade and nut trees, psved St., lot 140 x 140 ts excellent buy for 17900 1.1350 down. Ask for An derson. IN TURNER I MI. FROM SALEM good older type 4 bdrm. homes, nice shsde trees. One has 1 large lota. Asking M90 each, low down payment. 1 bdrm. unfinished but livable. material on ground to finish. I lots for 13000. t, down. Call Anderson COLBATH LAND CO, Ph. 4-4404 117 Court St. Eve. Ph. 4-3714 ENGLISH type, well construct- ed. clean, nearly new, 4 large bdrm.. choice quiet loc. on Km (wood Hts.. lovely trees. 14x21 bdrm . din. rm., roomy kit. wnook, I fireplaces. 1 baths, finished dry bem't See ta appreciate. 117.175. 11.900 dn . bal. ilka rent. Ph. 3-1213. Immediate possession. TO PLACE AD DIAL 4-6811 OWNER - BUILDER 800 Real Eatate tOt HoHtti Par Sala 3' ACRES of excellent soil with a very neat and clean I bed room nome. Anoiner oearm. could be added gasily, A very large kitchen, nice living room. School bus by ths door. ooo down, foo-ejoj a monin, Call Wslt D Puy. 4-401. THIS 3 bedrm. Is a good sub stantial 4-yr.-old home. Com pletely redecorated in snd out. Has dining room, lsrge kit chen. Lot Is 100 x ISO. FHA ap praised at 113.000. FHA-bullt. 11,900 down and owner will consider trads for chesper home, Cell Wslt De Puy. FOR SALE by builder. New 3 bdrm., bath 4V "1, birch kitch en, with formica drslnboords, brk. nook and dining room dble. garage large lot with shade. 111.900. South. . Ph. 1-911 or 3-4M. 1 BDRM. horn A day nursery, good Income, business toned. Ideal set-up for other type business, shown by sppoint- . menu 113.190 cash. Ph. i-7073 807 Apt't. Courts far Salt INCOME PROPERTY 7 furn. spts. It liv. quarters. Attr. exc. loc. F. A. oil heat. By owner. M S. Summer. ONLY $13,900 Nice sV clean, I apt. house. Near Salem Gen. Hosp. Has good net Income. Olaf Thonstad. Kltr., Ml N. Capitol. Ph. 3-7003. 808 Loti For Sold Restricted Lot Khtt.tO Glen Creek Rnad 1150 E. A. McGLAUFLIN, RLTR 335 N. High l-HII Sun. 3-l! 1 LOTS, suitable for one or two dwellings. Restricted district. South 12th and Filrvlew. Ph. 4-2393 days. 3-330 eves. BUILDERS LOTS Certh Ave. 17 ft. x ISO ft Sewer and Wster Avsilsbl Pries for at one ssl 11.290.00 Choice Lots Madron 15' x 110' Water Ac Paving 11.190.00 (terms) Orchard Heights Only I left 100' x 10' City Wster 11.100 oo to M.ioooo Kinfwoed Dr. among the tree corner, water sewer 12,390.00 Business Lot across from W. Salem Bank 190 ft. FRONTAGE 113,900 00 (Includes 1 buildings) 1300 Blk. So. 13th St HUM Creek on rear. Tree Vista Hts. Water ll.IO0.00 IJO0.OUG On. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR . 1211 F.dgewatrr 3710 So. Comml Ph. 4-374J . Ph. 4-7174 Eve. 1-470 Eve. l-045 BY OWNER-I large lots. North, restricted. Phone 4-4019-4-3931 LOT, 17x93, Terrace Drive. City water ! sewer. Lot intxlU Suburban. East. Ph. 3-7sO. 810 Forms For Solo FOR SALE: raw lsnd. srry amount up to IA. Ph. 1-1130. 43 A. LAND. II A. under culti vation. 1 A. bottom land, bal ance woodland eV pasture. Highway frontage on school bus route. Creek thru lowland. 9,000. Reasonable terms. George Towle. RL Box 131. Aumsvllle. Ore. FOR SALE or trade 44 acres. All in cultivation, mod. 3 bdrm. house, lge. liv. rm., II stanch ion barn, hog house, water piped to buldtngs. 4A clover Ir rigated by good well, smsli or chard. Phone school bus. milk eV mail route by door, 13 ml. So. Will trade for smsll acre age up to I. 000. Close to Sa lem. Ed Fish. Rt. 3, Box 10. Salem. Ph. 1-72M. M ACRES near Rosedale. Make offer at Pioneer Trust Co., Sa lem. 19 A. for sale, mile from Brooks. Ph. 4-393. Salem. SMALL acreage, modern home. (.lose) to Church, school, bus line. 3711 Liberty Rd. M's A. FARM between Oak Grove It Bethel, Rt I, Box 113 Riekreall, Frank Stevens. 40 A. I A. excellent onion land. Mod. onion storsge house tt facilities. N. J. Kurth, RL I, Box 1M. Brooks. Ore. BY OWNERl 4 A., N. Ssntlsm. free wster, good summer or retirement horn. Ph. 2-131. 812 Cxch. Kool Eiroro MOD. 1 bdrm. ranch style 4 A. close in E. for larger farm, or trade equity for livestock or machinery Ar rent grade A datry. Sale price 111.900. Ph. 3-2034. eves. LARGE ocean view -lots, N. of Newport, water, elec., terms. Will trsds ss down psyment on 'older type Salem home. 1.13 Breyi. Salem. Ph. 1-3.142. TRADE Owner with 1 bdrm. home In Washington district oversired kitchen, wsnts 2-1 acres with t bdrm. northeast 1 bdrm. Keitrr, good size lot. win irsne ror 2 bdrm. near business district Sell for nsno 3 rm house South. Needs some decorsting. Corner lot. AL WATTS REAL ESTATE Ph. 4-MMl. Eve. ph. Jsck Rswls 4-773 816 rUiort Proaporry LARGE eresn view lots, N. of Newport. Wster, elec. terms. Will trsde ss down psyment on older type Salem home. Ill Breys, Salem. Ph. 1-5341. nru3TRE.rolo WANTED: Arrrsge E. or N. E of Salem, I to 4 acres Low down psyment Ph. J-MM. 850 Automotive 851 N.w Cors 50 MILES PER GAL! YES A MORE WITH THE NEW RENAULT 4 DOOR SEDAN $1395 Fully Equipped RENAULT SALES k SERV. $040 Liberty Rd. Ph. 4-7505 850 Automotive 8S2 UsosJ Csn For Soto BETTER BUYS AT ROCKET MARKET No Down Payment on Approved Credit SS CHEVROLET 4 dr. . $1785 S4 MERCURY SUN VALLEY 54 OLDS "tt" 4 dr. . $1995 $1895 '42 PLYMOUTH Conver., $145 lharp. '50 OLDS "W" 4 dr. w $595 50 FORD 4 dr S295 OPEN EVES. . AND ALL DAY SUNDAY AT THE ROCKET MARE . 3995 Silverton Rd. at Lancaster Dr. PH. 4-9114 . POST Auto Sales '55 FORD Customline. $1695 clb. cpe . radio, heater and overdrive. 50 OLDS 88 4 dr. $05 shsrp, radio, heater. At hydra 5J P0NTIAC $4dr $795 radio, beater, hydra 51 DODGE 4 dr. .... $595 51 BUICK SPECIAL ....$795 Hsrdtop 50 BL'ICK R0ADMASTER 4 dr $595 Radio, hester A Dyna. 56 FORD CROWN VICTORIA Tu-tone. conUnental kit. rs dio. heater. Ford-o-Matlc. power steering. Save S3O0. FOUR '55 BUICKS TO PICK From. All colors is body styles. FOUR 54 MERCURYS TO PICK FROM. Tu-doors, hsrdtops. '54 OLDS 4-DR. "tt" $1695 Hester St Hydrs. 54 P0NTIAC SDN $1295 Radio, heater. 53 FORD CLB. CPE. . Radio St heater. 53 El'ICK SPECIAL 4-DR. .,: Radio, heater It dyna. "52 Bt'ICK CONVERTIBLE $995 Radio, healer, dyna.. power steering, powtr windows, power seats. '53 FORD 4-DR $795 Overdrive hester. OPEH EVES. TILL I P.M. PosfAoto Sales U05 SO. 1JTH PH. 4-6231 CLEAN '55 Ford Victoria. Has everything;. Bank finandn. Consider trade. Ph. 4-B23I. '31 MODEL "A" TordT I'-Ph. 3-93. 14 1-TON ' 13-passengr chev. panel with crew conversion, excel, cond. Ph. Delia MA 3-42M. '31 MERCOMAT1C Sport coupe. In superior cond. Ph. 1-4037. 13.15 Norway. 'IS MERCURY Monterey M T., ww tires, radio, heater, O'D. Immaculate. 12.271. Will ac cept clean 52 or '93 Mercury H. T. In trade. Ph. 4-1174 or 121 N. lth. '3 CHEV. coupe. Good eond. 13. Ph. S-MM. SPOT CASH Psld for 1990-I1S1 Car McCALL'S 1297 STATE II OLDS "IS", Rest offer aver 1000. Ph. 4-3031. 1140 DODGE J dr, good cond Ph. 4-3007. Buy Here And Save 1155 Ford Sta. Win. Like New Loaded. Save 11100 1893 Mercury Conv, Fully Equipped. Sharp IMS lOSI-Nash Amh. Sdn. 100 guarantee Loaded. N9 10.11 Ford Conv. Fordomatlc. Real Sharp 795 141 Chev Stvlellns Sdn. bosded. Sharp J9s 1047 Dodge truck x 4H BANK TERMS 140 Center St. Ph. J-37M Open tm I $29.00 &" UP 'TT PLYMOUTH Sdn, 30 FORD Pickup .... '41 Ol.DS. Cos i IS 1 49 41 CHEV. Clb. Cpe I 79 st chkv. son. 50 KAISER Sdn I 3 fin, I m l. .. i 3 dn, I II I 4 dn. W 1nl, I 40 dn. Wt .15 FORD Cpe '47 PONTIAC Sdnt 41 CMC Pickup I dn. I1.TI '47 FORD Co. ..., ldn. 1131 4 FORD Sdn lino dn. I71I 40 PONTIAC Cch. 1 1. IS dn. 2M 31 CHEV, Sdn 1170 dn. 3M 52 C HEV. CI. Cpe, 1249 dn. tm 53 FORD Clb. Cpe. 1271 dn. WU No Down Piymfnt On Approved Credit AYNBEE MOTORS 140 Union Ph. 1-0703 Nile Ph.J-329J;4-73g7 2 Day Special 52 CHEV. BEL-AIR . Hsrdtop, powsrgllde), . $995 radio, nester. '32 NASH AMBAS. . $695 Hydra. 4 dr. SI FORD 4 DR $645 Radio, heater, suto. trans. '51 CHEV. 4-DR. Sharp $699 Radio Js heeler. S3 CHEV. H T. PCKP. $995 42 INTNTL PCKP. ..$145 AUTO SALES 3024 Sd COMMERCIAL AT VISTA AVE. PH. 4 9334'. ttni;! -I 830 Automotive 852 UoJ Con For Solo THE 47 NASH 4 dr. . ..:$i3 .. $145 49 FORD 4 dr '49 STUDEBAKER 4 dr. 49 OLDS "88" 4 dr. ... 48 DODGE Pickup '46 OLDS CLB. SDN. $293 $395 $195 $95 1 '41 OLDS 4 dr. ... $65 IS Chev. V-l Sdn . 11791 faadio, heater, turn signals. white side wslls, tu-tone nrown interior to mstch. Very low mileage. Like new '54 Chev. 4-Dr. Sedan i:5 Radio, heater, powergllde, turn signals. 2-tone blue. 54 Chev. I Pass. 8ta. Wgn. 1190 Radio, heater, powerghne turn signals. 2 tone, 27,000 miles. '53 Olds. M Sdn 1140 Radio, heater, hydrsmstic, 3- rone nisck at white. It a res Iv tops. '51 Hlllman Mln Sdn. . M23 All if si her upholstery. Pays inr iisrii on gas ssvinga. '53 Ply. Ssvoy Sta, Wgn. . I12S5 Radio, heater, overdrive white side wslls, air foam cushions, very low mtleaee. '11 Chrysler Newport Hdlp. 190 Radio, heater, automatic transmission, signs! lights. jusi use new. '41 Ford Sedsn lies. '47 Olds. Sdnt. Loaded .1105 4 Olds. M Sdn. 1 owner -.1190 2-Wheel all steel trailer J75 see snese i.reai buvs Boon At DEWEY'S 30S0 Market Ph. 3-401 '50 OLDS. M Convert IMiTph" 3-4745. 2274 Trade. '51 SUPER Buick. exc. cond Except older car in trade. ISJ5. Ph. 2-047. Ortjoo'i Oldeit Dealer BEST BUY Used Cars Commercial ax Chemeketa Ph. 4-1711 '40 PLYMOUTH 4-dnor. mecnan Ically good, good tire, new paint. 19. Ph. 1-7734. 1941 CHEV. J-dr. sdn. rsdlo heater, new tires, excel value 23. Owner. 1471 Evergreen. Ph. 4-7270. 'II CAD. cpe. low mileage. owner. Ph. 3-348. NEW AV USED Union St Commercial Ph. 1-3175 '53 CHEV. Deluxe pwergll1e. Radio, heater, excel, eond. Ph. 4-2374. 4 DODGE conv. excel, cond. Ph. 4-131. 11 ROVER, 4 dr. eed. suto. clutch, heater, leather tiphol , exc. cond., economical, 175 or best offer. Ph. 4-Mv. 2360 S. 12th. . 5sl Truck., Tro.r for sold TRADE: '3 CHEV. fist bed pick up w'4 motor for pickup up to '4. Ph. 2-3340. 1045 No. Uth. 1 WHEEL TRAILER Th. 4-7093 Eves. FOR SALE '4 Chev. 1', ton truck. Iron bed. good shspe. 7 Brown St.. Woodburn. Ore. WT ERN A TIO N ATt-T.panei". IKI'.i rubber. Less thsn ml. on motor. New transmis sion, pins St bushings. New spring shackle! A bushings. 1941 model. Ph. 3-7243. 35 Mc Nary. W. Salem. '4 FORD. 1', T. flat-bed. 50 ml. on motor over-hsul. Vscuum 2-sneed plus 1-speed Browning 1 25 rubber. 70',. New paint Wk. days after I pm . all day SimdsY. nil N. Liberty. FOR SALE: 14 Dodge pick-up. Ph. 2-2UM. ALUMINUM horse trailer or , trsde for '50 Chev, or Plym outh club cpe. 4131 N. River Rd ftfl. INT. K S I and Frauhsuf 14' single sxle van sir. Good Condition. Can finance. 1230 N. 17th.4.l292. 'II FORD pickupj, Ion. Rt. I. Box Jill, Brooks. 856 Wntod, Cr, TrtrcEi ATT. STRAWBERRY GROWERS Would like to rontrsct your trile bus for wks. for my I A. heans. Mutual safeguards. W. pettv. Poplar farm, Sllverton. ji-4o eve. CASH foMBSO Ar 1931 cars. Mc Call's 1297 State, l-llo. wrni pavinci TOP CASH Fol Clesn Used Csn Psld "or or Not Bob It Bill s Viet Cr Union It HighSt 19M Chev. Bel Air Spt. Cpe. Hardtop, V.. Radio St heater, powergllde; tinted windshield. W W. Tires. Power Park. 1.000 mileage. Muat sell within s month, going oversees. Csll after I pm. wrekdsys. Ml N. Snd St. Sllverton, Ore. 858 Motorcycle 19M HARLEY-Davldsnn, Mde. I2S, very good. Ph. 1-711 af ter 1:30. WHI7.ZER cycle As Is 125. Har ley Davldann 74 As Is 13. Shrncks, 1373 Hlghlsnd. 1942 HD motorcycle. Good, cheap transportation. 7i. Ph. 1-119. Rt. I, Box 795. Salem. CURHmXn-MoYnrnicnritor, good cond., ressPh. 4-1490. 4 ARIEL, 30:30 esms, good cond. 29l. Ph. 3-4741, 2274 Trsde. FOR SALE: '4 HsrlevDavlilt son II. Good eond, Ph. 4-19.1. (No Sunday calls. I RFOAL motor scooter. If, (lie. fM. Ph. 4-1484. SMS 850 Automotive 852 Utodl Cars For Sol You .Can't Hardlv Get These No More mat a . Keal Nice VERY SPECIAL' -1955' OLDS -"M" .DELUXE HOLIDAY K5'NMARAMATlr5 iwiiviiiuiiioiun, jjfcLvCO TUBE RADIO. CONDI. TIONED AIR HEATER St DE FROSTERS. HYDRAULIC AS SIST POWER BTEERINll. VACUUM ASSIST P OWE BRAKES. SPECIAL TU-TONC PAINT. WHITEWALL TIRES AUTRONIC EYE. PADDED PANEL FOR SAFETY. ONLY 33.000 OND OWNER MILES. You Must See This' CALL BERG1E S-C438 OR CEIL 4-5344 Day or Nile, 461 N. HIGH "the lot with a lot" 49 NASH, radio, heater, over drive, by owner. 133 Wsllae 662 Hou4 TrsjiUrs ALWAYS s good buy it JAYHAWK TRAILER SALE! BECAUSE vou can buy with CONFIDENCE. COMPARE and then buy the beautiful . EASIEST TERMS Free Delivery Anywhere in OREGON TWO LOTS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Special Allowance Higher Trades For a Short Time Only AT an m ITU TRAILER SALES PHONE 3-8043 SPECIAL: 15 ft. Shasta. 7M. Hurry! 1 Lane Lane. 1140 Lena Ave. Phone 1-910. NEW IS' Vacation Trailer Wstef tank, butane light, Jus arriveo. au. ru - Jayhawk Trailer Sales 140 Portland Rd. Ph. l-Soq NEW 4-CORNER TRAILER; COURT. MODERN, Clesn as Quiet. Visitor Welcome. 4044) STATE ST. T J' Rolloway, modern. 30' Rollohome. '9. mod. 3.1' Rollowsy, sleeps 7. M tfiirmore, as, sips. . Low down pavment BANK TERMS WHY PAY HIGH RENT. Lana Lane Trailer Plaza 1940 Lana Ave. Ph. i-l SEE tie beautiful 35' Fleming wsann nnisn. Asn inierior. Lana Lane. 1940 lana Ave, I3MI DN. 35' Pacemaker, modem. Ph. 4-2217 slier p m. week dsys. anytime weekends. ONE of Sslem's Better Courts- Center Street Trsller Court. 4199 CENTER ST. TRAILER TOWlMi JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES K4 Portland Rd. Pn J-PHJ NEW 40' Deluxe Trailer J Betfrooms U0 Down MTI mo.. TRAILER SALES J040 Portland Rd. THE BEST IN THE WEST 22' Rod St Reel, modern. ?A Flsminio. M. 31' Flsmlngo. 35' Flsmlngo. 44' Flsmingn, boy It girl mdl front bdrm. Low dn. Pym't. Bsnk Term WHY PAY HIGH RENT Lana Lane Trailer Plnza 1940 LANA AVE. Ph. l-l ANOTHER Losd of IS' Shsstas Just Arrived. Lsns Lane. 194 Lana Ave. rSSVACATION sll metsl trsll rr 1195. JAYHAWK TRAILER 8ALES. SHOP at Earl Malm Trailer Salea where all alsea ar shown. 13 rt. thru 40 ft. Alohal Kensklll: Crulsei; Mavflowrr St Rnllawav. Corner of Lan rsster St Sllverton Rd. Ph. 4-7137. . 33 FT. HOU8C Trailer. 1992 ad metal, aleepe 4. Butane oven slove. Oil Heat. Picture win dows. Electric Ref. Toilet, Shower, Brskea, New Awning. Light Interior. In excellent condition. 11590 KANNIER USED CARS " Weat Salem, Oregon 34 FOOT tralleroueeTll.WHt nod condition. E7. terms Se Prank Osmsn, 3WI Portland Rosd. T40 ODLSl convertible goosj cond, 17l. 171 Johnsoa. Ph. 1-193. Lite PH. 2-7973 m